Section I

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Introduction, Overview and Rationale

The road to becoming a teacher has been a very interesting, challenging and exciting one.

When I was a preschooler, I wanted to be a hairdresser. I had a passion for beauty. Feeling

beautiful influenced my self-esteem. I also just loved playing with hair. So throughout school,

whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, I always responded excitingly with

“A hairdresser!” I was so serious about this occupation. I would draw pictures of myself in a

salon and braid my dolls’ hair. All this continued until I entered Grade three. My third grade

experience positively changed my perspective on school for the rest of my life.

My third-grade experience was fun and memorable. My teacher was the absolute best.

Because of her, I loved coming to school. I woke up every morning wondering what new

activities the teacher had in store or what new topic we would learn. Our teacher made learning

fun. We were never bored and always wanted to stay at school later even though the school bell

rang for the end of the day. Our teacher would play cool music that the students listened to while

we did independent work. Our teacher would also always tell us about the Toronto Raptors’

games she attended because she was a season ticket holder. She also read novels to us like Harry

Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone. Moreover, my teacher would reward us for being good students.

For example, if we completed our daily homework and got our agendas signed by a parent/

guardian every day, at the end of the week, everyone who completed these tasks would get to

choose a prize from the candy jar. The teacher had cool lollipops, jaw breakers, chocolate and

much more. I can share a vast number of stories about my third grade teacher. She was one that I

will never forget because she was such an amazing teacher. She was culturally responsive and

always related the class to the students’ interests, she motivated students to learn, she provided

guidance wherever needed, and she simply loved to teach.

I believe that as teachers, it is our job to inspire our students to be successful. As a result

of my amazing third grade experience, I told myself that I want to be just like my third grade

teacher. I desired and still desire to have that same impact and relationships with my students. I

want to make a difference. For these reasons, I will work hard and endure through this journey to

becoming an effective elementary school teacher.

I know that as a teacher my number one priority is to inspire students to want to learn. If

students do not have a desire to learn, it can greatly affect their success as a student. Being

teacher goes beyond planning lessons and executing lesson plans. Teachers have to keep in mind

that simply providing teaching instruction may not be enough for students to be interested in a

topic. To go beyond, the norm, I will initially build a good rapport with my students. This will be

done at the very beginning of the year. Robert Marzano states that teachers should establish

classroom expectations with their students. Students can have a better learning experience if they

are in a safe learning environment. Consequently, students will feel more comfortable and more

willing to learn regardless of the challenges. I will also ensure that I always cater my lessons to

all my students. There are an array of learners and in every classroom, there is an abundance of

talent, learning styles, academic needs and emotional needs that are needed to achieve student

success. I will acknowledge the differences among my students and incorporate that into my

teaching instruction. Acknowledging the diversity in my students will encourage inclusiveness in

the classroom. Additionally, I will constantly motivate my students to persevere regardless of the

challenges they encounter in the classroom. Having a growth mindset will be expected of all my

students. Having a growth mindset will encourage students to achieve success. This is also a

good trait that the students can carry on beyond their educational experience.

Portfolio Development
This portfolio reveals the professional skills and development of my teaching experience

thus far. Firstly, this portfolio will discuss why I first wanted to become a teacher. I go through

my initial career choices and how my aspirations transformed into becoming a teacher. I also

mention my priorities as a teacher and things I will incorporate to ensure that I am an effective

teacher and provide effective teaching instruction.

Moreover, I mention various work experiences and field experiences that I had over the

years that have attributed to the skills I have acquired that will assist in my teaching profession. I

discuss my experience in a traditional classroom as well as my non-traditional classroom

experiences. I will illustrate my challenges and success stories throughout my various work

experiences from retail to being a student teacher. I believe that experience is the greatest teacher

and this section clearly demonstrates that.

In addition, I thoroughly explain my philosophy of education. I explain my theories as a

teacher and what I believe makes an effective teacher. I discuss my priorities and what I will

incorporate into my teaching practice to ensure that I am being the best teacher I can be as well

as the most effective teacher for my students. I also make connection to various theorists such as

Vygotsky and Marzano and how their theories have influenced my philosophy of education and

my teaching instruction.

As a student at Medaille I have participated in a vast number of courses that have

enabled me to acquire relevant information, tips, skill and resources that will be beneficial once I

enter the field. I will demonstrate the artifacts and tools that I will use in my teaching profession

to better my classroom and initiate student success. This portfolio illustrates artifacts such as a

survey on the effectiveness of traditional forms of assessment, a Child and

Maltreatment/Violence Prevention and Intervention Workshop, my Pecha Kucha presentation of

Intellectual Disability-Blindness, an interactive lesson plan on Verbs, a read aloud about

diversity, a videotaped lesson from my teaching practicum on voice in text, a lesson on fractions

and a writing checklist for students. This section of the portfolio explains what the artifact is and

how it can effectively be used in my teaching practice. I will then reflect upon these artifacts in

section four and explain how they connect to various standards in education. At the end of this

portfolio, I will present the information in this portfolio in a teacher interview video. I will reveal

my strengths as a teacher candidate as well as areas that I know I need to improve on.

Theories, Theorists and Experts in the Field of Education

There are many theorists and theories that have contributed to the field of education.

More specifically, there are many theorists that influence my teaching style and my perspectives

on teaching and education as a whole. Throughout this portfolio, I will make connection to some

theorists and theories that I believe have shaped my thoughts as a teacher and have aided me to

develop my philosophy of education.

As mentioned earlier, building a rapport with students is very important to me as a teacher.

Education theorist Robert Marzano also states that having good rapport with students enhances

their learning experience and create a safe learning environment (Marzano,65). This portfolio

will illustrate examples of having a good relationship with students in the classroom.

Furthermore, Marzano expresses how classroom management is a vital skill to have as a

classroom teacher (Marzano, 2003, 2). Although it does take many years of experience to master

this skill it is something that can be attained my constant practice, trial and error. Marzano

emphasizes that a well-structured classroom is significant for the students to have an effective

learning experience (Marzano, 2003, 4). When there is structure, there is order.
B.F Skinner is also another education theorist that has made many contributions to the

field. Skinner is well known for his behaviorism theory. Skinner explains that students

participate in both positive and negative behavior. In spite of this, positive reinforcements are

necessary so that students acknowledging when they have done something well versus when they

have done something wrong (Madden, 1972, 100). Marzano shares the same thoughts and also

goes on to say that students need to develop a sense of responsibility for their own behavior

(Marzano, 2003, 76). I believe that this theory can also be applied to students taking

responsibility for their education. Students should be encouraged to take responsibility for their

own education (completing homework and in class task, being attentive listeners, etc.)

Another major theory that I mention in this portfolio is the idea of creativity in the

classroom. Theorist Vygotsky emphasizes the importance of creativity in the classroom to assist

with student learning and engagement (Gunilla, 2003, 249). As illustrated in section 3, I

incorporate creative lesson plans in my teaching instruction to ensure that the students have a fun

learning experience.


This section of my portfolio gives insight on the information that will be presented

throughout this project. I have put together a variety of knowledge and resources that I have

obtained throughout my experience as an aspiring teacher and as a teacher candidate. I believe

that this portfolio will shed light on my the skills I have acquired and how I can showcase skills

in my teaching practice.

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