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Bihar CFMS Payee Management Training Manual

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Department of Finance

Government of Bihar
Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS)

Training Manual of
Payee Management

Government Industry Solution Unit (ISU)

January, 2019

1. GETTING STARTED ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Pre-requisite ................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Log-In to Payee Management ........................................................................................ 4
 Processes in Payee Management ................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Payee Creation .............................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 Payee Creation through Payee Master .................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.2 Payee Creation through Bulk Upload ................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Payee Modification ..................................................................................................... 13
3.3 New Account Addition................................................................................................. 16
3.4 Payee Tagging ............................................................................................................. 16
3.4.1 Office Tagging ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.2 Scheme Tagging ................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Reports in Payee Management .................................................................................... 18
4. GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................ 19
List of Figures
Figure 1 : CFMS Application Login Screen ..................................................................................................................5
Figure 2: CFMS Application Payee Management Module Icon ..................................................................................5
Figure 3: Screen to select the activity ........................................................................................................................6
Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee Management ......................................................................................................7
Figure 5 : Payee Master Screen ..................................................................................................................................8
Figure 6: Payee Details Forms ....................................................................................................................................8
Figure 7 : Screen of Forwarding Payee Request .........................................................................................................9
Figure 8 : Payee Forward Next level ...........................................................................................................................9
Figure 9: Approver Screen for Approve/Reject/Send Back ..................................................................................... 10
Figure 10 : Approve Payee – To E-sign .................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 11 : Payee Approved& e- sign ...................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 12: General Bulk Upload ............................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 13: Scheme Bulk Upload ............................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 14: Check Status of Upload File .................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 14 : Payee Management – XML converter. .................................................................................................. 12
Figure 15: Excel to XML Converter .......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 16 : Excel Template from Excel to XML Utility.............................................................................................. 13
Figure 17: Modification of Unapproved Payee ....................................................................................................... 14
Figure 18: Modification of Approved & E-sign Payee ............................................................................................. 15
Figure 19: Modification of Wrong Record ............................................................................................................... 16
Figure 20 : Payee Management – New Account Addition ...................................................................................... 16
Figure 21: Office Tagging ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 22: Scheme Tagging ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 23:Master Report ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 24:Scheme Wise Payee Report..................................................................................................................... 18

This section provides information for accessing the application.
• URL of CFMS Application: https://cfmstraining.bihar.gov.in/
• Browser Requirements – The application is accessible through standard web browsers; it is best
compatible with latest versions of Google Chrome.

Note: This is the link for training purpose only. The link for production will be notified by the responsible
authorities in due time.

2. Introduction

➢ This module will maintain the complete life cycle of the payees of Government of Bihar; Payees are any
one receiving payment from Government of Bihar, e.g. Employee, Pension, Vendor and other recipients.

➢ Creation and Management of Payee will be done by using activities tagged to the user like Payee
Management Maker/Checker/Approver. These activities will be unique for an office, privileges of
users possessing these activities are as below:-

o Payee Management(Maker) – Can create new Payee or modify Payee Details and Forward the
request to Checker.

o Payee Management (Checker) – Can Initiate a new request /verify the request and forward to
Approver or send back to Maker for correction. Checker also has the privilege to modify the
payee details forwarded by maker.

o Payee Management (Approver) –Can send back, reject, approve and e-Sign the Request; cannot
create/modify the request.

2.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Payee Management Training Manual is to facilitate the master trainers for creation
of Payee data in the application. This Manual describes the process under 'Payee Management'

2.2 Pre-requisite
The following are the pre-requisite to accessing the Payee Management Module:-

o CFMS url should be available with the User wanting to Log-in

o User ID & Password provided through CFMS should be available with the user.
o Payee Management Activity (Payee Management Maker, Payee Management Checker, Payee
Management Approver) should be associated with the User logging in.

2.3 Log-In to Payee Management

The following are the steps to Log-in to CFMS and access Payee Management Application.
Step 1- Login in application with the User tagged to activity Payee Management Maker/Checker/Approver as
mentioned in Section 2.2 Pre-requisite.

➢ CFMS has two factor authentication as of now - password (Knowledge Factor) and OTP (Possession
Factor) as required, however, in training environment OTP has been enabled only for setting new
password. User needs to provide required authentication factor along with User ID.
➢ User will be re-directed to page with the icon of the Payee Management Module after login to
CFMS application.
➢ Clicking on Payee Management will re-direct the user to Payee Management Application.
➢ User may be assigned with the different activity mapping for an office. A user should select the
required activity and click on Submit button.

Figure 1 : CFMS Application Login Screen

Figure 2: CFMS Application Payee Management Module Icon

Figure 3: Screen to select the activity

 Processes in Payee Management
The following are the process in Payee Management:-

I. Payee Creation
a. Payee Master (Single Payee Creation)
b. Bulk Upload(General/Scheme)
II. Payee Modification
III. New Account Addition
IV. Payee Tagging
a. Scheme Tagging
b. Office Tagging
V. Master Report & Scheme Wise Report

3.1 Payee Creation

Following are the modes available to create the payee through Payee Management System.

• Payee Master – For creating payees one by one.

• Bulk Upload (General/Scheme) – For creating payees in bulk.

This functionality is used to create Payee by capturing details of Payee, such as Payee Personal Details, Bank
Details, Proof/Identification details, address details and checklist details.

3.1.1 Payee Creation through Payee Master

The 'Payee Master Screen' is used to search/create the payee via single Mode.

The steps to create payee through 'Payee Master is as detailed below

Step 1- Create New Payee

Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee Management

Navigation Path:- Payee Management→Master→Payee Master (Refer Figure:Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee
This Button to
search the

This Button to
Create a New

Figure 5 : Payee MasterScreen

This form is used to capture
the payee information and
create the Payee ID

Figure 6: Payee Details Forms

Step 2-Click on the Task List to Forward Payee to next level

Navigation Path:-Payee Management-> Task List (Refer Figure: Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee Management)

This Step to forward

the Payee to next level

Figure 7 : Screen of Forwarding Payee Request

Step 3-Now Login with Checker Login id

➢ Follow the same Steps as mentioned above

o Click on the Task List (Navigation Path:-Payee Management→Tasklist)
o Then click on the Edit/More details
o Checker can modify the details and Forward the request to Approver.
o Checker also have the privilege to send-back the request to maker for the modification.

Select the Approver to

whom request to be
forwarded then Click
on the Forward

Figure 8 : Payee Forward Next level

Step 4-Login with Approver Login id to approve the request

➢ Follow the same Steps

o Click on the Task List (Navigation Path:-Payee Management→Tasklist)
o Then click on the view details.

o Approver reviews the request and have privilege of Approve/Reject/Send Back.

Figure 9: Approver Screen for Approve/Reject/Send Back

Step 5-E-sign the Approved request

➢ Followed the same Steps

Below screen appeared for the request pending for e-sign.

Navigation Path:-Payee Management→Tasklist

Figure 10 : Approve Payee – To E-sign

Figure 11 : Payee Approved& e- sign

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3.1.2 Payee Creation through Bulk Upload
The 'Bulk Payee Upload' Screen is used to upload payees in bulk of type 'General' or 'Scheme'. In case of upload
of payees of type 'Scheme' Payee are created and tagged with the scheme.

There is provision to view the uploaded file status through 'Check Status of Uploaded File'. The following are the
steps to be followed for Payee creation in bulk.

Step 1- Login with Maker Login-id to create the payee via Bulk Upload.

Navigation Path:-Payee Management→Master→Bulk Upload (Refer Figure: Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee
Provide the details
and click on upload

Figure 12: General Bulk Upload

Figure 13: Scheme Bulk Upload

Note:-The workflow process will be same as mentioned in the 'Payee Creation' through Payee Master.

Please use the same screen with “Check Status of Uploaded File” radio button checked to find the status of
uploaded files by providing necessary details.

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Upload file status can be searched
through period from, period to,
scheme name & file name

Figure 14: Check Status of Upload File

Note:-User should download the excel to xml converter file to generate the xml file from the utility as
mentioned below.
Navigation Path:-Payee Management→Excel to XML Converter (Refer Figure: Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee

> User should

download the
Excel to XML
Converter ZIP file
to convert excel
to xml.

Figure 15 : PayeeManagement – XML converter.

Figure 16:Excel to XML Converter

Step 2- Provide the Payee details in the given template generated from the excel to xml converter zip file.

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➢ Fill the all field and click on Upload in Excel to XML utility to generate XML

Figure 17 : Excel Template from Excel to XML Utility

Note:- The above excel file used to generate the xml.

3.2 Payee Modification

Through this functionality, payee details can be modified for the unapproved, approved & e signed and wrong

➢ ‘Unapproved’ Payee record can be modified from the tasklist of the Login User. Navigation Path is
Payee Management→Tasklist.
➢ ‘Approved & e sign’ record can be modified from the Payee Master Search Page. Navigation Path is
Payee Management→Master→Payee Master.
➢ ‘Wrong’ Record can be modified from the Payee Master Search page/Details List of Wrong Records
under Check Status of uploaded File. Navigation Path is Payee Management→Master→Payee Master or
Payee Management→Master→Bulk Upload→Check Status of Uploaded File.
You may refer figure: Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee Management to follow the above steps.
The following are the steps to be followed for the payee modification:-

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Step 1- Login in application with Maker Login User – id

Figure 18: Modification of Unapproved Payee

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Figure 19: Modification of Approved & E-sign Payee

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Figure 20: Modification of Wrong Record

Note:-The workflow process will be same as mentioned in the 'Payee Creation' Process.

3.3 New Account Addition

The 'New Account Addition' Screen is used to add the new account details for approved & e signed payee.

The following are the steps to be followed for the New Account Addition.

Step 1- Login with Maker Login-id to provide the new account details for approved & e signed payee. If Payee
want to add the new account in the system
✓ Fill the other Bank details of payee as mentioned in below screen under 'New IFSC & Account Details'.
Navigation Path:-Payee Management→New Account Addition (Refer Figure: Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee

Figure 21 : Payee Management – New Account Addition

Note:-The workflow process will be same as mentioned in the 'Payee Creation' Process.

3.4 Payee Tagging

Following are the sub-process under Payee tagging.

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• Scheme Tagging
• Office Tagging

3.4.1 Office Tagging

The 'Office Tagging' Screen is used to tag the approved & e signed payee with an office for the purpose of
making payment to payee under an office.

The Privilege of Office Tagging has been given to only Approver.

The following are the steps to be followed for the Office Tagging.

Step 1- Login with Approver Login-id to tag/untag the approved & e signed payee from the office. Office
Navigation path:- Payee Management→Payee Tagging→Office Tagging (Refer Figure: Figure 4: Navigation Path
of Payee Management)

Figure 22: Office Tagging

3.4.2 Scheme Tagging

The 'Scheme Tagging' Screen is used to tag the approved & e-sign payee with one or multiple schemes; payees
can be paid under any or all of the schemes with which a payee is tagged.

There is privilege to untag the payee with a scheme as well. The following are steps to be followed for the
Scheme Tagging.
Step 1- Login with Maker Login-id to tag the approved & e signed payee with a scheme Scheme Tagging
o Payee Tagged to scheme

Navigation path:- Payee Management→Payee Tagging→Scheme Tagging

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Figure 23: Scheme Tagging

Note:-The workflow process will be same as mentioned in the 'Payee Creation' Process.

3.5 Reports in Payee Management

The following are the reports available in Payee Management Modules; Payee details of statuses Unapproved,
Approved but not e-sign, Approved and e-sign, wrong, inactive approved record, cancelled & reject can be seen
through these reports:
• Master Report – This report shows all Payees tagged to an office. Scheme Wise Report –This report
shows all Payees tagged to the office and scheme(s).

Privilege to view the report has been given to all the user tagged to the activity Payee Management Application
(Payee Management Maker, Payee Management Checker, Payee Management Approver).

Report can be viewed in PDF and Excel. These reports can be accessed by filling parameters as indicated below.

Navigation path:- Payee Management→Master Report (Refer Figure: Figure 4: Navigation Path of Payee

Figure 24:Master Report

Figure 25:Scheme Wise Payee Report

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Term Description
Mandatory (*) Fields for which value must be entered by user.
Save ‘Save’ Button will be used to save the details entered in the form
Forward ‘Forward’ Button will be used to forward the request to next level.
Send Back “Send Back” button will be used to send back the request to lower level for any
clarification/modification. Remarks will be mandatory in this case.
Approve ‘Approve’ button will be used for Approving the request as sent by lower level by the
Reject ‘Reject’ button will be used for rejecting the request as received from lower level by
Approver only.
Cancel ‘Cancel’ button will be used by Maker or Checker only to cancel the request by them
only if the request is initiated by them.
Privilege Rights available with users.
OTP One Time Password
CFMS Comprehensive Financial Management System.
Govt. Government
*Fields Fields marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.
Back Back button will be used to move back to previous screen.
Search Box Search Box will be used to filter the search result.


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