d0902 CongressProgramme Final
d0902 CongressProgramme Final
d0902 CongressProgramme Final
Organised by
University of Bucharest
Library of the Holy Synod
National Archives of Romania
The National Museum of Art of Romania
The National Museum of History of Romania
The Romanian Peasant Museum
New Europe College
George Enescu Festival
National University of Music, Bucharest
Alexandrion Foundation
Dar Development Association
The Scientific Committee
Secretarial Office
The opening and the closing ceremonies, as well as most of the sessions of the
Congress will be held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, 36-46,
Mihail Kogălniceanu Blvd. Other sessions will be held at the Library of the Holy
Synod (29, Mitropolit Antim Ivireanul Str.) and at the National Archives of
Romania (49, Regina Elisabeta Blvd.). The Registration desk is located at the
entrance in the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest and will be open
Sunday, September 1st, from 16.00 to 19.00, from Monday to Thursday,
September 2-5, from 9.00 to 16.00, and Friday, September 6, from 9.00 to 12.00.
The keynote lectures will take place, with some exceptions, in the
morning, and will last 40 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion and a
20 minutes break. Each paper is allotted 20 minutes and every two papers are
allotted 10 minutes for discussion. The abstracts of the papers are available as
a book in the Congress pack, and are also posted on the Congress website. All
rooms are equipped with a laptop and a projector. Wi-Fi networks will be
available in the Congress venues: in the Faculty of Law of the University of
Bucharest, in the Library of the Holy Synod, and in the National Archives of
Romania and South-Eastern Europe. Historical witnesses
from the collections of the National History Museum of Romania
The National History Museum of Romania
Organiser: Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu
Opening: Wednesday, September 4, 2019, at 13.00
The participants will have free admission to the National Museum of Art (49-53,
Calea Victoriei). Guided tours of the Gallery of Romanian Medieval Art are
provided by the Museum’s specialists. Guided tours may also be organized at
the George Severeanu Museum (26, Henri Coandă Str.).
Round table on Claudiu Turcitu’s book, Constantin Basarab Brâncoveanu.
Portrait of a ruler and retrospective of an era (1654-1688), 2 vols. (Bucharest,
DAR Publishing, 2018-2019). Speakers: Paschalis Kitromilides, Andrei Pippidi,
Paolo Odorico, George Lazăr, Cristian Anița, Claudiu Turcitu.
Library of the Romanian Academy, Aula (“Ion Heliade Rădulescu” Hall)
Wednesday, September 4, 2019, 18.00-19.00
A book exhibition will be organised during the Congress in the Faculty of Law
of the University of Bucharest, where most of the sessions of the Congress will
take place. The national Committees of AIESEE and the Academies of Sciences
and their institutes from more than ten countries will display and sell their
publications. International and domestic publishers will also exhibit and sell
their books.
The participants are invited to two musical events organised by The National
University of Music from Bucharest (UNMB):
Tuesday, September 3, 19.00, Concert Studio of the UNMB (33, Știrbei Vodă,
Str.): Taraful Bucureștilor Band.
Thursday, September 5, 19.30, Concert Studio of the UNMB (33, Știrbei Vodă,
Str.): Byzantine choir Psalmodia of the UNMB. Conductor: Nicolae Gheorghiţă.
The registration for excursions will take place during the registration at the
congress (at the Registration desk, in the Faculty of Law).
Monday, September 2
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, Aula Magna
14.50-15.10 Break
15.50-16.00 Discussions
16.00-16.20 Break
17.00-17.10 Discussions
18.10-18.30 Discussions
14.50-15.10 Break
16.10-16.30 Discussions
16.30-16.50 Break
17.30-17.40 Discussions
14.50-15.10 Break
15.50-16.00 Discussions
16.00-16.20 Break
17.00-17.10 Discussions
18.10-18.30 Discussions
14.40-14.50 Discussions
14.50-15.10 Lora Taseva (Institute for Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology,
In Transfiguration Domini by Proclus of Constantinople (CPG 5807) in the
Medieval South Slavonic Literature
15.50-16.10 Discussions
16.10-16.30 Break
17.10-17.20 Discussions
18.00-18.10 Discussions
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
16.40-16.50 Discussions
17.50-18.10 Discussions
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
17.00-17.20 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 17
18.00-18.10 Discussions
N. Iorga, Histoire des États balkaniques à l’époque moderne, édition par Andrei
Pippidi et Andrei Timotin, Istros, Brăila, 2018, 380 p. (BIESEE 1)
Nicolae-Șerban Tanașoca, Études byzantines et balkaniques, édition par Oana
Iacubovschi et Andrei Timotin, Istros, Brăila, 2018, 314 p. (BIESEE 2)
Viorel Panaite, News in England on the Great Turkish War (1683-1699), Istros,
Brăila, 2018, 200 p. (BIESEE 3)
Virgil Cândea, Histoire des idées en Europe du Sud-Est (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles),
édition par Ioana Feodorov et Mihai Ţipău, Brăila, Istros, 2018, 349 p.
Maria Ana Musicescu, Tradition et innovation dans l’art du Sud-Est européen du
XVe au XIXe siècles, édition par Oana Iacubovschi, Istros, Brăila, 2019, 274 p.
Elena Siupiur, Die deutschen Universitäten und die Bildung der Intelligenz in
Rumänien und die Ländern Südosteuropas im 19. Jahrhundert, Istros, Brăila,
2019, 266 p. (BIESEE 6)
Un siècle d’études sud-est européennes en Roumanie. Bilan historiographique,
édition par Andrei Timotin, Istros, Brăila, 2019 (BIESEE 7)
Tuesday, September 3
9.50-10.10 Break
10.50-11.00 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-15.00 Snejana Rakova (Institute for Balkan Studies, Sofia), Elena Kostova
(Institute for Historical Studies, Sofia)
Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Venice and the Ottomans: regulation of the trade relations
before the fall of Constantinople
15.00-15.20 Discussions
15.20-15.40 Break
16.20-16.30 Discussions
20 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 21
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
17.00-17.15 Discussions
22 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
15.00-15.15 Discussions
15.15-15.40 Break
16.20-16.30 Discussions
17.10-17.20 Discussions
24 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
9.50-10.10 Break
10.50-11.00 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 25
15.00-15.20 Discussions
15.20-15.40 Break
16.20-16.30 Discussions
17.10-17.20 Discussions
The Balkans in the Age of New Imperialism and beyond / Les Balkans dans
l’Âge du nouvel impérialisme et au-delà
Convenor: Vojislav Pavlović
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 27
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
16.40-16.50 Discussions
28 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.50-16.10 Discussions
10.40-10.50 Discussions
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
30 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
14.50-15.10 Break
16.10-16.30 Discussions
9.40-9.50 Discussions
10.50-11.10 Discussions
32 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
15.00-15.20 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 33
16.40-16.50 Discussions
17.30-17.40 Discussions
34 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
16.40-16.50 Discussions
17.30-17.40 Discussions
Wednesday, September 4
9.50-10.10 Break
10.50-11.00 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
36 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
16.40-16.50 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 37
17.30-17.40 Discussions
9.50-10.10 Break
10.50-11.00 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
15.00-15.20 Discussions
16.00-16.10 Discussions
16.10-16.30 Break
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 39
17.10-17.20 Discussions
17.20-17.40 Christina Vamvouri (State School Advisor for the region of Drama),
Vassilis Messis (Teacher of the Greek language and History to the Secondary
The Influence of the Crisis of Values during the Years 1918-1923 to the Poetic
Language of the Mid-War Greek Generation
18.20-18.30 Discussions
10.40-10.50 Discussions
10.50-11.10 Break
11.30-11.50 Ivelin Argirov Ivanov (“St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University,
Veliko Tarnovo)
Looking South: The Bulgarian Medieval Policy Towards Constantinople and
Thessaloniki (8th – 14th c.)
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 41
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
17.00-17.15 Discussions
09.40-09.50 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 43
15.00-15.20 Discussions
15.20-15.40 Break
16.20-16.30 Discussions
17.30-17.45 Discussions
Un demi-siècle depuis la première exposition d’icônes post-byzantines arabes :
Beyrouth, Musée Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock, mai 1969
10.40-10.50 Discussions
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
16.40-16.50 Discussions
46 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
17.30-17.40 Discussions
11.00-11.20 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 47
15.00-15.20 Discussions
15.20-15.40 Break
16.40-17.00 Discussions
48 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.10-15.30 Enika Abazi (Institut de recherche pour la paix, Paris), Albert Doja
(Université de Lille)
Récits de guerres balkaniques dans l’industrie médiatique et les politiques
15.50-16.00 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 49
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
15.00-15.20 Discussions
50 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
16.40-17.00 Discussions
Thursday, September 5
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
15.00-15.20 Discussions
15.20-15.40 Break
16.40-17.00 Discussions
9.50-10.10 Break
10.50-11.00 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
16.40-16.50 Discussions
17.30-17.40 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 55
10.20-10.40 Break
11.40-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.50-16.10 Discussions
Exposition de livres anciens
14.50-15.10 Break
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 57
15.50-16.10 Discussions
16.00-16.20 Break
17.00-17.10 Discussions
17.50-18.00 Discussions
58 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
9.50-10.10 Break
10.50-11.00 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 59
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
17.00-17.20 Discussions
60 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
9.50-10.10 Break
10.50-11.00 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
15.00-15.20 Discussions
16.20-16.40 Mária Pakucs (“N. Iorga” Institute of History / New Europe College,
Consumption of Foreign Goods in Transylvania: the Role of the Greek merchants
in Retail Distribution during the 16th and 17th Centuries
17.00-17.20 Discussions
62 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
18.00-18.10 Discussions
9.40-9.50 Discussions
10.30-10.40 Discussions
10.40-11.00 Break
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
15.20-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
64 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
16.40-16.50 Discussions
17.30-17.40 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 65
14.50-15.10 Break
15.10-15.30 Lucio Maria Valletta (École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL, Paris)
Entre Laconie et Colchide : l’expédition du navire Argos à l’origine
des Minyens de Sparte
15.50-16.00 Discussions
16.00-16.20 Break
17.00-17.10 Discussions
66 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
17.10-17.30 Adrian Robu (Institut d’E� tudes Sud-Est Europé ennes, Bucarest)
Communautés cultuelles et transferts religieux entre l’Egée et le Pont-Euxin:
l’exemple des colonies mégariennes
18.10-18.30 Discussions
9.40-9.50 Discussions
10.30-10.40 Discussions
10.40-11.00 Break
11.40-11.50 Discussions
10.40-10.50 Discussions
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
09.50-10.10 Break
10.50-11.00 Discussions
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
70 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
16.40-16.50 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 71
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
16.40-16.50 Discussions
17.30-17.40 Discussions
9.40-9.50 Discussions
10.30-10.40 Discussions
10.40-11.00 Break
74 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
15.00-15.20 Discussions
10.40-10.50 Discussions
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
17.00-17.20 Discussions
Religious Dynamics between the Pontos Euxeinos and the Aegean Sea
in Antiquity – 2nd Part / Dynamiques religieuses entre le Pont-Euxin
et la mer Egée dans l’Antiquité – 2e partie
Convenors: Vasilica Lungu, Adrian Robu
10.40-10.50 Discussions
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 77
10.50-11.10 Break
11.50-12.00 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.40-14.50 Discussions
15.30-15.40 Discussions
78 Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-Eastern Europe
9.40-9.50 Discussions
10.10-10.30 Gergana Georgieva (“St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University, Veliko
Balkan Merchants in the Nineteenth Century – New Data about Their Social
Profile and Property Status
10.30-10.40 Discussions
10.40-11.00 Break
11.40-11.50 Discussions
12.00-14.00 Lunch
14.20-14.30 Discussions
9.40-9.50 Discussions
10.30-10.40 Discussions
10.40-11.00 Break
12.00-12.15 Discussions
14.20-14.40 Robert Born (Leibniz Centre for Cultural and History of Eastern
Europe, Leipzig)
Maps and the Anti-Ottoman Propaganda (16th-18th Centuries)
12th International Congress of South-East European Studies 81
14.40-14.50 Discussions
14.50-15.10 Andrei Nacu (Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, Sibiu)
Habsburg Military Plans of the Transylvanian Saxon Cities Produced Between the
End of the 17th Century and the End of the 18th Century
15.30-15.40 Discussions
15.40-16.00 Break
16.40-16.50 Discussions
16.50-17.10 Silviu Anghel (The National Museum of Maps and Old Books,
The Borders of Dacia. A Romanian Cartographic Journey (1816-1944)
17.50-18.00 Discussions
Closing addresses