Gerd-Rainer Horn: Academic Work Experience

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Gerd-Rainer Horn

Prof. Gerd-Rainer Horn

Bureau : 224 Boulevard Saint-Germain
Tél. :
[email protected]

Academic Work Experience

Professeur d’Histoire Politique, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), 2013-

Professor, Department of History, University of Warwick, 2010 -2012

Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Warwick, 2005-2010

Lecturer, Department of History, University of Warwick, 2001-2005

Senior Lecturer, Dept. of History, University of Huddersfield, 2000-2001

Research Fellow, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 1998-9

Associate Professor, Dept. of History, Western Oregon University, 1997-2000

Visiting Asst. Professor, Dept. of History, Universität Kassel, Germany, Summer Semester 1997

Assistant Professor, Department of History, Western Oregon University, 1994-7

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, Montana State University, 1993-1994

Academic Education

University of Michigan 1986-1992 Ph.D. History

University of Michigan 1986-1988 M.A. History

University of Minnesota 1977-1981 B.A. History

Language Competence for Research

English and German (bilingual); Dutch and French (fluency);

Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish (all: reading fluency)

Single-Author Monographs:

The Moment of Liberation: Western Europe (1943-1948) (Oxford: Oxford University Press,

The Spirit of Vatican II: Western European Left Catholicism in the Long Sixties, 1959-1980
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming)

Western European Liberation Theology, 1924-1959: The First Wave (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2008)

The Spirit of ‘68: Rebellion in Western Europe and North America, 1956-1976 (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2007)

European Socialists Respond to Fascism: Ideology, Activism, and Contingency in the 1930s
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1996)

Edited Volumes

Letters From Barcelona: An American Woman in Revolution and Civil War (Basingstoke:
Palgrave, 2009)

1968 und die Arbeiter. Studien zum ‘proletarischen Mai’ in Europa, co-edited with Bernd
Gehrke (Hamburg: VSA-Verlag, 2007)

Transnational Moments of Change: Europe 1945, 1968, 1989, coedited with Padraic Kenney,
(Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004)

Left Catholicism: Catholics and Society at the Point of Liberation in Western Europe, 1943-
1955, coedited with Emmanuel Gerard, (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2001)


“A European Theologian of His Time: Some Considerations on Primo Mazzolari’s Writings

Between 1934 and 1945,” in: Daniela Saresella and Giorgio Vecchio (eds), Mazzolari e il
cattolicesimo prima del Concilio Vaticano II (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2012), pp. 397-409 [An
Italian translation was published as “Teologo europeo del suo tempo, pensatore creative e
audace,” in: Impegno. Rassegna di Religione, Attualità e Cultura 22/2 (November 2010), pp. 82-
“Die Krise in der Sozialistischen Jugend-Internationale, 1934-1936,” in: Alexander J.
Schwitanski (ed.), „Nie Wieder Krieg!“ Antimilitarismus und Frieden in der Geschichte der
Sozialistischen Jugendinternationale (Essen: Klartext, 2012), pp. 79-99

„Influences bibliographiques sur la ‘génération 68’” in: Nathalie Ponsard and Sabine Rousseau
(eds), Lectures militantes au XXè siècle, special issue of Siècles (Clermont-Ferrand), No. 29
(2011), pp. 97-108

“Arbeiter und Studenten in den 68er Jahren,“ in: Oliver Rathkolb and Friedrich Stadler (eds),
Das Jahr 1968 – Ereignis, Symbol, Chiffre (Vienna: Vienna University Press, 2010), pp. 187-207

“1934: Eine fast schon vergessene Linkswende der europäischen Sozialdemokratie,” in:
Christoph Jünke (ed.), Linkssozialismus in Deutschland. Jenseits von Sozialdemokratie und
Kommunismus? (Hamburg: VSA Verlag, 2010), pp. 21-38

“Left Catholicism in Western Europe: A Brief Survey,” in: Leo Kenis, Jaak Billiet and Patrick
Pasture (eds.), The Transformation of the Christian Churches in Western Europe (1945-2000)
(Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2010), pp. 77-95

“Intellektuelle Kommunisten in Westeuropa,” Archiv für Sozialgeschichte 49 (2009), pp. 633-


“The Place of Dossetti Within Western European Left Catholicism,” in: Alberto Melloni (ed.),
Giuseppe Dossetti: Studies on an Italian Catholic Reformer (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2008), pp.

“Non tutto quell che è reale è razionale. L’eredità del 1968,” in: Contemporanea (Bologna) 11/3
(July 2008), pp. 477-481. [The original English manuscript was then published in Against the
Current (Detroit) 136 (Sept. – Oct. 2008), pp. 13-14] [A German translation has been published
in: GlobKult: IABLIS. Jahrbuch für europäische Prozesse, 30 October 2008, and has also been published in a slightly
amended form, with the title “Eine andere Welt war möglich. Was ‘1968’ heute bedeutet,” as the
conclusion to: Peter Birke, Bernd Hüttner and Gottfried Oy (eds): Alte Linke - Neue Linke? Die
Protestbewegungen der 1968er Jahre in der Diskussion (Berlin: Dietz, 2009), pp. 219-223]

“Die Arbeiter und ‚1968’ in West- und Südeuropa,” special issue on 1968: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte 14-15 (31 March 2008), pp. 34-40

“Decentralizzare il potere. La Liberazione nell’Europa occidentale,” in: Eric Gobetti (ed.), 1943-
1945. La Lunga liberazione (Milan: FrancoAngeli, 2007), pp. 195-210

“Leerstellen und Herausforderungen – zur Problematik dieser Anthologie,” in: 1968 und die
Arbeiter: Studien zum ‚proletarischen Mai’ in Europa, co-edited with Bernd Gehrke (Hamburg:
VSA-Verlag, 2007), pp. 7-24

“Arbeiter und ‘1968’ in Europa: Ein Überblick,” in: 1968 und die Arbeiter: Studien zum
‚proletarischen Mai’ in Europa, co-edited with Bernd Gehrke (Hamburg: VSA-Verlag, 2007),
pp. 27-50

“La deuxième guerre scolaire en Belgique: accident de parcours ou répétition générale” in:
Jacques Michel (ed.), La laïcité: histoires nationales – perspectives européennes: regards
croisés sur la laïcité: droit, histoire, philosophie (Lyon: Jacques André, 2005), pp. 55-68

“The Belgian Contribution to Global 1968,” in: Patrick Pasture (ed.), Views From Abroad:
Foreign Historians on Belgium, special English-language issue of Revue Belge d’Histoire
Contemporaine – Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis 35 (2005): 597-635

“Introduction: Approaches to the Transnational” (together with Padraic Kenney), in: Gerd-
Rainer Horn and Padraic Kenney (eds.), Transnational Moments of Change in Europe: 1945,
1968, 1989 (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004): ix-xix

“The Working Class Dimension of 1968,” in Gerd-Rainer Horn and Padraic Kenney (eds.),
Transnational Moments of Change in Europe: 1945, 1968, 1989 (Lanham: Rowman &
Littlefield, 2004): 95-118

“Le sinistre nella società europea,” (Review Essay) Italia Contemporanea 229 (2002): 747-753.
[Published in German translation in Internationale Wissenschaftliche Kommunikation zur
Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung (IWK) 39 (2003): 484-488.]

“From ‘Radical’ to ‘Realistic’: Hendrik de Man and the International Plan Conferences at
Pontigny and Geneva, 1934-1937,” Contemporary European History, 10 (2001): 239-265

"Mentalität und Revolution: Lebensbedingungen und Realitätskonstruktionen ausländischer

Sympathisanten der katalanischen Revolution," in Andreas Graf (ed.), Anarchisten gegen Hitler
(Berlin: Lukas, 2001), 156-188

"Left Catholicism in Belgium, France and Italy - 1943-1955," in Emmanuel Gerard and Gerd-
Rainer Horn (eds.), Left Catholicism: Catholics and Society at the Point of Liberation in Western
Europe, 1943-1955 (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2001): 13-44

“Labor History in Nordamerika: Eine Zustandsbeschreibung,” Internationale Wissenschaftliche

Kommunikation zur Geschichte der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung (IWK) 35/3 (September 1999):

"The Changing Nature of the European Working Class: The Rise and Fall of the 'New Working
Class' (France, Italy, Spain, Czechoslovakia)," in Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert and Detlef Junker
(eds.), 1968: The World Transformed (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 351-

"The Social Origins of Unity Sentiments in the German Socialist Underground," in David E.
Barclay and Eric D. Weitz (eds.), Between Reform and Revolution: Studies in the History of
German Socialism and Communism from 1840 to 1990 (New York: Berghahn, 1998), pp. 341-

"Radicalism and Moderation Within German Social Democracy in Underground and Exile,
1933-1936," German History, 15 (Spring 1997), 200-220.

"Jean Zyromski: Barometer of Social Movements, 1933-1936," in Norman Ravitch (ed.),

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History (Riverside:
University of California, 1995), pp. 79-86.

"The Classic Years of European Marxism, 1887-1936," (Review Essay) Left History, 2/2 (Fall
1994), 99-110.

"I rapporti tra la Seconda e la Terza Internazionale (1932-1935)," Passato e Presente, 28 (1993),

"Efforts at United Fronts: The Relations Between the Second and the Third International," in
Actes du Colloque sur l'Internationale communiste, (La Chaux-de-Fonds: Fondation Jules
Humbert-Droz, 1992), 467-502.

"The Language of Symbols and the Barriers of Language: Foreigners' Perceptions of Social
Revolution, Barcelona 1936-1937," History Workshop Journal 29 (1990), 42-64.

"Le trotskysme et l'Europe pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale," Cahiers Léon Trotsky 39
(1989), 49-75. [The English-language original was subsequently published as “Trotskyism and
Europe in World War II,” Critique (Glasgow), 27 (1995), pp. 97-127.]

Book Reviews

Dutch-, English -, French-, German- and Italian-language books in American, British, Canadian,
French, German and Italian journals, including the American Historical Review, Archiv für
Sozialgeschichte, Central European History, Cristianesimo Nella Storia, English Historical
Review, European History Quarterly, French History, The Historian, History of European Ideas,
Italia Contemporanea, Journal of Modern History, Labor History, Le Mouvement Social,
Twentieth Century British History and Social History.


Presentation on “1968 and Social Movements,” Conference on “A History of Social Movements

– A Global Perspective,” Institute for Social Movements, Universität Bochum, Germany, 6-8
September 2012

Presentation on „Les chrétientés catholiques à l‘épreuve des ‘sixties’,” Conference on “La
décomposition des chrétientés occidentales, 1950-2010,” Centre de Recherche Bretonne et
Celtique, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, 31 May – 1 June 2012

Presentation on “Die Entfaltung des europäischen Linkskatholizismus nach der Krise des
Modernismus,” Conference on “Nach dem Antimodernismus? Wege der katholischen Theologie
1918-1958,“ Geschichtsverein der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Weingarten, Germany, 15-17
September 2011

Presentation on ”The Dialectic of Vatican II: From Evangelical Radicalism towards Alienation
from the Church,” Conference on: “Secularisation and the 1960s,” Max Weber Kolleg,
University of Erfurt, Germany, 10 June 2011

Presentation on “Die Quellen der Transnationalität des westeuropäischen Linkskatholizismus

(1924-1959): Kommunikationsnetzwerke oder soziale Bewegungen?” Conference on:
“Transnationale Dimensionen wissenschaftlicher Theologie. Nationale Wissenschaftsstile und
internationale Kommunikation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert“, Institut für europäische Geschichte,
Mainz, Germany, 23-25 March 2011

Keynote Presentation on “Protest Movements in Europe,” Conference on: “Protest Movements in

Europe and Latin America after ‘1968’”, Department of Transnational and Migration Studies,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-18 September 2010

Presentation on “The Social and Political Impact of Catholic Progressive Movements

Before and After Vatican II,” Conference on: “Nouvelle Théologie and Catholic Renewal
in Flanders From the 1950s to the 1970s,” KADOC, Leuven, Belgium, 12 May 2010

Presentation on “Italian Left Catholicism Seen From Abroad,” Conference on: “Le inquietudine
della fede. Don Primo Mazzolari e il cattolicesimo italiano prima del Concilio,” Università degli
Studi, Milan, Italy, 13-14 April 2010

Presentation on “1934: Eine fast schon vergessen Linkswende der europäischen Sozial-
demokratie,“ Conference on “ Zwischen Sozialdemokratie und Kommunismus? Zur
Problemgeschichte, Programmatik und Aktualität des Linkssozialismus,“ Rosa-Luxemburg-
Stiftung NRW, Duisburg, 11-12 December 2009

Keynote Presentation (Plenary Lecture) on “’When the Sixties Emerged in Full Force:
Reflections on the Meaning of the 1970s,” Conference on “’The Personal is Political’: The
Interfaces between Politics and Culture across Europe in the 1970s”, Cambridge University,
Cambridge, 26-7 August 2009

Presentation on “Influences bibliographiques sur la ‘génération 68’” Maison des sciences de

l’homme, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 8 December 2008

Presentation on “Soziale Kämpfe und politischer Protest in England im Blair'schen Jahrzehnt“,
Arbeitskreis Geschichte sozialer Bewegungen Ost/West, Haus der Demokratie und
Menschenrechte, Berlin, Germany, 9 October 2008

Presentation on “Die vergessene Arbeiterklasse der 1960/70er Jahre,” in: Veranstaltungsreihe zu

“Zäsur ’68. Langzeitwirkungen einer ‘Weltrevolution’,” Conference on “Hörsäle, Fabrikhallen,
Barrikaden – nicht nur das Jahr 1968 im Westen,” Helle Panke, Berlin, Germany, 8 October

Presentation on “Arbeiter und Studenten in den 68er Jahren,” Ringvorlesung: “’1968’ als
Ereignis und Symbol wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Konfliktzonen. Unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Universitäten im internationalen Vergleich,” Institut für Zeitgeschichte /
Ludwig-Boltzmann-Instituts für Europäische Geschichte, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 20
June 2008

Presentation on “The Consequences of 1968 for the European Left (ca. 1968 – ca. 1986),”
Conference on "L'esprit de 1968, heritages d’un événement, 1968-2008,” Maison de l’Europe
contemporaine, Paris-Nanterre, France, 29-30 May 2008

Presentation on “The Spirit of ’68,” Socialist History Seminar, Institute of Historical Research,
London, 19 May 2008

Presentation on “A Tale of Two Europes: European Manifestations of 1968,” Conference on

“Should We Be Done With May 68?”, Institute of Contemporary History of the Universidade
Nova de Lisboa / Portuguese edition of Le Monde Diplomatique / Institut Franco-Portugais,
Lissabon, Portugal, 11-12 April 2008

Presentation on “Der Geist von 68 – Die Studentenbewegung als internationale Rebellion,”

Conference on “Marsch durch die Institutionen – die 68er,” Akademie für politische Bildung,
Tutzing, Germany, 11-13 January 2008

Presentation on “Studying ‘1968’ as a Transnational Phenomenon,” Department of History,

Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 18 April 2007

Presentation on “The Place of Giuseppe Dossetti Within Western European Left Catholicism,”
Fondazione pe le Scienze Religiose, Bologna, Italy, 11-13 December 2006

Presentation on “The Spirit of ‘1968’: Christian Students on the Left,” History of Religion
Seminar, University of Birmingham, 9 March 2006

Presentation on “The Spirit of ‘1968’: Christian Students on the Left,” Conference on “Christian
Youth Movements: Their History and Significance,” Royal Historical Society, Birmingham,
England, 17-19 February 2006

Presentation on “Decentering Power: The Moment of Liberation in Western Europe,”

International Convention on “The Italian Experience of Liberation in a Comparative Context,”
Istituto Piemontese per la storia della resistenza e della società contemporanea, Turin, Italy, 12-
13 May 2005

Presentation on “The Transnational Nature of Working Class Mobilisation, 1967-1976,”

Conference on “Arbeiterschaft und ‘1968’: Ein kontinentaleuropäischer Vergleich,” DGB-
Bildungswerk, Hattingen, Germany, 11-13 February 2005

Presentation on “Left Catholicism in Italy, 1938-1955,” History of Religion / Modern History

Seminar, University of Birmingham, 19 May 2004

Presentation on “Les syndicalismes face aux nouveaux mouvements sociaux” (together with
Jean-Louis Robert), Conference on “L’apogée des syndicalismes en Europe occidental, 1960-
1985,” Université de Paris-I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, 8-9 November 2002

Presentation on “1968: What Sort of Revolution?” Modern History Seminar, University of

Oxford, 24 October 2002

Presentation on “New Departures in Left Catholic Thought and Practice,” Conference on “The
Transformation of the Christian Churches in Western Europe, 1945-2000,” Catholic University
of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 18-21 September 2002

Presentation on “La guerre scolaire en Belgique,” Conference on “Les enjeux de la laïcité:

Histoires nationales et perspectives européennes”, Association pour une recherche
interdisciplinaire sur l’existence et la santé, Valence, France, 12-13 September 2002

Presentation on “Left Catholicism in Western Europe at Mid-Century,” Fondazione per le

scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII, Bologna, Italy, 21 March 2002

Presentation on “What is There To Gain From a Transnational Approach?” Conference on

‘Transnational Moments of Change in Postwar Europe,’ Bellagio Conference Center, Bellagio,
Italy, 2-6 October 2000

Presentation on "The Worker Priests as Social Movement, 1941-1955," Faculty of Theology,

Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg, Netherlands, 2 June 1999

Presentation on "Récents débats historiographiques en Amérique du Nord," Faculté d'Histoire,

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 26 March 1999

Presentation of " From 'Radical' to 'Realistic': International Planning Conferences at Pontigny

and Geneva, 1934-1937," Workshop on 'Non-Communist and Pre-Communist Economic
Planning, 1935-1950, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 30 January 1999

Presentation on "The Emergence of Left Catholicism in Western Europe in the 1940s," Center
for the Study of Catholic Life (KADOC), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 22 January

Presentation on "Die transnationale Dimension europäischer sozialer Bewegungen im 20.
Jahrhundert," Institut zur Erforschung der europäischen Arbeiterbewegung, Ruhr-Universität
Bochum, Germany, 22 June 1998

Presentation on "The Transnational Dimension of European Social Movements in the Twentieth

Century," American Historical Association Convention, Seattle, 8-11 January 1998

Presentation on "Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen ausländischer Revolutionäre in Barcelona,

1936-7," at the Conference on 'Widerstand und Exil von Anarchisten, Anarchosyndikalisten,
Rätekommunisten 1933-1945,' Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand / Forschungsstelle
Widerstandsgeschichte (Freie Universität Berlin), Berlin, Germany, 23-25 May 1997.

Presentation on "Alienation in the Workplace: The Working Class Dimension of 1968 in Spain,
France, Italy and Czechoslovakia," at the German Historical Institute's Conference on 'Global
1968' in Berlin, Germany, 23-25 May 1996.

Presentation on "The Changing Face of the European Working Class: 1968 As Revelation," at
the Center for Western European Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 8 February 1996

Presentation on "The Geography of Memory and Memories of Revolution: Austria

and Asturias, 1934," at the Social Science History Association Convention in Chicago, Illinois,
16-19 November 1995.

Presentation on "The Revalidation of the Socialist Ideal in Postwar Belgium, France, Italy and
Greece," at the Conference on 'The End of the Second World War and Its Aftermath,' Los
Alamos Historical Society, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 13-16 August 1995.

Presentation on "Jean Zyromski: Barometer of Social Movements, 1933-1936," at the

Conference of the Western Society for French History in Des Moines, Iowa, 26-29 October

Presentation on "Moments of Opportunity in Belgium, France, Italy and Greece: The Point of
Liberation, 1943-1945," at the American Historical Association Convention in San Francisco,
California, 6-9 January 1994.

Presentation on "Das transnationale Bewußtsein der europäischen Sozialdemokratie, 1933-

1936," at the Berliner Gesprächskreis Arbeiterbewegung, Historische Kommission zu Berlin,
Berlin-Nikolassee, 1 July 1993

Presentation on "A Tale of Two Europes: German Social Democracy at the Crossroads, 1933-
1936," at the German Studies Association Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1-4 October

Presentation on "Europe Without Borders: Transnational Consciousness Within the European

Left, 1933-1936" at the Eighth International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European
Studies, Chicago, 27-29 March 1992.
Presentation on "Siebzehn Thesen zur internationalen Einheitsfront, 1932-1935," at the
Conference on International Communism, Colloque Centenaire de Jules Humbert-Droz, in La-
Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 25-27 September 1991.

Professional Activities

Manuscript Reader for Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Manchester
University Press, Palgrave and Pluto Press; and various academic journals.

External Assessor for the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), Research Council, 4-Year
Project Costed at €160.000, March 2008

External Assessor for the AHRC (AHRC Research Grants Scheme), 5-Year Project Costed at
£676.000, Summer 2006

Public Interventions:

Commentator at International Workshop on “’Wreckage of Modernity’ or ‘Revolution of

Perception’? 1968: Consequences and Echoes,” European Studies Center, St. Antony’s College,
Oxford University, Oxford, 27 February 2009

Discussant and Commentator at the 44th International Conference of Labour and Social History,
“1968 – A view of the protest movements 40 years after, from a global perspective,” Linz
(Austria), 11-14 September 2008

Participant in Quarterly Review Forum of Recently Published Volumes, Reviewed Book: Tom
McDonough, “The Beautiful Language of My Century”: Reinventing the Language of
Contestation in Postwar France, 1945-1968, H-France Forum, Winter 2008

Principal Respondent: Postgraduate Seminar (Pre-Viva Hearing), “Student Movements in

Communist Poland,” Department of History, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 7
November 2007

Principal Organizer of international conference on “Arbeiterschaft und ‘1968’: Ein kontinental-

europäischer Vergleich,” DGB-Bildungswerk, Hattingen, Germany, 11-13 February 2005

Member, Planning Committee for Conference on “Le syndicalisme et les relations sociales dans
les pays industrialisés (1960-1985),” Team Leader for Team No.6: ‘Trade Unions and Social
Movements, 1960-1985’, Université de Paris-I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, 8-9 November 2002

Co-Organizer of international conference on "Transnational Moments of Change in Postwar

Europe," Bellagio Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy, 2-6 October 2000

Conference Report on “Gender and Class in the Twentieth Century,” held in Ghent, Belgium,
published in International Labor and Working Class History, 57 (Spring 2000): 107-109

Co-Organizer of international and comparative workshop on "Left Catholicism in Western

Europe in the 1940s and 1950s," Center for the Study of Catholic Life (KADOC), Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 28-29 May 1999

Principal Organizer, panel on "The Politics of 20th Century European Labor Movements in
Comparative Perspective," American Historical Association Convention, 8-11 January 1998

Invited as Panel Commentator for the panel on 'Modern European Politics' at the Social Science
History Association Convention, Washington D.C., 16-19 October 1997

Principal Organizer of symposium on "Media and Society in Germany and Europe After the Fall
of the Wall," Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 27 April 1994

Major Academic Recognitions

British Academy Research Development Award 2011-2013

Research Leave Award

Arts and Humanities Research Council 2007

Research Leave Award

Arts and Humanities Research Board 2005

Research Fellowship 1998-1999

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Fellow, Institute for the Humanities 1992-1993

University of Michigan

Mellon Dissertation Grant 1991-1992

Mellon Foundation / University of Michigan

Dissertation Fellowship 1989-1990


Predissertation Fellowship 1988

Council for European Studies at Columbia University

Regents Fellowship, University of Michigan 1986-1989

Competitive three-year fellowship for top entering
students in the Rackham Graduate School

Selmer Birkelo Scholarship 1980-1981
University of Minnesota
First recipient of newly created scholarship for
most distinguished undergraduate performance in the College of Liberal Arts

Modules Taught (100% responsible for all aspects)

Seminar-Based Modules:

Antifascism, Resistance and Liberation in Western Europe

Ideologies of the Twentieth Century
Philosophies of History
Gender and Class in Modern Europe
Race and Ethnicity in Modern Europe
History of Masculinity
Green Movements
Fascism and Resistance
Widerstand, Befreiung und politische Kultur des Kalten Krieges (Uni Kassel)
Sources and Skills

Lecture-Based Modules:

The Politics of Protest: Social Movements in Western Europe Since 1960

20th Century Europe
German History: 1945-1997
German History: 1914-1945
German History: 1848-1914
Modern Germany: 1789-1994
History of Spain, 1812-1996
History of Spain, Middle Ages to 1812
History of Eastern Europe and Russia, 1917-1996
History of Eastern Europe and Russia, 1770s - 1917
History of Eastern Europe and Russia, 14th - 18th Centuries
Europäischer Sozialismus in den dreissiger Jahren (Uni Kassel)
Keywords: A History of Ideas
Western Civilisation: French Revolution to the Present
Western Civilisation: Renaissance to the Enlightenment
World History: From Colonialism to Neo-Colonialism
World History: The Emergence of a World Economy
World History: Pre-Classical, Classical and Post-Classical Civilisations

Administrative Experience

Module Leader for ‘The Making of the Modern World’ and Part I 2008-

History Research Seminar Co-Convenor, Dept. of Hist., Univ. of Warw. 2007-9

Admissions Coordinator, Department of History, University of Warwick 2005-6

Part-Time Degree Coordinator, Dept. of History, University of Warwick 2005-6

ERASMUS-Coordinator, Department of History, University of Warwick 2002-4

History/Sociology Convenor, Dept. of History, Univ. of Warwick 2002-4

Minutes Secretary, Department of History, University of Warwick 2003-4

Member, Faculty of Arts Board, University of Warwick 2003-4

SOCRATES-Coordinator, School of Music and Humanities, 2000-1

University of Huddersfield

Year Two Tutor, Department of History, University of Huddersfield 2000-1

Member, Executive Committee, German Exchange Commission of 1994-7

Oregon State System of Higher Education

Member, Faculty Senate, Western Oregon University (WOU) 1995

Member, Planning Committee, Division of Social Science, WOU 1996-2000

Chair (1997-8)


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