Youthculture Bibliography

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The Concept of Generation and Generational revolt

Ronald Fraser ed., 1968: a student generation in revolt (1988)

Luisa Passerini, Autobiography of a Generation: Italy, 1968 (1996)
Karl Mannheim, The Problem of Generations, in idem, Essays on the Sociology of
Knowledge, ed. by P. Kecskemeti (London, 1952), 276-322
Paul Berman, A Tale of Two Utopias. The Political Journey of the generation of 1968
(1996), 21-122
Stephen Lovell ed., Generations in Twentieth-Century Europe (2007), especially the
articles by Holger Nehring and Heinz Bude
Rebecca E. Klatch, A Generation Divided: The New Left, the New Right, and the
1960s (1999)
P. Gassert/A. E. Steinweis (eds.), Coping with the Nazi Past. West German Debates
on Nazism and Generational Conflict 1955-1975 (2006)
Detlef Siegfried, Understanding 1968: Youth Rebellion, Generational Change and
Postindustrial Society, in A. Schildt et al. (eds.), Between Marx and Coca-Cola.
Youth Cultures in Changing European Societies (2006)
Mark Roseman, Generations in Conflict: Youth revolt and Generation Formation in
Germany 1770-1968 (1995)
Dorothee Wierling, Generations and Generational Conflict in East and West
Germany, in Christoph Klemann (ed.), The divided past: re-writing postwar
German History (2001), 69-90
Dirk Moses, German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past (2007), 186-219
Anna von der Goltz, Talking bout my Generation. Generation building and Europes
1968 (2011)
Robert Gildea, James Mark and Anette Warring, Europes 1968. Voices of Revolt
(2013), chs. on Awakenings and Families

Youth Culture

Axel Schildt and Detlef Siegfried, Between Marx and Coca-Cola. Youth Cultures in
Changing European Societies (2006)

Arthur Marwick. The Sixties. Cultural Revolution in Britain, France, Italy and the
United States, c. 1958-c.1974 (1998)
Peter Braunstein and Michael Doyle (eds.) Imagine Nation. The American
Counterculture of the 1960s and 70s (2002)
Stuart Hall and Tony Jefferson eds., Resistance through Ritual. Youth Subcultures in
Postwar Britain (1993)
Sheila Rowbotham, Promise of a Dream: a memoir of the sixties (2000)
David Fowler, Youth Culture in Modern Britain, c. 1920-c. 1970. From Ivory Tower to
Global Movement (2007)
Stanley Cohen, Folk Devils and Moral panics. The Creation of the Mods and Rockers
(1972, 1987, 2002)
Richard Jobs, Riding the New Wave. Youth and the Rejuvenation of France after the
Second World War (2007).
Detlef Siegfried, Dont Look Back in Anger: Youth, Pop Culture, and the Nazi
past& Dagmar Herzog, The Sexual revolution and the legacy of the Nazi past in
Philipp Gassert and Alain Steinweis (eds.), Coping with the Nazi Past. West German
Debates on Nazism and Generational Conflict 1955-1975 (2006), 144-160 & 161-75
Uta Poiger, Jazz, Rock, and Rebels: Cold War Politics and American Culture in a
Divided Germany (2000)
Mark Fenemore, Sex, Thugs and Rock n Roll. Teenage Rebels in Cold War East
Germany (2007)
Toby Thacker, The fifth column: dance music in the early German Democratic
Republic in Patrick Major and Jonathan Osmond eds., The Workers and Peasants
State. Communism and Society in East Germany under Ulbricht, 1945-1971 (2002),
T.S. Brown, Music as a Weapon? "Ton Steine Scherben" and the Politics of Rock in
Cold War Berlin, German Studies Review 32, 1 (2009), 122.
3. Political Radicalism
Gerd-Rainer Horn, The Spirit of 68. Rebellion in Western Europe and North America,
1956-1976 (2007)
Martin Klimke and Scharloth eds., 1968 in Europe: a history of protest and activism,
1956-1977 (2008)
Tariq Ali, Street-Fighting Years: an autobiography of the Sixties (1987)

Robert Linhart, The Assembly Line (1981)

Paul Hockenos, Joschka Fischer and the making of the Berlin Republic. An alternative
history of postwar Germany (2008).
Jeremi Suri, Power and Protest: Global Revolution and the Rise of Dtente (2003)
Alice Holmes Cooper, Paradoxes of peace: German peace movements since 1945
Nick Thomas, Protest Movements in 1960s West Germany: A Social History of
Dissent and Democracy (2003)
Timothy Brown, West Germany and the global sixties. The anti-authoritarian revolt.
1962 - 1978 (2013)
H. Gordon Skilling, Czechoslovakias Interrupted Revolution (1976)
Kieran Williams, The Prague Spring and Its Aftermath, Czechoslovak Politics, 1968
1970 (1997)
Jonathan Bolton, Worlds of dissent. Charter 77, the plastic people of the universe, and
Czech culture under communism (2012)
D. Pollack et al. (eds.), Opposition in Communist Eastern Europe. Origins of Civil
Society and Democratic Transition (Aldershot, 2004)
Terry H. Anderson, The Movement and the Sixties. Protest in America from
Greenboro to Wounded Knee (1995)
Jo Freeman and Victoria Johnson, Waves of Protest. Social Movements since the
Sixties (1999)
John Campbell McMillan, The New Left Revisited (2003)
Robert Gildea, James Mark and Anette Warring, Europes 1968. Voices of Revolt
(2013), chs on Revolution and Spaces
4. Transnationalism
Gerd-Rainer Horn and Padraic Kenney, Transnational Movements of Change: Europe
1945, 1968, 1989 (2004)
D. della Porta and S. Tarrow, eds., Transnational Protest and Global Activism
(Lanham, MD, 2005)
Carol Fink, P. Gassert and D. Jumper 1968: The World Transformed (1998)
Martin Klimke, The Other Alliance: Global Protest and Student Unrest in West
Germany and the U.S., 19621972 (2008)

Daniel Geary, Becoming international again: C Wright Mills and the emergence of a
global New left, Journal of American History 95/3 (2008), 710-36
Articles in special issues of American Historical Review 114 (February
and April 2009), particularly:
Richard Ivan Jobs, Youth Movements: Travel, Protest, and Europe in 1968,
American Historical Review 114/2 (2009), 376404.
Timothy S. Brown, 1968 East and West: Divided Germany as a Case Study in
Transnational History, American Historical Review 114/1(February 2009), 69-96
Timothy Brown, West Germany and the global sixties. The anti-authoritarian revolt.
1962 - 1978 (2013)
Jonathan Bolton, Worlds of dissent. Charter 77, the plastic people of the universe, and
Czech culture under communism (2012)
Quinn Slobodian, Foreign front. Third World politics in sixties West Germany (2012)
B.J. Davis, A Whole World Opening Up. Transcultural Contact, Difference, and the
Politicization of 'New Left' Activists, in B.J. Davis, W. Mausbach, M. Klimke, and C.
MacDougall (eds), Changing the world, changing oneself. Political protest and
collective identities in West Germany and the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s (2010),
Robert Gildea, James Mark and Anette Warring, Europes 1968. Voices of Revolt
(2013), chs on Inspirations and Encounters
Daniel A. Gordon, Immigrants & intellectuals : May '68 & the rise of anti-racism in
France (2012)
5. Sexual Politics
Sara M. Evans, Sons, Daughters, and Patriarchy: Gender and the 1968 Generation,
AHR (April 2009), 331-347
Sara Evans, Personal Politics: The Roots of Womens Liberation in the Civil Rights
Movement and the New Left (1979)
Sara Evans, Tidal Wave. How Women changed America at Centurys end (2003)
Juliet Mitchell and Ann Oakley eds., The Rights and Wrongs of Women (1976)
Susan Brownmiller, In Our Time. Memoir of a Revolution (2000)
Dagmar Herzog, Sex after Fascism: Memory and Morality in 20th Century Germany

Julian Jackson, Living in Arcadia: Homosexuality, Politics and Morality in France

from the Liberation to AIDS (2009)
Frederic Martel, The Pink and the Black. Homosexuals in France since 1968 (2000)
Matt Houlbrook Queer London. Perils and Pleasures in the Sexual Metropolis, 19181957 (2007)
Ute Ktzel, Die 68erinnen. Portrt einer rebellischen Frauengeneration (2002)
Robert Gildea, James Mark and Anette Warring, Europes 1968. Voices of Revolt
(2013), ch on Gender and sexulaity
6. Faith and Politics
Gerd-Rainer Horn, Left Catholicism: Catholics and Society in western Europe at the
point of liberation (2001)
Michael Kelly, Catholicism and the Left in twentieth-century France, in Kay
Chadwick ed., Catholicism, Politics and Society in Twentieth-Century France (2001)
Hugh McLeod, The Religious Crisis of the 1960s (2007)
Sydney Tarrow, Democracy and Disorder. Protest and Politics in Italy, 1965-1975
(1989), on Isolotto
Mark Edward Ruff, The wayward flock: Catholic youth in postwar West Germany,
1945-1965 (2005)
Scott Flipse, Below-the-Belt Politics: Protestant Evangelicals, Abortion, and the
Foundation of the New Religious Right, 1960-75, in David Farber and Jeff Roche
(eds.), The Conservative Sixties (2003), 127-141
Christian Smith, The Emergence of Liberation Theology. Radical Religion and Social
movement theory (1991)
Robert Gildea, James Mark and Anette Warring, Europes 1968. Voices of Revolt
(2013), ch on Faith

7. Violence and Non-violence

Jeremy Varon, Bringing the War Home: The Weather Underground, The Red Army
Faction and Revolutionary Violence in the 60s and 70s (2004)
Raimondo Cantanzaro ed., The Red Brigades and Left-Wing Terrorism in Italy (1995)

Martha Crenshaw, Terrorism in Context (1995), essays by della Porta, Merkel,

Townsend and Shabad and Llero Ramo
Holger Nehring, 'The Era of Non-Violence: "Terrorism" in West German, Italian and
French political culture, 1968-1982', European Review of History, 14, no. 3 (2007)
Russell Dalton, The Green Rainbow: Environmental Groups in Western Europe (1994)
Christopher Rootes, Environmental Protest in Western Europe (2007)
Belinda Davis, New Leftists and West Germany: Fascism, Violence, and the Public
Sphere, 1967-1974, in P. Gassert et al. (eds.), Coping with the Nazi Past. West
German Debates on Nazism and Generational Conflict 1955-1975 (2006), pp. 210-37
Ruud Koopmans, Democracy from Below. New Social Movements and the Political
System in West Germany (1995)
Lanza de Vasto, Technique de la Non-Violence (1971)
David Moss, The Politics of Left Wing Violence in Italy, 19691985 (1989)
Doanatella della Porta, Social Movements, Political Violence and the State. A
Comparative Analysis of Italy and Germany (1995), ch 8
Peter Katzenstein, Left-Wing Violence and State Response: United States, Germany,
Italy and Japan, 1960s1990s (1998)
W. Marotti, Japan 1968. The Performance of Violence and the Theater of Protest,
American Historical Review (2009), 97135
Bommi Baumann, How It All Began: A Personal Account of a West German Urban
Guerilla (1977)
Robert Gildea, James Mark and Anette Warring, Europes 1968. Voices of Revolt
(2013), ch on Violence
8. Individual and Collective Memory
Dany Cohn Bendit, Nous l'avons tant aime, la Rvolution (1986)
Luisa Passerini, Autobiography of a Generation: Italy, 1968 (1996)
Kristin Ross, May 68 and its afterlives (2002)
Ingo Cornils and Sarah Waters eds., Memories of 1968. International Perspectives
Adam Michnik, Letters from Prison and Other Essays (1985)

Peter Collier and David Horowitz (eds.), Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts
about the Sixties (1996)
Virginie Linhart, Le Jour o mon pre s'est tu (2008)
Robert Gildea, The Long March of Oral History: Around 1968 in France, Oral
History 38/1 (Spring 2010), 68-80.
Robert Gildea, James Mark and Anette Warring, Europes 1968. Voices of Revolt
(2013), ch on Reflections

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