Electromagnetic Sensors & Ferrostat Sensors

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Electromagnetic sensors Ferrostat sensors







A ferro magnetic pole wheel passing the sensor head al- A ferro magnetic pole wheel passing the sensor head al-
ters the magnetic field in a magnetically biased coil. Based ters the resistance value of a magnetically biased mag-
on the law of induction, an A.C. output voltage is thereby netic dependent resistor. An alternating signal proportional
generated, with frequency and amplitude proportional to to the pole wheel speed is superimposed on the sensor
the speed of the pole wheel. output when biased with D.C.

Speed measurements; also dependent on Speed measurements; dependent on

instrument frequency range: instrument frequency range:
Speed > 10 rpm Speed > 1 rpm
Frequency > 10 Hz Frequency > 1 Hz
Rotational speed > 0.05 m/s
Signal level independent of speed.
No power supply required. Speed sensing also
Intrinsically safe Ex i versions available.
under extreme environmental conditions
(temperature, radiation).
Intrinsically safe Ex i versions available.
Sensors with optional integrated line amplifier. The sig-
nal amplitude then approximates to the supply vol-
tage and is independent of speed (above min. speed).
Depending on frequency and cable capacity, the out-
put is suitable for driving line lengths to 500 m and
connection to logic gates having appropriate trigger

Description of
measuring principles

Ferrostat sensors Differential ferrostat sensors

with line amplifier with line amplifier








A ferro magnetic pole wheel passing the sensor head in- A ferro magnetic pole wheel passing the sensor head in-
fluences the voltage in an integrated Hall element. The fluences the voltages in two adjacent Hall elements. The
Hall voltage is amplified to a square wave signal with the Hall voltage difference is amplified to a square wave sig-
frequency dependent on pole wheel speed. nal with the frequency dependent on pole wheel speed.

Speed measurements: Speed measurements:

Speed > 0.1 rpm Sensor type dynamic or static
Frequency > 0.1 Hz Speed > 5 rpm or >0
Pole wheel module ≥ 1 Frequency > 5 Hz or >0
Pole wheel module ≥ 0.5 or >1
Square wave output:
The amplitude approximates to the supply voltage and Unaffected by external magnetic fields up to circa
is independent of speed. Depending on frequency and 300 Gauss or 30 mTesla.
cable capacity, the output is suitable for driving line Square wave signal output:
lengths to 500 m and connection to logic gates having The amplitude approximates to the supply voltage
appropriate trigger levels. and is independent of speed.
Usable for speed measurement and zero speed. Usable for speed measurement and zero speed
2 sensors can be used for direction sensing. detection.

Intrinsically safe Ex i versions available. 2 sensors can be used for direction sensing.
Sensors available with dual sensing chains
for direction sensing, with 2 phase shifted
square wave outputs.
Intrinsically safe Ex i versions available.

HF Sensors Rotary encoders
(Inductive sensors)








A metallic pole wheel passing the sensor head influences The integral pole or code wheel is sensed by an internal
the damping in an oscillator. This changes the current con- sensor. The frequency output is proportional to speed.
sumption of the HF oscillator and superimposes an A.C.
signal on the D.C. biased output. The signal frequency is
proportional to the pole wheel speed.

Speed measurements; also dependent on instrument Mechanical coupling to target shaft.

frequency range:
Characteristics based on sensor type and pole or
Speed >0
code wheel used.
Frequency >0
Pole wheel module ≥ 2 High pulse rate (number of pulses per rev) possible.
Sensing of various metallic pole wheels. Pole wheel and sensor protected by the housing
against ingress of dust, dirt, swarf etc.
No residual magnetic field present.
Versions available with two 90° phase shifted square
2 sensors can be used for direction sensing.
wave output signals for direction sensing.
Intrinsically safe Ex i versions available.
Sensors available with integral line amplifier.
The signal amplitude approximates to the supply vol-
tage and is independent of speed. Depending on fre-
quency and cable capacity, the output is suitable for
driving line lengths to 500 m and connection to logic
gates having appropriate trigger levels.

Description of
measuring principles

Photo-electric reflective sensor





A reflective marker on the shaft being sensed is illumi-
nated by a LED integrated in the sensor. The light is re-
flected to an internal photo sensitive receiver. The signal
is amplified and provided as a square wave signal with
frequency proportional to speed.

Speed measurements:
Speed >0
Frequency >0
Sensing of numerous non reflective target shafts with
air gap to several centimetres.
Square wave output:
The signal amplitude approximates to the supply vol-
tage and is independent of speed. Depending on fre-
quency and cable capacity, the output is suitable for
driving line lengths to 500 m and connection to logic
gates having appropriate trigger levels.
Unaffected by magnetic fields.
Usable for speed measurement and zero speed
2 sensors can be used for direction sensing.

General installation advice

The frequency method

The speed of the target shaft is converted into a signal
via a pole wheel/sensor combination, whereby the fre-
quency is proportional to speed.
The relationship between sensor frequency and speed is


based on the following relationship:

f = n • p/60

where f = sensor frequency in Hz

n = speed of the target shaft
p = number of poles on the wheel
or number of pulses per rev

If there is a gearbox between the target shaft and the

pole wheel then this needs to be taken into account. To
maximise the sensor frequency the pole wheel should be
mounted on the fastest shaft e.g motor side.

f = n • p • g/60

where g = gearbox ratio between

pole wheel and target shaft

Speed measurement
If the required measurement is linear speed in m/min then
the roller diameter where the speed is sensed is also re-

v = d•π•n
⇒ n = v/d • π
f = n • p • g/60
⇒ f = v • p • g/d • 60 • π

where g = gearbox ratio between

pole wheel and target shaft
v = belt speed in m/min
d = diameter of the roller in m.

The matching of the measured result to respective ma-

chine characteristics (gearbox ratio, roller diameter, pole
wheel) is via tachometer configuration of measurement
time or machine factor.

General installation advice

Sensor Type Key DS…

Code for sensor type Pulser with shaft A

Eddy current sensor C
Differential Ferrostat sensor D
Electromagnetic sensor E
Ferrostat sensor F
HF sensor (NAMUR) H
Sensor having integral I
measurement electronics General
Capacitive sensor K installation
Photoelectric sensor P advice
Reflective sensor R
Wiegand sensor W

Sensor size Housing diameter/thread diameter 10

in mm
Encoder shaft diameter
in mm
Housing diameter/thread size AA
in inches
e.g. EH = 5/8 inch

Sensing resolution Smallest permissible pole wheel module 10

in tenths = number
Sensing distance for reflective sensors
Pulses per rev for encoders
(also 3 or 4 digit)
Magnet wheels AA

Sequence number for Sequential number code xx

different versions

Method of connection Connector A

Screened cable S
Unscreened cable or wires K
Protective sleeve M
Protective sleeve with connector on sensor N
Protective sleeve with cable connector Q.
Cable gland, cable connector P
PCB connector
(AMP or flat connector to DIN 46244) Z

Code for max. permissible Normal temperature to +85 °C T

operating temperature High temperature to 125 °C, 150 °C or H
200 °C dependent on type

Signal output code NAMUR (2 wire with N

superimposed signal)
Redundant system with amplifier
Amplifier (open collector, push/pull etc.) V
2 channel W
with phase shifted output
Redundant coil system without amplifier
Without amplifier Z

Code for special versions Ex certified models EX

(where present) Special configuration number S..


Connection Installation
The max. permissible operating temperature and the min. The sensor is mounted with its head centre over the cen-
allowed bend radius provided for both cable and protec- tre of the pole wheel. With gear wheels or slots and radial
tive sleeve should be taken into consideration. The sen- mounting, the sensor is normally fixed over the middle of
sor leads are susceptible to external interference. For this the wheel. Dependent on the gear width, a degree of axial
reason the following points should be noted: movement is permissible. The centre of the sensor must

however remain a minimum of 3 mm from the edge of the

Uninterrupted screened cable should be used for the
wheel under all operating conditions.
sensor connections wherever possible. The screen
should only be terminated at the instrument on the ter- It is important to ensure a rigid, vibration free mounting of
minal provided. the sensor.
The sensor leads must be laid as far as possible from Sensor vibration in relation to the pole wheel may induce
large electrical machines and never laid parallel to high additional pulses. During installation, the smallest possi-
current cables. ble air gap should be set. This gap should be selected
such that the face of the sensor cannot come into contact
Only in exceptional circumstances i.e. with large sen-
with the pole wheel, even under worst case tolerance,
sor signal and short distance to the measurement elec-
bearing float and vibration conditions. The system cali-
tronics, unscreened cable can be used.
bration is not influenced by the air gap.
The max. permissible cable length is a function of the
In the case of Differential Ferrostat sensors, the housing
sensor voltage, cable run, cable capacitance and induc-
must be orientated to the pole wheel as shown in the cor-
tance and the maximum sensor frequency.
responding drawing. Note the slot, groove, arrow, hole or
In any case, it is advantageous to keep the distance from orientation stud provided. Varying the position impairs the
sensor to electronics as short as possible. The sensor correct operation and noise immunity of the sensor.
cable can be extended using an IP 20 rated terminal block
The sensors are insensitive to oil, grease etc. and can be
to DIN 40050 or IEC 529. The following Jaquet extension
used in arduous conditions.
cables are recommended:
2wire Part nr. 824L-30894
3wire Part nr. 824L-31081
4wire Part nr. 824L-30895
8wire Part nr. 824L-32257
Under favourable operating conditions, Jaquet recom-
mended cables can be used under the following suggested
conditions, based on sensor type and signal frequency,
before a line amplifier is required:

Max. cable length 15 m with minimum detectable sensor voltage

DSE…V on the input of a TTL gate

Max. cable length 135 m with max. sensor frequency of 1 kHz
Max. cable length 30 m with max. sensor frequency of 4 kHz
Max. cable length 14 m with max. sensor frequency of 10 kHz

DSE…V with signal level 15%/85% of the supply voltage

Max. cable length 635 m with max. sensor frequency of 1 kHz
Max. cable length 140 m with max. sensor frequency of 4 kHz
Max. cable length 66 m with max. sensor frequency of 10 kHz

Max. cable length 100 m with max. sensor frequency of 4 kHz
Max. cable length 40 m with max. sensor frequency of 10 kHz
Max. cable length 20 m with max. sensor frequency of 20 kHz


Max. cable length 500 m with max. sensor frequency of 4 kHz
Max. cable length 200 m with max. sensor frequency of 10 kHz
Max. cable length 100 m with max. sensor frequency of 20 kHz

General installation advice

Pole wheel geometry Test possibilities

With pole wheels having unfavourable geometry (slot width Electromagnetic sensors
or hole diameter <<0.8 times pole width), sensor signals without amplifier
having mark: space ratio far removed from 1:1 are gener- Measurement of coil resistance.
ated. There is then the danger that with A.C. coupled in-


Measurement of coil inductance.
struments, unevenness at the pole head (tooth tip) can
generate interference and affect the measurement. In such Measurement of induced voltage when passing an iron
piece in front of the sensor.
cases the instrument needs to automatically adjust the General
trigger level to match the signal amplitude and screen out installation
the interference (Jaquet option S11). Electromagnetic sensors advice
with amplifier
Measurement of current consumption via the external
Explosion protection pull up resistor or in the supply lead.
Measurement of induced voltage when passing an iron
When using sensors in intrinsically safe configurations
piece in front of the sensor.
EEx, the operating details and restrictions provided in the
test certificate or certificate of conformity must be observed
e.g. Ferrostat sensors
without amplifier
Operating temperature in relation to the temperature Measurement of the element’s resistance.
class and the total available electrical power in the
Measurement of resistance change when passing an
supply and signal circuits.
iron piece in front of the sensor.
Max. permissible voltages – supply and signal output. Measurement of current consumption via the external
Max. permissible external capacitance and inductance. pull up/pull down resistor.

With electromagnetic sensors, the max. permissible Ferrostat sensors

radial speed of the pole wheel for a given air gap. with amplifier
Measurement of current consumption in the
supply lead.
Measurement of signal generated when passing an iron
piece in front of the sensor.

Ferrostat Differential sensors

with amplifier
Measurement of current consumption in the
supply lead.
Measurement of signal generated when passing an iron
piece in front of the sensor. (Sensor connected to
supply and iron passing head like a pole wheel.)

HF sensors (inductive)
without amplifier
Measurement of current consumption and change in the
supply lead via the external pull up/pull down resistor
when passing a metal target in front of the sensor.

HF sensors (inductive)
with amplifier
Measurement of current consumption in the
supply lead.
Measurement of signal generated when passing a
metal target in front of the sensor. (Sensor connected
to supply.)

Rotary encoders
with shaft coupling
Measurement of current consumption in the
supply lead.
Measurement of pulses generated when the shaft is
turned. (Sensor connected to supply.)

Differential Ferrostat Sensor


DSD ferrostat sensors are suitable for generating speed
dependent signals when used with a pole wheel (steel
gear wheel, preferably with involute gear form).
They exhibit dynamic or static behaviour with guaranteed
pulse generation down to between 5 and 0 Hz.
+V The sensor element is a magnetically biased differential
Hall sensor followed by a short circuit proof amplifier. The DSD
sensor characteristic is not rotationally symmetrical.


Connection Installation
The sensor connections are sensitive to interference. The These sensors incorporate a differential Hall element. The
following 2 points should therefore be noted: housing must therefore be orientated to the pole wheel
as shown in the dimensional diagram (note the slot, arrow
1) A screened 3 core cable must be used for connections.
or hole). Incorrect positioning of the sensor affects its
The screen must be taken all the way to the terminal
correct operation and noise immunity. The sensor is
provided on the instrument and not earthed.
mounted with its centre over the centre of the pole wheel.
2) The sensor cables should be laid as far from large With gear wheels or slots and radial mounting, the sensor
electrical machines as possible and must never be laid is normally fixed over the middle of the wheel. Dependent
parallel to high current cables. on the gear width, a degree of axial movement is
permissible. The centre of the sensor must however
The maximum permissible cable length is a function of
remain a minimum of 3 mm from the edge of the wheel
sensor supply voltage, cable routing along with cable
under all operating conditions.
capacitance and inductance and max. signal frequency.
It is important to ensure a rigid, vibration free mounting
In general it is advantageous to keep the distance between
of the sensor. Sensor vibration in relation to the pole wheel
sensor and instrumentation to a minimum. The sensor
may induce additional pulses.
cable may be lengthened via suitable IP 20 terminals and
Jaquet S3 cable p/n 824L-31081. The sensors are insensitive to oil, grease etc. and can be
used in arduous conditions. If the cable is to come into
contact with aggressive materials, then teflon cable should
be specified. The sensor should be installed with the
smallest possible air gap. This air gap must however not
allow the face of the sensor to come into contact with the
pole wheel. The air gap does not affect the calibration of
the complete system.

DSD 1010 K, P
With amplifier
Module Static function
1 Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Available as models FTG 1089.00 Ex
and FTG 1089.01 Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia II C T5/T6
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel


Version K Version P
4 2.8
4 2.8
3 1.5
3 1.5



28 L
35 ~400 M10 x 0.75
35 M10 x 0.75
d 16
d 16

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSD 1010.00 KTV 343Z-03831 Wire M10x0.75 20 -25…+85 previously FTG 1089.00
DSD 1010.00 KTV Ex 343Z-03832 Wire M10x0.75 20 -25…(T5)+75, (T6)+60 previously FTG 1089.00 Ex
DSD 1010.00 PTV 343Z-03990 Connector M10x0.75 23 -25…+85 previously FTG 1089.01
DSD 1010.00 PTV Ex 343Z-03837 Connector M10x0.75 23 -25…(T5)+75, (T6)+60 previously FTG 1089.01 Ex

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1010
Version K, P

Technical data
Power Supply Supply voltage: 5V ±10%, max. load 12 V, reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 16 mA.

Frequency range 0 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥1, min. tooth width 3 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1.0: 0.1…0.5 mm
Module 2.0: 0.1…1.3 mm
≥ Module 4.0: 0.1…1.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals, mark space approx. 1:1, D.C. coupled to the supply, signal-amplitude
corresponding to power supply (max. allowed sink current = 25 mA at a saturation voltage < 0.4 V).
The output is connected through a pull-up 1.8 kΩ to the plus pole of the power supply.




HAL blue

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (wire connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 3 gn in the range 4…100 Hz.
Shock immunity 20 gn during 11 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Argentan (German silver) CuNi10Zn42Pb DIN 2.0770, front side hermetically sealed,
electronic components potted in a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 343E-63726

Version K Wires teflon insulated, length 400 mm, 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24).
Version P Connector, part nr. 343C-72577.

DSD 1210 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Static function
1 Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel


Version A Version S
50 50
4 SW17 4 SW17




73 34.5 60
approx. 100 plugged

Version M

4 SW17



Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSD 1210.01 STV 374Z-03712 Cable 5 m M12x1 160 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1210.01 SHV 374Z-03716 Cable 2 m M12x1 100 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1210.01 SHV 374Z-03762 Cable 5 m M12x1 195 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1210.01 ATV 374Z-04059 Connector M12x1 35 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1210.01 AHV 374Z-04163 Connector M12x1 35 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1210.01 MTV 374Z-04136 Protective hose 5 m M12x1 680 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1210
Version A, S, M

Technical data
Power Supply Supply voltage: 8…30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 16 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
Pole wheel 2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. DSD
Module ≥1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.1…0.5 mm
Module 2: 0.1…1.3 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.1…1.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in
a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63870, version with integral cable; 374E-63805, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-36148 made of profile milled steel plate with PUR
cover, blue. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 10 mm, bending radius = min. 32 mm, weight 75 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35922; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35921.

DSD 1410 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Static function
1 Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel

Version A Version S
60 SW17
SW17 4 SW19
4 SW19



80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW19




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSD 1410.01 STV 374Z-04182 Cable 5 m M14x1 210 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1410.01 SHV 374Z-04183 Cable 2 m M14x1 155 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1410.01 ATV 374Z-04164 Connector M14x1 90 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1410.01 AHV 374Z-04165 Connector M14x1 90 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1410.01 MTV 374Z-04139 Protective hose 5 m M14x1 920 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1410
Version A, S, M

Technical data
Power Supply Supply voltage: 8…30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 16 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel (i.e. Ust37-2 ), involute gear form preferred. DSD
Module ≥1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.1…0.5 mm
Module 2: 0.1…1.3 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.1…1.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

Connections red
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in
a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing .
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63870, version with integral cable; 374E-63805, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate with PVC
cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius = min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.

DSD 1610 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Static function
1 Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing has to be aligned to the
pole wheel


Version A Version S
60 60

4 SW22 SW19 4 SW22 SW19



80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW22




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 1610.01 STV 374Z-04185 Cable 5 m M16x1 215 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1610.01 SHV 374Z-04186 Cable 2 m M16x1 155 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1610.01 ATV 374Z-04166 Connector M16x1 95 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1610.01 AHV 374Z-04167 Connector M16x1 95 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1610.01 MTV 374Z-04142 Protective hose 5 m M16x1 925 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1610
Version A, S, M

Technical data
Power Supply Supply voltage: 8…30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 15 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 1, DSD
min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.1…0.5 mm
Module 2: 0.1…1.3 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.1…1.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63870, version with integral cable; 374E-63805, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø = max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), white.
Outer Ø = max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø = 14 mm, bending radius = min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.

DSD 1810 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Static function
1 Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing has to be aligned to the
pole wheel


Version A Version S
60 60

4 SW24 4 SW24

M18 X 1

80 52 70

approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW24




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 1810.01 STV 374Z-04188 Cable 5 m M18x1 220 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1810.01 SHV 374Z-03991 Cable 2 m M18x1 160 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1810.01 ATV 374Z-04168 Connector M18x1 100 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1810.01 AHV 374Z-04169 Connector M18x1 100 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1810.01 MTV 374Z-04145 Protective hose 5 m M18x1 930 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1810
Version A, S, M

Technical data
Power Supply Supply voltage: 8…30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 15 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between housing
and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 1, DSD
min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.1…0.5 mm
Module 2: 0.1…1.3 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.1…1.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

Connections red
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug
Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing .
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63870, version with integral cable; 374E-63805, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø = max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), white.
Outer Ø = max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø = 14 mm, bending radius = min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.

DSD 2210 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Static function
1 Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing has to be aligned to the
pole wheel

Version S
Version A
41 41

30 30
4 SW27 4 SW27
ø4 (.09)
ø7 (.01)


80 52 65
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW27

approx. 100

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 2210.01 STV 374Z-03750 Cable 5 m M22x1 565 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 2210.01 SHV 374Z-03782 Cable 2 m M22x1 229 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 2210.01 ATV 374Z-04170 Connector M22x1 130 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 2210.01 AHV 374Z-04171 Connector M22x1 130 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 2210.01 MTV 374Z-04146 Protective hose 5 m M22x1 1000 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 2210.09 STV 374Z-04120 Cable 5 m M22x1 250 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 2210
Version A, S, M

Technical data
Power Supply Supply voltage: 8….30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp;
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 15 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 1, DSD
min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.1…0.5 mm
Module 2: 0.1…1.3 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.1…1.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

Connections red
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing .
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63870, version with integral cable; 374E-63805, version with integral connector.

Version ST (.01) PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-31081, 3wire, 3 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), grey. Outer Ø = max. 7.4 mm,
bending radius = min. 110 mm, weight 80 g/m.
Standard length for version ST: 5 m.
Version ST (.09) PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø = max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Standard length for version ST: 5 m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), white. Outer Ø = max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm,
weight 32 g/m. Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø = 14 mm, bending radius = min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m. 29
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.
DSD 1005 K, P
With amplifier

Module Dynamic characteristic

0.5 Available as models FTG 1088.00 Ex
and FTG 1088.01 Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia II C T5/T6
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel


Version K Version P
4 2.8
4 2.8
3 1.5
3 1.5



28 L
35 ~400 M10 x 0.75
35 M10 x 0.75
d 16
d 16

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 1005.00 KTV 343Z-03828 Wire M10x0.75 20 -25…+85 previously FTG 1088.00
DSD 1005.00 KTV Ex 343Z-03772 Wire M10x0.75 20 -25…(T5)+75,(T6)+60 previously FTG 1088.00 Ex
DSD 1005.00 PTV 343Z-03835 Connector M10x0.75 23 -25…+85 previously FTG 1088.01
DSD 1005.00 PTV Ex 343Z-03770 Connector M10x0.75 23 -25…(T5)+75,(T6)+60 previously FTG 1088.01 Ex

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1005
Version K, P

Technical data

Power Supply Supply voltage: 5 V ±10%, max. load 12 V, reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 16 mA.

Frequency range 5 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel (i.e. Ust37-2 ), involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 0.5,
min. tooth width 3 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm,
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 0.5:
Module 1.0:
0.1…0,4 mm
0.1…1.0 mm
≥ Module 2.0: 0.1…1.3 mm

Signal output Square wave voltage, mark-space approx 1:1, D.C. coupled to the supply, signal-amplitude
corresponding to supply voltage. (max. allowed sink current = 25 mA at a saturation voltage < 0,4V).
The output is connected through a pull-up resistor of 1.8 kΩ to the plus pole of the power supply.



HAL blue

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (wire connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 3 gn in the range 4…100 Hz.
Shock immunity 20 gn during 11 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Argentan (German silver) CuNi10Zn42Pb DIN 2.0770, front side hermetically sealed,
sensor components moulded in chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 343E-63725

Version K Wires teflon insulated, length 400 mm, 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24).
Version P Connector, Part nr. 343C-72577.

DSD 1205 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
0.5 Lower frequency limit: 5 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel


Version A Version S
50 50
4 SW17 4 SW17




73 34.5 60
approx. 100 plugged

Version M

4 SW17



Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 1205.22 STV 374Z-03784 Cable 5 m M12x1 160 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1205.22 SHV 374Z-03781 Cable 2 m M12x1 100 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1205.22 ATV 374Z-04162 Connector M12x1 35 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1205.22 AHV 374Z-04172 Connector M12x1 35 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1205.22 MTV 374Z-04055 Protective hose 5 m M12x1 680 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1205
Version A, S, M

Technical data

Power Supply Supply voltage: 8….30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 15 mA (without load).

Frequency range 5 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 0.5, DSD
min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 0.5: 0.1…0.3 mm
Module 1.0: 0.1…1.5 mm
≥ Module 2.0: 0.1…2.0 mm DSD
Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

Connections red
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical- and
age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing .
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63871, version with integral cable; 374E-63878, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø = max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Standard length for version ST: 5 m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), white.
Outer Ø = max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-36148 made of profile milled steel plate
with PUR cover, blue. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø = 10 mm, bending radius = min. 32 mm, weight 75 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35922; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35921.

DSD 1405 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
0.5 Lower frequency limit: 5 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel

Version A Version S
60 SW17
SW17 4 SW19
4 SW19



80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW19




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 1405.22 STV 374Z-04192 Cable 5 m M14x1 210 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1405.22 SHV 374Z-04193 Cable 2 m M14x1 150 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1405.22 ATV 374Z-04173 Connector M14x1 90 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1405.22 AHV 374Z-04174 Connector M14x1 90 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1405.22 MTV 374Z-04152 Protective hose 5 m M14x1 920 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1405
Version A, S, M

Technical data

Power Supply Supply voltage: 8….30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 15 mA (without load).

Frequency range 5 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 0.5, DSD
min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 0.5: 0.1…0.3 mm
Module 1.0: 0.1…1.5 mm
≥ Module 2.0: 0.1…2.0 mm DSD
Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

Connections +V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing .
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63871, version with integral cable; 374E-63878, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø = max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Standard length for version ST: 5 m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), white.
Outer Ø = max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø = 14 mm, bending radius = min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.

DSD 1605 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
0.5 Lower frequency limit: 5 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel


Version A Version S
60 60

4 SW22 SW19 4 SW22 SW19



80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW22




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 1605.22 STV 374Z-04195 Cable 5 m M16x1 215 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1605.22 SHV 374Z-04196 Cable 2 m M16x1 155 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1605.22 ATV 374Z-04175 Connector M16x1 95 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1605.22 AHV 374Z-04176 Connector M16x1 95 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1605.22 MTV 374Z-04155 Protective hose 5 m M16x1 925 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1605
Version A, S, M

Technical data
Power Supply Supply voltage: 8….30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 15 mA (without load).

Frequency range 5 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 0.5, DSD
min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 0.5: 0.1…0.3 mm
Module 1.0: 0.1…1.5 mm
≥ Module 2.0: 0.1…2.0 mm DSD
Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage-), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

Connections red
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing .
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63871, version with integral cable; 374E-63878, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø = max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Standard length for version ST: 5 m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), white.
Outer Ø = max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø = 14 mm, bending radius = min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.

DSD 1805 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
0.5 Lower frequency limit: 5 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel


Version A Version S
60 60

4 SW24 4 SW24

M18 X 1

80 52 70

approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW24




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 1805.22 STV 374Z-04198 Cable 5 m M18x1 220 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1805.22 SHV 374Z-04199 Cable 2 m M18x1 160 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1805.22 ATV 374Z-04177 Connector M18x1 100 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 1805.22 AHV 374Z-04178 Connector M18x1 100 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 1805.22 MTV 374Z-04158 Protective hose 5 m M18x1 930 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 1805
Version A, S, M

Technical data

Power Supply Supply voltage: 8…30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 15 mA (without load).

Frequency range 5 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
Pole wheel 2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 0.5, DSD
min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 0.5: 0.1…0.3 mm
Module 1.0: 0.1…1.5 mm
≥ Module 2.0: 0.1…2.0 mm DSD
Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing .
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63871, version with integral cable; 374E-63878, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø = max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Standard length for version ST: 5 m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), white.
Outer Ø = max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø = 14 mm, bending radius = min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.

DSD 2205 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
0.5 Lower frequency limit: 5 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel

Version S
Version A
41 41

30 30
4 SW27 4 SW27
ø4 (.09)
ø7 (.01)


80 52 65
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW27

ca. 100

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connections Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] [°C]
DSD 2205.22 STV 374Z-04201 Cable 5 m M22x1 250 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 2205.22 SHV 374Z-04202 Cable 2 m M22x1 230 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 2205.22 ATV 374Z-04179 Connector M22x1 130 -25…+85 Standard
DSD 2205.22 AHV 374Z-04180 Connector M22x1 130 -40…+125 Standard
DSD 2205.22 MTV 374Z-04161 Protective hose 5 m M22x1 1000 -25…+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor
Type DSD 2205
Version A, S, M

Technical data
Power Supply Supply voltage: 8….30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 15 mA (without load).

Frequency range 5 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred. Module ≥ 0.5, DSD
min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 0.5: 0.1…0.3 mm
Module 1.0: 0.1…1.5 mm
≥ Module 2.0: 0.1…2.0 mm DSD
Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof with reverse polarity protection.

Connections red
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
or white Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half-sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screening and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing .
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 374E-63871, version with integral cable; 374E-63878, version with integral connector.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø = max. 4.2 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Standard length for version ST: 5 m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(Metal net insulated from housing), white.
Outer Ø = max. 4.0 mm, bending radius = min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø = 14 mm, bending radius = min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.

Differential Ferrostat Sensor, dual sensing system


The DSD...W ferrostat sensor is suitable for generating
2 phase shifted speed dependent signals when used with
a pole wheel (steel gear wheel, preferably with involute
gear form) in order to measure speed and detect the
direction of rotation. It exhibits static behaviour with
guaranteed pulse generation down to 0 Hz.
The sensor element comprises of 2 magnetically biased
differential Hall sensors, followed by a short circuit proof
amplifier. The sensor must be orientated to the pole wheel
as shown in the corresponding drawing.



Connection Installation
The sensor connections are sensitive to interference. The This sensor incorporates a differential Hall element. The
following 2 points should therefore be noted: housing must therefore be orientated to the pole wheel
as shown in the dimensional diagram (note the flange pin-
1) A screened 4core cable must be used for connections.
orientation slot in the case of DSD..20W). Incorrect
The screen must be taken all the way to the terminal
positioning of the sensor affects its correct operation and
provided on the instrument and not earthed.
noise immunity.
2) The sensor cables should be laid as far from large
electrical machines as possible and must never be laid
parallel to high current cables.
The maximum permissible cable length is a function of
sensor supply voltage, cable routing along with cable
capacitance and inductance and max. signal frequency.
In general it is advantageous to keep the distance between
sensor and instrumentation to a minimum. The sensor
cable may be lengthened via suitable IP 20 terminals and
Jaquet cable p/n 824L-35053.

DSD 1810 A, S, M … W
Double sensing system with amplifier
Module Direction discrimination
1 Static characteristic
Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel

Version A Version S


40 +10 40 +10

0.9 0.9
2.5 +0.05

16.5 +0.1

SW24 SW24

30° 4 42 30° 4
85 0 85 +0.5

approx. 129 plugged

Alignment angle Version M


40 +10
0.9 2.5 +0.05

16.5 +0.1


B 4
gap d 85 0


Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSD 1810.11 STW 374Z-04317 Cable 5 m M18x1 300 -25...+85 Standard
DSD 1810.11 SHW 374Z-04318 Cable 2 m M18x1 205 -40...+125 Standard
DSD 1810.11 ATW 374Z-04319 Connector + cable 2 m M18x1 210 -25...+85 Standard
DSD 1810.11 AHW 374Z-04320 Connector + cable 2 m M18x1 210 -40...+125 Standard
DSD 1810.11 MTW 374Z-04324 Protective hose 5 m M18x1 970 -25...+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor, dual sensing system
Type DSD 1810 … W
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10…30 V D.C. protected against reverse polarity and transient overvoltages.
Current consumption: max. 35 mA (without load).
Frequency range 0 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity (EMC) With the cable shield connected to the supply negative pole, EMC protection prevents any
malfunction of the sensor for the following conditions:
Transient non repetetive surges: between 0 V and housing, up to 1.5 kV peak with
10 kV/µs rise time during 1.5 µs.
Electrical fast transients/bursts: coupled to sensor cable with a capacitive coupling clamp,
up to 2 kV peak, according to IEC 801-4, level 3.
Damped resonance/1 MHz: Capacitve coupled to signal- and supply cable up to 2.5 kV peak, acc.
to IEC255-4, level III.
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel (i.e. USt37-2) involute gear wheel, radial sensing,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm, min. tooth width 10 mm, side offset < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor air gap at Module 1: 0.1…0.4 mm
Module 2: 0.1…1.0 mm
Alignment angle α at Module 1: 12…14…16°
Module 2: 28…32…35°
Signal outputs 2 square wave signals shifted by 90° ±60° resp. 8…41%, …W
push-pull output stage, coupled to the supply (negative pole = reference voltage), max. load: 25mA.
Output voltage-HI: Supply voltage - 1.5 V at I = 20 mA. Output voltage-LO: <1.5 V at I = 20 mA.
Duty cycle: 50% ±20%, dependent on direction of rotation, air gap and tooth design.
The phase shift between positive and negative-going edges of the output signals is not normally of
equal magnitude and depends on the duty cycle. Correct operation of subsequent rotation
direction discriminators is however always ensured.
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity and transient overvoltages.
Connection Impulse diagram
Direction of rotation A Direction of rotation B
S1 S1 brown
yellow 1 4 4 1 +V
S2 5 5 S2
2 3 3 2
black S2 yellow
white 820A-35368 820A-35330 A B

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 3 gn, 4…100 Hz.
Shock immunity 20 gn, 6 ms during 11 ms half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Climatic resistance Sensor function for 21 day damp heat, acc. to IEC 68-2-3, test Ca and storage for 1000 days
at +125 °C, acc. to IEC 68-2-2. test Ba.
Isolation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, frontside hermetically sealed and resistant against splashing water, oil,
conducting carbon- or ferrous dust and salt mist. Electronic components potted in a chemical- and
age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Operating instruction 374E-63892

Version A Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35330, incl. 2 m cable.
Connector type: Part nr. 820A-35368.
Version S Teflon-Cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 2 m, 4wire, 4x0.24 mm2 (AWG24), stranded wire
(metal net isolated from housing), white. Outer-Ø = 4.0 mm,
bending radius min. 30 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Version M PVC cable with metal tube: Part nr. 825G-30924. Tube made of profile milled steel plate with
PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant. Outer Ø 14 mm,
bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 167 g/m.
DSD 1820 S, M … W
Double sensing system with amplifier
Module Direction discrimination
2 Static characteristic
Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel
For railway applications

Version S
4 +0.5
0 7
ø4.7 max


O ring

ø26 d10


1.8 8 +10
ø16 0-0.1

3.3 +0.15

7.3 66 0-0.1 8
29 0-0.1 (10) R9 ø9
105 6000 29

Version M
1200 +10

36 32.0


42 ±0.2

M16x1.5 60


3.3 +0.15




Ferrules (D2 = 1.1 mm) with

insulation Polypropylene.
29 0-0.1
4.0 +0.5

O ring

ø26 d10 A

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSD 1820.11 SHW 374Z-03980 Cable 6 m Flange 500 -40...+125 For railway vehicles
DSD 1820.11 MHW 374Z-04107 Protective hose 1.2 m Flange 950 -40...+125 For railway vehicles

Differential Ferrostat Sensor, dual sensing system
Type DSD 1820 … W
Version S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10…16 V D.C. protected against reverse polarity and transient overvoltages.
Current consumption: max. 75 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0 Hz…40 kHz
Noise immunity (EMC) With the cable shield connected to the supply negative pole, EMC protection prevents any
malfunctions of the sensor for the following conditions: Transient non repetitive surges:
between 0 V or the housing and signal- and power supply wiring up to 7 kV peak during 0.1 µs;
4 kV peak during 1 µs; 3 kV peak during 5 µs; 1.5 kV peak during 45 µs; 800 V peak during 100 µs.
Electrostatic discharge: into housing, cable shield and wires.
Up to 4 kV peak acc. to IEC 801-2, severity level 2.
Radiated electromagnetic field: up to 30 V/m, 50% AM, 1 kHz in the range of 1 MHz to 1000 MHz
acc. to IEC 801-3, severity level 3.
Electrical fast transients/bursts: coupled to Sensor cable with a capacitive coupling clamp.
Up to 4 kV peak, acc. to IEC 801-4, severity level 4.
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel (i.e. USt37-2) involute gear wheel, radial sensing, module 2,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm, min. tooth width 10 mm, side offset < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor air gap Module 2: 0.5...1.5 mm
Output …W
Signal outputs 2 square wave signals shifted by 90° ±50% (±45°),
push-pull output stage, coupled to the supply (negative pole = reference voltage), max. load: 25mA.
Output voltage-HI: >8.2 V at I = 20 mA. Output voltage-LO: <1.5 V at I = 20 mA.
Duty cycle: 50% (40…60%) dependent on direction of rotation, air gap and tooth design.
The phase shift between positive and negative-going edges of the output signals is not normally of
equal magnitude and depends on the duty cycle. Correct operation of subsequent rotation
direction discriminators is however always ensured.
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity and transient overvoltages.

Connection Impulse diagram

Direction of rotation A Direction of rotation B

white S1 blue
HAL 0V S2 white

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn, 10 ... 500 Hz, random noise.
Shock immunity 100 gn, 6 ms, acc. to IEC 68-2-27.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Climatic resistance Sensor function for 21 day damp heat, acc. to IEC 68-2-3, test Ca and storage for 1000 days
at +125 °C, acc. to IEC 68-2-2. test Ba.
Isolation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, frontside hermetically sealed and resistant against splashing water, oil,
conducting carbon- or ferrous dust and salt mist. Electronic components potted in a chemical- and
age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instruction 374E-63721

Version S Teflon-Cable: Part nr. 824L-36222, 6 m, 4wire, 4x0.6 mm2 (AWG20), stranded wire
(metal net isolated from housing), white. Outer Ø = 4.7 mm,
bending radius min. 27 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Version M Protective hose Kafon (Silicon) over teflon cable: fire retardant, low smoke, no PVC and non
halogen, oil proof, waterproof, outer Ø 20.5 mm, bending radius 26 mm static, 85 mm dynamic,
weight 300 g/m. Connection side with female fitting M16x1.5. Part nr. 825G-36402.
DSD 2210 A, S, M … W
Double sensing system with amplifier
Module Direction discrimination
1 Static characteristic
Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel

Version A Version S


20.5 +0.1
40 +10 40 +10

0.9 0.9 2.5 +0.05


4.0 SW27 4.0

30° 42 30° SW27
85 +0,5
0 85 +0.5

approx. 129 plugged

Alignment angle Version M


20.5 +0.1

A 40 +10

0.9 2.5 +0.05



4.0 SW27
B 30°
85 +0.05
gap d

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSD 2210.11 STW 374Z-04321 Cable 5 m M22x1 320 -25...+85 Standard
DSD 2210.11 SHW 374Z-04322 Cable 2 m M22x1 225 -40...+125 Standard
DSD 2210.11 ATW 374Z-04113 Connector + cable 2 m M22x1 230 -25...+85 Standard
DSD 2210.11 AHW 374Z-04323 Connector+ cable 2 m M22x1 230 -40...+125 Standard
DSD 2210.11 MTW 374Z-04325 Protective hose 5 m M22x1 990 -25...+85 Standard

Differential Ferrostat Sensor, dual sensing system
Type DSD 2210 … W
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10…30 V D.C. protected against reverse polarity and transient overvoltages.
Current consumption: max. 35 mA (without load).
Frequency range 0 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity (EMC) With the cable shield connected to the supply negative pole, EMC protection prevents any
malfunctions of the sensor for the following conditions:
Transient non repetetive surges: between 0 V and housing, up to 1.5 kV peak with
10 kV/µs rise time during 1.5 µs.
Electrical fast transients/bursts: coupled to sensor cable with a capacitive coupling clamp,
up to 2 kV peak, according to IEC 801-4, level 3.
Damped resonance/1 MHz: Capacitve coupled to signal- and supply cable up to 2.5 kV peak,
acc. to IEC255-4, level III.
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel (i.e. USt37-2) involute gear wheel, radial sensing,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm, min. tooth width 10 mm, side offset < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor air gap at Module 1: 0.1…0.4 mm
Module 2: 0.1…1.0 mm
Alignment angle α at Module 1: 12…14…16°
Module 2: 28…32…35°
Signal outputs 2 square wave signals shifted by 90° ±60° resp. 8…41%, …W
push-pull output stage, coupled to the supply (negative pole = reference voltage),
max. load: 25mA.
Output voltage-HI: Supply voltage - 1.5 V at I = 20 mA.
Output voltage-LO: <1.5 V at I = 20 mA.
Duty cycle: 50% ±20%, dependent on direction of rotation, air gap and tooth design.
The phase shift between positive and negative-going edges of the output signals is not normally of
equal magnitude and depends on the duty cycle. Correct operation of subsequent rotation
direction discriminators is however always ensured.
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity and transient overvoltages.
Connection Impulse diagram
Direction of rotation A Direction of rotation B
S1 S1 brown
yellow 1 4 4 1 +V
S2 5 5 S2
2 3 3 2
black S2 yellow
white 820A-35368 820A-35330 A B

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP67 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 3 gn, 4…100 Hz.
Shock immunity 20 gn, 6 ms during 11 ms half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Climatic resistance Sensor function for 21 day damp heat, acc. to IEC 68-2-3, test Ca and storage-for 1000 days
at +125 °C, acc. to IEC 68-2-2. test Ba.
Isolation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, frontside hermetically sealed and resistant against splashing water, oil,
conducting carbon- or ferrous dust and salt mist. Electronic components potted in a chemical- and
age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Operating instruction 374E-63892

Version A Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35330, incl. 2 m cable. Connector type: Part nr. 820A-35368.
Version S Teflon-Cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 2 m, 4wire, 4x0.24 mm2 (AWG24), stranded wire
(metal net isolated from housing), white. Outer Ø = 4.0 mm,
bending radius min. 30 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Version M PVC cable with metal tube: Part nr. 825G-30924. Tube made of profile milled steel plate with
PVC cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant. Outer Ø 14 mm,
bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
DSD 2220 S ... W
Double sensing system with amplifier
Module Direction discrimination
2 Static characteristic
Lower frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor housing must be aligned to the
pole wheel

Version S

20.5 +0.1

40 +10

0.9 2.5 +0.05


30° SW27
85 +0.5


Alignment angle

gap d

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSD 2220.00 SHW 374Z-04023 Cable 2 m M22x1 245 -40...+125 —

Differential Ferrostat Sensor, dual sensing system
Type DSD 2220 ... W
Version S

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10…16 V D.C. protected against reverse polarity and transient overvoltages.
Current consumption: max. 75 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0 Hz....20 kHz
Noise immunity (EMC) With the cable shield connected to the supply negative pole, EMC protection prevents any
malfunctions of the sensor for the following conditions: Transient non repetitive surges:
between 0 V or the housing and signal- and power supply wiring up to 7 kV peak during 0.1 µs;
4 kV peak during 1 µs; 3 kV peak during 5 µs; 1.5 kV peak during 45 µs; 800 V peak during 100 µs.
Electrostatic discharge: into housing, cable shield and wires.
Up to 4 kV peak acc. to IEC 801-2, severity level 2.
Radiated electromagnetic field: up to 30 V/m, 50% AM, 1 kHz in the range of 1 MHz to 1000 MHz
acc. to IEC 801-3, severity level 3.
Electrical fast transients/bursts: coupled to Sensor cable with a capacitive coupling clamp.
Up to 4 kV peak, acc. to IEC 801-4, severity level 4.
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel (i.e. USt37-2) involute gear wheel, radial sensing, module 2,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm, min. tooth width 7 mm, side offset < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor air gap at Module 2: 0.5...1.2 mm
Alignment angle α 15…32…35°
Signal outputs 2 square wave signals shifted by 90° ±45°,
push-pull output stage, coupled to the supply (negative pole = reference voltage), max. load: 25mA.
Output voltage-HI: >8.2 V at I = 20 mA. Output voltage-LO: <1.5 V at I = 20 mA.
Duty cycle: 50% (40…60%) dependent on direction of rotation, air gap and tooth design.
The phase shift between positive and negative-going edges of the output signals is not normally of
equal magnitude and depends on the duty cycle. Correct operation of subsequent rotation
direction discriminators is however always ensured.
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity and transient overvoltages.

Impulse diagram
HAL +V Direction of rotation A Direction of rotation B
S1 brown
black S2 yellow
white A B

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn, 10 ... 500 Hz, random noise.
Shock immunity 100 gn, 6 ms, acc. to IEC 68-2-27.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Climatic resistance Sensor function for 21 day damp heat, acc. to IEC 68-2-3, test Ca and storage for 1000 days
at +125 °C, acc. to IEC 68-2-2. test Ba.
Isolation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, frontside hermetically sealed and resistant against splashing water, oil,
conducting carbon- or ferrous dust and salt mist. Electronic components potted in a chemical- and
age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instruction 374E-63778

Version S Teflon-Cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 2 m, 4wire, 4x0.24 mm2 (AWG24), stranded wire
(metal net isolated from housing), white. Outer-Ø = 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 30 mm,
weight 32 g/m.

Ferrostat Sensor without amplifier


DSF…Z ferrostat sensors are suitable for generating
speed dependent signals when used with a pole wheel.
The sensing element is a magnetically biased magneto-
resistive sensor whose resistance changes with magnetic
field strength. The element is connected to the supply
voltage via an external series resistor. An A.C. signal Ug
(+) is superimposed on the output as the pole wheel
modulates the sensor’s magnetic field. The D.C.
MDR component of the signal is capacitor decoupled in the
instrument (note low end cut off frequency).
The static behaviour of these Ferrostat sensors allow their
application as zero speed detectors.
The terms of the certificate of conformity must be adhered
to when using Ex approved versions.



Connection Installation
The sensor connections are sensitive to interference. The The sensor is mounted with its centre over the centre of
following 2 points should therefore be noted: the pole wheel. With gear wheels or slots and radial
mounting, the sensor is normally fixed over the middle of
1) A screened 2 core cable must be used for connections.
the wheel. Dependent on the gear width, a degree of
The screen must be taken all the way to the terminal
axial movement is permissible. The centre of the sensor
provided on the instrument and not earthed.
must however remain a minimum of 3 mm from the edge
2) The sensor cables should be laid as far from large of the wheel under all operating conditions. It is important
electrical machines as possible and must never be laid to ensure a rigid, vibration free mounting of the sensor.
parallel to high current cables. Sensor vibration in relation to the pole wheel may induce
additional pulses.
The maximum permissible cable length is a function of
sensor supply voltage, cable routing along with cable The sensors are insensitive to oil, grease etc. and can be
capacitance and inductance and max. signal frequency. used in arduous conditions. If the cable is to come into
In general it is advantageous to keep the distance between contact with aggressive materials, then teflon cable should
sensor and instrumentation to a minimum. The sensor be specified. The sensor should be installed with the
cable may be lengthened via suitable IP 20 terminals and smallest possible air gap. This air gap must however not
Jaquet cable p/n 824L-30894. allow the face of the sensor to come into contact with the
pole wheel. As a guide, a sensor gap of 0.4 mm can be
Under optimum operating conditions the following cable
used. Please note however the relationship between gap
lengths are permissible when using the recommended
and temperature. The air gap does not affect the calibration
Jaquet cable:
of the complete system.
100 m max cable length: Sensor frequency to 4 kHz
40 m max cable length: Sensor frequency to 10 kHz
20 m max cable length: Sensor frequency to 20 kHz

Ug20 1000 [%] 125

Diagram A [mV rms] Diagram B Ug20

Signal voltage 800 Temperature 100

Ug20 as Curve Module 600 dependancy 75
function of
1 4 400
pole wheel- 3 1
2 2
sensor air gap 200

3 1.5 4

4 1 d[mm] Temp. [°C]

0 1 2 3 0 20 40 60 80

DSF 1815 A, S, M.Z
Without amplifier
Module Static characteristic
1.5 Lower Frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor types Ex, intrinsically safe (zone 1)
EEx ia II C T5/T6 available

Version A Version S
36 36.0 8.0

4 4.0 SW19


SW22 SW22

approx.102 72.0

Version M
36.0 8.0

4.0 SW19



SW22 18


Model Overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSF 1815.00 ATZ 304Z-03766 MS plug M18x1.5 110 -25…+85 previously FTG 285.01 A
DSF 1815.00 ATZ Ex 304Z-04007 MS plug M18x1.5 110 acc. to certificate previously FTG 285.01 A Ex
of conformity
DSF 1815.00 STZ 304Z-03806 Wire 5 m M18x1.5 480 -25…+85 previously FTG 285.01 S
DSF 1815.00 STZ Ex 304Z-04008 Wire 5 m M18x1.5 480 acc. to certificate previously FTG 285.01 S Ex
of conformity
DSF 1815.00 MTZ 304Z-04009 Protection hose 5 m M18x1.5 1230 -25…+85 previously FTG 285.01 SM
DSF 1815.00 MTZ Ex 304Z-04010 Protection hose 5 m M18x1.5 1230 acc. to certificate previously FTG 285.01 SM Ex
of conformity

Ferrostat Sensor without amplifier
Type DSF 1815
Version A, S, M.Z

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 12 V= ±10% via 820 Ω series resistor,
Current consumption: max. 12 mA.

Frequency range Depending on cable length and cable type (see paragraph connection).
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm or ≤ 20% of pole wheel-sensor gap.
Pole wheel-sensor gap acc. to diagram C.

Signal output D.C. voltage of approx. +4 V with superimposed signal voltage Ug.
Diagram A displays the signal voltage Ug 20 as a function of pole wheel-sensor gap d with the pole
wheel module as a parameter, at an ambient temperature of 20 °C.
Internal resistance: Without influence by pole wheel at 20 °C: 400 Ω ±25%.
If influenced by the pole wheel, the resistance increases by 10…250%.
Temperature coefficient of the signal voltage Ug of the internal resistance: -2…-5%/°C.
Diagram B (see section title) shows the signal voltage Ug 20 at +20 °C (as a percentage) as
a function of the temperature. …Z

Connection red
MDR uncolored B B

Sensor Plug

Housing is not connected with socket pin B

(cable shield).

Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable shielding and coil galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instruction 304E-63762

Version A Plug: Part nr. 820E-31142, at sensor.
Connecting plug (cable socket) Part nr. 820E-31141, at cable.
Version S PVC-wire: Part nr. 824G-30894, 2wire, 2x0.75 mm2, wire stranded (metal net,
isolated from housing), grey. Outer Ø max 6.7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m.
Version M PVC cable with metal tube: Part nr. 825G-30924. Tube made of profile milled steel plate with PVC
cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistant. Outer Ø 14 mm, bending
radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.

DSF 2215 A, S, M.Z
Without amplifier
Module Static characteristic
1.5 Lower Frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor types Ex, intrinsically safe (zone 1)
EEx ia II C T5/T6 available

Version A Version S
41 41
30 30
4 SW27 4 SW27


65 65
approx. 115

Version M
4 SW27

approx. 100

Model Overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSF 2215.00 ATZ 304Z-03765 MS plug M22x1 200 -25…+85 previously FTG 1085.01 A
DSF 2215.00 ATZ Ex 304Z-03801 MS plug M22x1 200 acc. to certificate previously FTG 1085.01 A Ex
of conformity
DSF 2215.00 STZ 304Z-03802 Wire 5 m M22x1 550 -25…+85 previously FTG 1085.01 S
DSF 2215.00 STZ Ex 304Z-03803 Wire 5 m M22x1 550 acc. to certificate previously FTG 1085.01 S Ex
of conformity
DSF 2215.00 MTZ 304Z-03804 Protection hose 5 m M22x1 1300 -25…+85 previously FTG 1085.01 SM
DSF 2215.00 MTZ Ex 304Z-03805 Protection hose 5 m M22x1 1300 acc. to certificate previously FTG 1085.01 SM Ex
of conformity

Ferrostat Sensor without amplifier
Type DSF 2215
Version A, S, M.Z

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 12 V= ±10% via 820 Ω series resistor.
Current consumption: max. 12 mA.

Frequency range Depending on cable length and cable type (see paragraph connection).
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm or ≤ 20% of pole wheel-sensor gap.
Pole wheel-sensor gap acc. to diagram C.

Signal output D.C. voltage of approx. +4 V with superimposed signal voltage Ug.
Diagram A displays the signal voltage Ug 20 as a function of pole wheel-sensor gap d with the pole
wheel module as a parameter, at an ambient temperature of 20 °C.
Internal resistance: Without influence by pole wheel at 20 °C: 400 Ω ±25%.
If influenced by the pole wheel, the resistance increases by 10…250%.
Temperature coefficient of the signal voltage Ug of the internal resistance: -2…-5%/°C.
Diagram B (see section title) shows the signal voltage Ug 20 at +20 °C (as a percentage) as
a function of the temperature. …Z

MDR uncolored B B

Sensor Plug

Housing is not connected with socket pin B

Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply. (cable shield).

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable shielding and coil galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instruction 304E-63762

Version A Plug: Part nr. 820E-31142, at sensor.
Connecting plug (cable socket) Part nr. 820E-31141, at cable.
Version S PVC-wire: Part nr. 824G-30894, 2wire, 2x0.75 mm2, wire stranded (metal net,
isolated from housing), grey. Outer Ø max 6.7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m.
Version M PVC cable with metal tube: Part nr. 825G-30924. Tube made of profile milled steel plate with PVC
cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistant. Outer Ø 14 mm, bending
radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.

DSF EH15 A, S, M.Z
Without amplifier
Module Static characteristic
1.5 Lower Frequency limit: 0 Hz
Sensor types Ex, intrinsically safe (zone 1)
EEx ia II C T5/T6 available

Version A Version S


36.0 36.0 8.0

4 SW19 4.0 SW19

SW22 SW22 20.0

approx. 102

Version M

36.0 8.0
4.0 SW19


SW22 18

Model Overview 79.0

Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes

thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSF EH15.00 ATZ 304Z-04011 MS plug 5/8"-18UNF-2A 80 -25…+85 prev. FTG 2850.00 A
DSF EH15.00 ATZ Ex 304Z-04012 MS plug 5/8"-18UNF-2A 80 acc. to certificate prev. FTG 2850.00 A Ex
of conformity
DSF EH15.00 STZ 304Z-04013 Wire 5 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 450 -25…+85 prev. FTG 2850.00 S
DSF EH15.00 STZ Ex 304Z-03857 Wire 5 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 450 acc. to certificate prev. FTG 2850.00 S Ex
of conformity
DSF EH15.00 MTZ 304Z-04014 Protection hose 5 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 1200 -25…+85 prev. FTG 2850.00 SM
DSF EH15.00 MTZ Ex 304Z-04015 Protection hose 5 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 1200 acc. to certificate prev. FTG 2850.00 SM Ex
of conformity

Ferrostat Sensor without amplifier
Type DSF EH15
Version A, S, M.Z

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 12 V= ±10% via 820 Ω series resistor,
Current consumption: max. 12 mA.

Frequency range Depending on cable length and cable type (see paragraph connection).
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm or ≤ 20% of pole wheel-sensor gap.
Pole wheel-sensor gap acc. to diagram .

Signal output D.C. voltage of approx. +4 V with superimposed signal voltage Ug.
Diagram A displays the signal voltage Ug 20 as a function of pole wheel-sensor gap d with the pole
wheel module as a parameter, at an ambient temperature of 20 °C.
Internal resistance: Without influence by pole wheel at 20 °C: 400 Ω ±25%.
If influenced by the pole wheel, the resistance increases by 10…250%.
Temperature coefficient of the signal voltage Ug of the internal resistance: -2…-5%/°C.
Diagram B (see section title) shows the signal voltage Ug 20 at +20 °C (as a percentage) as a
function of the temperature. …Z

Connection red
MDR uncolored B B

Sensor Plug

Housing is not connected with socket pin B

(cable shield).

Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable shielding and coil galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instruction 304E-63762

Version A Plug: Part nr. 820E-31142, at sensor.
Connecting plug (cable socket) Part nr. 820E-31141, at cable.
Version S PVC-wire: Part nr. 824G-30894, 2wire, 2x0.75 mm2, wire stranded (metal net,
insulated from housing), grey. Outer Ø max 6.7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m.
Version M PVC cable with metal tube: Part nr. 825G-30924. Tube made of profile milled steel plate with PVC
cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistant. Outer Ø 14 mm, bending
radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.

Ferrostat sensor with amplifier


DSF…V ferrostat sensors are suitable for generating
speed dependent signals when used with a pole wheel.
They exhibit dynamic behaviour whereby operation down
to 0.05 Hz is guaranteed.
The sensing element is a magnetically biased Hall sensor
+V followed by a short circuit proof amplifier (version V).




Connection Installation
The sensor connections are sensitive to interference. The The sensor is mounted with its centre over the centre of
following 2 points should therefore be noted: the pole wheel. With gear wheels or slots and radial
mounting, the sensor is normally fixed over the middle of
1) A screened 3 core cable must be used for connections.
the wheel. Dependent on the gear width, a degree of axi-
The screen must be taken all the way to the terminal
al movement is permissible. The centre of the sensor must
provided on the instrument and not earthed.
however remain a minimum of 3 mm from the edge of the
2) The sensor cables should be laid as far from large wheel under all operating conditions.
electrical machines as possible and must never be laid
It is important to ensure a rigid, vibration free mounting of
parallel to high current cables.
the sensor. Sensor vibration in relation to the pole wheel
The maximum permissible cable length is a function of may induce additional pulses.
sensor supply voltage-, cable routing along with cable
The sensors are insensitive to oil, grease etc. and can be
capacitance and inductance.
used in arduous conditions. If the cable is to come into
In general it is advantageous to keep the distance between contact with aggressive materials, then teflon cable should
sensor and instrumentation to a minimum. The sensor be specified. The sensor should be installed with the
cable may be lengthened via suitable IP 20 terminals and smallest possible air gap. This air gap must however not
Jaquet S3 cable p/n 824L-31081. allow the face of the sensor to come into contact with the
pole wheel. The air gap does not affect the calibration of
the complete system.

DSF 1210 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
1 Lower frequency limit 0.05 Hz
Available as model DSF 1210.00..V Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia IIC T6-T1
(zone 1)
Available in intrinsically safe class EEx ia I
(with exception of types with integral
connector) e.g. for the mining industry

Version A Version S
50 50

4 SW17
4 SW17



73 34.5 60
approx. 100 plugged

Version M


4 SW17


Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSF 1210.00 AHV 374Z-03867 Plug M12x1 35 -40…+125
DSF 1210.00 AHV Ex 374Z-03823 Plug M12x1 35 certificate of conformity
DSF 1210.00 ATV 374Z-03868 Plug M12x1 35 -25…+85
DSF 1210.00 MTV 374Z-03970 Protection hose 5m M12x1 495 -25…+85
DSF 1210.00 SHV 374Z-03869 Wire 2 m M12x1 100 -40…+125
DSF 1210.00 SHV 374Z-03880 Wire 5 m M12x1 190 -40…+125
DSF 1210.00 SHV Ex 374Z-03788 Wire 2 m M12x1 100 certificate of conformity
DSF 1210.00 STV 374Z-03870 Wire 5 m M12x1 160 -25…+85
DSF 1210.00 STV Ex 374Z-03789 Wire 5 m M12x1 160 certificate of conformity

Ferrostat Sensor with amplifier
Type DSF 1210
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10…30 V D.C., (Ex 8…28 V D.C.), max. superimposed A.C. voltage of 25 mVpp,
protected against reverse polarity. Current consumption: max. 14 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0.05 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.2…1.0 mm
Module 2: 0.2…2.5 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.2…4.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage-, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA, Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity. DSF
Connection …V
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection, IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. model overview.
Operating instruction 374E-63710 version with integral connector, 374E-63709 version with integral cable, 374E-63901
intrinsically safe version.

Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35922; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35921.
Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, isolated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, Bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(metal net, insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-36148 made of profile milled steel plate with PUR
cover, blue. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 10 mm, bending radius min. 32 mm, weight 75 g/m.

DSF 1410 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
1 Lower frequency limit 0.05 Hz
Available as model DSF 1410.00..V Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia IIC T6-T1
(zone 1)
Available in intrinsically safe class EEx ia I
(with exception of types with integral
connector) e.g. for the mining industry

Version A Version S

60 SW17 60
4 SW19 SW19


80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
60 SW17
4 SW19




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSF 1410.00 AHV 374Z-03940 Connector M14x1 90 -40…+125 —
DSF 1410.00 ATV 374Z-03939 Connector M14x1 90 -25…+85 —
DSF 1410.00 MTV 374Z-03972 Protection hose 5m M14x1 835 -25…+85 —
DSF 1410.00 SHV 374Z-03927 Cable 2 m M14x1 150 -40…+125 —
DSF 1410.00 SHV 374Z-03928 Cable 5 m M14x1 240 -40…+125 —
DSF 1410.00 STV 374Z-03925 Cable 5 m M14x1 210 -25…+85 —
DSF 1410.00 AHV Ex 374Z-03994 Connector M14x1 90 certificate of confirmity
DSF 1410.00 SHV Ex 374Z-03992 Cable 2 m M14x1 150 certificate of confirmity
DSF 1410.00 STV Ex 374Z-03993 Cable 5 m M14x1 210 certificate of confirmity

Ferrostat Sensor with amplifier
Type DSF 1410
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10…30 V D.C., (Ex 8…28 V DC), max. superimposed A.C. voltage of 25 mVpp,
protected against reverse polarity. Current consumption: max. 14 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0.05 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.2…1.0 mm
Module 2: 0.2…2.5 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.2…4.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA,
Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity. DSF
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. model overview.
Operating instruction 374E-63710 version with integral connector, 374E-63709 version with integral cable,
374E-63901 Ex-version.

Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 829A-35732.
Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(metal net, insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate with PVC
cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.

DSF 1610 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
1 Lower frequency limit 0.05 Hz
Available as model DSF 1610.00..V Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia IIC T6-T1
(zone 1)
Available in intrinsically safe class EEx ia I
(with exception of types with integral
connector) e.g. for the mining industry

Version A Version S
60 60
4 SW22 SW19 SW22 SW19


80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
60 SW19
4 SW22




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSF 1610.00 AHV 374Z-03942 Connector M16x1 95 -40…+125
DSF 1610.00 ATV 374Z-03941 Connector M16x1 95 -25…+85
DSF 1610.00 MTV 374Z-03974 Protection hose 5 m M16x1 840 -25…+85
DSF 1610.00 SHV 374Z-03932 Cable 2 m M16x1 155 -40…+125
DSF 1610.00 SHV 374Z-03933 Cable 5 m M16x1 245 -40…+125
DSF 1610.00 STV 374Z-03930 Cable 5 m M16x1 215 -25…+85
DSF 1610.00 AHV Ex 374Z-03998 Connector M16x1 95 certificate of conformity
DSF 1610.00 SHV Ex 374Z-03996 Cable 2 m M16x1 155 certificate of conformity
DSF 1610.00 STV Ex 374Z-03997 Cable 5 m M16x1 215 certificate of conformity

Ferrostat Sensor with amplifier
Type DSF 1610
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10…30 V D.C., (Ex 8…28 V DC), max. superimposed A.C. voltage of 25 mVpp,
protected against reverse polarity. Current consumption: max. 14 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0.05 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.2…1.0 mm
Module 2: 0.2…2.5 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.2…4.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA, Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.

+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connector), IP50 (jack connector).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. model overview
Insulation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. model overview.
Operating instruction 374E-63710 version with integral connector, 374E-63709 version with integral cable,
374E-63901 Ex-Version.

Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.
Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(metal net, insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate with PVC
cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.

DSF 1810 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
1 Lower frequency limit 0.05 Hz
Available as model DSF 1810.00..V Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia IIC T6-T1
(zone 1)
Available in intrinsically safe class EEx ia I
(with exception of types with integral
connector) e.g. for the mining industry

Version A Version S

60 60
4 SW24

4 SW24



80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW24



Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSF 1810.00 AHV 374Z-03887 Connector M18x1 100 -40…+125
DSF 1810.00 AHV Ex 374Z-03824 Connector M18x1 100 certificate of conformity
DSF 1810.00 ATV 374Z-03886 Connector M18x1 100 -25…+85
DSF 1810.00 MTV 374Z-03976 Protection hose 5 m M18x1 845 -25…+85
DSF 1810.00 SHV 374Z-03871 Cable 2 m M18x1 160 -40…+125
DSF 1810.00 SHV 374Z-03882 Cable 5 m M18x1 250 -40…+125
DSF 1810.00 SHV Ex 374Z-03799 Cable 2 m M18x1 160 certificate of conformity
DSF 1810.00 STV 374Z-03872 Cable 5 m M18x1 220 -25…+85
DSF 1810.00 STV Ex 374Z-03798 Cable 5 m M18x1 220 certificate of conformity

Ferrostat Sensor with amplifier
Type DSF 1810
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10…30 V D.C., (Ex 8…28 V D.C.), max. superimposed A.C. voltage of 25 mVpp,
protected against reverse polarity. Current consumption: max. 14 mA (without load).

Frequency range 0.05 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.2…1.0 mm
Module 2: 0.2…2.5 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.2…4.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA, Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity. DSF
Connection red
+V +V
14 41
0V 23 32 0V
Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. model overview.
Operating instruction 374E-63710 version with integral connector, 374E-63709 version with integral cable, 374E-63901
intrinsically safe version.

Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A-35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.
Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(metal net, insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate with PVC
cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.

DSF 2210 A, S, M
With amplifier
Module Dynamic characteristic
1 Lower frequency limit 0.05 Hz
Available as model DSF 2210.00..V Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia IIC T6-T1
(zone 1)
Available in intrinsically safe class EEx ia I
(with exception of types with integral
connector) e.g. for the mining industry

Version A Version S

ø4 (ø7, FTG 1087)

30 41
4 SW27 30

4 SW27



80 52 65
approx. 121 plugged
Version M
4 SW27

approx. 100

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSF 2210.00 AHV 374Z-03873 Connector M22x1 130 -40…+125
DSF 2210.00 AHV Ex 374Z-03825 Connector M22x1 130 certificate of conformity
DSF 2210.00 ATV 374Z-03888 Connector M22x1 130 -25…+85
DSF 2210.00 MTV 374Z-03978 Protection hose 5 m M22x1 870 -25…+85
DSF 2210.00 SHV 374Z-03874 Cable 2 m M22x1 190 -40…+125
DSF 2210.00 SHV 374Z-03877 Cable 5 m M22x1 280 -40…+125
DSF 2210.00 SHV Ex 374Z-03797 Cable 2 m M22x1 190 certificate of conformity
DSF 2210.00 STV 374Z-03875 Cable 5 m M22x1 250 -25…+85
DSF 2210.00 STV Ex 374Z-03796 Cable 5 m M22x1 250 certificate of conformity
DSF 2210.87 STV 374Z-03853 Cable 5 m M22x1 500 -25…+85 FTG 1087.00 S
DSF 2210.87 STV Ex 374Z-03826 Cable 5 m M22x1 500 certificate of conformity
FTG 1087.00 S Ex

Ferrostat Sensor with amplifier
Type DSF 2210
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 10….30 V D.C., (Ex 8…28 V D.C.), max. superimposed A.C. voltage of 25 mVpp,
protected against reverse polarity. Current consumption: max. 14 mA (without load).
Frequency range 0.05 Hz…20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel, i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with Module 1: 0.2…1.0 mm
Module 2: 0.2…2.5 mm
≥ Module 4: 0.2…4.5 mm
Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled to the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage-HI: > (supply voltage - 2.5 V) at I = 25 mA, Output voltage-LO: < 1.5 V at I = 25 mA,
short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.
DSF red



Sensor Plug
FTG 1087 red

uncolored Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. model overview.
Operating instruction 374E-63710 version with integral connector, 374E-63709 version with integral cable, 374E-63901
intrinsically safe version.
Version A Connection type: Part nr. 820A -35731; Connection plug: Part nr. 820A-35732.
Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35665, 3wire, 3 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from the housing), grey,
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 25 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24), wire stranded
(metal net, insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Tube 825G-30924 made of profile milled steel plate with PVC
cover, grey. Weather and waterproof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, Bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
FTG 1087 PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-31081, 3wire, 3 x 0.75 mm2, 5 m long, wire stranded
(metal net, insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 7.4 mm, bending radius min. 110 mm, weight 80 g/m.

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier


Function, Design Diagrams A1…3 provide an approximation of sensor
The DSE series electromagnetic sensors essentially voltage for pole wheel to sensor air gap d other than 0.1
consist of an iron core with an inductive coil, behind which mm. Expressed as a percentage-of the reference voltage
sits a permanent magnet. A ferromagnetic pole wheel at d = 0.1 mm, the voltage Ug can be read for any air gap
passing the sensor head then influences the magnetic d. The pole wheel module should be within the range or
field, resulting in an A.C. voltage being induced in the coil. greater than that shown in column 4. It should be noted
The induced voltage is proportional to the rate of flux that the sensor voltage with a smaller pole wheel module
change and hence pole wheel speed. than the given standard, especially with large air gaps,
will be considerably lower than under standard
The level of output voltage is dependent on the sensor to measurement conditions. Larger than standard pole wheel
pole wheel air gap and the size and form of the pole wheel. modules generally provide only a small output voltage
Additionally, the output level is as a first approximation advantage-but may have other mechanical advantages.
proportional to the angular speed of the pole wheel and
hence of the shaft being measured. Determination of minimum speed
Diagrams B and columns 5…8 in the "Technical Data"
Electromagnetic sensors do not require an external supply
table simplify the pole wheel selection parameters (module
in order to generate a speed signal. They are available in
and diameter) along with the air gap d and allow
various housings and can be used at high temperature to
verification of the suitability of the chosen configuration
250 deg C and under high radiation levels due to their
for a particular application.
purely electromechanical design. They can therefore
generally be used wherever the speed to be measured or Diagrams B further provide the minimum detectable speed
controlled is a minimum of circa 10 rpm. Applications N100 as a function of the pole wheel to core gap Dk for
where they should not be used would be for zero speed various combinations of pole wheel module and sensor
and direction detection. type. For this purpose the instrument sensitivity is taken
Signal output
to be 50mVrms. The curves are valid for pole wheel …Z
diameters of 100mm and represent a local constant sensor
In every speed measuring chain, care is needed to ensure voltage of 50mVrms corresponding to 140 mVpp.
that the sensor signal level exceeds the required
instrument trigger level under all operating conditions. It To determine the min. measuring speed N100 for a given
is sufficient to verify that the sensor signal at the lowest pole wheel to core gap Dk for other types, multiply the
operating speed is adequate for the instrumentation. See value from the curve for N100 by the factor Kn
Table 1 Technical Data and diagrams A1,2,3 together with (Table 1 column 5).
B1,2. The generally applicable formular to determine the
Column 2, Table 1 gives the sensor voltage Un for each minimum measurable speed Nmin for any sensor type
sensor under standard measurement conditions. This and known values for pole wheel diameter Dp (m)
corresponds to a standard pole wheel (column 3) angular and gap Dk is:
speed of 5m/s and an air gap of 0.1mm. Nmin (Dk) = N100 x Kn x 0.1Dp
The relationship between sensor voltage and angular To determine Nmin for a given sensor air gap d, the
speed is approximately linear and so the actual sensor relationship Dk = f (d) (column 6) for the sensor in question
voltage for a given pole wheel having diameter Dp and must be factored in finally the calculated value for Nmin
speed (n) can be calculated as follows: will need to be adjusted by the ratio A (mVrms)/50 mVrms
Un x n x Dp x π for instrument sensitivity other than the 50 mV reference
Ug0,1 = value.
60 x 5
Ug0,1 = Sensor voltage (Vpp) at
air gap d = 0.1 mm
Un = Sensor voltage (Vpp) under
standard measurement conditions
n = Pole wheel speed in rpm
Dp = Pole wheel diameter in metres

Table 1
Technical Data (overview)
Type Output- Module Factor Relation- Characteristic Coil Coil Core Ø
voltage Kn ship Resis- Induc-
Un 1) DK=f(d) Diag. A Diag. B tance Ri tance Li
[Vpp] Standard Range [mm] Nr. Nr. [Ω] [mH] [mm]
Pole wheel ±20% ±20%
DSE 0603.00SHZ 10 0.5 0.25…>2 1.0 Dk = d A2/all B2/all 3900 550 0.6/1.5
DSE 1010.00STZ 18 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1010.00ZTZ 18 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE AD10.00AHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE AD10.00SHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1210.01AHZ 10 2 1…>4 3.8 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 Yoke
DSE 1210.01SHZ 10 2 1…>4 3.8 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 Yoke
DSE 1210.02AHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1210.02SHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1210.06AHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1210.00 SHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1210.00 AHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1210.00 STZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1210.00 ATZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1210.00 MTZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1410.00 ATZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1410.00 AHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1410.00 STZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1410.00 SHZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1410.00 MTZ 11 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1610.01 AHZ 27 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1610.01 SHZ 27 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1610.00 ATZ 27 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1610.00 AHZ 27 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1610.00 STZ 27 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1610.00 SHZ 27 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1610.00 MTZ 27 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE EH10.00 STZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE EH10.00 MTZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE EH10.00 ATZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE EH10.00 SHZ 27 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE EH10.00 AHZ 27 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.2 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE EH10.05 AHZ 18 2 1…>4 2.1 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 830 170 2.7
DSE 1810.09 ATZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1810.09 STZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1810.09 MTZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1810.11 ATZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1810.11 AHZ 23 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 1150 490 2.7
DSE 1810.11 STZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1810.11 SHZ 23 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 1150 490 2.7
DSE 1810.11 MTZ 45 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1820.11 ATZ 58 4 2…>8 1.0 Dk = d A1/2 B1/4,5 900 360 5.0
DSE 1820.11 AHZ 36 4 2…>8 0.9 Dk = d+0.3 A1/2 B1/4,5 1100 455 5.0
DSE 1820.11 STZ 58 4 2…>8 1.0 Dk = d A1/2 B1/4,5 900 360 5.0
DSE 1820.11 SHZ 36 4 2…>8 0.9 Dk = d+0.3 A1/2 B1/4,5 1100 455 5.0
DSE 1820.11 MTZ 58 4 2…>8 1.0 Dk = d A1/2 B1/4,5 900 360 5.0
DSE 1810.01 AHZ 23 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 1150 490 2.7
DSE 1810.01 SHZ 23 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 1150 490 2.7
DSE 1810.00 STZ 23 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1810.00 ATZ 23 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1810.00 MTZ 23 2 1…>4 0.85 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 1810.00 SHZ 23 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 1150 490 2.7
DSE 1810.00 AHZ 23 2 1…>4 0.9 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 1150 490 2.7
DSE 2210 ATZ 38 2 1…>4 1.0 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 2210 STZ 38 2 1…>4 1.0 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 2210 MTZ 38 2 1…>4 1.0 Dk = d A1/1 B1/1,2,3 900 310 2.7
DSE 2210 AHZ 21 2 1…>4 1.0 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 950 360 2.7
DSE 2210 SHZ 21 2 1…>4 1.0 Dk = d+0.3 A1/1 B1/1,2,3 950 360 2.7
DSE 2220 ATZ 58 4 2…>8 1.0 Dk = d A1/2 B1/4,5 900 360 5.0
DSE 2220 STZ 58 4 2…>8 1.0 Dk = d A1/2 B1/4,5 900 360 5.0
DSE 2220 MTZ 58 4 2…>8 1.0 Dk = d A1/2 B1/4,5 900 360 5.0
DSE 2220 AHZ 34 4 2…>8 1.0 Dk = d+0.3 A1/2 B1/4,5 850 360 5.0
DSE 2220 SHZ 34 4 2…>8 1.0 Dk = d+0.3 A1/2 B1/4,5 850 360 5.0
DSE AAMZ.00ATZ 4,2 4 pole magnet wheel — Dk = d — C1/all 300 330 6.0
DSE AAMZ.00AHZ 4,2 4 pole magnet wheel — Dk = d — C1/all 300 330 6.0
DSE 36MZ.00ATZ 4,2 4 pole magnet wheel — Dk = d — C1/all 300 330 6.0
DSE 36MZ.00AHZ 4,2 4 pole magnet wheel — Dk = d — C1/all 300 330 6.0
DSE 25ME.00AHZ 0,452) 4 pole magnet wheel — X = 80 A3/1 C2/all 400 2100 12.0
1) Measured with angular speed of 5 m/s. Standard polewheel module and air gap 0.1 mm.
74 2) Standard measurement conditions per diagram A3.
Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Technical Data

A1 A3

Sensor voltage Ug against sensor to

Sensor voltage Ug pole wheel air gap x, measured with
against sensor to pole wheel air gap d pole wheel FTP 515/M14x1.5, speed 25000 rpm
in % of Un and with load 22 kOhms || 1 nF


Ug Un
Un Curve Module
1 2
2 4
100 900

80 700



d [mm] x [mm]
0 1 2 3 0 40 80 120 160


Sensor voltage Ug
against sensor to pole wheel air gap d
in % of Un
Curve Module
Ug 1 0.25
[%] 2 0.35
Un 3 0.50
4 1.00
5 2.00



d [mm]
0 0,2 0,5 1 2 3

Lowest operating speed
with pole wheel diam.100 mm
as a function of sensor to
pole wheel air gap Dk Curve Module
1 1
2 2
3 4
N100 [U/min]

1 4 2
5 4

200 4

60 3

40 5




2 d

1 Dk [mm]
0 1 2 3

Lowest operating speed
with pole wheel diam. 100 mm
as a function of sensor to Curve Module
pole wheel air gap Dk 1 0.25
2 0.35
3 0.50
4 1.00
N100 [U/min] 5 2.00
800 1
3 4

200 5





2 d

1 Dk [mm]
0 1 2 3

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Technical Data



Sensor voltage (rms value)
as a function of the speed with sensor to
pole wheel air gap d as a parameter

Ug [Vrms]

d = 1.0

0,6 m
d = 1.5 m

d = 2.5 mm


n • 103 [rpm]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



1 DSE 25ME.00 AHZ

2 DSE 25ME.00 AHZ with load 22 kOhms || 1 nF
3 DSE 25ME.00 AHZ with protection ring
4 DSE 25ME.00 AHZ with protection ring and load

measured with pole wheel FTP 515/M14x1.5

and air gap X = 80 mm

Ug [Vrms]



0,5 4

0 n • 103 [rpm]
10 20 30 40 50 60

DSE 0603 S
Without line amplifier
Standard Lower frequency limit: 10 Hz
pole wheel:
High temperature version
Module 0.5

0.25 …>2

Version S




Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 0603.00 SHZ 304Z-03355 Cable 0.2 m M6x0.5 6 -20…+130 previously FTG 160 SH

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 0603
Version S

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply.
Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A2, B2 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A2
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B2 shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d.
Output voltage Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1). DSE
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.


Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP 67 (head), IP 67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless Steel 1.4305, electronic components potted
in a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63919

Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35647, 2wire, 2 x 0.092 mm2 (AWG 28), stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 2.4 mm, bending radius min. 24 mm, weight 9 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 0.2 m.

DSE 1010 S
Without line amplifier
Standard Lower frequency limit: 10 Hz
pole wheel:
Module 2


Version S Version Z


4 SW14 4 SW14


30.0 30.0


Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1010.00 STZ 304Z-03139 Cable 3 m M10x1 15 -20…+85 previously FTG 242 K(S)
DSE 1010.00 ZTZ 304Z-03174 Flat pin terminal M10x1 15 -20…+85 previously FTG 242 M(Z)

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1010
Version S, Z

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply.
Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…50 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d.
Output voltage Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1). DSE
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.


Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP 68 (head), IP 67 (cable connection), IP00 (tab connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Argentan (German silver) CuNi10Zn42Pb DIN 2.0770, front side hermetically sealed,
electronic components potted in a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions according to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35546, 2wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 19 g/m.
Version ZT AMP connection: Part nr. 820K-31633, 0.8x2.8 DIN 46244,
Flat pin terminal: Part nr. 820K-31636, 0.8x2.8 DIN 46245.
Without line amplifier
Standard Turbocharger application
pole wheel:
High temperature version
Module 2



Version A

SW22 SW19

approx. 185

Version S

SW22 SW19

131 18
approx. 167

Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE AD10.00 AHZ 304Z-03181 Connector G1/4"x1.33 150 -20…+150 previously FTG 231 A
DSE AD10.00 SHZ 304Z-03182 Cable 5 m G1/4"x1.33 520 -20…+150 previously FTG 231 S

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE AD10
Version A, S

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply.
Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…50 kHz (acc. to specifications for turbocharger).
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm. Or acc. to specifications for turbocharger.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1). DSE
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.


Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP 68 (head), IP 67 (cable connection), IP 50 (jack connection)
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63922

Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black. Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm,
bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 5 m.
Version AH Connection type: 820E-31142. Connection plug: 820E-31141.

DSE 1210 A, S
Without line amplifier
Standard Turbocharger application
pole wheel:
High temperature version
Module 2



Version A
.01 .02

ø10 ±0.1
ø10 ±0.1

4 4 SW22 SW19
SW22 SW19

15 30
120 115
142 137
approx. 190 approx. 185

Version S
.01 .02

ø10 ±0.1

ø10 ±0.1

4 4
SW22 SW19 SW22 SW19

15 30
120 115
136 18 131 18
approx. 172 approx. 167

Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1210.01 ATZ 304Z-03106 Connector M12x1.25 150 -20…+85 previously FTG 232 A
DSE 1210.01 STZ 304Z-03107 Cable 5 m M12x1.25 520 -20…+85 previously FTG 232 S
DSE 1210.02 AHZ 304Z-03109 Connector M12x1.25 150 -20…+150 previously FTG 233 A
DSE 1210.02 SHZ 304Z-03110 Cable 5 m M12x1.25 520 -20…+150 previously FTG 233 S

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1210
Version A, S

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply.
Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…50 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm or acc. to specifications for turbocharger.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity. DSE
Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head version H), IP64 (head version T), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed (H-version), electronic components potted in a
chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63922

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-30894, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 6,7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black. Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm,
bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version AH Connection type: 820E-31142. Connection plug: 820E-31141.

DSE 1210 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
Module 2


Version A Version S

50 50


SW17 4



73 34.5 60
approx. 100 plugged

Version M

4 SW17


Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1210.00 SHZ 304Z-04233 Cable 2 m M12x1 100 -40…+150 Standard
DSE 1210.00 AHZ 304Z-04235 Connector M12x1 35 -40…+150 Standard
DSE 1210.00 STZ 304Z-04232 Cable 5 m M12x1 160 -20…+85 Standard
DSE 1210.00 ATZ 304Z-04234 Connector M12x1 35 -40…+85 Standard
DSE 1210.00 MTZ 304Z-04236 Protection hose 5 m M12x1 495 -20…+85 Standard

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1210
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply.
Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…50 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm or acc. to specifications for turbocharger.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.
2 1 1 2 …Z
3 4 4 3

Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35546, 2wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 19 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-36148, tube made of profile milled steel plate with
PUR cover, blue. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 10 mm, bending radius min. 45 mm, weight 75 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: 820A-35922. Connection plug: 820A-35921.

DSE 1410 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
Module 2


Version A Version S
60 60
4 SW17 4 SW17
SW19 SW19



80 80
approx. 121 plugged

Version M
4 SW17




Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1410.00 ATZ 304Z-04239 Connector M14x1 90 -20…+85 Standard
DSE 1410.00 AHZ 304Z-04240 Connector M14x1 90 -40…+150 Standard
DSE 1410.00 STZ 304Z-04237 Cable 5 m M14x1 210 -20…+85 Standard
DSE 1410.00 SHZ 304Z-04238 Cable 2 m M14x1 150 -40…+150 Standard
DSE 1410.00 MTZ 304Z-04241 Protection hose 5 m M14x1 835 -20…+85 Standard

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1410
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply.
Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…50 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.
2 1 1 2 …Z
3 4 4 3

Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35546, 2wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 19 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-30924, tube made of profile milled
steel plate with PVC cover, grey. Weather and water proof,
conditionally oil and acid resistant. Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: 820A-35731. Connection plug: 820A-35732.

DSE 1610 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
High temperature version
M16x1 Types .01 with gasket

pole wheel:
Module 2


Version A .01 Version S .01

72 60

55 55
45 SW17 45 SW17

SW24 SW24
4 4

Version A .00 Version S .00

60 60
4 SW22 SW19 4 SW19



80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged
Version M
60 SW19



Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1610.01 AHZ 304Z-03774 Connector M16x1.5 65 -40…+125 Standard
DSE 1610.01 SHZ 304Z-03773 Cable 1 m M16x1.5 140 -40…+125 Standard
DSE 1610.00 ATZ 304Z-04244 Connector M16x1 95 -20…+85 Standard
DSE 1610.00 AHZ 304Z-04245 Connector M16x1 95 -40…+150 Standard
DSE 1610.00 STZ 304Z-04242 Cable 5 m M16x1 215 -20…+85 Standard
DSE 1610.00 SHZ 304Z-04243 Cable 2 m M16x1 155 -40…+150 Standard
DSE 1610.00 MTZ 304Z-04246 Protection hose 5 m M16x1 840 -20…+85 Standard

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1610
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply, reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 3 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm. Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed
(circumferential) and module acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).
Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A
show the dependence on gap d. Diagram B shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different
modules and gaps d. Output voltage Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.

2 1 1 2
Version .00
3 4 4 3

Sensor Plug

Version .01
B B …Z
Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918: Version .00. 304E-63920: Version .01.
Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35546, 2wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 19 g/m.
Version SH .00 Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version SH .01 Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black. Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm,
bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-30924, tube made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version .00 A Connection type: 820A-35731. Connection plug: 820A-35732.
Version .01 A Connection type: 820E-36087. Connection plug: 820E-36478.
DSE EH10 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
Available as model FTG…Ex
Module 2 in intrinsically safe class Ex i G5 (zone 1)

Version A Version S

36.0 8.0

4.0 SW22
4 SW19

approx.102 SW22 20.0

Version M

4.0 SW19


SW22 18
Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temp. [°C]
DSE EH10.00 STZ 304Z-04252 Cable 5 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 450 -25…+85 prev. FTG 2110.00 S
DSE EH10.00 STZ Ex 347Z-04345 Cable 5 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 450 -20…+65 prev. FTG 2150.00 S Ex
DSE EH10.00 MTZ 304Z-04256 Protection hose 5 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 1200 -25…+85 prev. FTG 2110.00 M
DSE EH10.00 MTZ Ex 347Z-03969 Protection hose 5 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 1200 -20…+65 prev. FTG 2150.00 SM Ex
DSE EH10.00 ATZ 304Z-04254 Connector 5/8"-18UNF-2A 80 -25…+85 prev. FTG 2110.00 A
DSE EH10.00 ATZ Ex 347Z-04313 Connector 5/8"-18UNF-2A 80 -20…+65 prev. FTG 2150.00 A Ex
DSE EH10.00 SHZ 304Z-04253 Cable 2 m 5/8"-18UNF-2A 220 -40…+150 prev. FTG 2210.00 S
DSE EH10.00 AHZ 304Z-04255 Connector 5/8"-18UNF-2A 80 -40…+150 prev. FTG 2210.00 A

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE EH10
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply. Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1)

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A
show the dependence on gap d. Diagram B shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different
modules and gaps d. Output voltage Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.

Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection), IP68 (head).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screen and system galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63926 standard, 347E-63910 Ex-version.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-30894, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 6,7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black.
Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm, bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-30924, tube made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistante.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: 820E-31142. Connection plug: 820E-31141.

Without line amplifier
pole wheel:
Module 2


Version A




approx. 90

Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE EH10.05 ATZ 304Z-03399 Connector 5/8"-28 90 -20…+85 previously FTG 101 A

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE EH10
Version A

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply.
Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1)

Frequency range ~10 Hz…50 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B1 shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value. DSE
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.


2 1 1 2

Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP67 (head), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screen and system galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, electronic components potted in a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918

Version A Connection type: 820A-30658. Connection plug: 820A-30659.

DSE 1810 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
Available as model FTG…Ex
Module 2
in intrinsically safe class Ex i G5 (zone 1)
range: Version S .09
1…>4 SW22 4 7

42 8

Version S .10/.11
Dimensions 4.0
36.0 8.0

Version A .09
SW22 4 7


95 Version M .09
SW22 4 7


Version A .10/.11


50 42 17
36 50
4 SW19

Version M .10/.11
36.0 8.0
4.0 SW19


SW22 18
Model overview 79.0

Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes

thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1810.09 ATZ 304Z-03171 Connector M18x1.5 65 -25…+85 previously FTG 291 A
DSE 1810.09 STZ 304Z-03170 Cable 1.5 m M18x1.5 135 -25…+85 previously FTG 291 S
DSE 1810.09 MTZ 304Z-04257 Protection hose 1.5 m M18x1.5 280 -25…+85 previously FTG 291 SM
DSE 1810.11 ATZ 304Z-03148 Connector M18x1.5 110 -25…+85 previously FTG 211 A
DSE 1810.10 ATZ Ex 347Z-03158 Connector M18x1.5 110 -20…+65 previously FTG 215 A Ex
DSE 1810.11 AHZ 304Z-03154 Connector M18x1.5 110 -40…+150 previously FTG 221 AH
DSE 1810.11 STZ 304Z-03149 Cable 5 m M18x1.5 480 -25…+85 previously FTG 211 S
DSE 1810.10 STZ Ex 347Z-03159 Cable 5 m M18x1.5 480 -20…+65 previously FTG 215 S Ex
DSE 1810.11 SHZ 304Z-03155 Cable 5 m M18x1.5 250 -40…+150 previously FTG 221 SH
DSE 1810.11 MTZ 304Z-03150 Protection hose 5 m M18x1.5 1230 -20…+85 previously FTG 211 SM
DSE 1810.10 MTZ Ex 347Z-04343 Protection hose 5 m M18x1.5 1230 -20…+65 previously FTG 215 SM Ex

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1810
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply. Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm. Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed
(circumferential) and module acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d. Diagram B1 shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different
modules and gaps d. Output voltage Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.

Version .09
EX EX 2 1 1 2

Sensor Plug
B B Version .10 + 11

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.
Sensor Plug

Protection class IP 67 (cable connection), IP 50 (jack connection).
IP 67 (head version T), IP 68 (head version H and Ex).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screen and system galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Version .09: Aluminium alloy Nr. 3.0615.
Version .10 + .11: Stainless Steel 1.4305. Front side hermetically sealed (version H), electronic
components potted in a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model
overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918 Standard, 347E-63910 Ex-version.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-30894, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 6,7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, Weight 70 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black.
Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm, bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-30924,tube made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version .09 A Connection type: 820A-30658. Connection plug: 820A-30659.
Version .10 + .11 A Connection type: 820E-31142. Connection plug: 820E-31141.
DSE 1820 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
Available as model FTG…Ex
Module 2
in intrinsically safe class Ex i G5 (zone 1)

Version A Version S

50 36.0 8.0
36 4.0 SW19

4 SW19


Version M
36.0 8.0
4.0 SW19


SW22 18

Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1820.11 ATZ 304Z-03151 Connector M18x1.5 110 -25…+85 previously FTG 212 A
DSE 1820.10 ATZ Ex 347Z-03161 Connector M18x1.5 110 -20…+65 previously FTG 216 A Ex
DSE 1820.11 AHZ 304Z-03156 Connector M18x1.5 110 -40…+150 previously FTG 222 AH
DSE 1820.11 STZ 304Z-03152 Cable 5 m M18x1.5 480 -25…+85 previously FTG 212 S
DSE 1820.10 STZ Ex 347Z-03162 Cable 5 m M18x1.5 480 -20…+65 previously FTG 216S Ex
DSE 1820.11 SHZ 304Z-03157 Cable 5 m M18x1.5 250 -40…+150 previously FTG 222 SH
DSE 1820.11 MTZ 304Z-03153 Protection hose 5 m M18x1.5 1230 -25…+85 previously FTG 212 SM
DSE 1820.10 MTZ Ex 347Z-04344 Protection hose 5 m M18x1.5 1230 -20…+65 previously FTG 216 SM Ex

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1820
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply. Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm. Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed
(circumferential) and module acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B1 shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.

Connection EX EX
C A A C C A A C …Z

Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP 67 (cable connection), IP 50 (jack connection).
IP 67 (head version T), IP 68 (head version H and Ex).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screen and system galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305.
Front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical- and age-proof
synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918 Standard, 347E-63910 Ex-version.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-30894, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), grey,
Outer Ø max. 6,7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, Weight 70 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black.
Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm, bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-30924, tube made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and water proof,
conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: 820E-31142. Connection plug: 820E-31141.

DSE 1810.01 A, S
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
With gasket
Module 2


Version A Version S


50 SW19 50 SW19


SW27 SW27
4 4

Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1810.01 AHZ 304Z-03776 Connector M18x1.5 100 -40…+125 Standard
DSE 1810.01 SHZ 304Z-03775 Cable 1 m M18x1.5 160 -40…+125 Standard

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1810.01
Version A, S

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply.
Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B1 shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1). DSE
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.


Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63920

Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black.
Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm, bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 1 m.
Version AH Connection type: 820E-36087. Connection plug: 820E-36478.

DSE 1810 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
Module 2


Version A Version S
60 60
4 SW24
4 SW24



80 52 70
approx. 121 plugged

Version M




Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1810.00 STZ 304Z-04247 Cable 5 m M18x1 250 -25…+85 Standard
DSE 1810.00 ATZ 304Z-04249 Connector M18x1 100 -25…+85 Standard
DSE 1810.00 MTZ 304Z-04251 Protection hose 5 m M18x1 845 -25…+85 Standard
DSE 1810.00 SHZ 304Z-04248 Cable 2 m M18x1 160 -40…+150 Standard
DSE 1810.00 AHZ 304Z-04250 Connector M18x1 100 -40…+150 Standard

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 1810
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply. Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B1 shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.

1 2
2 1

3 4 4 3 …Z
Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35546, 2wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 19 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4.0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-30924, tube made of profile milled steel plate with
PVC cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistante.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: 820A-35731. Connection plug: 820A-35732.

DSE 2210 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
Available as model FTG…Ex
Module 2
in intrinsically safe class Ex i G5 (zone 1)

Version A Version S
41 41
30 30
4 SW27 4 SW27




Version M
4 SW27

approx. 100
Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread. [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 2210 ATZ 304Z-03022 Connector M22x1 200 -25…+85 previously FTG 1051 A
DSE 2210.10 ATZ Ex 347Z-03164 Connector M22x1 200 -20…+65 previously FTG 1055 A Ex
DSE 2210 STZ 304Z-03023 Cable 5 m M22x1 580 -25…+85 previously FTG 1051 S
DSE 2210.10 STZ Ex 347Z-03165 Cable 5 m M22x1 580 -20…+65 previously FTG 1055 S Ex
DSE 2210 MTZ 304Z-03024 Protection hose 5 m M22x1 1400 -25…+85 previously FTG 1051 SM
DSE 2210.10 MTZ Ex 347Z-03261 Protection hose 5 m M22x1 1400 -20…+65 previously FTG 1055 SM Ex
DSE 2210 AHZ 304Z-03025 Connector M22x1 200 -40…+150 previously FTG 1051 AH
DSE 2210 SHZ 304Z-03026 Cable 2 m M22x1 340 -40…+150 previously FTG 1051 SH

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 2210
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply. Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B1 shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.

Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP67 (cable connection), IP50 (jack connection).
IP67 (head version T), IP68 (head version H and Ex).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screen and system galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918 Standard, 347E-63910 Ex-version.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-30894, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 6.7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black.
Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm, bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-30924, tube made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: 820E-31142. Connection plug: 820E-31141

DSE 2220 A, S, M
Without line amplifier
Standard High temperature version
pole wheel:
Available as model FTG…Ex
Module 4
in intrinsically safe class Ex i G5 (zone 1)
2 …>8

Version A Version S
41 41
30 30
4 SW27 4 SW27




Version M
4 SW27

approx. 100
Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 2220 ATZ 304Z-03027 Connector M22x1 200 -25…+85 previously FTG 1052 A
DSE 2220.10 ATZ Ex 304Z-03167 Connector M22x1 200 -20…+65 previously FTG 1056 A Ex
DSE 2220 STZ 304Z-03028 Cable 5 m M22x1 580 -25…+85 previously FTG 1052 S
DSE 2220.10 STZ Ex 347Z-03168 Cable 5 m M22x1 580 -20…+65 previously FTG 1056 S Ex
DSE 2220 MTZ 304Z-03029 Protection hose 5 m M22x1 1400 -25…+85 previously FTG 1052 SM
DSE 2220.10 MTZ Ex 347Z-03262 Protection hose 5 m M22x1 1400 -20…+65 previously FTG 1056 SM Ex
DSE 2220 AHZ 304Z-03030 Connector M22x1 200 -40…+150 previously FTG 1052 AH
DSE 2220 SHZ 304Z-03031 Cable 2 m M22x1 340 -40…+150 previously FTG 1052 SH

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE 2220
Version A, S, M

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply. Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 6 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential) and module
acc. to diagrams A1, B1 and Technical Data (see table 1).

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap,
pole dimensions and structural shape (involute gear form preferred). Characteristics in diagram A1
show the dependence on gap d.
Diagram B1 shows lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d. Output voltage
Un at rotational speed of 5 m/sec is the reference value.
(I.e. at pole wheel-Ø 64 mm, n = 1500 min-1) acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.

Connection EX EX DSE
Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP67 (head version T), IP68 (head version H and Ex),
IP50 (jack connection), IP64 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screen and system galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63918 Standard, 347E-63910 Ex-version.

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-30894, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 6,7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black.
Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm, bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m, 5 m.
Version MT Protection hose over PVC cable: Part nr. 825G-30924, tube made of profile milled steel plate
with PVC cover, grey. Weather and water proof, conditionally oil and acid resistant.
Outer Ø 14 mm, bending radius min. 40 mm, weight 130 g/m.
Standard length for version MT: 5 m.
Version A Connection type: 820E-31142. Connection plug: 820E-31141.

Without line amplifier
M36x2 Magnetic pole wheel, 4pole
DSE 25ME.00 AHZ:
Magnetic pole wheel, 2pole, for long distances
x100 Turbocharger application
High temperature version

Version A DSE 25ME.00

SW50 SW50

20…100 mm
10.0 X

47.0 14.0

approx. 115



10 80

d = 1…6 mm

10 80

Model overview
Type Part Nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE AAMZ.00 AHZ 304Z-03146 Connector + cable 2 m G1"-11 620 -50…+125 (135) prev. FTG 103 SH2
DSE 36MZ.00 ATZ 304Z-03723 Connector + cable 5 m M36x2 670 -25…+85 prev. FTG 104 S2
DSE 36MZ.00 AHZ 304Z-03147 Connector + cable 5 m M36x2 670 -50…+125 (135) prev. FTG 104 SH2
DSE 25ME.00 AHZ 304Z-03263 Connector 25x25x100 260 -20…+200 prev. FTG 110 A

Electromagnetic Sensor without line amplifier
Type DSE ..MZ/..ME
Version A

Technical Data
Power supply Active sensor without power supply. Reverse polarity protection.
No current consumption. Coil inductance acc. to Technical Data (see table 1).

Frequency range ~10 Hz…25 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Magnetic pole wheels see section pole wheels (FTP 511).
4-pole magnetic pole wheels, centerd at DSE…MZ.
2-pole magnetic pole wheels, eccentric at DSE…ME.

Signal output A.C. voltage, approx. sinusoidal. Amplitude dependent on rotational speed, pole wheel-sensor gap d
and pole wheel dimensions. Characteristics in diagram A3 show the dependence on gap d.
Diagrams B3 and B4 show lowest measuring speed N100 for different modules and gaps d acc. to
Technical Data (see table 1).
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.


Sensor Plug

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP67 (head), IP50 (jack connection).
Vibration immunity 20 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Type ..MZ: brass 2.0371. Type ..ME: Stainless steel 1.4305.
IP64, electronic components potted in a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawings.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions DSE…MZ: 304E-63921
DSE…ME: 304E-63923

Version A Connection type: 820E-31142. Connection plug: 820E-31141.
Version AT PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-30894, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 6,7 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m.
Standard length for version AT: 5 m.
Version AH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-31841, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), black.
Outer Ø max. 5.0 mm, bending radius min. 80 mm, weight 45 g/m.
Standard length for version AH: 2 m.
DSE 25ME…AH Connection type: 820E-34902. Connection plug: 820E-34903.

Electromagnetic Sensor with line amplifier


The DSE…V series electromagnetic sensors essentially These sensors have a transistor amplifier, which is
consist of an iron core with an inductive coil, behind which overdriven in normal operation by the induced voltage.
sits a permanent magnet. A line amplifier is also included. The output signal level is then essentially constant and
A ferromagnetic pole wheel passing the sensor head then determined by the external supply and a pull up resistor.
influences the magnetic field, resulting in an A.C. voltage Should the induced voltage be too low the output sits at
being induced in the coil. The induced voltage is propor- 1…3 V.
tional to the rate of flux change and hence pole wheel
Where the sensor has a trigger stage, the output is digital
even at low speeds i.e. low or high.
The level of induced voltage is dependent on the sensor
Electromagnetic sensors with line amplifiers require an
to pole wheel air gap and the size and form of the pole
external supply but may be 2 or 3 wire devices. They may
wheel. Additionally, the induced voltage level is as a first
generally be used wherever the speed to be measured or
approximation proportional to the angular speed of the
controlled exceeds 10 rpm.
pole wheel and hence of the shaft being measured (see
diagram B3).



Lowest operating speed

with pole wheel diam. 100 mm
against air gap Dk
N100 [rpm/min]






2 d

1 Dk [mm]
0 1 2 3
Dk = Sensor to pole wheel gap d + 0,2 mm

DSE 1010 S.V
With line amplifier (2wire sensor)
Standard High temperatur version
pole wheel:
Module 1.0

1.0 …>4

Version S

4 SW14


Model overview
Typee Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1010 STV 304Z-03351 cable 3m M10x1 75 -25…+85 previously FTG 262 S
DSE 1010 SHV 304Z-03352 cable 2m M10x1 40 -40…+125 previously FTG 262 SH

Electromagnetic Sensor with line amplifier
Type DSE 1010
Version S.V

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: +5…+30 V D.C., external pull-up resistance min. 1 kΩ.
No reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: Dependent on pull-up resistance.

Frequency range ~10 Hz…50 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 3 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential)
and module acc. to diagram B3.

Signal output The output signal corresponds to an overdriven half sine wave.
Open collector output: With an external pull-up resistance of at least 1 kΩ across an auxiliary
voltage Vcc = +5…+30 V and with minimum detectable speed N100 according to diagram B3, the
peak-to-peak output voltage is 10% and 90% of the auxiliary voltage.
TTL: The driving of TTL gates with hysteresis requires a pull up resistance of
4.7 kΩ across +5 V: Ulo = 0.4 V with sink current = 2.6 mA/Uhi = 2.4 V.
2wire sensor: Control of frequency measuring instruments with ferrostat or NAMUR inputs with
device-side pull-up resistance = 820 Ω across Vcc = +12…+24 V.


red (+)
black 0V

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP68 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature -25…+85 °C (version T)
-40…+125 °C (version H)
Insulation Housing, cable screen and system galvanically isolated (500 V/50Hz/1 min).
Gehäuse German silver (Argentan) 2.0770, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components
pottet in a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63925

Version ST PVC cable: Part nr. 824L-35546, 2wire, 2 x 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(thermoplastic screening with continuity conductor, insulated from housing), grey.
Outer Ø max. 4.2 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 19 g/m.
Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35647, 4wire, 2 x 0.092 mm2 (AWG 28), stranded wire
(metal net insulated from the housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 2.4 mm, bending radius min. 24 mm, weight 9 g/m.
Standard length for version SH: 2 m.

DSE 1210 AHV
With line amplifier
Standard Turbocharger application
pole wheel:
Module 2.0

1.0 …>4

Version A
ø10 ±0.1

SW22 SW19

Version .04

approx. 230 plugged

Protective cover
for connector
ø10 ±0.1

Flat seal
4 SW22

Version .05

Model overview
Typee Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSE 1210.04 AHV 304Z-03964 Connector M12x1.25 200 -25…+85 (+125) previously FTG 233.01 A
DSE 1210.05 AHV 304Z-03965 Connector M12x1.25 170 -25…+110 (+125) previously FTG 233.02 A

Electromagnetic Sensor with line amplifier
Type DSE 1210
Version AHV

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage: 24 V D.C., internal pull up resistor, ripple 25 mVpp max.
Reverse polarity protection.
Current consumption: max. 12 mA without load.

Frequency range ~10 Hz…50 kHz (acc. to turbocharger specification).
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Ferromagnetic toothed wheel i.e. Ust37-2, involute gear form preferred.
Module ≥ 1, min. tooth width 3 mm, side offset with min. tooth width: < 0.2 mm,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm or turbocharger specification.
Pole wheel-sensor gap ≥ 0.1 mm. Gap depending on rotational speed (circumferential)
and module acc. to diagram.

Signal output The output signal corresponds to an overdriven half sine wave.
The output is connected to the positive side of the supply via internal 2.4 kΩ pull up resistor.
Sink current = 10 mA max.
Saturation voltage at a 10 mA sink current < 1.25 V.

Connection red
+V 1
3 4 2
2 1


DSE 1210.04 AHV DSE
1 2

Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply. DSE 1210.05 AHV

Protection class Version .04: IP68 (head), IP67 (jack connection)
Version .05: IP68 (head), IP65 (jack connection)
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing, cable screen and system galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Stainless steel 1.4305, front side hermetically sealed, electronic components pottet in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin. Material and dimensions acc. to dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 304E-63925

Version .04 AH Connection type: 820A-36309. Connection plug: 820A-36310.
Version .05 AH Connection type: 820P-36090. Connection plug: 820P-36089.

HF Sensor (inductive) without amplifier


HF speed sensors without amplifier are suitable for
generating speed signals from metallic (not necessarily
ferrous) pole wheels.
The sensing element is an oscillator circuit at the face of
the sensor. A metallic pole wheel passing the sensor head
influences the damping in the oscillator. This modulates
the current consumption of the HF oscillator and
0V superimposes an A.C. signal on the D.C. biased output.
If the following instrumentation is A.C. coupled, the lower
operating frequency should be allowed for.
The static behaviour of these HF sensors allow their use
for zero speed detection.
Where Ex certified versions are used in hazardous areas
the certificate guidelines must be followed!


Connection Mounting
The sensor connections are sensitive to interference. The The sensor is mounted with its centre over the centre of
following 2 points should therefore be noted: the pole wheel. With gear wheels or slots and radial
mounting, the sensor is normally fixed over the middle of
1) A screened cable must be used for connections. The
the wheel. Dependent on the gear width, a degree of axi-
screen must be taken all the way to the terminal provided
al movement is permissible. The centre of the sensor must
on the instrument and not earthed.
however remain a minimum of 3 mm from the edge of the
2) The sensor cables should be laid as far from large wheel under all operating conditions.
electrical machines as possible and must never be laid
It is important to ensure a rigid, vibration free mounting of
parallel to high current cables.
the sensor. Sensor vibration in relation to the pole wheel
may induce additional pulses.
The maximum permissible cable length is a function of
The sensors are insensitive to oil, grease etc. and can be
sensor supply voltage, cable routing along with cable
used in arduous conditions. During installation the
capacitance and inductance and sensor frequency. In
optimum sensor to pole wheel gap should be set. On no
general it is advantageous to keep the distance between
account should the sensor come into contact with the pole
sensor and instrumentation to a minimum. The sensor
wheel during operation. As a guide, an air gap of 0.4 mm
cable may be lengthened via suitable IP 20 terminals and
can be set. The air gap does not influence the calibration
JAQUET cable p/n 824L-30894.
of the system.
Under favourable operating conditions and when used with
HF sensors can be used with numerous metal pole wheels.
JAQUET cable p/n 824L-30894 the following transmission
Please note though that metals which are more conductive
lengths are possible:
than steel reduce the air gap range since they dampen
100 m max. for sensor frequencies to 4 kHz the sensor to a lesser extent.
40 m max. for sensor frequencies to 10 kHz
20 m max. for sensor frequencies to 20 kHz

DSH 0540 KTN
Without amplifier
Static characteristic
4 Available as model DSH 0540 KTN Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia II C T6…T1
Sensing of any metallic pole wheels
No residual magnetic field

Version K Version K, Ex
3 3


5 3
30 20

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSH 0540 KTN 830G-35649 Cable 2 m M5x0.5 30 -25…+75 Standard
DSH 0540 KTN Ex 830G-35932 Cable 2 m M5x0.5 30 -25…+100 Subject to certificate

HF Sensor (inductive) without amplifier
Type DSH 0540
Version KTN

Technical Data
Power supply Power supply: 5…15 V D.C. with RL = 1 kΩ.
Current consumption: damped: <1 mA, not damped: >4 mA, max. permissible: 10 mA.

Operational data NAMUR

(DIN 19234/EN 50014/020) Ub = 8.2 V
RL = 1 kΩ
t = 20 °C
I = 1.8 mA at a distance of 0.8 mm to reference measuring plate 4.5x4.5x0.3 mm3 Fe
Signal frequency 0…5 kHz at 0.4 mm max. nominal distance

Input at 50 mVrms with 820 Ω output resistance:

Frequency range 0 Hz...20 kHz
Noise immunity Noise generator between housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-Bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Toothed wheel (involute gear form), wheel with holes, impeller wheel, slotted wheel or equal made
of metallic material. Width ≥ 6 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with pole wheel module ≥ 4: 0.3…0.8 mm.

Signal output Signal current depends on pole wheel and pole wheel-sensor gap.
Current consumption 5...8 mA not damped, 1...3 mA damped, via pull-up resistance 820 Ω
connected to D.C. voltage. The change in voltage-across the resistor is the output signal.
Pole wheel's material affects the damping characteristic.
For the working distance, note the reduction factor for each material as follows:
Steel St 37 Chrom-Nickel-Steel Brass Aluminium Copper
1.0 0.85 0.5 0.4 0.3

brown or black


Protection class IP67 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity a ≤ 1 mm, f ≤ 55 Hz (equivalent to max. 10 gn).
Shock immunity 30 gn during 11 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overwiew.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Housing material stainless steel 1.4305.
Weight Acc. to model overwiew.
Operating instructions Nr. 493 standard version. 4-110.839 intrinsically safe version.

Version KT PVC-cable: 2wire, 2 x 0.14 mm2 (AWG26), outer Ø max. 3 mm,
bending radius min. 45 mm, weight 12 g/m.

DSH 1280 KTN
Without amplifier
Static characteristic
8 Available as model DSH 1280 KTN Ex
in intrinsically safe class EEx ia II C T6…T1
Sensing of any metallic pole wheel
No residual magnetic field

Version K Version K, Ex
4 4
SW17 SW17


30 35

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSH 1280 KTN 830G-35650 Cable 2 m M12x1 56 -25…+75 Standard
DSH 1280 KTN Ex 830G-35933 Cable 2 m M12x1 56 -25…+100 Subject to certificate

HF Sensor (inductive) without amplifier
Type DSH 1280
Version KTN

Technical Data
Power supply Power supply: 5…15 V D.C., with RL = 1 kΩ.
Current consumption: damped: <1 mA, not damped: >4 mA, max. permissible: 10 mA.

Operational data NAMUR

(DIN 19234/EN 50014/020) Ub = 8.2 V
RL = 1 kΩ
t = 20 °C
I = 1.8 mA at a distance of 2.0 mm to reference measuring plate 12x12x1 mm3 Fe
Signal frequency 0…2 kHz at 1.0 mm max. nominal distance.

Input at 50 mVrms with 820 Ω output resistance:

Frequency range 0 Hz...20 kHz
Noise immunity Noise generator between housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-Bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Toothed wheel (involute gear form), wheel with holes, impeller wheel, slotted wheel or equal made
of metallic material. Width ≥ 6 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap with pole wheel module ≥ 8: 0.8…2.0 mm.

Signal output Signal current i depends on pole wheel and pole wheel-sensor gap.
Current consumption 5...8 mA not damped, 1...3 mA damped, via pull-up resistance 820 Ω
connected to D.C. voltage. The change in voltage across the resistor is the output signal.
Pole wheel's material affects the damping characteristic.
For the working distance, note the reduction factor for each material as follows:
Steel St 37 Chrom-Nickel-Steel Brass Aluminium Copper
1.0 0.85 0.5 0.4 0.3
brown or black


Protection class IP67 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity a ≤ 1 mm, f ≤ 55 Hz (equivalent to max. 10 gn).
Shock immunity 30 gn during 11 ms, half sine wave.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Housing material: Version KTN: Brass nickel plated. Version KTN Ex: stainless steel
Weight Acc. to model overwiew.
Operating instructions Nr. 493 standard version. 4-110.840 intrinsically safe version.

Version KT PVC-cable: 2wire, 2 x 0.34 mm2 (AWG22), outer Ø max. 5 mm,
bending radius min. 75 mm, weight 17 g/m.
DSH 1820/1840 S.N
Without amplifier
Static characteristic
2/4 Sensing of any metallic pole wheel
No residual magnetic field

Version S

SW22 4 7

42 8

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSH 1820.00 STZ 304Z-03172 Cable 1.5 m M18x1.5 140 -25…+75 previously FTG 292
DSH 1840.00 STZ 304Z-03173 Cable 1.5 m M18x1.5 145 -25…+75 previously FTG 294
DSH 1840.00 SHZ 304Z-03467 Cable 1.5 m M18x1.5 145 -25…+125 previously FTG 294S74

HF Sensor (inductive) without amplifier
Type DSH 1820/1840
Version S.N

Technical Data
Power supply Power supply: 12 V ±20% via 820 Ω.
Current consumption: max. 8 mA.

Frequency range 0 Hz...20 kHz
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-Bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Toothed wheel (involute gear form), wheel with holes, impeller wheel, slotted wheel or equal made
of metallic material. Width ≥ 6 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap at Module ≥ 2: 0.5...1.0 mm at DSH 1820.XX
Module ≥ 4: 1.0...2.2 mm at DSH 1840.XX

Signal output Signal current i depends on pole wheel and pole wheel-sensor gap.
Current consumption 5...8 mA not damped, 1...3 mA damped, via pull-up resistance 820 Ω
connected to D.C. voltage. The change in voltage across the resistor is the output signal.
Pole wheel's material affects the damping characteristic.
For the working distance, note the reduction factor for each material as follows:
Steel St 37 Chrom-Nickel-Steel Brass Aluminium Copper
1.0 0.85 0.5 0.4 0.3


Shield to be connected to 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP67 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in the range 5...2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Insulation Housing, cable shield and electronics galvanically isolated. (500 V/50 Hz/ 1 min.)
Housing Aluminium alloy AlMgSiPbF28, 3.0615 black anodized, front side sealed,
electronic comoponents potted in a chemical- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overwiew.
Operating instructions 304E-63952

Version ST PVC-cable: Part nr. 824L-30894, 2wire, 2 x 0.75 mm2, stranded wire
(metal net, insulated from housing), grey. Outer Ø max. 6.7 mm,
bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 70 g/m.
Version SH Teflon-wire: Part nr. 824L-33024, 3wire, 3 x 0.21 mm2 (AWG 24), stranded wire
(metal net, insulated from housing), green. Outer Ø max. 4 mm, bending radius min 60 mm,
weight 32 g/m.

HF Sensor (inductive) with amplifier


HF speed sensors with amplifier are suitable for generating
speed signals from metallic (not necessarily ferrous) pole
They exhibit either dynamic or static behaviour with signal
generation guaranteed down to between 0 and 0.05Hz.

The sensing element is an oscillator circuit at the face of
the sensor. A metallic pole wheel passing the sensor head
influences the damping in the oscillator. This modulation
is converted to a square wave output signal by an amplifier
with trigger characteristics and a short circuit output stage.


Connection Mounting
The sensor connections are sensitive to interference. The sensor is mounted with its centre over the centre of
The following 2 points should therefore be noted: the pole wheel. With gear wheels or slots and radial
mounting, the sensor is normally fixed over the middle of
1) A screened cable must be used for connections. The
the wheel. Dependent on the gear width, a degree of axi-
screen must be taken all the way to the terminal provided
al movement is permissible. The centre of the sensor must
on the instrument and not earthed.
however remain a minimum of 3 mm from the edge of the
2) The sensor cables should be laid as far from large wheel under all operating conditions.
electrical machines as possible and must never be laid
It is important to ensure a rigid, vibration free mounting of
parallel to high current cables.
the sensor. Sensor vibration in relation to the pole wheel
The maximum permissible cable length is a function of may induce additional pulses.
sensor supply voltage, cable routing along with cable
The sensors are insensitive to oil, grease etc. and can be
capacitance and inductance and the maximum sensor
used in arduous conditions. Should the cable come into
contact with aggressive materials then teflon cable should
In general it is advantageous to keep the distance between be specified. During installation the optimum sensor to
sensor and instrumentation to a minimum. The sensor pole wheel gap should be set. On no account should the
cable may be lengthened via suitable IP 20 terminals and sensor come into contact with the pole wheel during
JAQUET cable p/n 824L-31081. operation. The air gap does not influence the calibration
of the system.

DSH 0540 KTV
With signal amplifier
Static characteristic
4 Sensing any metallic pole wheel
No residual magnetic field

Version KTV



Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSH 0540 KTV 830G-35651 Cable 2 m M5x0.5 36 -25…+75 —

HF Sensor (inductive) with amplifier
Type DSH 0540
Version KTV

Technical Data
Power supply Power supply: 10...30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
protected against reverse polarity.
Current consumption: max. 10 mA at 12 V.

Frequency range 0 Hz…5 kHz with reference measuring plate 4.5x4.5x0.3 mm3 Fe.
Noise immunity Noise generator between housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Toothed wheel (involute gear form), wheel with holes, impeller wheel, slotted wheel or equal made
of metallic material. Width ≥ 6 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap d: Toothed wheel St 37-2
≥ Module 4: 0.2…0.4 mm (max. 2 kHz)
Slotted wheel St 37-2
acc. to EN 50010: 0.2…0.4 mm (max. 5 kHz)
0.2…0.8 mm (max. 2 kHz)

Signal output Square wave signals, open-collector, D.C. coupled with the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), sink current max. 100 mA.
Output voltage LO: < 2.5 V at I = 100 mA, short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.
Pole wheel's material affects the damping characteristic. For the working distance, note the
reduction factor for each material as follows:
Steel St 37 Chrom-Nickel-Steel Brass Aluminium Copper
1.0 0.85 0.5 0.4 0.3


Protection class IP67 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity a ≤ 1 mm, f ≤ 55 Hz (equivalent to max 10 gn).
Shock immunity 30 gn during 11 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature -25…+75 °C
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Chrom-Nickel-Steel, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions Nr. 490

Version KT PVC-cable: 3wire, 3 x 0.14 mm2 (AWG 26).
Outer Ø max. 3.0 mm, bending radius min. 45 mm,
weight 15 g/m.

DSH 1280 KTV
With signal amplifier
Static characteristic
8 Sensing any metallic pole wheel
No residual magnetic field

Version KTV



Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSH 1280 KTV 830G-35652 Cable 2 m M12x1 64 -25…+75 —

HF Sensor (inductive) with amplifier
Type DSH 1280
Version KTV

Technical Data
Power supply Power supply: 10....30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
protected against reverse polarity.
Current consumption: max. 10 mA at 12 V.

Frequency range 0 Hz…2 kHz with reference measuring plate 12x12x1 mm3 Fe.
Noise immunity Noise generator between housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Toothed wheel (involute gear form), wheel with holes, impeller wheel, slotted wheel or equal made
of metallic material. Width ≥ 6 mm, eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap d: Toothed wheel St 37-2
≥ Module 4: 0.8…1.2 mm (max. 0.8 kHz)
Slotted wheel St 37-2
acc. to EN 50010: 0.2…0.4 mm (max. 2 kHz)
0.2…0.8 mm (max. 0.8 kHz)

Signal output Square wave signals, open-collector, D.C. coupled with the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), sink current max. 250 mA.
Output voltage LO: < 2.5 V at I = 250 mA, short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.
Pole wheel's material affects the damping characteristic. For the working distance, note the
reduction factor for each material as follows:
Steel St 37 Chrom-Nickel-Steel Brass Aluminium Copper
1.0 0.85 0.5 0.4 0.3

black …V

Protection class IP67 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity a ≤ 1 mm, f ≤ 55 Hz (equivalent to max 10gn).
Shock immunity 30 gn during 11 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature -25…+75 °C
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Chrom-Nickel-Steel, electronic components potted in a chemical-
and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions Nr. 490

Version KT PVC-cable: 3wire, 3 x 0.34 mm2 (AWG 22).
Outer Ø max. 3.8 mm, bending radius min. 55 mm,
weight 19 g/m.

DSH 1840 SHV
With signal amplifier
Dynamic characteristic
4 Lower frequency limit: 0.1 Hz
Sensing of any metallic pole wheel
No residual magnetic field

Version SHV

4 7 SW16


42 8

Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSH 1840.01 SHV 374Z-04025 Cable 2 m M18x1.5 100 -30…+125 —

HF Sensor (inductive) with amplifier
Type DSH 1840
Version SHV

Technical Data
Power supply Power supply: 10....30 V D.C., max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,
protected against reverse polarity.
Current consumption: max. 12 mA at 12 V.

Frequency range 0.1 Hz…20 kHz.
Noise immunity Cable shield connected to the supply negative pole. Noise generator between
housing and electronics.
1.5 kV/1.5 ms/max. 5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω),
2.0 kV/HF-bursts (level 4 in accordance with IEC 801-4),
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III in accordance with IEC 255-4).
Pole wheel Made of metal, module 4…8 or acc. to the specification below,
eccentricity < 0.2 mm.
Pole wheel-sensor gap at: Toothed wheel (St 37), module 4: 0.2…0.4 mm
Impeller pole wheel (Aluminium):
Blade Thickness Width Sensor air gap
4.0 mm 15 mm 6.5 mm 0.2…2.0 mm
2.1 mm 15 mm 7.5 mm 0.2…1.5 mm

Signal output Square wave signals from push-pull stage, D.C. coupled with the supply
(negative pole = reference voltage, max. load 25 mA,
Output voltage HI: > (Power supply - 2.5 V) at I = 15 mA
Output voltage LO: < 1.5 V at I = 15 mA,
short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.



Shield to be connected with 0 V of power supply.

Protection class IP67 (head), IP67 (cable connection).
Vibration immunity 5 gn in thr range 5…2000 Hz.
Shock immunity 50 gn during 20 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature Acc. to model overview.
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Aluminium alloy 3.0615, black anodized, electronic components potted in a chemical- and age-proof
synthetic resin. Caution: impact sensitive.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight Acc. to model overview.
Operating instructions 347D-63953

Version SH Teflon cable: Part nr. 824L-35053, 4wire, 4 x 0.24 mm2 (AWG 24),
stranded wire (metal net insulated from housing), white.
Outer Ø max. 4,0 mm, bending radius min. 60 mm, weight 32 g/m.

Photo-electric reflective sensor


Photoelectric reflective sensors are suitable for speed
measurements down to zero speed. They can also be
used for simple position measurements.
These sensors essentially consist of an optoelectronic
sensor that is illuminated by a LED. The phototransistor
signal is amplified by an amplifier having a trigger
characteristic. The LED and phototransistor sit adjacent
on the same plane behind common optics. One or more
equidistant reflective markers on the shaft being sensed
are illuminated by the LED integrated in the sensor.
The light is only reflected to the phototransistor when the
marker passes by. The phototransistor signal is amplified
and provided as a square wave output signal with
frequency proportional to speed.


Connection Mounting
The sensor connections are sensitive to interference. The The sensor is mounted with its centre over the centre of
following 2 points should therefore be noted: the reflective markers. With gear wheels or slots and ra-
dial mounting, the sensor is normally fixed over the middle
1) A screened 3 core cable must be used for connections.
of the wheel. A degree of axial movement is then
The screen must be taken all the way to the terminal
provided on the instrument and not earthed.
It is important to ensure a rigid, vibration free mounting of
2) The sensor cables should be laid as far from large
the sensor. Sensor vibration in relation to the pole wheel
electrical machines as possible and must never be laid
may induce additional pulses.
parallel to high current cables.
The sensors are insensitive to oil, grease etc. and can be
The maximum permissible cable length is a function of
used in arduous conditions. Eventual interference through
sensor supply voltage, cable routing along with cable
external light must be avoided and the optics should not
capacitance and inductance and the maximum sensor
become obscured during operation. Should the cable
come into contact with aggressive materials then teflon
In general it is advantageous to keep the distance between cable should be specified. During installation the optimum
sensor and instrumentation to a minimum. The sensor sensor to shaft gap should be set. The air gap does not
cable may be lengthened via suitable IP 20 terminals and influence the calibration of the system.
JAQUET cable p/n 824L-31081.


DSR 18200 K
With amplifier
Static characteristic
No residual magnetic field
Reflective markers at target
Open collector output
Without internal pull-up resistors

Version K




Model overview
Type Part nr. Connection Housing Weight Operating Notes
thread [g] temperature [°C]
DSR 18200 KTV 830G-35931 Cable 2 m M18x1 125 -10…+60 Standard

Photo-electric reflective sensor
Type DSR 18200
Version K

Technical Data
Power supply Supply voltage 10...30 D.C.,
max. superimposed A.C. voltage 25 mVpp,protected against reverse polarity.
Current consumption: max. 40 mA.

Frequency range 0 Hz…1.5 kHz
Noise immunity Noise generator between housing and electronics:
1.5 kV/1.5 ms, max.5 Hz (source resistance 500 Ω)
2.0 kV/HF-burst (level 4 acc. to IEC 801-4)
2.5 kV/1 MHz damped resonance (class III acc. to IEC 255-4).
Reflective marker 12.7 x 12.7 mm, retroreflexive, 50 candela/lux/m2.
Measuring shaft-sensor gap: adjustable in the range of 0...200 mm with trimming potentiometer.

2 signal outputs 1 normally open contact, square wave signals, open collector, D.C. coupled with power supply
(negative pole = reference voltage), max. load 100 mA.
Open collector outputs: external pull-up resistant required.
Output voltage LO: < 2.5 V at I = 100 mA.
Short circuit proof and protected against reverse polarity.


1 brown + V
4 black

3 blue 0V

Protection class IP65 (head and connecting side).
Vibration immunity 3 g n in the range 4...100 Hz.
Shock immunity 20 g n during 11 ms, half sine wave.
Operating temperature -10...+60 °C
Insulation Housing and electronics galvanically isolated (500 V/50 Hz/1 min).
Housing Brass nickel plated, optics at front side (Caution: impact sensitive).
Components potted in a chemial- and age-proof synthetic resin.
Dimensions acc. to model overview and dimensional drawing.
Weight 125 g
Connecting cable PVC-cable: 3wire, 2 m, 3 x 0.5 mm2 (AWG 20).
Outer Ø max 5 mm, bending radius min. 75 mm, weight 15 g/m.
Operating instructions 830E-63927

Pole wheels


A pole wheel on the target shaft is required when using
contactless sensors to generate a signal. Often an existing
gear wheel can be used but where none is present a
special gear, slotted or holed disk would be added.
Where the shaft is very large a cost effective alternative
is to add a pole band (see following section).
Other existing parts such as clutches, flanges or shafts,
to which slots, holes or pegs can be added may also be
suitable as the pole wheel. See notes on pole wheel


Pole wheel sensing
This is usually via radially mounted sensors (occasionally
via axial mounting). All mounting and operational
tolerances should be taken into account when determining
the sensor/pole wheel air gap. In the case of axial
mounting the often considerable axial shaft play should
be allowed for.
To maintain a relatively constant mark:space ratio of the
sensor output signal during rotation of the pole wheel, the
pole wheel/sensor air gap should be kept as small as

Toothed wheel with involute gear form

A1 radial sensing: Module 1…8
B (often) ≥6 mm Sensors that operate on the principle of changes to the
A2 axial sensing: Module 4…8 magnetic flux require a pole wheel out of ferro-magnetic
B ≥4 mm material (iron, steel, castings). Stainless steel and plating
with 8 % CrNi are not suitable.
For certain applications (e.g. in turbochargers or for sen-
sing with a large air gap) pole wheels having permanent
magnets can be used. HF sensors require a pole wheel
out of any metallic material.

Target geometry
For optimum signal generation, pole wheels having an
involute gear form should ideally be used, or alternatively
slotted or holed disks. Stamped sections (pole bands),
bolts and screw heads are also possibilities. It must
however be ensured, that the air gap between the part
and the sensor remains the same. For optimum sensing
the following is recommended:
Slotted wheels
Run out and float to be kept to a minimum
P = 0.5 … 1.0 … 1.3 - times slot width N (< 0.2 mm or < 20% of the air gap).
N = 3 … 6 … 20 mm
Holes or slots to be within the dimensions and
= 0.8 … 1.0 … 2.0 - times pole width P
gaps shown in the adjacent drawings (recommended
B1 radial sensing: T (often) ≥4 mm values underlined).
B (often) ≥6 mm
B2 axial sensing: T (often) ≥4 mm Holes (slots) to be within the limits shown in the
B (often) ≥6 mm adjacent drawings or corresponding to the tooth height
for the gear module specified.

Wheels with holes

A = 1.5 … 2.0 … 2.3 - times hole diameter D
D = 4 … 6 … 20 mm
= 0.8 … 1.0 … 2.0 - times bridge width
T = (often) ≥4 mm

Pole wheels

Geometric relationships
with disk pole wheels
The following relationships are valid for involute gear


Pitch circumference
Uo [mm] = π • do [mm]

pitch p [mm]

defined as = Tooth centre spacing s

on the pitch diameter h

and pole count = Z
Pitch circumference
Uo [mm] = Z • p [mm] dk
Pitch diameter
do [mm] = Z • p [mm] / π

module [mm]
defined as = p / π do = pitch diameter
dk = outer diameter
then df = tooth base diameter
Pitch diameter p = pitch
do [mm] = Z • module [mm] Z = number of poles or teeth
m = module
h = tooth height
For optimum power transmission in a gearbox, the pitch hf = tooth base
diameter for standard gear wheels having involute gear hk = tooth height
form is: b = tooth width
s = tooth thickness
Outer diameter
dk [mm] = pitch diameter The following geometric relationships are valid for gear
+ 2 • module [mm] wheels:
= (Z + 2) • module [mm] t do dk
hence: m = = =
π Z Z+2
module [mm] = dk / (Z + 2)

Extract from DIN 780, standard module series:

… 0.3; 0.35; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8; 0.9; 1.0; 1.25; 1.5;
1.75; 2.0; 2.25; 2.5; 2.75; 3.0; 3.25; 3.5; 3.75; 4.0; 4.5;
5.0; 6.0; 7.0; 8.0 …

Pitch (inch) = (Z + 2) / dk (inch) FTP

= (Z + 2) • 25.4 / dk [mm]
= 25.4 / module [mm]

One piece pole wheels without boss,
Series FTP 520
P = Number of teeth
M = Module
D = External diameter
H = Tooth width
BN = Standard bore (H7 tolerance)
B… = Special bore range
Dimensions in mm.

Typ Part Nr. P M D H BN B… [kg]

FTP 521/30 306F-61549 30 1 32 10 10 10… 20 on request
FTP 521/60 306F-61550 60 1 62 10 10 10... 45 0.20
FTP 521/120 306F-61551 120 1 122 10 10 10... 100 0.90
FTP 521/180 306F-61552 180 1 182 10 10 10…150 on request
FTP 521/240 306F-61553 240 1 242 10 10 10…200 on request
FTP 522/15 306F-61554 15 2 34 15 15 15... 20 0.06
FTP 522/30 306F-61555 30 2 64 15 15 15... 45 0.30
FTP 522/60 306F-61556 60 2 124 15 15 15... 100 1.30
FTP 522/90 306F-61557 90 2 184 15 15 15... 150 3.00
FTP 522/120 306F-61558 120 2 244 15 15 15... 200 5.20
FTP524/15 306F-61559 15 4 68 20 20 20… 40 on request
FTP524/30 306F-61560 30 4 128 20 20 20… 90 on request
FTP524/45 306F-61561 45 4 188 20 20 20…145 on request
FTP524/60 306F-61562 60 4 248 20 20 20…200 on request
Extra fixing holes on request.

One piece pole wheels with boss,

Series FTP 530
P = Number of teeth
M = Module
D = External diameter
H = Tooth width
U = Boss diameter
T = Boss width
BN = Standard bore (H7 tolerance)
B… = Special bore range
F = Thread
SW = Allen key size for the fixing screw
Dimensions in mm.

Typ Part Nr. P M D H U T BN B... F SW [kg]

FTP 531/30 306G-61563 30 1 32 10 24 10 10 10… 16 M3 1.5 on request
FTP 531/60 306G-61564 60 1 62 10 48 15 10 10... 36 M5 2.5 0.40
FTP 531/120 306G-61565 120 1 122 10 108 20 10 10... 88 M8 4.0 2.30
FTP 531/180 306G-61566 180 1 182 10 168 25 10 10…140 M10 5.0 on request
FTP 531/240 306G-61567 240 1 242 10 228 30 10 10…190 M12 6.0 on request
FTP 532/15 306G-61568 15 2 34 15 24 10 15 15... 16 M3 1.5 0.08
FTP 532/30 306G-61569 30 2 64 15 48 15 15 15... 36 M5 2.5 0.50
FTP 532/60 306G-61570 60 2 124 15 108 20 15 15... 88 M8 4.0 2.70
FTP 532/90 306G-61571 90 2 184 15 168 25 15 15...140 M10 5.0 7.20
FTP 532/120 306G-61572 120 2 244 15 228 30 15 15...190 M12 6.0 14.60
FTP 534/15 306G-61573 15 4 68 20 48 15 20 20… 36 M5 2.5 on request
FTP 534/30 306G-61574 30 4 128 20 108 20 20 20… 88 M8 4.0 on request
FTP 534/45 306G-61575 45 4 188 20 168 25 20 20…140 M10 5.0 on request
FTP 534/60 306G-61576 60 4 248 20 228 30 20 20…190 M12 6.0 on request

Pole wheels

Two piece pole wheels with boss,

Series FTP 540
P = Number of teeth
M = Module
D = External diameter
H = Tooth width
U = Boss diameter
T = Boss width
B… = Special bore range
F = Thread
SW = Allen key size for the fixing screw

Typ Part Nr. P M D H U T B... F SW [kg]

FTP 541/120 306H-61579 120 1 122 10 108 20 10… 70 M8 6 on request
FTP 541/180 306H-61580 180 1 182 10 168 25 10…120 M10 on request
FTP 541/240 306H-61581 240 1 242 10 228 30 10…170 M12 10 on request
FTP 542/60 306H-61582 60 2 124 15 108 20 15… 70 M8 6 2.7
FTP 542/90 306H-61583 90 2 184 15 168 25 15 ...120 M10 8 7.2
FTP 542/120 306H-61584 120 2 244 15 228 30 15 ...170 M12 10 14.6
FTP 544/30 306H-61585 30 4 128 20 108 20 20 ... 70 M8 6 3.1
FTP 544/45 306H-61586 45 4 188 20 168 25 20 ...120 M10 8 8.1
FTP 544/60 306H-61587 60 4 248 20 228 30 20 ...170 M12 10 16.4

Two piece pole wheels with flange,

Series FTP 540

Type Part Nr. Module

FTP 540/Flange type 306N-63972 1.0
FTP 540/Flange type 306N-63973 2.0
FTP 540/Flange type 306N-63974 3.0
FTP 540/Flange type 306N-63975 4.0
FTP 540/Flange type 306N-63976 2.5
FTP 540/Flange type 306N-63977 5.0

Order details
Model number,
exact shaft diameter.

Other dimensions
on request.

Pole band to shaft
Where a contact less sensor is to be used to generate a
signal from a very large shaft, a pole band strapped to
tensioned to approx. t ±0.1 M5x30 (mounted with M5x60) the shaft is a proven approach. It is also a cost effective
1 mm air gap
alternative to using a very large pole wheel.
t ±0.1

This is always via a radially mounted sensor. All mounting
and operational tolerances must be allowed for when
determining the air gap, in particular the often considerable
end float with large shafts.
To maintain a constant signal ratio during one revolution
of the shaft the air gap should be kept to a minimum.

The pole bands offered here are made from ferro-
magnetic material (Steel band Ust 1304-m).

Target geometry
Optimum signal generation is achieved when the pole
band has humps, slots or stamped bar sections. It is
necessary for the sensor to raised section air gap to remain
constant during one revolution. To maintain the tension in
the band it is produced so that its length and the section
spacing is slightly smaller than the circumference of the
shaft. The shaft outside diameter must therefore be
specified exactly when ordering.
For optimum sensing the following is recommended:
Run out and float to be kept to a minimum
(< 20% of the width of the raised section).
Sensor to be mounted over the middle of the
raised sections.
The pole band must sit securely on the shaft and
over the whole circumference.
When the pole band is screwed tight the pole pitch
and spacing conform to the specified spacing exactly.

Pole bands

Pole bands
series FTP 552 t ±0.1

4.5 ±0.1

check dimension

on mounting 0.2x45°

t ±0.1
Pole band module > 3
with stamped bar sections
approx. 1.0
for shafts > 600 mm o.d.

Part. Nr. 306J-72683
Old Type 306J-72491

85 - 90
73 - 78

based on pitch t min = 10 mm

L based on shaft diameter -1±0.25

Pole bands
series FTP 551 View A M. 2:1 Detail "X"

Pole band module > 3 23.0 -10 0

(3.8) 70° -5°
13.0 -1

with humps
for shafts > 200 mm o.d. +0.3

and with limited space. 11.395±0.1

check dimension 0.2x45°

on mounting
Part. Nr. 306L-72492




399xt = 4546.61
(8.2) 3

Pole bands
series FTP 553
5.25 ±0.1

t ±0.1

check dimension

on mounting

t ±0.1
Pole band module > 2
with stamped bar sections approx. 1.0
for shafts > 200 mm o.d.

(Creep detector).
approx. 26

Part. Nr. 306M-72726 0.6



4.28 based on pitch t min = 10 mm

L based on shaft diameter -1±0.25

FTP 511/M8 Pole wheels
Series FTP 511

Black anodised anticorodal
FTP 511/B10 only – stainless steel

Arrangement and number of poles

4 at face

Coaxially screwed to turbocharger shaft
FTP 511/M12
Speed range
Lowest: 0…9000 rpm
Highest: 0…60000 rpm

Type Part-Nr. Thread Weight

FTP 511/M8 306A-71570 M8x1.25 23
FTP 511/M12 306A-71571 M12x1.75 27
FTP 511/W58 306A-71572 5/8“x2.3 43
FTP 511/W58 FTP 511/W34 306A-71573 3/4“x2.54 81
FTP 511/M20 306A-71575 M20x1.5 81
FTP 511/B10 306A-71574 M10x1.5 84

FTP 511/W34,
FTP 511/M20

FTP 511/B10

Turbocharger pole wheels
Series FTP 511

Turbocharger model Notes Pole wheel Sensor

RR150, 180, 212 TC with filter silencer — FTG 232 A od.S
or air intake reduction
VTC 214, 254, 304 TC with filter silencer — FTG 232 A or S
or air intake reduction
VTC 214, 254, 304 — — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 160 Bearing WE, WF FTP 511/M12 FTG 103
Bearing WE, WP — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 161 Bearing WP — FTG 233 A or S
Bearing WE — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 200 Bearing WE FTP 511/W58 FTG 103
Bearing WE, WP — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 201 Bearing WP — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 250 Bearing WE, WF FTP511/W34 FTG 103
Bearing WE, WP — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 251 Bearing WP — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 320 Bearing WE, GF FTP 511/W34 FTG 103
Bearing WF FTP 511/W34 FTG 103
Bearing WF G2F FTP 511/W34 FTG 104
Bearing WE, WP — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 321 Bearing WP — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 400 Bearing WE,WZ, WF, GF FTP 511/M8 FTG 103
Bearing WE, WF, G2F FTP 511/M8 FTG 104
VTR 401 Bearing WZ, WF, G2F FTP 511/M8 FTG 104
VTR 500 Bearing WE, WZ, WF, GF, GF1 FTP 511/M8 FTG 103
Bearing WZ, WZ6, WF, G2F FTP 511/M8 FTG 104
VTR 501 Bearing WZ, WZ5, WZ6, WF, G2F FTP 511/M8 FTG 104
VTR 630 Bearing WE, WZ, WF, GF, GF1 FTP 511/M12 FTG 103
Bearing WF, G2F FTP 511/M12 FTG 104
VTR 631 Bearing WE,WZ, WZ5, WF, GF1 FTP 511/M12 FTG 103
Bearing WF, G2F FTP 511/M12 FTG 104
VTR 750 Bearing WE,WZ, WF, GF FTP 511/M12 FTG 103
Bearing WZ5, WZ6, WF, G2F FTP 511/M12 FTG 104
VTR 751 Bearing WZ FTP 511/M12 FTG 103
Bearing WZ5, WZ6, WF, G2F FTP 511/M12 FTG 104
VTR 900 Bearing GF FTP 511/B10 FTG 104
VTR 184, 214, 254, 304, 354 — — FTG 233 A or S
VTR 304, 354 PE2, LS2 FTP 511/M8 FTG 104
VTR 454, 564 — FTP 511/M8 FTG 104
VTR 714 — FTP 511/M12 FTG 104



Page Page

D DSD 1010.00 PTV Ex ............................... 18

Description of measuring principles DSD 1205.22 AHV .................................... 32
Differential ferrostat sensors with line
DSD 1205.22 ATV .................................... 32
amplifier .................................................. 7
Electromagnetic sensors ......................... 7 DSD 1205.22 MTV ................................... 32
Ferrostat sensors .................................... 7 DSD 1205.22 SHV ................................... 32
Ferrostat sensors with line amplifier ....... 7 DSD 1205.22 STV .................................... 32
HF Sensors (Inductive sensors) .............. 9
DSD 1210.01 AHV .................................... 20
Photo-electric reflective sensor ............... 9
DSD 1210.01 ATV .................................... 20
Rotary encoders ..................................... 9
DSD 1210.01 MTV ................................... 20
Differential Ferrostat Sensor ..................... 17
Connection ............................................ 43 DSD 1210.01 SHV ................................... 20
DSD 1005 K, P ..................................... 31 DSD 1210.01 STV .................................... 20
DSD 1010 K, P ..................................... 19 DSD 1405.22 AHV .................................... 34
DSD 1205 A, S, M ................................. 33
DSD 1405.22 ATV .................................... 34
DSD 1210 A, S, M ................................. 21
DSD 1405.22 MTV ................................... 34
DSD 1405 A, S, M ................................. 35
DSD 1410 A, S, M ................................. 23 DSD 1405.22 SHV ................................... 34
DSD 1605 A, S, M ................................. 37 DSD 1405.22 STV .................................... 34
DSD 1610 A, S, M ................................. 25 DSD 1410.01 AHV .................................... 22
DSD 1805 A, S, M ................................. 39
DSD 1410.01 ATV .................................... 22
DSD 1810 A, S, M ................................. 27
DSD 1410.01 MTV ................................... 22
DSD 1810 A, S, M…W .......................... 45
DSD 1820 S, M…W .............................. 47 DSD 1410.01 SHV ................................... 22
DSD 2205 A, S, M ................................. 41 DSD 1410.01 STV .................................... 22
DSD 2210 A, S, M ................................. 29 DSD 1605.22 AHV .................................... 36
DSD 2210 A, S, M…W .......................... 49
DSD 1605.22 ATV .................................... 36
DSD 2220 S…W ................................... 51
Function ......................................... 17, 43 DSD 1605.22 MTV ................................... 36
Installation ...................................... 17, 43 DSD 1605.22 SHV ................................... 36
Differential ferrostat sensors DSD 1605.22 STV .................................... 36
with line amplifier ........................................ 7 DSD 1610.01 AHV .................................... 24
DSD ............................................................ 7 DSD 1610.01 ATV .................................... 24
DSD 1005.00 KTV .................................... 30 DSD 1610.01 MTV ................................... 24
DSD 1005.00 KTV Ex ............................... 30 DSD 1610.01 SHV ................................... 24 Index
DSD 1005.00 PTV .................................... 30 DSD 1610.01 STV .................................... 24
DSD 1005.00 PTV Ex ............................... 30 DSD 1805.22 AHV .................................... 38
DSD 1010.00 KTV .................................... 18 DSD 1805.22 ATV .................................... 38
DSD 1010.00 KTV Ex ............................... 18 DSD 1805.22 MTV ................................... 38
DSD 1010.00 PTV .................................... 18 DSD 1805.22 SHV ................................... 38
Page Page

DSD 1805.22 STV .................................... 38 DSE 1210.00 ATZ ..................................... 86

DSD 1810.01 AHV .................................... 26 DSE 1210.00 MTZ .................................... 86
DSD 1810.01 ATV .................................... 26 DSE 1210.00 SHZ .................................... 86
DSD 1810.01 MTV ................................... 26 DSE 1210.00 STZ .................................... 86
DSD 1810.01 SHV ................................... 26 DSE 1210.01 AHZ .................................... 84
DSD 1810.01 STV .................................... 26 DSE 1210.01 SHZ .................................... 84
DSD 1810.11 AHW ................................... 44 DSE 1210.02 AHZ .................................... 84
DSD 1810.11 ATW .................................... 44 DSE 1210.02 SHZ .................................... 84
DSD 1810.11 MTW .................................. 44 DSE 1210.04 AHV .................................. 114
DSD 1810.11 SHW ................................... 44 DSE 1210.05 AHV .................................. 114
DSD 1810.11 STW ................................... 44 DSE 1410.00 AHZ .................................... 88
DSD 1820.11 MHW .................................. 46 DSE 1410.00 ATZ ..................................... 88
DSD 1820.11 SHW ................................... 46 DSE 1410.00 MTZ .................................... 88
DSD 2205.22 AHV .................................... 40 DSE 1410.00 SHZ .................................... 88
DSD 2205.22 ATV .................................... 40 DSE 1410.00 STZ .................................... 88
DSD 2205.22 MTV ................................... 40 DSE 1610.00 AHZ .................................... 90
DSD 2205.22 SHV ................................... 40 DSE 1610.00 ATZ ..................................... 90
DSD 2205.22 STV .................................... 40 DSE 1610.00 MTZ .................................... 90
DSD 2210.01 AHV .................................... 28 DSE 1610.00 SHZ .................................... 90
DSD 2210.01 ATV .................................... 28 DSE 1610.00 STZ .................................... 90
DSD 2210.01 MTV ................................... 28 DSE 1610.01 AHZ .................................... 90
DSD 2210.01 SHV ................................... 28 DSE 1610.01 SHZ .................................... 90
DSD 2210.01 STV .................................... 28 DSE 1810.00 AHZ .................................. 102
DSD 2210.11 AHW ................................... 48 DSE 1810.00 ATZ ................................... 102
DSD 2210.11 ATW .................................... 48 DSE 1810.00 MTZ .................................. 102
DSD 2210.11 MTW .................................. 48 DSE 1810.00 SHZ .................................. 102
DSD 2210.11 SHW ................................... 48 DSE 1810.00 STZ .................................. 102
DSD 2210.11 STW ................................... 48 DSE 1810.01 AHZ .................................. 100
DSD 2220.00 SHW .................................. 50 DSE 1810.01 SHZ .................................. 100
DSE 0603.00 SHZ .................................... 78 DSE 1810.09 ATZ ..................................... 96
DSE 1010 SHV ....................................... 112 DSE 1810.09 MTZ .................................... 96
DSE 1010 STV ....................................... 112 DSE 1810.09 STZ .................................... 96
DSE 1010.00 STZ .................................... 80 DSE 1810.10 ATZ Ex ............................... 96
DSE 1010.00 ZTZ .................................... 80 DSE 1810.10 MTZ Ex .............................. 96
DSE 1210.00 AHZ .................................... 86 DSE 1810.10 STZ Ex ............................... 96
Page Page

DSE 1810.11 ATZ ..................................... 96 DSF 1210.00 AHV EX .............................. 62

DSE 1810.11 STZ .................................... 96 DSF 1210.00 ATV ..................................... 62
DSE 1820.10 ATZ Ex ............................... 98 DSF 1210.00 MTV .................................... 62
DSE 1820.10 MTZ Ex .............................. 98 DSF 1210.00 SHV .................................... 62
DSE 1820.10 STZ Ex ............................... 98 DSF 1210.00 SHV Ex ............................... 62
DSE 1820.11 AHZ .................................... 98 DSF 1210.00 STV .................................... 62
DSE 1820.11 SHZ .................................... 98 DSF 1210.00 STV Ex ............................... 62
DSE 2210 ATZ ........................................ 104 DSF 1410.00 AHV .................................... 64
DSE 2210 MTZ ....................................... 104 DSF 1410.00 ATV ..................................... 64
DSE 2210.10 ATZ Ex ............................. 104 DSF 1410.00 MTV .................................... 64
DSE 2210.10 MTZ Ex ............................ 104 DSF 1410.00 SHV .................................... 64
DSE 2210.10 STZ Ex ............................. 104 DSF 1410.00 STV .................................... 64
DSE 2220 ATZ ........................................ 106 DSF 1610.00 AHV .................................... 66
DSE 2220 MTZ ....................................... 106 DSF 1610.00 ATV ..................................... 66
DSE 2220.10 ATZ Ex ............................. 106 DSF 1610.00 MTV .................................... 66
DSE 2220.10 MTZ Ex ............................ 106 DSF 1610.00 SHV .................................... 66
DSE 2220.10 STZ Ex ............................. 106 DSF 1610.00 STV .................................... 66
DSE 25ME.00 AHZ ................................. 108 DSF 1810.00 AHV .................................... 68
DSE 36MZ.00 AHZ ................................. 108 DSF 1810.00 AHV EX .............................. 68
DSE 36MZ.00 ATZ ................................. 108 DSF 1810.00 ATV ..................................... 68
DSE AAMZ.00 AHZ ................................ 108 DSF 1810.00 MTV .................................... 68
DSE AD10.00 AHZ ................................... 82 DSF 1810.00 SHV .................................... 68
DSE AD10.00 SHZ ................................... 82 DSF 1810.00 SHV Ex ............................... 68
DSE EH10.00 AHZ ................................... 92 DSF 1810.00 STV .................................... 68
DSE EH10.00 ATZ .................................... 92 DSF 1810.00 STV Ex ............................... 68
DSE EH10.00 ATZ Ex .............................. 92 DSF 1815.00 ATZ ..................................... 54
DSE EH10.00 MTZ ................................... 92 DSF 1815.00 ATZ Ex ................................ 54
DSE EH10.00 MTZ Ex ............................. 92 DSF 1815.00 MTZ .................................... 54
DSE EH10.00 SHZ ................................... 92 DSF 1815.00 MTZ Ex ............................... 54
DSE EH10.00 STZ ................................... 92 DSF 1815.00 STZ .................................... 54 Index
DSE EH10.00 STZ Ex .............................. 92 DSF 2210.00 AHV .................................... 70
DSE EH10.05 AHZ ................................... 94 DSF 2210.00 AHV Ex ............................... 70
DSE…V ...................................................... 6 DSF 2210.00 ATV ..................................... 70
DSE…Z ...................................................... 6 DSF 2210.00 MTV .................................... 70
DSF 1210.00 AHV .................................... 62 DSF 2210.00 SHV .................................... 70
Page Page

DSF 2210.00 SHV Ex ............................... 70 E

DSF 2210.00 STV .................................... 70 Electromagnetic Sensor
with line amplifier
DSF 2210.00 STV Ex ............................... 70
Diagram and characteristics ............... 111
DSF 2210.87 STV .................................... 70 DSE 1010 S.V ..................................... 113
DSF 2210.87 STV Ex ............................... 70 DSE 1210 AHV ................................... 115
DSF 2215.00 ATZ ..................................... 56 General ............................................... 111

DSF 2215.00 ATZ Ex ................................ 56 Electromagnetic Sensor

without line amplifier
DSF 2215.00 MTZ .................................... 56
Diagrams and
DSF 2215.00 MTZ Ex ............................... 56 characteristics ............ 73, 75, 77, 79, 81
DSF 2215.00 STZ .................................... 56 DSE ..MZ/..ME A ................................. 109
DSE 0603 S .......................................... 79
DSF 2215.00 STZ Ex ............................... 56
DSE 1210 A, S ...................................... 85
DSF EH15.00 ATZ .................................... 58
DSE 1210 A, S, M ................................. 87
DSF EH15.00 ATZ Ex ............................... 58 DSE 1410 A, S, M ................................. 89
DSF EH15.00 MTZ ................................... 58 DSE 1610 A, S, M ................................. 91
DSF EH15.00 MTZ Ex .............................. 58 DSE 1810 A, S, M ........................ 97, 103
DSE 1810.01 A, S ............................... 101
DSF EH15.00 STZ ................................... 58
DSE 1820 A, S, M ................................. 99
DSF EH15.00 STZ Ex .............................. 58
DSE 2210 A, S, M ............................... 105
DSF…V ...................................................... 7 DSE 2220 A, S, M ............................... 107
DSF…Z ...................................................... 6 DSE AD10 A, S ..................................... 83
DSH 0540 KTN ....................................... 118 DSE EH10 A ......................................... 95
DSE EH10 A, S, M ................................ 93
DSH 0540 KTN Ex ................................. 118
General ................................................. 73
DSH 0540 KTV ....................................... 126
Electromagnetic sensors ............................ 6
DSH 1280 KTN ....................................... 120
Explosion protection ................................. 15
DSH 1280 KTN Ex ................................. 120
DSH 1280 KTV ....................................... 128
Ferrostat sensor
DSH 1820.00 STZ .................................. 122 with amplifier
DSH 1840.00 SHZ .................................. 122 Connection ............................................ 61
DSH 1840.00 STZ .................................. 122 DSF 1210 A, S, M ................................. 63
DSH 1840.01 SHV ................................. 130 DSF 1410 A, S, M ................................. 65
DSF 1610 A, S, M ................................. 67
DSH…N ..................................................... 8
DSF 1810 A, S, M ................................. 69
DSH…V ...................................................... 8 DSF 2210 A, S, M ................................. 71
DSP08.. ...................................................... 8 Function ................................................ 61
DSR ............................................................ 9 Installation ............................................. 61
DSR 18200 KTV ..................................... 134

Page Page

Ferrostat Sensor FTG 1087.00 S Ex .................................... 70

without amplifier ....................................... 53
FTG 1088.00 ............................................ 30
Connection ............................................ 53
DSF 1815 A, S, M.Z .............................. 55 FTG 1088.00 Ex ....................................... 30
DSF 2215 A, S, M.Z .............................. 57 FTG 1088.01 ............................................ 30
DSF EH15 A, S, M.Z ............................. 59 FTG 1088.01 Ex ....................................... 30
Function ................................................ 53
FTG 1089.00 ............................................ 18
Installation ............................................. 53
FTG 1089.00 Ex ....................................... 18
Signal voltage/air gap ........................... 53
Temperature dependence ..................... 53 FTG 1089.01 ............................................ 18

Ferrostat sensors ....................................... 6 FTG 1089.01 Ex ....................................... 18

Ferrostat sensors FTG 110 A .............................................. 108

with line amplifier ........................................ 7 FTG 160 SH ............................................. 78
FTG 101 AH ............................................. 94 FTG 211 A ................................................ 96
FTG 103 SH2 ......................................... 108 FTG 211 S ................................................ 96
FTG 104 S2 ............................................ 108 FTG 211 SM ............................................. 96
FTG 104 SH2 ......................................... 108 FTG 2110.00 A ......................................... 92
FTG 1051 A ............................................ 104 FTG 2110.00 M ........................................ 92
FTG 1051 AH ......................................... 104 FTG 2110.00 S ......................................... 92
FTG 1051 S ............................................ 104 FTG 212 A ................................................ 98
FTG 1051 SH ......................................... 104 FTG 212 S ................................................ 98
FTG 1051 SM ......................................... 104 FTG 212 SM ............................................. 98
FTG 1052 A ............................................ 106 FTG 221 AH ............................................. 96
FTG 1052 AH ......................................... 106 FTG 221 SH ............................................. 96
FTG 1052 S ............................................ 106 FTG 2210.00 A ......................................... 92
FTG 1052 SH ......................................... 106 FTG 2210.00 S ......................................... 92
FTG 1052 SM ......................................... 106 FTG 222 AH ............................................. 98
FTG 1055 A Ex ....................................... 104 FTG 222 SH ............................................. 98
FTG 1055 S Ex ....................................... 104 FTG 231 A ................................................ 82
FTG 1055 SM Ex .................................... 104 FTG 231 S ................................................ 82
FTG 1085.01 A ......................................... 56 FTG 232 A ................................................ 84
FTG 1085.01 A Ex .................................... 56 FTG 232 S ................................................ 84 Index
FTG 1085.01 S ......................................... 56 FTG 233 A ................................................ 84
FTG 1085.01 S Ex .................................... 56 FTG 233 S ................................................ 84
FTG 1085.01 SM ...................................... 56 FTG 233.01 A ......................................... 114
FTG 1085.01 SM Ex ................................. 56 FTG 233.02 A ......................................... 114
FTG 1087.00 S ......................................... 70 FTG 242 K(S) ........................................... 80
Page Page

FTG 242 M(Z) ........................................... 80 H

FTG 262 S .............................................. 112 HF Sensor (inductive)
with amplifier
FTG 262 SH ........................................... 112
Connection .......................................... 125
FTG 285.01 A ........................................... 54 DSH 0540 KTV ................................... 127
FTG 285.01 A Ex ...................................... 54 DSH 1280 KTV ................................... 129
FTG 285.01 S ........................................... 54 DSH 1840 SHV ................................... 131
Function .............................................. 125
FTG 285.01 S Ex ...................................... 54
Installation ........................................... 125
FTG 285.01 SM ........................................ 54
HF Sensor (inductive)
FTG 285.01 SM Ex ................................... 54 without amplifier
FTG 2850.00 A ......................................... 58 Connection .......................................... 117
DSH 0540 KTN ................................... 119
FTG 2850.00 A Ex .................................... 58
DSH 1280 KTN ................................... 121
FTG 2850.00 S ......................................... 58
DSH 1820/1840 S.Z ............................ 123
FTG 2850.00 S Ex .................................... 58 Function .............................................. 117
FTG 2850.00 SM ...................................... 58 Installation ........................................... 117
FTG 2850.00 SM Ex ................................. 58 HF Sensors (Inductive sensors) ................. 8
FTG 291 A ................................................ 96 P
FTG 291 S ................................................ 96 Photo-electric reflective sensor .................. 9
FTG 291 SM ............................................. 96 DSR 18200 K ...................................... 135
FTG 292 ................................................. 122 Pole bands
FTG 294 ................................................. 122 FTP 551 .............................................. 143
FTP 551 series ................................... 143
FTG 294S74 ........................................... 122
FTP 552 .............................................. 143
G FTP 552 series ................................... 143
General installation advice ....................... 11 FTP 553 .............................................. 143
Connection ............................................ 15 FTP 553 series ................................... 143
Explosion protection ............................. 15 Material ............................................... 143
Installation ............................................. 15 Pole band to shaft ............................... 143
Pole wheel geometry ............................ 15 Sensing ............................................... 143
Sensor Type Key DS… ......................... 13 Target geometry .................................. 143
Speed measurement ............................ 11 Pole wheel geometry ................................ 15
Test possibilities .................................... 15
Pole wheels
The frequency method .......................... 11
FTP 520 series ................................... 141
FTP 530 series ................................... 141
FTP 540 series ................................... 141
General ............................................... 137
Geometric relationships with disc pole
wheels ................................................ 139
Material ............................................... 139

Order details ....................................... 141

Pole wheel sensing ............................. 139
Target geometry .................................. 139

Rotary encoders ......................................... 8

Sensor Type Key DS… ............................ 13
Sensors and more… .................................. 4
Speed measurement ................................ 11

Test possibilities ....................................... 15
The frequency method ............................. 11
Turbocharger pole wheels
FTP 511 series .................................... 145



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