Alberta Sense of Land Unit Test
Alberta Sense of Land Unit Test
Alberta Sense of Land Unit Test
Date: _____________________
This region contains ancient rock and Lake Athabasca and is the smallest in size:
This region is the most well-known region, famous for its national parks and
glaciers. _________________________________. (Color it purple).
This region contains rolling hills and extreme weather conditions (including
chinooks): ______________________________. (Color it pink).
4. To demonstrate your appreciation of the Alberta and the
unique regions that exist within it, design a rough sketch for
the front of a Travel Alberta magazine to convince people from
other provinces to visit Alberta. Your cover page must include
a tagline on the blank line (one short phrase that sums up why
people should visit). Do not color your work and remember, it
is just a rough draft that should address the question: What
makes Alberta so unique? (2 points)
Travel Alberta