Alberta Sense of Land Unit Test

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Name: ___________________

Date: _____________________

Alberta: Sense of Land Unit Test

PART ONEShort Answer
Read each question carefully and write a short answer to address the entire
1. Alberta is filled with many natural resources throughout the
regions. Name one of the natural resources in the province,
one place where it is found, and name one job (or industry)
that relies on it. (3 points)

Natural Resource: _________________________________

Where it can be found: ____________________________.
Related industry: _________________________________.

2. Why is the climate different across the regions of Alberta? (2

PART TWO: Mapping
Look at the map of Alberta on the next page. First, write the name of the natural
region that is best described in each of the following questions in the blank
provided. Then follow the instructions to visually represent Albertas natural
regions on the map. (12 points)

This region contains ancient rock and Lake Athabasca and is the smallest in size:


__________________________________. (Color it yellow).

This region contains thousands of trees and several oil sands:


_____________________________. (Color it green).

The Badlands and hoodoos are found within this region:

_____________________________. (Color it orange).

This region is home to more people than any other region:
___________________________. (Color it red).


This region is the most well-known region, famous for its national parks and
glaciers. _________________________________. (Color it purple).
This region contains rolling hills and extreme weather conditions (including
chinooks): ______________________________. (Color it pink).
4. To demonstrate your appreciation of the Alberta and the
unique regions that exist within it, design a rough sketch for
the front of a Travel Alberta magazine to convince people from
other provinces to visit Alberta. Your cover page must include
a tagline on the blank line (one short phrase that sums up why
people should visit). Do not color your work and remember, it
is just a rough draft that should address the question: What
makes Alberta so unique? (2 points)

Travel Alberta


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