Consortium of National Law Universities: Provisional 2nd List - CLAT 2019 - PG
Consortium of National Law Universities: Provisional 2nd List - CLAT 2019 - PG
Consortium of National Law Universities: Provisional 2nd List - CLAT 2019 - PG
Note : * indicates that the seat is allotted based on that horizontal reservation
General - General
SC - Scheduled Caste
ST - Scheduled Tribe
STSCABCM-TN - Combined TN ST,SC(A),BC(M) Category
GC-TN - General Category of Tamil Nadu
MBC-TN - Most Backward Class and Denotified Communities of Tamil Nadu
SCO-TN - Scheduled Caste (Others) of Tamil Nadu
BCO-TN - Backward Class (Others) of Tamil Nadu
PWD - Person With Disability