4.7. Standard Pressures Obtained From This Process
4.7. Standard Pressures Obtained From This Process
4.7. Standard Pressures Obtained From This Process
Working pressures
Domestic hot water at 60º Class 1 10 6 6 6 6 8
Domestic hot water at 70º Class 2 10 6 4 4 6 8
Heating at low temperature Class 4 10 8 6 6 6 -
Heating at high temperature Class 5 8 6 - 4 4 -
* Pressures in bar.
* Categories 4 and 5 are not applicable for PVC-C.
The equivalence shall be made according to the internal diameter, which is what provides the flow and defines the nominal diameter
(ND) in Central European countries, as opposed to the Spanish criterion of defining the ND by the external diameter, as indicated in
the product standards. Remember that, beyond the following equivalence, the final selection is determined by the designer, but that
in any event plastic piping, and especially PB, permits higher fluid velocities, so the interior diameters of the pipes are always smaller.
Galvanised steel CLASS 2 / 10 bar CLASS 2 / 8 bar PP-R CLASS 2 / 6 bar CU (DIN1786)
DIN2440/2448 PB PP-R Series 2.5 (SDR 6) Series 3.2 (SDR 7.4) STEEL
ND Inches De Di De Di SDR De Di De Di De Di
10 3/8” 17.2 12.5 15* 11.6 9 --- --- --- --- 15 13.0
10 3/8” 17.2 12.5 16* 12.4 9 --- --- 16 11.6 15 13.0
15 ½” 21.3 16.0 20 15.4 9 25 16.6 20 14.4 18 16.0
20 ¾” 26.9 21.6 22 18 11 --- --- 25 18.0 22 19.6
20 ¾” 26.9 21.6 25 20.4 11 32 21.2 --- --- --- ---
25 1” 33.7 27.2 28** 23.0 11 --- --- --- --- 28 25.6
25 1” 33.7 27.2 32 26.2 11 40 26.6 32 23.2 28 25.6
32 1 ¼” 42.4 35.9 40 32.6 11 50 33.4 40 29.0 35 32.0
40 1 ½” 48.3 41.8 50 40.8 11 63 42.0 50 36.2 42 39.0
50 2 60.3 53.0 63 51.4 11 75 50.0 63 45.8 54 51.0
65 2 ½” 76.1 68.8 75 61.4 11 90 60.0 75 54.4 76.1 72.0
80 3” 88.9 80.8 90 73.6 11 110 73.4 90 65.4 88.9 85.0
100 4” 114.3 105.3 110 ** 90.0 11 125 83.4 110 79.8 108.0 103.0
(125) (102.2) 11
125 5” 139.7 131.7 125 ** 102.2 11 160 106.8 133.0 127.0
(160) (130.8) 11
150 6” 168.3 159.3 160 130.8 11 159.0 153.0
Note: Due to its low roughness, PB piping can transport fluid at higher velocities, therefore small-
er diameters can be used to transport the same flow.