OB Course Handout (2019-20) - Nayeem
OB Course Handout (2019-20) - Nayeem
OB Course Handout (2019-20) - Nayeem
Program: MBA (Academic year 2019 -20)
Semester: I
Course Handout
Course Objectives
● Emphasize on the specific behavioral competencies that make the manager more effective
with human dimensions of management
Learning Outcomes
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Recommended Textbook
Robbins, Stephen. P., Judge, Timothy. A. & Vohra, N. (2019). Organizational
Behavior (18th ed.). Pearson Education Inc.
Reference books
● Luthans, F. (2010). Organizational Behavior. (12th ed.). Noida, McGraw Hill Education
Course Outline
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Organism-Behavior Model, determine
Diversity, Biographical when and
characteristics and Foundations where the
theories and
Contribution of other Disciplines skills are to be
to OB applied
By Dr. KakoliSen,
https://www.youtube.c GdGoenka
om/watch? University
Significance of Learning
Page 3 of 15
well being and
Swayam/ Individual Differences & Work https://www.youtube.c By
Reference Behavior om/watch? DrSusmitaMukho
material v=0DIPY0yUAZk&ind padhyay, IIT
ex Kharagpur
3 6-7 Attitudes, Values and Job The student should be The Julie Roehm (ICMR Case)
Satisfaction:Concept of Beliefs, able to: Saga at Wal-
Values and Attitudes Mart, Inc-
● Understand
The Nature and Dimensions of how
Attitudes:Sources and individuals
Components of Attitudes differ from
each other
Major job-related Attitudes: Job based on
satisfaction and its outcomes, Job
attitudes and
involvement, Organizational values
Commitment, Perceived ● Understand
organizational support and the
Employee engagement relationship
Cognitive Dissonance Theory values, beliefs,
attitude and
Categories of Values: Terminal and behavior
Instrumental Values ● Understand
the importance
Hofstede’s Value dimensions of of job
National Culture satisfaction in
employees for
Page 4 of 15
Decision making in ● Understand
organizations:Rational Decision- various
making model and Bounded perceptual
rationality errors
Linkage between Perception and make which in
turn impact
Individual Decision-making
our decision
Common Biases and Errors in making ability
● Apply the
rational model
Ethics in Decision-making of decision
making while
contrasting it
with bounded
rationality and
Swayam/ Perceptions & Attributes https://www.youtube.c By
NPTEL DrSusmitaMukhop
Reference om/watch?
material v=DNdUY4nz1qQ&ind adhyay, IIT
https://www.youtube.c By
adhyay, IIT
v=hKCcZdqhs1I&inde Kharagpur
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their sources, functions and performance
applications ● Analyze how
Emotional Labor and Emotional personality
Intelligence types predict
behavior at
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Storming, Norming, Performing teams in Prison
and Adjourning organizations Experiment
● Understand
Group Structure: Roles, Norms, the factors that (students are
Status, Size, Composition and contribute to expected to
Cohesiveness effective team watch the video
a priori from
Group Decision-making:Group- ● Understand
how the following
think, Group shift and Group link;
decision-making techniques
interact and
namely Brain-storming, Nominal behave in https://www.yout
Technique and Electronic meeting groups ube.com/watch
Work-teams in the modern work- v=L_LKzEqlPt
place o
Difference between Work-Groups
and Work-Teams
Teams & Teambuilding
https://www.youtube.c DrSusmitaMukhop
om/watch? adhyay, IIT
v=v1gigx9fwcY&index Kharagpur
Page 7 of 15
Communication Process ● Understand
the importance
Types of Communication: Written, of
Oral, Non-verbal, Downward, communicatio
Upward, Lateral and Interactive n as a means
(Network and Grapevine) and of exchanging
Electronic Communication
● Analyze the
n channel most
effective to be
used in a
Barriers to effective situation
communication: Filtering, ● Understand
Selective Perception, the barriers to
Defensiveness and Language effective
● Demonstrate
how to
problems in
Communication https://www.youtube.c By
om/watch? DrSusmitaMukhop
v=ZzWpGm- adhyay, IIT
jndQ&index Kharagpur
9 20-22 Leadership: Understanding The student should be Infosys: Vishal (ICMR Case)
Leadership, Difference between a able to: Sikka’s Challenges.
Leader and a Manager (new case)
● Understand
Leadership Styles and the
Determinants of Leadership characteristics
Transactional, Transformational distinguish a
and Charismatic Leader manager from
a leader
Trait Theories ● Understand
and identify
Page 8 of 15
Behavioral Theories: The Ohio the various
state studies, University of styles of
Michigan studies, Managerial grid leadership
● Analyze which
and Scandinavian studies
Contingency Theories:The style will be
most effective
Fiedlermodel. Situational
in a particular
Leadership Theory, Leader- situation
Member Exchange theory and ● Undertake
Path goal theory leadership
roles for
people to work
Swayam/ Leadership https://www.youtube.c By
Reference om/watch?v=x- DrSusmitaMukhop
material ycseyaPDE&index adhyay, IIT
v=AbL_ru_sCGg&inde By
x DrSusmitaMukhop
adhyay, IIT
10 23-24 Power, Authority & The student should be What's Good for (ICMR Case)
Politics: Definition of Power, able to: the Goose is
Distinction between Power, Good for the
Authority and Influence ● Understand Gander?
the various
Bases (Types) of Power: Coercive, types of power
Reward, Legitimate, Expert and sources in an
Referent Power and how this
can be used
Power Tactics
effectively to
Organizational Politics- Definition influence
and nature of politics and
Politicking ● Understand
why some
Factors relating to political
people or
behavior: Individual and certain roles
Organizational Factors are more
Page 9 of 15
Ethics of Power and Politics powerful over
the others
● Understand
the detrimental
of political
behavior in
Swayam/ Power & Politics https://www.youtube.c By
Reference om/watch? DrSusmitaMukhop
material v=3wLDyPN4QMY&in adhyay, IIT
dex Kharagpur
Page 10 of 15
Organizational Designs:Simple structures and
structure, Matrix structure, Project assess its
Design, Network Design, Virtual impact on
organizations, Horizontal and
Boundary-less organizations ● Understand
structure best
enables an
organization to
achieve its
strategic goals
13 29-30 Organizational Culture: The student should be Halocracy at (ICMR Case)
able to: Zappos (B):
The Nature of Organizational From
Culture: Definition, ● Understand Experiment to
Characteristics and Functions of what
Organizational Culture and Strong organizational
Vs Weak Culture culture is. (new case)
● Understand
Uniformity of Culture: Dominant the process of
culture, Sub-culture and how the
culture of an
Formalization organization is
formed and is
Beginning of Culture in an
organization: Selection, Top ● Understand
Management and Socialization the importance
of how
Learning Culture: Stories, Rituals, organizational
Ceremonies, Material Symbols culture enables
and Language effective
functioning of
Building a positive organization an
culture organization
Page 11 of 15
Organization development: change in an Managing
Definitions and Concept organization Organizational
● Analyze how change-
OD interventions the transition
of an Griffin&
organization Moorhead
undergoing 11 e
change can be
done smoothly
based on
theories of
Suggested Weightages of Different Evaluation Components
Page 12 of 15
S.No. Components of Evaluation Weightage (%)
1. Written Tests 20
2. Objective tests (MCQs) 20
3. Project/ Seminar 10
4. Class Participation 10
5. Comprehensive Examination 40
Total weightage 100
Project/Seminar: The students are required to do an application oriented video project, which is
a group activity. Every group has to prepare a video of a role play based on a relevant topic of
OB, displaying their managerial skills, roles and functions, and make a final presentation of the
video on the 32nd/33rd session.Every student is also required to submit a written assignment of the
project undertaken by him/her, for which there will also be an individual assessment.
The Evaluation pattern for the project is as follows:
Wherever possible, the performance of the students in the internal evaluation components
will be discussed in the class giving as much detail as possible like the highest, lowest and
average performance. The comprehensive examination is conducted after completion of class
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room teaching. Feedback to the students on internal evaluations will be given on continuous
Below given is the list of few Video links that can be used by the students for few topics.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? By Dr.KakoliSen,
GdGoenka University
https://www.youtube.com/watch? By Dr
v=hKCcZdqhs1I&index SusmitaMukhopadhyay,
IIT Kharagpur
3 Motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch? By Dr
v=Mrms1YmloWM&index SusmitaMukhopadhyay,
IIT Kharagpur
https://www.youtube.com/watch? By Dr
v=G5y5vyorrEM&index SusmitaMukhopadhyay,
IIT Kharagpur
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5 Informal & Formal https://www.youtube.com/watch? By Dr
Groups v=6mBLT7gux2I&index SusmitaMukhopadhyay,
IIT Kharagpur
9 Communication https://www.youtube.com/watch? By Dr
v=ZzWpGm-jndQ&index SusmitaMukhopadhyay,
IIT Kharagpur
11 Leadership https://www.youtube.com/watch? By Dr
v=x-ycseyaPDE&index SusmitaMukhopadhyay,
IIT Kharagpur
https://www.youtube.com/watch? By Dr
v=AbL_ru_sCGg&index SusmitaMukhopadhyay,
IIT Kharagpur
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