Everglow Bestiary

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This book introduces rules for playing races without fingers and provides an overview of several races inhabiting the world of Everglow, including gem gnolls and impure donkeys.

The two new races introduced are gem gnolls and impure donkeys.

The book includes dozens of new feats, many new spells, and details about the lives of each race to help players immerse in their characters.

Races of Everglow

by David Silver
Races of Everglow
Table of Contents
Gem Gnolls........................................................................................ 21
The Impure........................................................................................27
Phoenix Wolves.................................................................................33
Steelhearts......................................................................................... 51
Sun Cats............................................................................................. 61

Silver Games LLC CEO David Silver

Writers David Silver, Ismael Alvarez Editors Thomas Behrens Jr., Mike Myler
Art Sita Duncan, Pfenix Artwork Layout J Gray

Assistant Producers
A big shout and thanks to our Patreon backers who helped make this possible:
Pyrocat, Fox Cutter, Freewing Alchemist, Steel Prism, Tida, ShiningArrow, Ian Gibson, Magical Trevor,
Albedoequals1, Kayila, Iakovl, Sandy Fortune, Casey Ludwig, Autocharth, Wolf, and Rome Silvanus

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules used under the Open Game License. Learn more about Pathfinder at http://paizo.com and peruse their official
database of rules at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/

5th Edition rules used under the Open Game License. Learn more about the game at http://dnd.wizards.com/ and peruse their official database of
rules at http://dnd.wizards.com/dungeons-and-dragons/start-playing

Declaration of Open Game Content

All texts pertaining to game mechanics and statistics are declared Open Game Content. All items subject to the definition of Product Identity are the
property of Silver Games, LLC, and cannot be used without written permission.

Product Identity
The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open
Content: all trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork,
and trade dress. Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules used under the Open Game License. Learn more about Pathfinder at http://paizo.com and peruse their official
database of rules at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/

Fingerless Rules
Many of the races presented in this book lack a basic feature of humanoids, fingers. Here are the rules reprinted
from the core campaign book for your convenience.

• Hand and ring covering magic items automatically adjust to fit, becoming anklets that otherwise function
• Any worn magical foot items (boots, shoes, etc.) adapt to cover all four extremities.
• Those with hooves may use horseshoe items, but doing so occupies the hooves, preventing boots, shoes, and
other such things.
• Creatures with fingerless may wield/use items with their mouth as if their primary hand.
• Abilities requiring touch can be made with paws, talons, hooves or horn. There is no mechanical benefit to
this and it resolves exactly the same as a humanoid touch with a finger.
• Unarmed attacks can come in the form of teeth, slams, or hooves. They do normal damage for an unarmed
adventurer of medium size and are resolved entirely as unarmed attacks.
• Somatic components are handled with hoof, talon, paw, and/or horn.
• One-handed weapons with the ammunition property may be loaded despite lacking a free hand.


Cloven Power common names are Pot, Knife, Broom, Wandering, Bath,
Playful, Solemn, Window, and Happy.
Born of humble goats, cloven are natural mountain inhab-
itants. High altitudes and uneven terrain are just a normal Cloven have last names that are passed from parent to
part of their life that they endure with gentle stoicism. Some- child. When cloven are married, the husband is as likely to
times forced to eat less-than-fresh food, the belly of a cloven take the wife’s name as the other way around, often defer-
is remarkably durable and can throw off the most foul of tox- ring to the cloven with greater social standing. Examples
ins they may ingest. include: Note, Silver, Gold, Tremblay, Roy, and Smith.
Though not swift to attack, they are not defenseless and
will defend themselves with their sharp horns when pressed A Brief History of Cloven
by predators or other ornery sentients. Cloven take pride in
Cloven began as the goats they resemble, wandering the
the upkeep and size of their horns, which they have regard-
mountains of the north and scraping by living simply and
less of being male or female.
just existing—then the Author came, though her attention
Cloven are not as colorful as ponykind, usually coming in did not fall on them for long. They were merely a prologue
various shades of brown, tan, white, and black. Their eyes of sorts but she wrote kind things, and those gentle words
shine with all the colors of the rainbow. They do not have were not forgotten.
brands of destiny—no god claims dominion over their fu-
Young as a race, lost, and befuddled, cloven came across
tures and they seem to be entirely alright with making their
their first great leader—a goat long of limb, with horns
own ways through life.
that were massive but elegant and slender. She spoke kind
Careful souls, cloven are trained to be watchful where they words and they instinctively knew they had found a spirit
step as it may be their last. The mountain is rarely forgiving able to guide them towards better things. Though they did
to the careless. This early drilling gives a cloven a good eye not realize it then (or afterwards) they had met an outcast
for details, spotting things that others might pass by. ruminant that came to love them as they loved her.
Her family did well and proved with their actions to
Cloven Naming be capable leaders, at least until the griffons were met. A
lone scout foraging for food was suddenly surprised and
The first names of cloven tend to be common household knocked to the ground, talons pressing painfully into its
objects or a habits demonstrated while young. A few more side and a murderous beak ready to tear the life from its
Cloven Pathfinder Attributes

+2 to One Attribute: The strengths of an individual cloven are unique from that of their kin.
Cloven: Cloven are fey with the cloven subtype.
Medium: Cloven are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Quick: Cloven have a base speed of 40 feet (20 feet bipedal).
Low-Light Vision: Cloven can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Cloven Resilience: Cloven gain a racial bonus equal to their hit dice on saving throws against poison.
Cloven Watchfulness: Cloven gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Perception checks to find hidden objects
(including traps and secret doors), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste.
Fingerless: See fingerless rules on page 2.
Four-Legged: Cloven gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and increase their carrying capacity by
+50%. They have forelegs instead of arms.
Horned: Cloven gain a gore attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage.
Mountaineer: Cloven are immune to altitude sickness and keep their Dexterity bonus to AC when making Climb
checks or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces.
Languages: Cloven begin play speaking Common. Cloven with high Intelligence scores can choose from the follow-
ing: Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, and Terran.

Cloven 5th Edition Attributes

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. Choose another ability score; it increases by 2.
Age. Cloven age at roughly the same rate as ponykind, though they reach maturity roughly a year earlier.
Alignment. Cloven tend towards lawful alignments but run the gamut between good and evil.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Cloven Resilience. You gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against poison.
Cloven Watchfulness. You are considered proficient when you make ability checks to find hidden objects or
secret doors, to discern the inherent value of an object, or to determine if a food is spoiled or poisoned by taste.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fey Born. You count as fey for all purposes.
Fingerless. You may use your mouth as one hand and are considered Small-sized when determining the weapons
they are able to wield.
Four-Legged. Being a four-legged creature, you can bear greater weights than a human of the same strength with-
out being encumbered (increasing your carrying capacity by 50%). You gain advantage on any ability checks or
saving throws to avoid the prone condition.
Horned. You gain a gore attack natural weapon that deals 1d4 piercing damage. You may use this gore attack as
though it were a light weapon.
Mountain Footed. You are immune to altitude sickness and can ignore difficult terrain resulting from rocky or
uneven surfaces.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. You can also choose one language from the following list:
Elven, Gnomish, Sylvan, or Terran.

meek form. The scout thought life was over, but tried, des- their own romantic decisions. Once bound, they marry in
perately, to cling to its roots. “Could you not eat me, please?” a simple affair celebrated by good friends and often better
The words startled the griffon into releasing it—the avian drink. It can be a status symbol to elevate one’s partnership
had no desire to consume thinking flesh. Though not the celebration with extravagant refreshments and entertain-
most peaceful of starts, it proved to work serviceably for ment. Cloven marriages are very enduring, with death be-
both peoples in time; griffons came to meet the cloven, and ing the primary reason that any cloven should become sin-
the cloven shared what little food and trinkets they had gle again. In this secure relationship, young kids are raised.
with the powerful beasts. Many cloven have a soft spot for kids, smiling as they
The cloven had a request. The griffons wondered what bounce about with endless energy. It is a rare cloven that
such meek people could desire, and were answered: they will not oblige a kid’s questions for a time, explaining what
wanted a home, a single mountain-top that would be theirs. it is they do and how, basically, to do it. During this stage
Griffons were of course welcome to join them, but that of life a cloven will find a task that seems to appeal to them
one place would be the cloven’s. The griffons scoffed but most and begin following an adult around, trying to learn it
agreed on the conditions that the cloven swore allegiance for themselves. If the adult thinks the kid is a good fit, will
to the griffons. They promised to be allies of their feathered accept them as an apprentice. Doing this requires meeting
friends until the sun no longer rose and thus Clovenhame the kid’s parents and making the intent clear. The parents
was founded. can accept or decline the offer freely, though denial is a
frank statement of disapproval and cause for rumor (not
The city grew and became a prosperous place and as the to mention an upset kid). A cloven then goes on to learn
cloven never turned away any being that came with cooper- their desired trade, taking their mentor as a third parent
ation in its heart, their home quickly became metropolitan and honoring them much the same for the rest of their life.
(though cloven held the easy majority). Their society ap- For those who do not take a mentor by their eighth year,
plauded and revered those that accomplished great things it falls on their parents to see them to formal schooling, to
with little mind for heritage. A proud lineage may have ensure a rounded education, and to help the kid discover
meant a great future, or may not—only action and results their passion in life.
would prove that.
Once prepared to meet the world the cloven eagerly set
Pragmatism became a powerful motivator alongside their forth to do just that. However they never forget their fam-
general cordiality. Laws were passed that helped ensure ily, parents, or mentor and they will try to visit often. Even
the greatest good and caused the least harm. Social mat- if they move far away, cloven will make every effort to visit
ters were given to fierce debate when the pragmatic answer at least once a year, even at great personal expense. Indus-
seemed less certain. When neither simple cordiality nor trious and genuine by nature, cloven throw themselves at
utility could be determined, the arguments became most their chosen career with bright eyes and eager hooves. Of-
turbulent. ten, apprentices will join forces with their mentor, helping
As the Pony Empire grew, thrived, and eventually col- them and refining their skills.
lapsed, the goats lived their simple lives. Some came down It is when their mentor-figure grows old enough to con-
from the highlands, joining their hooved kin in their towns sider retirement that the average cloven truly becomes an
and cities. Cloven were easily accepted, known for being adult. While it remains true that they were considered one
polite and straightforward souls. They never showed great long before and held much of the responsibilities, to be-
ambition—except for one case. come the master themselves—with no one over them—is a
The Order of the Goat formed from those seeking better moment of true accomplishment. This is also when a clo-
lives and were willing to risk everything for it. Consisting of ven typically begins accepting the questions of eager young
adventurers and thrill seekers of all sorts, the Order started kids, explaining the basics of how their profession func-
in Clovenhame and continues to headquarter there with tions. Never forgotten, a mentor is still considered part of
many branches throughout Everglow. They have a friendly that cloven’s family.
rivalry with the Seekers of the One Herd, often competing Cloven are a pragmatic lot. Life only lasts so long and they
to be the first to retrieve any given treasure or find a hidden are always aware of it. As soon as they become the master
place. they begin looking for students, repeating the cycle that saw
them to adulthood. Cloven may have kids of their own but
most of their apprentices will not be their own offspring-
Life of Cloven -each successful student is another kid of theirs, to be cel-
Cloven are drawn to one another simply, with compli- ebrated and loved with all the same intensity.
menting personalities and simple exposure. Cloven that
Of course the great cycle must turn and many cloven find
work together often end up marrying together. Arranged
themselves at the age where considering retirement is in-
marriages are rare, with the average cloven trusted to make
evitable. After informing any students and other family, a
simple celebration of reaching the last trimester of life is one final time and so they are laid to rest beneath farmland
often had to commemorate a cloven’s accomplishments. As (tough as those are to find in the mountains) where their
with marriage, those who have done well for themselves go material bodies are returned to the earth to start the great
out of their way to show it in an especially extravagant par- cycle anew and help provide for future generations.
ty. This is also a time where guests share the highest deeds Before the burial the great shouting occurs. As the cof-
of the goat, with a lingering hope that a few more may be fin is carried to its final resting point, friends and family of
managed (retired or not). the deceased yell out accomplishments and deeds the dead
As age slows a cloven down they begin to prepare for the managed in life. Presuming the dead was not despised,
end. Last wills are extremely common among cloven and there is always something to be said, even if only to say they
it is considered the height of rudeness to not be clear and were a friend. History was once made when one particularly
direct with how one might want their possessions handled vile criminal drew many to their shout. A loud fury of voices
before they shuffle off their mortal coil—it is a final respon- raged before the remains were settled in the ground. Once
sibility that no good cloven shirks. Some have a will long the dirt was laid over the coffin, the priest charged with run-
before they reach venerable ages especially if they lead a ning the ceremony turned to the crowd. “It seems he has
dangerous life, such as that of a soldier or adventurer. When made some impression on you,” he said, bowed his horned
time finally takes a cloven away, their body is respectfully head, and left the stunned crowd. It was then that they real-
interred in a deceptively frail coffin. To outsiders, it is some- ized they had given that criminal a grander sending than
times baffling as even the richest, most successful, and most many heroes and pioneers, and the community grew quiet
renowned cloven are laid to rest in a box that barely looks for some time.
fit to hold a bunch of oranges, but the goats find the prac-
tice quite respectful. Any cloven can serve their community
Stereotypes of other Races
Earth-Bound: The most stable and reasonable of them
all. They are our kin, even if their hooves do not split cor-
rectly. A small fault, and one I would suggest you look
past—they are a curious but good people.
Pegasus: They are good friends with the griffons, which
brings them close to us. We’re all kids of the mountains and
they don’t cause too much trouble. A little temperamental
and flighty perhaps, but they’re alright when handled care-
Unicorn: They have a horn, but only one, and it points
the wrong way. Funny thing, you never see two unicorns
test their horns against one another. Instead of practicality,
it lets them be lazy and hold themselves higher than others.
Be wary, they have no respect for your horns.
Leatherwing: They live close to us being mountain-
dwellers, but as griffons, pegasi, and cloven live atop these
hills, they cower beneath them. They’re welcome to share
their stories but it is an invitation that often goes unan-
Other Ponies: They come in so many varieties and
shapes. Let’s judge them as people and assume they are al-
right. Ponies are ponies, right?
Flutterponies: We bore them. We come in simple
shades and often lead simple lives. At least they appreci-
ate our hospitality when they come by, rare as that may be,
and they make pleasant guests. They’re as capricious as the
winds that carry them so tread gently, but know they are
good people.
Griffons: They proudly claim we belong to them and oc-
casionally their leaders will come and bark orders at ours.
Fortunately their commands are few and far between, and

we’ve—after due process—not found fault in them, so far. Soft-Spoken Bullying (General)
Proud and loud the more polite of them are welcome, but
One does not always need to sound angry to make an-
the arrogant will learn we can defend ourselves.
other person feel threatened. Sometimes a gentle reminder
Phoenix Wolves: The wolves of fire were made by po- of what might happen is all that is required.
nies, I hear. They don’t seem happy about it. Treat them
Prerequisite: Cloven
gently and with respect—whatever their origin, they are
welcome here if they come courteously. Benefit: When the effects of your Intimidation checks
fade, the target becomes Unfriendly instead of Hostile, pre-
Purrsian: Unlike the terrestrial lions, these winged cats
suming they began as Unfriendly or better to begin with.
do come to us. They have silver tongues and will try to spin
a yarn if it separates you from your gold—still, be nice. Most
do have a legitimate ware to offer; listen first and decline
Steel Heart: They are made, not born. Two of them Arcane Discovery: Practical Metamagic
share in the making, however. Are they like us? They have What purpose is there to learning new tricks if
parents. They do not wish to die. They can share a good you can’t use them when you need them? When
story and enjoy good times. They may be sheathed in metal, casting a spell, you may add metamagic you pos-
but a heart of some sort beats in their chests. They deserve sess to it spontaneously, to a maximum total level
kindness until proven otherwise. of the highest level spell you can cast. Every ad-
Sun Cat: Those wandering felines don’t often come up ditional level so added becomes another round of
this far into the mountains or into the cities of our pony casting before the spell is complete. The spell slot
cousins. As a result we don’t interact often. Still, they have used is unchanged. You must be at least a 5th-level
a love for family that is easily respected. wizard to select this discovery. The spell slot used
is unchanged.
Humanoids: I have no quarrel with them, let me tell
you, but it doesn’t always go the other way around. We’ve
never had a great nation to impress them so they see us
as minor fey at best. Racist as a lot, but the kinder among
them are worthy friends. Just watch out—they like getting Springy Climber (General)
rides, especially the shorter ones.
Climbing on its own is boring, which is why you love to
spring from platform to platform as you do it, making it
Cloven Feats (PF) fast and interesting.
Prerequisite: Cloven, Climb 6 ranks
Deflected Aggression (General) Benefit: When climbing, you do not take a penalty for
When someone begins speaking at you with anger and moving quickly. You can jump without a running start with-
fire, bow your head, speak gently, and turn the tables out penalty, even mid-climb. When falling, you may make
while they’re convinced they’re getting what they want. an Acrobatics check, even if the fall was unwilling. For every
5 points scored above 15, another 1d6 of falling damage is
Prerequisite: Cloven
Benefit: When intimidated in an attempt to shake you,
you may resist with an opposed Diplomacy check (negating
the attempt on a success). In addition, you gain a +3 cir- Stoic Acceptance (General)
cumstance bonus on Will saves to resist fear.
All things must pass. Allow it to wash over you and you
Special: NPCs treat this feat differently. In addition to will be through to the other side faster than someone who
the normal benefits of this feat, when the NPC is the target tries to fight the flow.
of an Intimidation check to alter their disposition towards
someone they may willingly oblige the aggressor. If they do Prerequisite: Wis 13, cloven
so, they may make an immediate Diplomacy check to im- Benefit: When called upon to make a Will save, you may
prove the attitude of the intimidator. Assuming they do well willingly fail the result. If you do so, you may make a new
enough, they could even ask the intimidator to reconsider saving throw on your next turn. You gain a bonus to this
the demand, but otherwise they are obliged to do as asked. save equal to half your level. If you succeed this delayed
This does not allow the NPC to otherwise use Diplomacy to save, it is as if you had passed the original (likely ending the
influence player characters. effect).

Top of the World (General) Springy Climber
Just climbing, struggling to reach the highest point— Prerequisite: Cloven, Strength or Dexterity 13
that can be all a cloven needs to feel alive. Elevation seems like a thing pegasi have cornered but clo-
Prerequisite: Cloven, Climb 3 ranks ven quietly make their way to and fro, bouncing among tiny
Benefit: When attacking an enemy from height, you deal ledges on treacherous slopes.
an extra 1d6 precision damage. You also retain your Dexter- • Climbing does not costs you additional movement.
ity bonus to AC while climbing. • You may always jump as though you had a running
start, even while climbing

True Consumption (General) • When falling you may make a Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check, subtracting twice your result from the dis-
The myth that cloven can eat anything is just that, still… tance you fell for the purpose of determining falling
some especially talented souls get close. damage.
Prerequisite: Cloven, level 8+ • When attacking from the higher ground, your attacks
Benefit: Once per day, you can consume any Small or deal an additional 1d4 damage.
smaller sized object. If the object is attended by someone
else and they do not wish it to be devoured, you must make
a steal combat maneuver and if successful can consume it Cloven Racial Traits (Pathfinder)
as part of the same action. The item is destroyed after 1d4 Bright Smile: You can bring a little light into anyone’s
rounds. If it is magical it is activated with the cloven as the day with a little effort. You love talking and getting to know
target each round. If the item is poisoned or diseased, the people. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks and
cloven is affected by it only once upon consumption. If the gain it as a class skill. You must fail a Diplomacy check by 6
item is an artifact it becomes broken instead, but the cloven or more to cause a fall in attitude.
receives a hint as to how to truly destroy it. Focused Craftsgoat: You have an art and you mean to
do it well. You practice even when you’re not in an ideal
Cloven Feats (5e) situation, always working to improve. You gain a +2 trait
bonus to a specific Craft and can make use of it without the
proper tools and suffer no penalty.
Kindness of Strangers: You learned from a young age
Mountain Body and Mind the importance of asking the right questions of the right
Prerequisite: Cloven people who have things you do not—gentle cajoling, proper
All things will pass in time. You can weather the coming flattery, and a bit of finesse takes you far. When seeking ser-
storm calmly and be ready for the next. You gain the follow- vices (such as spellcasting or employing someone tempo-
ing benefits: rarily) you enjoy a 10% discount.

• Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum Ornamented Horns: You take great pride in the condi-
tion of your horns, hanging jewelry on them, having them
of 20.
carved in intricate patterns, and otherwise making them
• When called on to make an Intelligence or Wisdom into a bold statement. When you are confused and could
saving throw, you may willingly fail it. The next round hurt yourself, you instead spend the round gazing fondly at
you may attempt the save with advantage. Succeed- your horns as best you can.
ing then acts as if you had succeeded the first roll,
possibly ending the ongoing effect, if any.
Cloven Magic (Pathfinder)
• You can consume any unattended Small or smaller
object, destroying it within 1d4 rounds. The item is Evolved Thinking
destroyed after 1d4 rounds. If it is magical it is acti-
vated with the cloven as the target each round. If the School transmutation; Level psychic 3, summoner 3
item is poisoned or diseased, the cloven is affected Casting Time 1 standard action
by it only once upon consumption. If the item is an Components V, S, F (a finely made statuette of a species
artifact it becomes broken instead, but the cloven re- with at least 5 sub-races worth at least 200 gp)
Range short (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
ceives a hint as to how to truly destroy it.
Target one living creature
Duration 1 min./level

Save Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes Small Faith
Cloven are a remarkably solid and stable race. They never
School divination; Level cleric 1, paladin 1, shaman 1
branched out or hybridized with so many other races as po-
Casting Time 1 standard Action
nies have, and they’re mostly alright with that. This spell
Components V, S, F (a set of prayer beads and assorted
draws in that power for those cloven that are jealous.
holy symbols worth at least 25 gp)
You can grant the target any evolution whose total Range personal
cost does not exceed 2 evolution points. You may only grant Target self
one evolution with this spell, even if that evolution can be Duration instantaneous
taken multiple times. You can grant an evolution that al- Save none; Spell Resistance no
lows you to spend additional evolution points to upgrade
The cloven claim no great god of their own. No protecting
that evolution. This spell cannot be used to grant an up-
deity smiles down them, save for a brief mention by the Au-
grade to an evolution that the target already possesses. The
thor. Gathering symbols of other gods, a cloven may make
target must meet any prerequisites of the selected evolution
a more generic plea to the cosmos. It often results in little
with the exception of being an eidolon. The effective sum-
but sometimes a politely worded query may merit a result.
moner level for this effect is equal to the caster’s level.
The chance of any answer is three times their caster level
made into a percentile (for example, a 7th level caster suc-
Evolved Thinking, Greater ceeds on a d100 roll between 1 and 21). On a success, the
god or goddess of the GM’s choosing gives a hint to a ques-
School transmutation; Level psychic 5, summoner 5
tion. The hint can be no more than three words long. Cast-
This spell functions as evolved thinking, except that you ing this spell more than once in a week’s time with the same
can grant any evolution whose total cost does not exceed 4 question returns the same answer.
evolution points.
Thunderous Charge
Jagged Horns
School evocation; Level bloodrager 2, cleric 2, paladin 2,
School transmutation; Level druid 2, hunter 2, ranger 2 shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 full-round action
Components V, S Components S
Range personal Range personal
Target self Target self
Duration 10 minutes/level Duration instantaneous
Save none; Spell Resistance no Save none; Spell Resistance yes (target only)
This spell causes the caster’s cloven horns to grow jagged As part of the casting of the spell, the caster must charge
and wickedly sharp. For the duration of the spell, the cast- a target with their horns and make a gore attack. On a suc-
er’s gore damage dice increases by one size and its critical cessful hit the caster deals its normal gore damage and
range increases by 1 (typically to 19–20). When the caster makes an immediate bull rush combat maneuver check
critically hits a creature, the target loses a gout of blood, with a bonus equal to half caster level + 2 (from charging).
taking an additional 1d10 precision damage. The cloven may not move with the victim. If they succeeded
by at least 5, the victim is also knocked prone.
Mountain Home
School divination; Level druid 2, psychic 2, shaman 2 Cloven Magic (5e)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S Jagged Horns
Range personal
Target self 2nd-level transmutation
Duration 1 hour/level Class: Druid, Ranger
Save none; Spell Resistance no Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Mountains are home and cloven magic finds it easy to re-
Components: V, S
member that. For the duration of the spell, the caster gains
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
favored terrain (mountain) +2 (as the ranger ability). If the
caster already had mountain as a favored terrain, the bonus This spell causes your cloven horns to grow jagged and
increases by +2. wickedly sharp. For the duration of the spell, your gore
damage dice increases by one size, and anytime you suc-
cessfully land a critical hit with your gore attack, if the at- percent (to a maximum of 90 percent).
tacked target is a creature other than an undead or a con-
struct, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or Thunderous Charge
lose hit points equal to your gore’s damage die at the start
of each of its turns due to a vicious wound. Any creature can 2rd-level evocation
take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 12 Class: Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Wizard
Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if the at- Casting Time: 1 action
tacked target receives magical healing. Range: Self
Components: S
Mountain Home (Ritual) Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the casting of the spell, you must move towards
2nd-level divination a target, up to a maximum of your remaining movement,
Class: Druid, Ranger and make a melee weapon attack. If this attack hits, the
Casting Time: 1 action target must make a strength save. On failure, the target is
Range: Self forced back 5 feet plus an additional 5 feet for every 10 feet
Components: V, S you traveled towards them after casting this spell, and is
Duration: 8 hours knocked prone. On success, the target only moves back 5
Mountains are home, and cloven magic finds it easy to feet plus an additional 5 feet for every 20 feet traveled and
remember that. For the duration of the spell, you gain is not knocked prone.
the benefits of the ranger’s Natural Explorer feature with
Mountains as your favored terrain. If the you already have
the Natural Explorer feature and Mountains as your fa-
vored terrain, you gain advantage on all Wisdom and Intel-
ligence checks related to Mountainous terrain that you are
proficient in, no longer have to travel alone to move stealth-
ily at a normal pace, and find four times as much food and
water when you forage instead of twice as much.

Small Faith (Ritual)

1st-level divination
Class: Cleric, Paladin
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a set of prayer beads and assorted
holy symbols worth at least 25 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous
The Cloven claim no great god of their own. No protect-
ing goddess smiles down them, save for a brief mention by
the Author. Gathering symbols of other gods, a cloven may
make a more generic plea to the cosmos. It often results in
little, but sometimes a politely worded query may turn a re-
sult. The chance of any answer is 10 percent. On a success,
the god or goddess of the GM’s choosing gives a hint to a
question. The hint can be no more than three words long.
Casting this spell more than once in a week’s time with the
same question returns the same answer.
If you cast the spell two or more times before completing
your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance
for each casting after the first that you get a random answer.
The GM makes this roll in secret.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spells lot of 2nd level or higher, for each spell level above
the first the chance of receiving an answer increases by 10

Flu t terponies

Flutterpony Power Flutterpony Naming

Innately creatures of the air, flutterponies seem to have The first name of flutterponies tends to be something that
full mastery over their flights, bobbing in place or making references color, art, or light. A few more common names
sharp turns with ease. Some say that they are like elemental are Spectrum, Splash, Bright, Purple, Rainbow, and Small.
creatures, at ease when air is all around them. Flutterponies have last names seemingly at random. They
Their origins as hungry packs of tiny flutters have not only rarely pass from one generation to the next. Examples
been forgotten. Their bodies remember it even if they don’t include: Flash, Dash, Smash, Lash, Stash, or a profession’s
think of it, and they can reduce themselves towards their title.
old size for a limited time. They are much larger than they
once were and reclaiming their smaller forms completely
requires a great deal of effort and training—what is done A Brief History of Flutterponies
cannot be so easily undone. Once wild and dangerous creatures, flutterponies trav-
As creatures that are fundamentally of light and color, eled in great swarms that could tear a pony apart while de-
even in the darkest of places they can shed a little illumina- nying them any magic to escape their hungry grasp. They’ve
tion from their antennae. Though not drawn dangerously come a long way since then but of course, even that is just
to flames as some insects, flutters do find them fascinating the midpoint of their tale.
and will gladly spend a little time admiring the dangerous It all began long ago, in a time when there were no po-
charms of a wild flame. It seems to relax them, especially in nies. Wandering in packs of butterflies, moths, dragonflies,
times of stress or fatigue. and other delicately winged insects, they tore eagerly at any
Flutterponies do not have brands of destiny no matter source of magic they could find. To elves and other early
how much they might want to be just like their pony peers. settlers of the land, they were a scourge.
Some go as far as to have intricate patterns and pictures Their god was the Hive Queen, for who else could it be?
painted on their flanks, the more extreme even employing They were tied strongly to her and thrived despite every at-
magic to have it made permanent in a display of solidarity tempt at elimination.
with pony kind. A well-designed brand can draw curious
Then the ponies came.
stares and some admiration from fellow flutters.

Flutterpony Pathfinder Attributes

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Flutterponies are agile and likable but not as powerfully built as other
Flutterpony: Flutterponies are fey with the flutterpony subtype.
Medium: Flutterponies are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Flutterponies have a base speed of 30 feet (30 feet bipedal).
Butterfly Wings: Flutterponies have a fly speed of 30 feet (average).
Low-Light Vision: Flutterponies can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Fingerless: See fingerless rules on page 2.
Four-Legged: Flutterponies gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and increase their carrying capac-
ity by +50%. They have forelegs instead of arms.
Pony Kin: Any effect, archetype, bloodline, feat, or item that requires or affects ponykind functions fully for flut-
Small Origins: A flutterpony can use reduce person once each per day, using its character level as its caster level
and affecting itself only.
Glowing: As an at-will supernatural ability, flutterponies can emit 5 feet of dim light from their antennae (equiva-
lent to a candle). Igniting or dousing a flutterpony’s light is a free action.
Languages: Flutterponies begin play speaking Common. Flutterponies with high Intelligence scores can choose
from the following: Auran, Elvish, Gnomish, and Sylvan.

Racial Subtypes (Pathfinder)

Just as colorful as the butterflies, dragonflies are easy to pick out with their four long wings that beat in different
patterns, enabling the flutterpony to fly with uncanny grace. They may be bright and welcoming, but their razor-
sharp teeth are a clear reminder that they come from predator stock.
• A dragonfly flutterpony increases its Wisdom by +2, reduces its Charisma by –2, gains a primary bite attack that
deals 1d6 slashing and piercing damage, and gains Skill Focus (Fly) as a bonus feat. These replace the glowing
and small origins racial traits.

Not all flutterponies have shed their wild origins. Ferals are throwbacks born without the tie to ponykind that
others share—unruly by nature, they are watched carefully for misbehavior and can be blamed at times for things
they didn’t do. They are the most likely to be encountered during the pre- and mid-empire eras before flutterponies
settled down as a whole.
• A feral flutterpony increases its Strength by +4, reduces its Dexterity and Charisma by –2, and gains the following
ability. This replaces the pony kin trait.
• Magic Disruption: Whenever you force a creature to make a concentration check due to damage from a melee
attack or casting defensively within your threatened area, the DC is increased by +3.

Pitied by your colorful peers, moths are sturdy souls. Some seek to express the colors inside their souls through
art, song, performance, or even martial prowess to prove the rainbow of their species still burns brightly in them.
• A moth flutterpony increases its Constitution and Wisdom by +2 and reduces its Dexterity and Charisma by –2.

Flutterpony Favored Class Options (Pathfinder)

• Flutterponies have access to ponykind favored class options.

Flutterpony 5th Edition Attributes
These attributes are different than presented in the campaign book, making room for alternative subraces. If you
wish to continue being a standard flutterpony, select the butterfly subrace.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Age. Flutterponies mature at around age 10, much sooner than many of the other races.
Alignment. Flutterponies tend towards chaotic alignment but have no particular leanings between good, evil, and
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Fey Born. You count as fey for all purposes.
Fingerless. You may use your mouth as one hand and are considered Small-sized when determining the weapons
they are able to wield.
Four-Legged. Being a four-legged creature, you can bear greater weights than a human of the same strength with-
out being encumbered (increasing your carrying capacity by 50%). You gain advantage on any ability checks or
saving throws to avoid the prone condition.
Glowing. You can emit light from your antennae equivalent to a candle (5-foot-radius of bright light plus an addi-
tional 5-foot-radius of dim light). You can ignite or douse this light once per turn without needing to use an action
to do so.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. You can also choose one language from the following list:
Sylvan, Auran, Elven, or Gnomish.

Racial Subtypes (5th Edition)

The most common form of flutterpony, butterfly flutters strut their stuff and proudly display their bold colorations
wherever they go. Born aloft on delicate wings, they dance in place with skill that could put many pegasi to shame
with the sheer ease of it.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
• Butterfly Wings. You have diaphanous wings. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet and you can hover. You cannot fly
if you are wearing armor you are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a backpack
not specially tailored to your wings. While flying, you have disadvantage on Strength checks to interact with
objects that are on the ground.
• Pony Kin. Any effect, class specialization, feat, or item that requires or affects ponykind functions fully for you.
• Small Origins. You may shrink yourself as per the reduce function of the enlarge/reduce spell. After you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you complete long rest.

Of all the flutterponies none fly more adroitely than dragonflies, their four long wings as colorful as the butterflies
but beating in different patterns that grants them their superior mobility. Their ancestors were clearly predators but
despite their lethally sharp maws, they tend to be vibrant and genial.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
• Dragonfly Wings. You have diaphanous wings. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet and you can hover. You cannot fly
if you are wearing armor you are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a backpack
not specially tailored to your wings.
• Sharp Teeth. You have a built in natural weapon in the form of a bite attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage. You
may use this bite attack as though it were a finesse light weapon.
• Pony Kin. Any effect, class specialization, feat, or item that requires or affects ponykind functions fully for you.

Racial Subtypes (5th Edition continued)
Some flutterponies are born without a deep connection to ponykind, the savageness of their ancestry defining
much of their being. Ferals are regarded carefully by their more civilized kin due to their rambunctiousness, often
unfairly accused of malfeasance even when innocent. Encounters with ferals are most likely before the flutterpo-
nies settled down as a whole (during the pre- and mid-empire eras).
• Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
• Butterfly Wings. You have diaphanous wings. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet and you can hover. You cannot fly
if you are wearing armor you are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a back-
pack not specially tailored to your wings. While flying, you have disadvantage on Strength checks to interact
with objects that are on the ground.
• Magic Disruption. Your wrath spells doom to the ongoing spells of others. Whenever you hit with a melee
weapon attack a creature who is maintaining a concentration spell, the DC of the Constitution save to not lose
the spell is increased by 2.
• Small Origins. You may shrink yourself as per the reduce function of the enlarge/reduce spell. After you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you complete long rest.

Drab in comparison to their flighted kin, the resilient moths express their colorful souls through artistry, music,
performance, or even mastery over the art of combat—proving that their species’ rainbow radiates just as strongly
within them as any of their more vivid brethren.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
• Butterfly Wings. You have diaphanous wings. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet and you can hover. You cannot fly
if you are wearing armor you are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a back-
pack not specially tailored to your wings. While flying, you have disadvantage on Strength checks to interact
with objects that are on the ground.
• Pony Kin. Any effect, class specialization, feat, or item that requires or affects ponykind functions fully for you.
• Small Origins. You may shrink yourself as per the reduce function of the enlarge/reduce spell. After you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you complete long rest.

The Hive Queen beheld these new creatures and found As they steadily grew more civilized and began to work
her wish to remain patron of insects waning. As she grew towards founding their great city of Prisma, flutterpony
to admire these ponies, so did the swarm, who were tied so culture took formal root. While they still sing songs to the
closely to her. They changed bit by bit, generation by gen- original ‘mother of the hive’, who clearly was the origin of
eration until they were soon like little ponies with their gos- them, they have no idea that Kara is now only what remains
samer wings—still feral, dangerous, and wild, but closer. of her or that they are being actively ignored by a god that
Then the Hive Queen formally shed her title. She cast it has forsaken their original purpose.
aside angrily and took up a new name, Kara, and welcomed By the time the great city of Prisma was erected—tall and
a tribe of ponies under her: the doppelgangers. This shift dazzling to the eyes—the Pony Empire was already sliding
did not go unfelt by her true children and they too shed into ruin. The flutterponies were aghast to know they had
their original purpose. With sudden fury, they weren’t sat- been too slow to rise to the pony’s level, but they were ada-
isfied with what they were—they wanted more. They came mant in doing it right. They opened their doors wide to all
together in great dense swarms and where there were many, ponies; any pony that wished to live among them was wel-
became one. Flutterponies were born. come. Empire or not they were all ponies, or so flutterpo-
Even as ponies struggled to form and upkeep their em- nies said.
pire, flutterponies were working to realize what they were.
They sang praises to their mother, even if they didn’t know
who she was, even if she never replied. They instinctively
Life of Flutterponies
knew their praises to the Hive Queen fell on deaf ears but Taking after ponies, flutterponies often try to arrange
were a constant irritation in Kara’s hide. themselves in classic marriages of a male and a female. To-
gether they produce a bundle of joy and are usually swept

up in the happiness of raising their youth—at first. It doesn’t they can escape.
take long for the excitement of the journey to wear thin for As a flutterpony reaches their middle ages their color be-
many flutterponies. Some say that the flighty nature of flut- gins to pale. The change is subtle and barely noticeable to
terpony relationships reflects the cruel blow dealt to them pony or human eyes, but to a flutter the change is severe
as a whole by their own progenitor; her rejection of herself and often terrifying. Flutters are known to enter a state of
and propensity to always seek the better lingers in her col- depression upon realizing their time is reaching an inevi-
orful children. table end despite any jokes they may have cracked about
To combat this trend Prisma and other flutterpony com- it before. If they live in a flutterpony community, others—
munities consider it a communal responsibility to support friends or not—often gather to encourage such an aging
a crèche where flutterponies or ponies that revel in rearing flutterpony. Without being asked they gather all the lore
youth are entrusted with the task. If a flutterpony couple they can of the afflicted flutter and celebrate all the accom-
tire of raising their young they surrender it to the local plishments their depressed friend has managed, even if
crèche and are then free to divorce and pursue their own those aren’t great in number.
goals. Sometimes they repeat the process, even with the After a flutter recovers from that moment they often calm
same flutter (though not often). down and begin treating life more seriously. This is when
Flutterponies, raised by their parent(s) or by a crèche’s flutters tend to retire to work in a community crèche and
caretaker, are encouraged from a young age to revel in the engage in other activities to make the future better. When
color that defines them and their species. They are also giv- advanced age comes to a flutter their color loss becomes
en a broad education while those that care for them look for noticeable even to non-flutterpony eyes. Graying with age,
talents, aptitudes, or just things the child particularly likes. reactions vary from flutter to flutter with some growing re-
Once such a thing is found their learning becomes more fo- sentful of their short time while others become even more
cused—flutterponies age quickly so it is considered impor- focused on leaving the world better than they found it.
tant to give them the knowledge required to ready them to Some choose to laugh at it all away, keeping a smile until
face the world when they hit maturity in only one decade’s the last day.
time. How a flutter ultimately faces death is a personal jour-
Eager to show their colors to the world, most flutter- ney be it alone or surrounded by friends or family, but it
ponies are in a hurry to leave the nest and explore as an does come. When the death is discovered the reaction is
adult. Before this happens the flutterpony and any friends one of shock no matter how old the flutterpony was when
of the same age are brought together for a great celebra- age claimed them—to be reminded of their mortality in the
tion to welcome their arrival at adulthood. If their parents most visceral way shakes the heart of those who see it. It is
are living and present they are invited to see the youth they often for this reason that proper funerals are rare.
created. For some this may be the only time they see their The most traditional method to bid their fallen friends
parents—estranged or not, it is an evening for high spirits farewell is to cremate the remains and bury them where
and usually ends with mirth on all sides. they may encourage a tree to grow. Their antennae are
Once formally inducted into adulthood, the flutterpony is saved and given a special alchemical treatment that causes
free to begin their life as a grown member of the communi- them to glow gently as a reminder of the flutterpony that
ty. They throw themselves eagerly into their chosen career once bore them. It is often written in the will of a flutter-
and seek to show their radiance wherever they can. Among pony who should receive one or both of them.
multi-racial settlements, others often find the endless en-
ergy of younger adult flutterponies to be a bit troubling.
Stereotypes of other Races
When a flutter feels they have reached full mastery of
their talent they may decide to pursue another path or to Earth-Bound: What’s not to love about them? They’re
dedicate their life entirely to the task. The more ponies— great to be around and if one decides they like you, you’re
true ponies—they are in contact with, the more likely they in forever! Some of them are a bit dazzled by our colors, so
are to stick with what they have chosen, attempting to emu- be gentle.
late the fate-driven devotion of their equine peers. Unicorn: They think they’re the smartest thing around.
For those who do not master a talent, this is the most If that was true, why aren’t they twice as bright? They
common time (if they didn’t immediately hurl themselves should learn to use magic better.
into it) to consider the life of adventure and glory. When Clockworks: They can and often do paint themselves in
asked why the craving for adventure seems to bite so many wonderful ways. If you know how to paint well, you can be-
flutters, the flutters reply with an adage. “We live half as come fast friends with them. Just try to avoid asking ques-
long, shine twice as bright, and who better to show the way tions about their, um, condition.
in dark places?” While they are not literally half as endur-
Chaos Hunter: So dour, so serious…they’re not very
ing as ponies, their shorter time to enjoy life is hardly a fact
fun to be around but it’s for a good cause, I guess? the end of rainbows. I don’t like it.
Doppelganger: Something feels natural around them— Antean: They’re all the great parts of a pony, only big-
when I run into a doppelganger, I just want to make a new ger! Want to do something fun? Get all your friends, shrink
friend. Sadly, they don’t seem to return the sentiment. down, and go for a ride. I love these big guys.
Gem Ponies: A pony that shimmers in light? It’s like Ghost Ponies: I never saw one before. I wonder what
they were made for us. They say they represent hope—I can they’re like...
live with that. Sea Ponies: Ponies of the sea? Curious, but usually nice.
Leatherwing: I don’t understand them. They hide from If you like swimming, they’re your buddy. Dragonflies seem
the light. They hide from everything. Why would anyone be to really get along with them.
happy that way? Zebra: They lack colors on their pelt—as a rule—but
Short-Legs: Small ponies. Loving ponies. Happy po- there’s no hiding the bright shine of their souls. They know
nies. If you want a pony for a partner, in love or work, they things and love speaking with a colorful spray that matches
will accept a sincere offer. They also won’t get too pouty what their pelt lacks. They are worthy of being called peers.
when you’re done with it. You’re a lucky flutterpony if you Cloven: Gentle dwellers of the hills and mountains.
have a short-leg in your life! They get along with…everyone, I’m told. There’s no reason
Sun: They bake in the sun and call it a swell time. Now to be upset about a cloven, except their lack of colors. Ah
I don’t mind a little heat, but I don’t want to whiten in the well—they can’t help it.
sun! How horrible to even consider. I’ll stay in the forest Griffons: They have no respect for us and live far away
and leave the desert to them. If they visit, that’s different— in mountains. Maybe it’s for the best?
they wear colorful clothes and know how to party.
Phoenix Wolves: There aren’t many of them. Did you
Tribe of Bones: They dress in drab colors and celebrate know they eat ash? How crazy is that...? If I see one, I’m go-
ing to try to invite it to a dance.
Purrsian: They arrive in colorful clothing, speak
colorful words, and act radiantly. If you’re not
careful, they’ll snatch your colors as price for what
they’re trading. Fun, but dangerous.
Steel Heart: I don’t get it. Who made them?
Did anyone make them? They like colorful metals
in their coats, I can appreciate that, but they’re also
immortal! Entire lines can grow and die in one’s
Sun Cat: They don’t often prowl the forests of our
home, but they’re welcome as they pass by. Rarely
do they stay long. Our circles just don’t overlap.
Humanoids: They come in many shapes and
sizes and I can respect that, except each one hates
all the other shapes and sizes. Shame. Ponies come
in a dizzying variety and we like them all!

Flutterpony Feats (PF)

Aerial Snatch (Combat)

Just like a true dragonfly, you can intercept a
target mid-air and bring your legs together to trap
it securely before delivering the lethal blow.
Prerequisite: Dragonfly subtype
Benefit: While flying, you gain a +2 racial bonus
to combat maneuver checks to start or maintain
a grapple. If you are grappling something smaller
than you, you do not become grappled in return. While at dispelling the target spell, the next caster level check you
grappling, the critical threat range of your bite increases by make within a minute gains a +2 circumstance bonus and
1 (normally to 19–20). you are satiated as if you ate enough food and drank enough
water for a day. At 10th level it operates as greater dispel
magic and can target multiple spells or an area effect. The
Drab (General) bonus gained from dispelling a spell does not stack with it-
self. This is a supernatural ability.
While many of your peers claim that to be dazzling is to
know success, you see your simple patterns as a chance to
be grounded.
Wing Dust (General)
Prerequisite: Moth subtype
They say moths are drawn to flames, but sometimes
Benefit: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves they can be the source of the light.
against illusion spells that rely on patterns or figments. Al-
lies affected by a spell that includes you as a target gain this Prerequisite: Moth subtype, level 5+
bonus as well. Benefit: Once per day, you can flutter your wings,
spreading brightly glowing flecks that stick to everyone
around you, operating as a glitterdust with you as the tar-
Dragonfly Flight (General) get (though you are not affected by it). The caster level is
equal to your character level and its DC is based on your
While all flutterponies are known for their agility, drag-
onflies take it to the next level.
Prerequisite: Dragonfly subtype
Benefit: Any time you are called to make a Fly check,
Flutterpony Feats(5e)
you may roll twice and take the better result. When attacked
with a melee weapon as an attack of opportunity, if you are
flying you may lower the number of attacks of opportunity Aerial Predator
you can make this round (minimum 0) to move 5 feet. If
Prerequisite: Dragonfly subrace
this causes you to exit the attacker’s reach, the attack gains
a 50% miss chance. You must roll Acrobatics to avoid any Like a true dragonfly, your abilities to fly and hunt are
attacks of opportunity this may provoke from additional finely honed. You gain the following benefits:
creatures. This movement counts against your next round’s • While flying, you gain advantage to ability checks to
movement. start or to keep a grapple.
• You may prevent a creature you grapple in mid-air
from falling.
Feathered Moth (General)
• When attacking a target with the grappled condition
While most flutterponies are sleek, you buck that trend your bite attack scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or
with a figure that is best described as “fluffy”. 20.
Prerequisite: Moth subtype • You gain advantage on ability checks related to aerial
Benefit: Your fur is especially dense and your antennae maneuvers and stunts.
are feathered and fluffy to the touch. You gain cold resis- • As a reaction, when you are targeted by an opportu-
tance 5 and fire resistance 5. At 10th level, these resistances nity attack while flying you may first make a sudden
increase to 10. movement of 5 feet. If this takes you out of the weap-
on’s reach the attack is made with disadvantage. This
movement can provoke opportunity attacks from at-
Magic Feast (General) tackers beside the one that triggered the movement.
Flutters were originally predators of magic and you
have not forgotten this beginning.
Prerequisite: Feral subtype Feathered Moth
Benefit: You may, as a standard action, attempt to de- Prerequisite: Moth subrace
vour a single magic effect as per dispel magic, using your While most flutterponies are sleek, you buck that trend
character level as your caster level. Doing so makes you fa- with a figure that is best described as “fluffy”. Your fur,
tigued. If you are incapable of becoming fatigued or are al- while not as dazzling as most flutters, serves as a centering
ready exhausted, you cannot use this ability. If you succeed set of hues.
You gain the following benefits: frightened until the end of your next turn.
• You gain advantage on saving throws against illu- Artful Movement. Your movement is a carefully cul-
sions. tivated spectacle. At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with
• You gain resistance to fire and cold damage. Performance and your proficiency bonus doubles on any
Charisma (Performance) checks that involve you dancing
(or similar forms of expression).
Flutterpony Class Archetypes (Pathfinder) Prismatic Display. Starting at 6th level, you may, as
These archetypes are available to flutterponies. an action, begin a series of mesmerizing movements, forc-
ing all creatures within 15 feet who can see you to make a
Dazzling Warrior (Fighter) Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failure, a creature
Flutterponies were made to impress. With bold moves becomes charmed until the end of your next turn. On sub-
and maneuvers as dazzling as their name, they make an im- sequent turns, you can use your action to extend the du-
pression on any battlefield. ration of this effect until the end of your next turn. While
Striking Blow: When a dazzling warrior aims well, they charmed by this effect, victims are considered incapacitated
make sure their enemy knows it. Any time a dazzling war- and have their movement reduced to 0. Affected creatures
rior successfully hits with a weapon attack and exceeds the cease to be charmed if they take any damage or if someone
target’s AC by 5 or more, they may spend an immediate ac- else uses an action to snap the creature out of it. Once you
tion to make an Intimidation check against the target. This use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before
ability replaces the 1st-level fighter bonus combat feat. you can use it again.
Rainbow Assault: At 6th level, a combination of a daz- Rainbow Assault. At 10th level, a combination of your
zling warrior’s natural colors and pointed attacks can keep natural colors and your pointed attacks can keep enemies
enemies off-kilter and focused on them. Whenever a daz- off-kilter and focused on you. Whenever you successfully
zling warrior takes the full attack action and makes at least hit with at least two melee weapon attacks on a single target
two attacks on an enemy that successfully hit, that enemy since the start of your last turn, that target has disadvan-
gains a –1 penalty to hit anyone other than the dazzling tage on all attack rolls against anyone other than you until
warrior until the end of the dazzling warrior’s next turn. the end of your next turn.
This penalty increases by 1 for every 3 fighter levels the daz- Born to Impress. At 15th level, you gain the ability
zling warrior has, to a maximum of –7 at 18th level. This to take advantage of your mobility when free of the heavy
ability replaces the 6th-level fighter bonus combat feat. armors you may have worn while practicing to this point.
Born to Impress: At 7th level, a dazzling warrior gains While you are unarmored and not using a shield, your ar-
the ability to take advantage of their mobility when free of mor class is 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma
the heavy armors they may have worn while practicing to modifier. If you are wearing light armor and not using a
this point. In medium armor, a dazzling warrior gains a shield, you may add your Charisma modifier to your armor
+1 dodge bonus to AC. In light armor, the dazzling warrior class (maximum increase of 3). If you are wearing medium
gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC. When wearing light armor armor or not using a shield while wearing heavy armor, you
and not using a shield, this becomes a +3 dodge bonus to instead increase your AC by 1.
AC. This ability replaces armor training 2 (at 11th level the Sight to Behold. Starting at 18th level, whenever you
dazzling warrior gains armor training 2 and at 15th level the use Striking Blow or Rainbow Assault, you may affect a
dazzling warrior gains armor training 3). number of additional targets equal to half your Charisma
modifier (minimum 1) in addition to your normal target.
Regardless of the number of foes affected, you only make
Racial Class Specialties (5th edition) one roll to intimidate when you make a Striking Blow
Dazzling Warrior (Martial Archetype)
Aces in the air, the maneuvering of dazzling warrior flut- Flutterpony Racial Traits (Pathfinder)
terponies make them impressive foes on the battlefield. Loud Personality: Being brightly colored isn’t quite
Striking Blow. When you aim well, you make sure your enough—other people have to hear you and understand
enemy knows it. Starting at 3rd level when you select this the colors inside as well. Flutterponies with this racial trait
archetype, any time you land a melee weapon attack that gain a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidation and
exceeds the target’s AC by 5 or more on the attack roll, you choose one of these skills to become a class skill.
may attempt to intimidate the target as a reaction. Make Magic Resistant: The ancient predation of magic has
a Charisma (Intimidation) ability check opposed by the not left some flutterponies. Flutterponies with this racial
target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If successful, the target is
trait gain a +1 racial bonus on saving throws against spells Insect Harmony
and spell-like abilities.
School conjuration; Level bard 4, druid 4, shaman 4,
Rainbow Defined: Flutterponies tend to become quite
summoner 4
used to bright colors and dizzying patterns. Flutterponies
Casting Time 1 standard action
with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
Components V
against pattern effects and spells.
Range personal
Swarm Tactics: Being in confined quarters with allies Target self
feels natural to flutterponies, almost comforting. Flutterpo- Duration 10 minutes/level
nies with this racial trait may share space with an ally, gain- Save see text; Spell Resistance yes
ing a +1 shield bonus to AC while doing so.
You focus on the ancient ties of your breed with a little
song. You were once monarchs of the insect kingdom and
Flutterpony Magic (Pathfinder) traces of that ancestry remain. For the duration of the spell,
you are protected from insects, bugs, and related creatures
as per sanctuary. When you are within 40 feet of a non-
Distracting Pattern intelligent swarm, at the start of your turn there is a 25%
chance you may correctly predict what its actions will be
School illusion [pattern, mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, that round even if it’s not insectoid. You may expend the
magus 3, psychic 3, summoner 3, sorcerer/wizard 3 spell to try to seize control of a single insect’s mind (as per
Casting Time 1 standard action dominate monster), even if it is normally immune to mind-
Components V, S affecting abilities; this ends the other effects of the spell and
Range personal the dominate effect persists for the remaining duration.
Target self
Duration 1 min./level
Save none; Spell Resistance no Pony’s Kin
You become shrouded in otherworldly shades and hues School conjuration [healing]; Level bard 2, summoner 2,
that dance around you. Allies within 30 feet are stimulat- witch 2
ed just enough to gain a +3 circumstance bonus to saving Casting Time 1 immediate action
throws when affected by patterns or other effects that rely Components V, S
on sight (such as a gaze attack). This bonus increases by +1 Range touch
for every five caster levels. Target one non-flutterpony ponykind
Duration instantaneous
Hive Symbiosis Save none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

School enchantment; Level druid 3, shaman 3 With an impassioned plea for the safety of your kin and a
Casting Time 1 standard action gentle pat on the area of injury, the kinship of your people
Components V, S for ponykind helps channel a wave of positive energy that
Range touch heals the target for 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per cast-
Target one creature/3 levels er level (maximum +10). If the target is fatigued, shaken, or
Duration 1 min./level sickened, one of the conditions (caster’s choice) is removed.
Save none; Spell Resistance no
Drawing on the old ties between flutterponies and nature
Small Rush
itself, even the plants remember when you were a key part
School transmutation; Level alchemist 2, bloodrager 2,
of their ecology. For the duration of the spell, those affect- inquisitor 2, paladin 2
ed by the spell are not hindered by difficult terrain caused Casting Time 1 standard action
by plants. If the plants are magically influenced, you may Components V
make a caster level check as you or an ally attempts to move Range personal
through it against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the spell or Target self
effect (minimum DC 12). A success suppresses the effect for Duration 1 round
1 minute. While the spell is active, those affected by it are Save none; Spell Resistance no
also aware if any given plant within 5 feet is edible or poi- With a shrill cry you shrink abruptly, becoming Tiny-
sonous. They also gain a +3 circumstance bonus to Climb sized. You gain a +50 ft. enhancement bonus to your speed
and Stealth checks involving vegetation. and gain a +4 natural armor bonus to your AC until the end
of the round. Rolls to start or maintain grapples against you

while this spell is active have a 50% chance of failing en- Range: Personal
tirely. Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Flutterpony Magic (5e) You focus the ancient ties of your breed with a little song.
You were once monarchs of the insect kingdom, and traces
of it remain. For the duration of the spell, you are affected
Distracting Pattern as if by sanctuary against insects, bugs, and related crea-
tures. If a swarm with an intelligence of 3 or less within 40
2nd-level illusion
feet of you that can perceive you takes a turn, there is a 25%
Class: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
chance you may determine its actions that round, even if
Casting Time: 1 action
it’s not insectoid. You may abandon the normal benefits of
Range: Personal
this spell as an action to instead try to seize control of a
Components: V, S
single insect’s mind, even if it is normally immune to the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
charmed condition. This functions as per dominate beast
You become shrouded in otherworldly shades and hues and persists for the remaining duration of this spell if suc-
that dance around you. Allies within 30 feet are stimulated cessful.
just enough to gain advantage on saving throws to resist
patterns or other effects that rely on sight (such as a gaze
Pony’s Kin
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell 2nd-level evocation
slot of 3rd-level or higher, those affected gain a +1 bonus to Class: Bard, Cleric
the same saving throw per level above 2nd-level it is cast. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Hive Symbiosis
Duration: Instantaneous
3rd-level enchantment With an impassioned plea for the safety of your kin and a
Class: Bard, Druid gentle pat on the area of injury, the kinship of your people
Casting Time: 1 action for ponykind helps channel a wave of positive energy that
Range: Touch (two targets) heals the target (who must be ponykind, but not a flutter-
Components: V, S pony). The target regains a number of hit points equal to
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. If has the charmed,
Drawing on the old ties between flutterponies and nature frightened, or poisoned condition, one of the conditions
itself, even the plants remember when you were a key part (caster’s choice) is removed.
of their ecology. The targets of this spell are not hindered by At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
difficult terrain caused by non-magical plants. In addition, slot of 3rd-level or higher, you may select another condition
whenever the targets attempt to move through plants that to be removed simultaneously and the healing is increased
are magically influenced, they may make an ability check by 1d8 for every spell slot above 2nd.
with your spellcasting ability against DC 8 + the caster’s
spellcasting ability modifier of the spell or effect (minimum
Small Rush
DC 9). A success suppresses the effect for 1 minute and you
may only make a single check against a given magical effect 2nd-level transmutation
once per casting of this spell. While hive symbiosis is active, Class: Paladin, Warlock
those affected by it are also aware if any given plant within Casting Time: 1 action
5 feet is edible or poisonous. They also gain advantage to Range: Personal
Climb and Stealth checks involving vegetation. Components: V
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Duration: 1 round
spell slot of 4th-level or higher, you may target one addi- With a shrill cry you abruptly shrink, becoming Tiny. Your
tional creature for every spell slot above 3rd. speed increases by 50 feets and your armor class increases
by 1 until the end of the round. Rolls to start or maintain
Insect Harmony grapples against you while this spell is active have a 50%
chance of failing entirely.
4th-level conjuration
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Class: Bard, Druid, Warlock
spell slot of 3rd-level or higher, you may extend the spell by
Casting Time: 1 action
one round per spell slot above 2nd.
Gem Gnolls

Gem Gnoll Power Gem gnolls do not typically have last names. The few
that do have one owe it to a historic gem gnoll who gave
Where ordinary gnolls are scourges of plains and hills, one themselves after earning the right and passed it down
gem gnolls felt a calling deep beneath their feet and they their lineage. There is no pattern or rhyme to these earned
adapted to underground life, their eyes evolving to pierce names.
the shadows without costly torches or oil to light the way.
Cowards by nature, a gem gnoll is never far from an es-
cape, thanks largely in part to their ability to dig with fan- A Brief History of Gem Gnolls
tastic speed in anything less solid than stone. They leave When Apep scorched Everglow with pain and fire, gnolls
no tunnels behind them and can quickly leave any conflict were sent scattering just as much as any other species. A
they’ve decided is too much for them. few outliers felt the only safety was beneath their feet and
Xenophobic by nature, many gem gnolls only speak their they began tunneling into the hills they knew as home—by
race’s language. Though standard gnolls can understand the time Apep was gone and they reemerged, they had be-
and converse, both sides of this divide swear that the other come the dominant gnoll species by merit of most of the
has a thick accent that immediately places them, comically, non-gem gnolls being murdered by the demon god’s wrath-
akin to a normal gnoll (because large digging paws are not ful march.
hint enough). Instead of being the mocked minority of the gnolls, they
were the top hyenas and spread quickly, both above and be-
low those hills. Other gnolls were subjugated and made to
Gem Gnoll Naming follow their commands, and they became the leading force
The first name of a gem gnoll is often a specific kind of throughout the gnollish territories while their less populous
gem but many also taken human-like names, especially kin were still reeling from the horror they had barely sur-
those who live anywhere near a city. A gnoll who names vived.
their pups after too valuable a gem risks scorn and mocking If gnolls were more inclined to cooperation they would
should their children not live up to their lofty ambition. A have been perfectly situated to make a decisive move against
few more common names are Ruby, Diamond, Tony, Am- all the recovering surface species. As it was, the commu-
ethyst, Zircon, Beryl, Pearl, Jim, Aqua. nity spirit of the gem gnolls splintered and broke quickly.
Gem Gnoll Pathfinder Attributes

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution: Gem gnolls are physically powerful and tough.

Gnoll: Gem gnolls are humanoids with the gnoll subtype.
Medium: Gem gnolls are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Gem gnolls have a base speed of 30 feet and burrow speed of 20 feet.
Darkvision: Gem gnolls can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Natural Armor: Gem gnolls have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Languages: Gem gnolls begin play speaking Gnoll. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose from the follow-
ing languages: Common, Dwarven, Sylvan, and Terran.

Gem Gnoll 5th Edition Attributes

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Gem gnolls mature at roughly the age of 14 before they are ready to take their part in the pack.
Alignment. Gem gnolls tend towards chaotic evil, with some inherent inclination towards placing themselves be-
fore any other and a disregard for most laws enacted on them. There are exceptions and in theory, a gem gnoll
can be of any alignment.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a burrow speed of 20 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 90 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Humanoid. Gem gnolls are humanoids.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Gnoll. You can also choose one language from the following list: Com-
mon, Dwarven, Sylvan, or Terran.

What was one kingdom fell to squabbling and infighting being hired. The job was to collect some easy pony slaves
in short order; they rapidly became a loose collection of that would be scarcely protected. Simply knowing when
bickering tribes, each convinced of its own superiority and where to strike was almost enough and they set out
and constantly trying to win over their neighbors. eagerly. The small short-legs they fell upon had no idea
When ponies began to spread and build cities the gem what was coming and those not massacred in the attacks
gnolls saw two opportunities present themselves—fine were dragged away to work the mines. The extra work-
targets for raids and easy suppliers of labor. Ponies were force made that tribe powerful among the others and
strong and durable, and could be made to mine long and they eagerly took advantage of the wealth their extra dig-
hard without nearly half the whining another gnoll would gers could dredge up.
make if forced into the same task. When not brokering deals with darker pony gods, the
Then the doppelganger came. They thought this mare gnolls make their living largely by raiding others. Gems,
or stallion—they were never entirely certain which—was tools, and anything that catches their eye are all valid tar-
from a new race that would make fine slaves but the gem gets. The gem gnoll motto goes, “If we took it, you didn’t
gnolls were rebuffed easily and given a counteroffer with deserve it.” They are not inept at making their own things
something that sounded good to their shaggy ears. That however, and some gnolls avoid raiding duty completely
doppelganger carried word directly from Kara: they were by showing talent at smithing or other non-violent craft-

ing tasks to keep the warbands well-equipped and their wells—more often the cub is literally booted from the family
gear in top condition. These non-combatant gnolls also cave and told to get their own gems. Most gem gnolls do
tend to be the longest-lived and some even become chief of not carry much discourse between generations after this,
their tribe by sheer age. though especially embarrassing failures or famous victories
When the Pony Empire collapsed the gnolls only took bring about a gem gnoll’s parents to bark at their opinion,
note of how much easier it became to capture and raid the for good or ill.
ponies. They eagerly hastened the collapse of the pony civi- From then on most gem gnolls live a simple life of their
lization without knowing or caring what they were doing given task, seeking to master it and use it to achieve su-
at the time. When those pony settlements left became iso- premacy, secure wealth, and prove their worth to the rest
lated but tougher and difficult to harass, they turned their of the tribe. Gnolls do not live as long as most other races.
eyes eastward to the continent beyond Everglow—perhaps Some argue that this is due to their violent lifestyle but even
they could find good spoils there? They would have to get those few gem gnolls that settle peacefully in cities feel the
through the orcs first, but orcs don’t dig... grip of time before most others. Around thirty years of age a
gem gnoll begins to suffer their first graying hairs. For those
of warrior leanings, a gem gnoll often plucks such rebel-
Life of Gem Gnolls lious hairs free and pretends nothing happened. Peaceful or
Gem gnolls do not often know love as others would know crafting gem gnolls see such grayness is a sign of maturity
it. Their meetings can be brutal and violent. and power however, evidence of the sheer will to survive.
On rare occasion, two gem gnolls may As time pulls a gem gnoll down the differences between
feel genuine care for one another, but the two main castes grows ever wider until they reach their
those are the exceptions and most
come together in a brutish seizing
of physical delight with two to
four pups as the result.
The more powerful gem gnoll
lays claim to all such pups unless
the two are genuine in their feelings. Ei-
ther way those subordinate to the controlling
gnoll are often tasked with assisting with the pups,
though slave species are also often tasked with help-
ing rear the offspring. Such a task may be a welcome
alternative to mining which results in those who taking
the role of caretaker being desperate to do it well and keep
that assignment.
When a gem gnoll reaches the time of being a young
adult—about the age of nine—the adult who has claimed
them begins to take a much more active role in their life.
This works as a familial apprenticeship with the cubs being
instructed in the parent’s way of life. This is also when off-
spring are expected to begin pulling their weight; they are
sent on very serious (but usually short-range) actions or for
the children of an artisan, begin to actually help and create
right alongside their parent.
This is also when a gem gnoll is awarded their first gem. At
the completion of their first task, they are rewarded—often
with much pomp and cackling glee—their very first jewel. It
is woven into their fur (as most of those that may follow in
life are) and treasured highly as proof of their basic worth
as a gem gnoll. Only the most heinous crimes or crushing
defeats allow for a gem gnoll to snatch that one particular
gem without censure from their usually anarchistic kin.
When a gem gnoll proves consistently able or their parent
becomes tired of coaching them, they are set out into the
world. Rarely, this is done with gentleness and fond fare-
venerable years. While a venerable craftsgnoll is seen
as a valued asset to the community, a veteran warrior?
Now there’s a true gem gnoll. Despite a life of conquest,
raids, and unending struggle, they still yet live despite
their age (which has grown too severe to hide). If there
is a venerable warrior available, he will be given the
task of chieftan more often than not. Should an upstart
youngster demand the position a tribe may yield it, but
eyes and ears turn to elder gnolls when things are dire.
For all their anarchy, truly earned wisdom is a thing the
gem gnolls seem to respect almost instinctively.
The end of a gem gnoll is often swift and violent, an-
other body to be stepped over with the barest of thought
but for artisans and chieftains more peaceful ends are
possible. The final ceremony for such gem gnolls is sim-
ple, performed above ground, the closest friend or fam-
ily of the fallen digs a hole—but not with their hands.
They will use a shovel for the task, taking the time to
dig deep and hard, setting the body to rest as a final
sign of respect and a showing that they were worth the
effort, even dead. Despite the reverence shown in that
final act, a gnoll has no claim to their gems in death and
few are buried with even their honored first jewel.

Stereotypes of other Races

Ponies: Stupid things, as if anything on four legs
should have gems. Take their gems, sometimes steal
them. They’re horses—horses are made to work.
Short Legs: They are tough despite their size. Such
good slaves, literally given by a god. Work them hard
and don’t let them slack off. They like slacking off if you
let them…make one squeal and the rest cry and work
twice as hard.
Cloven: Waste of time.
Flutter Ponies: Shiny! But aren’t they just ponies?
Griffons: Just as dangerous as the monsters they re-
semble. Do not raid griffons where they can see you, or
you invite big trouble. On the other paw, if you can get
into a griffon warehouse without them noticing...
Phoenix Wolves: Waste of time! Stop asking me
about stupid things.
Purrsian: I like them. Not because they good or
anything, but because they like gems too. They hoard
them all in one place, and hope we don’t notice. We no-
tice. Oh yes, we notice...
Steel Heart: Some of them have gems in their ar-
mor. Know what’s funny? A naked steel heart.
Humanoids: I remind you, we are one of those.
Don’t be stupid. They’re competition. They are also
food, money, and more. Trade if you have to, take what
you can.

Gem Gnoll Feats(PF) Charisma-based check (maximum +5).

Claws of Steel (General)

Blessed of Kara (General) Most gem gnolls are happy being able to burrow through
dirt and sand, but you don’t even let solid stone impede
Your kind served Kara well, and her well wishes still you.
echo in your line.
Prerequisite: Base attack +6, gem gnoll
Prerequisite: Gem gnoll, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks
Benefit: You can burrow through rock and at 12th level
Benefit: When you fail a saving throw to see through an even steel. Every 5 feet of rock or steel you burrow through,
illusion, you get the sense that something is wrong. This you take 1d6 damage.
does not penetrate the illusion but may yield results where
others do not blindly accept the reality they are given.
Darkest Mines (General)
All gem gnolls spend some time in the dark, but you took
Brilliant Pelt (General) it to the next level. There is no pit deep enough that would
You have woven your hard won gems into your pelt in a dissuade you. There is no darkness that intimidates you.
breathtaking display of power and wealth. Prerequisite: Level 5+, gem gnoll
Prerequisite: Cha 13, gem gnoll Benefit: Your darkvision extends to 120 feet. At 12th lev-
Benefit: For every 5% of your wealth by level you have el, you can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including
in gem value on display, you gain a +1 racial bonus to any that created by deeper darkness.

Impatient Diplomacy (Combat) • You increase the range of your darkvision by 60 feet.
Diplomacy is a tricky thing. When it works, great. But • You may detect gems and anything made from them
it doesn’t always, and being the first to realize it’s not by scent, and you may use this scent to appraise the
working can make all the difference in the world. value of jewels or utilize supernatural senses you may
have access to (such as detect magic or identify) to
Prerequisite: Diplomacy 5 ranks
analyze gems.
Benefit: After failing a Diplomacy check or having a
Diplomacy check failed against you out of combat, you
may initiate combat. If you do so, it begins as a surprise Gem Gnoll Racial Traits (Pathfinder)
round and only creatures that have this feat and hear or Famous Parent: Your mother or father was quite well-
see the Diplomacy check can act. regarded in gem gnoll society and others expect much of
Special: NPCs that select this feat are still unable to you. Being constantly judged and tested hardened you in
use the Diplomacy skill against player characters. preparation to succeed. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Will
Light Chaser: This pejorative title is given to gem gnolls
Gem Sniffer (General) that leave the pack and claim they can find a better life—you
Rumors say all gem gnolls can detect the presence of are one of those seeking to live outside the usual gem gnoll
gems. This is a lie, usually. You’re an exception. traditions. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and it
becomes a class skill. When dealing with other gem gnolls,
Prerequisite: Wis 13, gem gnoll you lose this bonus and suffer a –2 penalty to Diplomacy
Benefit: You gain the scent ability at 60 feet but it only checks against them.
applies to gemstones and creatures composed of jewels. Menacing Stance: Walk big, talk big, act big. Some-
You may make an Appraise check based entirely off the times it’s the only way to get things done. You gain a +1
scent of an item to get a gauge of its worth. If you have trait bonus to Intimidate and Sense motive and choose one
detect magic or a similar effect active, you can smell any to become a class skill.
magic it may have and attempt to identify it without line
of sight. Wealth Seeker: You hunger to expand your collection
of jewels and gems. If you spot or know that a target has
valuable jewels, you gain +1 trait bonus to attack rolls and
damage rolls against them.
Taskmaster (General)
A loud bark and the right words get your minions
working harder, even the ones that think they are not
your minions.
Prerequisite: Gem gnoll
Benefit: As a standard action, you can give a crea-
ture able to hear you within 30 feet a +2 morale bo-
nus to a Strength check they make within a round.

Gem Gnoll Feats(5e)

Dug Deeper
Prerequisites: Gnoll, darkvision, burrow speed
Reaching ever deeper, you’ve become a master miner.
You can see further, smell the tastiest of gems, and let
nothing stand between you and your treasure. You gain
the following benefits:
• You may burrow through through stone, suffering
1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet of it you
burrow through, or steel, taking a level of fatigue
for every round you do so in addition to taking

Impure Power of the area uses.

Donkies are deceptively similar to ponykind but their dif- Most impure do not have family names—instead, like
ferences bear out, perverse and unwholesome as their race. their first name, last names imitate the conventions of
Should a pony stoop to courting one, any foals that result whatever society they are trying to be a part of.
are barren and their line is doomed to end with them.
Aloof and quiet by nature, most donkies keep to them- A Brief History of Impure
selves—they have no grand cities to call their own and no It is said that when the Author set down to create an ideal
army of the impure ever menaced the land. They have lived species, she began with the cats and found them lacking in
with others, occupying small sidelines where the other rac- community spirit and kindness. She then made the goats,
es have thrived and grown powerful. who were kind and good but had too little ambition to truly
Despite their lack of favor, impure do show some physi- make the world their own.
cal strengths. They are especially tough and stable, lending Some think she went on to make ponies, but those who
themselves to become laborers of the settlements they are chronicle the impure know better. She attempted an equine
part of. Armed with a wicked kick, forwards or back, they and shaped a donkey into something she hoped would be
have gained a reputation for being ornery no matter how good, yet even as she was doing that she was fashioning the
peaceful or violent an individual may be. first pony; of the two, her favor was swift and easily chosen.
Perhaps in spite of the quiet judgment laid upon their She liked ponies and simply abandoned the donkeys, pay-
people, they have a ready pool of mental fortitude. At- ing them no further mind.
tempts to sway impure or beguile them often fail before Where ponies went, the impure were beside them. They
their single-mindedness despite the oft-spoken claim that were a forgotten race, unwritten of, uncelebrated, and un-
is just another sign of their inferiority and stupidity. desired by no few ponies. They typically did nothing overtly
wrong but it was quite easy to lay things at their hooves. If
Impure Naming there is a draught, it must be the impure’s fault. Too much
water? Also their fault. Gnoll raid? Impure. Sometimes an
The first name of an impure can vary wildly, often imitat- impure would be dragged before the town to be heckled and
ing the naming standards of whatever the dominant species chastised, giving the others something to vent their frustra-
Impure Pathfinder Attributes

+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2 Dexterity: Impure are hardy and possess strong will but slow in comparison
to other ponykind.
Impure: Impure are fey with the impure subtype.
Quick: Impure have a base speed of 40 feet (20 feet bipedal).
Fingerless: See fingerless rules on page 2.
Four-Legged: Impure gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and increase their carrying capacity by
+50%. They have forelegs instead of arms.
Hoof: Impure have a primary natural hoof attack that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage + 1 ½ their Strength modifier.
Stable Footing: Impure gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts.
Stubborn: Impure gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saves against enchantment (compulsion) and enchantment
(charm) effects. When they fail such a save, they receive one more save a round later to throw off the effect (same
Tough Hide: Impure gain a +1 natural armor bonus.
Languages: Impure begin play speaking Sylvan and Common. Impure with high Ingelligence scores can choose
from the following: Auran, Elven, Dwarven, and Terran.

Impure 5th Edition Attributes

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Impure mature at roughly the same age of most Everglow species.
Alignment. Impure can be of any alignment, but will often keep that alignment to themselves, rarely making public
display of their beliefs.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Fey Born. You count as fey for all purposes.
Fingerless. You may use your mouth as one hand and are considered Small-sized when determining the weapons
they are able to wield.
Four-Legged. Being a four-legged creature, you can bear greater weights than a human of the same strength with-
out being encumbered (increasing your carrying capacity by 50%). You gain advantage on any ability checks or
saving throws to avoid the prone condition.
Hoof. You gain a hoof attack natural weapon that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. You may use this hoof attack as
though it were a finesse light weapon.
Stable Footing. You gain advantage on ability checks and saving throws to avoid being shoved or otherwise moved
against your will.
Stubborn. After failing a Wisdom saving throw against an effect with a duration longer than 1 round, at the start of
your next turn you may roll your saving throw again at the same DC to end the effect.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan. You can also choose one language from the fol-
lowing list: Auran, Elven, Dwarven, or Terran.

tion at. The impure are usually unharmed, if one discount- parents, but the impure’s own growing insecurity eventu-
ed the mental pain of being blamed always. ally drives many of those away.
Things only became violent towards the impure when the Once large and educated enough an impure bids a sad
Pony Empire slid towards total collapse. Frantic, fright- farewell to their parents and sets off on their own, most
ened, and beyond rational thinking, the impure blaming traveling a great distance away. The young hope to outpace
became physical—a single thrown stone become two. The the hurt behind them but rare is the place they can settle
ponies swarmed over the source of all their problems and without finding their pain has doggedly followed them,
the impure had no choice but to flee the places they knew spurring some to simply never stop moving. These impure
as homes. When not being chased away, donkies served as often become adventurers, seeking to prove they are worth
stable and reliable members of their community (favored admiration and hoping to deflect some of the scorn heaped
or not). Some tried to rise above their station by way of ad- upon them.
venturing for the ancient stones of lost places or the jaws of Some succumb to negativity. If everyone believes they are
frightful beasts care not if one is pony or impure, and there evil, why fight it? They become bandits and outlaws, a few
they can succeed or fail entirely on their own terms free of even becoming quite famous for their lives of cruel actions.
the burden placed on them by ponykind. The other impure sigh and shake their head—why can’t they
Among humanoids the impure are both similar to the get as much attention when they try to do the right thing?
rest of ponykind, yet different. No one mistakes an impure When an impure begins to feel the spectre of age loom-
for a unicorn or other fanciful creature, but they do speak, ing over them, their reaction varies depending on their life.
use tools, and have that faint touch of fey magic clinging to Those that have married take time to thank their spouse
them. In some ways they are the most approachable of the and write their children, usually announcing their will in
Everglow races, save perhaps the cloven; they appear large- these missives (to be enacted on their actual death). There
ly harmless and act much the same. If an impure wishes is good reason to announce so dour a declaration far ahead
to live in a human settlement, they have more to fear in a of time: giving living relations a chance to come swiftly and
rancher trying to add them to their livestock than any other snatch their things away before others do it for them.
harassment or harm.
The passing ceremony of impure is a simple affair. If they
had family, they are buried without much ceremony. Oth-
Life of Impure erwise their remains are burned to avert disease and any
The impure are simple when it comes to relationships— possessions are divided among others or incinerated with
when they can find another they like, they attempt to woo the body, cleaning the community of the taint the donkey
them. The method of wooing can vary quite a bit, from ro- once represented.
mantic poetry, to gifts (both hoof-made and purchased),
to singing from their hearts. If their advance is accepted, Stereotypes of other Races
courtship and then marriage can result. Usually only after
married and settled do foals follow, typically a single at a Ponies: Some say we look alike. I’m not sure I can see
time but sometimes twins. that anymore. Would anything we could call brother treat
us like that?
Foals are raised by their parents, usually home-educated
even if there is a school in the area (unless the institution Cloven: They are also kin of ponies, but they never got
happens to be specifically for the impure, which is vanish- a bad rap for it. They’re polite to a fault. You can do worse
ingly rare). Those attempting to enroll their foals in school than being around them.
face stiff prejudice. Worries that their young may have dif- Flutter Ponies: They say we’re not colorful enough.
ficulty accepting orders from teachers or butt heads with Figures.
other students will be considered as factual obstacles no
Griffons: Big, powerful, scary, but also unconcerned if
matter how docile and kind the foal may be. Rather than
what is in front of them is a pony or a donkey. If you can get
face the sting of such rejection, the impure raise their own
into a griffon city, it’s not a bad place to live.
children as best they can.
Phoenix Wolves: They want to be left alone. Fine. I un-
A donkey foal often learns harsh lessons. Potential friends
derstand the feeling.
are turned away by the other’s parents, warned to keep
away from the impure and the trouble they can bring. Other Purrsian: Anything with coins is equal in their eyes.
impure foals—if any—can become the only source of com- Meet their fees and they don’t care what you are.
panionship. Fortunately, foals will be foals. Some rare few Steel Heart: Metal ponies? I’m not sure if that’s better
ponykind youths seek out impure peers just to spite their or not.

Humanoids: They see a beast of burden, even lower Hooved Master (Combat)
than a graceful horse. We’re good for hauling and labor,
All impure are naturally gifted with lashing out with
maybe riding for those too poor to get a horse. The fact that
their hooves but few give it formal practice.
we talk just makes us curiosities.
Prerequisite: Impure
Impure Feats (PF) Benefit: When you take the full attack action with your
hoof, you may make a second attack with a –2 penalty. On
a successful hit, this second attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning
A Heavy Burden (General) damage + your Strength modifier.
Some say the impure are good for manual labor—maybe
they aren’t wrong.
Launching Hooves (Combat)
Prerequisite: Impure
With a sudden lash your hooves are capable of sending
Benefit: Treat your Strength score as 4 higher when de- foes flying.
termining your carrying capacity.
Prerequisite: Impure, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: Whenever you hit a creature with a hoof attack,
A Thousand Lashes (Combat) you may make a free bull rush combat maneuver. You do
You will not bend a knee to adversity, quietly pressing not move with the victim. This bull rush does not provoke
on when others would succumb. attacks of opportunity. If you succeed by 10 or more, the
target is also knocked prone.
Prerequisite: Impure
Benefit: You gain one hit point per level. If you would
perish due to your Constitution reaching 0 from ability More Alike Than Not (General)
damage or ability drain, once per day you may instead have Sometimes they just seem not so different.
1 Constitution remaining.
Prerequisite: Impure
Benefit: You gain one feat that would normally require
you to be an earth-bound as one of its prerequisites.

Standing Alone (Combat)

When all seems lost, you never give
up. No matter how vast the enemy you
will stay the battle.
Prerequisite: Impure, Iron Will
Benefit: When outnumbered at least
three to one, you may make a Will save
whenever you are damaged, reducing
the damage taken by 1 per 5 rolled (keep
track of the damage avoided.) Any dam-
age prevented this way is inflicted at
once when the threat has passed, or up
to 10 minutes/level (whichever is soon-

Stubborn as a Mule (General)

Mules share the reputation of their
donkey progenitors, and all are equally
Prerequisite: Wis 13+, impure

Benefit: When you make Will saving throw against an tack roll exceeds the target’s AC.
attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, you • Treat your Strength score as 4 points higher when
instead avoid the effect entirely. determining your carrying capacity

Tanned Hide (General) More Alike Than Not

Your hide is tougher than others of your kind and Prerequisites: Impure
they’re already known for being born with a natural
suit of armor. Sometimes they just seem not so different. You gain the
following benefits
Prerequisite: Impure
• Select one feat that requires the like a weed or
Benefit: Your natural armor increases by +1. At 10th tougher than magic racial features or the earth-
level the bonuses increases by another +1. At 15th level bound subrace. You gain this feat as long as you
you gain a 25% chance to negate an incoming sneak at- meet all other prerequisites.
tack or critical hit. This operates as and does not stack
with fortification effects on armor.
Stubborn Until the End
Impure Feats(5e) Prerequisites: Impure
Not even blades and clubs can dampen your spirit. You
Earth’s Blessing will struggle on until your body fails beneath you, your
mind still trying for success. You gain the following ben-
Prerequisites: Impure efits:
Your skin can turn aside blades and your endurance in • When you succeed a Wisdom saving throw that
the face of punishment grows more and more astound- would result in a diminished effect, you instead suf-
ing with each passing day. Even the foulest attacks falter fer no ill effect.
against your resilient hide. You gain the following ben-
efits: • While outnumbered at least 3 to 1 and you take
damage, you may make a Wisdom saving throw, re-
• When not wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + ducing the damage by 1 for every 3 points of the re-
Dexterity modifier. sult. Once any immediate threats have passed or an
• Your hit point maximum increases by an amount hour later (whichever comes first), any damage pre-
equal to your level when you gain this feat. When- vented this way is inflicted against you all at once.
ever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point max-
imum increases by an additional hit point. Impure Racial Traits (Pathfinder)
• When your maximum hp would reduced below an In Darkness Equal: You’ve learned the solitude and
amount equal to your level, it is instead reduced to pleasure of being graded solely on your performance in
your level. Once you use this feature, you must fin- the thrill of adventure. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Climb
ish a long rest before you can use it again. and Knowledge (dungeoneering) and choose one to be-
Hooved Master come a class skill.

Prerequisite: Impure Love Against Pain: You refuse to give in to the ste-
reotypes laid on your people’s shoulders and keep a smile
You exemplify several of the strengths of the impure, against it all. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy and
able to bear tremendous weights and capable of deliver- it becomes a class skill.
ing wicked kicks to anyone that feels the need to cross
you. You gain the following benefits: Mule: You are the product of a donkey and a pony. You
suffer social backlash for the fault of your own creation.
• When you take the attack action, you may make an You gain a +1 trait bonus to Will saves.
additional hoof attack as a bonus action (as two-
weapon fighting). Pretender: Why suffer as a donkey when, with a lit-
tle effort, you can just not be one? You’ve practiced the
• When you hit a target who is no more than one size fine art of passing as a pony. You take no penalties when
category larger than you with a hoof attack, you disguising as any earth-bound pony. Disguise becomes a
may, as a bonus action, force the target back 5 feet class skill for you.
plus an additional 5 feet for every 5 points your at-
Phoenix Wolves

Phoenix Wolf Power mer, Spark, and Ember.

Born from creatures of hell and sharing lineage with Phoenix Wolves have last names as often as they don’t.
wolves, the phoenix wolves blend their ancestries together Many last names are familial, passed from father to child
into an imposing package. Though they have lost their im- with examples that include Rage, Ashstorm, Darkness,
munity to heat they remain resistant to it—flames have a Hell, Onecut, Wind, and Fire.
hard time invading their pelt which already seems to smol-
der and burn with its own innate fire.
A Brief History of Phoenix Wolves
Though less resistant to flames, they have learned to wield
In the tumultuous time before the empire was formed a
them better than their progenitors. Those with enough force
mare worked busily in a small town that not only allowed
of will can make light and fire dance before them, seeming
but encouraged wild acts of magic. She conjured creatures
to originate either from their ember-like coat or from their
from far flung planes thinking they held great secrets—most
mouths in a throwback to their fire breathing cousins.
of the time they only held great danger. She made little
Those that are drawn to their flaming heritage find it headway until she conjured a large pack of 30 hell hounds.
comes more easily and strongly than an equally matched She hadn’t meant to summon them but there they were. Re-
pony or human. Their link to the infernal planes has been fusing to believe she had simply erred she decided she must
weakened almost to the breaking point, but their affinity to do something with the hounds so she studied their nature
fire is strong and pervasive. and found two warring sides. There was a primeval sense of
Pack animals by nature, there are some tactics that come evil in them but there was also heat, fire, and ash. The fire,
to them instinctively—whether alone or in a group they at- though intimidating, was not itself evil. If she could sepa-
tack from unexpected angles and strike where an enemy is rate these components without destroying the creatures,
weakest. As hunters they are swift and deadly, often strik- perhaps she could create something worth having? She got
ing by ambush and locking their terrible jaws around a hap- to work.
less victim. The mare tried many things. She splashed holy water
Unlike ponies phoenix wolves do not have brands of des- to little effect. She tried reading holy scriptures and refor-
tiny. They are not tied to the will of the gods (at least, not mational dictates to them, also to little effect. In the end,
so obviously) and their destinies are their own to make, fail, grunting with frustration she decided she had to appeal to
and remake without any clear sign to provide hints towards their better half—the pure blazes of flame within them. The
it. This suits most of them just fine. only cure for these hell hounds was to literally burn the hell
out of them. Her peers scoffed at the very notion ready to
Phoenix Wolf Naming watch her fail, but she was as stubborn as she was skilled at
The first name of phoenix wolves tends to be something magic. Despite being normally immune to flames she killed
that references heat, smoke, or fire. A few more common many of them in special furnaces of her own design and it
names are Blaze, Smoke, Shroud, Heat, Ash, Noon, Sum- wasn’t until she had almost fully expended her supply of
Phoenix Wolves Pathfinder Attributes

+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –2 Intelligence: Phoenix wolves are agile and intuitive but not typically very smart.
Phoenix Wolf: Phoenix wolves are fey with the phoenix wolf subtype.
Medium: Phoenix wolves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Quick: Phoenix wolves have a base speed of 40 feet (20 feet bipedal).
Low-Light Vision: Phoenix wolves can see twice as far as humans in dim light.
Fingerless: See fingerless rules on page 2.
Four-Legged: Phoenix wolves gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and increase their carrying
capacity by +50%. They have forelegs instead of arms.
Battle Tactics: Phoenix wolves gain a +2 racial bonus on attempts to feint and the DC of a check made to feint them
increases by +2.
Bite: Phoenix wolves gain a bite attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning, slashing, and pierc-
ing damage.
Fiery Pelt: Phoenix Wolves gain fire resistance 5.
Fire Heart: Phoenix wolves with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—
dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, and produce flame. The caster level for these effects is equal to the phoenix
wolf’s level.
Fire Nature: A phoenix wolf increases its caster level by +1 when casting a spell with the fire descriptor, using pow-
ers of the fire elemental bloodline, casting spells from the fire domain, using the revelations of the oracle’s flame
mystery, or determining the damage of alchemist bombs.
Languages: Phoenix wolves begin play speaking Common. Phoenix wolves with high Intelligence scores can choose
from the following: Elven, Ignan, Infernal, and Sylvan.

Alternate Racial Traits (Pathfinder)

Hellish Throwback: Your connections to hell seem closer to the surface than others. When you harry prey, you
discard ruthless efficiency in favor of instilling terror in your prey, gaining an unhealthy amount of enjoyment
from their fear. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate checks, saves against fear, and to the DC ofIntimidate
checks made against you. This replaces battle tactics.
Civilized: You spend most of your time on two legs and use your paws a lot more than other wolves. Other phoenix
wolves sneer at your wavering connection to the flame. Your bipedal movement rate increases to 30 feet. This re-
places fingerless, fire heart, and fire nature.

Phoenix Wolf Favored Class Options

The following options are available to all phoenix wolves who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise
stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.
Alchemist: Add +1/2 to the alchemist’s bomb damage.
Arcanist: Increase the total number of points in the arcanist’s arcane reservoir by 1.
Barbarian: The barbarian reduces the rounds spent fatigued after coming out of rage by one step, to a minimum
of 1 round.
Bloodrager: The bloodrager reduces rounds spent fatigued after coming out of rage by one step, to a minimum of
1 round.
Cavalier: Add +1/2 to damage while charging.
Kineticist: Add +1/3 points of fire damage to fire-element blasts that deal fire damage.

Phoenix Wolf Favored Class Options (continued)

Mesmerist: Gain a +1/2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through a threatened area and a +1/2 bonus on Bluff
checks to feint. Monk: Add +1/3 resistance fire, cold, or electricity.
Ranger: Add +1 skill rank to the ranger’s animal companion. If the ranger ever replaces his companion, the new
companion gains these bonus skill ranks.
Rogue: The rogue gains +1/6 of a rogue talent.
Skald: When the skald scores a critical hit or rolls maximum damage with an attack or spell, give all allies in 30
feet a +1 morale bonus to damage for 1 round. Additional points in this favored class option increases the bonus
by +1/3 points, to a maximum of 3.
Sorcerer: Increase the DC of fire spells you cast by +1/6.
Summoner: The eidolon gains or increases fire resistance by 1. If the eidolon is immune to fire, this becomes +1/2
to CMD.
Witch: Add +1 dodge bonus to the witch’s familiar’s AC. If the phoenix wolf ever replaces her familiar, the new
familiar gains this bonus. Additional points in this favored class option increases the bonus by +1/4.

Phoenix Wolves 5th Edition Attributes

These attributes are different than presented in the campaign book,
making room for alternative subraces. If you wish to continue being
a standard phoenix wolf, select the common subrace.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1, and your

Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Phoenix wolves mature at roughly the same rate as ponies, with a
slight 1–2 year variance.
Alignment. Phoenix wolves tend towards neutral alignments, showing
less variation towards good and evil, though they tend to be slightly
more lawful than most races.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Bite. You gain a bite attack natural weapon that deals 1d6 piercing dam-
age. You may use this bite attack as though it were a finesse weapon.
Darkvision. Your eyes are lit by the embers of your soul. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fey Born. You count as fey for all purposes.
Four-Legged. Being a four-legged creature, you can bear greater weights than a human of the same strength
without being encumbered (increasing your carrying capacity by 50%). You gain advantage on any ability checks
or saving throws to avoid the prone condition.
Fiery Pelt. You gain resistance to fire damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. You can also choose one language from the following list:
Sylvan, Elven, Ignan, or Infernal.

Racial Subtypes (5th Edition)
The most standard and common phoenix wolves are given neither entirely to the flame nor seduced by the com-
forts of cities.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
• Fingerless. You may use your mouth as one hand and are considered Small-sized when determining the
weapons they are able to wield.
• Fire Heart. You learn the dancing lights, prestidigitation and produce flame cantrips. Wisdom is your spell-
casting ability for these spells.
• Fire Nature. When you cast a spell that deals fire damage you add +1 to your spell saving throw DC (if one is
required). In addition, fire spells you cast are considered to be cast at one spell slot higher (this does not allow
you to cast spells at a higher level than your highest spell level).

Your more bestial brethren may look down on you for your refined ways but you are much better suited for inter-
acting with the societies of other folk, able to use your paws for far more than pouncing on prey.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
• Bipedal Motion. You may move on two legs with a speed of 30 feet.

Infernal power courses through your blood in a greater concentration than other phoenix wolves can boast. The
hunting and capture of your foes is a sadistic game for you, an entertaining drama that draws out the fear of the kill
for your complete enjoyment before the bloody climax.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
• Fingerless. You may use your mouth as one hand and are considered small sized for the sake of what you can
wield or not.
• Hellish Heart. You learn the produce flame and thaumaturgy cantrips. You may also spend an action to
exhale smoke with effects identical to poison spray. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. This
ability counts as fiery heart for the purpose of prerequisites.
• Loathsome Nature. Whenever you would cause a foe to make an ability check or saving throw to avoid
becoming frightened, you may force them to make this roll with disadvantage. Once you use this feature, you
must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

hounds that her determination paid off: one alpha male and when a town sprouted up around them. These ‘domestic’
a handful of females were left standing. They were dizzy, phoenix wolves became parts of larger societies.
weak, confused, but were they evil? Not inherently. She had Despite their rarity phoenix wolves did spread across
won! Everglow, establishing a loose network of communication
The first pack of reformed hell hounds were set free much between packs that shared borders allowing for news to be
to the objection of her fellow researchers. They wanted to carried across the realm. Families also came together to ar-
study the oddities but she wouldn’t allow it, setting them range marriages between their young. It was very common
loose instead. The pack renamed itself the phoenix wolves for proven males to have their parents planning their pack
and began forging a destiny for themselves free of pony- formation around them without much feedback from the
kind. Despite their general inclination for isolation besides new alpha. To be an alpha is considered as much a respon-
family, some moved into towns or simply didn’t move away sibility as a prize though all parts of the pack were impor-

tant, from top to the bottom. witness excellence in their offspring to gloat and boast of
When the empire began to decline some phoenix wolves it to visiting and neighboring packs. This exchange is not
withdrew from the pony cities and towns and went back to for ego (not entirely). Sons and daughters are traded and
their simpler lives where they only had to face nature for paired together to form packs both big and small—and is
daily survival, not sapient foes. They generally had no in- often the time that an adventuring phoenix wolf is made. If
terest in helping their pony neighbors in dealing with war, a wolf whelp knows that it will not be favorably paired, set-
state, or other such esoteric topics that bored and disgusted ting off to prove itself is a common reaction; coming home
them. rich and powerful with tales of adventure is another way to
win a worthy mate.
After the formal disbanding of the empire it became rar-
er by the year to even spot a phoenix wolf, let alone live Whether they accept their parents’ decision for them or
beside one. That isn’t to say they decreased in numbers, they seek to strike out to prove themselves, a young phoenix
just that they shifted in location—they claimed the wilds of wolf is expected to move out. Most phoenix wolves do not
Everglow. Though the ponies didn’t know it, these phoe- persist within the range of any others of their kind unless
nix wolves kept much worse creatures from pestering the they are in the same pack and children are not part of the
weakened and splintered towns of ponykind. pack once they are old enough to be adults. By marriage or
their own choice, young pups are welcomed to adulthood
then sent off to carve their own slice of the world. Even visit-
Life of Phoenix Wolves ing home is rare and unlikely, making coming of age a time
of true parting. Though some choose to accept this parting
Most phoenix wolves are arranged with a single mated
stoically others dissolve into tears yet in either event, they
pair but especially powerful wolves with strong forces of
must go and are not expected to return. There is room for
personality are given a full pack. Such phoenix wolves have
only one pack.
an alpha wife and beta females beneath her. Sometimes
an omega male would also be assigned or join later in life, When age begins to slow down a phoenix wolf it often
but only alpha have children—those who are beta or omega loses control of its land, an event that may or may not result
are destined to remain without whelp. It is perhaps for this in its end. If it is wise and willing to share its knowledge
reason that those who would be a beta in a full pack select a pack may choose to tolerate the presence of such an el-
instead to form smaller binary pairings. der. When this occurs, the elder is formally inducted into
the pack, becoming a member and guarded for the rest of
The pups born of a pack of any size are zealously pro-
its days. An elder that is weak or simply undesirable to be
tected. They are sheltered from outside influences and until
around is chased off and may die before its time, alone and
they near five years old, no outsiders are allowed to visit
their den, even close friends, no matter if they are phoenix
wolf or not. Only pack members are allowed in during these Unlike the outsiders they were created from, phoenix
formative and young years. wolves eventually succumb to the march of time. When a
wolf takes its last breath its pack constructs a pyre for it
Despite their parents’ desire to keep them alone, phoenix
to reunite it with the flame they feel such kinship with. If
wolf pups are insatiably curious at first and stick their little
the wolf lived well there is no ash remaining—in such sit-
noses into everything they can. This can be quite problem-
uations, it is thought the wolf was freed to the Elemental
atic for city-dwelling wolves. Consequently this curiosity is
Plane of Fire, where it will hunt forever. If there are any
used to teach a whelp the right way to live, hunt, and gener-
ashes however, they are devoured by the remaining pack
ally carry itself. By the time a pup emerges from its time of
isolation, it should be ready for its first hunt.
Even the most tamed phoenix wolves take part in the first
hunt, pouncing upon the desired prey and taking it down as Stereotypes of other Races
part of the pack. It is that night that a great fire is built and Earth-Bound: They understand that family is the most
the body of the hunt tossed on the blaze. The ash of such a important thing. They would be ideal neighbors if they
pursuit is considered sacred by the wolves and eaten with understood that being so close together makes for poor
an intense gravity. To be allowed to attend one of these for- friends.
mative exercises as a non-wolf is a sign of extreme trust and Short-Legs: They are like little pony whelps that never
confidence in the individual by a pack and not to be taken grow up. They die with the same smile that they started
lightly. It is only after this hunt that a pup is allowed free of with and call it a quality. Perhaps…the few I’ve met seem to
the den and can begin seeking its true purpose and training want to get far too close.
for the life ahead. Sun: They share our love for the sun but they live such
When a wolf reaches adulthood their life is often decided nomadic lives. Some few of us can accept a hunting range
for them. Their parents watch them carefully, waiting to that moves and may find the sun ponies to be acceptable
companions, but most of us like our claims to be as strong
and cemented as we are. know purpose but they are machines—what are machines if
Tribe of Bones: In death we are either sent to our true not devices with purpose? Be wary of becoming sedentary
home or we become part of the still living—in neither event around them. Easily gotten ash can lead to laziness.
do we need a god to see us there. That the ponies do seems Sun Cat: Ah, these are a people who understand the
a sign of weakness but sees to a need of their pack. proper way. They are a bit nomadic but their packs are
Unicorn: We were created by them. Some of them insist strong and solid. They are good people, just beware; cats
we should be thankful for it—don’t be. and dogs argue for a reason.
Antean: What do you call an oversized pony? Feast for a
week…I shouldn’t jest like that. They are gentle giants but Phoenix Wolf Feats (Pathfinder)
they seem useless for their pack. What is the purpose of
strength not used?
Chaos Hunter: They have a purpose, literally given to
them by their gods. I pity them. If one is to have a sad pur- Born of Flame (Metamagic)
pose, at least let it be one of their own choosing. Skilled in magic, a phoenix wolf can specialize their
Clockworks: The folly of unicorns created us, and spells entirely toward their elemental affinity.
cursed their own kind. I feel some sympathy for them, for Prerequisites: Elemental Spell (fire), fire heart, caster
we are bound in ways that few are. level 4+
Doppelganger: Ponies that can look like other ponies. Benefit: Applying the Elemental Spell metamagic feat to
The more clever can become other things. Be careful with
convert all of a spell’s damage to fire no longer requires a
them. They can be anywhere. Why, I might be one...
higher spell slot and can be done spontaneously, even for
Gem Ponies: A grand and sad story with a simple mo- casters who normally must prepare their spells.
rale. Sapients are not meant to be so collected. The ponies
think they are wise to build such huge cities, as do many
others, but we will outlive them all.
Burning Bite (Combat)
Ghost: Who? Ponies from beyond the veil? They claim
ties to the outside worlds? Ha. They know nothing... Embracing their heritage of fire and wild savagery, a
phoenix wolf can channel the fires that still burn within
Leatherwing: They live in darkness and hide from dan-
ger. We face danger head-on and revel in the sun. Could we them into their natural attacks.
be more different? Let them think they own the night, we Prerequisite: Fire Heart
claim dominion over every hour the sun shines.
Benefit: Add 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 per HD to
Sea: Fish of ponies. There’s something off about them. natural attacks and unarmed strikes. This counts as the
They really don’t seem quite right…regardless, they’re hors- flaming weapon quality for purposes of stacking.
es like most of the others. They have no special qualities we
care for.
Zebra: They are elders from a young age and eager to Burning Life (General)
share what they have learned, sometimes too eager. Let
them be and learn what you will from them. Strength and life walk side by side and so as you gain in
Cloven: Polite to a fault. They know nothing of the im- one the other rises to balance.
perfections of the world. Most of them stay bottled up tight, Prerequisites: Toughened Hide, fiery pelt, base attack
happy in their little city. Let them live, they have little of bonus +9
value to us.
Benefit: You gain fast healing 3. This increases by 2 at
Flutterponies: They were once little more than pests. 15th level and 5 at 20th level.
Now they are huge pests. I wonder if a unicorn was involved
in their upbringing…that would make much sense.
Griffons: Hunters and warriors, I respect that, but they Fireforged (General)
have little concept of family and their sense of honor is not
our own. Deal with them cautiously if you have to. Fire is your birthright, your destiny. Your ally.
Purrsian: Take all the good parts out of a sun cat then Prerequisite: Fiery pelt
give them wings and a sense of importance as vast as the
Benefit: Fire damage and fire effects no longer cause
world itself and you have the purrsians. That they are cats
is just a topping to an already unappealing dish. spellcasting distractions or require you to make concentra-
tion checks.
Steel Heart: They smell familiar…their factories pro-
duce fine ash they define as waste. If you are lucky enough to
have one within your range you will never go hungry. They
Flame-Dripping Fur (General)
Beasts of flame lie more immediately in your ancestry, bonus +9
causing you to take on a much truer likeness to those fell Benefit: Any time you take fire damage you gain regen-
creatures. eration 1 for as many rounds as the damage taken (before
Prerequisite: Fiery pelt, fire heart, base attack bonus mitigation or resistance). Taking cold damage immediately
+5 ends this effect.
Benefit: Any creature striking you with its body takes
1d4 points of fire damage.
Toughened Hide
Through seasons spent fighting and hunting with their
Foraged Spellcasting (General) pack, a phoenix wolf will become tougher and significantly
Masters of frugally using what their environment pro- harder to hurt.
vides, phoenix wolf casters can sacrifice power for pur- Prerequisite: Fiery pelt, base attack bonus +3
pose. Benefit: You gain DR 2/piercing. This damage reduction
Prerequisite: Phoenix wolf, able to cast arcane or di- increases by +1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter (to
vine spells of 1st-level a maximum of DR 7/piercing at 18th level).
Benefit: When casting a spell with material components,
you can expend spell slots to change the material compo- Phoenix Wolf Feats (5e)
nents to a focus instead. The value of an expended spell slot
is calculated by spell level x caster level x 20 gp worth of
material components. You cannot create magic items with
Foraged Spellcasting.
Burning Feast
Prerequisites: Fire heart and fiery pelt race features
Fire was ever your nourishment but you have reached a
Pack Tactics (Combat, Teamwork) new level of kinship with the flame. You gain the following
Without words phoenix wolves can employ advanced benefits:
tactics to harry and threaten prey, leaving them open for • You gain immunity to fire.
surprise attacks.
• When you are targeted by an attack, effect, or spell
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, battle tactics, Int 13 that deals fire damage, you gain 1 temporary hit point
Benefit: You are considered flanking any target that is per 5 points of fire damage. These temporary hit
flanked by a companion who also has this feat. points last for 1 minute. While you have these tem-
porary hit points you gain resistance to bludgeoning,
Normal: You must be positioned opposite an ally to piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical
flank an opponent. weapons. When you take cold damage it simultane-
ously reduces both these temporary hit points and
your actual hit points.
Searing (General)
You not only love fire but it loves you too, and it hates
your enemies. Flame-Dripping Form
Prerequisite: Fire heart, base attack bonus +3 Prerequisites: Fiery pelt race feature
Benefit: Any time a creature takes fire damage from Some say your people were brought straight from the
you they must make a Reflex save DC 10 + half your HD depths of hell itself and now you’ve begun to look the part.
+ Charisma modifier, or catch fire, taking 1d6 fire damage You gain the following benefits:
per round until they douse themselves with water or spend • Whenever you hit with a melee weapon attack with
a full round action to roll and put out the fire (using the either a natural weapon or an unarmed strike, the
original DC). target also takes 1d6 fire damage
• Any creature who hits you with a melee attack takes
Surging Health (General) 1d4 fire damage.

Living in the wild gives a superior and almost supernat- • Anytime a creature takes fire damage from you, it
ural boost to your healing. must make a Dexterity saving throw against 8 + your
Proficiency bonus+ your Charisma modifier or be set
Prerequisite: Toughened Hide, fiery pelt, base attack on fire, taking 1d6 fire damage at the end of each of
its turns until it takes an action to douse the flame. The armaments of civilized fighters would only weigh you
down and your teeth are sharper than any blade—you’ve
toughened your hide into armor and your bite into a weap-
Magical Ignition on the equal of any sword.
Prerequisites: Fire nature race feature and ability to Unarmored Defense. Beginning at 3rd level, while
cast spells you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your
AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency
Your mastery over the intricate dancing magic of fire
has grown to levels other races can barely fathom let alone
reach. You gain the following benefits: Kinship of Flame. Beginning at 7th level, your body
and senses become keyed to the fire and its aftermath.
• When you cast a spell that deals damage you may
Whenever you would make a Wisdom (Perception) check
change the damage of the spell into fire damage
to notice a fire or its direct effects, you are considered to be
• Taking fire damage does not interfere with your abil- proficient and double your proficiency modifier.
ity to concentrate on spells
In addition, you grant yourself and any allies who travel
• Whenever you cast a spell with expensive material with you advantage on any saving throws or ability checks
components that are consumed, you may spend spell to endure extreme cold.
slots to preserve the component for a future casting.
Flame Birth. Starting at 10th level, your natural weap-
You must expend a level of spell slot for every 100 gp
ons and unarmed strikes become wreathed in flame, deal-
of the material components’ value.
ing an extra 1d6 fire damage.
Heated Aura. At 15th level, you may, as an action, stoke
Phoenix Wolf Class Archetypes your passive heat until it makes a haze around you. While
The following racial archetypes are available to phoenix this haze persists, attacks against you and creatures within
wolves. 5 feet suffer disadvantage if they are not made within 5 feet
of the target. The haze lasts until the end of your next turn.
Flame Warrior (Fighter) Improved Flame Birth. Starting at 18th level, when
you successfully critically hit with your natural weapons
While biped fighters specialize in wearing heavier armors
or unarmed strike the fire around your strike explodes, in-
and perfecting their skill with manufactured weapons, you
creasing your extra fire damage from 1d6 to 2d10. You may
need neither of these—with your hide to protect you and
automatically score a critical hit as a bonus action when you
your teeth bared you will not be underestimated for long.
hit with a natural weapon or unarmed strike. Afterwards
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: Flame warriors you lose the benefits of the flame birth feature until you use
do not begin with any armor or shield proficiencies and are a second wind or finish a short or long rest.
only proficient with simple weapons.
Natural Armaments (Ex): Your focus is on your natu-
ral weapons, not ones made of steel or other exotic met-
Phoenix Wolf Racial Traits
als. This functions as per weapon training, but at 5th level a Ash Maker: Your fire was made to reduce the living to
flame warrior must take the natural weapon group as their ash. You may, as a full-round action, reduce a dead (but
first selection. This modifies weapon training. not undead) target to ash. Once this is done the body is de-
stroyed and more powerful resurrections are required to
Toughened Hide (Ex): Slings, arrows and swords stop
raise them and they cannot be raised as undead. More im-
hurting once you’re struck enough times. At 3rd level the
portantly, they make a fine meal.
flame warrior gains a +1 natural armor bonus to its AC. At
6th level and every 3 levels thereafter this bonus increases Born from Fire: You always felt a powerful bond with
by +1 (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level). This replaces ar- flames, even over that of other flame wolves. You gain a +2
mor training. trait bonus to all saves against fire, heat, or related effects.
Flame Birth (Su): At 5th level, you gain the ability to Descended from Ash: You supped on the ash of a de-
wreathe your natural and unarmed attacks in flame, grant- parted elder—they didn’t live perfectly but their wisdom
ing your melee attacks the flaming weapon quality. At 10th and power may allow you to reach higher. Once per day,
level, this becomes flaming burst. you may increase a saving throw by +1, even after the result
is announced (potentially turning a failed save into a suc-
Phoenix Wolf Class Specialties (5th Edition) Fire Starter: Setting fires comes naturally to you. This
Flame Warrior (Martial Archetype) was quite troubling before you learned how to use it. You

may use spark as a spell-like ability three times per day. Target you
Once per day, you may use burning hands. The caster level Duration 1 round/level
of this is based on your character level and uses Charisma Save none; Spell Resistance no
as your spellcasting attribute. It manifests in fiery gouts of You call to the Plane of Fire, opening your own body as
flame from your mouth. a conduit for its energies. For the duration of the spell all
damage you deal from spells or effects that do fire damage
Phoenix Wolf Magic (Pathfinder) increase by 1 die step (d4 to d6, d6 to d8, etc.). Effects that
linger and do damage (such as immolation) do so with the
upgraded damage amount.
Healing Fire
School evocation [fire]; Level bard 2, magus 2, sorcerer/ Sacrificial Burn
wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action School evocation [fire]; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, cleric
Components V 2, druid 2, magus 3, paladin 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, warden
Range touch 3, witch 2
Target one creature Casting Time 1 standard action
Duration instantaneous Components V
Save Reflex (half, see text); Spell Resistance yes Range personal
Target you
Arcane flames engulf the target, healing 1d8 points of Duration 1 min./level (D)
damage + 1 per caster level (maximum +5) and setting Save Reflex (see text); Spell Resistance no
them on fire, dealing 1d6 fire damage per round until they
douse themselves with water or spend a full-round action Surrounding yourself in flames, you promise any crea-
to roll and put out the fire (as usual a creature may willingly ture that dares attack you a painful reprisal. Whenever a
fail its save). A successful Reflex save halves the amount of creature strikes you with its body or a handheld weapon, it
hit points restored and prevents immolation (or is required takes 2d6 fire damage and you take 2d6 fire damage. Both
to put out the immolated creature’s fire). the attacking creature and you receive a Reflex save for half

Healing Fire, Mass

Smoldering Embers
School evocation [fire]; Level bard 6, magus 6, sorcerer/
wizard 5 School transmutation [fire]; Level alchemist 3, bard 3,
Casting Time 1 standard action cleric 3, spiritualist 3, shaman 3, summoner 3
Components V Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels) Components V
Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 levels)
than 30 ft. apart Target one creature
Duration instantaneous Duration 1 round/4 levels
Save Reflex (half, see text); Spell Resistance yes Save none; Spell Resistance yes

You channel raw flame to heal 1d8 points of damage + 1 With a sudden shout to the Plane of Fire, a target is
per caster level (maximum +25) on each selected creature wreathed in a protective fiery aura. If they are slain within
and set them on fire, dealing 1d6 fire damage per round un- the duration they revive in a great burst of heat and flame
til they douse themselves with water or spend a full-round and are healed 1d4 hp per caster level. This fire will not
action to roll and put out the fire. A successful Reflex save damage the target, their equipment, or anyone around
halves the hit points restored and prevents immolation (or them. The spell is discharged once used. The target does
is required to put out an immolated creature’s fire). Targets not fall prone.
may choose to not roll and accept the full effect.
Phoenix Wolf Magic (5e)
Intense Heat
School evocation [fire]; Level alchemist 3, oracle 2, sor- Healing Fire
cerer/wizard 2 2nd-level evocation
Casting Time 1 standard action Class: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Components V Casting Time: 1 action
Range personal Range: Touch
Components: V a conduit for its energies. For the duration of the spell, all
Duration: Instantaneous spells and other effects that deal fire damage have their
Arcane flames engulf a creature you touch, requiring damage upgraded one damage die step (d4 to d6, d6 to d8,
the target to make a Dexterity saving throw (which it may etc.). Effects that linger and do damage do so with the up-
willingly fail as usual). On a failed saving throw the target graded damage amount.
regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spell-
casting ability modifier and is promptly set on fire, causing
the target to take 1d8 fire damage at the end of its turn. A
successful saving throw reduces the damage healed by half New Warlock invocation
and the target is not caught on fire. This burning effect ends
when an immolated target takes an action to douse itself
Cleansing Hellfire
with water or attempts to smother the fire with another Prerequisite: Phoenix Wolf, 3rd level
Dexterity saving throw. This spell cannot heal undead or
You can cast healing fire once using a warlock spell
constructs but still may set them on fire with a failed Dex-
slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
terity saving throw.
At 7th level, you may use mass healing fire instead of
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a healing fire.
spell slot of 3rd-level or higher, the healing and fire damage
increase by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Healing Fire, Mass Sacrificial Burn

4th-level evocation 2nd-level evocation
Class: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Class: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, War-
Casting Time: 1 action lock, Wizard
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V
Duration: 10 minutes
Arcane flames explode out from a point of your choice
within range. Choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius Surrounding yourself in a blaze, you promise any crea-
sphere centered on that point. Each creature makes a Dex- ture that dares attack you a painful reprisal. Any successful
terity saving throw (which it may willingly fail as usual). melee attack against you triggers a burst of flame that deals
On a failure the creature regains hit points equal to 2d8 + 2d6 fire damage to both the attacker and to you. Both you
your spellcasting ability modifier and is set on fire, causing and the attacker get a may make a Dexterity saving throw to
the creature to take 2d8 fire damage at the end of its turn. reduce the damage by half.
A successful saving throw reduces the damage healed by
half and the target is not caught on fire. This burning effect Smoldering Embers
ends when an immolated target takes an action to douse it-
self with water or attempts to smother the fire with another 3rd-level transmutation
Dexterity saving throw. This spell cannot heal undead or Class: Bard, Cleric, Paladin
constructs but still may set them on fire with a failed Dex- Casting Time: 1 action
terity saving throw. Range: 60 feet
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Components: V
spell slot of 5th-level or higher, the healing and fire damage Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
increase by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th. With a sudden shout to the Plane of Fire, a target is
wreathed in a protective fiery aura. If they are killed or re-
Intense Heat duced to 0 hp while the spell is active, the target regains
8d4 hit points as they are revived in a great burst of heat
2nd-level evocation and flame. This fire does not damage the target, their equip-
Class: Sorcerer, Warlock ment, or any creatures nearby. The spell is discharged once
Casting Time: 1 action used. The target does not gain the prone condition from be-
Range: Self ing dropped to 0 hp.
Components: V At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute slot of 4th-level or higher, the healing increases by 2d4 for
You call to the Plane of Fire, opening your own body as each spell slot above 3rd-level.

Purrsian Power that its removal from Everglow was a punishment by the
deities for the purrsians’ part in bringing forth Apep.
Some say that purrsians once had the gift of the air
and were meant to use their wings far more than they do.
Whether that’s true or not they are quite happy on the Purrsian Naming
ground, save for when their wings let them avoid danger or
The first name of purrsians tends to be something that
better seize an opportunity.
references wealth, jewelry, or metal. A few more common
Felines by nature possess sharp claws and fangs, but are names are Amethyst, Gold, Silver, Ring, Brooch, Platinum,
loathe to use either in battle. Having taken to the ground Rich, Elite, Poor, and Pendant.
they are capable of great sprints, dashing in—or out—of
Purrsians have last names that are either familial or
trouble while there’s still time to do so. Their grace and
reflect their current trade. It is not rare for a purrsian to
speed may be why some say purrsians have more lives than
bear both for different situations. Names are traditionally
they deserve.
passed from the father, unless the mother is of overwhelm-
When it comes to bargaining and convincing others to see ingly higher status. Examples include: Smith, Jeweler,
their side of things, purrsians have an almost supernatu- Sellsword, Wizard, Hunter, Guard.
ral cunning that turns aside the worst of a given situation
and allows them to scrabble for a faint hint of a resolution
where most others would have long been stymied. A Brief History of Purrsians
Purrsians are not branded by the gods and though they While griffons demanded the mountains and sun cats
are inherently children of the Sun King, they are not the spread across the rest of Everglow, purrsians found they
most pious of people. Some claim they used to have a lan- enjoyed the warm touch of their father and gravitated to-
guage of their own, made by purrsians and shared with the wards the warm savannahs of eastern Everglow where they
other feline races. Others say this is impossible, or for those hunted and thrived. Unlike sun cats they were loners by na-
of the three feline races, recall the most popular theory— ture, but things changed over time.
Purrsian Pathfinder Attributes

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Wisdom: Purssians are dexterous and likable but not very wise.
Purrsian: Purrsians are fey with the purrsian subtype.
Medium: Purrsians are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Quick-Footed: Purrsians have a base speed of 40 feet (30 feet bipedal).
Winged: Purrsians have a fly speed of 30 feet (clumsy).
Low-Light Vision: Purrsians can see twice as far as humans in dim light.
Four-Legged: Purrsians gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and increase their carrying capacity
by +50%. They have forelegs instead of arms.
Fanged: Purrsians gain a bite attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d3 bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing
Feline Charisma: When a purrsian attempts to change a creature’s attitude and fails by 5 or more, it can try again
even if 24 hours have not passed.
Feline Speed: Purrsians gain a +10 ft. racial bonus to land speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.
Languages: Purrsians begin play speaking Common. Purrsians with high Intelligence scores may choose from the
following: Auran, Dwarven, Gnomish, and Sylvan.

Purrsian 5th Edition Attributes

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Purrsians mature at roughly the age of 20 before they are ready to try their luck in exploring the world.
Alignment. Persians tend towards lawful evil, being self serving but ultimately prone to following rules (and twist-
ing them). There are some who go against this societal trend, and traveling Purrsians can be of any alignment, but
have a racial reputation that precedes them.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fey Born. You count as fey for all purposes.
Four-Legged. Being a four-legged creature, you can bear greater weights than a human of the same strength with-
out being encumbered (increasing your carrying capacity by 50%). You gain advantage on any ability checks or
saving throws to avoid the prone condition.
Flight. You have feathered wings that grant you a fly speed of 30 feet. You cannot fly if you are wearing armor you
are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a backpack not specially tailored to your
wings. While flying, you are at disadvantage on Strength checks to interact with objects that are on the ground. You
fall to the ground at the end of your turn unless you move at least half your fly speed during your turn.
Feline Charisma. When making a Charisma check with the Deception or Persuasion skills, you are never at dis-
Feline Speed. You can use a bonus action to Dash or Disengage. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so
again until you have finished a long rest. If you later gain the ability to Dash or Disengage as a bonus action, you
add 10 feet to your movement any time you take either action.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. You can also choose one language from the following list:
Sylvan, Dwarven, Auran, or Gnomish.

Though it is often made romantic that Apep’s coming remembrance. Each kingdom and empire that the ponies
scorched the very savannah into the desert it became, that made were shining beacons of opportunity just awaiting a
was not entirely true—it had been drying out slowly over clever feline to turn them into profit and glory to show to
the years. The purrsians fiercely fought with the sun cats as their fellows.
resources became scarcer and scarcer. While some might When the last, greatest, Pony Empire finally collapsed,
have moved to more hospitable climes, the purrsians in- fractured and broken, the purrsians turned their eyes to
stead adjusted themselves, starting to come together rather the east. Let the ponies mind their own struggle unless they
than live alone. Loners they remained but they began to were paying well. It was a new age, the age of humanoids—a
learn that there was a value in having neighbors and shar- whole new opportunity, one the purrsians swore as a whole
ing a common goal, if not being true allies. they would not miss.
Purrsians formed villages that became towns and a few
scattered cities, collecting around the greatest oases they
could find and controlling the life of the desert they called Life of Purrsians
home. They would savor the sun of their god and not per- Most purrsians can only tolerate one other cat in their life
ish for it. But with greater density came new issues—to the at any time, usually the feline that becomes their spouse.
prideful purrsian psyche it was unacceptable to be ordinary. The relationship can be quite varied with some being as lov-
How could one stand out amid so many of their peers? As ing as any other race would see it and others in more of a
an answer they found new ways to distinguish themselves, carefully arranged business plan with precise agreements
crafting exquisite art and sculpting grand statues in their in place for every part. Still others just aren’t happy with
likenesses, chasing after immortality through the praise one—a powerful and wealthy feline may decide to not mar-
and approval of everyone around them while often ignoring ry per se but instead to gather partners as another purrsian
the attempts of others to do just the same in return. A fierce might collect jewelry or artifacts. They show off those part-
competitiveness arose that served their people well. ners and their children with all the zeal that an adventur-
While it was one purrsian—drunk with the possibility ing purrsian may spin tales of the various artifacts dangling
of a truly monumental find—that unleashed Apep, all suf- from them.
fered for the mistake. On one paw she had achieved that Even the most loving of parents often find their children
immortality and though none would forget her deed, she gravitating towards one of them. They may never follow in
unleashed that demon on Everglow. On the other, none re- the precise trade of their parents but they look to that par-
membered her name, cursed to immortality yet forgotten ent, watching how they handle themselves and others and
all at once. The purrsians at the time were too busy fleeing picking up countless unspoken lessons in morality and ne-
the flaming path of the demon to consider the irony. gotiation, and how to approach and deal with problems and
Most cities of the cats were put to the demon’s torch and people.
reduced to husks to be slowly buried under shifting sands. If the parents are sufficiently wealthy it is a mark of pride
One survived, however; as purrsians from across the des- to send a ready kitten off to an accredited school. The more
ert fled from city to city, from village to another, the city awards the institution has and the more famous its gradu-
of Murrage became the last refuge. Its defense—the abil- ated tend to be, the better. Some purrsians spend quite a
ity to fade from view both mundane and supernatural—was tidy sum ensuring that their progeny has the best chance
the only reason it avoided the fell gaze of Apep and the for success for even if a purrsian should fail to find that
purrsians hid for many years in their one safe place. elusive immortality, it may be in the paws of the next gen-
Then the ponies came. eration—the father and mother of famous people are often
remembered, after all.
They had no claws. They had no sharp teeth. They were
prey creatures, but the ones drawn to the desert were a har- For those less fortunate apprenticeship is the most likely
dy lot and friendly besides. The purrsians saw opportunity path to education. The kitten seeks those who already know
and welcomed their new equine neighbors into their cities. what they wish to do and become a servant to in return for
These curious creatures became laborers and more impor- knowledge. It is for some their first major business transac-
tantly, witnesses. They seemed to have no drive, at least tion and helps shape the way they look at the rest of their
not in the purrsian way; for instance, they wore jewelry but lives.
more for just enjoying the shine than to prove anything. Purrsians leave their home with a formal celebration of
They were perfect witnesses to purrsian glory. a grandness directly measured by their parent’s worth, so
Purrsians were drawn from their city for if ponies could these occasions can vary wildly depending on one’s family.
survive, the troubled times had to be over. Slowly at first, Some rare coming of age ceremonies are open to the entire
then in greater numbers, brave purrsians set out to leave city they take place in, inviting one and all to behold the
their mark on Everglow and prove themselves worthy of newly minted adult and welcome them on their first step
towards greatness.
The relationship between a purrsian and their parents are peers but not to boast, just to share, and some others say
equally diverse with some remaining as close friends and purrsians are at their best in these fading years, a notion
others in no small rush to get as far away from their progen- that offends many of them.
itors as possible to begin their lives. Those that maintain When their end finally comes to them, a proper purrsian
any communication with them usually return to formally leaves details on how they want their body and possessions
announce when they’ve done something worthy of note. handled. Many seemingly try to take their belongings with
The purrsian shows off its jewels and wealth, explaining them, having their most valued items interred with their
the adventures it’s survived and the rewards obtained for body in the most extravagant tomb they can afford to have
it. Their parents often serve as the sounding board—things built. There is a special irony when an adventuring purrsian
that impress them have a chance to impress others while does this, knowing that later generations of their own ilk
items that fail to get a response are bitterly tossed aside. will likely plunder their treasure just as they had. Most ac-
Adventure, craftscatship, statescatship, or whatever oth- cept this as a final way to be remembered and construct a
er path they pursue, a purrsian constantly compares its to tomb too dangerous to plunder or at least risky enough to
its peers, looking for things it surpasses others in and ways never be forgotten—that’s another way to make a mark, is
in which they could improve or at least prove to the world it not?
that they were always better. Continually measuring others
and themselves, purrsians spend much of their lives trying
to reach ever further. Stereotypes of other Races
When a purrsian reaches middle age it isn’t as momen- Earth-Bound: They’re friendly sorts sometimes a little
tous as it might be for some but it can inspire mid-life cri- suspicious of outsiders, but once you get past that, friends
ses. If the purrsian feels they have not made significant for life. Take advantage of that but do so mildly—a spurned
mark on the world by then they may grow desperate to earth-bound is an enemy for twice as long.
prove their worth spending more than they should on any- Unicorn: They think they’re the smartest things around.
thing that looks promising. Unfortunately other purrsians Let them. The smarter they believe they are, the easier they
(especially older ones) know the signs and are quite eager are to convince your ideas were actually theirs all along.
to take advantage of such a stricken feline.
Sun: Our kin of the deserts. Though they lack the finer
As they approach their elder years a purrsian often tries qualities of a feline they share our cities, pay our taxes, and
to mellow out whether successful or not. They spend their fight our battles. That’s not speaking of the ones that drift
time measuring themselves yet not against others, but for like the winds over the sands. They are worthy trading part-
once, against themselves. They reflect on their lives as they ners but I wouldn’t trust them too far.
enjoy their twilight years. They share tales with kittens and

Other Ponies: Big, small, some even metal? Ponies have free attack with an off-hand weapon wielded by your tail.
much variety in their lineage. Does it make them stronger? This attack is made using your highest attack bonus –5.
I would think not. Judge each as a person and find their Your tail can wield any light weapon with which you are
strengths and weaknesses. proficient but cannot inflict precision damage (including
Cloven: Polite and drawn to success over most other sneak attack).
things. If what you sell works well, they will buy it. They
aren’t easily taken in by grand promises or extravagant
demonstrations, but they appreciate quality, pure and sim- Demonic Repentance (General)
ple. If you have what works, they’re the best kind of cus- Some purrsians are guilty still for the harm caused by
tomer. their one curious ancestor.
Griffons: Kin before the Sun King, our feline blood is Prerequisite: Purrsian, Knowledge (planes) 8 ranks
the beginning and end of our similarity. Well, that and be-
Benefit: When you critically hit an extraplanar creature
ing prouder than sin. We do share that. They’re stuffy, war-
it must make a Will save (DC of 10 + ½ your level + your
loving, and stick to their mountain homes. Just let them
Charisma modifier) or be banished as per the banishment
think they own the world. We did clash once, in a big way—
spell. A creature that successfully saves is immune to your
let me remind you that we won despite all their supposed
Demonic Repentance for 24 hours.
military skill.
Phoenix Wolves: Cats and dogs, yes? While we enjoy
watching them chase after their own tails they are, despite Intelligent Engineering (General)
stereotypes, largely benign. Most live away from cities and
thus us, but those that do are reasonable to deal with. The Being nimble is all well and good, but, sometimes, think-
ashes of exotic trees make for a fine greeting gift. ing is a better form of acting.

Steel Heart: A recent creation. I hear they were made Prerequisite: Int 13
by unicorns. They show no love to ponykind, but they will Benefit: You may use Intelligence instead of Dexterity
trade. They live too long and have far too good a recollec- for the Disable Device skill. If your Dexterity is at least 13,
tion of that life. Treat them as if they can see through your you gain a +1 racial bonus to Disable Device.
every word because they just may have heard your ancestor
try the same line.
Sun Cat: Once we fought for ownership of the savannah, Silvered Tongue (General)
now they leave us to our desert largely unopposed. Nomad- They say purrsians love holding onto their money and
ic, aimless, and petty, they have no large part to play on the are good at convincing others to part with it. This is true
stage of Everglow. They will live and die, each forgotten and and purrsians are not shy about admitting as much.
lost to the sands of time. What even motivates them?
Prerequisite: Purrsian, Diplomacy 5 ranks
Humanoids: Each one is its own unique puzzle and
Benefit: When selling used goods, you get 60% of mar-
many are worth the time to figure them out. The entire East
ket value instead of 50%.
of the world is owned by them and if you want to make a
mark there, you’ll have to learn their ways. A pity they have
so many ways…a purrsian who can make major inroads
with them is well on the way to fortune and fame. Wealth is Knowledge (General)
One could spend days, months, or years learning how
to do it right, or just pay for it. When greater rewards are
Purrsian Feats (PF) waiting it can be worth the price.
Prerequisite: Purrsian, must worship the Sun King
Clever Tail (Combat) Benefit: By placing gold, jewels, and other valuable as-
sets on the ground and spending an hour in prayer to the
Most have no idea a purrsian tail can be prehensile.
Sun King, answers and magic can be called upon. At the
Even purrsians are caught by surprise when an enterpris-
GM’s discretion, the purrsian may purchase the services of
ing cat proves the case.
a sage or spellcasting services as if they were in a metro-
Prerequisite: Agile Tail, base attack bonus +6 politan city regardless of their actual location. The money
Benefit: Whenever you make an attack with a secondary vanishes and the knowledge or spell is given.
weapon using two-weapon fighting, you may also make a

Wings Against Sand (Combat) to gold? That’s just a start!
A throwback to ancient times, purrsians can draw forth Weaponized Alchemy (Su): At 2nd level, with a stan-
the power of the air to lash at the groundlings beneath dard action you can douse a weapon or up to twenty pieces
them. of identical ammunition in a special brew that temporar-
ily transmutes them to the material of your choice (steel,
Prerequisite: Purrsian, Graceful Flight
silver, cold iron, or adamantine). The weapons remain in
Benefit: A purrsian with this feat can halt its movement this state for one minute. Use of this ability requires either
while flying, allowing it to hover without needing to make expending a spell slot of 1st-level or higher or a use of an
a Fly skill check. If a purrsian with this feat hovers within alchemist’s bomb. This replaces the alchemy discovery
10 feet of the ground in an area with lots of loose debris or gained at second level.
sand, the draft from its wings creates a hemispherical cloud
Resist Transmutation (Ex): At 2nd level, you be-
with a radius of 30 feet. The winds generated can snuff out
gin resisting the efforts of others to transform your body
torches, small campfires, exposed lanterns, and other small,
against your will. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all
open flames of non-magical origin. Clear vision within the
saving throws against polymorph effects and petrification.
cloud is limited to 10 feet. Creatures have concealment at 15
This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level, and then again to
to 20 feet (20% miss chance). At 25 feet or more, creatures
+6 at 8th level. At 10th level, an alchemist becomes com-
have total concealment (50% miss chance, and opponents
pletely immune to polymorph effects and petrification. This
cannot use sight to locate the creature).
replaces poison resistance and immunity
Material Transmutation (Ex): At 12th level, you gain
Purrsian Feats (5e) the ability to transform the material of non-magical things.
You can increase or decrease the hardness of an object up
to one cubic foot per alchemist level. The amount of change
Warrior of the Sand is up to 1 point per 2 alchemist levels, to a minimum of 0.
If the resulting hardness matches a given material, the al-
Prerequisite: Purrsian chemist may declare it to resemble that material, though
You have mastered full use of your unique anatomy to a DC 30 Appraise check sees through the subterfuge. This
seize the battlefield and ensure that to the victor go the effect does not stack with itself and persists for one hour per
spoils, and you do like spoils. You gain the following ben- alchemist level. This replaces the alchemy discovery gained
efits: at 12th level.
• You can wield a light weapon in your tail. When you
use a bonus action to attack with a light weapon be- Purrsian Racial Traits (Pathfinder)
sides that one, you may also attack with that weapon.
Graceful Step: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves
• You can hover and if you hover within 10 feet of the made to avoid traps and a +1 trait bonus to AC against at-
ground in an area with lots of loose debris or sand, the tacks made by traps.
draft from your wings creates a hemispherical cloud
with a radius of 30 feet. The winds generated can Haggling With the Universe: You somehow sweet talk
snuff out torches, small campfires, exposed lanterns, the universe itself. You may use components 5% cheaper
and other small, open flames of non-magical origin. than normal without reducing the effect of spells you cast.
Clear vision within the cloud is limited to 10 feet. One Eye Open: Becoming famous means drawing en-
Creatures become lightly obscured at 15 to 20 feet. At emies and it pays to remain alert. You gain a +2 trait bonus
25 feet or more, creatures become heavily obscured. to Perception and Perception checks you make while asleep
are only penalized at half the usual amount.
Purrsian Class Archetypes (Pathfinder) Waste Not Want Not: While crafting, you do not allow
The following racial archetypes are available to purrsians. a single scrap go to waste. Your cost to craft items, magic or
otherwise, is reduced by 5%.

True Alchemist (Alchemist) Purrsian Magic (Pathfinder)

The very name is enough to offend all other alchemists,
but purrsians who ascribe to this philosophy are quick to Another Life
remind others that the original end game of alchemy was to
master the physical nature of things to the point that mate- School conjuration [teleportation]; Level magus 5, occult-
rials could be freely transmuted from one to the next. Lead ist 5, psychic 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, spiritualist 5, sum-

moner 4, unchained summoner 5, witch 5 When the named spell is cast, the motes are expended,
Casting Time 1 immediate action replacing up to 50 gp per spell level in components. This
Components V, S spell can be cast multiple times to stack the savings but
Range unlimited they are all expended at once. Magic items with this spell
Target self must have a caster level sufficient to naturally cast a spell of
the level selected at creation and must expend themselves
Duration instantaneous
(most of the time it is used to create wands)..
Save none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
They say sometimes purrsians survive that which should
have flattened them and this spell lends credence to the
Watch the Market
claim. With barely a flexed claw and a surprised hiss, the School divination; Level bard 3, mesmerist 3, psychic 3
spellcaster vanishes just as doom is crashing on them. Casting Time 1 day
They teleport to a predesignated place as per teleport. Components V, S
This spell fails if the predesignated place is on another Range personal
plane or if a place has not been designated. To designate Target self
a place requires 1,000 gp of the purrsian’s birthstone and Duration instantaneous
an hour-long ritual to attune the target space (at least a Save none; Spell Resistance no
10-ft.-by-10-ft.-square). Once attuned, it remains until the
During the casting of this spell the caster must roam the
caster sets a new place.
community in which they plan to buy or sell from sunrise to
sunset, clearly speaking figures of trade, inquiring towards
Find the Middle Ground their goals, and generally gathering information. The spell’s
effects begin with the coming of the next dawn. The caster
School enchantment [compulsion, mind-affecting]; Level may buy or sell one non-trade item at 10% higher or lower
bard 3, mesmerist 3, paladin 3, shaman 3 than the usual cost by finding the buyer or seller just right
Casting Time 1 standard action for the task. When cast in a city smaller than a metropolis,
Components V, S there is a cumulative 10% chance of not working for every
Range short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) step smaller the settlement is. This spell is not subtle and
Target one creature that can speak a language the DC of checks made to gather information about the
Duration instantaneous caster during this time are lowered by 5.
Save Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
This spell compels the target to make mention of what Watch Your Back
might change their mind, ideally in such a way that both School evocation [force]; Level cleric 2, inquisitor 2, sha-
parti0es get what they want. For example, a guard may man 2
admit that they are short on funds but don’t want to be Casting Time 1 standard action
caught taking a bribe, or a criminal may confess that their Components V, S, DF
sibling is being held hostage and they don’t have much Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
else invested in the conflict. What exactly is said is up to Target self
the GM. If the target has nothing to say they are instead Duration 1 round/level
stunned for 1d4 rounds with indecision. Save none; Spell Resistance yes
As per spiritual weapon save that it does not attack un-
Magic is Wealth less provoked. The weapon threatens the current target
only but has two attacks of opportunity a round. The weap-
School conjuration; Level magus 3, psychic 3, sorcerer/ on gains one additional attack of opportunity per 6 caster
wizard 3, summoner 3 levels. When an ally attacks the same target with a melee at-
Casting Time 1 standard action tack, the weapon swings into position and provides a flank-
Components V, S ing bonus.
Range personal
Target self
Duration 1 minute Purrsian Magic (5e)
Save none; Spell Resistance no
Upon casting this spell the spellcaster must name a spe- Another Life
cific spell with a material component. Raw energy gathers
before the caster in the form of floating motes of immate- 5th-level conjuration
rial light. If the target spell is above 3rd-level, this spell Class: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock
must be cast at that level or higher and can be done with- Casting Time: 1 reaction
out metamagic. Prepared spellcasters must prepare this Range: Infinite
spell at the higher level ahead of time.
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Watch the Market
They say sometimes purrsians survive that which should 4th-level divination
have flattened them and this spell lends credence to that Class: Bard
claim. With barely a flexed claw and a surprised hiss, the Casting Time: 1 day
spellcaster vanishes just as doom is crashing on them. They Range: Personal
teleport to a predesignated place as per teleport. This spell Components: V, S
fails if the predesignated place is on another plane or if a Duration: Instantaneous
place has not been designated. Designating a place requires During the casting of this spell the caster must roam the
1,000 gp of the purrsian’s birthstone and an hour-long rit- community in which they plan to buy or sell from sunrise to
ual to attune the target space of up to 10 foot square. Once sunset, clearly speaking figures of trade, inquiring towards
attuned, it remains until the caster sets a new place. their goals, and generally gathering information. The spell’s
effects begin with the coming of the next dawn. The caster
Find the Middle Ground may buy or sell one non-trade item at 10% higher or lower
than the usual cost by finding the buyer or seller just right
3rd-level enchantment for the task. When cast in a city smaller than a metropolis,
Class: Bard, Paladin there is a cumulative 10% chance of not working for every
Casting Time: 1 action step smaller the settlement is. This spell is not subtle and
Range: 30 feet the DC of checks made to gather information about the
Components: V, S caster during this time are lowered by 5.
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell compels the target to make mention of what Population Chance of Succcess
might change their mind if the target fails their wisdom
20 30%
saving throw, ideally in such a way that both parties get
what they want. For example, a guard may admit that they 21-60 40%
are short on funds but don’t want to be caught taking a 61-200 50%
bribe, or a criminal may confess that their sibling is being
201-2,000 60%
held hostage and they don’t have much else invested in the
conflict. What exactly is said is up to the GM. If the target 2,001-5,000 70%
has nothing to say, they are instead stunned for 1d4 rounds 5,001-10,000 80%
with indecision 10,0001-25,000 90%
25,001+ 100%
Magic is Wealth
3rd-level conjuration
Class: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock Watch Your Back
Casting Time: 1 action 2nd-level evocation
Range: Personal Class: Cleric
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Duration: 1 minute Range: 60 feet
Upon casting this spell, the caster must name a specific Components: V, S
spell of 3rd-level or lower with a material component. Raw Duration: 1 minute
energy gathers before them in the form of floating motes of As per spiritual weapon save that it does not attack un-
immaterial light. When the targeted spell is cast the motes less provoked. The weapon threatens the current target
are expended, replacing up to 150 gp components. This only but has two reactions a round. When an ally attacks
spell can be cast multiple times to stack the savings, but the same target with a melee attack, the weapon swings
they are all expended at once. into flanking position (providing advantage to attack rolls
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell against the current target).
slot of 4th-level or higher, up to 100 gp worth of additional At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
components can be replaced per additional level expended spell slot of 3rd-level or higher, you may launch an addi-
spell slot. In addition, the targeted spell can be of the high- tional weapon to harass another target for each additional
est expended spell slot’s level or lower. expended spell slot.


Steelheart Power as when the priest began. The steelhearts are all the more
cautious as a result.; better to consider twice than to make
Being a combination of plant and metal, steelhearts have a mistake once. Being a very long-lived race patience is a
amazing resilience to many dangers that other creatures trait they tend to share provided they avoid being destroyed
of Everglow would steer well away from. They lack many before their time meets its natural end.
of the ‘basic’ urges that command their neighbors—steel-
hearts do not sleep at night or feel the need to eat or drink. Unlike ponies, steelhearts do not have brands of desti-
Their towns show activity at any time of the day with varia- ny. The gods do not craft them unique fortunes and they
tion only occurring due to the price of lighting when ap- instead must forge their own paths, and with this spirit in
plicable, though magic is a wonderful thing. Pollutants and mind they craft brands of their own. It is very common for
irritants are known to be ignored around steelheart settle- a steelheart to have a faux brand. Good metalcrafters can
ments where they may sting at the eyes and lungs of unfor- demand a premium price to forge a brand of great beauty,
tunate visitors but their industriousness gives them a leg up with details and colors that make ponies flush with envy.
over others, fitting in more hours in a day, it seems. Even
adventurers benefit from a steelheart ally, one able to stand
watch all night without effort.
Steelheart Naming
The first names of steelhearts are usually a metal or
Being sheathed in a shell of metal, electricity runs across
methodology. Here are some popular ones: Tin, Steady,
their smooth plates and into the ground, dissipating lesser
Steel, Methodical, Patient, Copper, Brass, Impatient, Seri-
charges of energy harmlessly without any damage to their
ous, Quartz, Gold, Slow, Fast
living cores. Electrical attacks of vicious enough strength
can pierce this basic defense but it still leaves them better The last name of steelhearts often refers to a preferred
off than a pony or a human might be in the same situation. activity but can also be a long term quest or ambition. Last
Their strength is also the steelhearts’ weakness—their alien names are picked by the Steelheart at maturation, if they
biology refuses the touch of the divine. Raise and resurrec- wish to have one. Some examples include: Scholar, Explor-
tion spells slip off of their corpses, leaving them as lifeless er, Philosophy, Skeptic, Discoverer, Trade, Builder, Smith,
Steelheart Pathfinder Attributes

+2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom: Steelhearts are tough and smart but not terrifically intuitive.
Steelheart: Steelhearts are fey with the steelheart subtype.
Medium: Steelhearts are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Steelhearts have a base speed of 30 feet (20 feet bipedal).
Low-Light Vision: Steelhearts can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Cold Heart: Steelhearts cannot be raised or resurrected by normal means. Returning to a factory and paying for
the material components for an equivalent spell can restore them to health with the help of local priests (as if the
equivalent spell were cast).
Conductive: Steelhearts gain electricity resistance 5.
Fingerless: See fingerless rules on page 2.
Four-Legged: Steelhearts gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and increase their carrying capacity
by +50%. They have forelegs instead of arms.
Heart of Steel: Steelhearts gain a +2 racial bonus vs. disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause
either exhaustion or fatigue.
Iron Lungs: Steelhearts do not need to eat, breathe, or sleep. They may do so if they desire, gaining any available
benefits from doing so (in the case of potions and the like or meditating to regain power).
Languages: Steelhearts begin play speaking Common. Steelhearts with high Intelligence scores can choose from
the following: Dwarven, Gnomish, Sylvan, and Terran.

Steelheart 5th Edition Attributes

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Steelhearts are abnormally long-lived and mature at the age of 50.
Alignment. Steelhearts have no predilection towards any alignment.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Cold Heart. Any spell that would bring you to life cannot be cast unless it is in a functional factory and uses added
material components needed to enact physical repairs.
Conductive. You gain resistance to lightning damage.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fey Born. You count as fey for all purposes.
Fingerless. You may use your mouth as one hand and are considered Small-sized for the sake of what they can
wield or not.
Four-Legged. Being a four-legged creature, you can bear greater weights than a human of the same strength with-
out being encumbered (increasing your carrying capacity by 50%). You gain advantage on any ability checks or
saving throws to avoid the prone condition.
Heart of Steel. You gain advantage on saving throws against disease and the charmed, exhaustion, and poisoned
conditions. You gain resistance to poison damage.
Iron Lungs. Steelhearts do not need to eat, breathe, or sleep. They may do so in order to gain benefit (such as
drinking a potion).
Unique Heritage. Steelhearts count as both half-constructs and fey for all purposes.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. You can also choose one language from the following list:
Sylvan, Dwarven, Gnomish, or Terran.

A Brief History of Steelhearts should be negotiated with early to avoid what occurred with
the Pony Empire. Though rough at the start relations with
A hundred years before the empire was officially formed them proved far more profitable than the pain of starting
the presence of the steelhearts became felt when a collective them—the past is made to be learned from.
of their explorers came together and founded the race’s first
town. The steelhearts refuse to say exactly how long they’d
been there or how many other towns had come before it, Life of Steelhearts
but Kollective 23 became widely known in short order.
Unlike ponykind there is no such thing as a tribe or cross-
When word of their miraculous nature spread with it Iliana
breeding among the steelhearts—one either is or is not, and
sent ponies to investigate and learn—though she had told
those that are cannot pair with those that are not and ex-
them only to look and discover, they pushed far further.
pect children to come as a result. Also unlike their flesh and
The accidental/misguided damaging of one of their sa- blood kin, steelhearts have no true gender though some take
cred factories caused the steelhearts to lose all patience and on the mantle of male or female and decorate themselves to
fear swept through their people like a wildfire—the motion display their decision proudly. When two steelhearts of any
to keep the ponies away by means of violence was swiftly or no gender decide they are compatible and wish to pro-
passed and the situation deteriorated from there. The war duce a child, they report to the closest factory and appeal to
only lasted about a year and a half, starting in summer IC the priests there with displays of ability, wit, and properly
3 and ending in the winter of the next year. Many ponies filled forms. If approved they are allowed to enter and begin
were killed and many steelhearts were dismantled but nei- fabrication of their child’s first shell.
ther side benefitted from the conflict and Queen Iliana bro-
Kept a secret from outsiders, the living tissue of a steel-
kered peace with them by coming personally to ask for it.
heart (the plant matter that makes up much of their inside)
She was accepted and a deal was forged: violence would not
is grown from a massive vine-like tree that inhabits much
be turned towards the ponies, provided the factories of the
of the factory. When inserted into a properly consecrated
steelhearts were never again harmed or intruded upon.
and otherwise prepared shell, a new steelheart is born. Like
With peace brokered the steelhearts became eager to most sentient youths they are inexperienced and delicate
trade, even if they watched their neighbors with caution. at birth but steelheart parents are legally obligated to see
Hungry for knowledge and supplies their restrictive laws to twenty years of care and preparation, and those that
on outsider presence eroded swiftly but none are allowed choose to forge their first shell are usually prepared to do
near their factories; those found beyond clearly-marked it for the long haul. A steelheart’s parents are their first and
boundaries are arrested. Trespassers possessing obvious most faithful mentors but not their only ones—often other
destructive abilities have been executed with others sim- teachers and trainers are hired to fulfill a youth’s goals in
ply deported. Friction over their factories aside the steel- life and prepare them for independence. After exactly two
hearts otherwise enjoyed a full generation of peace until decades (no sooner or later) the child is deemed ready and
the empire fell into decay with Iliana’s passing. She was a must move out. Such a family can then break apart or stay
curious one to many of them, living long enough to rival together but most choose to go their own ways, though
even their elders. Was she perhaps a steelheart much more some couples remain bonded for longer (sometimes even
clever at disguise than they could hope to be? Regardless, until death). A child may visit one or the other parent on
time comes for all souls and the end of her reign marked a rare occasions but it is not considered impolite to simply
dramatic change in the landscape. move on into adulthood and not look back.
The steelhearts hid behind the pony remnants at first— Unlike their living inside, a steelheart’s metallic hide is
trading through the border towns to the humans and a choice of functionality and expression as well as a status
keeping elves out of their land entirely—but that gradu- symbol. Having a shell forged of star metals such as mithral
ally changed. Within a hundred years traders became bold or adamantine shows off the means of the steelheart proud-
enough to approach the humanoids directly and began to ly wearing it. It is possible for a steelheart to survive hav-
pry into the curious innovations that humans had made. ing this armor removed from them but it is a miserable ex-
They weren’t a terribly advanced people but their ways were istence and one any steelheart would seek to remedy it as
new ways and integrating them into the steelheart knowl- soon as possible.
edge was beneficial to everyone, as well as the great indus-
Despite reaching adulthood almost no steelheart imme-
tries that the humanoids seemed more than eager to run,
diately sets out independently at this point. Having found
fueling the needs and desires of the steelheart people. As
their desired path they become apprentices, students, and
trade partners went they were quite satisfactory and only a
otherwise take on learning the higher level aspects of their
few dared to impinge on the factories.
field over the next portion of their lives. These steelhearts
For the steelhearts time passes slowly. An empire came are still in training but learn to live on their own and with-
and left, surely another will come behind it. They learn, out their parent’s presence; some few visit at times to speak
they build, and they wait. Some caution that any new force
fondly with their creators but such is far from required from comes part of it, strengthening the plant. A sapling can also
their society. Despite this parents often keep loose tabs on be taken away and used to begin a new factory, though this
their creations, watching from a distance as they succeed is a chancy proposition as a hundred saplings planted this
or fail, taking pride with the successes and shame with the way only one may fully take root and become a functional
failures. Eventually a steelheart emerges from learning, factory. Either use is considered honorable and a noble last
usually with a home and a fully developed body, mind, and act of any steelheart (one that perishes of age away from
persona all their own, independent and ready for the world. a factory does not produce the final sapling.) The priests
Though they have little immediate loyalty to their par- report if one died well but the nature of the final sapling or
ents, bonds within a steelheart community are strong. even the fact it exists is a guarded secret. Either way once
Steelheart born of the same factory have an instinctive kin- the steelheart has passed on its physical body is considered
ship with one another and often move to each other’s aid of little import. If the steelheart was of very high praise its
against obvious threats without being asked. Steelhearts final shell may be saved and mounted somewhere for oth-
that don’t have this connection are still bound by the great- ers to see, otherwise it is recycled for the use of others. The
er tie of the species as a whole but feel far less instinctual organic body is used as fertilizer in any event, a task their
urge to risk their own safety for their fellow brethren. Dur- wooden forms serve well as.
ing properly accepted holidays (such as the start of the new
year and various religious affairs) steelhearts typically take Stereotypes of other Tribes
time to come together in great outdoor collections of festive
pony-shaped machines. Outsiders may be confused at the Earth-Bound: Some say we look like them, if we were
normally stoic people engaging in earnest revelry but the soft and fleshy. They cluster together in family units for the
steelhearts care little of their opinion. duration of their short lives and make claims of fealty that
extend beyond it. I have watched one of their clans form
Steelhearts that depart the safety of their towns to seek and its founders die. I can respect their loyalty.
out answers in the wider world usually take one of two
routes. Most commonly they become more stoic and re- Short-Leg: Small. They talk of things we do not under-
served, withholding visible displays of faith, emotion, or stand. Foolish little ponies, we do not need love to further
other such “weaknesses”. This only adds to the steelheart’s ourselves. We do not need your god to know what it is to be
reputation for being cold and distant. The minority buck the united as a people.
trend and try to be outgoing and warm, which can be just Pegasus: Where the earth-bound know the loyalty of
as confusing and disconcerting for those they interact with. generations a pegasus knows the loyalty of the single life,
Most folk are not ready for what appears to be a machine which they seem eager to cast aside. Foolish as they are they
greeting them with earnest sounding warmth, or greeting make their tiny time as bright as possible.
the day with prayer. Steelhearts have their own pantheon of
Sun: Earth-bound with a tan? We don’t understand.
machine gods with The Machine, a great maze of strict or-
der, being high among them, holder of all machine life and Tribe of Bones: It confuses us. As short-lived as they
champion against chaos in the world. It has little emotion are, you’d think they would understand the cyclical nature
or warmth but many of the lesser gods—not as perfectly or- of the universe, to say nothing of their rapidly formed, aged,
dered—do likewise. and decaying husks. Why turn against those that under-
stand it best of all?
A steelheart that reaches middle age changes very little on
the outside or in terms of behavior. Only other steelhearts Unicorn: Prideful, too clever for their own good, ma-
are likely to notice the subtle changes in the texture of the nipulators. They steer ponykind towards ruin. We won’t let
wood under their metal that comes with age. For some the them drag us along for the ride. Some say they had a hoof
idea that the life they have led seemingly without end is in our creation, I would spit on the idea, if I were capable.
showing any signs of eventually ending is something to be Antean: Filled with the very definition of large, they are
denied and ignored, so they pretend nothing has changed afraid of that destiny which the other ponies fully embrace.
at all. Others turn their minds towards the future. Unlike We understand that hesitation but we don’t agree with hid-
many species steelhearts do most of their reproducing later ing from it—find your own path children of titans, lay claim
in life rather than towards the start—young steelhearts are to it, and make it your own. We watch quietly and hopefully.
too busy to watch over a foal while older ones find the idea
of creating offspring to be romantic and fulfilling. Chaos Hunter: More pre-deterministic attitudes, ruin-
ing short lives. At least it’s a selfless destiny if nothing else,
When a steelheart feels life about to slip from them at battling the corruption of the world.
last after centuries of existence, they feel compelled to re-
turn to the factory of their birth; if they can make it there Clockworks: Our twisted doubles. They are still ponies
they produce a sapling then perish. The priests who attend but their insides are spinning gears and springs, where as
the factory have a choice. By planting it near the tree it be- our inside is that of smooth metal and living wood. We are
not the same. Perhaps there is something worthwhile about
being friendly, however. them and their excess is desirable to us. Shrewd negotia-
Doppelganger: They cannot imitate us. Jesters with tors. Never haggle alone with a purrsian. They value your
false smiles, do be wary of them, but you should be at least coin more than your business and many hardly know the
minimally wary of any of the ponykind. difference.

Leatherwing: We do not traffic with these reclusive Sun Cat: Crude and simple. They live the life of beasts,
ponies often. They seem unsettled by us. Their caves have barely sapient, and they like it that way. We will not bother
valuable deposits. them and they do not bother us.

Gem Ponies: The literal representation of ponykind’s Dwarf: Of the humanoids the dwarves could not be
overinflated sense of self-worth. They are a fallen destiny, avoided. They are our neighbors. They are also masters of
but they claim it will lead them to one that is better? It de- machines. Some of them thought to extend that mastery
fies logic. over us, but that urge was quickly quelled, at least for a
time. They live as long as us. They seek to understand the
Ghost Ponies: Who? We know little but rumor of these world, as us. They love to build, as many of us. They enjoy
ponies. alcohol—I did not say we were mirrors. There is still more
Sea Horse: Our biomes are not compatible. Our food akin between us than many other races. Pay them due re-
is not compatible. Our people are not compatible. Their spect but know they are worthy of that respect not only for
catches make acceptable oil. At least they are willing to advantage.
Zebra: They are what we wish the unicorns would be: Steelheart Magic Items (Pathfinder)
clever and wise but never pushy about it. A zebra will ask a
thousand questions and offer half as many answers, while Steelhearts have access to the following magic items but
a unicorn will ask a dozen questions and offer a thousand some may find their way into the hooves of other tribes.
answers. I would accept a zebra as a friend and join them
in discovery.
Internal Lamp
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Cloven: Few cloven come this far south to meet us but Slot body; Price 2,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
when they do they are always polite and are humble by
breeding. They will live for many generations. Empires will DESCRIPTION
rise and fall but the cloven, they will persist. They are wise
in ways they don’t even understand.
This curious lantern-like device is placed inside the shell
Flutterponies: They are a product of the temperate of a steelheart and helps promote the health and growth
jungle that birthed them—wet, disgusting, and full of color. of their living segments. They gain 25% more (minimum
They haven’t changed much. Their city is like that now— 1) hit points from a period of rest and gain an extra save
wet, disgusting, and full of color. They make no attempt against disease at every interval. This extra save can help
to understand us but some favor their fabrics to decorate defeat a disease but has no negative effects on a failure. If
themselves. Minimally valuable trade partners. I would worn without pause while gaining all of the experience re-
avoid one as a business partner but if you must, be sure quired to gain a level, the wearer gains one extra hit point
to find them things they like—wet, disgusting, and full of upon gaining a level.
Griffons: They call themselves the royals of the moun- CONSTRUCTION
tains but what we want lies in the stone, not above it. We
have no use for snow-covered peaks or the stubborn and Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, continual flame;
prideful souls that live on them. They are able in battle, this Cost 1,250 gp
I will grant, and some of them defy their natures to become
quite clever indeed.
Phoenix Wolf: We feel a kinship for these canines for Shell Approved Seal
their diet sets them apart and we do not have one. Many Aura light abjuration; CL 5th
towns have one that we tolerate and why should we not? A Slot none; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 0 lbs.
phoenix wolf family can feast on the ash we create in indus-
try and make everything neater for it. It’s almost as if our DESCRIPTION
species were designed to live in harmony and it pleases us
to know that destiny, which has otherwise turned a blind
This trinket resembles a brand chosen by the crafter and
eye to us, smiled in this subtle way.
can be affixed to armor to allow it to hold magic while be-
Purrsian: Trade partners—our excess is desirable to ing friendly to the core of a steelheart’s being. Armor so
enchanted can apply to either natural or armor bonuses, Prerequisites: Proficiency with a shield, base attack
whichever is more advantageous against a given assault (if bonus +3
the attack specifically has reduced or greater effect versus Benefit: When you are struck by a melee attack that
either type). It also lowers arcane spell failure by 10%. Non- does not target your flat-footed AC, you may make an at-
steelhearts do not benefit from armor so enchanted. Armor tack of opportunity against the attacker using a shield you
worn this way cannot be removed from the steelheart un- are wielding even if they are out of your reach. On a suc-
willingly, but can be sundered. cessful hit you deal no damage and instead the attack that
prompted it deals its damage to the shield, even damage
CONSTRUCTION that would normally not affect objects. Once a shield gains
the broken condition it cannot be used with this feat.
Requirements Craft Magical Arms and Armor, haste;
Cost 500 gp
Automatic Maintenance (General)
Steelheart Equipment (5e) Weapons that are integrated into your body can be
Equipment here is constructed with steelhearts in mind, flushed out and upkept with a little effort.
but may find its way into the hooves of other tribes. Prerequisites: Integrated Weapon, steelheart
Benefit: As a move action, you can remove the broken
condition from a weapon and restore 1 hit point to it. If the
Internal Lamp weapon takes any damage (even 0 from an attack that fails
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) to penetrate hardness) and is at 50% or less hit points, it be-
This curious lantern-like device is placed inside the shell comes broken again. This has no effect on destroyed items.
of a steelheart and helps promote the health and growth of
their living segments. They treat any roll of 1 or 2 on a hit
die as a 3 when spending hit dice to heal during a short rest, Brand of Allegiance (General)
and whenever they would make a saving throw against a
You have willingly branded yourself with the symbol of
disease after contracting it, they may make another saving
an adventuring group, city, or other organization. This is
throw. This extra saving throw can help defeat a disease but
more than just decoration—it is a demonstration of com-
has no negative effects on a failure. If worn without pause
while gaining all of the experience required to gain a level,
the wearer gains one extra hit point upon gaining a level. Prerequisite: Steelheart
Benefit: When you take this feat, choose a group to
whom you have given allegiance. You gain a +2 morale bo-
Steelheart Feats (Pathfinder) nus on any one d20 roll while in the service of that group
each day. You may declare the use of this feat after the
roll has been made. At 10th level, the bonus increases to
Armor Growth (General) +4. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy
Like a living shell, you perfect your armor with time and checks with allies of that group, though this becomes a pen-
effort and the proper nutrition. alty with anyone opposed to them.
Prerequisites: Steelheart, Con 13
Benefit: You can imbue armor you’ve worn for a month Constitution of Stone (General)
or gained a level in while using a shell approved seal. If
the armor is not yet magical you can make it magical and When need be, you can assume the physiology of some-
must do so first, though you are treated as having any feats thing not alive for a moment, avoiding harm.
required. Armor that you have created this way can be im- Prerequisite: Emergency Shutdown, steelheart
proved by you without Craft Arms and Armor, using your Benefit: As an immediate action you can cease being
character level plus your Constitution modifier as the modi- alive for an instant, just long enough to avoid a single at-
fier for enchanting rolls. tack that requires a living target.

A Shield’s Fate (Combat) Defensive Matrix (General)

A shield exists only to accept the harm meant for its With mastery of force comes practical application that
wearer. Never forget that. only one with a machine-like mind can master

Prerequisite: Steelheart or clockwork, level 5, Wis Knowledge of Machines (General)
13, kinetic blast class ability
It takes one to know one, they say. You understand the
Benefit: Your kinetic blast threatens a space of 5 workings of constructs, and how to dismantle them.
feet around you, allowing you to make attacks of op-
Prerequisite: Steelheart, Int 13
portunity with a basic blast as if wielding a melee
weapon. Blasts fired this way do not provoke attacks Benefit: After identifying a construct, you gain a +2 cir-
of opportunity. cumstance bonus to attacks and damage rolls against it.
When you critically hit a construct, your critical multiplier
is increased by 1. You may critical hit constructs that are
Directed Current (General) normally immune to critical hits, but in these cases your
multiplier is not increased.
Electrical assaults represent opportunity for you,
not misfortune.
Prerequisite: Conductive racial trait Metallic Feast (General)
Benefit: Your electrical resistance increases by 1 per You gain a powerful hunger for metal.
2 character levels. For every 5 points of electrical dam-
Prerequisite: Level 6, steelheart
age you prevent in one blow, you may gain 2 temporary
hit points that last for 1 minute, a single round of haste, Benefit: You gain a primary bite attack that deals 1d6
or you may make a new saving throw against an ongo- damage. When you successfully hit an enemy wearing met-
ing mental effect. Different attacks do not stack but one al armor or wielding a metal weapon with this bite, you may
large one can; for example, if you prevent 10 points of make a free sunder combat maneuver with a +2 circum-
damage in an attack you could gain 4 temporary hit stance bonus. This sunder combat maneuver does not pro-
points or 2 rounds of haste, but if you already have voke attacks of opportunity.
temporary hit points from this or haste, it will over-
ride, not stack.
Powerful Finish (Combat)
You have learned to adjust your aim with each swing,
Emergency Shutdown (General) making the last more accurate.
When all hope is lost, sometimes just waiting for a Prerequisite: Power Attack, steelheart, base attack bo-
better time is the best one can do. nus +6
Prerequisite: Level 3, steelheart Benefit: When you take the full attack action while using
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can go inert. Power Attack, do not apply the penalty for power attacking
While inert you are treated as an object with a hard- to the final swing with your lowest bonus.
ness of 10 in addition to any armor, energy resistance,
or damage reduction you may have. You cannot be
coup-de-graced or otherwise affected as a living being, Rust Resistant (General)
nor do you detect as living. You may not take actions.
Your plant-like body secretes oils that protect your shell
You are dimly aware of your surroundings (–10 pen-
and any integrated equipment from rusting attacks.
alty to Perception checks). When you leave this state
you must immediately spend two full-round actions Prerequisite: Steelheart
that provoke attacks of opportunity. When reduced to Benefit: Any equipment you are holding, wielding, or
zero or less hit points, you may reactively activate this wearing ignores any attempt to rust or warp them. This
ability before losing consciousness. does not affect sundering attempts or other direct damage.

Hardy Like Oak (General) Steady Song (General)

Your plant-like interior has grown more resilient Very few things can dissuade you once you’ve begun to
over time, throwing off disastrous effects as you grow perform, even when your body tries to rebel against you.
used to the dangers of the world.
Prerequisite: Steelheart, bardic performance ability
Prerequisite: Level 5, steelheart
Benefit: Provided you are conscious, you may continue
Benefit: You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws to use bardic performance despite being confused, stunned,
versus paralysis, polymorph, and stunning effects. In paralyzed, polymorphed, or frightened. This does not allow
addition, at 10th level you gain immunity to stunning.
you to begin a bardic performance, only to continue one. to be part of your body.

Tucked Scrolls (General) Steel Soul

Besides looking interesting, you’ve gained a habit of Prerequisite: Cold Heart race feature
stuffing some of your joints with scrolls. They make you Your mastery over your living and inert parts and how
look learned. They also work. they work together enables you to survive where others
Prerequisite: Steelheart, Int 13 would meet their end. You gain the following benefits:
Benefit: You can, as a full-round action that provokes • As a reaction, you may go into an inert state in which
attacks of opportunity, stuff a scroll away into your shell you are treated as an inanimate object. You cannot
or retrieve one. You can have 1 scroll plus 1 scroll per 4 lev- take actions and cannot move while in this state, and
els tucked away at a time. Assuming you have the ability to ignore anything that affects a living creature unless it
read the scroll normally, you can activate a tucked scroll can also affect objects. You are dimly aware of your
without retrieving it first. Said scrolls gain +1 caster level surroundings while in this state, suffering disadvan-
when cast this way. tage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and a –5 pen-
alty to your passive Perception. You may leave this
state anytime but you cannot take actions or move for
Steelheart Feats (5e) the following two rounds. This state may be entered
when your hit points are reduced to 0, making you
stable until you are no longer inert.
Directed Current • As a reaction when you are targeted by an effect that
Prerequisite: Conductive race feature requires a living creature as a target, you may tempo-
rarily count as non-living to avoid the effect.
Electrical assaults represent opportunity for you, not
misfortune. You gain the following benefits: • You gain advantage on saving throws against becom-
ing paralyzed or stunned, as well as any effect that
• Anytime you reduce lightning damage dealt to you would alter your form (such as the polymorph spell).
through either resistance or immunity, for every 5
points of damage prevented you may gain one of the
following: the effects of the haste spell for 1 round, 2
temporary hit points for 1 minute, or a new Charis-
ma, Wisdom, or Intelligence saving throw against an
ongoing effect. Benefits stack from the same instance
of lightning damage, but benefits from multiple in-
stances of lightning damage do not stack.
• At 10th level you gain immunity to lightning damage.

Prerequisites: Steelheart, Constitution 13 or higher
You have gained new affinity for what you use and your
tools are literal extensions of your form. You gain the fol-
lowing benefits:
• You may integrate armor into your body after wear-
ing it for a month or when you gain a level. You are The Maze (LN)
considered to be proficient with any armor inte- Ruler of all machine kind, The Maze assigns every device
grated this way and it does not count against your to its proper place within its dizzying innards that theoreti-
carry weight. Armor you have integrated cannot be cally span all of existence. The turning of the sun, stars, and
removed involuntarily. moon, the coming of the seasons, and more are all aspects
• Any equipment your are holding, wielding, or wear- of the machinery within The Maze. Despite housing it all
ing is immune to rust or supernatural warping. The Maze does not itself control these cosmological con-
• Anytime you would heal hit points, you may instead stants—it is enough to house them and to understand them
restore hit points to any equipment that is considered in a way mortals can only dream of knowing.

Its interest in its dedicants can feel distant at times but tirely negated instead.
bringing order where there is chaos is in its nature; the dif- Heavy Steps: When you trigger a mechanical trap by
ficulty comes when there is order beyond the understand- stepping onto or into it, there is a 15% chance it is de-
ing of mortals. The seemingly entropic, such as the roll of stroyed instead and does not activate.
a die, is bound by the mechanics of the universe itself that
The Maze understands and accepts. Few things are truly Impressively Stoic: You gain a +1 trait bonus to In-
random. Those who would do battle with true chaos—such timidate and Sense Motive, and choose one of these skills
as creatures of primal chaos and aberrations, as well those to become a class skill.
who abuse magic of any kind, especially for selfish ends— Plant Ties: Plants do not inherently regard you as in-
can earn the favor of The Maze. teresting, even the animated varieties. If you don’t attack
Original Worshippers: The Maze was first discovered one it won’t attack you. If you do attack it, it targets other
after the first factory was founded. It is written that the first viable targets in range before you.
of the steelhearts saw a vision of this immense palace of
machinery and became lost for three years. They returned
slightly unhinged from how much wonder they had wit-
Steelheart Magic (Pathfinder)
nessed, but they knew a small fragment of The Truth. It was
this that became the book of the same name and led other Alien Mind
steelhearts to learn their place, as well as how to grow and
prosper. The Maze is not the only god of the steelhearts but School enchantment (mind-affecting); Level bloodrag-
it is by far the largest, holding all other machine gods within er 1, inquisitor 1, psychic 1, ranger 1, shaman 1, sorcer-
its infinite splendor. er/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Revelations: The Maze can grant limited glimpses of Target personal
its innards to those of orderly thought, allowing them a Range self
glimpse of the machines that surround what they need to Duration 1 min./level
see. The nature of this revelation can often be confusing but Save none; Spell Resistance no
it is difficult to mistake it for anything else—the challenge
to the faithful is to understand how the turning of a distant You shroud your thoughts behind a wall of alien im-
world and the coming of heavy rains might influence their pulses and urges. You gain a +2 insight bonus versus
decision to support a local politician. mind-affecting abilities and spells for the duration.
Visitation: Having no discrete body that can exist with-
in the universe, it is difficult for The Maze to visit its faith- Cannibalize Construct
ful. Instead it sends servitors to deliver messages that are
School transmutation; Level bloodrager 3, occultist 3,
brief and direct, yet difficult to understand. Their words are
psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
clear and precise but they often present solutions that feel
Casting Time 1 standard action
entirely unintuitive. The Maze only interferes when some
Target one construct
portion of the cosmos is threatened in its core stability, an
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
event that occurs more often than The Maze prefers.
Duration instantaneous
Favored Weapon: Spiked chain Save none; Spell Resistance yes
Domains: Artifice, Construct, Earth, Metal, Law, Inevi- The target construct suffers 1d8 damage per 2 caster
table, Luck, Fate, Knowledge, Thought, Memory levels, to a maximum of 10d8. You gain temporary hit
Holy Symbol: A hedge maze comprised of metal cubes. points equal to half the damage dealt (these temporary
Obedience: Assemble and repair machines for an hour. hit points persist for one minute). If you destroy a con-
The faithful must count prime numbers while doing so and struct with this spell and have the Knowledge of the Ma-
are granted a +4 sacred or profane bonus (depending on chines feat, you learn how to construct this particular
alignment) to Knowledge (engineering) and Disable Device construct (if possible). This damage cannot be prevented
checks for 10 minutes. by any DR short of epic.
Boons: 1. make whole 2. rapid repair 3. divination
Like a Machine
Steelheart Racial Traits School divination; Level cleric 4, medium 4, oracle 4,
Especially Conductive: When you roll a natural 20 on paladin 3
a saving throw against an electrical effect that would nor- Casting Time 1 standard action
mally have a reduced the damage it deals, the effect is en-
Components V, S Components: V, S, M (up to 50 pieces of identical am-
Range personal munition)
Target self Duration: 10 minutes
Duration 10 mins./level The touched ammunition becomes perfectly machined,
Save no; Spell Resistance no gaining a +1 bonus to hit. In addition, after the battle you
Casting your thoughts into The Maze and beholding a can recover 75% of the ammunition instead of just half,
small portion of its vastness, you attempt to understand and any magical piece of ammunition has a 50% chance of
the future as relevant to yourself by seeing the infinite ma- keeping its enchantment if it would normally lose it (even
chinery that will lead to it. There is nothing random, only after it has hit the target).
limitations in one’s understanding of it. Make a Knowledge
(engineering) check. You may replace an attack roll, caster Cannibalize Construct
level check, or saving throw with this roll at any time dur-
ing the effect and may choose to do so after making the roll. 3rd-level transmutation
The effective roll decreases by –10, but you may do so again Class: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
while the spell persists (decreasing another –10). Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Machined Ammunition Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
School transmutation; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, cleric 2, This spell targets a construct, dealing 5d8 damage. You
psychic 2, ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2 gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt.
Casting Time 1 standard action These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. If you destroy
Components S, V a construct with this spell and have a copy of the manual of
Range touch golems, you can learn how to construct this particular con-
Target up to 50 pieces of identical ammunition struct with this copy of the manual instead of the normal
Duration 1 minute/level golem it would produce.
Save none; Spell Resistance no
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
The touched ammunition becomes perfectly machined, slot of 4th-level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for
gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls. If the each slot level above 3rd.
ammunition would normally be destroyed, there’s a 50%
chance it is not destroyed (even if magical).
Like a Machine

Steelheart Magic(5e) 4th-level divination

Class: Cleric, Paladin
Casting Time: 1 action
Alien Mind Range: Self
1st-level enchantment Components: V, S
Class: Ranger, Warlock, Wizard Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
Casting Time: 1 action Casting your thoughts into The Maze and beholding a
Range: Self small portion of its vastness, you attempt to understand the
Components: None future as relevant to yourself by seeing the infinite machin-
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes ery that will lead to it. There is nothing random, only limi-
You shroud your thoughts behind a wall of alien impulses tations in one’s understanding of it. Make an Intelligence
and urges. You gain advantage on any check or save that check, adding your proficiency bonus. You may replace an
would prevent you from becoming charmed or frightened. attack roll or saving throw you make with this roll at any
You gain resistance to psychic damage. time during the effect and may choose to do so after making
the roll, but before it is determined if the roll would suc-
ceed or fail. You may do this multiple times while the spell
Machined Ammunition persists, but each time after the first suffers a cumulative –5
penalty to the results.
2nd-level transmutation
Class: Bard, Cleric, Ranger, Wizard At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Casting Time: 1 action spell slot of 5th-level or higher, increase the result of the
Range: Touch Intelligence roll by 3 for each slot level above 4th.

Su n Cats

Sun Cat Power Sudden, Noon, Ambush, Blur.

One of the first creatures of Everglow, the sun cats lived Sun cats have last names so long as they belong to a pride.
by being able predators capable of terrific sprints ending in All cats of the same pride share that name, the only excep-
lethal flashes of sharpened claws and teeth, few prey catch- tion being when a sun cat is the last surviving member of
ing sight of their attackers more than once. Strong of limb their pride. They retain the name with the suffix of -dath, a
and sharp of senses, sun cats are natural at their position solemn way to tell other sun cats that the pride has passed.
in life and proud of it. Other races call them simple—a title
they object to. They are masters of their craft, that craft just
doesn’t include what other, sedentary, races consider vital.
A Brief History of Sun Cats
In the early days of Everglow there were elves scattered
Some postulate that the Sun King’s arrival inspired the
across the land but they did not tread easily between their
ascension of the feline species but the sun cats do not, as a
delicate cities of wood and grace. There were predators
whole, share this thought. To them the order matters little;
they feared—the sun cats one of many reasons that elves
they exist for the Sun King, and he for them. To quibble
had fled so long ago, leaving the land free for the fey to own.
over that progression is to lose focus on what truly matters.
The felines claimed much of that free land; the griffons
Natural creatures, sun cats are loathe to form in groups called the mountains their own, and most sun cats were
of any significant size. The largest prides of them number fine with avoiding the high places; the purrsians claimed
around a hundred and those are quite rare indeed. Most the heated savannahs, and the sun cats were less willing.
have a dozen or less cats at a time and possess an intense Their conflicts were fierce but always isolated and in time
bonding with their pride, even with other cats who may not the two grew to a grudging respect. The purrsians could
have a bond of blood. If another cat earns entry into a pride not match the sun cat’s natural skill but countered it with
they are family until death, a tight bond that has lent their cleverness and the advanced tactics that their civil lifestyle
magic and tactics to becoming very communal. allowed for.
When the feline species had settled into their ruts the
Sun Cat Naming sun cats roamed far and wide, laying claim to the widest
expanse of Everglow. That proved to be much to their detri-
The first name of sun cats tends to be something that ment with the coming of Apep. The raging lord of demons
references the sky, a hunting style, or speed. A few more rained fire and death wherever he went and few survived
common names are Clear, Fierce, Swift, Overcast, Careful, the seeing of the beast to warn others of the event. Scat-

Sun Cat Pathfinder Attributes

+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2 Intelligence: Sun cats are physically powerful and intuitive but not quick of wit.
Sun Cat: Sun cats are fey with the sun cat subtype.
Quick: Sun cats have a base speed of 40 feet (20 feet bipedal).
Low-Light Vision: Sun cats can see twice as far as humans in dim light.
Four-Legged: Sun cats gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and increase their carrying capacity by
+50%. They have forelegs instead of arms.
Claws: Sun cats gain two claw attacks as secondary attacks that deal 1d4 bludgeoning and slashing damage.
Fangs: Sun cats gain a bite attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d3 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Feline Speed: Sun cats gain a +10 ft. racial bonus to speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.
Predator: Perception and Stealth are always class skills for sun cats.
Scent: Sun cats gain the scent ability.
Languages: Sun cats begin play speaking Common. Sun cats with a high Intelligence score may select from Elven,
Gnollish, Ignan, and Sylvan.

Alternate Racial Traits (Pathfinder and 5e): While sun cats have many varieties they are more akin to ethnic
groupings than true subraces. Spotted leopards, shadowy panthers, and striped tigers are just the start of the variety in
builds and patterns found in sun cats but they are all sun cats, in the end: feline children of the Sun King and the Huntress.

Sun Cat 5th Edition Attributes

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Sun cats mature a little faster than ponies and live slightly shorter lives.
Alignment. Sun cats tend towards good and neutral alignments, holding the good of those in their inner circle over
their own needs.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Darkvision. Your eyes are lit by the embers of your soul. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fang and Claw. You gain a bite attack natural weapon that deals 1d4 piercing damage and a claw attack natural
weapon that deals 1d4 slashing damage. You may use both as though they were finesse weapons. You can use your
bonus action to make either a bite or claw attack but you do not add your relevant ability modifier to damage when
you do so.
Feline Speed. You can use a bonus action to Dash or Disengage. Once you have used this feature you cannot do so
again until after you have finished a long rest. If you later gain the ability to Dash or Disengage as a bonus action,
add 10 feet to your movement any time when doing so.
Fey Born. You count as fey for all purposes.
Four-Legged. Being a four-legged creature, you can bear greater weights than a human of the same strength with-
out being encumbered (increasing your carrying capacity by 50%). You gain advantage on any ability checks or
saving throws to avoid the prone condition.
Predator. You have a natural affinity for being tactical and gain proficiency in either Perception or Stealth.
Scent. You have an amazing sense of smell and suffer no penalty to perceive invisible targets within 60 feet unless
they have no scent. When you successfully win a Wisdom (Perception) check opposed by an invisible creature’s
Dexterity (Stealth) check, you treat the target as if they were not invisible. You gain advantage on Survival checks
to track by smell.
Suncat Tactics. You qualify for advanced the advanced tactics of the sun cats.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. You can also choose one language from the following list:
Elven, Gnollish, Ignan, Sylvan.
tered by nature, sun cat prides met Apep on their own and considered children of the entire pride with the specific fa-
died the same way. When he was defeated the feline species ther and mother often swiftly forgotten, and all adults re-
could try to recover, but the zenith for the purrsians and spond to the cry of a kitten and work together to provide a
sun cats had already come and gone. safe and nourishing home.
Then the ponies came. From a young age sun cats are trained to hunt, kill, pre-
Soft of flesh and lacking in natural weapons of much any pare and work together to ensure the future of the pride.
kind, at first they seemed an ideal new source of food and Those who are born and raised in a city find their instincts
were were greeted with claws and teeth. The ponies learned at odds with the world around them often getting into trou-
quickly to defend themselves and met the cats with maces ble trying to secure shining things or being distracted by
and swords—the price of raiding quickly rose beyond the anything that makes a sudden move. In either event a kitten
reward and came to a stop. is considered a young adult with the coming of their first
decade, becoming adults halfway before their next.
It was many years later that a kitten gazed at one of their
little stone villages and could not resist the urge to explore This is a time for the first true pain that a sun cat may
it and its strangely-shaped inhabitants despite all warnings face. The pride gathers all the kittens of the same age and
to stay away from them. The ponies, also having forgotten host a great feast, inviting other prides to come and cele-
much of the cats besides a need to be wary, panicked at the brate. This brings other kittens into contact, some for the
sight of the exploring youth. Guards rushed to meet him but first time but far from the last. At the end of the day none
the kitten smiled up at them, not seeing them as a threat. of the kittens are permitted to return home to their original
He offered his name and asked for theirs, and why they pride—they must make their own with the other kittens or
were dressed that way, and what they held in their mouths. set out alone.
It was difficult for even ponies to remain entirely on-guard In part due to instinct and in part due to society, kittens
when faced with such a small cat with so great a curiosity. are encouraged to not form prides with their direct broth-
The youth never made an aggressive move and seemed ers or sisters. Kittens of the same gender may join side by
genuinely interested. Soon the answers came. The kitten side but there are too many risks otherwise so when a new
wanted some armor for himself. He wanted weapons he prides form, there are some kittens that are inevitably left
could hold. The ponies worried he might try to take these out. They either aren’t ready to join a pride or simply aren’t
things, but he did not. He pulled off his jeweled headwrap desired. Whichever the case they set off alone into the dark
and offered it in trade. The kitten returned home, head held to find their own path and, perhaps, win their way into a
high. Though his mane no longer flowed with the glittering pride later.
jewels his parents had gifted him, he had a stout helmet in- Those lone cats are the ones most often found in the ad-
stead and a dagger held to his side that he swung whenever venturing life. A single male or female that wants to prove
he had the chance. He came to his people with the treasures themselves joins with others of varying races, ready to show
of ponykind and threw open a new door, a door that would their prowess and win their way into a pride. Many fail, but
never be closed. not directly—they learn to love and respect those that ad-
The ponies had several kingdoms and empires that came venture with them, eventually losing the desire to find a
and left but that mattered little to the sun cats, though they pride because they’ve found one in the form of their adven-
did come to trade. They would fashion jewels and tribal turing companions.
trinkets for which the ponies would give worked metal that Alone or not, sun cats prowl through their lives always
the cats could not make in their nomadic lifestyle; they nev- seeking to improve themselves as hunters in all the many
er stayed for long but in this way, the races became close ways one can hunt. A cat will usually be content with this
despite their horrible beginnings. life until time begins to wear on it, showing signs of the fad-
When the last, greatest, empire collapsed, the sun cats ing of the sun; for every dawn, there is a dusk. Sun cats face
left the cities (what few had settled in them). It was taken the approaching night with a natural understanding that all
as a sign that such sedentary lifestyles were ultimately self- things born must die. If they lived their life well and shone
destructive and the sun cats withdrew back into the wild with the glory of the Sun King, they know they’ll be wel-
that had held them dear for so long. comed in his hunting fields to share tales of a life worth liv-
ing to other sun cats between their chases.
Preparations for the end are slim. If the cat was an al-
Life of Sun Cats pha they are typically challenged and deposed of the title
Sun cats breed within their pride. Though the alpha male long before they become venerable. If the alpha served their
has the first pick to select a partner lesser males are allowed pride well they become a revered elder often consulted for
to produce young, especially those who have proven loyal wisdom but for those who are unliked their final years may
and true to the family as a whole. The resulting kittens are be spent as an outcast the moment they are too weak to re-

sist being overthrown. their faces off. So close, yet so far apart. I’m never sure how
In either event a sun cat gets a strong feeling when their I feel about them.
final day is on them. Such a cat says their farewells and Purrsian: Don’t make me hiss. If griffons are brothers
leaves everything behind. They chase the sun across the we consider with wary eyes as competition, purrsians are
fields as if they could somehow live forever if they could the runt of the litter that will steal, lie, and worse to get
just remain in its light—in a sense it’s true, for when their what they want. They stood in our way when we were both
strength finally fails them and they fade from the world, it’s young. Now they are older, and fatter. They have wings and
to the Sun King’s eternal summer home they retire. barely give them a flap, enjoying expensive wines in expen-
sive houses. Can they buy their way to fulfillment?

Stereotypes of other Races Steel Heart: There’s a difference between them and
clockworks? I don’t see it...
Earth-Bound: They understand the concept of a pride,
and are fiercely loyal to their own—in their prey way. I can Humanoids: They believe themselves to be the world’s
respect that. greatest predators. It can be enjoyable to prove them
wrong…they come in many sizes. If you live near them, you
Unicorn: They think. That’s really what they do. What would be wise to learn them apart.
do they think about? Mostly nothing. They will lecture you
for hours on the importance of their nothings.
Clockworks: It gets worse. They are not very good prey.
They are not predators. What purpose
do they fulfill?
Gem Ponies: We didn’t want a
taste of that even before we came to
an agreement...
Leatherwing and Sea Pony:
They show hints that ponies have a
predatorial side. Sharp teeth alone
don’t qualify a creature, however—
don’t be fooled.
Other Ponies: Timid prey, hid-
ing in large cities behind thick walls
to keep the predators out. We don’t
hunt them anymore but they know
when a predator walks among them.
Tread gently or you may cause a
Cloven: Prey. The griffons claimed
them and keep them in a pasture to ex-
ploit like any good prey. They are fair
Griffons: Before the Sun King,
they are brothers. Be fully aware that
though they may be brothers, their
tribe is not ours. Treat them with cau-
tion and respect. They are true preda-
tors and deserve that.

Phoenix Wolves: What if the Sun

King had been canine? The phoenix
wolves offer a possibility. Don’t think
about it too hard. They have their own
prides and their own ways, but I can feel
a kinship there when I don’t want to tear
Sun Cat Feats (PF) Benefit: While you have smite evil active, you project 30
feet of bright light and light within 60 feet is increased by
one level. This light is bright enough to trigger sensitivity
Ferocious Approach (Combat) to light, but not inflict direct harm. If the aura of the bright
light comes into contact with a darkness or similar spell
With a sudden dash across a battlefield, you come of 5th-level or lower, it is immediately ended. If you are in
down like an angry bolt from a god. The target of natural sunlight, the smite evil can be redirected once upon
your anger will know only pain, and that briefly. defeat of the first target the instant the first dies. This ability
Prerequisites: Sun cat, base attack bonus +10 can only be used once per smite evil.
Benefit: You gain the pounce ability, allowing you to
make a full attack at the end of a charge instead of a single
attack. Watch My Back (Combat, Teamwork)
A friend at your back is as valuable as any shield.

Four-Claw Drive (Combat) Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3, Sense Motive 3
While many sun cats focus on their forepaws, others
learn that their back ones are just as sharp—and just as Benefit: For every ally within 5 feet that has this feat,
ready. you gain 10% fortification against sneak attacks and criti-
cal hits (maximum 30%). A successful aversion causes the
Prerequisite: Sun cat, base attack bonus +5 source of the attack to provoke an attack of opportunity
Benefit: You gain two rake attacks that have the same from all allies with this feat.
bonus and damage as the your claw attacks. They can be
used when starting the round in a grapple or when using
the pounce ability. Sun Cat Feats(5e)

Harrying Tactics (Combat, Teamwork) Pride Hunter

Where one might meet failure and danger, two are more Prerequisite: Sun cat
likely to win success, three even more so. Remain true to You have honed your hunting skills to work best along-
the pride and no enemy is too large. side your fellow sun cats. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Sun cat, base attack bonus +3 • Whenever two or more allies with this feat are within
Benefit: Whenever two or more allies with this feat 5 feet of the same target, the target suffers a disad-
threaten the same target, the target suffers a penalty to at- vantage to attack rolls to attack one of them each
tack rolls and AC equal to the number of allies threatening turn (the first ally with this feat chooses at the start
it with this feat (maximum –3). of its turn). If three or more allies are within 5 feet of
the same target, all of those allies gain advantage to
strike the victim.
Distracted Lunge (Combat) • For every ally who has sun cat tactics within 10 feet
of you, you have a 10% chance to negate the extra
Opportunity need not always be made by the one taking
damage from a sneak attack or critical hit (maximum
advantage of them.
Prerequisite: Sun cat, sneak attack 3d6
• Your Charisma or Dexterity increases by 1, to a maxi-
Benefit: Whenever an opponent is flanked, it is suscep- mum of 20.
tible to your sneak attack as if you were flanking it. You also
gain the +2 flanking bonus to attack.
Sudden Predator
Prerequisite: Sun cat
Walking in Light (General)
Your prey rarely get the chance to know they are being
You take the light bringing archetype of paladins to a
hunted before they are ended. You gain the following ben-
new extreme. Darkness has no place to hide in your pres-
ence, wreathed in the might of the Sun King.
• When you attack with your bite or claws, you may, as
Prerequisite: Sun cat, must worship a sun god, smite
a bonus action, make an additional single attack with
your claw. Group Tactics
• When you use the attack action on a target with the Also starting at 1st level, you can offer uncanny insight in
grappled condition, you may make an additional claw coordinating the flow of battle. When you take the Help
attack. action to aid an ally in attacking a creature, you may do so
as long as you are within 30 feet of the target of the attack
• If three or more allies, including yourself, are within and the ally can see and hear you.
5 feet of the target, you deal an extra 1d6 damage Additionally you may use the Help action as a bonus action
with the first successful attack you make against it in a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (mini-
a round. mum 1). Once you have finished a long rest you regain all
your uses of this feature.
New Domains (Pathfinder)
Channel Divinity: Shared Burdens
Beginning at 2nd level, as an action, you may use your chan-
Pride nel divinity to allow your vigorous allies to help shoulder
The pride is the essential body of sun cat social structures. the burden for the more infirm. You may reduce the cur-
Good sun cats serve the pride, just as it serves them. rent hit points of yourself and other willing allies within
Through combined strength, few can match. 30 feet by any amount to create a pool of shared healing.
Any creature reduced to 0 hp by this effect is rendered
Associated Domain: Community. unconscious but stable. You may then heal yourself or
Gods: Sun King, Huntress any other allies any amount of hit points as long as the to-
Replacement Power: The following granted power re- tal hit points healed across all allies does not exceed those
places the calming touch ability of the Community do- in the pool of shared healing.
Synergistic Touch (Sp): You can touch a creature as a Focused Protection
standard action to confer upon it the benefits of any one Starting at 6th level, you may, as an action, designate an
Teamwork feat that you possess. This effect persists for a ally within 30 feet as your Ward. Once per turn, when
number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum your Ward is attacked, you or an ally may make one me-
1). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal lee or ranged weapon attack against the attacker as a re-
to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. action. The creature ceases to be your Ward after 1 min-
ute or when you use this ability again. You may use this
feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier
Replacement Domain Spells: 4th—blessing of fervor, (minimum 1). Once you have finished a long rest you re-
7th—regenerate gain all your uses of this feature.
This subdomain can be taken by the named gods’ divine
casters whether or not their deity possesses the community Divine Strike
domain. At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
New Domains (5e) cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to
the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage
increases to 2d8.
Unity Domain
Unity domain spells Strength in Numbers
1st bless, guiding bolt At 17th level, as long as at least one ally is within 5 feet of
3rd aid, staunch wounds you, you gain a +1 bonus to your armor class and a +1
5th haste, mass healing word bonus to all saving throws. In addition, each ally within
7th guardian of faith, move in tandem 5 feet of you is inspired by your presence and guidance,
9th mass cure wounds, seeming dealing additional damage on all their attacks equal to
your Wisdom modifier.
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain profi- Sun Cat Racial Traits (Pathfinder)
ciency in heavy armor. All The Light Touches: The world belongs to you, or so
you’ve been taught. Others may think they have a say, and

that amuses you. Being in charge is your natural birthright. of their pride mates, this spell is there to help. Upon cast-
Your Leadership score gains a +2 trait bonus and Sense ing, you gain 2 temporary hit points per caster level. So long
Motive becomes a class skill for you. as no allies are within 10 feet, the caster gains a +2 dodge
Flame Singed: Your ancestors escaped the reach of bonus to AC, +2 insight bonus to attack rolls, and a +5 ft.
Apep, but just barely. Every kitten born in your line has no enhancement bonus to all forms of movement.
tuft of fur at the end of their tail—instead it is a singed and
burnt-looking end. You cannot forget that heat. You gain a Move in Tandem
+2 trait bonus to saving throws against fire and a +1 trait
bonus to attack rolls against creatures with the fire subtype. School divination; Level cleric 4, psychic 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Human Hunter: Humanoids have always been lesser Components V, S
before the sun cats and you mean to prove it. You gain a +1 Range touch
trait bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against Target one creature/3 levels
humanoids. Duration 1 minute/level.
No Worries: You left your pride to go your own way and Save none; Spell Resistance no
have become more friendly with the other races of Ever- With this spell, the sun cat binds their allies with a great-
glow. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Diplo- er sense of the other’s actions and condition. All targets of
macy checks when dealing with non-sun cat fey. the spell gain the benefit of status for all other targets of the
Predatory Stance: You have grown used to the natural spell. Any teamwork feat that a target has can be triggered
fear of beings for anyone armed as you. You gain a +2 trait by another member of the targets that doesn’t, but only up
bonus to Intimidate and it becomes a class skill for you to one artificial feat holder can be created this way at any
given time.

Sun Cat Magic (Pathfinder) Retributive Strike

Honed Claws School divination; Level bloodrager 3, inquisitor 3, pala-
din 3
School transmutation; Level bloodrager 4, druid 4, sum- Casting Time 1 standard action
moner 4, warpriest 4 Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action Range personal
Components V Target self
Range personal Duration 1 round/level
Target self Save none; Spell Resistance no
Duration 10 mins./level
While this spell is active the sun cat is sharply aware of
Save no; Spell Resistance no
the subtle cues of his enemies, specifically when they try to
With a mighty roar, your claws become cruel and wick- attack him. Any foe that attempts to attack the caster within
ed, ready to tear your prey to shreds. They deal an extra threat range of their natural weapons provokes an attack of
1d6 bludgeoning and slashing damage, their critical threat opportunity from the caster. The attack of opportunity need
range is increased by 1 (to 19–20) and their critical multi- not be a natural weapon. Every 5 damage dealt by that op-
plier increases by 1 (to x3). Upon scoring a critical hit, you portunity attack gives a cumulative –1 penalty to the attack
may end the effect to inflict 1d6 extra damage per level. The that triggered it.
extra damage is not multiplied by the critical hit.
Staunch Wounds
Lone Desperation
School conjuration (healing); Level druid 2, ranger 2
School transmutation; Level alchemist 2, bloodrager 2, Casting Time 1 standard action
inquisitor 2, paladin 2 Components V, S, M (assorted dried herbs)
Casting Time 1 swift action Range touch
Components V, S Target one living target
Range personal Duration instantaneous
Target self Save none; Spell Resistance no
Duration 1 round/2 levels
This spell is made to avoid death, but little more. It only
Save none; Spell Resistance no
functions on targets with 50% or less hit points and can heal
Sometimes teamwork requires acting alone. When one is them to no more than 50% of their maximum hit points. On
called upon to make a decisive action without the support
casting, the target regains 2d8 hit points + 1 per level. If the Class: Cleric
target is still under 50% of their hit points, they may spend Casting Time: 1 action
a standard action on their next turn specifically conserv- Range: Touch (three targets)
ing their mobility to restore the same number of hit points Components: V, S
again, to the maximum of 50%. This extra healing is only Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
available once per casting. With this spell, the sun cat binds their allies with a
greater sense of the other’s actions and condition. All tar-
Sun Cat Magic (5e) gets of the spell know if any other member of the spell is
suffering any condition and if they are healthy, injured,
or dead. In addition, anyone under the effects of this
Honed Claws spell has advantage on attack rolls against creatures as
4th-level transmutation long as another ally affected by this spell is within 5
Class: Druid, Warlock feet of the target of the attack and is not incapacitated
Casting Time: 1 action At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Range: Personal spell slot of 5th-level or higher, you may target another
Components: V creature for every level above 4th.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
With a mighty roar, your claws become cruel and wicked, Retributive Strike
ready to tear your prey to shreds. They deal an extra 1d6
3rd-level divination
damage, they score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and
Class: Paladin
you can roll one additional weapon damage die when de- Casting Time: 1 action
termining the extra damage for a critical hit with a me- Range: Touch
lee attack. Upon scoring a critical, you may end the effect Components: V, S
to inflict 4d6 extra damage, added to your claws as part of Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
its normal damage. The extra damage is not affected by the
critical. While this spell is active, the sun cat is sharply aware of
the subtle cues of his enemies, specifically when they try
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell to attack him. Any foe that attempts to attack the caster
slot of 5th-level or higher, the extra damage dealt by ending within reach of their natural weapons provokes an oppor-
the spell early increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 4th. tunity attack. The opportunity attack need not be a natu-
ral weapon. If at least 5 damage is dealt by the opportuni-
Lone Desperation ty attack, the attack that triggered it gains disadvantage.

2nd-level transmutation
Class: Paladin, Warlock
Staunch Wounds
Casting Time: 1 bonus action 2nd-level evocation
Range: Personal Class: Druid, Ranger
Components: V Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 5 rounds Range: Touch
Sometimes teamwork requires acting alone. When one is Components: V, S
called upon to make a decisive action without the support Duration: Instantaneous
of their pride mates, this spell is there to help. Upon cast- This spell is made to avoid death, but little more. It
ing, you gain 10 temporary hit points. So long as no allies only functions on targets with 50% or less hit points and
are within 10 feet, you gain a +2 bonus to armor class, +2 can heal them to no more than 50% of their maximum
bonus to attack rolls, and all of your movement speeds in- hit points. On casting, the target regains 2d8 hit points
crease by 5 feet. plus your spellcasting ability modifier. If the target is still
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell under 50% of their hit points, they may spend an action
slot of 3rd-level or higher, you may extend the spell by one on their next turn specifically conserving their mobility to
round and increase the temporary hit points gained by 4 for restore the same number of hit points again, to the maxi-
every level above 4th mum of 50%. This extra healing is only available once per
Move in Tandem At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd-level or higher, the healing increases by
4th-level divination 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
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of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compat-
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language,
ibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered
artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats,
Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and
Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, in-
other visual or audio representations; names and descrip-
dependent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark
tions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities,
or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity
teams, perso-nas, likenesses and special abilities; places,
in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or
the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic
Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain
designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark
all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content 2008, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Mike McArtor,
You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that Keith Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Clinton J. Boomer, Jason Bul-
you are distributing are Open Game Content. mahn, Joshua J. Frost, Ed Greenwood, Stephen S. Greer,
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents Jeff Grubb, James Jacobs, Michael Kortes, Tito Leati, Mike
may publish updated versions of this License. You may use McArtor, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Eric Nelson,
any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and Jeff Quick, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Lean-
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed dra Christine Schneider, David Schwartz, Amber E. Scott,
under any version of this License. Stan!, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, James L. Sutter,
Greg A. Vaughan, Jeremy Walker, JD Wiker.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this
License with every copy of the Open Game Content You dis- Pathfinder Companion: Adventurer’s Armory. Copyright
tribute. 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jonathan Keith, Hal
Maclean, Jeff Quick, Christopher Self, JD Wiker, and Keri
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or Wiker.
advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
Contributor unless You have written per-mission from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide ©
Contributor to do so. 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle,
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to com- Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson,
ply with any of the terms of this License with respect to Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd
some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, ju- Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
dicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not
Use any Open Game Material so affected. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, Copyright 2010,
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bul-
13. Termination: This License will terminate automati- mahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua
cally if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs,
cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary,
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds,
License. F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter,
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on material by
be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3, © 2011, Paizo
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Publishing, LLC; Authors Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn,
Copyright 20 00, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Ref- Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob Mc-
erence Document. Copyright 2000. Wizards of the Coast, Creary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider,
Inc; Au-thors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by
based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publish- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary Preview. Copy-
ing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn. right 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Author: Jason Bul-
mahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Gods and Magic. Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
and Skip Williams.
Author: Sean K Reynolds.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011,
Paizo Blog. Copyright 2010–2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Ben-
Author: Paizo Publishing, LLC, or as credited in individual
ner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Brian J. Cortijo, Jim
blog entries.
Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb,
Pathfinder 24, Copyright Paizo 2009. All Rights Re- Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reyn-
served. olds, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anni- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment ©
versary Edition © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
Wolfgang Baur, Stephen S. Greer, James Jacobs, Nicolas Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan
Logue, Richard Pett, and Greg A. Vaughan. Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy
Pathfinder Character Traits Web Enhancement. Copy- Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway,
right 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Author: James Jacobs Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC Ste-
and F. Wesley Schneider. phens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting. Copyright Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011,
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim
Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell,
Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distrib-
Stephens, and Russ Taylor. ute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign. © and includes the methods, procedures, processes and rou-
2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Ben- tines to the extent such content does not embody the Prod-
jamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Ryan Costello, Adam Daigle, uct Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and
Matt Goetz, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ryan Macklin, any additional content clearly identified as Open Game
Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Stephen Rad- Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered
ney-MacFarland, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wes- by this License, including translations and derivative works
ley Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Stephen under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product
Townshend. Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and prod-
uct line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publish- dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines,
ing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language,
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats,
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and
Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on mate- other visual or audio representations; names and descrip-
rial by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. tions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities,
teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places,
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, © 2010, Paizo
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or
Publishing, LLC; Authors: Cam Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Ja-
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic
son Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, Graeme Davis, Adam
designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark
Daigle, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Ste-
clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the
ven Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreary, Hal
Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open
Maclean, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan,
Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names,
Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley
mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor
Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa
to identify itself or its products or the associated products
Stevens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams,
contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor
Skip Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff.
(g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy,
Ponyfinder: Race Book © 2013, Silver Games, LLC; Au- edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Deriva-
thors: David Silver. tive Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your”
Ponyfinder: Campaign Setting © 2013, Silver Games, means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Not for re-
LLC; Authors: David Silver, Stephen Ritterbrush. sale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this docu-
ment for personal use only.
Ponyfinder: Griffons of Everglow © 2014, Silver Games,
LLC; Authors: David Silver
Ponyfinder: Races of Everglow © 2017, Silver Games, 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game
LLC; Authors: David Silver Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open
Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or sub-
tracted from this License except as described by the License
itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Open Game Content distributed using this License.
Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wiz-
ards”). All Rights Reserved.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Con-
tent You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this Li-
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright cense.
and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open
Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyright-
ed material including derivative works and translations 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agree-
(including into other computer languages), potation, modi- ing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpet-
fication, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improve- ual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the
ment, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c)

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, ju-
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You dicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not
represent that Your Contributions are Your original cre- Use any Open Game Material so affected.
ation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights
conveyed by this License.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automati-
cally if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this
exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game License.
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and
You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copy-
right holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to
original Open Game Content you Distribute. be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to
the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any

Product Identity, including as an indication as to compat- 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
ibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Prod-
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of
uct Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-
the Coast, Inc.
adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark
in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content
except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agree- System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards
ment with the owner of such Trademark or Registered of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford,
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve
that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and and Dave Arneson.
interest in and to that Product Identity.

System Reference Document, © 2000, Wizards of the

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
you are distributing are Open Game Content. Arneson

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents Ponyfinder: Campaign Setting: Dawn of the Fifth Age, ©
may publish updated versions of this License. You may use 2016, Silver Games LLC; Authors David Silver, Byron Mul-
any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and vogue, Ismael Alvarez
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed
under any version of this License.
Ponyfinder: Tribes of Everglow: Dawn of the Fifth Age, ©
2017 Silver Games LLC; Authors David Silver, Byron Mul-
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this vogue, Ismael Alvarez
License with every copy of the Open Game Content You
Ponyfinder: Races of Everglow, © 2016, Silver Games
LLC; Authors David Silver, Ismael Alvarez
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or
advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
Contributor unless You have written permission from the
Contributor to do so.

12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to com-

ply with any of the terms of this License with respect to

Not Just Ponies
It’s easy to be distracted by the colorful ponies that have laid
dominion over the world of Everglow, but they are far from the
only race that has carved out their own portion of things and
demands recognition. From the whimsical flutterponies to the
despised impure, these lesser races are given a chance to be
known, from social mores to combat abilities.

This Book Includes Two New Races!

• Take control of the gem gnolls, if they’ll
let you. Seek treasure at all costs, or
perhaps look for a better way?
• The donkies of Everglow were not
given a fair shake. The impure are
prejudiced against harshly, but under
your guidance, perhaps they can find
justice, or at least peace.

As Well As:
• Dozens of feats
• Many new spells
• Compatible with both Pathfinder and the
5th edition of the most popular roleplay-
ing game
• Detailed looks into the lives of each race,
allowing you to fully immerse yourself in
your character.

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