Trial On Reciprocating.
Trial On Reciprocating.
Trial On Reciprocating.
To study & conduct trial on single cylinder Diesel Engine at various loads & constant speed &
to study the following performance characteristics with the help of computerized test rig:
i) Fuel Consumption Vs Load
ii) Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) Vs Load
iii) Heat Balance Vs Load
iv) Volumetric Efficiency Vs Load
v) BHP Vs Load
vi) IHP Vs Load
vii) Indicated Thermal Efficiency Vs Load
viii) Mechanical Efficiency Vs Load
ix) Torque Vs Load
This set up is designed and developed for testing and analyzing performance of 4-stroke,
single cylinder constant speed diesel engine.
During Online analysis, necessary signals are scanned and stored. During Offline analysis the
signals are interpreted for result calculation. The results and graphs can be displayed on monitor &
Exhaust gas
Water out from
Engine Jacket
Rotameters Eddy
Diesel Engine
# Engine:
Single cylinder, 4-stroke, water cooled, Diesel Engine, make Kirloskar, Model TV 1,
Rated Power 5.2 kW at 1500 RPM, Bore: 87.5mm, Stroke: 110mm,
Compression Ratio: 17.5, Capacity 669 CC.
# Dynamometer:
Type Eddy Current, Water cooled with loading unit..
# Piezo sensor:
Range 1000 PSI, Make PCB USA,
Low noise cable, Water cooled adaptor.
# Crank angle sensor:
Resolution 10, Speed 5000 RPM with TDC marker pulse.
# Engine indicator:
For data scanning and interfacing, with speed indicator.
# Software:
For P- & P-V plots, IHP & IMEP calculations, data logging, printing.
# Air box:
With orifice meter and manometer.
# Fuel tank:
10 litre capacity, with graduated glass fuel metering column.
# Rotameter:
For water flow measurements (2 nos).
# Temperature indicator:
Digital, PT-100 type temperature sensors, (6 points).
# Overall size:
2.0 m L x 2.5 m W x 1.5 m H
# Weight:
(Approx.) 300kg. (Max.)
# Calorimeter:
Type pipe in pipe, with Rotameter
It consists of a stator on which are fitted a number of electromagnets and a rotor disc and
coupled to the output shaft of the engine. When rotor rotates eddy currents are produced in the stator
due to magnetic flux set up by the passage of field current in the electromagnets. These eddy currents
oppose the rotor motion, thus loading the engine. These eddy currents are dissipated in producing heat
so that this type of dynamometer needs cooling arrangement. A moment arm measures the torque.
Regulating the current in electromagnets controls the load.
This Engine uses high speed diesel which is stored in two tanks. The fuel travels through the
pipe from storage tank to fuel filter placed in series. The filter consist of perforated tubes and pads,
which should be cleaned after 50/60 hours running, compressed air should not be used for cooling the
air filter elements.
The fuel system consists of fuel pump operated by cam mounted on governor shaft. The
delivery of fuel pump is given to spring loaded fuel injector. The leakage of the injector is connected
to a sump. The spring force in the injector is so adjusted that injections commence 36° before TDC.
The injector must be cleaned before more than 1000 hrs of running. The priming of the fuel pump is
necessary to remove all air bubbles from the system so as to get continuous fuel supply at injector.
This operation is to be done before starting of engine.
Fuel Tank
Fuel Filter
Fuel Pump
Fuel Injector
The governor is centrifugal type, driven by crankshaft. The motion of governor sleeve is
transferred to a control rod provided with rack. The rack is meshed with quadrant clamped to sleeve
having slot engaging the fuel pump plunger.
To enable the pump to vary the quantity of fuel per stroke, the plunger is provided with helical
grooves. The plunger stroke is constant. The plunger can be rotated axially so that the slot coincides
with spill port in order to stop the engine. The change in relative positions of the helical grooves with
respect to spill port, changes the quantity of fuel by passed and hence the rotation of the plunger is
achieved from toothed quadrant.
With decrease in load on engine the governor moves the quadrant in such a direction so as to
rotate the helical groove nearer to spill port, increasing bypass fuel, hence decreasing fuel supply to
engine. High altitude of running, on adjustable over load stop is specially fitted on this engine,
enabling overloading to be limited at varying altitude.
Load Speed Manometer Time Engine Cooling Water Calorimeter Cooling Water Exhaust Gas
(kg) (RPM) reading for 50 Readings Readings Readings
Water Water in Water Water water water Ex. Ex.
(mm) cc rise
Flow (DegC) out Flow in out temp. temp.
of fuel
(LPH) T1 (DegC) (LPH) (DegC) (DegC) engine cal
t (Sec)
T2 T3 T4 (DegC) (DegC)
T5 T6
m w1 = Jacket water flow ( kg/hr )
m w 2 = Calorimeter water flow ( kg/hr )
mg = Exhaust gas flow ( kg/hr )
W = Dynamometer load ( N )
R = Dynamometer lever arm for loading (m)
N = Speed of engine (RPM)
D = Engine cylinder diameter (m)
L = Engine stroke length (m)
bmep = Brake mean effective pressure (bar)
imep = Indicated mean effective pressure (bar)
n = No. of revolution per cycle
=N for 2 stroke engine
= N/2 for 4 stroke engine
C.V = Calorific Value of fuel (kJ/kg)
d = Orifice diameter, air flow (m)
Cd = Coefficient of discharge of Orifice
Ao = Area of Orifice (m2)
a = Air density (kg/m3)
w = Water Density (kg/m3)
hw = Manometer reading across orifice meter (m of water)
ha = Manometer reading across orifice meter (m of air)
Cpw = Specific heat of water at constant pressure (kJ/kg K)
Cpg = Specific heat of exhaust gas at constant pressure (kJ/kg K)
m = Mechanical Efficiency ( %)
v = Volumetric Efficiency ( %)
bth = Brake Thermal Efficiency ( %)
ith = Indicated Thermal Efficiency ( %)
BP * 60 BP * 60
LAn *102 L * ( D 2 ) * N *102
4 2
bth BP * 3600 .
(m f * C.V )
v) Frictional power:
vii) Indicated mean effective pressure:
imep * 10 2 * LAn
IP * 60 IP * 60
L * ( D 2 ) * N *102
LAn *10
4 2
m BP
bth IP * 3600 .
(m f * C.V )
x) Air Flow:
We know that,
a ha w hw
w hw
Where, a
Actual air flow ,
Va Cd Ao 2 gha
m a aVa
2 N 1
Vs D L( )
4 2 60
xi)Volumetric Efficiency:
First we have to calculate (m g C pg ) product using Exhaust Gas Calorimeter,
. m w 2 C pw (T4 T3 )
( m g C pg )
(T5 T6 )
Put the value of (m g C pg ) in above equation,
m w 2 C pw (T4 T3 )
Q3 (T5 Ta )
(T5 T6 )
e) Heat to radiation:
(Q s ) - {Q1 Q 2 Q 3 }
BP BMEP BSFC BTh.eff. Air Fuel Vol A/F Heat Heat Heat Unaccounted
(kW) (bar) kg/kWh (%) flow flow eff Ratio Equi.of by by (%)
(kg/h) (kg/h) (%) work jacket exhaust
(%) cooling (%)
(a) (b)
(d) (e)
(f) (g)