15 Cooking Fish and Shellfish
15 Cooking Fish and Shellfish
15 Cooking Fish and Shellfish
Cooking Fish and Shellfish
and garnishes,
you can offer a great
Baking of grilled fish on
Whole fish and fish portions may be cooked the menu.
by baking in an oven, though steaks, fillets, • A slightly crisped, browned, or grill-
and smaller whole fish are more often used marked surface is important to the
for this method. appeal of grilled or broiled fish.
• Shellfish and stuffed clams or oysters • Do not cover the item with
are also popularly prepared by sauce.
Do not serve too much sauce.
• Baking is often combined with other
cooking methods to either start or
finish cooking.
Sautéing and Pan-Frying
• Moist baking or braising:
• A classic method for sautéing fish is
• The baking pan should be called à la Meunière.
just large enough to hold the
• Other sautéed fish preparations may
call for Standard Breading
• The bottom of the pan should Procedure.
be buttered or oiled.
• Because most types of fin fish are so
• The fish may be baked delicate, especially if filleted, they do
uncovered or covered only not lend themselves to a great many
lightly. sautéing variations.