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Case Study

Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure


Department of Information Technology, Government of NCT of Delhi

Date – May 6th, 2014

Name of Authors/Content creators

Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)


High quality, reliable, geo-spatial information is critical to virtually every sphere of

socio-economic activity – urban planning, land management, infrastructure
development, disaster management and forestry etc. The Government of Delhi initiated
the Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure project in 2008 with the intent to use the
geospatial technologies in governance / urban planning.

DSSDI project was an outcome of a pilot project by Department of Science and

Technology, Government of India, on 3D GIS in Chandani Chowk area, Delhi. The
project has proven to be of immense usefulness, especially the 3D databases, for various
applications for Government of Delhi. It has enabled change detection on real time as
occurring on the ground. The project covers a total area of NCT Delhi of approximate
1500 Sq. km. The Project was proposed to cover all lands, buildings and all underground
utilities within the NCTD. The project was proposed to facilitate detection of illegal
constructions by the Government of Delhi and monitoring of any changes being made in
respect of land and building in NCTD on real time basis.

The project has proved to be the forerunner of many such SDI (Spatial Data
Infrastructure) projects within the country, which will give a very sound foundation for


The scene of an urban landscape is generally similar across Indian cities, including the
metros, and Delhi is no exception. There is the 'old city' area, Chandni Chowk, which has
somehow withstood the onslaught of the construction boom, preserving its narrow lanes
and cluttered dwellings and shops. Here, the roads get dug up frequently to make room
for more sewage lines, telephone ducts, gas pipelines and electric lines. Once you travel
away from this 'heart' of the city, you may find yourself in a relatively planned
neighborhood. Here, one will find new construction activities in full bloom, along with
road widening and laying of new underground utility lines. It is a chaotic backdrop in
front of which the Government of NCT of Delhi works hard to provide all utility and
related services to its citizens and at the same time tries hard to keep in check illegal
construction and its associated menaces.

The government required a vision to make this a less chaotic scene. They wanted a tool, a
system, which could pinpoint location of a cable duct underneath a busy road, or the
correct location of a disputed land holding. It had to be a system that was always
available as and when required - no point digging a well when thirst was felt. The

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serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

objective of DSSDI project was to primarily build the 3D spatial datasets using modern


 Details of the owner

Born in 1966, Shri. Rajendra Kumar is an IAS of 1989 batch. He is an IIT Alumni from
Kharagpur and has worked in several departments, including education, Information
technology, health and transport. He has also been credited for change in Government
school performances during his tenure as Director, Education around 10 years ago. Shri
Rajendra Kumar has been a former Secretary, DIT, of Government of NCT of Delhi.

 Details of his current position/managing unit:

He was recently serving as the Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister of Delhi till the
time the Government dissolved. He is currently serving as Secretary, Department of
Urban Development and Director of local bodies (DLB).

 His/ her experience on the project:

At the very onset, a High Power Steering Committee was formed under him to review the
project and sort out any contentious issues. As Secretary of Department of Electronics
and IT (which was overseeing the project) Sh. Rajendra Kumar was instrumental in
taking day to day decisions or advising the High Powered Steering Committee regarding
the conceptualization, implementation and monitoring of the project at various stages.
He emphasized the immediate requirement of creating the required infrastructure such
as generators, UPS, networking facility, so that there is no delay in starting up after the
finalization of tenders.
When the project was held up or delayed for any reason, the implementing agency would
invariably request Secretary IT for sorting out the issues. During this inception phase,
although there wasn’t much resistance in the beginning but during the implementation,
it came to the fore that various government departments were extremely resistant in
providing attribute data and most of the concerned people being unavailable due to
exigencies, elections or manpower constraints.
Since the basic premise of implementing this initiative revolved around conducting
highly accurate GPS surveys for the entire area of Delhi which could only have been
achieved by installing state of art IP cameras at strategic locations, he always expressed
his concern towards security and safety of the IP cameras thus installed. Besides, he
made sure that HPSC committee so formed shall be convened every fortnight with a view
to resolve problems expeditiously by inviting HODs of participating departments so that
project gets completed on time. He always expressed the need to finish the project in
stipulated time with effective outcome.

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serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)


Earlier, there were deficiencies in scientific urban planning and lack of basic authentic
physical spatial data. Geospatial data was either not available or it was available in
fragments with some individual departments. Repeated field surveys were required
whenever any department needed geographical attribute. No standard mapping
procedures were followed. Thus, integration of maps was not possible and strategic
planning based on holistic geospatial data & attributes was not possible. There was no
reliability of data either. Different results would be given when data was sought at
different times. Searching, collating and analyzing data was a herculean task in itself
involving lot of time and effort. Top level management was unable to get an overall view
of the ground level attributes / status along-with geo-spatial data.

Seeing the impending requirement of a system which could provide holistic and uniform
ground level realities to the top level management, an MoU was signed between Delhi
Government and Survey of India in 2008 to implement the DSSDI project. Contract was
awarded on March 7, 2008, through competitive bidding.

Entire area of Delhi (except the restricted area) has been covered under the project. The
dataset of the DSSDI project includes 356 geo-spatial layers (above the ground, on the
ground and below the ground) with the attribute data of about 29 departments /
The project was intended to achieve high accuracy GPS surveys for entire Delhi,
establishing control network including monuments, photogrammetric capture (from
aerial photographs and in 3D) of roads, buildings, parks, water bodies and all over-
ground features, generation of base map on 1:2000 scale and an Orthophoto; surveys for
underground utilities using Ground Probing Radars; creation of Land Information
System (LIS) and Urban Spatial Information System (USIS), setting-up of 2 Control
Centers and 10 Monitoring Centers with IP Cameras and a DSSDI Portal for line
departments of Government of Delhi, and generation of 3D pictorial data base as well as
capacity building for line departments of GNCTD. The LIS was conceived for up to date
cadastral information. The USIS was conceived for the spatial data/information
requirements of urban planning for routine functions of the line departments of Delhi.

GNCTD, through legislation has made it compulsory for all government departments to
use the common database created under DSSDI project. All GNCTD departments are
duty bound to update the data periodically. It is mandatory for all line departments of
GNCTD including civic authorities, planning bodies, custodian of cadastral maps and
other users of public money to use common digital database with multiple layers as a
means of reducing conflicts while undertaking future planning, design engineering and
construction activities including digging the roads. DSSDI data is also being used for:-

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serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

a) City planning
b) Urban development
c) Land management
d) Management of over ground / underground utilities
e) Traffic management
f) Property tax/other revenue collection,
g) Updating property records,
h) Pollution and environment monitoring,
i) Security planning and management,
j) Hazards and Disaster Management,
k) Change detection Analysis of building construction
l) Deciding the Title of Land/building by judiciary.


Need for Delhi SDI

The Delhi administration felt the need of large scale accurate spatial datasets covering
1500 sq. km area for planning and monitoring of various developmental activities and
providing citizen-centric services. In order to ensure the updated procedure in the spatial
and attribute datasets, the need to create a geospatial act was felt to mandate keeping the
data and services updated and current, conforming to the emerging technologies and

In the past, several government departments developed spatial datasets with 2D

geometry pertaining to their domain but the datasets from different organisations
followed different standards in terms of scale, projection, accuracy, content and format.

Geo spatial scientific data has always been in high demand - utility companies like
electricity, water and natural gas, government agencies like Delhi Jal Board, power
companies, sewage maintenance department, public works department, the list is
endless. However, there was always a lack of standardized data. Available data was
sporadic and was not useful for all purposes - it was often specific or in poor form, since
each agency or department had looked at its own need in isolation whenever such data
had to be created.

The reasons for such lack of data are clear - it's no easy task to create this data in the first
place. It involves numerous surveys - both air and land based, along with radar based
ground mapping. It also involves monumentation and control framework design, ortho
photography and photogrammetry. Data modeling and system design is the next phase,
along with creation of an appropriate information system which shall present the data in

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

a usable format. Thus, it was not a task that could have been handled by a single line of

 Stakeholders
o Line Departments
o Public Authorities
o Public/Private Agencies
o Local bodies
o Regularity Authority of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi
o Geospatial Delhi Limited
o Citizens

 Beneficiaries:

o Municipal Corporations of Delhi (MCDs)

o Delhi Jal Board (DJB)
o Directorate of Education
o Department of Health and Family Welfare
o Department of Posts, Government of India
o Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
o Directorate of Census Operation

 Steps taken by the owner to address the problem

This necessity for the data gave birth to a pilot project by Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India on 3D GIS in Chandani Chowk area, Delhi.

The successful pilot eventually led to the DSSDI project. The Department of IT gathered
inputs from each participating line department and built every component of the project
from scratch. The base map was created through the photogrammetric procedures on a
large scale (1:2000), using aerial photography substantiated by various kinds of field
surveys, namely topographic survey, property survey of dwelling units, underground
utility surveys (including water, sewer and energy utility ) and field photography in order
to generate textures for the 3D models of the buildings. At the peak of the project
execution, close to 1000 field surveyors were deployed.

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

Two major components of Project are the Land Information System (LIS) and the Urban
Spatial Information System (USIS). The LIS has been aimed for having up-to-date
cadastral information while the USIS shall cater to spatial data/ information
requirements of urban planning. Special purpose vehicles (SPV), Geo-spatial Delhi Ltd
has been formed, authorized to keep the records of the land-holdings ownership, land
use etc.


 Details of the solution(s) that is implemented:

Before the Delhi Geo Portal could go live, it obviously required the databases, maps and
the related logic to be built into the system. The preparatory activities included high
accuracy GPS surveys for entire Delhi, establishing control network including
monumentation, photogrammetric capture (from aerial photographs and in 3D) of
roads, buildings, parks, water bodies and all ground features, generation of base map on
1:2000 scale and an Orthophoto; surveys for underground utilities using Ground
Probing Radars. The above activities led to the creation of Land Information System
(LIS) and Urban Spatial Information System (USIS), setting-up of 2 Control Centers and
10 Monitoring Centers with IP Cameras and a DSSDI Portal for line departments of
Government of Delhi and generation of 3D pictorial data base as well as capacity
building for line departments of GNCTD. The LIS was conceived for up-to-date cadastral
information. The USIS was conceived for the spatial data/information requirements of
urban planning for routine functions of the line departments of Delhi.

In order to effectively utilize the geospatial data for urban planning, “The Delhi
Geospatial Data Infrastructure (Management, Control, Administration, Security and
Safety) Act, 2011” was notified. It envisages inter-alia:
 Mandatory sharing, accessing and utilization of Delhi Geo-Spatial Data (29 line
departments were identified)
 Setting up of Legal entity under section 25 of the Indian Companies Act (namely
Geospatial Delhi Ltd)
 Service level agreement with other departments
 Establishing Regulatory Authority for enforcing provisions of the Act

 Innovativeness of the project:

o 63 IP cameras located at building tops with the capability of detecting changes up to

a distance of 3-5 kms. The wireless remote controlled cameras monitor the entire
Delhi for unauthorized constructions and also used by the Police for surveillance and

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

management of security events. 2 Control Centers and 10 Monitoring Centers

connected through IP cameras at strategic locations. The online video recording with
change detection facilities is able to pin point unauthorized constructions as well as
act as ears and eyes of Government during major events and demanding situations
involving serious accidents/disasters.

o Government departments are able to add data of public interest such as online
availability of beds in the hospital, availability of vacant seats in the educational
institutions and update them from time to time. Keeping the security aspects in view,
select layers of DSSDI are also available in public domain to users across the nation
via internet thus commencing the digital era. All other layers are available to
authorized users of line departments of GNCTD. Geospatial Delhi Limited, a
company already incorporated and functional owns and manages the process.

 Technology Platform used:

The Delhi GeoPortal solution is centered as a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). It is

independent of data format and is platform-neutral. This enables exchange of
information with any other service within the reach of the network without the need to
make changes to the underlying program itself. The end user is able to avail GIS
functionalities using standard web browser. The web portal is linked to around 28
stakeholder departments currently. Dedicated 4 MPLS network is being used as virtual
private network. The network is configured with a unified architecture and provides
scope for future scalability of the whole system without major architectural changes.

The Delhi GeoPortal

 provides a solid foundation to discover, query, and access multi- geospatial data
and services
 enables Portal users to connect with related user departments through authored
channels, search for and view metadata, access and view geographic data and
Web services, and publish (register) their metadata and services on the geo-
portal and
 facilitates value added applications from the main server

Moreover, mobile GIS enabled person are based in the field to acquire, store, update,
analyze and display geospatial information. Mobile GIS integrates one or more of the
following technologies:

 Mobile devices.

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serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

 Global Position System

 Wireless communications for Internet GIS access

The use of smartphones for collecting data (providing feedback about the actual state in
the field and integration with GIS maps) for feedback and remedial action has been
demonstrated. In the long run, there is potential to use remote sensing by enabling near-
persistent surveillance of key geographic areas and identifying anomalies through
spectral processing etc.

SMS & email:

The Delhi GeoPortal is integrated with email services through which line
department/stakeholders communicate to the concerned officials of Geospatial Delhi

 Interoperability:
Interoperability implies that the communicated information is understood by the
receiving system. This has been taken care of by taking following steps:

 The software used can seamlessly integrate with most existing GIS environments.
It can support numerous geospatial data formats.
 It is compliant with OGC and ISO standards and can interact perfectly with
external systems and applications.
 Proven technological standards such as Java results in ease integration into IT
environments, including security.

 Security/ User Management and Administration

Security is one of the important components in the entire system. Access to the system is
password protected. DSSDI Project has implemented various layers of security.

 Physical Security
 Software Security
 User Management and Administration: For secured and authorized access to
Data, Network, Devices and Application
 Physical Controls: Physical controls to access the data center and other resources
 Access Control (Web Feature Services) : Secure access to data
 Service Continuity: Redundant IT resources, including bandwidth
 SSL : The DSSDI portal has been developed and deployed on Secure Intranet.
The DSSDI Public Portal has been developed using SSL.

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

 Any issue with the technology used:

 Initially there was a delay in GPS observations because of unprecedented rains.

Difficulties were faced in survey of properties because of unavailability of
residents or resistance on part of residents to provide data
 In some cases, there was a delay in providing attribute data by stakeholder
departments due to exigencies, elections, manpower constraints etc.
 While connecting IP cameras to monitoring centers, it was observed that some of
the buildings had excessive interference due to other radio waves. This implied
that wireless feed was not of high quality and leased lines had to be considered.

 Service level Agreements (SLAs):

 The MOU between GNCTD and SOI (Survey of India) was signed with
Government of Delhi.
 There were various SLAs that were signed with MTNL for providing connectivity
to the departments.
 Multiple department level SLAs will be in picture once the citizen centric
information will be provided by GSDL.

 Measures to ensure replicability:

o The DSSDI Project has a highly distributed, replicable and scalable architecture. The
project has implemented 10 identical Monitoring Centers equipped with miniature
version of the Control Centers to share the load when required. The Monitoring
Centers also balance the load of Change Detection Processing for all IP Cameras
deployed across the city. In case of failure of a Monitoring Centre, the entire
processing can be shifted to another Monitoring Centre on the MPLS.
o The system has been implemented on state of the art Enterprise Grade Equipment.
The current storage requirement of the project is 25 TB and the available storage
subsystems are scalable up to 96 TB. The Database server is currently populated with
Dual EPIC Processors and is scalable up to eight processors providing a 4 times
scalability in processing performance when required.
o Currently, 28 stakeholder departments have leased line facility with control center.
In due course more departments are expected to get this facility. Scalability will not
be a problem as:
• Connectivity will be ensured through SLA based leased lines and

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

• There will be only a marginal increase of load on the server at the backend as
the geospatial features have already been mapped.
o The existing database will be thrown open to the public shortly through internet
based public geoportal. In case planning for the entire NCR region is to be done on a
holistic basis, the same infrastructure can be suitably upgraded with nominal
investment and satellite/aerial imagery.

 Restrictions, if any, in replication and or scalability:

DSSDI Project has a highly distributed, replicable and scalable architecture. Hence
there are hardly any restrictions for its replication or scaling up in future as required.
Redundancy is maintained by having 10 monitoring centers and in case of failure in
one or more centers, remaining centers can cater to the additional load.
 Risk Analysis:

The project involves gathering, processing, analysis and publication of geo spatial
data which may capture details of sensitive establishments, such as layouts, bird's eye
view showing detailed facility structure as well as personally identifiable data such as
housing scheme layouts and locations of specific assets. Moreover, during processing
of data, the data may get modified intentionally or unintentionally, if it fell in wrong
hands. Thus, data security was a critical risk that was analyzed early and addressed
by hosting the data at the secured data center and using secured and encrypted
connections. Data open to public access was only for viewing purpose, without any
scope for modification.

 Capacity Building model used:

Department level workshops were held. The advisors of GSDL interacted with their
allocated departments to enhance the level of the departmental users in updating and
utilizing Geospatial data/maps. It is now proposed to set up full-fledged facilities for
hands on training over the Geospatial system (including geo web portal). A workshop
“Sensitizing schools with the versatility of GIS” was conducted for the school
students on November 14, 2012


 Cost benefit analysis:

Each of the department especially like MCD are likely to increase their revenue by 50 %
immediately and other departments cost will reduced by on average of 20 to 30%.

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

Costs are further reduced as the leased line access available to departments enables
visualization of database on computers, thereby reducing the need for excessive printing
through costly plotters.

 Value delivered (qualitative and quantitative):

 To Organization:
o All stakeholder departments have access to Geospatial maps/imagery along with
attribute data in respect of more than 356 layers (as authorized) through a dedicated
high band-width (4Mbps) leased line. The graphic interface provides easy
navigability after clicking on the website icon. Use of DSSDI database will lead to
enhancement of property tax collection, report generation on status of property tax
and updates on tax paid.
o The DSSDI project has revolutionized the planning process. Generation of high
resolution maps (on a scale of 1:2000) with attributes, have facilitated micro level
planning. There is reliability of results. Query facilities have drastically reduced the
time required to access data, analyses it and present in a form that is useful. Now
there is no need for each department to do field surveys as the DSSDI database/maps
are available. This has led to savings in costs of repeat surveys.
o The top level management is now able to get overall view of the ground level
attributes/status along-with geo-spatial data, thereby facilitating planning for
remedial measures.
o The “Plan Dig Monitor Application” has eased the process for the departments for
planning and getting utility and spatial information of the area of interest, for
digging/excavation purposes.

 To Citizens:
Applications for using mobile and GIS are being conceptualized. For example, a
mHealth system can serve pregnant women. The pregnant woman can send SMS via
GPRS network thereby giving her ID and coordinates (Longitude and Latitude). The
server, on receiving the SMS can search database and help the pregnant women in
different ways e.g. find her location (home, market, etc.) in emergency cases, inform
ambulance service about the co-ordinates, advise about the nearby health care
centers, send message to nearby hospital etc.

 Other Stakeholders:
Through the PDM Application, online enrolment of contractors and grant of
permission on a single window interface would be possible in a few months.

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serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)


The existing portal is being revamped for streamlining web enabled single window
services to contractors for registration and permission for construction/excavation
activity. It is proposed to set up a separate Geo portal for the public/citizens in the next
phase. Crowd-sourcing is contemplated for Geo-tagging, updating and validation of
Geospatial/attribute data.

A separate project “Development of Smart city using DSSDI dataset” with an estimated
cost of Rs.21.1 crores has been recently approved by the Department of Electronics and
Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India under World Bank funded
scheme. Citizen centric services will be one of the components of the project.
In future digital certificate tokens are envisaged upon integration with G2C services such
as Property Tax etc.

 Sustainability
Since the architecture is such that it has been developed using Open Geospatial
Consortium (OGC) GIS standards, there is no vendor lock-in, thereby ensuring longevity
and adaptability. A common standard for all departments enables sharing, overlay of
different thematic layers, integration of Geospatial data/maps and effective planning on
a sustainable basis. The network is configured with a unified architecture and provides
scope for future scalability of the whole system without major architectural changes.

Creation of infrastructure and facilities for updating through leased lines between
departments and control centers has provided a sustainable basis for updating of data.
Frequent updating of data is being ensured by GSDL through field surveys/departmental
inputs. Satellite has been purchased in 2012 and has become base for geospatial data

GSDL has large pool of dedicated resources not only for updating the spatial data but
also to train the officials of stakeholder departments such as Geospatial Advisors for
interaction with the line department and planning of long term and short term activities
with the department using Geospatial technologies, Geospatial Executives for
development of application software, maintenance of geo-portal, liaison with
departments and lastly, Geospatial Associates and Assistants for lab based creation and
updation of GIS data using satellite image and departmental inputs. This ensures quality
inputs on sustainable basis for data updates, maintenance and utilization.


EXHIBIT – 1 – Glossary

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

The publication may not be digitized, photocopied, or otherwise reproduced, posted or transmitted, without the
permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

Sr. Abbreviation Explanation

1. DJB Delhi Jal Board
2. DSSDI Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure
3. DTC Delhi Transport Corporation
4. ERDAS Earth Resources Data Analysis Systems
5. GIS Geographic Information System
6. GNCTD Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi
7. GPS Global Positioning System
8. GSDL Geo Spatial Delhi Limited
9. HPSC High Power Steering Committee
10. IIT Indian Institute of Delhi
11. IP cameras Internet Protocol cameras (Send/receive data using internet)
12. LIS Land Information System
13. MCD Municipal Corporation of Delhi
14. MOU Memorandum of Understanding
15. MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching (networking technology)
16. MTNL Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
17. NCTD National Capital Territory of Delhi
18. OGC Open Geospatial Consortium (Standards organization for GIS
and related domains)
19. SDI Spatial Data Infrastructure
20. SLA Service Level Agreement
21. SOA Service Oriented Architecture
22. SOI Survey of India
23. SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
24. SSL Secured Sockets Layer ( protocol for securing websites)
25. TB Tera Bytes (1 TB = 1000 Giga Bytes)
26. USIS Urban Spatial Information System

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

The publication may not be digitized, photocopied, or otherwise reproduced, posted or transmitted, without the
permission of DARPG.
Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI)

EXHIBIT -2 – Comparative Analysis of earlier vs. new system:

SN Criterion Before DSSDI After DSSDI

1. Business Process  Lack of a unified process  Scientific methods for collecting
Reengineering for availing GIS and preparing geo spatial data
information  GIS data available to individual
 Unavailability of departments as required i.e. GIS
Geospatial data; Any as a Service
available data was in  Department (Customer) centric
fragments with individual service
2. Change  Lack of standard  Training given to all
management operating procedures and departments
little knowledge of geo  Department wise Geo-spatial
spatial data usage among advisors appointed to enhance
the departments level of GIS data usage and
3. Outcomes achieved  Repeated surveys carried  Savings in individual
out by departments departmental efforts and costs
 Unreliable data, not  Strategic planning possible
updated frequently based on holistic geospatial data
& attributes
4. Benefits -  Reliable and authentic data
available as required
 Easy searching, collating and
analysing data
 PDM (Plan Dig Monitor)
application enables exact
digging/excavation in city areas
5. Legal changes -  Delhi Geospatial Data
Infrastructure Act, 2011
(Management, Control,
Administration, Security and
 A separate company was set up
to manage the geo-spatial
database. It has four levels of
geospatial personnel on its rolls.
 A Regulatory Authority was
constituted to enforce the
provisions of the Act.

Disclaimer: This case study has been prepared solely as a basis for class discussion. This case is not intended to
serve as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management.

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