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The inventor Wilhelm Bauer was the first one among the numerous
former submarine designers, who was well up in the technics of controlled
submerged cruising, so that he favourably influenced subsequent
designers; therefore, a beginning is made with him. For the first time,
Wilhelm Bauer dived with "Brandtaucher" near Kiel in 1850. After a
submerged accident, he succeeded in making his escape out of this
vehicle. Bauer was very successful with the boat' built at St. Petersburg
(Leningrad) in 1855.
There were many different opinions regarding the possible uses far
World War-I proved that the self-charging submarine was most
effective when used alone on long-range operations. Lang cruises were
generally, made and the surface, and the submarine usually submerged
only when the enemy was sighted during the day.
The submarine's main weapon, the torpedo, required that the attack
be launched at close range. The submarine could use its torpedoes in a
daytime attack while submerged or in a night attack while on the surface.
The approach to the enemy went unnoticed by day when the submarine
was submerged and using its periscope. A night approach on the surface
takes advantage of the law silhouette. Because of its ability to submerge,
the submarine could penetrate sea areas controlled by the enemy, escape
enemy attacks by diving, and attack any major target with its torpedoes.
The fact that at that time submarines ran "blind " and "deaf" when
they cruised
Deeper than at periscope depth, i.e. "deep submerged" - as any acoustic
underwater sensors were not yet available, was a decisive factor in the
way in which they were used. At periscope depth, the visual range was
limited. The range of optical observation was much greater than the
surface, but, even when visibility was good, it could not compare with that
of surface vessels because of the relatively low observation level. Because
the chance of sighting an enemy was greater on the surface, the highest
possible surface speed was the measure of a submarines value. Conditions
permitting, the submarine could take advantage of its surface speed
during the daytime to take up a favorable position for launching a
submerged attack. Underwater attack speeds were generally slow due to
the temporary use of periscope. The night surface attack was the
preferred method because it enabled a
During World War I, Germany more than any other combatant was
committed to the use of submarines as a means of waging naval warfare.
Thus, Germany became a leader in submarine development and had the
most experience in the use of submarines. The results of German
developments were made available to all navies at the end of the war.
Among other things, the big German submarine cruiser became the model
for U.S. deep-sea submarines as well as for large Japanese and Russian
The first phase of World War II showed that the submarine could
generally defend itself against the type of A5W waged by light surface
forces, The range of the underwater detection devices proved to be so
short in comparison so the enormous ocean areas that the possibility of
their detecting a submerged submarine was extremely low in the absence
of other clues, "Contact" by asdic or sonar was usually
accomplished after the submarine had already attacked.
Once radar was fitted to ASW units, submarines could stay in areas
where the enemy had air or naval superiority only if they remained
submerged. This was possible after the installation of the snorkel which
enabled diesel engines to operate when the ship was submerged to
periscope depth.
The big German boats of type 21 and the small ones of type 23
offered a solution (1944). In this connection, see Specification Sheet 1 for
main particulars and Table 2 for type sketches. Improvements in the
electric power installation and in boat shape enabled the speed for
submerged cruising to approximately double and the submerged running
time to increase several fold. The snorkel made it possible to charge
batteries while at periscope depth. In the same period, similar steps were
taken by the Japanese.
Sweden has built 6 submarines of the DRAKEN class 770 tons} and
5 ones of the SJOORMEN class (about 1,150 tons).
Six submarines of about 430 tons and 18 ones of 450 tons have
been commissioned in the Federal Republic of Germany. 15 submarines of
similar construction were built-in the Federal Republic of Germany for
Norway, and two of same type were built in Denmark.
Italy has built 4 submarines of the TOTI class (about 460 tons), and
has two SAURO class submarines (about 1,000 tons) under construction.
An especially fast, torpedo-armed submarine was developed in the
Federal Republic of Germany for export purposes. Between 1970 and
1977, various navies have ordered 28 of this type, in tonnages ranging
from 1,000 to 1,200, and most of them have meanwhile been delivered
(see Specification Sheet 4 for main particulars, and Table 5 for type
They may be equipped with torpedoes, mines, and guns for use
against surface targets, antiaircraft (AA) guns, and missiles. The individual
weapon systems include detection and fire-control installations.
Submarines can also serve as logistics support vessels to supply other
submarines with fuel, food, and ammunition; as transports for war
material; and as submerging radar picket stations; they can be equipped
to carry seaplanes, small submersible craft, and underwater demolition
teams. Submarines have now taken over many combat missions, which
previously could be undertaken by surface ships.
Two bulkheads subdivide the pressure hull. The aft bulkhead is the
spatial and acoustic partition of the unmanned machinery space towards
forward; for rescue purposes, the submarine i s divided into two
compartments by the forward bulkhead, which, for this reason, is of
pressure-proof construction.
The space forward of the engine room bulkhead contains the aft
battery room with a partial storage battery in the lower part. The fresh
water, tanks are located at the sides. The control room is arranged above
the floor, which contains the switchboards as well as all means for
operation and remote control of the machinery. The starboard space
houses the waterman's station together with the main ballast and bilge
pumps and the sea connections, the trimming equipment, the compressed
air station, and the controls for main ballast tank venting.
The next space is the combat information centre (C.I.C) its upper
section houses the steering gear controls and instruments for operation of
the vessel, i.e., control consoles for steering rudder and hydroplanes and
accessory instruments. Furthermore, the inboard instruments of detection,
navigation, and fire control equipment are also arranged in the combat
information centre. The pressure hull in way of the combat information
centre is penetrated by such retractable devices as the periscope; whip
antenna, snorkel, etc. The two compensating tanks are located in the
lower section of this compartment: the midship ballast tanks which are
open to the sea through flood holes are located forward of them.
The lower section of the space forward of the C.I.C contains the
forward battery room with a partial battery. The fresh water tanks are
located alongside the battery room. Quarters for the captain and. the
officers as well as the radio rooms are located, above the battery room.
The galley with provisions space and a sanitary room with shower and
toilet are also situated in this area.
The outer hull envelopes the conical sections of the pressure hull
fore and aft. A free-flooding narrow superstructure above the pressure
hull connects the forward and aft sections of the outer hull. The bridge fin
is located amidships, and the keel is arranged below the pressure hull.
The aft section of the outer hull contains the aft ballast tanks, the
carriers for the steering rudder and the stern planes, and a stabilizer fin
on either side. The stern tube with the propeller shaft and the rods for the
steering rudder and stern planes pass through the ballast tank.
The forward section of the outer hull contains the forward ballast
tanks. The torpedo tubes run through the ballast tanks. Forward they are
supported by the torpedo bulkhead that forms the forward bulkhead of the
ballast tank. The area forward of the torpedo bulkhead is free flooding
Legend to Figure 1:
The submarine has two floating conditions, one on the surface and
the other submerged. In either case, Archimedes principle has to be
fulfilled. The transition from surface to submerged cruising is achieved by
flooding the ballast tanks. They are empty for surface cruising and
completely flooded for submerged cruising.
In figure 2,
Tu is the content of the ballast tanks below the line of flotation in cubic
To is the content of the ballast tanks above the line of flotation in cubic
This means that the volume of ballast tanks below the line of
flotation is as large as the pressure-proof displacement above the line of
The pressure hull is elastic and with the exception of very deeply
diving submarines is thus more compressible than the ambient seawater.
If a, submarine having such a pressure hull, submerges more deeply, the
pressure hull consequently is more compressed, and the pressure-proof
displacement is reduced; the submarine sink more rapidly.
Ballast Tanks
Ballast tanks provide the vessel with the buoyancy necessary for
surface cruising (Figure 3). They are empty during surface cruising and
completely flooded during submerged cruising. They are communicating
with the open sea during submerged cruising and thus are not included in
the pressure-resisting displacement. On the surface, the submarine floats
on the air cushions in the ballast tanks, which are under internal pressure
on the surface. The pressure head is d etermined by the distance between
the line of flotation and the lower openings of the ballast tanks.
At one time, some of the flood openings of the ballast tanks were
fitted with flood flaps that were always kept open when the vessel was
ready to dive. They also provided an extra guarantee of submarine
floatability during surface cruising when the vessel was not ready to dive
or while in port.
Compensating Tanks
When the fully equipped submarine begins its cruise, the actual
filling of the compensating tanks usually lies somewhere between these
two border cases. The compensating tanks usually have a volume 2.5 to
3.0 percent of the pressure-resisting displacement.
As a rule, non-military submersibles empty their compensating
tanks by means of a pump, requiring particular technical resources if their
diving depth is large.
Trim Tanks
They are part of the trim equipment, which serves to bring the
center of gravity vertically beneath the submerged centre of buoyancy so
that the vessel can be maneuvered into a neutral trim condition. The trim
tanks, which are equal in size, are located inside the pressure-resisting
displacement and as far forward and aft as possible. The trim tanks are
inter-connected by the trim lines. Trim water is moved back and forth wit
low noise, either by a particular pump or by low-pressure air, which is
reciprocally admitted to tanks. Tank strength depends on the pressure
head of the compressed air.
There are usually two pairs of trim tanks (see Fig. 92) if compressed
air only is used to trim the submarine. These are connected by a
starboard and a port line. Compressed air is supplied e.g. to the forward
port tank and the starboard after tank; the stern is trimmed with the port
pair and bow with the standard pair. When one of the pressurized tanks
has become empty, the sides can be changed, i.e., air pressure is fed to
the port aft tank and the forward starboard tank while the other two tanks
are vented. The boat can now be Trimmed bow-heavy at port side and
stern-heavy at starboard side.
The quantity of water to be trimmed is one-half that the entire trim
tank capacity. Trim tank dimensions a based on calculations that
determine the extreme load conditions by a rnethod similar to that for the
compensating tanks. Weight shifts that result when torpedoes are fired
are also taken into account. The volume of trimming water is
approximately 0.5 percent of the pressure-resisting volume.
Negative Tanks
The reduction of initial stability becomes the larger, the larger the
eccentricity of ballast tank is (b squared is entered into the equation); it is
also large if the flood holes of ballast tank are arranged high up (h as
small value).
The free s
urfaces inside the boat reduce this stability by an amount
generally small and different in the longitudinal and transverse directions.
The value of FG is different depending on whether the dive is considered
to be created by added weight (Interpretation l) or by a change in the
form of displacement (Interpretation 2). The corresponding moments of
stability are naturally the same for both interpretations. The heeling
moments are small when the submarine is submerged. However, the trim
moments can be considerable. A submerged submarine is very sensitive
to weight shifting along the longitudinal direct ion because of limited
longitudinal stability.
A man walking from fore to aft can cause a noticeable change of trim
during submerged cruising. Thus it is necessary for the crew to remain at
specific points ("diving stations").
Since the center of gravity is below the center of buoyancy when the
submarine is submerged, it will heel in a turning circle toward the inside.
to surface quickly by heavily blowing its ballast tanks, which are located
down and already approaches its lower surface position while there is still
generate a considerable amount of heel. This is the reason why the ballast
tanks are usually blown only as a sub marine approaches the surface.
If there are circular frame sections above the line of flotation and on
the assumption of same height of centre of gravity above base line for
main ballast tanks and pressure hull, the submerged stability is larger
than the surface stability by the value of
M = Va . a (m) / V
The moments of s
tability are determined by surface and underwater
heel tests, which allow calculation of the position of the center of gravity
above base line. These heel tests are similar to those for surface vessels.
If there are differences between the surfaced and submerged heights of
the center of gravity, it is simply the result of inaccuracies in performing
the tests (Interpretation 2 for diving). The surface heel test is much more
inaccurate than the submerged heel test for the case of a submarine
whose ballast tanks have flood slits open, so that the residual water in the
ballast tanks is communicating with the surrounding water. This explains
why the submerged heel test result is preferred; the height of the center
of gravity is taken from the submerged heel tests, even for the surface
position, and is used to calculate the surface metacentric height. Even a
submerged trim test, in which the angles of trim (about the transverse
axis) and the corresponding trim moments are measured, will have to
yield the same height for the submerged cruising center of gravity
because of the above-mentioned equality of longitudinal and transverse
However, it is more difficult to obtain the same accuracy for the
submerged trim test as for the submerged heel test.
These spaces have vents at the top and are free flooding below. The
vents are opened prior to diving and unlike the buoyancy vents, of the
ballast tanks, they remain open when submerged. When the ship surfaces,
the spaces drain and then vents are again closed.
The size and configuration of the displacement above the line of
flotation and properly balanced stability relation ships all have a decisive
effect on whether a cockpit in bridge fin remains dry in heavy sea state.
The design the bridge fin itself plays a subordinate role in this respect.
When an upper deck with a large number of venting slits erg larger
free-flooding, spaces below, then these slits will have a certain leveling
effect on breakers and wave Its rolling along the upper deck.
Since the vessel cruises on the surface at constant draft, design can
be in the form of a raised stern (horizontal fairing in the line of flotation)
to yield a greater hydro dynamically effective length. The propellers are
located below the stern because they require a certain degree immersion
(Fig. 9).
One slit has a drag four to five times the frictional drag of a plate of
the same size. Moreover, these slits can cause additional resistance when
longitudinal flow and vortices form within the free-flooding spaces. The
energy for these flow phenomena has to be produced by the propulsion
system. One way to reduce these internal flow phenomena is the use of
adequate transverse subdivision by partition bulkheads and web frames
within the free-flooding spaces.
The sum of all drag components is the overall drag when the boat
operates in deep submerged condition.
The above drag components refer to the condition of the boat when
all extensible equipment (periscope, snorkel, antennas etc) are retracted.
These have considerable additional drag when extended. For instance,
when extended periscope on a submarine of 500 m3 displacement of the
total form and good 1ines will cause an additional drag of 30 percent at 4
knots; the drag decreases to 8.5 percent at 10 knots.
An upward tilted bow plane primarily causes a lift (the leading edge
is tilted upward). When a vessel is turning about one-third the distance
from the bow at the higher speed steps, a secondary effect occurs by the
tilted bow plane in the form of a trim angle aft so that the hull will
generate additional buoyancy.
In this connection, the stern plane shall swing about its mid-position
provided that the bow plane is either retracted or idle in mean position.
bow planes only, but if in addition some, trim angle is required, a stern
plane must also be used. The stern plane and the stabilization for depth
control at high speeds because effect of a bow plane at high speed. (See
Fig. 14).
make the boat stern-heavy and cause the vessel to ascend. This must be
The planes assist in the diving maneuver (see Fig. 15). After the
main ballast tank vents are opened, both sets of planes are moved into
the downward position. This action and the slower flooding of the after
main ballast tan cause the submarine to dive bow first. Leveling off take
place by moving both sets of planes upward. This is followed by a stern
heavy trim of about 5 deg for a short time. (The submarine is made to
"pitch" in order to remove the last air bubbles from the main ballast tanks
and the free-flooding parts of the superstructure.) The submarine then
proceeds in the horizontal attitude, and the main ballast tank vents are
closed. The submarine takes up desired depth then by flooding or
emptying the compensating tanks and by shifting trim water until at slow
speed the planes can keep it at the desired depth by operating with
Small movements about the mean position. During surfacing, the planes
are used to cause rising of the submarine. The planes tilted to the upward
position serve, after the submarine having broken the surface, as a
dynamic protection against unintentional momentary flooding of the deck
as long as blowing-out of main ballast tanks has not yet been completed.
After blowing-out procedure, they are again tilted into their mid-position
during surface cruise.
4. Emergency manoeuvres
7. Turning circles.
8. Stopping and acceleration effects.
Trial runs are conducted with the completed submarine. The surface
and submerged trial runs on the measured mile correspond to the drag
and propulsion experiments.
C = D2/3 x v3 / Nw
guns, etc. may have C values as low as &0 during Submerged cruising,
but modern Submarines can have C values of 280 and higher. As a result
efficiency, modern submarines can make the same speed with one-fourth
This safety factor amounted to 2.5 in the former German Navy and
to 1.5 in the US Navy. Today, these navies and other ones, too, use safety
factors between these values.
When high safety factors such as 2.5 are used, a submarine can
exceed the service diving depth (which is the maximum admissible diving
exercise depth) by a greater amount in the emergency case than can a
submarine with a smaller safety factor.
The maximum diving depth and the test pressure range between the
service diving depth and the calculation pressure. During dynamic
approach of the service diving depth (Because of overshoot) or in case of
a depth control error, it is allowed for a short period to arrive at the
maximum diving depth to the utmost. The test pressure is applied to the
vessel during its acceptance in a pressure dock without any crewmembers
onboard ship for proof of tightness and strength (see Fig. 27), or during a.
deep submerging test with crew as well (see item 5. of Chapter XVI).
These tests will be repeated at certain larger intervals.
The pressure hull is stressed by the diving pressure, and the effect
is opposite to that of a boiler under internal pressure. The pressure hull is
subjected to compressive stress rather than to the tensile stress of a
The shell can absorb forces in the longitudinal direction without the
need for additional stiffeners. However, the transverse frames are
required to absorb circumferential forces because of buckling loads. The
frames are welded to the shell, which act as one unit. Frame stiffness (the
moment of inertia) is increased by the effective members of the shell, and
the load of the shell is reduced by the effective cross-sectional area of the
Fig. 16 - Yielding of Shell between Frames
The first type of failure is encountered when the shell loaded beyond
the yield point above the frames or in the middle between the frames.
Here the shell will yield over its entire circumference between the frames.
The prerequisite for this type of failure is closely spaced frames that can
withstand the load (symmetrical buckling).
In the third type of failure, the entire pressure hull (that is the shell
and frames) buckle over the entire length. If transverse bulkheads or
heavy web frames are installed, the buckling process takes place between
them. The prerequisite for this type of failure is frames with an inadequate
load-bearing capacity (general. instability between transverse bulkheads
or web frames).
The pressure hull meets the requirements only if, during the load,
the stresses do not exceed the admissible limits. The stress distribution in
a circular cylindrical shell transversely stiffened by equi-distant frames
and subject to uniform external hydrostatic pressure is calculated by the
solution of the differential equation of radial displacement. The simplified
differential equation (without the second order term) was established by
Von Sanden and Günther for the first time (see Bibliography). In the USA,
Salerno and Pulos introduced the complete equation; Krenzke and Short
produced a graphical solution for the stress calculation. The recent results
do not deviate by more than 6% from the former ones. The conical part of
the pressure hull as well as transitions between thicker and thinner plating
require specific calculations.
Modern pressure hulls .are often provided with web frames arranged
at longitudinal distances, which nearly correspond to the pressure hull
diameter. If bulkheads are envisaged, the web frames may be deleted in
these places. The .web frames force the normal frames between them into
a mode of failure of a high lobe number, e.g. 4 or 5 lobes, whereas they
would buckle in 2 lobes without the presence of web frames. Due to the
arrangement of web frames it is possible to provide normal frames of
reduced weight and depth of web resulting in advantages in weight and
All areas in the pressure hull that are weakened by openings such as
hatches, shaft exits, exhaust gas ducts, outboard valves, etc., are
carefully compensated for by reinforcements. Shell reinforcements are
designed in the form of reinforced plating or forgings welded to the shell.
Interrupted frames are replaced by additional, subsidiary frames.
The pressure hull is bounded at the forward and aft ends by end
bulkheads, which, in the past, were made of cast steel in a domed,
compound-curve form (see Fig. 20) with supports for the torpedo tubes
cast to them, in general. Nowadays, flanged end bulkheads are used, the
supports are welded to them Plane end bulkheads with horizontal and
vertical stiffeners are used instead of the domed end bulk heads (Fig. 21).
Up to the end of World War II, Germany used carbon steel (St 52)
with good welding characteristics, a yield point of 360 N/mm2, and a
strength of 520 N/mm2. Especially for Submarine construction, the USA
developed the high strength tempering steel HY 80 having a yield point of
at least SSO N/mm2 and a strength of about 800 N/mm2. In spite of its
high yield point, it still has adequate elongation and also good
notch-impact toughness at low temperatures.
Conning towers built of two cylindrical shells (Fig. 23) are lighter
than elliptical towers because the static' strength relationships are
simpler. These conning towers are suitable for small submarines.
In a specific case, the pressure dock was used in order to verify the
collapse depth of a submarine pressure hull removed from service (see
Fig. 28). For this purpose, the submarine was almost completely (except
for a defined remainder) filled with water so that the intended implosion
could not endanger the dock.
Torpedo Tubes
The discussion will consider torpedo tubes whose aft part is enclosed
by the pressure hull. In some particular cases, torpedo tubes are
sometimes fixed and sometimes swivel-mounted on the free-flooding
upper deck outside of the pressure hull.
With the incorporated, the torpedo is breach loaded and inserted dry
in the tube. Prior to firing, the tube is flooded from the torpedo tank inside
the submarine; the torpedo is surrounded with that water so that the
weight of the submarine remain unchanged. However, there will be a
change in trim unless the centre of gravity of the torpedo tank is located
below the centre of gravity of the enveloping water in the torpedo tube.
When pressure between tube and seawater has equalised, the muzzle
door is opened along with the shell door. The torpedo is now ready for
firing; the submarine is no longer affected by the negative buoyancy of
the torpedo because seawater replaces the torpedo in the tube. The lack
of negative buoyancy must be compensated for immediately because of
depth control; this is accomplished by flooding into the torpedo tank.
When the tube shall be reloaded after a firing, the muzzle door must be
closed and the tube drained into a torpedo-operating tank. The breech
door is then opened and a spare torpedo is inserted.
Torpedo tubes have the necessary equipment for setting the torpedo
running depth, angle on the bow, etc. prior to a setting.
This principle provides for one guide wire to be uncoiled from the
torpedo tail end and from the torpedo tube simultaneously. It is secured
by this arrangement that the wire is not pulled through the water by the
movement of either the torpedo or the submarine in any direction.
A piston type torpedo tube (Fig. 32) in which the torpedo was
separated from the ejecting compressed air by a Piston was standard
equipment for German submarines in World II.
After the torpedo is fired, the piston is pressed back external
seawater. The compressed air behind the piston vents into the submarine.
This design will not generate an air bubble. There are depth-firing
limitations (depth firing was not yet possible in World War II for other
reasons as well). The tubes must be manufactured with great accuracy to
guide the piston; they are heavy and relatively expensive.
A pistonless air ejection system that d6es not generate air bubble
was developed abroad and installed in several types of submarines
including the German Type 21. The torpedo rests in guide rails in a tube of
greater diameter. The tube and its torpedo caliber are watertight only at
the muzzle. The ejection air is adjusted so that its pressure is slightly less
than the external water pressure at the moment the torpedo leaves the
caliber near the muzzle. At the same time, there is automatic opening of a
vent flap located at the aft end of the tube and leading into the inner boat.
As soon as the torpedo has left the tube, sea water fi1ls the tube and
pushes the ejection air into the interior of the submarine through the vent
flap. The flap closes again when the water needed to compensate for the
negative buoyancy of the torpedo has entered. This discharge method is
almost free of air swells, but firing depth limitations are imposed. The
tube is relatively light in weight and cheap to manufacture.
The size of the torpedo tank required for each torpedo firing system
depends on the number of torpedo tubes to be flooded, the number of
spare torpedoes carried, and the volume of the enveloping water required
for each torpedo tube.
Water is shifted from the torpedo tank to the tubes and back by
means of low-pressure air. The building elements of the torpedo tank are
dimensioned to correspond to the applied pressure. The water pipes
between each tube and the torpedo tank are provided with stop valves or
flaps. These are interlocked with their associated muzzle doors so that the
torpedo tanks cannot be flooded from the tubes when the muzzle doors
are open. The torpedo tanks are connected to the submarine bilge and
ballast system; they have special flood lines to admit water to compensate
for the negative buoyancy during firing unless this is done through the
torpedo tubes.
Small submarines may not have adequate space for a torpedo hatch
and a torpedo-loading compartment aft of the tubes. In such cases, the
torpedoes are loaded from the outside (Muzzle-loading principle). It must
be possible to trim the boat by the stern so that the muzzles are above
the waterline. Troughs are suspended forward of the tubes, and the
torpedoes are set in them/for loading (see Fig. 34).
As late until World War II, most submersibles carried guns on deck
for surface engagements. These guns were long--barreled with calibers up
to 12 cm. Several submarines with heavier gunnery have also been built.
The guns were either exposed on deck or their shields were part of the
envelope of the conning tower. They were supplied with ammunition from
inside the submarine through the conning tower hatch. Ready ammunition
was stored in pressure-resistant lockers near the guns. In addition, AA
guns up to 3.7 cm caliber were installed on the bridge. All guns were
exposed to seawater during submerged cruising. Special fire-control
systems for gunnery were generally nonexistent. Guns were no longer
installed after transition to the true submarine.
These are defined as any systems used to detect and identify the
enemy. Some of the information acquired by these systems is fed directly
to the weapon control system for processing.
1. to observe shipping,
2. to observe aircraft,
3. to estimate distances for an attack,
4. to obtain target bearing and estimated range input for the
fire-control system,
5. for terrestrial navigation when submerged, and
6. Possibly for celestial navigation when submerged.
like a bottle and carries the head is mounted on top of the tube (Fig. 37).
The distance (named optical length) between the top objective and the
about the optical axis, and several magnifications (usually 1.5 and 6) can
be selected.
Fig. 37 - Attack Periscope
The reticule is also intended to mark the aim and shot at torpedo
The hoisting mechanism may consist of two hoisting cables and one
lowering cable that are operated by a common winch (Fig. 38). The winch
drive may be electric or hydraulic.
Radar Systems
There are navigation radar and attack radar systems. The navigation
radar comprises a separate hoisting mast and a pressure-proof rotating
antenna (see Fig. 42).
Passive Sonar
The listening range on the high seas can be very great. Ship
concentrations have been located at ranges of 50 mm. Unlike sonar,
listening with the hydrophone system does not permit easy direct distance
In order to obtain target distance, as well as bearing, by purely
passive means, a method was developed using the fire control computer,
by which distance can be calculated from a series of bearings, measured
under certain own and enemy operational conditions.
to prevent the reflection of sonar waves. During World War II, Germany
predetermined intervals. The idea was to paste this foil onto the whole
decoys into the water (German code word "Bold"), which remained
hovering and generated gas bubbles to deceive the enemy. Their sonar
reflections simulated a target for the enemy. As the bubbles in the water
were stationary, they did not show any dopp1er effect in enemy sonar,
about 100 mm diameter gun, which had a muzzle door and a breech door
similar to those en a torpedo tube (see Fig. 50). "Bold" could be ejected
addition, signal devices could be ejected from the gun to rise to the
The two P. and S. batteries are each separated into three partial
batteries (this arrangement was used in the large German Type 21,
Lead Battery
The lead battery is used to store the electric energy required for the
drive motors and for the board network use when needed in the
submerged condition. Lead batteries were formerly built on the grid-plate
principle, but to day, they mostly are of a tubular design (see Fig. 55).
Voltage conditions are approximately the same for all lead cells
whereas the capacity (stated in ampere-hours) and the electrical energy
(stated in kilowatt-hours) depend on the size and, to a lesser extent, on
the internal structure of the cell in question (see Fig. 56). Lead cells have
their greatest capacity when the discharge rate is slow. Their useful
capacity will be reduced when the discharge rate is fast, e.g., 0.5 to 1.5
hourly current. If a discharge starts with high current intensity, then a
further capacity is available later for lower intensity discharge. The total
kilowatt hours consumed will be approximately the same, in any case. The
voltage available during discharge depends on the amount of the
discharge current and hence on discharge time (see Fig. 59). The acid
density decreases during the discharge.
Fig. 56 - Capacity Characteristics of a Lead-Acid Cell
Unless the dimensions of the individual cells are very large, two to
four cells are combined in one box in order to obtain larger units for the
battery arrangement. These boxes are made of glass-reinforced polyester
(hard rubber had been used earlier) or pressed wood. Soft rubber bags
are inserted in the boxes to prevent the acid from reaching the box walls.
The individual boxes can weigh up to 1.0 metric ton.
The battery rooms are sealed off from the remaining compartments
of the submarine; they are accessible through single battery room hatches
or in rare cases and on small submarines only, through a great many
accesses with covers distributed over the battery room deck head.
The boxes are passed into the battery rooms through the battery
room hatches or through the smaller openings during mounting. They are
loaded into the interior of the submarine through pressure-resistant
battery hatches located at the upper side of the pressure hull. These
hatches are opened only for loading or unloading the battery boxes.
A battery service trolley that can be moved fore and aft is installed,
if a sufficient height is available, above the boxes in the battery room for
maintenance of battery.
Earlier practice in Germany was to remove the gas from each box
through separate lines (individual exhaust air system). This was supposed
to provide for better cooling. The water losses caused by this system are
greater than those from a central exhaust air system.
Electric Machinery
The electric machinery is used for propulsion and for the generation
of electrical power for the battery and for ship's service use (see Fig. 63
and 64). Today, separate propulsion motors and generators are generally
Fig- 63 - Submarine Electric Motor, Open
system consists of two electric motors mounted on one shaft and in one
casing, with one commutator located forward and the other aft. These
sometimes three or four partial batteries are arranged, and these can also
therefore Possible w
ith two partial batteries:
Low-noise motors often have a belt drive with a reduction gear and
are coupled to the shaft by clutches. Cone belts are used to reduce noise.
Diesel Engines
High-speed diesel engines (l,000 to 1,500 rpm) are used for reasons
of, weight and space. The engines are mounted on resi1ient supports (in
most cases of single type and sometimes of double type) in order to
reduce transmission of structure borne noises to the foundations and to
provide some protect ion against shock effect s. Other noise-damping
measures include insulation against airborne noise radiation on the inner
wall of the engine-room, use of noise absorbing sections to dampen
Cooling water sounds, and absorption of exhaust gas noises by silencers
directly attached to diesel engines, which may be used as exhaust gas
coolers at the same time (see Fig. 67).
It is essential that all engines intended primarily for snorkel
operation have a minimum of excess air. This permits a minimal
cross-sectional area for t he snorkel system at the air intake and gas
exhaust ends. Four-stroke engines are there fore better suited for snorkel
operation than two-stroke engines. The engines must be insensitive to
back pressure on the exhaust gas side - a particularly important measure
if the exhaust gases are discharged deeply below the waterline.
Air Intake and Exhaust Gas Systems for the Diesel Engines on
Submersibles (see Fig. 68 and 69)
During surface cruise, diesel engines take their combustion air from
the engine room. This air enters the engine room through a
pressure-resistant air intake line installed as high as possible within the
free-flooding super structure. Double valves having rubber seats closed by
water pressure are used to seal these lines during submerged cruising.
ground in. Valve disks pivot in the center (Fig. 70) and can be rotated
slowly by means of worm drives. To regrind the valve or flap seat, the flap
during cruise to regrind the exhaust gas flaps and thus ensure their
Some exhaust gas flaps have rubber seats, the gaskets of which are
being burnt out, whereas, at the same time, the seats are sprayed with
The fuel system in submarines differs from that in other ships in
that the fuel is carried on top of seawater in the tanks. The fuel feed lines
start on top of the tanks and serve simultaneously as refueling lines. They
lead to a manifold inside the submarine. As in the case of surface ships,
the diesel engines are fed by fuel alternately two gravity fuel tanks, one of
which is in use while other serves as a settling tank to separate any which
Sounding devices are generally no longer used for the fuel tanks,
and consumption is indicated by dial gauges built into the fuel lines.
Snorkel Systems
Up to that time, all head valves had been actuated by floats. They
were not completely free from trouble because of such factors as
dependence on the boat course in relation to wave directions and the lack
of deicing facilities.
Any one of these three disturbances will require shut down of the
diesel engines with
simultaneous cut-off of battery charging, closing of the quick-acting flaps
of the snorkel and of the exhaust gas flaps or valves. Some snorkel
systems do this automatically by means of a safety circuit that receives
impulses from the trouble sources. When this safety circuit is energized,
the automatic quick-acting flaps are closed; the diesel supply control
levers are adjusted to zero, and the charging circuits are disconnected.
The formula for the cruising range of boats with direct diesel drive
and electric generating plant for the board network by a coupled generator
(see Fig. 51 through 53) is
These slower average speeds attained are the reason for the fact
that submarines get along with a fuel supply per ton displacement being
considerably smaller than that of submersibles. Due to their mode of
cruise, submarines consume a quantity of fuel being specifically smaller
than that of submersibles during the period of one mission.
H. Walter developed his technique between 1936 and 1945 (see Fig.
76). About 80 percent concentrated liquid hydrogen peroxide (H202) is
used as the oxidant. Decomposition in a decomposer generates water
vapor and free oxygen (2 H202 -- 2 H2O + °2). The latter is u
sed in a
combustion chamber to burn a hydrocarbon (fuel) to produce carbon
dioxide (CO2) a
nd water vapor (H2O). This mixture is used as the medium
to drive a propulsion turbine.
of about 1.33) is consumed, the bags collapse and the volume is replaced
by seawater.
The first Walter system, a so-called "cold" system, was built for test
purposes only and developed even before the employment of the direct
submarine, in 1939 (see Fig. 77). The peroxide was only decomposed, so
that the turbine operated on a mixture of steam and oxygen. The free
oxygen escaped to outboard and left a bubble path. The specific peroxide
consumption was high. The submarine was able to develop 2000 shaft
power at low weight and space requirements. In the case of the direct
5. 5. CLUTCH
The plant (Fig. 78) had been planned for the German Type 26. This
Closed-Cycle Principle
18. FUEL
Fuel Cells
Stirling Engine
These planes can be folded upward onto the shell plating; the blades
may be swiveled to aft into slots in the outer hull; furthermore, a
hydroplane support may be pivoted about the vertical axis so that one
blade turns to forward and the other one towards aft into the
superstructure (see Fig. 80).
Fig. 80 - Hydroplane Blades of Folding and Turning-in type
The German V-SO Walter-propulsion boat (1939, see Fig. 83) was
the first submarine to be fitted with a combination control for the rudder
and stern plane. In this configuration the helmsmen faced forward. One
man could operate the rudder by turning a control column and the aft
planes by pushing and pulling it. As bow planes were not provided for this
experimental boat, control could be effected by two helmsmen - one of
them for depth control and the second one seating by him for steering
control. Two control consoles placed side by side (facing forward) are
provided if bow and stern planes are arranged as usual on many today's
submarines. If one console is, attended only, the hydroplanes are coupled,
e. g. to the effect that the stern plane makes only 1/3 of the swing of the
bow plane. Then, one man can operate both these planes by pushing and
pulling and the steering rudder by turning. If required, they may be
uncoupled. Then, one helmsman operates stern planes and steering
control, whereas the other one cares for bow planes (see Fig. 85).
Either vertical, reversible pusher screws are used for depth keeping,
or the propulsive screws are arranged at mid-length of the vessel P. and
S. in such a way that are tiltable about the horizontal (see Fig. 86), so
that the vessel may hover and turn on the spot.
Vents are designed in the form of flaps or valves (see Fig. 87).
They open outward or better still inward, and seal against a rubber
seat. They are activated either by levers and linkages are by shafts
tanks. These can be used to maneuver when the regular vents fail,
The compressed air lines for H.P. blowing the ballast tanks have a
non-return valve located in the side of the submarine to prevent water
from entering the blow line during submerged cruising. Moreover, it
prevents accidental venting (and thus flooding) of the ballast tank through
the H. P. blow line during surface cruising in the event of erroneous
operation of the compressed air system. L.P. blow lines that are used to
fully blow ballast tanks with diesel exhaust gas or with a special
low-pressure blower require greater cross sections than do high-pressure
blow lines. In most cases, low-pressure blow lines extend to the bottom
into the residual water in the ballast tanks. This arrangement prevents
ballast tanks blown by H.P. from being flooded backwards through these
low pressure blow lines
in the event that the pressure accidentally drops below the back pressure
during ballast L.P. blowing operations.
Hatch covers (Fig. 88) are made of cast steel or press molded from
rolled steel with circular rubber gaskets and are stronger than the
pressure hull to allow for an adequate safety margin. The heavy hatch
cover is externally spring balanced for easiest possible handling. A hatch
cover is held in the closed position by a snap latch, which can be activated
from inside or outside.
When the hatch cover is open and in the vertical position, a small
pendulum trap blocks the central latch and prevents it from being
accidentally turned in the "closed" direction. Without this feature, the
catches would hit the hatch coaming when the cover bangs and prevent
its immediate closure.
The bridge fin hatch is fitted with a small cock. When the submarine
is trim tested, this cock is used to determine the moment at which the
hatch cover is flooded; the depth gages are then calibrated. Hatches are
usually paired; for example, the bridge fin hatch is paired with the control
room hatch, which is located below.
The following principles apply to all other pressure hull closures such
as valves, flaps, and so forth. All closures are in a double arrangement.
The outer-closures are placed as closely as possible to the pressure hull
shell and the inner closures as closely as possible behind the outer
closures. The outer closures must close under external pressure; If
necessary locking features for the “closed” position prevent a closure from
opening under blast. All such closure are designed for greater strength
than the pressure hull.
The main drain extends in a straight line through the length of the
whole submarine (see Fig. 90) It is divided by stop valves into a forward
and an aft line. The suction baskets must be easily accessible and located
so that the bilges can be drained sufficiently even when the submarine is
very heavy at the bow or stern.
The drain lines are filled with water at all times to ensure that the
drain pumps can operate immediately if required. Vents are located at the
ends of the drain pipe to permit filling with water. The water in the drain
line constitutes part of the weight of the boat and is therefore included in
the weight calculation.
Two drain pumps are used for large submarines and one pump for
small ones. The pumps may be fitted on resilient mounts for noise
abatement purposes. Electrically driven piston pumps are most suitable as
they take safe suction. In case of pumps having two cylinders, connection
of cylinders may be such that series-connection at maximum
counter-pressure (which should be higher than the test diving. depth of
the submarine) and parallel connection at up to mean pressure is used,
'thus utilizing the driving power of the motor favourably (see Fig. 91).
The flooding and pumping system for the compensating tanks is
connected to the bilge drain system. Its operation is described in Chapter
V. Control is from the drain and flood manifold located amidships in the
control room or in the auxiliary engine room. The compensating tanks can
be flooded from outside through this manifold or the water in them can be
discharged overboard by compressed air. In addition, the drain pumps can
bring water from outside or from the bilge line into the compensating
tanks. Finally, the compensating tanks can be drained by the drain pumps.
Other manifolds at different pressure Levels are supplied from this station.
The following manifolds may be available:
Submarines are usually provided with only one anchor and one
anchor chain cable. It should be possible during submerged cruise, too, to
come to anchor. The capstan, clutch, brake, and chain locker are located
in the outer hull. The capstan drive is usually operated from inside the
boat. Compressed air, hydraulic oil, or electric motors are used.
Bollards and cleats for mooring lines are distributed fore and aft as
aboard surface ships of comparable dimensions. Because of the narrow
deck, they are usually installed midships and the same bollards and cleats
are used alternately for port or starboard mooring. Insofar as possible,
retractable bollards and cleats are installed so that they will
not cause drag during submerged cruising (see Fig. 99).
Submarines require navigation aids for their cruise in the horizontal
plane- just as all other ships. Moreover, submerged operations should be
controlled as a movement in the third dimension. 'Telecommunication
systems for the traffic with the naval base and with other vessels as well
as several indicator and alarm systems for ship’s service are necessary.
Compass Installations
During the past years, the electro-magnetic log has become more
important. This log measures the speed relatively to the ambient water by
means of an electronic sensor, which either is formed as a short fin or is
flush with the shell plating. In this connection, the deflection of electronic
charge carriers in the magnetic field is measured at right angles to the
direction of motion.
Sounding Device
The radio direction finder (RDF) can be used to fix position when the
submarine is running in the surfaced condition. Moreover, RDF is used to
obtain bearings on radio signals of enemy or friendly forces. When
rotating loop antennas are used, they must be hoistable and
pressure-resistant. Goniometer RDF sets have a nonrotating antenna
which possibly can be installed permanently inside the superstructure, but
in that case, the superstructure must have nonconducting material within
a certain distance of the installation.
Sextants may be used during surface cruise for the classical celestial
navigation; when at periscope depth, celestial navigation may be
performed by means of sextants at the search periscope (see Chapter IX).
Chronometers or other highly accurate time-measuring instruments
should be provided for the celestial navigation.
Radio Navigation
The so-called Papenberg depth gage is used by the German Navy for
precision reading at periscope depth (Fig. 101). The measurement is
based on the compression of an air cushion, and so the reading in the
cylindrical glass tube is not linear. The residual buoyancy of the boat
associated with its floating position is plotted on this instrument in
addition to the depth scale (starting with the surfaced flotation line and
decreasing to zero when the top of the superstructure has been reached).
Moreover, the contour of the cross section of the boat is plotted in
association with the depth (distorted). The water level of the instrument is
illuminated horizontally, and minute tendencies for attitude changes can
be identified from the curvature of the meniscus before the water level in
the tube rises or falls.
Trim is indicated by spirit levels with longer than usual legs (Fig.
102). The rear leg, which is not used for reading purposes, has a much
larger cross sect ion than the front leg; thus the readings on the front leg
will become proportionally greater.
In the German Navy, the glass tube of the trim indicator is installed
alongside the Papenberg pressure gage tube in such a manner that the
zero mark on the trim indicator is at the same level as the periscope d
indication on the Papenberg gage (Fig. 103). This made it possible for the
man in charge of depth control to check depth and trim of the boat at a
glance when at periscope depth, where maximum accuracy of these
observations is important.
The level in tanks in which the fuel oil floats on top of water cannot
be determined accurately with simple devices (see Chapter X).
Glow lights on a panel in the control room indicate the closed status
of all major closures such as snorkel air intake head valves, external
exhaust gas valves or flaps, etc. The submarine must not dive when
anyone of these major closures is open.
The overall design should allow for changes in weight and trim
arising by food consumption.
The amount of fresh Water supply directly influences the size of the
compensating tanks. About 3 1 of fresh water per man and day are to be
reckoned with for the preparation of beverages and meals and for
dish-washing. Consequently, in order to have smaller-size fresh water
tanks, it is advisable for large submarines intended for long missions to
have sea water evaporation plants so that part of fresh water required can
be produced by own means.
The galley is vented via the exhaust air system of the submarine.
The exhaust points are arranged above the cooking plates and are
provided with particular grease filters. As comparatively very small
quantities are concerned, garbage on submarines is generally ejected
outboard through a lock (by using compressed air or pressure water).
Empty cans must be pressed flat to prevent their floating to the surface. A
can compression device is used for this purpose (it is noiseless so that it
can be used during low-noise cruising).
But measures for taking sol id garbage back to the naval base may
also be-envisaged. For this purpose, such garbage is collected in
hermetically sealed plastic bags. Liquid wastes are pumped to overboard.
design to that used aboard yachts. The disadvantage that any pumping
The valve heads open against water pressure and have rubber
gaskets; the head valves are located at the highest point in the
superstructure. The masts are fitted with water separators. When
arranging supply air and exhaust air rosettes in living arid service spaces,
it should be seen to the supply ventilation being as draught-free as
Most German submarines also vent the battery with the exhaust
fan. Foreign ships have often a special battery exhaust fan for this
When the exhaust fan is used to vent the battery, the exhaust
airline must be acid-resistant (have a lead liner, for example), and the
blower must be explosion-proof.
During surface cruise, battery exhaust gases are guided through the
exhaust air mast into the atmosphere; during snorkeling, they are led to
the vicinity of air intake trunks of diesel engines (see Chapter X).
Prior to a test dive, the exhaust blower is used to subject the boat
being ready to dive to negative pressure. The air exhaust mast is sealed
off and then the exhaust blower is shut down. The negative pressure level
is observed for a period of about 2 min. If the level remains approximately
constant, it is concluded that all major pressure hull shutoffs are closed
and that air is not entering the submarine from the compressed air
2 NaOH + CO2 =
Na2cO3 + H2O
2 KOH + CO2 =
K2CO3 + H2O
In case of the civil submersibles which are very much smaller and,
consequently, less in weight, the salvage of t he entire vehicle together
with her crew plays a much larger part. A number of s
alvages have turned
out successfully, other ones proved unsuccessful. In such cases, aid was
rendered to the damaged submersible by other submersibles or by
manipulators, remote-controlled from the surface to the effect that
hoisting ropes could be fixed. Part of t he submersibles having gone bad
have been hooked up on the ground without any damage to themselves.
Civil submersibles always operate together with mother ships
contact to whom may be continuously maintained. Of course, they
facilitate the rescue operation and shorten the timely proceedings. As,
however, the crew isolated in the vehicle avail of l ife support means for a
limited peric.5 only (between 36 and 72 hours), such a salvage, as a rule,
is a dangerous competition with the time.
Before the hatch is opened, the "air trap" arranged below the hatch
is lowered (see Fig. 116), so that a sufficiently large air bubble remains
within the submarine after hatch having been opened. Already during the
compression phase, i.e. the time in which the submarine is being flooded
through the leak, the air in the submarine must not be inhaled by the
crew. They should the breathe out of an emergency breathing system
which, essentially, consists of a straight line leading through the entire
vessel and having numerous individual connections. As a rule, compressed
air being specially purified is fed.
After having left the submarine, the men rise to the surface, borne
by the lift of Life jackets. During ascent, they cannot inhale air due to
rapid pressure drop, so that any necessity of breathing air supply does not
All salvage means of any kind whatever are most important for
nonmilitary submersibles which are operating in comparatively deep diving
depths, but always over the ground that is not deeper than the admissible
diving depth.
If the buyer sets a maximum depth, for example, and at the same
time specifies the type of steel for the pressure hull, he has clearly
determined an essential part of the hull's weight and possibly, the
required safety factor used for collapse depth (because of technological
reasons, each type of steel has a different factor). On the other hand, if
the designer is permitted to select the material, he can exploit new
developments in the materials area and possibly use any resultant weight
reduction to satisfy other desirable features in the design.
When a great deal of deck space is required for the batteries and
propulsion machinery, another solution is that shown in Item g of Fig. 123
(Dutch boat of the DOLFIJN class, 1959). Here the pressure hull is
subdivided into three parallel cylinders in close proximity. The two-ldler
cylinders contain the propulsion system and the upper one the ship
control, navigation, and detection systems, armament, and crew
accommodations. These cylinders are enclosed by the lightweight outer
Any pressure hull with less than completely circular cross sections
requires heavy supporting decks and/or bulkheads in way of the
Then the submarine is drawn in its entirety. This yields the total
form displacement, and, in turn, provides the first approach for checking
the required machinery ratings for surface and submerged cruising.
The lines drawing (see Fig. 7, 8, and 11) are approximately the
same as for other types of ships.
The exact location of the line of flotation and position on the surface
cannot be determined curve sheet (see Chapter V). The sectional area
curves for submerged displacement are used to obtain this information.
The location of the line of flotation determined by iteration from the
sectional area curves with sufficient accuracy for the given magnitude of
surface displacement. Initially, several (three to four) lines of flotation are
assumed, and their associated displacements and centers of buoyancy are
determined with the aid of the sectional area curves. The fairing of these
lines will then yield the actual line of flotation} whose displacement
corresponds to the weight of the submarine and whose center of buoyancy
is located in the same plane as is the center of gravity.
steel scantling plan and the midship section (Fig. 128) are framed. These
After the lines have been determined, towing and other tests are
Detailed planning for the propulsion plant starts when the required
submerged and surfaced engine ratings have been established along with
the associated propeller rpm.
Where the ballast, center of gravity located near one end of the hull,
even a small excess of weight at the other end of the boat would be
enough to shi ft the ballast center of gravity too much. It might then be
no longer possible to stow the ballast within the boat, and it would
obviously not be feasible to build such a submarine.
The curve sheet includes the height of metacentre above the keel, as in
the case of other types of ships. The difference between this measure and
the height of the center of gravity for the submarine plus ballast is called
the metacentric height during surface cruising (allowing for free surfaces).
A small amount of necessary stability ballast is an indication of a favorable
overall design.
The results of this effort are documented in the form of the detailed
description (building instructions). This is supplemented by such drawings
as the overall plan (general arrangement plan) and all the other drawings
and calculations that may be necessary to present all aspects of the
The special care begins with the purchase of material for which
extensive acceptance conditions are stipulated. As a principle, individual
acceptance of pressure hull material is agreed upon, i.e. each individual
steel plate is subjected to an extensive technological testing by
destructive and non-destructive methods. Test analyses, ultrasonic or
X-ray tests, and surface flaw checking are required. The mechanical
properties such as breaking strength, elasticity, hardness, and notch
impact strength are determined with test specimens. Stress-strain
diagrams are prepared. Plate thickness measurements are performed over
the entire plate surface. Any shortage in tolerances is not admissible.
This technique was adopted when riveting was the rule. From the
standpoint of welding technology, it has the basic disadvantage that many
seams cannot be welded in a favorable position. The use of automatic
welding machines is limited because the pressure hull cannot be rotated
about its longitudinal axis.
Here the pressure hull plating is installed transversely. The rings are
rotated into the most favorable position for welding by using a special jig,
thus permitting the extensive employment of automated welding
machines. Pressure hull rings are moved to the slipways and welded
together there.
The first diving test is in the form of a trim test with the boat at
rest. It is preceded by a test of the ballast H. P. and L. P. blow systems as
well as by a negative pressure test performed by means of an exhaust
blower (see Chapter XIII). Safety requires that the first diving test be
performed under a pierside crane whose hook is attached to the
submarine by heavy cables. The crane hook is slackened but ready for
hoisting during the dive. The first diving test can also be made in a
flooded drydock. During the submerged trim test, the boat is trimmed
horizontally by trimming water. Liquid levels in the compensating tanks,
trim tanks and in all other tanks are measured with the submarine in
"square" position. Seawater density is measured. The condition of the
equipment and the distribution of the crew are determined and recorded
in tabular form. The location of the surface line of flotation of the
submarine in ready-to-dive condition is determined and compared with
the calculated line after the boat has surfaced and the ballast tanks have
been completely emptied. The weight condition of the boat during the trim
test is converted to the status of the fully equipped boat corresponding to
the weight and volume calculation. The following are examples of the
deviations that can result:
4. For the sea trials, the submarine is equipped with a calibrated log
which, for example, can be arranged above bridge in a flow of water
undisturbed by the boat, thus facilitating absolute speed measurement
independently of the current.
The final acceptance takes place when trials and tests have proven
that the shipyard has met its contractual obligations.