Decision Support System Software Developer Selection With Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
Decision Support System Software Developer Selection With Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
Decision Support System Software Developer Selection With Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
Abstract--- Decision Support System has become an aid tool that becomes a need for policy makers to get objective
recommendations, Analytical Hierarchy Process method that can be used to perform the selection process with the
concept of multi criteria decision making and the results obtained especially in the process of decision making the
selection of developers can accurate and with good results.
I. Introduction
The Decision Support System abbreviated to DSS is generally defined as an interactive information system that
provides information, modeling, and data manipulation[1]–[3]. The system is used to assist decision making in semi-
structured situations and unstructured situations, where no one knows exactly how decisions should be made. The
DSS employs flexible, interactive, and adaptable CBIS (Computer Based Information Systems), developed to
support solutions to specific unstructured management issues[4]–[6].
Multi Criteria Decision Making is basically the process of selecting the best alternative from several alternatives
that exist based on a number of criteria of a problem[1], [3], [7], [8]. The software developer selection activity is
part of multi criteria decision making which is always done and must be supported by objective and profitable
considerations in achieving value (cost, time and quality) to be achieved by a company owning the project without
ignoring the need for reasonable remuneration for developers.
With current technological developments, decisions usually taken by expert judgment can be done by a system,
in this case using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to assist decision makers in making decisions[9]–
[11]. The AHP method will help assess the criteria on a scale of 1-9 so that a mathematical calculation can be
performed using the AHP formula, which will give the best decision of some alternatives[12], [13].
II. Methodology
A. Decision
Decision is the activity of choosing a strategy or action in solving the problem. The action of choosing a strategy
or action that the manager or decision maker believes will provide the best solution to the so-called decision-
making[14]. Decision-making is a management activity in the form of selection of actions from a set of previously
formulated alternatives to solve a problem or a conflict in management[15]. The criteria or characteristics of the
decision are:
1. Alternatives
2. There are constraints or conditions
3. Following a pattern/model of behavior, whether structured or not
4. Many inputs/variables
5. There are risk factors
6. It takes speed, accuracy, and accuracy.
The data needed for the selection process of software developers are:
Based on the AHP process starting from the matched pair matrix process, the matrix of the criteria value, the matrix
of the sum of each row, the consistency ratio of the data in table 1 is obtained as follows:
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, 2018
IV. Conclusion
The use of the AHP method on the completion of software developer selection based on predetermined criteria
can be used and expected results are also as expected.
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