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Decision Support System Software Developer Selection With Analytical Hierarchy Process Method

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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.

10, 02-Special Issue, 2018

Decision Support System Software Developer

Selection with Analytical Hierarchy Process
Indra Swanto Ritonga, Department of Informatics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

Abstract--- Decision Support System has become an aid tool that becomes a need for policy makers to get objective
recommendations, Analytical Hierarchy Process method that can be used to perform the selection process with the
concept of multi criteria decision making and the results obtained especially in the process of decision making the
selection of developers can accurate and with good results.

Keywords--- Decision Support System, AHP, Decision, Multi-Criteria Decision Making

I. Introduction
The Decision Support System abbreviated to DSS is generally defined as an interactive information system that
provides information, modeling, and data manipulation[1]–[3]. The system is used to assist decision making in semi-
structured situations and unstructured situations, where no one knows exactly how decisions should be made. The
DSS employs flexible, interactive, and adaptable CBIS (Computer Based Information Systems), developed to
support solutions to specific unstructured management issues[4]–[6].
Multi Criteria Decision Making is basically the process of selecting the best alternative from several alternatives
that exist based on a number of criteria of a problem[1], [3], [7], [8]. The software developer selection activity is
part of multi criteria decision making which is always done and must be supported by objective and profitable
considerations in achieving value (cost, time and quality) to be achieved by a company owning the project without
ignoring the need for reasonable remuneration for developers.
With current technological developments, decisions usually taken by expert judgment can be done by a system,
in this case using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to assist decision makers in making decisions[9]–
[11]. The AHP method will help assess the criteria on a scale of 1-9 so that a mathematical calculation can be
performed using the AHP formula, which will give the best decision of some alternatives[12], [13].

II. Methodology
A. Decision
Decision is the activity of choosing a strategy or action in solving the problem. The action of choosing a strategy
or action that the manager or decision maker believes will provide the best solution to the so-called decision-
making[14]. Decision-making is a management activity in the form of selection of actions from a set of previously
formulated alternatives to solve a problem or a conflict in management[15]. The criteria or characteristics of the
decision are:
1. Alternatives
2. There are constraints or conditions
3. Following a pattern/model of behavior, whether structured or not
4. Many inputs/variables
5. There are risk factors
6. It takes speed, accuracy, and accuracy.

B. Decision Support System

The Decision Support System abbreviated to DSS is generally defined as an interactive information system that
provides information, modeling, and data manipulation. The system is used to assist decision making in semi-
structured situations and unstructured situations, where no one knows exactly how decisions should be made[16],


*Corresponding Author: Indra Swanto Ritonga

Article History: Received: 15 May. 2018 Revised: 1 June.2018 Accepted:20 July 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, 2018

C. Decision Support System Components

A decision support system consists of several subsystems[18]–[21], among others:
1. Data management subsystem
Subsystems contain relevant data for situations and conditions managed by software called Database
Management Systems.
2. Model management subsystem
It is a software package that contains financial models, statistics, management sciences, or other quantitative
models that provide the right analytical and management software capabilities.
3. Subsystem user interface
Users communicate with decision support systems through the subsystem.
4. Knowledge-based management subsystem
This subsystem supports all other subsystems or acts as an independent component that provides intelligence to
enlarge the knowledge of the decision maker.
By definition, decision support systems should include three major components of the DBMS, MBMS, and user
interface. The knowledge-based management subsystem is optional, but it can provide many benefits as it provides
intelligence for these three major components.

D. Decision Support System Characteristics

Characteristics and Capabilities in a decision support system as follows[22], [23]:
1. DSS provides support for key decision makers in semi-structured and unstructured circumstances by combining
human judgment and computerized information.
2. Provide support for managerial levels ranging from executives to managers.
3. Provide support for individual groups, unstructured problems require the involvement of individuals from other
departments within the organization.
4. DSS provides support to independent or ongoing decisions.
5. DSS provides support to all phases in the decision-making process of intelligence, design, choice and
6. DSS supports many processes and decision-making styles.
7. DSS adaptive on time, decision makers must be reactive to face rapid changes in conditions and change the
decision support system must be flexible so that users can add, delete, combine, change and rearrange element
8. DSS is easy to use. Users feel at home while working with the system, such as user-friendly, flexibility, the
ability to use high graphics and language to interact with the machine as with English will increase the
effectiveness of decision support systems.
9. DSS raises the effectiveness of decision making both in terms of timeliness and quality, not on the cost of
making decisions or the cost of computer time usage.
10. DSS can control the stages of decision-making as in the stage of intelligence, choice and implementation and
decision support systems directed to support the decision maker rather than replace his position.
11. Allowing end users to build their own simple systems. Large systems can be built with the help of information
12. DSS uses standard or user-created models to analyze the situation of decisions. Modeling ability allows
experimenting with different strategies under different configurations.
13. DSS supports access from a variety of data sources, formats, and types, the range of geographic information
systems in object orientation.
14. Can be used as a standalone tool by a decision maker at one location or distributed in an organization as a whole
and some organizations along the supply chain. Can be integrated with other DSS and / or other applications, and
can be distributed internally and externally using networking and Web technologies.

E. Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making

Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making is a method used to find the optimal alternative of a number of
alternatives with certain criteria[24]–[26]. The core of FMADM is to determine the weight value for each attribute,
then proceed with the ranking process which will select the alternatives already given. Basically, there are 3
approaches to finding attribute weight value that is subjective approach, objective approach and approach of
integration between subjective & objective[27]. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. In a subjective
approach, the weighted value is determined by the subjectivity of the decision-makers, so that several factors in the


*Corresponding Author: Indra Swanto Ritonga

Article History: Received: 15 May. 2018 Revised: 1 June.2018 Accepted:20 July 2018
alternative ranking process can be determined freely. Whereas in the objective approach, the weight value is
calculated mathematically so that it ignores the subjectivity of the decision maker.

F. Analytical Hierarchy Process

Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision support model developed by Thomas L. Saaty[9], [10], [12],
[28]. This decision support model will describe complex multi-factor or multi-criteria problems into a hierarchy. The
hierarchy is defined as a representation of a complex problem in a multi-level structure where the first level is the
goal, followed by the factor level, criteria, sub criteria, and so on down to the last level of the alternative. With a
hierarchy, a complex problem can be broken down into groups that are then organized into a hierarchical form so
that the problem will seem more structured and systematic.

III. Result And Discussion

In analyzing decision support using AHP method, it can be known in the decision making is done from several
process, following discussion of settlement of decision making using AHP method. Figure 1 is an assessment
hierarchy of the process of AHP method used.

Fig 1. Assessment AHP

The data needed for the selection process of software developers are:

Table 1. Data Developer

No Alternative Administration Technique Price Conclusion Information
1. Alternative 1 Fulfill Fulfill 99.55% Pass Follow-up
2. Alternative 2 Unsatisfactory Enough 0% Cancel -
3. Alternative 3 Unsatisfactory Enough 0% Cancel -
4. Alternative 4 Unsatisfactory Enough 0% Cancel -
5. Alternative 5 Fulfill Fulfill 90.16% Pass Follow-up
6. Alternative 6 Fulfill Enough 91.00% Pass Follow-up
7. Alternative 7 Less Compliance Enough 35.00% Cancel -

Based on the AHP process starting from the matched pair matrix process, the matrix of the criteria value, the matrix
of the sum of each row, the consistency ratio of the data in table 1 is obtained as follows:

Table 2. Matrix Choses Alternative

Administration Technique Price
(K1) (K2) (K3)
Alternative 1 0.539 0.103 0.114 0.756

Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, 2018

Alternative 2 0.349 0.060 0.067 0.475

Alternative 3 0.250 0.060 0.164 0.473
Alternative 4 0.156 0.177 0.067 0.400
Alternative 5 0.349 0.060 0.050 0.458
Alternative 6 0.250 0.060 0.114 0.424
Alternative 7 0.156 0.177 0.067 0.400

IV. Conclusion
The use of the AHP method on the completion of software developer selection based on predetermined criteria
can be used and expected results are also as expected.

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*Corresponding Author: Indra Swanto Ritonga

Article History: Received: 15 May. 2018 Revised: 1 June.2018 Accepted:20 July 2018
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