Software Requirements Specification: (An Application Software For Estimating Software Development .)

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Software Requirements Specification



COCOMO II Simulator
(An application software for estimating software development .)

Made by : Firoz Ahmad

Department of Computer Engineering

Zakir Hussain College Of Engineering and Technology
Aligarh Muslim University
COCOMO II Simulator

Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Technologies to be used .............................................................................................................................. 2

2.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 3

2.1 Functionalities ................................................................................................................................................3-4

2.2 Use Case Model Diagrams ..........................................................................................................................5

3.0 DEFINITION,ACRONYMS,AND,ABBREVIATIONS .................................................... 6

4.0 TABLES ................................................................................................................................................................. 6-8

5.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

COCOMO II Simulator


1.1 Scope
The purpose of COCOMO II Simulator is to develop a software that
estimates required entity for any software development project. It will estimate
Function point(FP), Effort(in person-month),Development Time and Cost of
the desired development project. Above entity will be estimated on some constraints
like Complexity Weights, Source line of Code(SLOC),and user will provide rate of 17
Cost Drivers, 5 scale Drivers and labour rate.

This will also provide login to decide a individual person and will record its estimated
projects detail and create a history for estimated project.

1.2 Technologies to be used

Front-End Technology: HTML, JavaScript
Back-End Technology : MongoDB , Node JS,Bootstrap
Environment : AWS Cloud 9
Browser : Google Chrome

COCOMO II Simulator

2. General Requirements

2.1 Functionalities
The COCOMO II simulator can perform the following functionalities:

1. Login/Sign Up: Every user will have to Sign Up. User will create his own User Name
and Password. After successful Sign Up, user will have to log in on that User Name and

2. Function Point: User will enter value of five function types (given below) by stating
the complexity levels ( simple , average or complex Table 1) of the function type.

1-Number of External Input

2-Number of External Output
3-Number of External Inquiries
4-Number of Internal Logical Files
5-Number of External Logical Files

On the basis of above input:-

FP=count total × [0.65+0.01 × Σ(Fi)]

The Fi (i =1 to 14) are value adjustment factors (VAF) based on 14 Complexity factors
(Table 2) from 0 (not present) to 5 (strong influence). User will provide value of these
complexity factors.

3. Source Line of Code: It will be calculated by using Function Point (F.P.) and language
factor of the language

SLOC = F.P. * language factor

Language factor will be taken from Table 3.

COCOMO II Simulator

4. Effort, Development Time and Cost: On the basis of calculated value of SLOC, user
will have to provide labour rate (in currency/person-month) .
Here ,user will have to enter 17 cost driver(product factors, Platform factor, Personnel
Factor, Project Factor Table 5) and Scale Driver(Table 4).

4.1 Effort:

4.2 Development Time:

where , A = 2.94 B = 0.91

C = 3.67 D = 0.28

( as per the COCOMO II.2000 standards)

4.3 Cost:

Cost of project= ( labour Rate ) * Effort

5. History: Previous estimated project detail by a particular user will be showed.

2.1 Use case Diagram

COCOMO II Simulator
3. Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

• The key word <<include>> means that parent use case (tailing end of the arrow)
must always include the child use case (pointing end of the arrow).
• The key word <<extend>> means that the parent use case (pointing end of the arrow)
can extend to child use case (tailing end of the arrow) in some particular case, based
on some special conditions.
• COCOMO : Constructive Cost Model ( it is a procedural software cost
estimation model developed by Barry W. Boehm. )
• F.P. : Floating Point
• SLOC : System Lines of Code
• P-M : Person-Month , it is the unit for Effort
• T DEV : Time of development
• SF : Software scale drivers (value , accordingly)
• EM : Software cost drivers (value , accordingly)
• Size : size of software in KLOC( Kilo Lines Of Code )
• PM : denotion of Effort ( in Person-Month)


S.No. Function Type Simple Average Complex

1. Internal Logic File 7 10 15
2. External Interface File 5 7 10
3. Externel Input 3 4 6
4. External Output 4 5 7
5. External Inquiry 3 4 6

Table 1
Function type and their weighting factors
COCOMO II Simulator

S.No. Function Point Analysis Complexity

1. Does the system require reliable backup and recovery?
2. Are data communication required?
3. Are there distributed processing functions?
4. Is performance critical?
5. Will the system run in an existing heavily utilized operational environment?
6. 77777
Will there be on-line data entry?
Does the on-line data entry require the input transaction to be built over multiple screens or
7. operations?
8. Are the master files updated on-line?
9. Are input ,output, files or inquiries complex?
10. Is the internal processing complex?
11. Is the code designed to be reusable?
12. Are conversion and installation included in design?
13. Is system designed for multiple installation in different organizations?
14. Is application designed to facilitate change and ease of use by the user?

Table 2
User will assign values to these complexity from 0 to 5

S.No. Language Language Factor

1. Ada 71
2. Assembly 320
3. Basic 64
4. C 128
5. C++ 53
6. JAVA 53
7. HTML 3.0 15
8. Pascal 91
9. PERL 27
10. Spreadsheet 6
11. Oracle 40

Table 3
Language Factor is used for calculation of SLOC 7.
COCOMO II Simulator
S.No. Software Scale Drivers
1. Precedentedness
2. Architecture / Risk Resolution
3. Process Maturity
4. Development Flexibility
5. Team Cohesion

Table 4 (Scale Driver)

S.No. Software Cost Drivers

Product :

1. Required Software Reliability (RELY)

2. Data Base Size (DATA)
3. Product Complexity (CPLX)
4. Required Reusability (RUSE)
5. Documentation (DOCU)
Personell :
6. Analyst Capability (ACAP)
7. Programmer Capability (PCAP)
8. Personnel Continuity (PCON)
9. Application Experience (APEX)
10. Platform Experience (PLEX)
11. Language and Tool Experience (LTEX)
Platform :
12. Time Constraint (TIME)
13. Storage Constraint (STOR)
14. Platform Volatility (PVOL)
Project :
15. Software Tools (TOOL)
16. Multi-site Development (SITE)
17. Required Development Schedule (SCED)

Table 5 (Cost Driver)

Rate the Cost and Scale Drivers ( as Very Low , Low , Nominal , High ,
Very High or Extra High ) for calculation of Cost , Tdev , Effort 8.
COCOMO II Simulator


• Software Engineering ,Roger S Pressman ,Sixth edition



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