Steam Velocity
dia Inch 4
mm 101.6
Area m2 0.008111
Flow TPH 10.3
Velocity m/s 79.45106
density kg/m3 4.44
vol flow m3/s 0.644394
Natural Gas Calculations Natural Gas
Input Input
NG supply volume at site MMSCMD 4.00 Per day basis 7 NG supply volume at site
Gas Holder Capacity m3 516483.31 Considering 70% occupied volume 5 Gas Holder Capacity
Tank Sizing Tank Sizing
Sphere dia. for single unit m 99.53 For a spherical storage 4 Sphere dia. for single unit
No. of spheres Nos. 4.00 Assumed 5 No. of spheres
Sphere dia. of each sphere m 24.88 6 Sphere dia. of each sphere
Natural Gas Calculations 3
m3 1083967.47
7 NG temperature at site Kelvin 310.00 this will be 3-4 Deg below Ambient
because of flow
8 NG Compression pressure bar (g) 50.00 Assumed @ reduced temp < -80 C
9 NG supply volume at site MMSCMD 4.00 Per day basis
10 Ratio of specific heats of NG K 1.32 Unit less
11 Molecular Wt. gm/mol 16.00 Assumed
Considering NG conmpression at site
3 Reduced LNG temp for storage Kelvin 173.00 Assume -100 C storage
4 Temp drop for LNG Kelvin 169.04 Will require Cryogenic cooling
5 Mass of NG per day Ton / day 2800.00 Will require Cryogenic cooling
Tank Sizing