Sensors and Control Considerations
Sensors and Control Considerations
Sensors and Control Considerations
A variety of sensors is available for inclusion in end effectors. The most common sensors employed in
end effectors measure proximity, collision, and force.
Proximity Sensors
Through beam and reflective optical proximity sensors are widely used to verify the grasping of an
object. Typically the sensors are used as presence indicators. The weight of the sensor on the end
effector should be minimized because of payload considerations. Most optical proximity sensors are
available with an optical fiber end connection so that sensor electronics will not necessarily be located
on the end effector. Place as much sensor hardware as possible remote to the end effector. Grippers
may be designed with built-in limit switches for grasping fixed dimensional objects. A common
implementation of this is the use of Hall effect or reed switches with air cylinder pistons.
Inductive and capacitive proximity sensors may be used with compatible object materials such as
carbon steels. Materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and copper may also be sensed but at
a reduced detection distance.
If a non-contact distance measurement is required rather than a presence verification, laser diode-
based analog sensors or a machine vision sensor can be used. For extremely close-range and precise
measurements (such as part dimensional measurements) eddy current sensors may be used on metallic
Collision Sensors
Although compliance centers (discussed earlier) help align parts, ease assembly, and reduce potential
damage, damage may still occur because of design limits (angle and position tolerances, as specified
by manufacturers or design). Thus, a collision detection sensor can be a good end effector component
to mitigate damage to the robot, inserted part, or workpiece where the part is being attached. Collision
detection sensors detect the first onset of a collision in all directions. After detecting the start of a
collision, the robot can be stopped or backed away before damage has occurred. (Note that while
proximity sensors can also be used as collision avoidance devices, most are unidirectional with a
limited field of view.)
Collision detection devices are usually attached at the end of arm before the end effector.
There are several types of collision detection sensors available for wrist mounting. These include
force sensors as an active control device. Force sensors are primarily strain gauge devices and require
additional programming for monitoring and control.
Specific collision detection sensors are readily available in the market place. These are passive
Some utilize compressed air for variability of fault loading in three-dimensional space. Other collision
sensor designs are based on mechanical springs at preset loads. Both types indicate a collision by the
opening of a normally closed switch. This design can be hardwired into the E-stop circuit for safety or
be wired to a digital input for programmatic monitoring.
Tactile Feedback/Force Sensing
Force sensing during grasping is important for successful grasping of varying parts, compliant part,
and for reduction of part deformation. In the past strain gauge sensors were the primary device used.
These, however, are of limited use in themultiple-point force sensing. Piezoelectric force sensors are
also available but are better for measuring dynamic loads because of charge leakage.
Piezo resistor force sensors can be used for tactile force sensing using the principle that the resistance
of silicon-implanted piezo resistors will increase when the resistors flex under any applied force. The
sensor concentrates the applied force through a stainless steel plunger directly onto the silicon sensing
The amount of resistance changes in proportion to the amount of force being applied. This change in
circuit resistance results in a corresponding mV output level.
A relatively new development is the commercial availability of force sensing resistors (FSR). The
FSR is a polymer thick film (0.20 to 1.25 mm PTF) device which produces a decrease in resistance
with any increase in force applied to its surface. Although FSRs have properties similar to load cells,
they are not well suited for precision measurement equipment (variation of force from grasping can be
on the order of 10%). Its force sensitivity is optimized for use in human touch control switches of
electronic devices with pressure sensitivity in the range of 0.5 to 150 psi (0.03 to 10 kg/cm2) .
In general, the FSR’s resistance vs. force curve approximately follows a power-law relationship
(resistance decreasing with force). At the low force end of the force-resistance characteristic, a step
response is evident.
At this threshold force, the resistance drops substantially. At the high force end of the sensor range,
the resistance deviates from the power-law behavior and ultimately levels to an output voltage
saturation point.
Between these extremes is a limited but usable region of a fairly linear response. The relatively low
cost, small thickness and reasonable accuracy make these sensors attractive for multi-sensor tactile
Acceleration Control for Payload Limits
Another important control aspect is the force caused during acceleration. Thus, the accelerations of
the joints must be known and prescribed (or carefully estimated). In most instances the acceleration
limits on each joint are known. Typically accelerations are defined by S-curves for velocity, with
maximum accelerations limits.
Tactile Force Control
Traditional position and velocity control for trajectories are obviously important for painting, welding,
and deburing robots. However, to create quality products, it is also necessary to have force control for
material removal operations such as grinding and deburing. In these situations the compliance of the
robot, end effector, and tool make up total compliance (flexibility).When a tool is moved against an
object, the inverse of this compliance (stiffness) creates a force. To assure that dimensional accuracy
is maintained, an additional position measurement of the tool tip must be made or position must be
taken into account by the use of a compliance model. The stiffness of each joint is easily determined.
However, each unique position of the joints creates a unique stiffness.
Generally fixed-gain controllers (such as PID-type controllers) are preferred for force applications
because of their simplicity in implementation. These controllers are easily tuned using standard
Tuning the force control loop is best done using position control and the effective stiffness from the
end effector-workpiece interaction. Many industrial controllers provide utilities for automatic tuning
of position loops. Many are based on the Ziegler-Nichols PID tuning [25] or other heuristic
Although this technique is based on continuous systems for very fast sampling rates (greater than 20
times the desire bandwidth), the results also apply well to discrete systems.
From the preceding text it is clear that the design, selection, control, and successful implementation of
a robotic system rely heavily on the end effector subsystem. End effector designs and technology
continue to evolve with new actuators, sensors, and devices.
Many robots use industrial cameras for part detection, inspection and, sometimes, guidance. The
camera output may be analog or digital and may be acquired by a computer through several means.
Often, a frame grabber or image acquisition plug-in board is used and installed in a computer. More
recently, computer bus technologies such as IEEE 1394, Camera Link®, Gigabit Ethernet, and USB
have been used to transfer data between the camera and the computer. Machine vision software is
installed on the computer and is used to examine the image so that image features can be determined
and measurements can be made.
Smart cameras include embedded processing and machine vision software in their design. Smart
cameras may be one integrated unit or they may use a tethered design with an electronic link between
the processor and the camera.