ACT en El Tratamiento de La Obesidad
ACT en El Tratamiento de La Obesidad
ACT en El Tratamiento de La Obesidad
Author Manuscript
J Contextual Behav Sci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 November 20.
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Behavioral weight loss programs achieve substantial short-term weight loss; however attrition and
poor weight loss maintenance remain significant problems. Recently, Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy (ACT) has been used in an attempt to improve long-term outcomes. This
conceptual article outlines the standard behavioral and ACT approach to weight control, discusses
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potential benefits and obstacles to combing approaches, briefly reviews current ACT for weight
control outcome research, and highlights significant empirical questions that remain. The current
evidence suggests that ACT could be useful as an add-on treatment, or in a combined format, for
improving long-term weight loss outcomes. Larger studies with longer follow-up are needed as
well as studies that aim to identify how best to combine standard treatments and ACT and also
who would benefit most from these approaches.
ACT; Obesity; Weight control; Mindfulness; Acceptance
1. Introduction
Behavioral weight loss programs, which include diet and exercise recommendations
supplemented by basic behavioral therapy skills training, are effective at producing an
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average weight loss of 8–10% over 6 months (Butryn, Webb, & Wadden, 2011; Wadden,
Butryn, & Wilson, 2007). However participants regain about a third of lost weight within the
first year, and by 5 years more than half of participants have returned to or exceeded their
baseline weight (Butryn et al., 2011; Jeffery et al., 2000; Perri, 1998). Furthermore, despite
often rigorous screening methods, clinical trials show attrition rates above 30% (e.g. Honas,
Early, Frederickson, & O'Brien, 2003; Teixeira et al., 2004).
© 2013 Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 401 793 8375. [email protected] (J. Lillis)..
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Treatment innovation has been lacking. The primary approach to improving effectiveness
has been to extend the length of treatment, which seems to only delay weight regain
(Middleton, Patidar, & Perri, 2012; Perri, Nezu, Patti, & McCann, 1989). Another approach
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has been to study successful maintainers and recommend strategies that they use (e.g. Klem,
Wing, McGuire, Seagle, & Hill, 1997); however studying successful maintainers has not
resulted in improved long-term effectiveness of, or adherence to, behavioral weight loss
In this article we make a case for using ACT in weight control interventions. We compare
and contrast the standard behavioral and ACT approaches to weight control, and discuss the
relative fit of the two approaches as well as barriers to integration. Finally, we identify
research questions that need to be answered in order to better understand if, and to what
degree, ACT processes can contribute to better long-term weight control.
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Two major components of SBT are self monitoring and goal setting, which are intended to
help the individual adhere to caloric targets, exercise regimens, and regular weighing.
Individuals are given eating, exercise, and weight loss goals and taught to monitor progress.
Guidelines for generating new goals are also taught.
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buying one cookie at the store versus a large package). In turn, to increase the possibility of
exercise, one could keep their workout clothes in their car to ensure they are available
immediately after work.
The overall philosophy of SBT is best described as “skills based.” Treatment delivery is
psychoeducational and topics are often presented as stand-alone modules, usually in group-
based settings. Goals are provided to clients. For example, the caloric intake goal and initial
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weight loss goal (usually 10% of initial body weight) is typically determined by the client's
starting weight. The treatment is narrowly focused on the goal of weight loss, and topics are
discussed in the context of how they relate directly to reducing caloric intake or increasing
physical activity. The primary target is to build well-trained habits that become part of
regular, daily activities. For example, weighing oneself is often likened to brushing teeth–it
should be done at the same time in the morning upon waking, so there is no need to
remember to do it later.
ACT methods are based on Relational Frame Theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, &
Roche, 2001), a basic science model of language and cognition. RFT research has shown
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that the natural and normal use of language can have a number of maladaptive
consequences. A full treatment of RFT and its relationship to ACT methods is outside the
scope of this manuscript; however we will briefly summarize relevant findings here (for full
treatments of RFT theory and empirical evidence, see Barnes-Holmes, Hayes, Barnes-
Holmes, & Roche, 2001; Dymond & Roche, 2013).
Language makes psychological pain possible in the absence of a painful stimulus. For
example, the memory (a verbal construct) of being ridiculed because of your body shape can
be just as painful as any instance of ridicule. Psychological pain can also be triggered by
virtually anything, because language is an arbitrarily applied ability. Thus stepping on a
scale can occasion painful thoughts and feelings about one's weight, even though no direct
aversive consequences are present in the moment.
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Given the natural human tendency to avoid pain, private experiences themselves can become
targets of avoidance. For example, someone might avoid going swimming because getting
into the swimming pool could occasion anxiety, fear of judgment from others, feeling
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Experiential avoidance is a common core process that contributes to a broad range of mental
and behavioral health problems (Hayes et al., 2006; Hayes et al., 2004), and preliminary
evidence suggests it is relevant to weight control (Forman et al., 2007; Hooper, Sandoz,
Ashton, Clarke, & McHugh, 2012; Lillis, Hayes, Bunting, & Masuda, 2009). This makes
logical sense, as experientially avoidant moves are often toxic to weight control. Emotional
or stress eating tends to function in part to reduce or change negative affect (Macht, 2008).
Furthermore if someone is feeling shame after overeating, one way to try to avoid additional
shame is to refrain from dieting and recording calories all together, so as not to be reminded
of a “diet failure.”
flexibility, or the ability to take values-based action in the presence of unwanted thoughts,
feelings, and bodily sensations. In the context of weight control, ACT seeks to promote
healthy behavioral patterns consistent with stated values, while teaching mindfulness and
acceptance skills to increase behavioral commitment to values-based behavior.
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Another difference between ACT and SBT is that, generally speaking, ACT emphasizes the
function more than the topography of behavior. For example, if an individual did not
exercise in the past week, an SBT approach would utilize direct problem-solving. The
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interventionist might brainstorm alternative times to exercise (morning vs. night), identify
strategies to make working out easier (take your gym clothes to work and change there), or
help with time management (schedule the exercise in your calendar like you would an
important appointment).
In ACT, the interventionist might instead try to look at the functions of not exercising. Did
not exercising allow the individual to avoid unpleasant physical sensations associated with
exercise, or fears of judgments from others at the gym? Did the alternative behaviors (e.g.
watching TV) provide some comfort or relief from unwanted feeling states (e.g. stress,
fatigue, and boredom)? Acceptance, mindfulness, and values techniques would then be
employed to help the individual relate differently to the perceived barriers to exercise. For
example, the individual might learn to be mindfully aware of his fears of judgment from
others and urges to engage in sedentary behavior, and notice them as transient and ever
changing like he would clouds passing overhead.
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In relation to SBT, ACT places more emphasis on private experiences, such as thoughts,
feelings, and bodily sensations. As opposed to changing private experiences, the primary
focus of treatment is to help change one′s relationship to them in such a way that the
individual can more fully pursue values-based living. Once values are clarified, behaviors
inconsistent with values (e.g. overeating, excessive sedentary behavior) are seen as
ineffective ways of coping with unwanted private experiences and are addressed with
acceptance and mindfulness strategies.
bariatric surgery (Weineland, Arvidsson, Kakoulidis, & Dahl, 2011), however a review of
these studies is outside the scope of this manuscript.
One RCT examined the efficacy of ACT for weight maintenance in a sample of participants
who had recently completed a weight loss program (Lillis et al., 2009). Participants received
a one-day ACT workshop (5 contact hours) or were assigned to a wait-list and asked to
continue their current strategies for managing weight. The workshop included ACT methods
focused on reducing experiential avoidance and increasing psychological flexibility. No
weight influencing interventions were taught. At 3-month follow-up, ACT participants had
lost an additional 1.6% of their body weight, whereas the control group gained.3% and
overall a significantly higher proportion of the ACT participants had maintained or lost
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weight. The ACT group also showed significant improvements in quality of life and
reductions in psychological distress and self-stigma (Lillis et al., 2009).
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Another RCT examined a one-time, 2-h ACT workshop compared to a no treatment control
group for women who were already trying to lose weight (Tapper et al., 2009). Similar to the
previous study, no weight interventions were taught in the ACT workshop. At 6 months,
workshop participants engaged in significantly more physical activity than control
participants. Within the ACT group, participants who reported applying the principles in the
workshop showed a significant decrease of 2.3 kg when compared to those who reported
never applying them (Tapper et al., 2009).
Values work has the potential to increase “buy in” to existing programs. While many people
seek treatment because they are aware of the health complications associated with obesity or
their provider has urged them to lose weight, they may be more likely to adhere to a
challenging regimen if they can find the meaning behind the behaviors required to lose
weight. For example, consuming 1200 cal per day to lose weight upon the recommendation
of a physician may seem like a daunting and discouraging task riddled with barriers such as
deprivation and time consumption. But consuming 1200 cal per day to experience greater
longevity and the ability to be active with grandchildren may then guide one towards
healthier behaviors more naturally, especially during difficult times (e.g. when cravings are
strong). In conjunction with basic goal setting and problem-solving strategies, values may
provide a long-term guide for behavior, which may help with persistence and lead to better
weight loss maintenance.
Mindfulness strategies have already been incorporated into some SBT protocols to address
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eating at a slower pace, without distraction, etc. Mindfulness work may also enhance an
individual′s ability to perform more SBT consistent behaviors (e.g. tracking of food intake)
by learning to direct their awareness to desired tasks despite the presence of distracting or
unwanted thoughts and feelings. Additionally, mindfulness can help raise awareness of
common triggers (e.g. shame, self-judgments) for unhealthy behavior (avoiding the scale,
overeating), helping to signal times to use acceptance-based strategies in order to persist
with healthy behaviors (recording food intake, taking a walk).
Acceptance work pairs well with SBTs stimulus control and urge management in that
beyond some environmental changes (e.g. not buying tempting foods to be stored at home),
food/eating stimuli is virtually unavoidable and therefore cravings are inevitable. However,
enhancing one′s acceptance of, or willingness to, experience cravings allows the individual
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weight related stigma and body image concerns without causing them to avoid activities
where related uncomfortable thoughts and feelings may show up (e.g. concern about being
judged by others at the gym).
ACT may extend treatment benefits into other areas of life. Learning to make values guided
decisions has implications for more broadly improving quality of life and psychosocial
functioning (e.g. identifying and pursuing relationship values). Mindfulness and acceptance
strategies can optimize quality of life through enhanced connection with the present moment
(and those in it) and increased willingness to allow the presence of uncomfortable thoughts
and feelings in other areas of functioning.
participants lost an average of 6.6% of their body weight from baseline through
posttreatment and continued to lose weight from posttreatment to a 6 months follow up
(9.6%; Forman, Butryn, Hoffman, & Herbert, 2009). Additionally, participants noted
increases in weight-related quality of life during the 12 week program, which suggest that
treatment benefits may have generalized to other areas of their lives.
Another open trial (Niemeier, Leahey, Reed, Brown, & Wing, 2012) tested a 24 weeks SBT
+ ACT combination treatment for weight loss for participants high on internal disinhibition
(eating in response to thoughts and emotions). The intervention was comprised of both SBT
(diet and exercise targets, self monitoring, stimulus control, problem solving, assertiveness
training, goal setting, and relapse prevention) and ACT components (acceptance,
mindfulness, values). Results yielded strong findings for this population, which usually
perform poorer than those without internal disinhibition struggles (Niemeier, Phelan, Fava,
& Wing, 2007), with a mean weight loss of 12 kg at posttreatment and 12.1 kg at 3 months
follow up (Niemeier et al., 2012).
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The model that has been tested in the literature is the fully integrated model. In this model,
SBT is taught, virtually unchanged, from session 1 to somewhere between session 4–12.
This allows the basic SBT skills of diet, exercise, self-monitoring, goal setting, and stimulus
control to be taught and reinforced, with large initial weight loss the primary goal. The
treatment then transitions into dealing with difficult and unwanted private events as barriers
to persisting with SBT skills. Values are then brought into treatment and outcome targets are
slowly broadened, but only after healthy diet and exercise patterns are observable.
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The primary advantage of the fully integrated approach is that it allows SBT to establish
new healthy habits and produce large initial weight loss, a reliable and repeatable outcome,
and then uses ACT skills to foster persistence and maintenance of healthy habits over time.
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This is potentially a powerful combination, as the influence of SBT tends to be reduced over
However, it is possible that integrating weakens both approaches. For example, teaching
acceptance takes time away from reinforcing well-trained diet and exercise habits and
problem-solving specific instances of adherence failure. If acceptance skills are not well
acquired for some of the reasons listed above, then the intervention has been weakened as a
result. Neither SBT nor ACT is delivered at “full strength.” Furthermore, there are
philosophical and structural differences between ACT and SBT, which we detail in the next
Another model for integration involves using a front-end ACT workshop before starting
SBT. The ACT workshop could be used to foster general psychological flexibility skills,
which are then tied to problematic thoughts and feelings as they relate to overeating and
sedentary behavior patterns.
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The primary advantage of the front-end workshop model is that it could potentially
contextualize the SBT treatment, tying it broadly to how one relates to private events that
tend to be associated with overeating and sedentary behavior, while also broadening the
goals of treatment within the framework of values and personal meaning. This could lead to
better treatment engagement and adherence.
The primary disadvantage of the front-end workshop is that it would require significant
modifications to SBT in order for the workshop to retain some of its effect. Values,
mindfulness, and acceptance would need to be at least partially integrated into SBT lessons,
and explicitly anti-ACT techniques and lessons would need to be removed. This partial
integration would require dealing with all the potential obstacles listed previously.
Another potential model is using ACT for maintenance, either in a workshop or multiple
meeting format delivered after 4–6 months of SBT. The primary advantage of this approach
is the potential to side step integration issues. SBT effectively produces short-term weight
loss and can be delivered efficiently by a variety of interventionists. In this approach, SBT
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would be delivered more or less as is, with perhaps a few modifications to remove explicit
cognitive change techniques (a minor component of SBT anyway).
ACT could then be delivered when something new is most needed, during maintenance. On
average, most individuals achieve more rapid weight loss in the beginning of SBT and by
the end have slowed, stalled, or started to gain back weight. This seems like an ideal time to
deliver new skills, especially ones that focus on the difficulty of persisting with behavior in
the face of significant cognitive and emotional barriers. ACT could be administered by
different interventionists, and, if done in a workshop format, would be portable. The
workshop could be added to a variety of different kinds of programs and settings.
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The primary disadvantage of this approach is that psychological flexibility is not taught in
the weight loss phase. Treatment engagement and dropout can be an issue 4–6 months into
treatment, and thus ACT may be delivered to a reduced audience and with a reduced impact.
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The most obvious conflict between ACT and SBT is the over-arching treatment goal. A
purely ACT intervention would not organize treatment around producing changes in weight.
A purely SBT approach usually does just that by encouraging regular, sometimes daily
weighing at home, weekly weigh-ins before group meetings, and periodic graphical
feedback of weight changes during treatment. Philosophically, this is a point of departure.
One potential solution would be to use weight loss as a target until the initial 10% loss is
reached, and then gradually switch focus to broaden out to more values domains.
However, ACT would strongly encourage individuals to broaden the focus to what matters
in their life beyond weight and body shape from the beginning of treatment. Devotion to the
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scale (e.g. daily weighing as prescribed by SBT methods) could be seen as a significant
problem in ACT, especially when losing weight is seen as requirement for engaging in
values-based behavior, which is frequently the case. In a combined approach, the SBT
portions would likely continue to be more problem focused, but then the ACT based work
would expand area of focus to include discussion of other important areas of functioning.
With that, the logistics around the use of the scale is a structural problem as well. If your
treatment contract is to increase healthy, values-based action in daily life, and work to
broaden the focus to living well not only in relation to food and exercise, but also with
relationships and at work, and then each week continue to weigh individuals prior to
treatment meetings, you are sending an implicit message that the scale is important in and of
itself. Given the majority of individuals will come in with a strong belief that the scale and
the actual weight loss numbers are the most important aspect of treatment, weighing could
reinforce this notion even as you are trying to de-emphasize it. This same problem can be
said of recording food intake and meeting a calorie goal.
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SBT may inadvertently reinforce patterns of avoidance, and reducing avoidance is one of the
primary targets of ACT, which presents some challenges. Take for example sexual intimacy.
Many overweight and obese individuals seeking treatment engage in little or no sexual
activity with their partners, and often endorse beliefs that they cannot until they lose an
arbitrary amount of weight. These arbitrary weight loss goals can be moving targets. Ten
pounds becomes 20, and so on. This important, valued action gets put off in the name of
weight loss or the individual is instructed to change their thoughts about becoming more
intimate with their partner. ACT would target sexual intimacy, in the presence of fear and
shame, as a goal (assuming it is values-consistent to be intimate with one′s partner) even
before losing weight. A combined approach may include weight related behavioral targets in
addition to other values targets and attempt to both track and manage the two.
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Another potential conflict between ACT and SBT is the general approach to dealing with
private experiences. SBT continues to employ cognitive and emotional change techniques,
such as stress reduction, thought disputation, and cognitive restructuring. The explicit
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cognitive change components of SBT can be replaced with ACT components if desired. For
example, a previous SBT class on thought stopping can be changed to an ACT defusion
class. However the implicit components of SBT also present a challenge. For example,
problem-solving often involves identifying difficult thoughts as causes of behavior. This is
philosophically inconsistent with an ACT-approach, which emphasizes that thoughts do not
cause behavior and can in fact be de-coupled from action.
Related, SBT and ACT approach food cravings in inconsistent manners. SBT largely targets
reducing and eliminating, where possible, cues that tend to be associated with food cravings.
For example, stimulus control procedures are used to remove tempting and desired foods
from the house or bury them in parts of the cabinets where they cannot be seen, implying
that cravings need to be avoided or changed.
ACT would not encourage purchasing high fat, high caloric food, especially if that is not
consistent with stated values, however it also recognizes that food cues are inevitable in the
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current environment and thus may encourage exposure to tempting, desired foods. From an
ACT perspective, food cravings are not the problem, but instead one's relationship to
cravings is what matters. Giving in to food cravings is an act of avoidance, as it relieves a
state of deprivation. Thus, exposure to deprivation along with acceptance skills would be a
central part of treatment. In a combined treatment program, clients could be encouraged to
remove trigger cues where feasible, but also learn acceptance skills, which would help when
removal of trigger cues is simply impossible. Acceptance may be more of a long term target
where as stimulus control could be used more frequently at the beginning of the program.
Generally speaking, SBT focuses on behaviors only as they relate to weight control efforts.
SBT is not considered psychotherapy. Thus, if work, or relationships, or general
psychological struggles come up in treatment, they are discussed only to the extent that they
directly relate to specific instances of eating, sedentary behavior, or poor self-monitoring of
food intake. The primary advantages of this approach is that it allows the treatment to be
delivered by a wide range of interventionists, including dieticians and bachelor's and
master's level exercise physiologists, and it keeps the focus narrow and consistent.
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The primary disadvantage of excluding discussion of more general life domain topics is that
overeating and sedentary behavior is often related to psychological struggles. Practicing
acceptance skills requires inducing or contacting unwanted, painful private experiences.
Thus, stigma related to body shape is an essential topic, and ACT seeks to produce
psychological flexibility in relation to shame associated with painful experiences related to
body shape which is outside of the scope of SBT. Therefore, combining approaches may
require a expanding the range of experiences discussed in treatment.
Another philosophical difference can be found in the manner in which each approach
attempts to facilitate behavior change. SBT aims for well-trained habits. Individuals are
instructed to eat similar foods each day and week, as a way of reducing the cognitive burden
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of tracking calories. Likewise, exercise is scheduled into the day, usually at the same time.
ACT teaches mindfulness and values as the keys for maintaining healthy behaviors. Instead
of behaving out of repetition, ACT encourages thoughtful reflection on one's values and
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One final obstacle is the additive nature of ACT skills building. Absences in a 6-month or
longer treatment are inevitable. SBT sessions usually require no prior training. Thus, a class
missed does not hurt any subsequent classes and can also easily be made up. ACT skills
build on each other and interact with each other. For example, values work is more effective
if acceptance and mindfulness have already been taught. Within skills, this format presents
an additional challenge. If you introduce defusion over 3 sessions, any missed class within
that sequence could significantly hurt an individual's chance of adequately developing
defusion skills. Having said that, ACT+SBT combined methods have been used effectively
in a 1-h, weekly format (Forman et al., 2007; Niemeier et al., 2012). We recommend
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thoughtfulness during the treatment design phase in regard to how absences will be handled
and missed lessons will be made-up.
The utility of ACT can be assessed in a variety of ways. Can ACT methods extend initial
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weight loss or improve weight loss maintenance beyond what is currently achieved in SBT
programs? Maintenance seems to be an obvious area to focus on given how difficult it is for
most individuals.
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Perhaps more to the point, are there subsets of populations that would benefit more from
using ACT or combined methods? It may be that ACT skills can have a broad impact on
weight loss in general. However it is possible that, for example, emotional eaters and
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Related, the role of stigma and shame in weight loss and weight loss maintenance is still
unclear. The incidence and effects of stigma have been well-documented (e.g. Puhl &
Heuer, 2009), but very little work has been done showing how stigma and shame impacts
treatment. Of particular interest is how stigma, shame, and avoidant coping interact to
influence overeating and sedentary behavior.
Finally, there is the question of training interventionists. For example, can dieticians be
trained to deliver ACT in an efficient, effective manner? What kind of training and
supervision is required? Can we expect equivalent outcomes if the ACT intervention is
being delivered by psychologists versus exercise physiologists?
Many of the questions about using ACT and integrating it with SBT relate to a core
question: Is losing weight a form of experiential avoidance? Of course the answer will be “it
depends,” but we believe it is useful to think this issue through, as it will have implications
for developing and testing intervention protocols.
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We believe this issue should be considered carefully, and perhaps be part of an overall
research agenda, in order to better understand the most effective ways to foster large initial
weight loss and sustain new healthy habits over time, when doing so is consistent with one's
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personal values.
ACT has shown promise for improving long-term weight control outcomes in pilot
interventions testing both stand-alone ACT and integrated SBT+ACT interventions.
However philosophical and structural differences exist between ACT and SBT, requiring
thoughtful decision-making when constructing intervention protocols. Future research
should focus on efficacy, the added utility of ACT methods, intervention formats,
identifying populations that would most benefit from ACT, and interventionist training.
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