Salmonella Typhi: Classification
Salmonella Typhi: Classification
Salmonella Typhi: Classification
effective in tracebacks for epidemic strains and can discriminate Following multiplication, S. typhi invades the bloodstream as
between strains of multiple phage types. Ribotyping, along numerous S. typhi cells are released into the blood, where they
with fliC probes, suggests that S. typhi evolved in Southeast Asia, disseminate widely, causing transient primary bacteremia.
with the H-j genotype found only in Indonesia. The IS200, Although S. typhi is removed from blood by macrophages that
a Salmonella-specific insertion sequence, has been used with line the sinusoids of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, it can
some degree of success, although the typing occasionally can be continue to replicate in these sites. The reentry of bacteria into
confused by plasmid-borne sequences. the blood (secondary bacteremia) marks the onset of clinical
disease. The microorganism then localizes into the deeper
tissues of the spleen, liver, gallbladder, and the bone marrow,
Pathogenesis and Disease triggering the onset of the typical typhoid fever symptoms.
Symptoms most characterized by this disease often include
Typhoid Fever
a sudden onset of high fever, headache, and nausea. Other
Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever, which is a febrile common symptoms include loss of appetite, diarrhea,
systemic illness, atypical of the gastrointestinal syndrome anorexia, abdominal tenderness, enlargement of the spleen
associated with most Salmonella spp. It is transmitted by the (depending on where it is located), and constipation, pro-
fecal–oral route, mainly via contaminated food and water in gressing to fever, and the appearance of red spots on the torso.
the developing world. Individuals with typhoid fever can carry Progression to this first clinical manifestation of the disease is
the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract. In slow with the onset time ranging from 3 to 56 days, with
addition, a small number of individuals (1–5%), called 10–20 days being more typical. The pathogen can be isolated
carriers, recover from the illness but continue to harbor the easily from blood and urine during the earlier phase of the
bacteria in their gallbladder, serving as a reservoir for these disease. The fever can last for several weeks, during which time
pathogens. Both ill persons and carriers shed S. typhi in their the bacteria reach the gallbladder and multiply in the bile.
feces (stool). Transmission of S. typhi is therefore common Salmonella typhi infection of the gallbladder can lead to rein-
due to eating food or drinking beverages that have been fection of the intestinal tract as the pathogen-rich bile flows
handled by a person who is shedding S. typhi or if sewage into the small intestine. At this point, the organism localizes
contaminated with the bacteria gets into the water used for in the PP of the ileum (second exposure of PP to S. typhi)
drinking or washing food. Typhoid fever is more common in causing inflammation, ulceration, and necrosis (typhoid
areas of the world where handwashing is less frequent and ulcers) of the ileum. This usually occurs during the third week
water is likely to be contaminated with sewage. An estimated of illness and is marked by watery diarrhea. The hemorrhaging
12–33 million cases of typhoid fever occur each year, resulting of the ulcers eventually can lead to bloody diarrhea and
in approximately 600 000 deaths. Typhoid fever is not potential intestinal perforation, resulting in peritonitis and
common in the industrial regions of the world such as the septicemia, the most common cause of death in typhoid fever.
United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and Japan. This advancement of illness is common in less than 5% of the
Over the past 10 years, travelers from the United States to patients; however, it has a mortality rate of 40%, which can
Asia, Africa, and Latin America have been especially at risk. increase to 83% if treatment is delayed for more than 96 h. At
Travelers visiting the developing countries therefore need to this phase of the disease, the organism is isolated more readily
consider extra precautions. from the stools.
Typhoid fever is an insidious disease characterized by fever, A number of extraintestinal complications can also occur
headache, constipation, malaise, chills, and myalgia with few with S. typhi infection, which can involve the central nervous
clinical features that reliably distinguish it from a variety of other system (3–35%), cardiovascular system (1–5%), pulmonary
infectious diseases. Severe disease manifestation (including system (1–86%), bone and joints (1%), hepatobiliary system
septic shock), in terms of disease mortality, are hemorrhagic (1–26%), and genitourinary system (<1%). Some complica-
necrosis of the ileal Peyer’s patches (PP), resulting in tissue tions include perforated terminal ileum or appendix, paralytic
perforation, peritonitis, septicemia, and death. ileus, hepatitis, hepatic failure, bronchopneumonia, thyroid
The pathogenesis of this disease depends on the inoculum abscess, myocarditis, neonatal encephalopathy, and menin-
size of the ingested S. typhi cells, the virulence of the strain, the gitis. Other sequelae, such as reactive arthritis in individuals of
host’s immune response, and previous exposure. The etiologic particular histocompatibility (human leukocyte antigen) types
agent may be recovered from the bloodstream or bone marrow also may develop.
and occasionally from the stool or urine. The infectious dose
for S. typhi is not well known but is speculated to be 1–2 log
colony forming units (cfu), lower than that for most Salmonella.
It can be affected by the same factors that affect the infectious Compared with foodborne gastroenteric salmonellosis (0.1–
dose for typical Salmonella spp. causing gastroenteritis. 0.2%), mortality rates of S. typhi are especially high, ranging
The S. typhi infection begins in the gastrointestinal tract from 2 to 10%. The high significance of the disease warrants
with the ingested bacteria invading the intestinal mucosa via treatment with antibiotics. Selection of the appropriate anti-
the M cells of the PP (the first exposure of PP to S. typhi) and biotic for the treatment of S. typhi infection requires knowledge
colonizing the reticulo-endothelial system. The bacteria of the antibiotic susceptibility or resistance of isolated strains
eventually enter the lymphatic system, moving to the and the complications associated with it. Traditional drugs
mesenteric lymph nodes where they begin to multiply within of choice are chloramphenicol, ampicillin, amoxicillin, or sulfa
the macrophages, eventually destroying the macrophages. compounds, such as trimethoprim or sulfamethoxazole. With
SALMONELLA j Salmonella typhi 351
the increased mortality resulting from resistance to chlo- commonly is found in enteric bacteria, whereas the viaB rarely is
ramphenicol and the rare chloramphenicol-induced bone found in other Salmonella spp.
marrow toxicity, ampicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole In the past couple of decades, antibiotic resistance, partic-
(TMPSMZ) became more popular in the treatment of S. typhi ularly the emergence of MDR strains of Salmonella, has raised
infection. The emergence, however, of multidrug-resistant (MDR) concerns particularly with its link to antibiotic use in livestock.
strains of S. typhi in recent years, including resistance to chlor- These strains have been identified and grouped into a single
amphenicol, ampicillin, TMPSMZ, streptomycin, sulfonamides, haplotype named H58. Acquisition of large conjugative IncH1
tetracycline, and trimethoprim, has put the efficacy of these R-plasmids (71–166 MDa) is found to be responsible for
drugs in question. Along with antibiotic treatment, supportive multiple resistance of S. typhi. Many S. typhi strains contain
measures such as oral or intravenous hydration, blood trans- plasmids encoding resistance to chloramphenicol, ampicillin,
fusion (if needed), tepid bath, and sponging and proper nutrition tetracycline, sulfamethoxazole, and cotrimoxazole, antibiotics
are equally important in managing typhoid fever. commonly used to treat typhoid fever. Additionally, resistance
to gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, piperacillin, and
ticarcillin have also been observed.
Virulence Factors
The evolution of MDR S. typhi strains has also been a cause
Similar to other Salmonella, virulence of S. typhi is complex and of concern over therapy, and newer drugs – including furazoli-
multifactorial. The organism produces an extensive and diverse done; quinolones, such as ofloxacin, norfloxacin, perfloxacin,
array of virulence factors contributing to infection and disease. and ciprofloxacin; and newer-generation cephalosporins, such
The virulence of S. typhi depends on its ability to invade cells as cefixime, cefotaxime, ceftizoxime, and ceftriaxone – are being
and form a protective lipopolysaccharide (LPS) coat, the pres- tested in these cases. More recently, it has been reported that
ence of the Vi antigen, and the production and excretion of these strains are resistant to ciprofloxacin, also called nalidixic-
invasin (inv genes), a protein that invades the nonphagocytic acid-resistant S. typhi (NARST) strains, and also have reduced
cells, where the bacterium is able to survive and replicate susceptibility to fluoroquinolones. This resistance, which is
intracellularly. The S. typhi chromosome contains three path- either chromosomally or plasmid encoded, has been observed
ogenicity islands and the inv genes reside within the largest. in Asia. A significant number of strains from Africa and the
A locus designated sipEBCDA, which is composed of five genes, Indian subcontinent are of the MDR type. A small percentage of
is considered important for entry into epithelial cells. It shows strains from Vietnam and the Indian subcontinent are NARST
strong homology to the ipa genes present on the large virulence strains. These MDR strains are considered to be more virulent
plasmid of Shigella, which confer the same function. Addition- than susceptible strains resulting in higher bloodstream infec-
ally, S. typhi produces highly glycosylated LPS as an integral part tions and fatality rates.
of the outer membrane. Furthermore, S. typhi can produce both
type I and type III fimbriae along with others. Genes responsible
for synthesis of fimbriae, including the sef operon, have been Importance in the Food Industry
located on the chromosome of S. typhi, rather than on serotype-
Sources of Transmission
specific virulence plasmids in relevant serovars, such as Typhi-
murium and Enteritidis. The presence of Vi antigen, the secretion An infected food handler plays a major role in the transmission
of invasin, and the formation of LPS are the three most impor- of S. typhi. These individuals, as described earlier, are chronic
tant factors associated with the organism’s virulence. carriers of the bacteria and continue to shed the organism over
Salmonella typhi strains synthesize two types of siderophores extended periods of time. A number of outbreaks resulting from
that are common to enteric pathogens, aerobactin and enter- such carriers have been reported, with the most widely docu-
ochelin. The production of the latter is more common than the mented one involving Mary Mellon, also known as Typhoid
former, suggesting the invasive nature of this serovar. Produc- Mary. A variety of foods have been associated with the trans-
tion of toxins, including the enterotoxin (typical of Gram- mission of S. typhi, including unpasteurized liquid whole egg,
negative organisms), is one of the many virulence factors raw milk, soft cheeses made from raw milk, ice cream, ready-to-
expressed by S. typhi strains. It produces an endotoxin that is eat red meat and poultry products, shellfish, and fresh produce.
structurally similar to cholera toxin and also a cytotoxin, These foods may be contaminated through human or water-
encoded by the stpA gene, which is similar to the enterotoxin borne transmission, such as the use of contaminated water for
produced by Yersinia enterocolitica. irrigation or washing of fresh produce. Once contaminated and
An extremely important and highly distinct virulence factor with optimal environmental conditions, the populations of the
of S. typhi is the production of Vi antigen. This antigen is a linear pathogen may increase in such foods. Intrusion of contaminated
homopolymer of tx-1,4-1inked N-acetyl galactosaminuronic cooling water used in the processing of canned foods, especially
acid, O-acetylated at the C-3 position. The Vi antigen plays an canned meats, has resulted in several outbreaks. Shellfish,
important role in the pathogenesis of S. typhi during survival including clams, oysters, and mussels, that are also often
within the macrophages and in the bloodstream. It provides consumed raw, have been implicated in S. typhi outbreaks.
protection against the blood serum, blocking C3b complement Particularly, filter feeding of these shellfish in contaminated
(opsonizing) activity against LPS. Strains not expressing the Vi water leads to the concentration of the organism in the tissues of
antigen, however, have also shown to be hyperinvasive, indi- the shellfish. Outbreaks from drinking contaminated water have
cating that the antigen may not be necessary during this phase of also been reported in the past. Water may get contaminated
infection. Expression of Vi antigen is regulated by three loci, through seepage of sewage into natural sources, especially in
viaA, viaB, and ompB that are separated widely. The viaA locus areas where typhoid is endemic.
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Control Measures Den, W., Shian-Ren, L., Plunkett, G., et al., 2003. Comparative genomics of
Salmonella enterica serovar typhi strains Ty2 and CT18. Journal of Bacteriology
Since S. typhi is confined to humans as its host and the trans- 185, 2330–2337.
mission is more commonly waterborne than foodborne, control Everest, P., Wain, J., Roberts, M., et al., 2001. The mechanisms of severe typhoid
measures are slightly different from those applied to broad-host- fever. Trends in Microbiology 9, 316–320.
Haung, D.B., DuPont, H.L., 2005. Problem pathogens: extra-intestinal complications of
range Salmonella. Good personal hygiene and food-handling Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi infection. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 5,
practices are key to the control of this important pathogen. 341–348.
Emphasis must be put on identifying chronic carriers of S. typhi Kidgell, C., Reichard, U., Wain, J., et al., 2002. Salmonella typhi, the causative agent
and excluding them from food handling and production of typhoid fever, is approximately 50 000 years old. Infection, Genetics and
Evolution 2, 39–45.
scenarios. Additionally, use of potable water in the production
Miller, S.I., Peuges, D.A., 2000. Salmonella including Salmonella typhi. In:
and processing of foods is extremely important, especially fresh Mandell, G.L., Ralph, D. (Eds.), Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, fifth
produce and seafood that generally are consumed raw. ed. Chruchill Livingstone, Pennsylvania, pp. 2345–2363.
Parkhill, J., Dougan, G., James, K.D., et al., 2001. Complete genome sequence of
a multiple drug resistant Salmonella enterica serovar typhi CT18. Nature 413,
See also: Salmonella: Introduction; Salmonella: Salmonella
Enteritidis; Salmonella: Detection by Classical Cultural Perilla, M., Ajello, G., Bopp, C., et al. (Eds.), 2003. Manual for the Laboratory Iden-
Techniques; Salmonella: Detection by Immunoassays. tification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Bacterial Pathogens of Public
Health Importance in the Developing World. CDC and WHO, Atlanta, GA.
Robinson, R.K., 2000. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, vols. 1–3. Elsevier. Online
version available at
Further Reading KNOVEL_DISPLAY_bookid¼1870&VerticalID¼0.
Sulaiman, K., Sarwari, A.R., 2007. Culture-confirmed typhoid fever and pregnancy.
Bhan, M.K., Bahl, R., Bhatnagar, S., 2005. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever. Lancet International Journal of Infectious Diseases 11, 337–341.
366, 749–762.
Bitar, R., Tarpley, J., 1985. Intestinal perforation in typhoid fever: a historical and state
of the art review. Reviews of Infectious Diseases 7, 257–271.