II. Waging War
II. Waging War
II. Waging War
Waging War
#1 – When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men’s weapon will grow dull and their ardor
will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength.
Example: In 1779, the Spanish and French attempted to seize a British fortress in the Siege of Gibraltar during the
American War of Independence.
Despite assaulting the city with heavy guns, ships, and thousands of troops, the British help firm retaliating
with heated shots from cannons, causing mushrooms clouds and forcing the enemy to finish the assault. After
nearly four years of fighting, the Spanish and French forces retired and Gibraltar was held. It was the longest siege
the British Armed Forces ever took part in.
Explanation: Soldiers are not machines and this is one of the reasons war should be short and sharp. If possible,
a siege strategy should be avoided as victory in war is achieved with soldiers that are passionate and
prepared for battle. Lengthy campaigns will eventually wear them out.
#2 – Again, if the campaign is protracted. The resources of the state will not be equal to the strain
Example: Early in the 5th century, the Roman Empire was old and weakening. As the Romans struggled to hold
Britain, the new people came to England to settle from the area of modern Germany. They were the Anglo-Saxons
and many of them fist came to England as mercenaries in the Roman Army.
As the Roman withdrew, the British leaders hired them for protection. The mercenaries were helpful while
they were paid, but when the money ran out they rebelled against the British.
Explanation: War has a cost. The state runs the risk of running out of funds if there is an endless cost of weapons,
logistics, and wages.
#3 – Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other
chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert
the consequences that must ensue.
Example: In 1941, the Germans launched Operation Barbarossa- their name for the invasion of the Soviet Union.
They were so confident of a quick victory that they did not prepare for the possibility of winter warfare in Russia.
The German Armed Forces lacked the necessary supplies such as winter uniforms, and the campaign was
delayed due to bad weather and flooding. The failure to achieve victory before the Russian winter set in was a
contributing factor in losing the war. Soon after the Germans also faces advances from the allies that took
advantage, such as the US and UK.
Explanation: When weapons are used up, troops are exhausted and supporting resources are gone, you are in a
position of great weakness. Such situation should be seen long before it occur, with enough time to allow
them to be actively avoided.
#4 – Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste of war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.
Example: Fabius Cunctator the Roman general took on Hannibal by judging that Rome could endure a conflict for
a long period of time than Hannibal’s forces. He thought that a long campaign in a country away from home would
affect Hannibal’s isolated army more than his own.
By employing the Fabian strategy of avoiding pitched battles with a set time and place, Fabius instead
wore down his enemy through a war of attrition by harassing them through battles to interrupt supplies and upset
morale. Fabius harassed the foraging parties, limiting Hannibal’s ability to attack while conserving his own military
force. He also scourged the earth to prevent Hannibal’s forces from obtaining food and other resources.
Explanation: Time is needed to think and prepare, but you must also be aware that delay has cost as whatever
you do, your resources are being spent.
Example: During the American Revolution, General George Washington suffered early defeats and soon realized
that he could not win pitched battles against the superior British forces. He informed the congress the he planned
to change his strategy, avoiding going head-to-head with the British and instead seeking a long-drawn-out war.
By going away on the fixed battlefield, Washington saved his own army from destruction until the
circumstance changed. There were thousands of casualties on both sides. When the French later assisted, it
allowed for an American victory at Yorktown, which led to the British negotiating an end to the conflict.
Explanation: A prolonged battle is not a smart way to fight, even if it finally exhaust your enemy. A war of attrition
is expensive and costs are felt long after the fighting is ended.
#6 - It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way
of carrying it on one
Example: the most destructive conflicts in European history was the 30 Years War a series of wars in Central
Europe between 1618 and 1648 the end result was a death of approximately 8 million people.
The war devastated entire regions, famine and disease led to high mortality in many parts of Central
Europe, regular soldiers in fighting armies and mercenaries looted or acquired money for extortion to get operating
funds this inflicted yet more hardship on the populations of territories that were occupied the end result of the
war with the bankruptcy of most of the states taking part in the combat.
Explanation: It is possible to profit from war plundering as you go being one method although this can still have a
cost through later revenge taking pleasure in harming others is an evil trait evil people do find their way
into armies as this provides a means to their ends beware those who fight for their own desire rather than
for the love of their nation and contemporaries.
#7 - The skillful soldier does not raise a second levy neither his supply wagons loaded more than twice.
Example: Julius Caesar was extremely successful as a Roman military commander due to his energetic ability to
get things done. He could do everything with astonishing speed and lived at a quicker tempo than the people who
he had to compete with. This gave him an enormous advantage allowing for a greater opportunity for unexpected,
unpredictable actions.
This clear vision was Caesars exceptional characteristic. It was the product of remarkable brain power
led by an unyielding determination. During the great Roman Civil War Caesar went to deal with Pharnaces II, a
king who had taken a city that was a roman ally. Caesar's unusually swift approach brought war quickly when the
clash occurred Pharnaces’ forces were completely overpowered.
His victory was so rapid and comprehensive that when he wrote to his friend in Rome about the war
Caesar said: “veni vidi vici” (I came. I saw. I conquered)
Explanation: The value of time, specifically being slightly ahead of your opponent, has often counted for more than
numerical superiority. After war has been declared, a strong army doesn't wait for supplies or the
enforcement. It uses the element of surprise to swiftly invade, creating momentum immediately gaining
#8 - Bring war material with you from home but forage on the enemy thus the army will have food enough for its needs.
Example: The Black Prince of England, Edward, took part in the burning and pillaging of towns and farms during
the Hundred Years War in France. It was known as the chevauchee strategy.
These rapid pillaging rates plundered the countryside which resulted in the local authority being
undermined and hostages being captured. A chevauchee lived off the land also stealing livestock as well as
causing general mayhem.
Explanation: It is always better to use your own weapons which you know well but for food and other supplies, it
can be very helpful to capture these from your enemy.
#9 - Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger that there may be advantage from defeating the
enemy, they must have their rewards
Example: In an attempt to deepen anger against Germany and their people, in 1940 an “anger campaign” was
devised by the United Kingdom Ministry of Information. This was done to increase resolve against the Germans
as until then, the British had little sense of real hostility towards the average German.
In a series of broadcasts on the radio, a chief diplomatic advisor said that Germany was a nation raised
on “envy self-pity and cruelty“ which had “finally given expression to the blackness of the German soul.”
Explanation: Anger has a chemical effect on the body and the brain. Fear is forgotten and adrenaline causes
through the muscles. It provokes an actual stake for fighting. Seething anger also motivates troops
effectively over the long term. The atrocities of the enemy may be held up and amplified so that they create
a longer-term hatred that drive the army on until victory is gained.
#10 - Therefore in chariot fighting when ten or more chariots have been taken, those should be rewarded who took the
first. Our own flag should be substituted for those of the enemy, and the chariots mingled and used in conjunction
with ours. The captured soldiers should be kindly treated and kept.
Example: The Romans were experts at successfully integrating the population of a conquered land. After invading
a state they would conquer it free nonviolent means if possible, being lenient but backed by overwhelming force.
They would allow freedom of religion so long as the people also gave loyalty to the Emperor. The Romans would
build roads aqueducts and promote trade to ensure lots of people got rich.
As the Romans moved into the same territory, their high class lifestyle became aspirational to the youth
and within a couple of generations the original culture was consigned to folklore. If war ever took place, as a
Roman Ally, the conquered state was expected to send men to fight alongside Rome.
In most cases Rome managed to persuade troops from the conquered kingdoms that their best interests
lay in fighting on behalf of the Roman Empire rather than remaining loyal to their own nation.
Explanation: Ensure your troops did not become animals by ensuring they treat prisoners humanely. When the
enemy's possessions have been taken, they may be forgiven. Soldiers who were captured and abused will
hate you forever, as all their friends and family. Treat them well and they will work with you more easily.
#11 - In war then, let your great object be victory not lengthy campaigns.
Example: General Douglas MacArthur was appointed Supreme Allied commander by the US president in 1945. He
accepted the formal surrender of Japan, and for the following six years, he remained in the country to command
the occupying Allied forces there and to supervise the reconstruction of Japan. On the subject of conflict he said:
“War’s very object his victory, not prolonged indecision. In war there is no substitute for victory”
Explanation: The goal of war is to win not to trounce everyone and everything. The objective is to defeat the
opponent not to fight forever. Whilst there may be glory in battle, there is also huge cost. be careful not to
let glory become the reason for battle. Stories of heroic courage you're good for recounting later but they
are not good for the nation when an easier victory can be gained.