Advanced Techniques Used in Surveying: Total Station, GPS, GIS, Drone Arial Survey
Advanced Techniques Used in Surveying: Total Station, GPS, GIS, Drone Arial Survey
Advanced Techniques Used in Surveying: Total Station, GPS, GIS, Drone Arial Survey
Surveying is an important constituent as planning and design of all civil engineering projects such as construction of highways,
bridges, tunnels, dams etc are based upon surveying measurements. Surveying is the technique of determining the three
dimensional positions of points, including the distances and angles between these points that are normally located on the
surface of the earth, but may also be located above the surface. During execution, project of any magnitude is constructed
along the lines and points established by surveying.
The present article shows the surveying using advanced equipment’s i.e. Total Station, GPS, GIS & DRONE Arial surveying of
total Shraddha Park College campus, Nagpur & Plotation of Map & comparing as well as checking the accuracy of these
instruments. Thereby developing the knowledge skill as well as enhanced the knowledge about Modern electronic surveying
instruments. GIS surveying was guided by IMAGIS Engineering Solution put. Ltd, Nagpur. From the study it is finalized that
Total station survey is more accurate for plotation of map as well as Greenery Mapping is done using GPS survey & DRONE
Arial survey provide the location of whole shraddha park college campus, Nagpur.
Keywords: Total Station, GPS, GIS, DRONE Arial Survey, Maps.
Advanced instruments plays very vital role in investigating their basic technical parameters to improve the engineering, surveying
Total station is a combination of an electronic theodolite and electronic distance meter makes it possible to determine the
coordinates of a reflector by aligning the instrument cross hair on the reflector and simultaneously measuring the vertical and
horizontal angles and slope distance a micro processor in the instrument takes care of recording reading, and the necessary
computations. The data is easily transferred to a computer where it can be used to generate a map.
The GPS concept is based on time. The satellites carry very stable atomic clocks that are synchronized to each other and ground
clocks. GPS satellites continuously transmit their current time and
position. GPS provides specially coded satellite signals that can be processed in a GPS receiver,
enabling the receiver to compute position, velocity and time.
GIS is more than a tool for map preparation or for generating presentation graphics that allows a user to bring together spatial data
and databases containing attribute and other types of data (e.g., images or graphs). This provides users the opportunity to realize
greater benefits from their data because most data include a significant geographic component.
Aerial survey is recognized for aero photogrammetry, part of photogrammetry using aeroplanes, helicopters, UAVs, balloons or
other aerial methods, where the camera is placed in the air.
Drones are very popular in travelling sectors as mass media networks patronize its functionality and efficiency when capturing
videos and images. Measurements on aerial images are provided by photogrammetric technologies and methods.
In the present study, Surveying of total Shraddha Park college, Nagpur campus was done to check the accuracy of these advanced
instruments and to determine most accurate positioning of college campus as well as developing the map using the surveying
coordinates in Auto Cad Software. The decisions based on essential characteristics of engineering that are accuracy in measurement,
actual positioning, and economy.
3) Uses: To read slope distances from the instrument to a particular point, and an on-board computer to collect data and perform
advanced coordinate based calculations.
4) GPS: GPS use satellite data to calculate an accurate position on the earth. These calculations can relate the user’s position to
almost any map projection within milli-seconds.
Fig: GPS
5) GIS: Geographical Information System (GIS) is a technology that Visualize spatial information& has Power to create maps
with images shown
Fig: GIS
6) USES: Specially used for a vast range of tasks involving geography.
7) Advantages: Provides ability to show lots of information on one map.
8) DORNE Arial Surveying:: Aerial survey is a method of collecting geomatices or other imagery by using aeroplanes,
D. Objectives
1) To Plot Shraddha park College Campus, using various advance techniques in surveying.
2) To understand the New techniques such as Total station, GIS, GPS, DGPS...etc.
3) To study the various plotation techniques in surveying.
4) To develope the map of shraddha park college campus using total station, GPS, GIS, DRONE Arial Survey.
Brian E. Mennecke, Martin D. Crossland [1996] Provided an introduction to geographic information systems (GIS) and research
framework for information systems researchers.The paper summarizes the main GIS features, functions and capabilities including
research frameork of GIS. Miroslav Rusko [2010] presented that the geographical information system (GIS) is a tool used
generically for any computer based capability for manipulating geographical data. The hardware and software functions of GIS
include data input, data storage, data management (data manipulation, updating, changing, exchange) and data reporting (retrieval,
presentation, analysis, combination, etc.). We showed the GIS system as the powerful and effective tool for creating intelligent maps
for, e.g., water, wastewater, and storm water systems. Abha Damani [2015] used Global Positioning System for the tracking
and navigation purpose. GPS is mainly used in the military, farming, civil, transportation and commercial users around the world.
Here in this review paper, we describe how GPS Tracking System works and where it is useful in real world environment. Chun Fui
Liew [2017] Presented a review on Recent Developments in Arial Robotics: A survey & Prototypes &also showed show a pie
chart and a map of the top ten countries distribution with the most drone papers. Zhiguo Gao [2017] provided a view on Rapid
acquisition and processing method of large scale topographic map data, which relies on the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) low-
altitude aerial photogrammetry system, is studied in this paper, elaborating the main work flow. In this paper, the production and
application of the large scale topographic map for the aerial mapping of the micro unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is used in areas
of simple terrain and relatively flat terrain, and the results meet the accuracy requirements though field test. The authors showed that
most important characteristics which plays vital role in accurate positioning of any structure & their relative factors. especially;
enhanced the knowledge about uses of these advanced technologies which has inbuilt electronic measurement capturing capacities
helps to locate map using that coordinates to intensify actual structural location.
1) Review of Literature (previous work done on Surveying)
2) Study about Advanced Equipment Total Station, GIS, GPS, DGPS & DORNE Arial Surveying.
3) Surveying to determine coordinates
4) Plotation of Maps
5) Comparision of Results i.e. map & Checking the accuracy.
Fig-3: Showing Details of Each & every point established using Total Station Survey
As we compare the map & survey work of Total station & GPS survey. We got result as compare to total station the GPS survey
work is not very much good in accuracy the international coordinates & RL is not match in the map of total station map.
Theaccuracy of total station (0.001 M) & the accuracy of GPS is (0.500M to 0.050). From the present study it is concluded that
total station survey is more accurate.
Beyond this advanced equipments, in future we can also used recently launched instruments, which is launched in February-2018
These are
A. GeoRadar
B. Echo Soundar
C. IDS GeoRadar
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