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Fire Emblem - Sacred Stone

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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones: FAQ/Walkthrough by LethalRedArmy

Version: 5.0 | Last Updated: 2012-12-14 | View/Download Original File

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______ _____ _____ ______ ______ __ __ ____ _ ______ __ __

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Copyright � 2005-2012 Pham Hong Quan
Created: 27/03/2005
Updated: 12/12/2012


Game: Fire Emblem Seima no Kouseki (JP)

Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones (NA)
Genre: Strategy
System: Game Boy Advance
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Release date: 07.10.04 (JP)
23.05.05 (NA)


I. INTRODUCTION ____________________________________ [INT]
III. VERSION HISTORY _________________________________ [VER]
IV. COPYRIGHT _______________________________________ [CPR]
V. BASIC INFORMATION _______________________________ [INF]
1/ Controls ____________________________________ [CTR]
2/ Menu Screen _________________________________ [SCR]
3/ Parameters Explanation ______________________ [PEX]
4/ General Strategy ____________________________ [STR]
VI. WALKTHROUGH _____________________________________ [WTR]
* Prologue: The Fall of Renais _____________ [PLG]
- Chapter 1: Escape! ________________________ [CP1]
- Chapter 2: The Protected __________________ [CP2]
- Chapter 3: The Bandits of Borgo ___________ [CP3]
- Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors ________________ [CP4]
- Chapter 5: The Empire's Reach _____________ [CP5]
* Chapter 5x: Unbroken Heart _________________ [C5x]
- Chapter 6: Victims of War _________________ [CP6]
- Chapter 7: Waterside Renvall ______________ [CP7]
- Chapter 8: It's a Trap! ___________________ [CP8]

-- << Eirika's route >> --

- Chapter 9 Er: Distant Blade _______________ [9ER]
- Chapter 10 Er: Revolt at Carcino ___________ [10ER]
- Chapter 11 Er: Creeping Darkness ___________ [11ER]
- Chapter 12 Er: Village of Silence __________ [12ER]
- Chapter 13 Er: Hamill Canyon _______________ [13ER]
- Chapter 14 Er: Queen of White Dunes ________ [14ER]
- Chapter 15 Er: Scorched Sand _______________ [15ER]
- Chapter 16 Er: Ruled by Madness ____________ [16ER]

-- << Ephraim's route >> --

- Chapter 9 Ep: Fort Rigwald ________________ [9EP]
- Chapter 10 Ep: Turning Traitor _____________ [10EP]
- Chapter 11 Ep: Phantom Ship ________________ [11EP]
- Chapter 12 Ep: Landing at Taizel ___________ [12EP]
- Chapter 13 Ep: Fluorspar's Oath ____________ [13EP]
- Chapter 14 Ep: Father and Son ______________ [14EP]
- Chapter 15 Ep: Scorched Sand _______________ [15EP]
- Chapter 16 Ep: Ruled by Madness ____________ [16EP]

- Chapter 17: River of Regrets ____________ [C17]

- Chapter 18: Two Faces of Evil ___________ [C18]
- Chapter 19: Last Hope ___________________ [C19]
- Chapter 20: Darkling Woods ______________ [C20]
- Final Chapter: Sacred Stones _______________ [FNL]

[ Appendix ] _______________________________ [APX]

-- << Valni Tower >> -- __________________ [VAL]
-- << Lagdou Ruins >> -- _________________ [LAG]
VII. CHARACTERS ______________________________________ [CRT]
VIII. CLASSES _________________________________________ [CLS]
IX. WEAPON LIST _______________________________________ [WPN]
---[ Parameters Explanation ]---
1/ Sword ______________________________________ [SWD]
2/ Lance ______________________________________ [LNC]
3/ Axe ________________________________________ [AXE]
4/ Bow ________________________________________ [BOW]
5/ Magic ______________________________________ [MAG]
- Anima _____________________________________ [ANM]
- Light _____________________________________ [LGT]
- Dark ______________________________________ [DRK]
6/ Wand _______________________________________ [WND]
X. ITEM LIST _______________________________________ [ITM]
1/ Restore Items ______________________________ [RIT]
2/ Others _____________________________________ [OTH]
3/ Promotion Item _____________________________ [PRI]
5/ Plus Items _________________________________ [PLI]
XI. WORLD MAP SHOPS _________________________________ [WMS]
XII. SECRETS, HINTS AND TIPS _________________________ [SEC]
- Get Secret Characters
- How to use Myrrh effectively?
- More available skills
- Use promoted characters
- Random Number Generator
- Use Arena
- Swiftsole Run
- Get Support Lv A quickly
XIII. SPECIAL SKILLS __________________________________ [SKL]
XIV. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ______________________ [FAQ]
XV. CONTACT ME ______________________________________ [CTM]
XVI. CLOSING WORDS ___________________________________ [CLW]
XVII. SPECIAL THANKS __________________________________ [TKS]




Hi everybody. It's been a long time.

Honestly, this guide is not my best one. However,it's the most popular one.
Therefore, I've decided to make an update, mostly for the layout to make it
Thanks for reading my FAQs. It's a great support.





Eirik <--> Eirika

Larchel <--> L'Arachel

Keselda <--> Caellach

Alvan <--> Riev
Fodes <--> Fomortiis


TraineeFighter <--> Journeyman

MarineThief <--> Pirate
MountainThief <--> Brigand
TraineeSoldier <--> Recruit
TraineeMage <--> Pupil
SocialKnight <--> Cavalier
ArmorKnight <--> Knight
FalconKnight <--> Falcoknight
ForrestKnight <--> Ranger
SwordFighter <--> Myrmidon
Sister <--> Cleric
Valkyria <--> Valkyrie
DragonKnight <--> Wyvern Rider
DragonMaster <--> Wyvern Lord
MasterLord <--> Great Lord

Macdaire <--> Maelduin

Cerberus <--> Gwyllgi
DeathGargoyle <--> Deathgoyle
Bigl <--> Mogall
ArchBigl <--> Arch Mogall
Zombie <--> Revenant
Mummy <--> Entombed
Skeleton <--> Bonewalker
Hellbone <--> Wight


Magi Val <--> Magvel

About Armories,Vendors, Equipments, Indexes... I've also already fixed them.

Check it in the "Walkthrough" part.

This FAQ can be used for both JP version and NA version. But as I said, I'VE
WRITTEN IT FOR THE JP VERSION FIRST; therefore,some minor situations in my FAQ
are not compatible with the NA version.

1/ My bases to write this FAQ are:

- TearRing Saga game and my TearRing Saga FAQ/Walkthrough.
- Fire Emblem Series (4, 5, 6, 7)

2/ I've written this FAQ mostly by my experience and some helps at the Special
Thanks section.

3/ Abbreviation is one of my bad habits. In this FAQ, I've used it very much.
Here is the list:
- n': and - w/: with - w/o: without - 'cos: because - Lv: level
- Ax(s): axe(s) - Swd(s): sword(s) - Lnc(s): lance(s) - Spr(s): spear(s)
- Char(s): character(s) - Atk: attack - AR: armory - VE: vendor
- Wpn(s): weapon(s) - Itm(s): item(s) - Dmg: damage
- E.g: exampli gratia (for instance, for example)
- G: your group - B: boss - Reinf(s): reinforcement(s)

4/ My FAQ is best viewed in 1024x768 pixels.

5/ I've used some Extended ASCII symbols in this FAQ. To display it well,just
open it by using:
- Notepad (Windows XP or later).
- Internet Explorer, encoding: Western European Windows.
- Firefox, encoding: Western (ISO-8859-1).
I've also used "fake" Justify align (by adding lots of spaces). Therefore,
please turn off all Spell Check functions (if available) to display the FAQ
6/ [INT],[DIF],[10ER]... are Search Codes. Just use the CTRL+F command to find
these sections easily.

7/ One of my views is "Quality over quantity". Therefore,I've written this FAQ

in my way. Moreover, I'm just an amateur, not an experienced player! If you
don't like this FAQ, you can use other guides. They're better than mine.




- Version 0.1 (Oct 8th 2004)

I got this game n' tested it in 2 weeks.
FAQ started on a scribbling-paper (beta version).

- Version 1.0 (Mar 15th 2005)

FAQ started. All minor parts completed.

- Version 1.5 (Mar 17th 2005)

"Weapon List" completed.
"Item List" completed.
"Basic Information" completed.

- Version 2.0 (Mar 20th 2005)

"Chapter 1 - Chapter 8" completed.

- Version 2.3 (Mar 21st 2005)

"Eirika's route" completed.

- Version 2.5 (Mar 24th 2005)

"Ephraim's route" completed.

- Version 2.7 (Mar 25th 2005)

"Chapter 17 - Final Chapter" completed.

- Version 3.0 (Mar 27th 2005)

"Secrets" completed.
"Special Skills" completed.
More info added. More mistakes fixed. Layout edited.
FAQ completed!

- Version 3.1 (May 1st 2005)

"Classes" added!
Haa, finally I've completed it - THE MOST COMPLICATED PART IN THIS FAQ!
Some minor info added as well.

- Version 4.0 (May 26th 2005)


- Version 4.05 (May 29th 2005)

World Map created! More Shops added!
Some errors fixed.
More strategies added as well.

- Version 4.1 (Jun 3rd 2005)

More important info added.

- Version 4.11 (Jun 10th 2005)

"Super Trainees" added!

- Version 4.2 (Sep 21st 2005)

More strategies n' changes added!
"Frequently Asked Questions" added.

- Version 4.3 (Sep 29th 2005)

Items n' spoils fixed (NA version).

- Version 4.4 (Nov 20th 2005)

More info added.

- Version 4.4 (Dec 31st 2005)

Minor changes added.

- Version 4.5 (Mar 27th 2006)

More info added, especially the Swiftsole Run strategy!
One year ago, this FAQ for JP version was completed ^_^

- Version 4.6 (Aug 4th 2006)

More info added and fixed.
"Get Support Lv A quickly" strategy added.

- Version 4.6 (Nov 28th 2006)

Some minor info added.

- Version 4.6 (Feb 26th 2008)

The last update.

- Version 5.0 (Dec 12th 2012)

Layout edited!




Well... It's not a big deal. Here are some little things:
- If you want to post this FAQ on any website, I agree. But you should notify
me (give me the link) so that I can add you to the authorized websites list.
- To use this FAQ for private purposes (copy it to your PC, PDA, send to your
friends, print it, edit it...), just DO IT FREELY.
- Please don't plagiarize this FAQ, or use it for profit.

Fire Emblem (TM) Series � by Nintendo

This FAQ, layout and ASCII Art � 2005 - 2012 Pham Hong Quan

All trademarks and copyrights in this FAQ belong to their respective owners.
- GameFAQs < http://www.gamefaqs.com >
- Neoseeker < http://www.neoseeker.com >
- SuperCheats < http://www.supercheats.com >
- IGN < http://faqs.ign.com >
- 1Up < http://www.1up.com >
- CheatHappens < http://www.cheathappens.com >
- GamersTemple < http://www.gamerstemple.com >
- MyCheats < http://www.mycheats.com >




1/ CONTROLS [CTR] \========================================================

[ Up, Down, Left, Right ] Move the cursor.

[L] Jump the cursor to other chars.

[R] Check the status of the char, itms n' wpns.

- Accept.
- Check the movement of the char (during battle).
- Open the Battle Menu (during battle).

[B] Cancel.

[Select] Open/Close the Mini World Map.

- Open the Mini Map (during battle).
- End the conversation, the event.

[A+B+Select+Start] Soft Reset.

2/ MENU SCREEN [SCR] \=====================================================

A] Main Menu:
* If this is the first time you play the game:
| New Game |
| Extras |
< NEW GAME > In this menu, you'll have 3 options:
- Easy
For first-timers. Game rulers n' controls will be explained as you play.
- Normal
For experienced players. No gameplay hints will be provided as you play.
- Difficult
For players seeking a real challenger. No instruction are given n'
difficulty is set to high.

+ My tip: if you've played TearRing Saga or other FE games,just select Normal

or Difficult. If not, select Easy.

< EXTRAS > You'll enter the Sound Room.

* If you've finished the game:

| Restart Chapter |
| Copy Data |
| Erase Data |
| New Game |
| Extras |

< EXTRAS > New new new!

- Link Arena:
- Sound Room:
- Support Conversation:
- Map:
You can recruit Secret Characters! See "Secrets" part below!

* If you select Suspend in Battle Menu, you'll quit n' back to Main Menu:
| Resume Chapter |
| Restart Chapter |
| Copy Data |
| Erase Data |
| New Game |
| Extras |

B] Preparations Menu:


Select which units to field this battle. The number is limited. But the main
char must be in your party.


Manage your itms n' wpns.
Trd List
Use Give all
Supply Armory
- Trade: exchange w/ other chars.
- Use: use the item (promotion, plus, restore).
- Supply: transfer itms to n' from storage.
- List: display all units' itms.
- Give all: send all equipments to the storage.
- Armory: buy n' sell itms.


Show other chars that this char can support.


View the map, check everything.

< SAVE >

Save any changed information.

C] Battle Menu:
Highlight any position on the battle map (except the chars) n' press A.

< UNIT >

Show the different stats of all the chars, from left to right.
Character - Fighting skill - Equipment - Personal data - Weapon level -
Support chance


Show the mission, the turn, total time played, and data of all units...


Ignore it, unless you can understand (JP version).


- Animation 1 2 [OFF] Solo
- Game Speed Norm [Fast]
- Text Speed Slow Norm Fast [Max]
- Terrain [ON] OFF
- Unit [Panel] Burst OFF
- Combat Strat [Detail] OFF
- Show Objective [ON] OFF
- Subtitle Help [ON] OFF
- Autocursor ON [OFF]
- AutoEnd Turn ON [OFF]
- BGM (music) [ON] OFF
- Sound Effect [ON] OFF
- Window Color [1] 2 3 4


Save in the middle of the battle n' back to Main Menu.

< END >

End your turn.

3/ PARAMETERS EXPLANATION [PEX] \==========================================

Highlight the char n' press R to display Board 1. Then press Left or Right to
pass to other boards.

| .--------. | <<-- Personal data -->> |
| | | | 1/3 |
| | | | Str 21 Move 7 |
| | | | Skl 29 Con 7 |
| '--------' | Spd 29 Aid 13 |
| Eirika | Luk 20 Trv --- |
|------------| Def 20 Affin []Light |
| MasterLord | Res 21 Cond --- |
| Lv 10 E 91 | |
| HP 46/47 | 121 B 103 W 0 L |

BOARD 1: Personal Data


< Eirika > NAME of the char.

< MasterLord > CLASS of the char.

< Lv > LEVEL of the char. It rises when EXP reached or exceeded 100.

< E > EXPERIENCE point of the char. When reached or exceeded 100, the Lv will
rise (LvUp).

< HP > HIT POINT of the char. Could also be called "LIFE".
Once this index reduces to zero, the char will die.
- 46: current HP
- 47: Max HP (MHP)

< Str > STRENGTH. The higher the number, the more damage you inflict.

< Skl > SKILL. Influence on Hit n' CRT rates.

< Spd > SPEED. Influence on Evasion rate n' Attacks.

< Luk > LUCK. Influence on many different things.

< Def > DEFENCE. Reduce damage from weapons.

< Res > RESISTANCE. Reduce damage from magical attacks.

< Move > MOVEMENT. The normal distance you can cross in 1 turn.

< Con > CONSTITUTION. Influence on rescues.

< Aid > Max rescuing constitution. Units w/ lower Cons can be rescued.

< Trv > TRAVELLER. The name of the unit whom the char is carrying.

< Affin > ELEMENTAL AFFINITY. Determine compatibility w/ other units.

< Cond > CONDITION. Current status of the char (normal, sleep...).
121 B 103 W 0 L
It means the char fought 121 times, eliminated 103 enemies, n' unbeaten.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

| .--------. | <<------ Items ------>> |
| | | | 2/3 |
| | | | Killing Edge 14/20 E |
| | | | Sieglinde 18/30 |
| '--------' | Rapier 12/40 |
| Eirika | Hoplon Guard --/-- |
|------------| ________________________ |
| MasterLord | Equipment Rng 1 |
| Lv 10 E 91 | Atk 31 Crt 54 |
| HP 46/47 | Hit 153 Avoid 80 |

BOARD 2: Items

< E > The current wpn of the char. Placed in slot 1.

< Rng > Range - the distance that the atk can reach. Depends on Atk Range of
the wpn.

< Atk > Physical/Magical Atk Power of the char.

Atk = Str/Mag + Pow of wpn/magic

< Hit > Accuracy rate - the chance that the atk will hit.

< Crt > Critical rate - the chance that the atk will strike a critical blow.
Triple damage.
Crt = Skl/2 + Crt of wpn + Bonus Crt of class + Support effects

< Avoid > Ability to dodge enemy atks.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

| .--------. | <<-Weapon ----------->> |
| | | | and support Level 3/3 |
| | | | [/] Swd S [/] Axe - |
| | | | [/] Lnc - [/] Bow - |
| '--------' | |
| Eirika | [f] Ephraim C |
|------------| |
| MasterLord | |
| Lv 10 E 91 | |
| HP 46/47 | |

BOARD 3: Weapon and support Level

- WLV: the higher the rank, the more superior wpns you can use.
(S) is the highest, (E) is the lowest, (-) is none - it means you can't use
this wpn.
- SLV: show other chars that this char supported.
(A) is the highest, (C) is the lowest.
4/ GENERAL STRATEGY [STR] \================================================

* First, you should remember this famous statement:

"Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs
away from high places and hastens downwards.
So in war,the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.
Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it
flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is
Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are
no constant conditions.
He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby
succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain".
(Sun Tzu - The Art of War)

So, you will be the one who can make good ways to win the game, not my FAQ!

* Watch the opening of this game for more info about Classes (JP version).

* Watch all conversations, all events!

* Try to recruit all playable chars, also LvUp them! One important thing: you
can't use all of them. Therefore, just focus on your favourite chars!
Besides, don't let anyone die.

* Protect your Main Chars carefully. If one of them dies, the game will over,
and you'll replay from the beginning!

* Keep flying units away from bows!

* You'll have a good chance to train your army, it's a Tower or a Ruins.
After recruited a new char, you should go back there to train him (her).

* Arena is a good chance to LvUp your army as well. However, don't overuse it.
You can win or loose quickly. Check it yourself.

* In the battle:
- Check enemy movement carefully. Check n' heal your HP frequently!
- Open the Mini Map frequently.
- Use the wpn w/ HIGH ACCURACY n' LIGHT WEIGHT. Also, remember the
"Weapon Triangles" formula hence
| Sword strong against Axe |
| Axe strong against Spear |
| Spear strong against Sword |
| Anima strong against Light |
| Light strong against Dark |
| Dark strong against Anima |
However,the "Reaver" weapons reverse this formula. E.g: the AxeReaver lance
is strong against Axes but weak against Swords.
- Use all profitable elements (terrain, support, special effects...) to make
the battle become easier.
- If you want the stats of char increase better, let enemy atk him/her
- Try to steal all valuable items from enemies.
- Just complete the current mission.





Tower .------------7_______
[FC]__ | __(H)----' _____ |
/ \ \ | / | [BT]__| [RT]
| \ \_(D)__/ | / \
| \ | 5______(I)____ / \
| | \ \ / |
| (B) \ \ 8 |
| | \ 6 | |
(A) (C)___2 \__[RC] | | |
| | \ | 9 Ruins
/ (E)____ \____________[JH]____|
| 3 |
| |__(F)____ |
\_1---. \ |
'---(G)_ \ /

[FC]: Frelia Castle 1: Bethroen
[RC]: Renais Castle 2: Za'ha Woods
[JH]: Jehanna Hall 3: Adlas Plains
[GK]: Grado Keep 4: Za'albul Marsh
[BT]: Black Temple 5: Teraz Plateau
[RT]: Rausten Court 6: Hamill Canyon
7: Melkaen Coast
(A): Fort Rigwald 8: Neleras Peak
(B): Ide 9: Narube River
(C): Borgo Ridge
(D): Border Mulan
(E): Serafew
(F): Renvall
(G): Taizel
(H): Port Kiris
(I): Caer Pelyn

--- Prologue: The Fall of Renais --- [PLG]
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] O'Neill
Class: Fighter
HP 23 - LV 4 - Mv 5
Str 6 - Skl 4 - Spd 7 - Luk 0 - Def 2 - Res 0 - Con 11
<> Equipment: Iron Axe
* Difficulty: Easy

1] New characters (2):
- Eirika (the Lord).
- Seth (the paladin).
* Conversations / Conditions / Effects
- Eirik > Seth / Easy mode / Eirik gets a Rapier

2] Strategy:
- Wait a turn.
- Let Eirika finish all enemies. Check and heal her HP carefully.
(If you play in Easy mode, you must follow the commands)

--- Chapter 1: Escape! --- [CP1]
| |
| B |
| |
| |
| G x |
Seize the castle.

[ Name ] Breguet
Class: Armor Knight
HP 20 - LV 4 - Mv 4
Str 8 - Skl 2 - Spd 1 - Luk 2 - Def 9 - Res 0 - Con 13
<> Equipment: Iron Lance
* Difficulty: Easy

1] New characters (2):
- Franz (the cavalry): Turn 2.
- Gilliam (the armorknight): Turn 2.
* Conversations
- Franz <> Eirika
- Franz <> Seth

2] Strategy:
- Go up slowly.
- Turn 2, Franz n' Gilliam will appear. Talk to them if you want.
- Now, move to the left, clear all enemies nearby.
- Turn 4, 3 enemies will appear from (x). Erase them to gain more EXP.
- Weaken the boss, n' let Eirika finish him.

[#] After this map, you'll receive 5000G.

--- Chapter 2: The Protected --- [CP2]
| 1 2 / |
| G / A |
| | R |
| AR / |
| 3 B |
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] Bone
Class: Mountain Thief
HP 23 - LV 4 - Mv 5
Str 6 - Skl 4 - Spd 5 - Luk 0 - Def 4 - Res 0 - Con 12
<> Equipment: Iron Axe
* Difficulty: Easy

Iron Swd - 460g
Slim Swd - 480g
Iron Lnc - 360g
Slim Lnc - 450g
Iron Ax - 270g

1] Legends:
- R: Ross - A: Garcia

2] New characters (4):
- Vanessa (the Pegasus).
- Moulder (the priest).
- Ross (the kid): Let Eirika talk to him.
- Garcia (the axeman): Let Ross talk to him, or after cleared the map.
* Conversations / Effects
- Eirika > Ross / Ross joins
- Ross > Garcia / Garcia joins

3] Items:
- (1): Red Gem - (2): Elixir - (3): Pure Water

* Spoil: Vulnerary
NOTE: Spoil means "valuables taken by violence (especially in war)".

4] Strategy:
- Let Vanessa rescue Ross, then let Moulder take Ross and drop him. He'll self
refill HP. After that, recruit him. Get the Red Gem.
- Let Vanessa rescue Garcia then take and drop him (using Franz).Let Ross talk
to him. Get the Elixir.
- Turn 3, 2 enemies appear from the west.
- Now, head to the south n' clear all enemies!

* About Ross: he's a trainee (see "Classes" part for more details).Promote him
to Marinethief > Berserker later!

"Train Ross as much as you can n' he will be unstopable" (from mmv246)

--- Chapter 3: The Bandits of Borgo --- [CP3]
| | B |
|==D===| 2 3 4 | |
| | | |
| K |== ==|==D===== ===|
|---- | W o o |
|| W | |
|| |==D==| o o |
| G | | |
| W 1 |============|
|-- '-----' |
Seize the throne.

[ Name ] Bazba
Class: Mountain Thief
HP 25 - LV 6 - Mv 5
Str 8 - Skl 5 - Spd 7 - Luk 1 - Def 5 - Res 2 - Con 12
<> Equipment: Steel Axe, Hand Axe
* Difficulty: Easy

1] Legends:
- D: locked doors
- K: Colm
- W: broken walls

2] New characters (2):
- Neimi (the archer).
- Colm (the thief): Turn 2. Let Neimi talk to him.
* Conversations / Effects
- Neimi > Colm / Colm joins

3] Items:
- (1): Javelin - (2): Iron Lnc - (3): Hand Ax - (4): Iron Swd

* Spoil: Door Key, Chest Key

4] Strategy:
- Go up first.
- Turn 2, Colm will appear. Recruit him.
- Head to the east, erase all enemies nearby and get all itms.
- Finally, finish the boss and complete your mission.

* Note: you can demolish broken walls to go. However, don't waste your time.

--- Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors --- [CP4]
| > G 1 |
| |
| < |
| |
| 2 B |
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] Monster
Class: Mummy
HP 35 - LV 1 - Mv 5
Str 3 - Skl 0 - Spd 1 - Luk 0 - Def 0 - Res 0 - Con 6
<> Equipment: Fetid Claw
* Difficulty: Easy

- Units: 9

1] New characters (2):
- Artur (the monk).
- Lute (the mage): Visits (2).

2] Items:
- (1): Iron Ax

3] Strategy:
- Move down n' fight CAREFULLY! Try to kill 2 Bigls first.
- Turn 2, 3 Skeletons appear from (<). Turn 5, 4 Zombies appear from (>).
Ignore them.
- Recruit Lute, n' erase them all. Check n' heal your HP CAREFULLY!

--- Chapter 5: The Empire's Reach --- [CP5]
| AR 4 B |
| _______ _____ |
| | 3 Arena |
| | J |
| | VE |
| | 2 |
| | |===|
|= = ====== ====| |
|___ _______ <|
| G 1 |
Defeat Saar.

[ Name ] Saar
Class: Armor Knight
HP 26 - LV 8 - Mv 4
Str 9 - Skl 5 - Spd 3 - Luk 4 - Def 12 - Res 3 - Con 13 [JP]
HP 30 - LV 8 - Mv 4
Str 11 - Skl 7 - Spd 3 - Luk 4 - Def 11 - Res 3 - Con 13 [NA]
<> Equipment: Javelin
* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

Iron Swd - 460g
Slim Swd - 480g
Steel Swd - 600g
Iron Lnc - 360g
Slim Lnc - 450g
Steel Lnc - 480g
Iron Ax - 270g
Steel Ax - 360g
Iron Bow - 540g
Steel Bow - 720g
Heal - 600g | Fire - 560g
Torch Wand - 1000g | Lightning - 630g
Vulnerary - 300g | Heal - 600g
Fire - 560g | Vulnerary - 300g
Lightning - 630g |

- Units: 9

1] Legends:
- J: Joshua

2] New characters (2):
- Natasha (the sister).
- Joshua (the swdfighter): Let Natasha talk to him.
* Conversations / Effects
- Natasha > Joshua / Joshua joins

3] Items:
- (1): Dragon Shield - (3): Secret Book
- (2): ArmorSlayer - (4): Torch

4] Strategy:
- Let Vanessa enter (1) (you'll meet Tethys).
- Go up slowly, clear all enemies nearby. Stay out off Joshua's atk range!
- Turn 2, 2 bandits appear from (<). Watch them.
- Let Franz entice Joshua, n' recruit him at once by using Natasha.
- Enter (2) and (3) as well. Let Seth or Vanessa go up then enter (4) (you'll
meet Amelia).
- Finally, erase all enemies n' finish the boss.

[#] After this map, you'll have a Guiding Ring. Give it for Artur and promote
him to Bishop later!

| Contributed by mmv246 |
You can go to chapter 5x without saving all villages!

--- Chapter 5x: Unbroken Heart --- [C5x]
| o========|~ ~|
| | ~ |
| o-----| |==========| |~ ~|
| |~~~~| | B | |---|
| o-----| | | | |
| | 12 | | | | |
| '==D==| |=== ===| | _|
| | | | |
| o o __|o__o| | |
| G |~ ~ ~ | .========' |
| o o ~ ~ | | | |
Seize the throne.

[ Name ] Zonta
Class: Mercenary
HP 25 - LV 8 - Mv 5
Str 9 - Skl 8 - Spd 9 - Luk 4 - Def 6 - Res 6 - Con 9
<> Equipment: Steel Blade
* Difficulty: Easy

1] Legends:
- D: locked doors - o: pillars

2] New characters (4):
- Ephraim (the Lord).
- Forde (the blonde-haired cavalry).
- Kyle (the green-haired cavalry).
- Orson (the paladin).

3] Items:
- (1): Elixir - (2): Killer Lnc

* Spoil: 2 Chest Keys, Door Key, Elixir

4] Strategy:

* Q: What will happen, if you let him die at this map?

A: Nothing special. He'll retreat, that's all.
(Thanks to Geminex for this question!)

- Go ahead, get all itms and erase all enemies nearby. Check and heal your HP
- Before you finish the boss, unequip all itms from Orson!
- Finally, complete your mission.

--- Chapter 6: Victims of War --- [CP6]
| | |
| ^| |
| ^_|_\ |
| ^B| \ |
| ^^ \ |
| |
| |
| G V |
| 1 |
| |
Defeat Novala.

[ Name ] Novala
Class: Shaman
HP 39 - LV 10 - Mv 5
Mag 11 - Skl 9 - Spd 8 - Luk 7 - Def 5 - Res 9 - Con 7 [JP]
HP 28 - LV 10 - Mv 5
Mag 10 - Skl 8 - Spd 6 - Luk 7 - Def 5 - Res 9 - Con 7 [NA]
<> Equipment: Flux
* Difficulty: Easy

- Units: 10
- Bring Natasha n' Vanessa.
- Equip Torch Wand for Natasha, Torch for Seth.

1] Items:
- (1): Antitoxin

* Spoil: Iron Blade, Iron Ax

In NA version, you can get 1 Elixir more.

2] Strategy:
- Go east, also light this zone by using Torches.
- Clear all enemies. Be careful, some of them are equipped w/ anti-horse wpns!
Check n' heal your HP CAREFULLY.
- Try to save all villagers (V). You'll get an Orion Bolt after this map.
- Look at the cross area. Novala is there w/ some enemies.
- Finish them to complete your mission.

| Contributed by Mark Maison |
If you bring Colm he can see farther naturally, without the help of a torch
/torch wand.
--> My comment: GREAT! For more details, see the "Secrets" part below.

[#] After this map, you'll receive an Orion Bolt.Give it for Neimi and promote
her to Sniper later!

--- Chapter 7: Waterside Renvall --- [CP7]
| |
| B |
| |
| |
| A |
| A |
| |
| x |
| G |
| |
Seize the castle.

[ Name ] Murray
Class: Social Knight

HP 27 - LV 12 - Mv 7
Str 8 - Skl 8 - Spd 8 - Luk 7 - Def 7 - Res 6 - Con 9 [JP]
<> Equipment: Steel Sword, Knight Crest (spoil)

HP 27 - LV 12 - Mv 7
Str 8 - Skl 9 - Spd 10 - Luk 7 - Def 7 - Res 6 - Con 9 [NA]
<> Equipment: Steel Sword, Javelin, Knight Crest (spoil)

* Difficulty: Easy

- Units: 10
- Bring Colm.

1] Legends:
- A: Ballistas

2] Items:

* Spoil: Pure Water, Knight Crest

3] Strategy:
- Nothing special. Go right, then up to reach to the castle.
- The mage at (x) has an Energy Ring. Let Colm steal it.
- Watch out the Ballistas!
- Finally, finish the boss n' seize the castle.

--- Chapter 8: It's a Trap! --- [CP8]
|----| | B | | o o ||
| 12 | | | | 3 ||
|=D==| |== ==| | '==D=||
| W x ' | ||
| o | ______| o ||
| |_'o__o| | | ||
| |~ ~ ~| | o o ||
| '========' | ||
|======| o |== =|==| G|||
| |--| | o | | | |
| __________| |
Seize the throne.

[ Name ] Tirado
Class: General
HP 29 - LV 1 - Mv 5
Str 13 - Skl 7 - Spd 3 - Luk 2 - Def 13 - Res 8 - Con 15 [JP]
HP 40 - LV 1 - Mv 5
Str 13 - Skl 8 - Spd 5 - Luk 2 - Def 14 - Res 8 - Con 15 [NA]
<> Equipment: Silver Lance, Javelin
* Difficulty: Normal

- Units: 9
- Bring Colm n' all your strongest chars!

1] Legends:
- D: locked doors - o: pillars - W: broken wall

2] New characters (3): Turn 2
- Ephraim.
- Forde.
- Kyle.
* Conversations
- Eirika <> Ephraim
- Ephraim <> Seth
- Forde <> Franz
- Kyle <> Seth (~ Contributed by Rebo Valence ~)
3] Items:
- (1): Silver Swd - (2): Elysian Whip - (3): Angelic Robe

* Spoil: Door Key

4] Strategy:
- Go up slowly, clear all enemies nearby!
- Turn 2, Ephraim's team will appear. Follow Eirika's team.
- Gather Eirika's team at (x) and wait. Complete all conversations when they
Ephraim's team.
- Now, go left, break the wall, n' get all itms.
- Finally, weaken the boss n' finish him.

[#] After this map, an event will occur.

You'll receive 10000G n' have 2 options:
1) Go w/ Eirika to Rausten
2) Go w/ Ephraim to Grado

Select them as you want!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----


- Valni Tower will appear! This is your chance to promote some units!
Go there! See "Appendix" part for more details.
Promote Vanessa to Wyvern Knight!
- After that, just continue your journey.

--- Chapter 9 Er: Distant Blade --- [9ER]
|---- x '------' G | |
| VE o |
| o |
| AR ------. | |
| | '--. |
| '-- | |
| 1 --' |
|| .--- --. |
|| | 2 oo| |
|| |__ o| |
|| ______| '---| |
| B |
| .-------. x o | |
Defeat all enemies.
[ Name ] Binks
Class: Warrior
HP 42 - LV 5 - Mv 6
Str 16 - Skl 10 - Spd 8 - Luk 3 - Def 12 - Res 8 - Con 13
<> Equipment: Steel Axe, Iron Bow [JP]
Steel Axe, Steel Bow [NA]
* Difficulty: Normal

Steel Swd - 600g | Iron Swd - 460g
Iron Blade - 980g | Steel Swd - 600g
Iron Lnc - 360g | Iron Blade - 980g
Steel Lnc - 480g | Iron Lnc - 360g
Iron Ax - 270g | Steel Lnc - 480g
Steel Ax - 360g | Javelin - 400g
Hammer - 800g | Iron Ax - 270g
Hand Ax - 300g | Steel Ax - 360g
Iron Bow - 540g | Hand Ax - 300g
Steel Bow - 720g | Iron Bow - 540g
Short Bow - 1760g | Steel Bow - 720g

In NA version, Elixir is not available!

Fire - 560g
Thunder - 700g
Lightning - 630g
Shine - 900g
Heal - 600g
Mend - 1000g
Unlock - 1500g
Vulnerary - 300g
Elixir - 3000g
Antitoxin - 450g
Torch - 500g

- Units: 12
- Bring anti-sword wpns.

1] New characters (2):
- Tana (the Pegasus).
- Amelia (the trainee): Turn 5. Let Eirika or Franz talk to her.
* Conversations / Effects
- Eirika > Amelia / Amelia joins
- Franz > Amelia / Amelia joins

2] Items:
- (1): DragonShield. Just remember this guy. He's Rennac.
- (2): Rapier.

* Spoil: AxeReaver, Killing Edge, Ocean Seal, Elfire

3] Strategy:
- Go west quickly, then go down. Enemies often appear from (x). Be careful.
- Let Vanessa get the Ocean Seal from the Marinethief (O), n' the Rapier.
- Turn 5, Amelia will appear from the southwest. Recruit her.
- After that, clear all enemies, weaken the boss n' finish him.

[#] After this map, you'll receive an Angelic Robe.

Just give the Ocean Seal for Colm n' promote him to Assassin!
* About Amelia: she's a trainee (see "Classes" part for more details). Promote
her to ArmorKnight > General later.

--- Chapter 10 Er: Revolt at Carcino --- [10ER]
|\ G \ | B / |
| \ | /-- ---/ |
| | / /Ar / |
| | | | / |
| \ |__|-[ ]-/__ |
| | |_ |
| / | |
| / \ |
| ______ | |
| | | .-- -- | |
| |__H __| | | |
| | | |
|-- --- ---| | |
|\ \ |
| \ /\ M S |
Seize the castle.

[ Name ] Pablo
Class: Sage
HP 34 - LV 7 - Mv 6 [JP]
HP 36 - LV 7 - Mv 6 [NA]
Mag 13 - Skl 9 - Spd 12 - Luk 9 - Def 7 - Res 17 - Con 7
<> Equipment: Divine, Guiding Ring (spoil)
* Difficulty: Normal

- Units: 12
- Bring Tana n' Natasha.
1] Legends:
- Ar: arena - M: Marisa
- [ ]: locked gate - H: Innes's group

2] New characters (4):
- Innes (the sniper): Let Tana or Eirika talk to him.
- Gerik (the mercenary): Let Innes talk to him.
- Tethys (the dancer): Let Gerik talk to her.
- Marisa (the swdfighter): Let Gerik talk to her.
* Conversations / Effects
- Tana or Eirika > Innes / Innes joins
- Innes > Gerik / Gerik joins
- Gerik > Tethys / Tethys joins
- Gerik > Marisa / Marisa joins

3] Items:

* Spoil: Guiding Ring, Long Bow, Torch Wand, Door Key, LanceReaver, KillerAx

4] Strategy:
- Go down, try to erase the mercenary group ASAP. Then recruit Innes's group.
Promote Gerik to Hero if you want.
* My tip: do it later.
- Just defend now! Turn 4, some enemies will appear: Pegasus Knights from the
southwest, Cavaliers from the southeast. Take care of them.
- Afterward, go down slowly. Try to recruit Marisa, also kill the priest (S)
who has a Sleep Wand at once.
- Next, go up, open the gate and clear all enemies. Watch these Ballistas.
- Finally, finish the boss n' seize the castle.

* My tip: Give the G. Ring for Natasha and promote her to Bishop!

--- Chapter 11 Er: Creeping Darkness --- [11ER]
|x G |
| 3 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
|B |
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] Monster
Class: Hellbone
HP 27 - LV 3 - Mv 6
Str 10 - Skl 7 - Spd 8 - Luk 1 - Def 7 - Res 3 - Con 9 [JP]
HP 36 - LV 8 - Mv 6
Str 12 - Skl 15 - Spd 13 - Luk 1 - Def 9 - Res 9 - Con 9 [NA]
<> Equipment: Steel Sword
* Difficulty: Easy

- Units: 10
- Bring Natasha, Artur n' Colm.
- Bring Torches.

1] New characters (2):
- L'Arachel (the troubadour): Let Eirika talk to her.
- Dozla (the axeman): Let L'Arachel talk to him.
* Conversations / Effects
- Eirika > L'Arachel / L'Arachel joins
- L'Arachel > Dozla / Dozla joins

2] Items:
- (1): Restore - (2): Short Spr - (3): Secret Book

* Spoil: 2 Chest Keys

3] Strategy:
- All enemies are monsters. Therefore, a Bishop is your best choice here.
- Use Torches to light your way.
- Light an under zone to reveal some enemies. Kill them first.
- Go to L'Arachel's group ASAP, then recruit them. Also, clear all enemies on
your way and be careful. Check and heal your HP carefully.
- Kill all enemies to complete your mission. Don't forget these chests.

--- Chapter 12 Er: Village of Silence --- [12ER]
|3 B |
| VE |
| Y |
| |
|1G 2|
Kill all enemies.

[ Name ] Monster
Class: Macdaire
HP 25 - LV 4 - Mv 8
Str 8 - Skl 4 - Spd 7 - Luk 0 - Def 9 - Res 3 - Con 12 [JP]
<> Equipment: Halberd (spoil)

HP 40 - LV 9 - Mv 8
Str 14 - Skl 10 - Spd 9 - Luk 0 - Def 13 - Res 11 - Con 12 [NA]
<> Equipment: Halberd, Steel Bow (spoil)

* Difficulty: Easy

Thunder - 700g | Fire - 560g
Elfire - 1200g | Thunder - 700g
Shine - 900g | Lightning - 630g
Heal - 600g | Shine - 900g
Mend - 1000g | Heal - 600g
Restore - 2000g | Mend - 1000g
Vulnerary - 300g | Restore - 2000g
Elixir - 3000g | Vulnerary - 300g
PureWater - 900g | Elixir - 3000g
Antitoxin - 450g | PureWater - 900g
| Antitoxin - 450g

- Units: 11
- Bring Natasha, Artur n' all your strongest chars.

1] New characters (2):
- Saleh (the sage).
- Ewan (the traineemage): Visits (Y).

2] Items:

* Spoil: Halberd, HorseSlayer

In NA version, Steel Bow will replace Halberd.

3] Strategy:
- Watch the event. Remember the house that Ewan entered.
- All enemies are monsters. Therefore, a Bishop is your best choice here.
- Enemy reinforcements:
+ Turn 3: 2 Mauthedoogs from the southwest, 3 Gargoyles from the southeast.
+ Turn 4: 4 Gargoyles from the northwest.
- Reach to B ASAP n' recruit Ewan. Check n' heal your HP carefully.
- Kill all enemies to complete your mission.

* About Ewan: he's a trainee (see "Classes" part for more detail). Promote him
as you want (my way: to Mage > Sage).
--- Chapter 13 Er: Hamill Canyon --- [13ER]
| x 2 |
| 3 |
| P G B |
| |
| C 1 |
Survive in 11 turns or defeat Aiyas.

[ Name ] Aias
Class: Great Knight

HP 41 - LV 9 - Mv 6
Str 15 - Skl 7 - Spd 8 - Luk 11 - Def 16 - Res 12 - Con 13 [JP]
<> Equipment: Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Knight Crest (spoil)

HP 46 - LV 10 - Mv 6
Str 18 - Skl 11 - Spd 10 - Luk 11 - Def 19 - Res 12 - Con 14 [NA]
<> Equipment: Short Spear, Silver Blade, SwordSlayer, Knight Crest (spoil)

* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

[ Name ] Pablo (turn 9)

Class: Sage
HP 40 - LV 5 - Mv 6
Mag 19 - Skl 13 - Spd 15 - Luk 11 - Def 9 - Res 21 - Con 7 [JP]
HP 36 - LV 9 - Mv 6
Mag 13 - Skl 9 - Spd 12 - Luk 9 - Def 7 - Res 17 - Con 7 [NA]
<> Equipment: Elfire, Purge, Mend
* Difficulty: Easy

- Units: 12
- Bring anti-horse wpns.

1] Legends:
- 1,2,3: Ballistas - C: Cormag - P: Pablo

2] New characters (1):
- Cormag (the dragonknight): Turn 5. Let Eirika talk to him.

| Contributed by Cameron Shelton |
| Matthew Strumbly "Magnus" |
| Billy Moroz "Killbot" |
You can recruit Amelia, if you didn't get her in chapter 9.

Her Lv is 4, instead of 1 (~ Contributed by Robin Van Berkel ~)

* Conversations / Conditions / Effects

- Eirika > Cormag / None / Cormag joins
- Eirika > Aias / Atk Aias / Nothing
- Eirika > Amelia / None / Amelia joins
- Franz > Amelia / None / Amelia joins

3] Items:

* Spoil: Zanbato, Knight Crest, SwdSlayer

In NA version, Hand Ax will replace SwdSlayer.

4] Strategy:
- Let Innes get the Ballista 1 and ride it back. Watch all enemy Cavaliers.
They'll appear from the forts near Aias each turn. Kill them if they atk you
but don't move!
- Turn 2 and 3 some enemies appear at (x).One of them will drop a Zanbato.Take
care of them.
- Turn 5, Cormag will appear w/ 2 dragonknights. Wait and recruit him,then get
2 dragonknights. Afterward, go west.
- Turn 9, Pablo will appear w/ his team. KILL HIM FIRST! The bandit with the
Poison Ax has a Body Ring, just steal it. The warrior has a SwordSlayer, use
non-sword wpns to eliminate him. Clear them all ASAP! Watch out these
Cavaliers as well.
- Wait for turn 11 to complete your mission.

[#] After this map, you'll receive 5000g.

Back to the Tower, train Cormag and promote him to Dragon Master!

--- Chapter 14 Er: Queen of White Dunes --- [14ER]
|| .----------------o[]o. |
|| | S##=====## |o o| 3 |
|| | ## B ## | | 2 |
|| | ## ## |o o|-D-|
|| | ## ## | | |
|o | o---o o---o |o o|-D-|
| '--------------------| R |
|-----------------------W |
|.-----o---oDo----o-----| |
|| 4 .----------. 1 |-D-|
|'-oDo-|-------.--'oDo--' |
| o 5 6 | |
| | |
|=========oDo==' G x|
Seize the throne.

[ Name ] Carlyle
Class: Sword Master
HP 36 - LV 11 - Mv 6
Str 12 - Skl 17 - Spd 18 - Luk 8 - Def 9 - Res 8 - Con 9 [JP]
HP 41 - LV 11 - Mv 6
Str 12 - Skl 17 - Spd 18 - Luk 8 - Def 9 - Res 10 - Con 9 [NA]
<> Equipment: Wind Sword
* Difficulty: Normal

[ Name ] Ismaire
Class: Queen
HP 24 - LV 9 - Mv 5
Str 10 - Skl 9 - Spd 11 - Luk 12 - Def 14 - Res 12 - Con 5


LanceReaver - 1800g | Steel Blade - 1250g
SwdReaver - 2100g | Silver Blade - 1800g
AxeReaver - 1950g | Killing Edge - 1300g
Killer Bow - 1400g | Killer Lance - 1200g
Purge - 3000g | Battle Axe - 1000g
Bolting - 2500g | Killer Axe - 1000g
Recover - 2250g | Killer Bow - 1400g
Angelic Robe - 8000g | Barrier - 2250g
Energy Ring - 8000g | Physic - 3750g
Lockpick - 1200g | Lockpick - 1200g
Hero Crest - 10000g | Hero Crest - 10000g
Knight Crest - 10000g | Knight Crest - 10000g
Orion Bolt - 10000g | Orion Bolt - 10000g
Elysian Whip - 10000g | Elysian Whip - 10000g
Guiding Ring - 10000g | Guiding Ring - 10000g
Ocean Seal - 10000g | Ocean Seal - 10000g

- Units: 12
- Bring Natasha, Cormag, L'Arachel n' Colm.
- Equip Restore Wand for Natasha.

1] Legends:
- D,[]: locked doors - W: broken wall - R: Rennac
- (S): Secret Shop - o: pillars

2] New characters (1):
- Rennac (the rogue): Let Eirika or L'Arachel (recommended) talk to him.
* Conversations / Conditions / Effects
- Eirika > Rennac / Give some money for him / Rennac joins
- L'Arachel > Rennac / None / Rennac joins
- Joshua > Carlyle / Atk Carlyle / Nothing

3] Items:
- (1): Guiding Ring - (4): SwdReaver
- (2): Spear - (5): Dragon Spr
- (3): Hammerne - (6): Energy Ring
In NA version, (4) is 10000G.

* Spoil: 4 Door Keys, Berserk Wand, Chest Key, Hero Crest, Heavy Spr,
Member Card (if you kill Rennac).
In NA version, Mend will replace Berserk Wand.

4] Strategy:
* Before you start, a conversation will occur between Rennac and the troop.
Turn 2, an event will occur. Watch them all.
- Go right,open the door,clear all enemies and recruit Rennac. HE HAS A MEMBER
- Go up, clear all and get 2 itms. Be careful w/ the priest (P) - who has the
Berserk Wand. Let Cormag kill him at once!
- Let some chars demolish the wall and go left.
- Turn 4, 3 armorknights will appear at the southwest.
- Turn 6, 7 and 8, some Cavaliers appear from (x). Wait and erase them all.
- Now, clear all and get all itms. If you have enough money, don't forget the
Secret Shop! Buy 2 Purges, 2 Boltings.
- The last target is Carlyle. Weaken him w/ anti-sword wpns or Dark Magic then
finish him.

[#] After this map, Joshua will receive 2 S class wpns: Audhulma n' Excalibur
from Ismaire - his mother.

--- Chapter 15 Er: Scorched Sand --- [15ER]

Ah oh, this chapter looks like Map 25 "Desert Storm" of TearRing Saga!

| K VE G |
| |
| |
| 1 F |
|x E F W |
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] Caellach
Class: Hero
HP 42 - LV 12 - Mv 6
Str 16 - Skl 15 - Spd 13 - Luk 14 - Def 13 - Res 13 - Con 13 [JP]
<> Equipment: Silver Axe, Tomahawk, Hoplon Guard (spoil)

HP 47 - LV 12 - Mv 6
Str 19 - Skl 14 - Spd 13 - Luk 14 - Def 15 - Res 13 - Con 13 [NA]
<> Equipment: Tomahawk, Silver Axe, Hoplon Guard (spoil)

* Difficulty: Normal/Hard

[ Name ] Valter
Class: Wyvern Knight

HP 40 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 19 - Skl 17 - Spd 15 - Luk 3 - Def 13 - Res 10 - Con 11 [JP]
<> Equipment: Silver Lance, Spear, Fili Shield (spoil)

HP 45 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 19 - Skl 17 - Spd 17 - Luk 3 - Def 13 - Res 12 - Con 11 [NA]
<> Equipment: Spear, Killer Lance, Fili Shield (spoil)

* Difficulty: Easy/Hard

In NA version, Luna n' Barrier are not available!

Thunder - 700g
Elfire - 1200g
Lightning - 630g
Shine - 900g
Divine - 2500g
Flux - 900g
Luna - 4200g
Mend - 1000g
Restore - 2000g
Barrier - 2250g
Vulnerary - 300g
Elixir - 3000g
PureWater - 900g
Antitoxin - 450g

- Units: 11
- Bring a Rogue n' healing itms.
- Bring anti-horse n' anti-flyer wpns.
- Equip Dragon Spr for Cormag.

1] Legends:
- K: Caellach's team - W: Valter's team - E: Ephraim's team

2] New characters (3): Turn 3
- Ephraim.
- Duessel (the Great Knight).
- Knoll (the shaman).
* Conversations / Conditions / Effects
- Eirika <> Ephraim / None / Nothing
- Innes <> Ephraim / None / Nothing
- Cormag <> Duessel / None / Nothing
- Cormag > Valter / Atk Valter / Nothing
- Eirika n' Ephraim > Valter / Atk Valter / Nothing
- Joshua > Caellach / Atk Caellach / Nothing

3] Items:
- (1): Master Seal

* Spoil: Hoplon Guard, Fili Shield, Flux, Dragon Ax, Sleep Wand, Devil Ax
In NA version, Luna n' Mend will replace Flux n' Sleep Wand.

| Contributed by kreeperking |
It's originally a hand axe you can get but if the berserker attacks you with
a hand axe the dragon axe is what you get. Before the chapter starts look at
the berserker and you will see the hand axe is originally green.

4] Strategy:
- Move to the southwest quickly n' fight carefully. Stay out off atk ranges of
all Dragon Knights! You can let Cormag kill some off them. CHECK AND HEAL HP
(If you want, go left a bit and kill some Caellach's troops, then go down)
- Turn 2, Ephraim will appear at (E), two Pegasus Knights also appear from the
- Turn 4 and 5, more enemies appear from the north (Pegasus Knights) and from
the forts (F) (Cavaliers).
- Gather all your team at (E). After that, erase Valter's team!
+ About his team: Nothing, but be careful. Use anti-horse wpns to erase them
all. The shaman has a Guiding Ring,steal it. Try to kill all Dragon Knights
+ About Valter: He can be defeated easily by using the Dragon Spear.
However, be careful with his Pierce Skill! Let Cormag do it to revenge for
for Glen - his brother.
- Afterward, find all hidden itms.
- Turn 8, more enemes appear at (x).Turn 8 and 9, four Shamans appear from the
north. Take care of them.
- Next, go up to eliminate Caellach's team.
+ About his team: No problem. Kill them first.
+ About Caellach: Be careful,he's more dangerous than Valter.Let Saleh weaken
him, then finish him by using Joshua (to revenge for his mother).

| Contributed by mmv246 |
There is an easier way to beat Caellach and Valter. For Valter, steal the
shield and shower him with arrows.Caellach,steal his guard and use a Killing
Edge with Joshua (hopefully Swordmaster). Each of them should go down in a
matter of turns.
--> My comment: GREAT!

5] Hidden items:
- Let Colm or Rennac find them.
- For more details, just use the Scorched Sand Map (PNG) of Zhang Khai-En!
(see the "Frequently Asked Questions" part)

|Zone1 Zone4|
| |
|Z |
|o |
|n |
|e |
|2 |
| Zone6|
|Zone3 Zone5 |
| Zone8 |
| Z|
| | _ o|
| | / / Zone7 n|
| \_/ / e|
| 9|

ZONE 1 (Warp): near the bone (9 squares)

ZONE 2 (Silence): below the bone (4 directional squares)
ZONE 3 (Body Ring): below the cliff (6 squares)
ZONE 4 (Silver Card): on the hill (8 squares or more)
ZONE 5 (WyrmSlayer): around the bone (20 squares)
ZONE 6 (Metis's Tome): around the bone (16 squares)
ZONE 7 (Killer Bow): to the right of the grass (6 squares)
ZONE 8 (Swiftsole): around the bone (15 squares)
ZONE 9 (Eclipse): to the right of Valter's location (14 directional squares)

[#] After this map, you'll receive 2 S class wpns: Gleipnir and Garm!

--- Chapter 16 Er: Ruled by Madness --- [16ER]
|| o-Do |##| B |##| 2||
|oD| | | | 3||
| "| | | P P | 4||
| "| | o o o|
| | | |o_______o|__||
| .-D-' A |
| | 1 |=o o=====. o o |
| | | |____ |
| | o=| o####||
| |"|#|=o o==. ' ||
| | |#| |##| ||
| o_ |____ ||
| |#| o o |####| ||
| o====o====o o ||
| |####|####| G ||
| x x o=='|
Seize the throne.

[ Name ] Orson
Class: Paladin

HP 47 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 18 - Skl 14 - Spd 12 - Luk 6 - Def 14 - Res 9 - Con 12 [JP]
<> Equipment: Silver Lance, Rune Sword

HP 48 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 18 - Skl 15 - Spd 14 - Luk 6 - Def 14 - Res 11 - Con 12 [NA]
<> Equipment: Spear, Silver Sword

* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

- Units: 11
- Bring Myrrh, Natasha n' a Rogue.

1] Legends:
- o: pillars - D: locked doors - ": stairs

2] New characters (1):
- Myrrh (the Manakete). She's the strongest char in the game!
* Conversations / Conditions / Effects
- Eirika > Orson / Atk Orson / Nothing
- Seth > Orson / Atk Orson / Nothing
- Forde > Orson / Atk Orson / Nothing
- Kyle > Orson / Atk Orson / Nothing

| Contributed by Kevin Asso "TehShadow" |
More conversations will happen between Orson with Seth, Kyle and Forde.

3] Items:
- (1): Tomahawk - (2): Talisman - (3): Knight Crest - (4): 5000G

* Spoil: Hero Crest, Physic, Door Key, Chest Key, Purge

4] Strategy:
* My tip: This is the best chance to LvUp Myrrh! LET ONLY HER CLEAR ALL THE
MAP! Give her some Plus Itms: Swiftsole, SpeedWing, Goddess Icon. To use her
effectively, just read the "Secrets" part below.
However, just do as you want. My way is not the best way!

- Let Myrrh go right n' erase some enemies nearby.

- Turn 5, 4 Cavaliers n' 5 Great Knights appear at (x). Take care of them!
N' a thief appear at the northwest. Ignore him.
- After that, go up n' clear everything on your way!
- 2 Sages (P) have Purges. Be careful, unless you're using Myrrh.
- Gather your team at (A). You should eliminate 2 Priests first, because they
will refill HP for Orson or others.
- Finally, finish Orson n' seize the throne.

[#] After this map, you'll receive some wpns n' itms for Eirika n' Ephraim.
See "Chapter 16 Ep" below!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----


- Valni Tower will appear! This is your chance to promote some units!
Go there! See "Appendix" part for more details.
- After that, just continue your journey.

--- Chapter 9 Ep: Fort Rigwald --- [9EP]
| |==|=|==| x |==|=|==||
| G | 1| |T W | 2| | 3||
| |- ' '-D' ' -' ' -'|
| |__________ ____x|
| oo|########## |#===#|
| #| A |S B |
| oo #| | | | | |
| .=== #| | | | | ==|
| |___ o #|S| | | | ==|
| | #| | | | | |
| | o #| | | | '-o o|
| __| #| | | | |
| | #|-| |-|_ x|
| '.- o o[]o |_______|
| | | F |
Seize the throne.

[ Name ] Gheb
Class: Warrior
HP 45 - LV 5 - Mv 6
Str 18 - Skl 8 - Spd 6 - Luk 1 - Def 13 - Res 5 - Con 16
<> Equipment: Iron Axe, Killer Axe (spoil)
* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

- Units: 11
- Bring Natasha n' Colm.
- Equip Javelins for Vanessa n' Cavaliers.

1] Legends:
- T: Tana - A: Amelia - W: broken wall
- [],D: locked doors - o: pillars

2] New characters (2):
- Tana: Being captured.
- Amelia: Let Ephraim or Franz talk to her.
* Conversations / Effects
- Ephraim > Amelia / Amelia joins
- Ephraim <> Tana / Nothing
- Franz > Amelia / Amelia joins

3] Items:
- (1): Restore Wand - (2): 2500g - (3): Ocean Seal

* Spoil: 2 Door Keys, Chest Key, AxeReaver, Heavy Spr, Killer Ax

4] Strategy:
- Go ahead. Kill archers first!
- Gather your team at (F) and clear all enemies nearby. You'll get a Door Key
and a Heavy Spr.
- Open the gate,let Seth kill the Priest (S) who has a Sleep Wand at once!Move
up slowly and recruit Amelia.
- Turn 4 and 5 some Cavaliers appear at (x). Wait and eliminate them.
- Afterward, go up, rescue Tana and get all items. Lure and kill the second
Priest (S) as well by using Seth or Vanessa.
- Anything else? Reach to the throne, weaken the boss and finish him.

* After this map, give the Ocean Seal for Colm and promote him to Assassin!

--- Chapter 10 Ep: Turning Traitor --- [10EP]
| 1 G x |
|R |
| |
| 2 B |
| D VE AR C |
| R |
Protect Duessel in 10 turns or defeat Beran.

[ Name ] Selena
Class: Mage Knight
HP 33 - LV 8 - Mv 7
Mag 13 - Skl 13 - Spd 16 - Luk 10 - Def 9 - Res 17 - Con 6 [JP]
HP 38 - LV 8 - Mv 7
Mag 13 - Skl 13 - Spd 16 - Luk 10 - Def 11 - Res 17 - Con 6 [NA]
<> Equipment: Bolting, Elfire
* Difficulty: N/A

[ Name ] Beran (turn 2)

Class: Forrest Knight

HP 34 - LV 7 - Mv 7
Str 15 - Skl 13 - Spd 13 - Luk 6 - Def 13 - Res 13 - Con 9 [JP]
<> Equipment: Short Bow, Steel Sword

HP 43 - LV 7 - Mv 7
Str 15 - Skl 13 - Spd 14 - Luk 6 - Def 14 - Res 13 - Con 9 [NA]
<> Equipment: LanceReaver, Killer Bow, Long Bow

* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

Steel Swd - 600g | Iron Swd - 460g
Iron Blade - 980g | Steel Swd - 600g
Slim Lnc - 450g | Iron Blade - 980g
Steel Lnc - 480g | Iron Lnc - 980g
Iron Ax - 270g | Steel Lnc - 480g
Steel Ax - 360g | Javelin - 480g
Hammer - 800g | Iron Ax - 270g
Hand Ax - 300g | Steel Ax - 360g
Iron Bow - 540g | Hand Ax - 300g
Steel Bow - 720g | Iron Bow - 540g
Short Bow - 1760g | Steel Bow - 720g

In NA version, Elixir is not available!

Fire - 560g
Thunder - 700g
Lightning - 630g
Shine - 900g
Heal - 600g
Mend - 1000g
Restore - 2000g
Unlock - 1500g
Vulnerary - 300g
Elixir - 3000g
Antitoxin - 450g
Torch - 500g
- Units: 10
- Bring flyers n' Cavaliers.

1] Legends:
- D: Duessel - C: Cormag - R: Cruisers

2] New characters (2):
- Duessel: Let Ephraim talk to him.
- Cormag: Let Duessel or Tana talk to him.
* Conversations / Effects
- Ephraim > Duessel / Duessel joins
- Duessel > Cormag / Cormag joins
- Tana > Cormag / Cormag joins (~ Contributed by Bert X ~)

3] Items:
- (1): Torch Wand - (2): Hero Crest (you'll meet Marisa)

* Spoil: Killing Edge, ArmorSlayer, LanceReaver, Secret Book, Elysian Whip

(if you kill Cormag)
In NA version, HorseSlayer will replace ArmorSlayer.

4] Strategy:
- Go west, erase all enemies. Let Vanessa kill the Cruiser ASAP.
- Turn 2, an event will occur. Beran will replace Selena.
- Go down and recruit Duessel. Buy some wpns, itms if you want.
- Go right and clear your way, but make sure you stay out of Cormag's range!
Recruit him afterward.
- Finally, finish Beran. Be careful, his Evasion is high!

[#] After this map, you'll receive a Knight Crest.

Give the Hero Crest for Joshua and promote him to Sword Master!

--- Chapter 11 Ep: Phantom Ship --- [11EP]
| > < |
| __ |
| / \ __ |
| / \ / \ __ |
| | | / \ / \ |
| | G '---' | / \|
| | ___X | | |
|B | | | |___| D |
| | | | .---. R |
| | |___| | | |
| | .---.X | | |
| |______| | | | |
| |______| | |
| |______|
| > < |
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] Monster
Class: Death Gargoyle
HP 29 - LV 3 - Mv 7
Str 11 - Skl 8 - Spd 10 - Luk 1 - Def 11 - Res 2 - Con 11 [JP]
HP 37 - LV 8 - Mv 7
Str 13 - Skl 14 - Spd 14 - Luk 0 - Def 13 - Res 5 - Con 11 [NA]
<> Equipment: Short Spear (spoil)
* Difficulty: Easy

- Units: 11
- Bring Natasha, flyers n' a Bishop.
- Equip Torches.

1] New characters (2):
- L'Arachel: Let Ephraim talk to her.
- Dozla: Let L'Arachel talk to him.
* Conversations / Effects
- Ephraim > L'Arachel / L'Arachel joins
- L'Arachel > Dozla / Dozla joins

2] Items:

* Spoil: Short Spr

3] Strategy:
- Gather your team n' wait! Turn 2, the enemy ship will appear.
- Turn 3, 2 ways will open, some monsters appear at (>) as well. Go right and
clear some enemies.Let your strongest chars stay at (X) to block these ways.
Check and heal your HP carefully.
- Turn 4, more monsters appear at (<).
- Turn 5, your allies will appear from the east and the boss appears from the
- Recruit them, n' ease all enemies to complete your mission!

--- Chapter 12 Ep: Landing at Taizel --- [12EP]
| VE Arena B |
| M |
| 1 |
| |
| ------------- ------------|
| |
| G |
| |
| |
| |
Defeat the boss.

[ Name ] Caellach
Class: Hero

HP 42 - LV 9 - Mv 6
Str 16 - Skl 15 - Spd 13 - Luk 14 - Def 13 - Res 13 - Con 13 [JP]
<> Equipment: Silver Axe, Tomahawk

HP 47 - LV 12 - Mv 6
Str 19 - Skl 14 - Spd 13 - Luk 14 - Def 15 - Res 13 - Con 13 [NA]
<> Equipment: Tomahawk, Silver Axe, Hoplon Guard

* Difficulty: N/A

[ Name ] Monster (turn 2)

Class: Cyclops
HP 42 - LV 9 - Mv 5
Str 11 - Skl 12 - Spd 10 - Luk 2 - Def 16 - Res 4 - Con 16 [JP]
HP 58 - LV 9 - Mv 5
Str 15 - Skl 8 - Spd 9 - Luk 0 - Def 15 - Res 10 - Con 16 [NA]
<> Equipment: Hand Axe, Sword Slayer (spoil)
* Difficulty: Normal

In NA version, Fire n' Lightning will replace Elfire!

Thunder - 700g
Elfire - 1200g
Shine - 900g
Heal - 600g
Mend - 1000g
Restore - 2000g
Vulnerary - 300g
Elixir - 3000g
PureWater - 900g
Antitoxin - 450g

- Units: 12
- Bring a Bishop, flyers n' Cavaliers.

1] Legends:
- M: Marisa

2] New characters (2):
- Ewan: Visits (1).
- Marisa: Let Ewan talk to her.
* Conversations / Effects
- Ewan > Marisa / Marisa joins

3] Items:

* Spoil: Guiding Ring, Elfire, HorseSlayer, SwdSlayer

In NA version, Short Bow will replace HorseSlayer.

4] Strategy:
- Go right, clear all enemies nearby!
- Turn 2, an event will occur. A Cyclops will replace Caellach, more monsters
also appear!
- Go up slowly n' fight CAREFULLY! Try to erase all enemies.
- Recruit Ewan and let him recruit Marisa. Be careful, Marisa can kill Ewan!
Let a flyer entice her, the recruit her. It's the best way.
- Afterward, weaken the boss n' finish him.

--- Chapter 13 Ep: Fluorspar's Oath --- [13EP]
| G |
| |
| J |
| |
| T |
| B |
| 2 |
| |
| 1 W |
| |
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] Selena
Class: Mage Knight
HP 33 - LV 11 - Mv 7
Mag 13 - Skl 13 - Spd 16 - Luk 10 - Def 9 - Res 17 - Con 6
<> Equipment: Bolting, Elfire
* Difficulty: Easy/Normal
- Units: 10
- Bring Colm, flyers n' Cavaliers.
- Equip anti-horse wpns.

1] Legends:
- J: Gerik n' Tethys

2] New characters (2):
- Gerik.
- Tethys.
* Conversations / Effects
- Ephraim <> Gerik / Nothing
- Marisa <> Gerik / Nothing
- Duessel <> Selena / Nothing (Condition: approach or atk her)
- Ewan <> Tethys / Nothing (~ Contributed by Do Duc "vertorguy" ~)

3] Items:
- (1): Barrier - (2): Talisman

* Spoil: Dragon Spr, Zanbato, Energy Ring, Halberd

4] Strategy:
- Move Gerik and Tethys to your team ASAP. Gerik has a Hero Crest, use it to
promote him to Hero (or do it later).
- Just defend first! Turn 3, 4 and 5 more enemies - especially Pegasus Knights
will appear from the south. Wait and take care of them.
- Afterward, go down and fight carefully.If you want,just defeat Selena first.
Cormag (promoted to Dragon Master) can do this easily!
- The troubadour (T) has a Sleep Wand, eliminate her at once. The mage (W) has
a SpeedWing, just steal it. Get all itms as well.
- Finally, clear the entire map to complete your mission.

--- Chapter 14 Ep: Father and Son --- [14EP]
|| 4|##====|=====|====##| 5||
|| _|## o B o ##|_ ||
|o o | K K | o R o|
| > | | < |
| | o=====| |=====o | |
| | o[ ]o | |
| |o P o_________o L o| |
| #|[ ]|#########|[ ]|# |
|____S| | | |_____|
|#####o o=========o o#####|
|-> |x 123 x| <-|
|------o | | o------|
|###=== '-o[ ]o-' A ===###|
|### ###|
|o==| |=============| |==o|
|| o G2 o o G1 o |
|| | | | | |
Seize the throne.

[ Name ] Vigarde
Class: General
HP 52 - LV 13 - Mv 5
Str 21 - Skl 16 - Spd 13 - Luk 9 - Def 20 - Res 12 - Con 17 [JP]
Str 21 - Skl 14 - Spd 11 - Luk 9 - Def 20 - Res 12 - Con 17 [NA]
<> Equipment: Spear, Knight Crest (spoil)
* Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard


LanceReaver - 1800g | Steel Blade - 1250g
SwdReaver - 2100g | Silver Blade - 1800g
AxeReaver - 1950g | Killing Edge - 1300g
Killer Bow - 1400g | Killer Lance - 1200g
Purge - 3000g | Battle Axe - 1000g
Bolting - 2500g | Killer Axe - 1000g
Recover - 2250g | Killer Bow - 1400g
Angelic Robe - 8000g | Barrier - 2250g
Energy Ring - 8000g | Physic - 3750g
Lockpick - 1200g | Lockpick - 1200g
Hero Crest - 10000g | Hero Crest - 10000g
Knight Crest - 10000g | Knight Crest - 10000g
Orion Bolt - 10000g | Orion Bolt - 10000g
Elysian Whip - 10000g | Elysian Whip - 10000g
Guiding Ring - 10000g | Guiding Ring - 10000g
Ocean Seal - 10000g | Ocean Seal - 10000g

- Units: 12
- Bring Natasha (equipped w/ the Restore Wand), L'Arachel n' Colm.
- Equip anti-armor, anti-swd n' anti-spr wpns.

1] Legends:
- G1, G2: your groups - o: pillars
- S: Secret Shop - [ ]: locked doors

2] New characters (1): turn 2
- Rennac: Let Ephraim or L'Arachel (recommended) talk to him.
* Conversations / Conditions / Effects
- Ephraim > Rennac / Give some money for him / Rennac joins
- L'Arachel > Rennac / None / Rennac joins
- Ephraim > Vigarde / Atk Vigarde / Nothing
- Duessel > Vigarde / Atk Vigarde / Nothing

3] Items:
- (1): Guiding Ring - (3): Hammerne - (5): Spear
- (2): Halberd - (4): Angelic Robe
In NA version, (2) is 10000G.

* Spoil: Knight Crest, Red Gem, Sleep Wand, 4 Door Keys, Chest Key,
Long Bow, SwdReaver.
In NA version, you can get Shine, ArmorSlayer n' Hammer more.

4] Strategy:
- Gather your team at (A), then defend!
- Turn 2, Rennac will appear and steal a Spear in chest (5). Ignore him. Some
enemies also appear at (->) and (<-).
- Turn 3 & 4, they appear again. Wait and kill them all if you want.
- Afterward, go up quickly,open the door,kill the bishop - who has the Silence
Wand - and clear all enemies nearby. Recruit Rennac (if not, he will escape
- Be careful w/ 2 Druid (K), they have Berserk Wands! IF ANY CHAR IS INFECTED,
LET NATASHA RESTORES AT ONCE! Go left, erase all,open the door and kill them
- Turn 7, 8 and 9 some enemies appear: 2 Mages at (>), 2 Shamans at (<). Take
care of them.
- Now, get all itms before you defeat Vigarde. 4 Shamans will appear at (x) in
2 turn, if you've killed the first Shaman there.
- Don't miss the Secret Shop. Buy 2 Purges, 2 Bolting.
- The last target is Vigarde. HE'S A HARD-TO-KILL OPPONENT.Sometimes he'll use
the Great Shield Skill! BE CAREFUL, let Ephraim finish him.
- Finally, seize the throne.

| Contributed by Alex Van Kralingen "Metallica_kid" |
I found it easier to gather my team above group 2 to intercept Rennac before
he gets to the second chest and stairs. If you do it my way the strategy is
pretty much the same, kill things as you go up and then kill more things and
recruit Rennac.

| Contributed by Matt Eilers |
First, kill all enemies outside the throne room. When you reach the hallway
outside the Inanimate Vigarde, pick someone slow like Gilliam & pick someone
who can travel great distances quickly, such as Cormag. Keep all your other
troops in the top corners. The druids behind the wall will try n' hit you w/
berserk, so keep Cormag back. IF they hit Gilliam (they have a slow chance,
about 17%) then run Cormag around the castle. Gilliam will chase him, and by
the time the spell wears off, you can go back and repeat until both wands
break. They can only be used three times each.Then go through the gates,kill
the shaman and the druids, then use "hit and run" tactics to get away from
Vigarde. Run someone into combat and have them hit. Have someone with a high
con. Rescue him or her. Send someone else just as strong with lots of health
do the same. Repeat for as many characters who can rescue as you can.Beware!
Vigarde CAN throw his spear, so watch out for Neimi.

[#] After this map, you'll receive 2 S class wpns: Gleipnir and Garm.
Knoll will join your team!

--- Chapter 15 Ep: Scorched Sand --- [15EP]
| K VE E |
| |
| |
| 1 F |
| G F W |
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] Caellach
Class: Hero

HP 42 - LV 12 - Mv 6
Str 16 - Skl 15 - Spd 13 - Luk 14 - Def 13 - Res 13 - Con 13 [JP]
<> Equipment: Silver Axe, Tomahawk, Hoplon Guard (spoil)

HP 47 - LV 12 - Mv 6
Str 19 - Skl 14 - Spd 13 - Luk 14 - Def 15 - Res 13 - Con 13 [NA]
<> Equipment: Tomahawk, Silver Axe, Hoplon Guard (spoil)

* Difficulty: Normal/Hard

[ Name ] Valter
Class: Wyvern Knight

HP 40 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 19 - Skl 17 - Spd 15 - Luk 3 - Def 13 - Res 10 - Con 11 [JP]

<> Equipment: Silver Lance, Spear, Fili Shield (spoil)

HP 45 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 19 - Skl 17 - Spd 17 - Luk 3 - Def 13 - Res 12 - Con 11 [NA]
<> Equipment: Spear, Killer Lance, Fili Shield (spoil)

* Difficulty: Easy/Hard

In NA version, Heal will replace Lightning n' Luna!

Thunder - 700g
Elfire - 1200g
Lightning - 630g
Shine - 900g
Divine - 2500g
Flux - 900g
Luna - 4200g
Mend - 1000g
Restore - 2000g
Barrier - 2250g
Vulnerary - 300g
Elixir - 3000g
PureWater - 900g
Antitoxin - 450g

- Units: 12 (Thanks to eytan4000 for the correction!)
- Bring a Rogue n' healing itms.
- Bring anti-horse n' anti-flyer wpns.
- Equip Dragon Spr for Cormag.

1] Legends:
- K: Caellach's team - W: Valter's team - E: Eirika's team

2] New characters (3):
- Eirika.
- Saleh.
- Innes.
* Conversations / Conditions / Effects
- Ephraim <> Eirika / None / Nothing
- Tana <> Eirika / None / Nothing
- Tana <> Innes / None / Nothing
- Ewan <> Saleh / None / Nothing
- Eirika <> Seth / None / Nothing
- Cormag > Valter / Atk Valter / Nothing
- Eirika n' Ephraim > Valter / Atk Valter / Nothing
- Joshua > Caellach / Atk Caellach / Nothing

3] Items:
- (1): Master Seal

* Spoil: Hoplon Guard, Fili Shield, Flux, Dragon Ax, Berserk Wand, Devil Ax

| Contributed by kreeperking |
It's originally a hand axe you can get but if the berserker attacks you with
a hand axe the dragon axe is what you get. Before the chapter starts look at
the berserker and you will see the hand axe is originally green.

4] Strategy:
Some minor changes:
- Move Eirika's team to your location quickly.
- Turn 4 and 5, some Dragon Knights appear at the forts (F), not Cavaliers.
- Turn 8 and 9, four Mages appear from the north, not Shamans.

[#] After this map, you'll receive 2 S class wpns: Audhulma n' Excalibur!

--- Chapter 16 Ep: Ruled by Madness --- [16EP]
|| o-Do |##| B |##| 2||
|oD| | | E E E | 3||
| "| | | | 4||
| "| K| o o o|
| | | |o_______o|__||
| .-D-' A < |
| | 1 |=o o=====. o o |
| | | |____ |
| | o=| o####||
| |"|#|=o o==. ' ||
| | |#| |##| ||
| o_ |____ ||
| |#| o o |####| ||
| o====o====o o ||
| |####|####| ||
|x G x ^ o=='|

Seize the throne.

[ Name ] Orson
Class: Paladin

HP 47 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 18 - Skl 14 - Spd 12 - Luk 6 - Def 14 - Res 9 - Con 12 [JP]
<> Equipment: Silver Sword, Spear

HP 48 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 18 - Skl 15 - Spd 14 - Luk 6 - Def 14 - Res 11 - Con 12 [NA]
<> Equipment: Rune Sword, Silver Lance

* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

- Units: 11
- Bring Myrrh, Natasha n' a Rogue.

1] Legends:
- o: pillars - D: locked doors - ": stairs

2] New characters (1):
- Myrrh (the Manakete). See "C16 Er" again.
* Conversations / Conditions / Effects
- Ephraim > Orson / Atk Orson / Nothing
- Seth > Orson / Atk Orson / Nothing
- Forde > Orson / Atk Orson / Nothing
- Kyle > Orson / Atk Orson / Nothing

| Contributed by Kevin Asso "TehShadow" |
More conversations will happen between Orson with Seth, Kyle and Forde.

3] Items:
- (1): Tomahawk - (2): Talisman - (3): Knight Crest - (4): 5000G

* Spoil: Hero Crest, Physic, 2 Door Keys, Chest Key

4] Strategy:
Some changes:
- Move all your team up.
- Turn 3, 6 Cavaliers and a Great Knight appear at (x). Turn 5, a Valkyria and
3 Forrest Knights appear at (^).Take care of them! Two Sages - equipped with
Sleep Wands and Purges - appear from (<) as well.
- Afterward, go up and clear everything on your way!
- Three Druids (E) have Eclipses.The Druid (K) has a Berserk Wand. KILL HIM AT
ONCE! Go right and get all itms.
- Gather your team at (A). You should eliminate 2 Priests first, because they
will refill HP for Orson or others.
- Finally, finish Orson and seize the throne.

[#] After this map, you will receive some items for Eirika and Ephraim: Solar
Brace, Lunar Brace, Siegmund and Sieglinde.
Upgrade for Ephraim and Eirika now!

--- Chapter 17: River of Regrets --- [C17]
| W AR |
| B |
| S xxx |
| |
| VE G |
Defeat Lyon.

[ Name ] Lyon
Class: Necromancer
HP 44 - LV 14 - Mv 6
Mag 22 - Skl 13 - Spd 11 - Luk 4 - Def 17 - Res 19 - Con 7
<> Equipment: Fenrir, Nosferatu (spoil)
* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

Slim Swd - 480g | Iron Swd - 460g
Steel Swd - 600g | Steel Swd - 600g
KillingEdge - 1300g | LanceReaver - 1800g
Slim Lnc - 450g | KillingEdge - 1300g
Steel Lnc - 480g | Iron Lnc - 360g
Killer Lnc - 1200g | Steel Lnc - 480g
Steel Ax - 360g | AxeReaver - 1950g
Hand Ax - 300g | Killer Lnc - 1200g
Killer Ax - 1000g | Javelin - 400g
Steel Bow - 720g | Iron Ax - 270g
Long Bow - 2000g | Steel Ax - 360g
Killer Bow - 1400g | SwordReaver - 1950g
| Killer Ax - 1000g
| Hand Ax - 300g
| Iron Bow - 540g
| Steel Bow - 720g
| Killer Bow - 1400g

Thunder - 700g | Thunder - 700g
Elfire - 1200g | Elfire - 1200g
Shine - 900g | Shine - 900g
Divine - 2500g | Divine - 2500g
Flux - 900g | Flux - 900g
Luna - 4200g | Nosferatu - 3200g
Mend - 1000g | Heal - 600g
Recover - 2250g | Mend - 1000g
Restore - 2000g | Restore - 2000g
Elixir - 3000g | Elixir - 3000g
PureWater - 900g | PureWater - 900g
Antitoxin - 450g | Antitoxin - 450g

- Units: 12
- Bring flyers n' Cavaliers.

1] Legends:
- S: Syrene

2] New characters (1):
- Syrene (the FalconKnight): Let Innes, Tana or Vanessa talk to her.
* Conversations / Effects
- Innes, Tana or Vanessa > Syrene / Syrene joins

3] Items:

* Spoil: Nosferatu, Brave Axe, Guiding Ring, Fimbulvetr

4] Strategy:
- Move all flyers up,save all villagers and recruit Syrene! Henceforth,you can
use the Triangle Attack!
- The Berserker (W) has a DragonShield. Steal it if you want.
- Enemy reinforcements:
+ 2 Dragon Knights: from the northwest in turn 3, 5, 7, 9, 11.
+ 2 Warriors: from the southeast in turn 3, 4, 5, 6.
+ 3 Druids: at (x) in turn 4, 6, 8.
+ 2 Cavaliers: from the west in turn 4, 6, 8.
+ 1 Paladin, 1 Great Knight: from the west in turn 11, 12.
- If you want, wait n' erase them all.
(My tip: don't waste your time. Aim to Lyon first!)
- The last target is Lyon. He can be defeated easily!

[#] After this map, you'll receive 2 S class wpns: Nidhogg and Vidofnir!
If you saved all villagers, they'll give you a Rescue Wand.

--- Chapter 18: Two Faces of Evil --- [C18]
| |
| B |
| |
| |
| G |
Defeat all enemies.

[ Name ] Monster
Class: Gorgon

HP 25 - LV 8 - Mv 6
Mag 17 - Skl 6 - Spd 7 - Luk 4 - Def 6 - Res 12 - Con 11 [JP]
<> Equipment: Demon Surge

HP 44 - LV 15 - Mv 6
Mag 18 - Skl 14 - Spd 11 - Luk 3 - Def 10 - Res 19 - Con 11 [NA]
<> Equipment: Demon Surge, Stone

* Difficulty: Easy

- Units: 10
- Bring some chars whom you want to LvUp.
If you want to finish this map quickly, just bring flyers n' Cavaliers.

1] Strategy:
- Nothing special. All enemies are monsters. Kill them all.
- About the Egg Chambers: they'll gain 5HP every turn. Once their HP are full,
they'll hatch to Gorgons. You should destroy them before they hatch to gain
more EXP!
- Try to avoid all orange spots!They randomly shoot up fire that inflict a lot
of damage to the char who is standind on them!

--- Chapter 19: Last Hope --- [C19]
| O=====================O_ E3 |
| | |
|o-o o-o .-------------. |
|| | | | |G3 .---. G2 |---. |
|| G4 | o o-o###o-o o S|_ |
||=====| o-o K o-o | ||
|| 1 2 | | |o o| | | 4||
|| 3 | | G1 | | 5||
|o-oDo-' o o | 6||
| | ||
|o-oo-.-o o---oo-o o o|
||#|##o_|__|_o#||#| |
||#|#o! !o||#| |
||#| !! !!||#o--. E4|
| B!!o------o!! |##| |
|E1 !o o!E2|##o-oo-oo-oo|
Protect Mansel in 13 turns or defeat Riev.

[ Name ] Riev
Class: Bishop
HP 44 - LV 16 - Mv 6
Mag 14 - Skl 21 - Spd 19 - Luk 9 - Def 17 - Res 18 - Con 7 [JP]
HP 49 - LV 16 - Mv 6
Mag 14 - Skl 21 - Spd 19 - Luk 9 - Def 16 - Res 18 - Con 7 [NA]
<> Equipment: Aura (spoil)
* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

[ Name ] Mansel
Class: Pontifex
HP 21 - LV 17 - Mv 5
Str 11 - Skl 3 - Spd 2 - Luk 17 - Def 5 - Res 8 - Con 8
Rausten troops: 1 General, 8 Armor Knights


Shamshir - 1200g | Barrier - 2250g
Spear - 9000g | Physic - 3750g
Battle Axe - 2100g | Hero Crest - 10000g
Physic - 3750g | Knight Crest - 10000g
Angelic Robe - 8000g | Orion Bolt - 10000g
Energy Ring - 8000g | Elysian Whip - 10000g
SpeedWing - 8000g | Guiding Ring - 10000g
Goddess Icon - 8000g | Ocean Seal - 10000g
Dragon Shield - 8000g
Hero Crest - 10000g
Knight Crest - 10000g
Orion Bolt - 10000g
Elysian Whip - 10000g
Guiding Ring - 10000g
Ocean Seal - 10000g

- Units: 17
- Bring: Rennac n' Colm (equipped w/ Member Card n' Silver Card)
Natasha n' L'Arachel (equipped w/ Torch Wands)
Flyers, Cavaliers n' ALL YOUR STRONGEST CHARS!
Myrrh (equipped w/ Fili Shield!)
- Bring some torches.

1] Legends:
- G1-G4: your groups - o: pillars
- K: Mansel - S: Secret Shop
- (1): Rune Swd - (4): Fortify
- (2): Fenrir - (5): 5000G
- (3): SpeedWing - (6): Bolting

2] Items:

* Spoil: Brave Lnc, Brave Swd, Brave Bow, Aura

3] Strategy:
You'll have 2 ways to complete this map.

A] Wait for turn 13, also LvUp your team:

Current enemies:
+ 2 Armor Knights, 2 Archers, 2 Swdfighters at the north.
+ 2 Warriors, 2 Heroes, 1 Sniper at the northeast.
+ 2 Mercenaries, 2 Druids, 2 Generals at the south entrance.
2 SwdMasters, 1 Hero at the south.
+ 2 Fighters at the southeast.

- Let your strongest chars block 2 main entrances, and some chars (healers and
long-ranged atk chars) around. DEFEND ONLY!

* My tip: place Ephraim, Myrrh, Eirika,Joshua, Saleh,Natasha, Innes,L'Arachel,

Vanessa, Tana at the south entrance.Others at the north. Let Rennac and Colm
get all itms.


- Don't forget the Secret Shop. Buy as much as possible if you can!

Enemy reinforcements:
+ 2 SwdMasters n' 1 Great Knight from E2 in turn 2-8!
+ 1 Warrior, 1 Sniper from E3 in turn 3, 5, 7.
+ 1 Valkyria, 1 Forrest Knight, 1 Paladin, 1 Warrior from E1 in turn 3-9!
+ 2 Heroes from E3 in turn 4, 6, 8.
+ 1 Thief from E4 in turn 6, 7.
1 Thief from the west in turn 6.
+ 2 Generals from E4 in turn 9, 11.
+ 2 Warriors from E4 in turn 10, 12.

B] Eliminate Riev ASAP to save your time:

- First, light the southwest area. Go down quickly, clear all enemies nearby.
Then stay at the entrance. Get all itms as well.
- Next, light the southwest area again. Riev is there.
- Finally, defeat him ASAP. He's not a strong opponent.

[#] After this map, you'll receive:

- 2 S class wpns: Ivaldi n' Latona!
- A Light Brand n' 10000G.
The Lagdou Ruins will appear on the World Map!If you want,go there to LvUp
your team.

--- Chapter 20: Darkling Woods --- [C20]
| C |
| x |
| |
| |
| x M B x |
| / |
| / |
| O A / |
| x / |
| / G |
Seize the castle.

[ Name ] Riev
Class: Bishop
HP 54 - LV 17 - Mv 6
Mag 23 - Skl 26 - Spd 24 - Luk 19 - Def 18 - Res 28 - Con 7 [JP]
HP 49 - LV 17 - Mv 6
Mag 14 - Skl 21 - Spd 19 - Luk 9 - Def 16 - Res 18 - Con 7 [NA]
<> Equipment: Aura
* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

[ Name ] Morva
Class: Manakete
HP 62 - LV 18 - Mv 3 - Con 25
Str 16(+10) - Skl 10(+10) - Spd 13 - Luk 7 - Def 4(+20) - Res 8(+10)
<> Equipment: Wretched Air
* Difficulty: Normal

- Units: 18
- Bring: Artur (equipped w/ Ivaldi n' Purges).
Natasha (equipped w/ Aura, Latona, Fortify n' Restore).
Flyers, Cavaliers n' ALL YOUR STRONGEST CHARS!
- Equip all Legendary Wpns!

1] Items:

* Spoil: LanceReaver, Steel Swd, Vulnerary, AxeReaver, KillingEdge, Spear, two

Elixirs, SwdSlayer, Steel Blade, Long Bow, 2 Antitoxins

2] Strategy:
- All enemies are monsters (except Riev)!
- Watch 1 ArchBigl and 3 Gorgons at (x). Be careful w/ their black magic. Kill
- Go up, left, down, left.Clear all enemies on your way. Afterward,gather your
team at (A).
- Move up quickly, defeat Riev first.
- The last target is Morva. Myrrh can finish him easily, but make sure her Max
HP is exceed 40!
- Finally, seize the castle.

* About your enemies, they'll appear from different locations:

+ 2 Cyclops: from (C) in turn 2, 3, 4
+ 3 Gargoyles: from (O) in turn 2, 4, 6, 8
from the northwest in turn 7, 9, 11, 13
+ 2 Macdaires: from (M) in turn 17
+ 3 Bigls: from the castle in turn 19
+ 3 Baels: from the west in turn 20
That's enough. Just ignore this problem!

| Contributed by John Moylan IV |
Here's a tip for easily beating Morva in Chapther 20 in the NA version.
Firstly, in Chapter 16 "Ruled By Madness" there is a Monk who drops Divine
when killed,but also has a Purge in his inventory. If you move one step away
from him, he will use divine on you. Kill him and he should drop Purge. Use
the Purge in Chapter 20 with a Bishop to kill Morva in 2-3 hits.

--- Final Chapter: Sacred Stones --- [FNL]
| |
| B |
| x x |
| D D |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| 1 2 |
| x G x |
Defeat Lyon.

[ Name ] Lyon
Class: Necromancer
HP 73 - LV 18 - Mv 6
Mag 29 - Skl 19 - Spd 15 - Luk 9 - Def 26 - Res 29 - Con 7
<> Equipment: Naglfar
* Difficulty: Easy/Normal

[ Name ] Monster (left)
Class: Draco Zombie
HP 67 - LV 10 - Mv 5 - Con 25
Str 6(+10) - Skl 4(+10) - Spd 3 - Luk 4 - Def 6(+20) - Res 5(+10) [JP]
Str 6(+10) - Skl 2(+10) - Spd 4 - Luk 5 - Def 4(+20) - Res 4(+10) [NA]
<> Equipment: Wretched Air
* Difficulty: Normal

[ Name ] Monster (right)

Class: Draco Zombie
HP 66 - LV 10 - Mv 5 - Con 25
Str 7(+10) - Skl 4(+10) - Spd 4 - Luk 4 - Def 5(+20) - Res 5(+10) [JP]
Str 7(+10) - Skl 3(+10) - Spd 5 - Luk 4 - Def 4(+20) - Res 4(+10) [NA]
<> Equipment: Wretched Air
* Difficulty: Normal

- Units: 12
- Like Chapter 20.

1] Legends:
- D: Draco Zombies - x: Gorgons

2] Items:
- (1): Master Seal - (2): Angelic Robe

* Spoil: 2 Door Keys, Chest Key

3] Strategy:
- All enemies are monsters (except Lyon)!
- Go up slowly. Be careful w/ 4 Gorgons (x). Kill them all by using Purges.
- Some enemies will appear:
+ 4 Gargoyles from the northeast in turn 3.
+ 5 ArchBigls from the northwest in turn 6.
+ 3 Skeletons, 3 Baels from the north in turn 6.
- About two Draco Zombies (D): stay out of their atk ranges! Weaken them with
Purges, then kill them ASAP.
- Finally, defeat Lyon. He's not a strong opponent.
Note: The main lord (Ephraim or Eirika) has a small conversation with him.


| B |
| |
| |
| |
| G |
Defeat the boss.

[ Name ] Fomortiis
Class: Demon King
HP 120 - LV 20 - Mv 2 - Con 25

Str 23(+10) - Luk 10

Skl 20(+10) - Def 25(+15) [JP]
Spd 18 - Res 25(+10)

<> Equipment: Ravager, Demon Light, Nightmare

Str 23(+10) - Luk 10(+10)

Skl 20(+10) - Def 25(+10) [NA]
Spd 18 - Res 25(+15)

<> Equipment: Demon Light, Ravager, Nightmare

* Difficulty: Normal


<< Strategy >>
- Move up n' stay out of Fomortiis's atk range!
- Turn 2, he'll summon some monsters. Wait n' kill them all.
- Finally, defeat him. 3 ways:
+ Weaken him w/ Excalibur, Nidhogg n' Ivaldi. Then finish him.
+ Myrrh can defeat him in one blow if she performs CRT atk!
+ Use the char w/ high Res n' HP!

| Contributed by bkam4 |
This is another way to defeat the D. King: Cut his HP in half with Eclipse,
use Hammerne to restore Eclipse to its normal condition if necessary, then
when his HP is cut down, use Myrrh and the Nidhogg to take down the rest of
his HP.

--> My comment: Be careful, the accuracy of Eclipse is very low!

| Contributed by Arba Chu |
First you destroy the monsters he summons (you can leave the Draco Zombies.
Just stay out of their range.)
Put Erikia at the farthest part of the DK's Attack range (the closest place
at which you can be without being attacked).
Move Seth opposite this,move Erikia Up and let her attack(she could survive,
and be able to attack twice). After this let Seth move up, rescue her and go
back. Then heal her up to full health. Repeat.



--- APPENDIX: Tower n' Ruins --- [APX]

Q: Why should I enter there?

A: First, to LvUp your chars. This is a best chance.
Second, to recruit Secret Chars (in Extra Mode).
To get good Items and Gold (~ Contributed by bkam4 ~)
Q: Other effects?
A: Maybe. I'll list them here if I find more.


Kill all monsters!



- Bring the chars whom you want to LvUp.
- All enemies are monsters! Therefore, Bishops and Light Magic are your best
choices here!
- Try to get all valuable chests (1,2,3...). HOWEVER, THEY'RE RANDOM ITMS!
- About the spoils: THEY'RE RANDOM ITMS as well. Self-check is the best way.
- Check and heal your HP carefully.
- Iron and Steel Weapons are your main wpns. However, just bring some superior
wpns (Silver, Killer, Brave, Legendary) as well - ESPECIALLY 10th Ruins!
Bring as much as you can!
Basic weapons are all that is needed in most cases and you can LvUp multiple
characters at a time (~ Contributed by Andrew Dingler ~)


- VALNI TOWER: Easy/Normal. Don't worry.
Finish it first to get some Secret Chars, ESPECIALLY Riev!
- LAGDOU RUINS: HARD/VERY HARD!!! Bring all your strongest chars and superior
weapons as much as you can! Bishops and Summoners (create Phantom as much as
possible) are your best choices!


1/ VALNI TOWER [VAL] \-----------------------------------------------------

* Units: 8

Nothing special. Go up n' clear all!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| B |
|--------------------. |
| | |
| G | |
| ' |
- Go right > up > left.
- Let 1 char stay at the start location to erase some enemy reinforcements.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| B | .-------. | G |
| | | 1 | | |
| | | | | |
| | |__ __| | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |_____| |______| |
| |
- (1): 3000G.
- Go down > left > up.
- After this map, Caellach will join your team!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| B |
| |
| G1 |
| G2 |
| |

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| |
| | | | | |
| | 1 | | x | |
| | | G | B | |
| | | | | |
| | x | | 2 | |
| | | | | |
| |

Some monsters will appear at (x). Block these positions.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| B 2 3 4 |
| |
| |
| |
| 1 G |

- Demolish all broken walls (HP:50) to move.Or you can hand over this work for
all monsters ^_^
- After this map, Orson will join your team!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| B |
| |
| |
| |
| G |

- Clear the current area ONE BY ONE to open the way to the next area!
- Let 2 flyers stay around the start location to erase some enemy reinfs.
- After this map, Riev will join your team! Use him at once!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| B |
| |
| 1 |
| x |
| |
| |
| |
| G |

- The final stage! Do your best!

- Try to kill the Gorgon (x) first.
- Watch out the "Shooting Stars"! They'll rain incidentally!

* After cleared the Tower once, Ismaire will join your team!
Finish the Tower 3 times, Serena will join your team!

2/ LAGDOU RUINS [LAG] \----------------------------------------------------

As I said,this map is HARD,VERY HARD! All monsters here are promoted classes!
There are some tips:

1] If you want to LvUp your team (Story Mode):

Do as you like and you can exit whenever!

2] If you want to get Secret Chars:

- Bring ALL YOUR BISHOPS: Artur, Natasha, Moulder, Riev. Equip some Purges,
Fortify and Restore Wands!
- Equip superior wpns (Brave, Silver, Killer...) as much as you can.
- Bring all your strongest chars!
- Try to kill all Gorgons and ArchBigls first!
ROUND 1 n' 2
| G |
| |
| |
| |
| B |
- Units: 8
- Go ahead n' clear all!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| 1 B 2 |
| |
| |
| |
| 3 |
| |
| |
| G |
- Units: 8
- Watch out these Gorgons. Kill them first!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| G 1 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| 2 B |
- Units: 10
- Demolish all broken walls (HP:50) to move.Or you can hand over this work for
all monsters (like Valni Tower 6F)
- Kill all Gorgons by using Purges!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| 1 B |
| |
| |
| |
| 2 |
| |
| |
| G 3 |
- Units: 9
- Try to avoid all holey walls (decorated walls)! They'll shoot toxic gas to a
direct line!
- After this map, Glen and King Hayden will join your team!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| |
| B |
| |
| |
| |
| G1 |
| |
| G2 G3 |
- Units: 10
- Erase all!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| |
| G1 |
| |
| G2 |
| |
| |
| G3 |
| B |
- Units: 11
- Spoil: Black Gem (from the boss)
- Most of monsters are ArchBigls and Gorgons. Kill them first!
- Bring Berserkers and flyers.
- After this map, Valter will join your team!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| B |
| |
| |
| |
| 1 |
| |
| |
| G |
- Units: 9
- Most of monsters are ArchBigls and DeathGargoyles!
- All floating platforms have bridges that connect them to the others.However,
they will appear and disappear on different turns and can isolate your team!
Use flyers to rescue!
- Bring Berserkers and flyers.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| B |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| G |
- Units: 8
- Erase all!
- Try to avoid all orange spots! They randomly shoot up fire that inflict lots
of damage to the char who is standing on them!

| Contributed by AienC "Shadow Fox" |
A rogue, when placed over a trap, will automatically disable the trap. Step
onto the space where the trap is, and have him wait.

--> My comment: GREAT! For more details, see the "Secrets" part below.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----
| 1 |
| B |
| |
| |
| G |
| |
| |
| |

- Units: 8
- Spoil: Gold Gem (from the boss)
- All monsters are Draco Zombies (10)! Check their movement!
- Bring Myrrh and all Bishops! Equip all Legendary Wpns!
- After that, go down slowly, weaken them w/ your Purges.
- Finally, erase them all!

| Contributed by Brian Lin "metroid1117" |
This is an alternate way to beat the final level of Langou Ruins w/o using
Myrth. Draco Zombies have similar weaknesses to wyverns, so just give your
characters holy, anti-wyvern, and bow weapons. I was able to kill several
Draco Zombies just having Neimi shooting them with a Silver Bow, then having
someone with a Wyrmslayer finish the job. For me, it's the easiest way to
complete the mission.

--> My comment: GREAT!

* After cleared the Ruins once, King Fado will join your team!
Finish the Ruins 3 times, Lyon will join your team!

| Contributed by Nico Van Laethem |

* NOTE: his original file is a .ppt (PowerPoint format). I can't post it here,
so I'll convert it to ASCII art.
You should draw these maps or print them.


- 1, 2, ..., 0: Draco Zombies.
- W, V, R: your characters.
- C: treasure chest.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|_|_|_| _|_|C|_|_ |_|_|_|
|_|_|_|_ |_|_|8|_|_| _|_|_|_|
|_| |_|_|7|_|_|_|_|_|9|_|_| |_|
|_| |_|_|_|_|_|R|_|_|_| |_|

Set up your starting positions as shown on this map before you begin.I chose
Garcia as W (Lv20 Warrior, equipped with a Brave Bow), Colm as R (Lv20 Rogue,
only needed for the treasure chest),L'Arachel as V(Lv20 Valkyrie,to fully heal
my Warrior after each fight).
You can also see I numbered the Draco Zombies (1,2,...,0). Well, this is the
order in which we're going to bring 'em down with the Draco 0 as the last one.
Draco Zombies move 5 squares and have an atk range of 2,so they have a total
reach of 7.
My R moves 6 squares + atk range 2 = 8
My H moves 6 squares + atk range 1 = 7
My V moves 7 squares + atk range 2 = 9
8 doesn't move. He only attacks when entering his atk range.

1st Turn
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|_|_|_| _|_|C|_|_ |_|_|_|
|_|_|_|_ |_|_|8|_|_| _|_|_|_|
|_| |_|_|7|_|_|_|_|_|9|_|_| |_|
|_| |_|_|_|_|_|R|_|_|_| |_|

Move W and V to the indicated places on the map. (R can stay where he is, he
is fine and safe) and atk 1 with your Brave Bow.
RESULT: 1 dies and W is hurt from counterblow.If your V has a Psychic staff,
she can heal him from where she's standing. Otherwise, wait till next turn to
heal W.
Now for the next turn you need to get to the left of R, but that will take W
to walk 7 squares... Since W can only take 6 squares per turn, we will place
him somewhere else first and use one turn more to get to the wanted positions
(see next turn).

2nd Turn
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|_|_|_| _|_|C|_|_ |_|_|_|
|_|_|_|_ |_|_|8|_|_| _|_|_|_|
|_| |_|_|7|_|_|_|_|_|9|_|_| |_|
|_| |_|_|_|_|_|R|_|_|_| |_|

Place your W like shown on the map and end your turn. The rest should stay
where they are, safe and well! If you needed to heal your W,you can do this in
this turn. But remember: STAY OUT OF THE DRACO'S RANGE!!!

3rd Turn
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|_|_|_| _|_|C|_|_ |_|_|_|
|_|_|_|_ |_|_|8|_|_| _|_|_|_|
|_| |_|_|7|_|_|_|_|_|9|_|_| |_|
|_| |_|_|_|_|W|R|_|_|_| |_|

On your third turn place your W into 2's range like shown on the map. When
you end your turn, the Draco Zombie will come to attack. Same scenario here as
in your first turn: you get hurt, you shoot back with Brave Bow,you kill Draco
(starting to see the pattern already???) (see next turn)

4th Turn
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|_|_|_| _|_|C|_|_ |_|_|_|
|_|_|_|_ |_|_|8|_|_| _|_|_|_|
|_| |_|_|7|_|_|_|_|_|9|_|_| |_|
|_| |_|_|_|_|!|R|_|_|_| |_|

Now when it's your turn again, leave R and V where they are (like shown on
the map) or put them somewhere out of range of the remaining Dracos.
Now move oyur W as shown on the map into the range of 3.
If needed, you can now heal W again.
When you end your turn, 3 will attack your W, hurt him a little, but loose
the fight again (Brave Bow really is A MUST!)
I guess by now you understand the strategy, and already have enough free
squares to take your refuge. Work your way up clockwise (don't forget to pick
the chest!!) and beat the last level from the Lagdou Ruins. It's as simple as
Any questions? Mail me: [email protected]
[email protected]
Have fun!





Eirika | Lord | Prologue
| C15 Ep. From the start
Seth | Paladin | Prologue
Franz | Social Knt | C1. Turn 2
Gilliam | Armor Knt | C1. Turn 2
Vanessa | Pegasus Knt | C2. From the start
Moulder | Priest | C2. From the start
Ross | TraineeFgt | C2. Let Eirika talk to him
Garcia | Fighter | C2. Let Ross talk to him, or after cleared the map
Neimi | Archer | C3. From the start
Colm | Thief | C3. Turn 2. Let Neimi talk to him
Artur | Monk | C4. From the start
Lute | Mage | C4. Visits the lower left house
Natasha | Sister | C5. From the start
Joshua | Sword Fgt | C5. Let Natasha talk to him
Ephraim | Lord | C5x. From the start
| C8. Turn 2
| C15 Er. Turn 3
Forde | Social Knt | C5x. From the start
| C8. Turn 2
Kyle | Social Knt | C5x. From the start
| C8. Turn 2
Amelia | TraineeSol | C9 Er. Turn 5. Let Eirika or Franz talk to her
| C9 Ep. Let Ephraim or Franz talk to her
Tana | Pegasus Knt | C9 Er. From the start
| C9 Ep. Being captured. Rescue her.
Cormag | Dragon Knt | C13 Er. Turn 5. Let Eirika talk to him
| C10 Ep. Let Duessel or Tana talk to him
Duessel | Great Knt | C15 Er. Turn 3
| C10 Ep. Let Ephraim talk to him
L'Archel| Troubadour | C11 Er. Let Eirika talk to her
| C11 Ep. Turn 5. Let Ephraim talk to her
Dozla | Berserker | C11 Er. Let L'Arachel talk to him
| C11 Ep. Turn 5. Let L'Arachel talk to him
Marisa | Sword Fgt | C10 Er. Let Gerik talk to her
| C12 Ep. Let Ewan talk to her
Ewan | Traineemage | C12 Er. Visits the small house
| C12 Ep. Visits the house below the vendor
Gerik | Mercenary | C10 Er. Let Innes talk to him
| C13 Ep. From the start
Tethys | Dancer | C10 Er. Let Gerik talk to her
| C13 Ep. From the start
Innes | Sniper | C10 Er. Let Tana or Eirika talk to him
| C15 Ep. From the start
Rennac | Rogue | C14 Er. Let Eirika or L'Arachel talk to him
| C14 Ep. Let Ephraim or L'Arachel talk to him
Knoll | Shaman | C15 Er. Turn 3
| C14 Ep. After cleared this map
Myrrh | Manakete | C16 Er, Ep. From the start
Saleh | Sage | C12 Er. From the start
| C15 Ep. From the start
Syrene | Falcon Knt | C17. From the start


Amelia, Rose of the War

Following the war, she returned to Grado to assist in her country's reconstruc
-tion. She surrounded herself w/ new friends n' used the strength she found on
the battlefield to live her life in happiness.

Artur, Saint of Light

Artur moved to Renais to help rebuild the shattered country. He work w/o rest
to ease the pain and grief of those who suffered during the war. His self-sacri
-fice made him into a folk hero among the peasantry.

Colm, Good-Natured Thief

He politely refused an invitation to become a spy for Renais,returning instead
to his hometown. He spent the rest of his days as a chivalrous rogue helping
those in need from the shadows.

Cormag, Aloof Lanceman

Cormag returned to Grado to assist in the reconstruction of his country.
Shortly after, he left to wander on his own.When he reappeared,he rejoined the
army not as a knight but as a common soldier.

Dozla of the Steady Axe

As L'Arachel rose to become queen, he remained by her side. Watching L'Arachel
grow to become the queen she was destined to be was Dozla's greatest joy in

Duessel, Obsidian General

Following the war, Duessel returned to Grado, where he was instrumental in its
rebuilding. He spent his remaining years watching over Grado and sharing his
wisdom w/ other nations as an expert combat instructor.

Eirika, Restoration Queen

Eirika returned to Renais and began the reconstruction effort w/ her brother,
Ephraim.Seeing peace return to the lives of her people filled her w/ hapiness.
Her smile became a symbol of her people's joy.

Ephraim, Restoration King

Busy days awaited him upon his return to Renais. He oversaw the rebuilding not
only of his country but also of the entire continent of Magvel. His work was
difficult, but his success made him a legend.

Ewan, Enthusiastic Student

Ewan continued his studies, modeling his life after the teaching of Saleh.
Eventually, his education branched of into different paths. His insatiable
curiosity led him on a trip to explore the world.

Forde, the Wild Knight

Upon Forde's return to Renais, his secret hobby of painting was discovered.
He was commissioned as a court artist. His work grew popular, and his days
became so busy that he often regretted his career change.

Franz the Faithful

He continued to serve Renais with the same devotion that he had during the War
of the Stones. His generous nature and easy smile made him a favourite among
the people.

Garcia, the Warrior Reborn

He returned to Ide to help with its reconstruction after the bandit attack.
Afterward, he reenlisted in the army, serving Renais as a troop leader. His
strength, valor, n' experience inspired many.

Gerik, the Desert Tiger

Gerik continued as a mercenary.Over the year,his reputation grew so great that
he had more job offers than he could handle.One day, without warning, he left,
never to return.

Silent Gilliam
Gilliam returned to his home of Frelia, where he continued to serve the crown
as a faithful knight. His impossing countenance was said to strike fear in the
hearts of even the most arrogant n' brash of Frelia's new recruits.

Innes, King n' Strategician

As time went on, he succedded his father, Hayden, as King of Frelia. His re-
-sourcefulness and tactical prowess helped him build a court of loyal vassals
that served to lead country to greater prosperity.

Joshua, the Tempest King

Joshua returned to Jehanna and ruled over it as king. His skills as a leader
had grown great, and Jehanna flourished as never before. He never outgrew his
love of travel and games of chance.

Knoll, Watcher of Darkness

Knoll returned to Grado, where he dedicated himself to rebuilding it and ful-
-filling Lyon's vision. When the country was restored to its former glory, he
disappeared w/o a trace, never to be seen again.

Kyle, Ardent Knight

His service to the royal family of Renais continued without change.He became a
battation commander and gained much trust and responsibility for training new

Lute, Prodigy
After the War of the Stones, Lute returned to Renais to continue her arcane
studies. She spent far less time locked in her library, preferring now to
explere the outside world. She grew into a great and well-traveled sage.

Marisa, the Crimson Flash

Marisa became battation leader for an elite mercenary force.Many men sought to
challenger her to a duel, and none of them stood up to her blade.

Moulder, Wise Counselor

After the War of the Stone, Moulder continued to serve the royal family of
Frelia. His wisdom served to guide King Innes as it had served King Hayden
before him.

Myrrh, the Great Dragon

After bidding her farewells to Ephraim, she returned to Darkling Woods. She
lived a long and full life,served by the people of Caer Pelyn and comforted by
the memories of her dear friends.

Natasha, Sacred Healer

Once the war was over,Natasha returned to Grado to help rebuild the empire.She
dedicated herself to easing the grief of those families that lost soldiers
during the war.

Neimi, the Tearful Archer

She returned to her village and passed her days in peace and quiet. Years
later,she traveled to the capital of Renais as an archery instructor for their
military. She never could resist a good cry.

L'Arachel, Queen of Light

She succeeded her uncle as ruler of the Rausten Theocracy several years after
the war ended. She never lost her unique perspective on life.She spent much of
her rule visiting the neighboring countries.

Rennac, Rich "Merchant"

L'Arachel summoned Rennac back to Rausten, and he was forced to return. He was
never able to escape his service to the self-centered princess who became
queen. Admittedly, he didn't try very hard.

Ross, His Father's Son

He returned to Ide, village of his youth, n' helped rebuid it after the bandit
attack that brought it to ruin. Years later, he set out on his own to perfect
his fighting skill and hone both body and spirit.

Saleh, the Well of Wisdom

Saleh returned to Caer Pelyn, where he remained a faithful servant of the
Manakete. His days were not spent in isolation, though. Many of the friends he
met during the War of the Stones came to visits his village.

Seth, the Silver Knight

Seth returned to Renais with Ephraim and his fellow knights. His dedicated
service made him the mosttrusted of the new king and queen's guardsmen,as well
as the most famous of knights in all of Renais.

Graceful Syrene
Syrene continued as commander of Frelia's pegasus knights.Her grace and beauty
in fight were the subject of many songs n' paintings,n' her popularity soared.

Tana, Winged Queen

Tana lived happily in the prosperous post-war Frelia. She flew to Renais often
to visit her dear friend Eirika.

Tethys, Beloved Dancer

She danced from city to city, and the entire continent became her stage. Her
fame grew and grew, and large crowds gathered wherever she performed.

Vanessa, Dutiful Rider

She remained on active duty as an airbone knight in Frelia's army. Her beauty
and determination became the standard to which her fellow knights aspired.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

However, if the Support Lv reaches to A, you'll have other endings!


Joshua - Natasha
When Joshua returned to Jehanna, he took Natasha as his bride and claimed the
throne as its rightful heir. Natasha was the perfect companion, and together,
they carried the mighty desert nation to great glory.

| Contributed by Cyclone Alchemist |

Eirika - Seth
Upon their return to Renais, Eirika and Seth were wed, with the blessings of
Ephraim and allof the Knights of Renais.The tale of the love that grew between
a princess and her loyal knight became a beloved romance in Renais.

Ephraim - Tana
Once Renais was stable again,Ephraim and Tana were wed.Innes protested vocally
but when he saw how happy Tana was, he gave the marriage his blessings. Renais
and Frelia are now bound by blood as well as friendship.

Artur - Lute
Artur and Lute were married upon their return. Artur handle the housework, but
otherwise, their lives were unchanged. When they had a son, Lute's interests
shifted from studying Artur to studying her son's baffling habits.

Amelia - Ewan
After the war, Ewan and Amelia set out,as promised,on a trip around the world.
Their deeds along the way made small legends in the regions they visited. In
time, Amelia gave birth to a daughter, and they settled down.

Ross - Garcia
Father and son returned to Ide, where they toiled together to rebuild their
village. Ross grew to become a greater warrior than even his father. When he
himself had a son, that child continued his family's legacy.

Colm - Neimi
The childhood friends became lovers first, then husband and wife. Worried for
Neimi's well-being, Colm gave up his adventurer's ways. Neimi passed on her
grandfather's skill in archery to her own son and daughter.

Kyle - Forde
Sometimes, the greatest friends also differ greatly in personality. When Kyle
and Forde returned home, they were celebrated in song and story. They lived
their days in happiness, as dearest friends and toughest rivals.

L'Arachel - Innes
Stories tell of the sparks that flew between L'Arachel and Innes when they
first met. As the love between them flourished,so too did the bond that united
their two nations.

Gerik - Tethys
Gerik and Tethys remained bound to no nation and beholden to no authority.They
bought themselves a leisurely retirement. Gerik taught fencing to city youths,
and Tethys found many stages on which to dance.

| Contributed by Vanesa Aguilar "Vay" |

Gilliam - Syrene
Gilliam and Syrene returned to Frelia, where they were married.All agreed they
were a perfect match,and their union was blessed by the crown and the order of
knights. The two continued their unwavering service together.

Myrrh - Saleh
Myrrh returned to Darkling Woods, but at Saleh's request, she eventually moved
to Caer Pelyn. In time, the townsfolk learned to treat her not as the Great
Dragon but rather as a normal girl, and she was happy.




use Promotion Itms
- Promotion schematic: Basic Classes ------------------> Promoted Classes
Promote at LV 10 or more (20 is recommended).
- Max HP is 60, Max LV is 20, Max Luk is 30, and Max Mv is 15 (for all).
However,the MHP of some bosses (Draco Zombies, Lyon, Demon King) is over 60.
- All indexes of each class in this part are Max!
About all Basic Classes: Max indexes are 20, except Luck.
About Constitution: depends on the respective class. Max is 25.

1/ TRAINEES \===============================================================

You have 3 trainees: Ross - traineefighter, Amelia - traineesoldier and Ewan

- traineemage.
At first view, they're so weak. However; once promoted, they'll become Super

How to promote them well? (Thanks AkaiRyu for this guide!)

Beat the game twice (Eirika's and Ephraim's route) then promote them. They're
very strong!

Promotion schematic:

1st class 2nd class 3rd class


(use Ocean Seal) .- WARRIOR

| (use HeroCrest) .- HERO
'--> FIGHTER ------>|

TRAINEESOLDIER -->| (use KnightCrest)

.--> MAGE --------->|
TRAINEEMAGE ----->| (use GuidingRing)
| .- DRUID
'--> SHAMAN ------->|

- 1st class to 2nd class: automatically promote at Lv10,after finished current

- 2nd class to 3rd class: use Promotion Itms.

- Wpn: Axe - Mov 4 - Con 8

BRANCH 1 \___________________________________________________________________

| Additions |
| HP +2 Mov+1 |
| Str+2 Def+1 |
| Skl Res |
| Spd+1 Con+2 |
| Wpns: Axe |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 30 | 28 | 26 | 26 | 22 | 13 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | | +3 | +3 | +3 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Axe, Bow |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 30 | 29 | 28 | 23 | 21 | 13 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +2 | +3 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Axe |
| S.Skls | CRT+15% |

BRANCH 2 \___________________________________________________________________

| Additions |
| HP +2 Mov+1 |
| Str+2 Def |
| Skl+1 Res+1 |
| Spd Con+3 |
| Wpns: Axe |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 30 | 26 | 25 | 22 | 11 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Swd, Axe |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 30 | 28 | 26 | 26 | 22 | 13 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | | +3 | +3 | +2 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Axe, Bow |

* My tip: promote to MarineThief --> Berserker!

- Wpn: Spr - Mov 4 - Con 6

BRANCH 1 \___________________________________________________________________

| Additions |
| HP +2 Mov+1 |
| Str+1 Def+2 |
| Skl+1 Res |
| Spd+1 Con+4 |
| Wpns: Spr |

GENERAL (female)
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 27 | 28 | 25 | 29 | 26 | 11 | 5 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +3 | +2 | +3 | +3 | +1 | | +3 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr, Axe |
| S.Skls | Great Shield |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 26 | 25 | 23 | 28 | 26 | 10 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | + 1| +2 | +2 | +2 | | +3 | +1 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr, Axe |

BRANCH 2 \___________________________________________________________________

| Additions |
| HP +1 Mov+3 |
| Str Def |
| Skl+2 Res+2 |
| Spd+2 Con+3 |
| Wpns: Swd,Spr|

PALADIN (female)
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 23 | 27 | 25 | 24 | 26 | 11 | 8 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +1 | +2 | +1 | +2 | | +1 | +1 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 26 | 25 | 23 | 28 | 26 | 10 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +1 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +1 | -1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr, Axe |

* My tip: promote to ArmorKnight --> General!

- Wpn: Anima - Mov 4 - Con 5

BRANCH 1 \___________________________________________________________________

MAGE (male)
| Additions |
| HP +1 Mov+1 |
| Mag Def+1 |
| Skl+1 Res+2 |
| Spd+2 Con+1 |
| Wpns: Anima |

SAGE (male)
| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 28 | 30 | 26 | 21 | 25 | 7 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | | | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Anima, Light, Wand |

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 24 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 25 | 8 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | | | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +4 |
| Wpns | Anima, Wand |

BRANCH 2 \___________________________________________________________________

| Additions |
| HP +1 Mov+1 |
| Mag+2 Def+1 |
| Skl Res+2 |
| Spd+1 Con+2 |
| Wpns: Dark |

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 29 | 26 | 26 | 21 | 28 | 8 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | | | +3 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Dark, Anima, Wand |

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 27 | 27 | 26 | 20 | 28 | 8 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | | +1 | +3 | +1 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Dark, Wand |
| S.Skls | Summon |

* My tip: promote to Mage --> Sage!

2/ SUPER TRAINEES [NA] \=====================================================

* My comment: Not so expert! You can ignore them.

Promotion schematic:
- 1st class to 2nd class: automatically promote at Lv10,after finished current
- 2nd class to 3rd class: use Promotion Itms.

1st class 2nd class 3rd class


| .- HERO
'--> J.MAN (2) -->|
'- J.MAN (3)

J.MAN --> J.MAN (2)

Additions: HP, Skl, Def n' Res + 2, Mov+1

J.MAN (2) --> J.MAN (3)

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 26 | 29 | 28 | 23 | 23 | 8 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Axe |
| S.Skls | CRT+15% |
-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

'--> RECRUIT (2) -->|
'- RECRUIT (3)


| Additions |
| HP +2 Mov+1 |
| Str+1 Def+2 |
| Skl+1 Res+1 |
| Spd+1 Con |
| Wpns: Spr |


| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 23 | 30 | 29 | 22 | 26 | 6 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +1 | | +1 | +2 |
| Wpns | Spr |
| S.Skls | CRT+15% |

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

.--> MAGE
PUPIL ----->|--> SHAMAN
| .- SAGE
'--> PUPIL (2)-->|
'- PUPIL (3)


| Additions |
| HP +2 Mov+1 |
| Mag+1 Def+2 |
| Skl+1 Res+2 |
| Spd Con |
| Wpns: Anima |

PUPIL (2) --> PUPIL (3)

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 29 | 28 | 27 | 21 | 26 | 5 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | | +1 | +3 | +3 | | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Anima, Light, Dark |

3/ OTHER CLASSES \==========================================================

(use KnightCrest) .- PALADIN

SOCIALKNIGHT ----------------->|

- Wpn: Swd, Spr - Mov 7 - Con 9

PALADIN (male)
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 26 | 24 | 25 | 25 | 11 | 8 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +1 | +2 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 28 | 24 | 24 | 29 | 25 | 13 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +4 | -1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr, Axe |

* My tip: promote to GreatKnight!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use KnightCrest) .- GENERAL

ARMORKNIGHT ----------------->|

- Wpn: Spr - Mov 4 - Con 14
GENERAL (male)
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 29 | 27 | 24 | 30 | 25 | 16 | 5 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +2 | +3 | +2 | +3 | +2 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr, Axe |
| S.Skls | Great Shield |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 28 | 24 | 24 | 29 | 25 | 14 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | +2 | +2 | +1 | | +2 | +3 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr, Axe |

* My tip: promote to General!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use HeroCrest) .- HERO

FIGHTER --------------->|

- Wpn: Axe - Mov 5 - Con 14

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 30 | 26 | 25 | 22 | 14 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Swd, Axe |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 30 | 28 | 26 | 26 | 22 | 16 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | | +3 | +3 | +2 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Axe, Bow |

* My tip: promote to Warrior!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use GuidingRing) .- BISHOP

PRIEST ------------------>|

- Wpn: Wand - Mov 5 - Con 9

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 26 | 24 | 22 | 30 | 11 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | | +3 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Light, Wand |
| S.Skls | Slayer |

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 28 | 30 | 26 | 21 | 25 | 11 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | | | +3 | +3 | +2 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Anima, Light, Wand |

* My tip: promote to Sage!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use ElysianWhip) .- FALCONKNIGHT

PEGASUSKNIGHT ----------------->|

- Wpn: Spr - Mov 7 - Con 5

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 23 | 25 | 28 | 23 | 26 | 6 | 8 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | | +2 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +5 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 24 | 27 | 29 | 23 | 23 | 9 | 8 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Spr |
| S.Skls | Pierce |

* My tip: promote to WyvernKnight!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use OceanSeal) .- ROGUE

THIEF --------------->|

- Wpn: Swd - Mov 6 - Con 6
- S.Skls: Steal, Vision Extend, Disablement

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 20 | 30 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 7 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +1 | | +2 | +2 | +1 | | +2 |
| Wpns | Swd |
| S.Skls | Pick, Steal, Vision Extend, Disablement |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 20 | 30 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 8 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | | | +2 | +2 | +2 | | +3 |
| Wpns | Swd |
| S.Skls | Silencer, Vision Extend, Disablement |
| | Can use Lockpick |

* My tip: promote as you want. Ratio: Assassin 55%, Rogue 45%!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use OrionBolt) .- SNIPER

ARCHER --------------->|

- Wpn: Bow - Mov 5 - Con 5

SNIPER (female)
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 24 | 30 | 29 | 24 | 24 | 6 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Bow |
| S.Skls | Sure Strike, can use Ballistas |

SNIPER (male) Promoted. Innes has it.

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 30 | 28 | 25 | 23 | 9 | 6 | 60 |
| Wpns | Bow |
| S.Skls | Sure Strike, can use Ballistas |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 23 | 28 | 30 | 22 | 25 | 8 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +2 | +1 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +2 | +2 |
| Wpns | Swd, Bow |

* My tip: promote to Sniper!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use GuidingRing) .- SAGE

MONK ------------------>|

- Wpn: Light - Mov 5 - Con 6

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 28 | 30 | 26 | 21 | 25 | 7 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | | | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Anima, Light, Wand |

BISHOP (male)
| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 26 | 24 | 22 | 30 | 7 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | | +3 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Light, Wand |
| S.Skls | Slayer |

* My tip: promote to Bishop!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use GuidingRing) .- SAGE

MAGE ------------------>|

MAGE (female)
- Wpn: Anima - Mov 5 - Con 3

SAGE (female)
| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 30 | 28 | 26 | 21 | 25 | 4 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +1 | | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Anima, Light, Wand |

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 24 | 25 | 24 | 28 | 6 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | | +2 | +2 | +3 | +2 | +3 |
| Wpns | Anima, Wand |

* My tip: promote to Sage!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use HeroCrest) .- ASSASSIN

SWORDFIGHTER --------------->|

- Wpn: Swd - Mov 5 - Con 8 (male)
- Wpn: Swd - Mov 5 - Con 5 (female)

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 20 | 30 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 8 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | | | +2 | +2 | | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Swd |
| S.Skls | Silencer, Vision Extend, Disablement |
| | Can use Lockpick |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 24 | 29 | 30 | 22 | 23 | 9 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | | | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +5 |
| Wpns | Swd |
| S.Skls | CRT+15% |

ASSASSIN (female)
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 20 | 30 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 8 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +2 |
| Wpns | Swd |
| S.Skls | Silencer, Vision Extend, Disablement |
| | Can use Lockpick |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 22 | 29 | 30 | 22 | 23 | 7 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | | +2 | +1 | +2 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Swd |
| S.Skls | CRT+15% |

* My tip: promote to SwordMaster!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use GuidingRing) .- BISHOP

SISTER ------------------>|

- Wpn: Wand - Mov 5 - Con 4

BISHOP (female)
| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 25 | 26 | 21 | 30 | 5 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Light, Wand |
| S.Skls | Slayer |

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 24 | 25 | 24 | 28 | 6 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | | +2 | +3 | +2 | +2 | +3 |
| Wpns | Light, Wand |
* My tip: promote to Bishop!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use ElysianWhip) .- DRAGONMASTER

DRAGONKNIGHT ----------------->|

- Wpn: Spr - Mov 7 - Con 11

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 27 | 25 | 23 | 28 | 22 | 12 | 8 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +2 | | +2 | | +1 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Swd, Spr |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 26 | 28 | 24 | 22 | 11 | 8 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | +3 | | +1 | | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Spr |
| S.Skls | Pierce |

* My tip: promote to DragonMaster!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use GuidingRing) .- VALKYRIA

TROUBADOUR ------------------>|

- Wpn: Wand - Mov 6 - Con 5

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 24 | 25 | 24 | 28 | 6 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | | +2 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Anima, Wand |

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 24 | 25 | 24 | 28 | 6 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | | +2 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Light, Wand |

* My tip: promote as you want. MageKnight is recommended!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use HeroCrest) .- HERO

MERCENARY --------------->|

- Wpn: Swd - Mov 5 - Con 11

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 30 | 26 | 25 | 22 | 13 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | +1 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Swd, Axe |

| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 25 | 28 | 30 | 24 | 23 | 11 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 | +3 | | +2 | +3 |
| Wpns | Swd, Bow |

* My tip: promote to Hero!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use GuidingRing) .- DRUID

SHAMAN ------------------>|
- Wpn: Dark - Mov 5 - Con 7

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 29 | 26 | 26 | 21 | 28 | 8 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | | | +3 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 |
| Wpns | Dark, Anima, Wand |

| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 27 | 27 | 26 | 20 | 28 | 8 | 6 | 60 |
| Additions | | +1 | +3 | +1 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| Wpns | Dark, Wand |
| S.Skls | Summon |

* My tip: promote to Summoner!

-----------------------------< GENERAL REMARK >------------------------------


Low stats, except Skl and Spd. Can use lockpick. However, this is one of the
most formidable classes w/ the Silencer Skl!


Great Str, Skl & Spd! Can fight well on most complicated terrains,especially
on the sea and the mountain!


Good stats, especially Res. Effective kill monsters.


One of the strongest classes! Great Mv! Only weakness is vunerable to bows
and wind magic.


Master of black magic (less than Necromancer a bit). Great stats, especially
Mag and Res.


High Spd, Res and Mov. Strong against magic but weak against bows.


Great Skl and Spd, but it's an average class.
One of the best classes! Great Str, Spd and Def but poor Mv and Spd.


A good class. Less than General (except Mv) but better than Paladin.

< HERO >

Expert in all fields of combat. Well ballanced for all stats.


Good stats, but it's an average class as well.


A good class. Well ballanced for all stats.


Same stats like Assassin. With the Pick Skl, this is one of the most useful

< SAGE >

One of the best classes!Can do both direct and indirect atks!Can defeat even
the highest physical defence! Only weakness is low Def.


Great Skl&Spd! Can attack from distance,but can't do direct attack.Effective
against flyers. One of the best classes as well.


Less than Druid, but it's a great class with the Summon Skl.


Excellent Skl, Spd and killing strokes! Always perform CRT atks! One of the
most formidable classes!


Great stats, especially Res. Also, it's the best healer!


Great stats, can fight on comlicated terrains. One of the best classes.


Less than DragonMaster but better than FalconKnight. With the Pierce Skill,
this is a formidable class.

4/ SPECIAL CLASSES \========================================================

(use LunarBrace)
LORD ---------------> MASTERLORD (female)
~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Only Eirika has this class.
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 24 | 29 | 30 | 22 | 25 | 7 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +2 | +1 | +3 | +5 | +2 | +2 | +4 |
| Wpns | Swd |

* Comment:
One of the best classes w/ great stats, especially Skl and Spd.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

(use SolarBrace)
LORD ---------------> MASTERLORD (male)
~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Only Ephraim has this class.
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 27 | 26 | 24 | 23 | 23 | 10 | 7 | 60 |
| Additions | +2 | +3 | +2 | +2 | +5 | +2 | +2 | +4 |
| Wpns | Spr |

* Comment:
Not as good as MasterLord (f), but this is one of the best classes as well.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Only Tethys has this class.
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 10 | 10 | 30 | 24 | 26 | 5 | 5 | 60 |
| S.Skls | Dance |

* Comment:
Low stats, except Spd and Res. But w/ the Dance Skl, this is an useful char.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Only Myrrh has this class.
| | Str | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 5 | 6 | 60 |
| Bonus | +12 | +12 | | +15 | +20 | | | |
| Wpns | Dragon Stone (increase Bonus Stats) |

* Comment:
The best class in the game! Great stats, quick and perfect LvUp,always perform
CRT atks! Nothing to say more!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Only Lyon has this class.
| | Mag | Skl | Spd | Def | Res | Con | Mov | HP |
| Indexes | 30 | 25 | 25 | 30 | 30 | 7 | 6 | ?? |
| Wpns | Dark, Wand |
| S.Skls | Summon |

* Comment:
One of the best classes as well.However, he's not a strong char.That may sound
like a contradiction, but it's true.





Highlight the wpn n' press R button.

> Brave Sword 25/30

| Swd B Rng 1 Wt 12 |
| Pow 9 Hit 75 Crt 0 |
| Attack 2 times |

- Swd: Type of the wpn.

- Pow (power): Power of the wpn.
- Hit (percentage): Accuracy of the wpn.
- Crt (critical): Dangerous level of the wpn.
- Rng (range): Attack range of the wpn.
- Wt (weight): Weight of the wpn.
- B (weapon level): Rank of the wpn.
- Attack 2 times: Effect of the wpn.
- 25/30 (Weapon HP): Durableness of the wpn. Once this index reached zero, the
wpn will be vanished. Can be recovered by the Hammerne.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

* NOTE: Price (buying price) = Selling price x 2

1/ SWORD [SWD] \===========================================================
Slim Swd | 3 |100| 5 | 1 | 2 | E |30/30| 480g|
Iron Swd | 5 | 90| 0 | 1 | 5 | E |46/46| 460g|
Steel Swd | 8 | 75| 0 | 1 | 10| D |30/30| 600g|
Zanbato | 6 | 85| 0 | 1 | 11| D |18/18|1260g| Effective against cavalry
ArmorSlayer | 8 | 80| 0 | 1 | 11| D |18/18|1270g| Effective against armor
Shamshir | 8 | 75| 35| 1 | 5 | D |20/20|1200g| Increases CRT effect. For
|SwFgt/SwMst/Eirika only
Iron Blade | 9 | 70| 0 | 1 | 12| D |35/35| 980g|
Steel Blade | 11| 65| 0 | 1 | 11| C |25/25|1250g|
Killing Edge| 9 | 75| 30| 1 | 7 | C |20/20|1300g| Increases CRT effect
Light Brand | 9 | 70| 0 |1-2| 9 | C |25/25| N/A | Atks w/ light magic
LanceReaver | 9 | 75| 5 | 1 | 9 | C |15/15|1800g| Effective against spears
Wyrm Slayer | 8 | 75| 0 | 1 | 5 | C |30/30| N/A | Effective against wyverns
Brave Swd | 9 | 75| 0 | 1 | 12| B |30/30|7500g| Atks 2 times
Wind Swd | 9 | 70| 0 |1-2| 9 | B |40/40| N/A | Atk with wind magic (anima).
|Effective against flyers.
Rune Swd | 12| 65| 0 |1-2| 11| A |15/15| N/A | Absorbs HP
Silver Swd | 13| 80| 0 | 1 | 8 | A |20/20|1500g|
Silver Blade| 14| 60| 0 | 1 | 13| A |15/15|1800g|
Audhulma | 18| 85| 0 | 1 | 9 | S |30/30| N/A | Effective against monsters.
Rapier | 7 | 95| 10| 1 | 5 | * |40/40| N/A | Effective against armor and
|cavalry. For Eirika only.
Sieglinde | 16| 90| 0 | 1 | 9 | * |30/30| N/A | Effective against monsters.
|Str+5. For Eirika only.

* In JP version: Brave Swd costs 3000g.

2/ LANCE [LNC] \===========================================================
Slim Lnc | 4 | 85| 5 | 1 | 4 | E |30/30| 450g|
Iron Lnc | 7 | 80| 0 | 1 | 8 | E |45/45| 360g|
Javelin | 6 | 65| 0 |1-2| 11| E |20/20| 400g|
Steel Lnc | 10| 70| 0 | 1 | 13| D |30/30| 480g|
HorseSlayer | 7 | 70| 0 | 1 | 13| D |16/16|1040g| Effective against cavalry
Heavy Spear | 9 | 70| 0 | 1 | 14| D |16/16|1200g| Effective against armor
Killer Lnc | 10| 70| 30| 1 | 9 | C |30/30|1200g| Increases CRT effect
AxeReaver | 10| 70| 5 | 1 | 11| C |15/15|1950g| Strong against axes
Dragon Spr | 10| 70| 0 | 1 | 8 | C |30/30| N/A | Effective against wyverns
Short Spear | 9 | 60| 0 |1-2| 12| C |18/18| N/A |
Brave Lnc | 10| 70| 0 | 1 | 14| B |30/30|7500g| Atks 2 times
Spear | 12| 70| 5 |1-2| 10| B |15/15|9000g|
Silver Lnc | 14| 75| 0 | 1 | 10| A |20/20|1200g|
Vidofnir | 15| 80| 0 | 1 | 11| S |30/30| N/A | Effective against monsters.
Reginleif | 10| 80| 10| 1 | 8 | * |45/45| N/A | Effective against armor and
|cavalry. For Ephraim only.
Siegmund | 19| 80| 0 | 1 | 11| * |30/30| N/A | Effective against monsters.
|Str+5. For Ephraim only.

3/ AXE [AXE] \=============================================================
Iron Ax | 8 | 75| 0 | 1 | 10| E |45/45| 270g|
Hand Ax | 7 | 60| 0 |1-2| 12| E |20/20| 300g|
Steel Ax | 11| 65| 0 | 1 | 15| E |30/30| 360g|
Hatchet | 4 | 85| 0 |1-2| 5 | E |50/50| N/A |
Devil Ax | 18| 55| 0 | 1 | 18| E |20/20| N/A | Can injure its wielders
Halberd | 10| 60| 0 | 1 | 15| D |18/18| 810g| Effective against cavalry
Hammer | 10| 55| 0 | 1 | 15| D |20/20| 800g| Effective against armor
Killer Ax | 11| 65| 30| 1 | 11| C |20/20|1000g| Increases CRT effect
SwordReaver | 11| 65| 5 | 1 | 13| C |15/15|2100g| Strong against swords
SwordSlayer | 11| 80| 5 | 1 | 13| C |20/20| N/A | Good against swordfighters
Dragon Ax | 12| 60| 0 | 1 | 11| C |30/30| N/A | Effective against wyverns
Brave Ax | 10| 65| 0 | 1 | 16| B |30/30|7500g| Atks 2 times
Battle Ax | 13| 60| 5 | 1 | 15| B |20/20|2100g|
Silver Ax | 15| 70| 0 | 1 | 12| A |20/20|1000g|
Tomahawk | 13| 65| 0 |1-2| 14| A |15/15| N/A |
Garm | 20| 75| 0 | 1 | 13| S |30/30| N/A | Effective against monsters.

* In JP version: Brave Ax cost 2250g.

4/ BOW [BOW] \=============================================================
- Effective against flyers.
- Long-range atk.
Iron Bow | 6 | 85| 0 | 2 | 5 | E |45/45| 540g|
Ballista | 8 | 60| 0 |310| 20| E | 5/5 | N/A | Rng 3-10. For Archers only.
Steel Bow | 9 | 70| 0 | 2 | 9 | D |30/30| 720g|
Short Bow | 5 | 85| 10| 2 | 3 | D |22/22|1760g|
Long Bow | 5 | 65| 0 |2-3| 10| D
Killer Bow | 9 | 75| 30| 2 | 7 | C
|20/20|1400g| Increases CRT effect
Brave Bow | 10| 70| 0 | 2 | 12| B
|30/30|7500g| Atk 2 times
Silver Bow | 13| 75| 0 | 2 | 6 | A
Nidhogg | 18| 80| 0 | 2 | 7 | S
|30/30| N/A | Effective against monsters.

5/ MAGIC [MAG] \===========================================================


Fire | 5 | 90| 0 |1-2| 4 | E |40/40| 560g|
Thunder | 8 | 80| 5 |1-2| 6 | D |35/35| 700g|
Elfire | 10| 85| 0 |1-2| 10| C |30/30|1200g|
Bolting | 12| 60| 0 |310| 20| B | 5/5 |2500g| Rng 3-10
Fimbulvetr | 13| 80| 0 |1-2| 12| A |20/20|6000g|
Excalibur | 18| 90| 10|1-2| 13| S |30/30| N/A | Effective against monsters.


Lightning | 4 | 95| 5 |1-2| 6 | E |35/35| 630g|
Shine | 6 | 90| 8 |1-2| 8 | D |30/30| 900g|
Divine | 8 | 85| 10|1-2| 12| C |25/25|2500g|
Purge | 10| 75| 5 |310| 20| B | 5/5 |3000g| Rng 3-10
Aura | 12| 85| 15|1-2| 15| A |20/20|8000g|
Ivaldi | 17| 90| 5 |1-2| 10| S |30/30| N/A | Effective against monsters.

< DARK > [DRK]

Flux | 7 | 80| 0 |1-2| 8 | D |45/45| 900g|
Luna | 0 | 50| 20|1-2| 12| C |30/30|4200g| Reduces enemy Res by 0
Nosferatu | 10| 70| 0 |1-2| 14| C |20/20|3200g| Absorbs HP
Eclipse |N/A| 30| 0 |310| 12| B | 5/5 |4000g| Rng 3-10.Reduces enemy HP by
Fenrir | 15| 70| 0 |1-2| 18| A |20/20|9000g|
Gleipnir | 23| 80| 0 |1-2| 20| S |30/30| N/A | Skl+5
Naglfar | 25| 95| 0 |1-2| 18| S |--/--| N/A | Lyon's wpn

6/ WAND [WND] \============================================================
Heal | 1 | E |30/30| 600g| Restores HP
Mend | 1 | D |20/20|1000g| Restores many HP
Unlock |1-2 | D |10/10|1500g| Unlocks doors, even form a distance.
Torch |MP/2| D |10/10|1000g| Lights an area. Weaker each turn.
Hammerne | 1 | C | 3/3 | N/A | Restores wpns
Barrier | 1 | C |15/15|2250g| Increases 7 Res. Each turn reduce 1.
Recover | 1 | C |15/15|2250g| Restores all HP
Restore | 1 | C |10/10|2000g| Returns allies to normal condition
Rescue |MP/2| B | 3/3 | N/A | Moves allies from distant space to adjacent
Physic |MP/2| B |15/15|3750g| Restores HP at a distance for one ally
Silence |MP/2| B | 3/3 |1200g| Blocks all enemy magic for several turns
Sleep |MP/2| B | 3/3 | N/A | Puts enemies to sleep for several turns
Berserk |MP/2| B | 3/3 | N/A | Confuses enemy
Warp | 1 | A | 5/5 | N/A | Moves units in adjacent spaces instantly
Fortify |MP/2| A | 8/8 |8000g| Restores all HP to allies nearby
Latona | All| S | 3/3 | N/A | Restores all HP for all units


<<< X. ITEM LIST >>> [ITM]


1/ RESTORE ITEMS [RIT] \===================================================
Vulnerary | 3 | 300g| Restores 10 HP
Elixir | 3 |3000g| Restores all HP
Pure Water | 3 | 900g| Increases 7 Res. Each turn reduce 1.
Antitoxin | 3 | 450g| Cures poison

2/ OTHERS [OTH] \==========================================================
Chest Key | 1 | 300g| Opens chests
Chest Key | 5 | N/A | (Note: can only be found as a spoil!)
Door Key | 1 | N/A | Opens doors
Lockpick | 15|1200g| Opens doors and chests. For Thieves and Assassins.
Torch | 5 | 500g| Lights an area. Weaker each turn.
Gold Gem | 1 | N/A | Sells for 20000g
Black Gem | 1 | N/A | Sells for 15000g
White Gem | 1 | N/A | Sells for 10000g
Blue Gem | 1 | N/A | Sells for 5000g
Red Gem | 1 | N/A | Sells for 2500g
Fili Shield | - | N/A | Protects flyers from arrows and wind magics
Hoplon Guard| - | N/A | Prevents enemy CRT attacks
Member Card | 1 | N/A | Enters secret shops
Silver Card | 1 | N/A | Reduces the price of all wpns and items by half
Dragon Stone| 50| N/A | Transforms into dragon (auto). For Myrrh only.
|Str+12, Skl+12, Def+15, Res+20.

3/ PROMOTION ITEMS [PRI] \=================================================
Hero Crest | 1 |10000| Upgrades for fighters, mercenaries
Knight Crest| 1 |10000| Upgrades for cavaliers, knights
Orion Bolt | 1 |10000| Upgrades for archers
Elysian Whip| 1 |10000| Upgrades for flyers (Pegasus n' Dragon Knights)
GuidingRing | 1 |10000| Upgrades for magicians n' troubadours
Master Seal | 1 | N/A | Upgrades for all except Lords
Ocean Seal | 1 |10000| Upgrades for thieves, marinethieves
Lunar Brace | 1 | N/A | Upgrades for Eirika
Solar Brace | 1 | N/A | Upgrades for Ephraim

4/ PLUS ITEMS [PLI] \========================================================
Angelic Robe| 1 |8000g| HP+7
Energy Ring | 1 |8000g| Str+2 (or Mag+2)
Secret Book | 1 |8000g| Skl+2
Goddess Icon| 1 |8000g| Luk+2
SpeedWing | 1 |8000g| Spd+2
DragonShield| 1 |8000g| Def+2
Talisman | 1 |8000g| Res+2
Swiftsole | 1 | N/A | Mv+2
Body Ring | 1 |8000g| Con+2
Metis's Tome| 1 | N/A | Increases growth rate

* For more details about the Metis's Tome, just check Section XIV.




You should view the World Map again!

Move to these locations and click on your unit (Eirika/Ephraim). You'll have
these options:
- Enter Armory
- Enter Shop (Vendor)
- Enter Secret Shop (in Extras/Ex.Map ONLY!)
- Manage Items
Besides, don't forget to equip the Silver Card!



~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Silver Swd - 1500g | Shamshir - 1200g
Silver Blade - 1800g | Spear - 9000g
Killing Edge - 1300g | Battle Axe - 2100g
LanceReaver - 1800g | Brave Axe - 7500g (JP: 2250g)
Silver Lnc - 1200g | Brave Bow - 7500g
Killer Lnc - 1200g | Fimbulvetr - 6000g
AxeReaver - 1950g | Aura - 8000g
Silver Ax - 1000g | Physic - 3750g
Killer Ax - 1000g | Angelic Robe - 8000g
SwdReaver - 2100g | Energy Ring - 8000g
Silver Bow - 1600g | Secret Book - 8000g
Killer Bow - 1400g | SpeedWing - 8000g
Short Bow - 1760g | Goddess Icon - 8000g
Long Bow - 2000g | Dragon Shield - 8000g
| Hero Crest - 10000g
VENDOR | Knight Crest - 10000g
~~~~~~~ | Orion Bolt - 10000g
Thunder - 700g | Elysian Whip - 10000g
Elfire - 1200g | Guiding Ring - 10000g
Shine - 900g | Ocean Seal - 10000g
Divine - 2500g
Flux - 900g
Luna - 4200g
Mend - 1000g
Recover - 2250g
Restore - 2000g
Barrier - 2250g
Vulnerary - 300g
Elixir - 3000g
PureWater - 900g
Antitoxin - 450g

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----


~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thunder - 700g | LanceReaver - 1800g
Elfire - 1200g | SwdReaver - 2100g
Lightning - 630g | AxeReaver - 1950g
Shine - 900g | Killer Bow - 1400g
Divine - 2500g | Brave Lnc - 7500g
Flux - 900g | Purge - 3000g
Luna - 4200g | Bolting - 2500g
Mend - 1000g | Fenrir - 9000g
Restore - 2000g | Fortify - 8000g
Barrier - 2250g | Recover - 2250g
Vulnerary - 300g | Angelic Robe - 8000g
Elixir - 3000g | Energy Ring - 8000g
PureWater - 900g | Body Ring - 8000g
Antitoxin - 450g | Lockpick - 1200g
| Hero Crest - 10000g
| Knight Crest - 10000g
| Orion Bolt - 10000g
| Elysian Whip - 10000g
| Guiding Ring - 10000g
| Ocean Seal - 10000g

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

LanceReaver - 1800g
SwdReaver - 2100g
AxeReaver - 1950g
Killer Bow - 1400g
Brave Swd - 7500g (JP: 3000g)
Purge - 3000g
Bolting - 2500g
Eclipse - 4000g
Silence - 1200g
Recover - 2250g
Angelic Robe - 8000g
Energy Ring - 8000g
Talisman - 8000g
Lockpick - 1200g
Hero Crest - 10000g
Knight Crest - 10000g
Orion Bolt - 10000g
Elysian Whip - 10000g
Guiding Ring - 10000g
Ocean Seal - 10000g

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Iron Swd - 460g
Slim Swd - 480g
Iron Lnc - 360g
Slim Lnc - 450g
Javelin - 400g
Iron Ax - 270g
Steel Ax - 360g
Hand Ax - 300g

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Iron Swd - 460g
Slim Swd - 480g
Steel Swd - 600g
Iron Lnc - 360g
Slim Lnc - 450g
Steel Lnc - 480g
Javelin - 400g
Iron Ax - 270g
Steel Ax - 360g
Iron Bow - 540g
Steel Bow - 720g

Heal - 600g
Torch Wand - 1000g
Restore - 2000g
Fire - 560g
Lightning - 630g
Vulnerary - 300g

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Thunder - 700g
Elfire - 1200g
Shine - 900g
Flux - 900g
Luna - 4200g
Heal - 600g
Mend - 1000g
Restore - 2000g
Vulnerary - 300g
PureWater - 900g
Antitoxin - 450g

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Steel Swd - 600g
Iron Blade - 980g
Iron Lnc - 360g
Steel Lnc - 480g
Javelin - 400g
Iron Ax - 270g
Steel Ax - 360g
Hammer - 800g
Hand Ax - 300g
Iron Bow - 540g
Steel Bow - 720g
Short Bow - 1760g

Fire - 560g
Thunder - 700g
Lightning - 630g
Shine - 900g
Flux - 900g
Heal - 600g
Mend - 1000g
Unlock - 1500g
Chest Key - 300g
Vulnerary - 300g
Elixir - 3000g
Antitoxin - 450g
Torch - 500g

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

VENDOR like Taizel





Beat the game once and play Ex.Map in Extra Mode. They will join in the next
| Chars | How to get |
| Caellach| Finish the Tower, 3F |
| Orson | Finish the Tower, 6F |
| Riev | Finish the Tower, 7F |
| Ismaire | Finish the Tower once |
| Selena | Finish the Tower three times |
| Glen | Finish the Ruins, round 5 |
| Hayden | Finish the Ruins, round 5 |
| Valter | Finish the Ruins, round 7 |
| Fado | Finish the Ruins once |
| Lyon | Finish the Ruins three times |

* WLV A for all, except Lyon (Dark: S, Wand: A).

[ Name ] Caellach
Class: Hero
HP 42 - LV 12 - Mv 6
Str 16 - Skl 15 - Spd 13 - Luk 14 - Def 13 - Res 13 - Con 13 [JP]
HP 47 - LV 12 - Mv 6
Str 19 - Skl 14 - Spd 13 - Luk 14 - Def 15 - Res 13 - Con 13 [NA]
<> Equipment: Silver Ax, Tomahawk, Hoplon Guard

[ Name ] Orson
Class: Paladin
HP 47 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 18 - Skl 14 - Spd 12 - Luk 6 - Def 14 - Res 9 - Con 12 [JP]
HP 48 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 18 - Skl 15 - Spd 14 - Luk 6 - Def 14 - Res 11 - Con 12 [NA]
<> Equipment: Rune Swd, Silver Lnc, Red Gem

[ Name ] Riev
Class: Bishop
HP 44 - LV 16 - Mv 6
Mag 14 - Skl 21 - Spd 19 - Luk 9 - Def 17 - Res 18 - Con 7 [JP]
HP 49 - LV 16 - Mv 6 - WLV: Light S, Wand A
Mag 14 - Skl 21 - Spd 19 - Luk 9 - Def 16 - Res 18 - Con 7 [NA]
<> Equipment: Aura, Purge, Blue Gem

[ Name ] Ismaire (Joshua's mother)

Class: Sword Master
HP 33 - LV 9 - Mv 6
Str 16 - Skl 20 - Spd 23 - Luk 12 - Def 8 - Res 15 - Con 7
<> Equipment: Shamshir, Wind Swd, Master Seal

[ Name ] Selena
Class: Mage Knight
HP 33 - LV 11 - Mv 7
Mag 13 - Skl 13 - Spd 16 - Luk 10 - Def 9 - Res 17 - Con 6 [JP]
<> Equipment: Bolting, Elfire, Recover

[ Name ] Glen (Cormag's elder brother)

Class: Dragon Master
HP 41 - LV 12 - Mv 8 [JP]
HP 46 - LV 12 - Mv 8 [NA]
Str 20 - Skl 17 - Spd 13 - Luk 7 - Def 18 - Res 5 - Con 12
<> Equipment: Silver Lnc, Silver Swd, Blue Gem

[ Name ] Hayden (The king of Frelia)

Class: Forrest Knight
HP 37 - LV 10 - Mv 7
Str 17 - Skl 14 - Spd 15 - Luk 17 - Def 12 - Res 12 - Con 10
<> Equipment: Silver Swd, Silver Bow, White Gem

[ Name ] Valter
Class: Wyvern Knight
HP 40 - LV 13 - Mv 8
Str 19 - Skl 17 - Spd 15 - Luk 3 - Def 13 - Res 10 - Con 11 [JP]
HP 45 - LV 13 - Mv 8 - WLV rank S
Str 19 - Skl 17 - Spd 17 - Luk 3 - Def 13 - Res 12 - Con 11 [NA]
<> Equipment: Silver Lnc, Spear, Fili Shield

[ Name ] Fado (The king of Renais)

Class: General
HP 46 - LV 11 - Mv 5
Str 20 - Skl 14 - Spd 12 - Luk 5 - Def 18 - Res 11 - Con 18
<> Equipment: Silver Swd, Silver Lnc, Silver Ax, Master Seal

[ Name ] Lyon
Class: Necromancer
HP 44 - LV 14 - Mv 6
Mag 22 - Skl 13 - Spd 11 - Luk 4 - Def 17 - Res 19 - Con 7 [JP]
<> Equipment: Naglfar, Physic, Hammerne

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Myrrh is the best character in the game!HOWEVER,THE DURABLENESS OF HER DRAGON
to use her effectively:
- Let her defeat about five normal enemies (basic classes, monsters...) and 15
promoted enemies (promoted classes) to LvUp her to Lv20.
- ONLY use her to defeat dangerous bosses such as Draco Zombies, Fomortiis.
- Never use her in Ex.Map, EXCEPT IN LAGDOU RUINS - ROUND 10!

| Contributed by Casey Cobb |
Using the Enemy Control glitch from gamefaqs.com, I found out that Myrrh can
actually use any monster's weapon, including zombie claws, spider fangs, and
dark magics from gorgons and baels, and still get a critical hit every time,
still getting all the stat bonuses you got with the dragon stone,only all of
the weapons are unbreakable.

--> My comments: A great tip!However,if Myrrh use all monster wpns (except the
the Wretched Air), she won't get the bonus stats anymore.
I myself haven't used this, because sometimes the glitch didn't work well
for me.

* NOTE: Myrrh and all Secret Chars can't be used in Link Arena!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

1/ Vision Extend: (thanks to Mark Maison!)
Can see farther in the darkness and the fog (8 squares around)
Owners: Thieves, Rogues n' Assassins

2/ Disablement: (thanks to AienC "Shadow Fox"!)

Can disable fire traps! Stand on it and wait.
Owners: Thieves, Rogues n' Assassins

3/ Triangle Attack: (Pegasus TA or General TA)

Surround the enemy with 2 chars and let the last char atk!All of them will
atk at the same time. Always CRT and Accuracy 100%!
* Conditions:
- You must have 3 char w/ these classes: Pegasus/Falcon Knts or Armor Knts
/Generals. Remember, similarity about the class is the best condition!
- Surround n' atk the enemy like this:
| xEx x x x | x: your chars |
| x xEx xE Ex | E: enemy |
| x x | |
* Exception in this game (FE8):
If you have 2 Pegasus/Falcon Knts and 1 Wyvern Knt, the Wyvern Knt MUST BE
the attacker.Sometimes Tri-Attack is the combination of CRT atk and Pierce
Skl: triple damage + reduce enemy Def by 0 = can kill enemy in 1 blow!
NOTE: You can't perform it with 1 Pegasus/Falcon Kn and 2 Wyvern Knts or w/ 3
Wyvern Knts!


FE Fuuin no Tsurugi (FE6) (JP): No Assassins and Rogues.
FE Rekka no Ken (FE7) (JP): No Rogues. No General Tri-Atk.
Fire Emblem (FE7) (NA): No Rogues. No General Tri-Atk.
FE Seima no Kouseki (FE8) (JP): No General Tri-Atk.
FE The Sacred Stones (FE8) (NA): No General Tri-Atk.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Many people don't like them because they (Promoted Chars-P.C) have low growth
rates, suck EXP from other chars, "Jeigan" or sth like that... For me, I used
them for some reason hence:
- They've already promoted. Need no more Promotion Itms.
- Most of their WLVs are A class, therefore, you can LvUp to S quickly.
- Some of them are good (even formidable) chars. E.g:
+ Percival (Paladin) and Karel (SwordMaster) in FE6.
+ Hawkeye (Berserker),Pent (Sage), Karel (SwordMaster), Harken (Hero),Jaffar
(Assassin) and Karla (SwordMaster) in FE7.
+ Seth (Paladin),Saleh (Sage), Innes (Sniper),Duessel (Great Knt) and Syrene
(Falcon Knt) in this game (FE8).
Therefore, here are some tips to use them effectively:
- Use them if your army is not strong enough!
- Just let them weaken bosses, then let weaker chars finish to gain EXP.
- Use them as enticements:
+ To lure enemy.
+ To lure other playable characters. But, remember to strip all their (P.C)
wpns, if they're stronger than these chars.
+ To rescue other chars.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: What is RNG? How to use it?
A: RNG is an abbreviation for "Random Number Generator".
I myself never use it, because the RNG of GBA FE versions is different
from my method in SNES FE versions and TearRing Saga, so I can't use it
For more details, you can check it in this link below

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Some notes when you enter the arena:
- All weapons that you equip for the character will become E rank weapons!
However, the WHP of all weapons won't reduce.
- Press B quickly to flee when you're about losing!
- Try not to fight with SwordMasters and Berserkers!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----


I/ Objectives
1. To make a lot of money! (Essential to buy boosting itens such as Angelic
Robes and DragonShields, as well as more effective weapons). Also, to make
it safely and quickly (each "run" takes only near 5 minutes).
2. To allow all units to move faster: all units can be levelled to Move 15!

II/ Requirements
1. Finish Tower of Valni three times in Extra Map mode.
2. Finish Lagdou Ruins three times in Extra Map mode.
3. Knoll with Dark magic level "S" to use Naglfar (it works in both Eirika's
and in Ephraim's routes; also, it doesn't matter if he's a Summoner or a
Druid - see the stats of mine below):

Eirika's route Ephraim's route

Summoner Druid Comparison Druid vs. Summoner
Lvl 20 20 =
HP 60/60 60/60 =
Mag 27 29 Druid > Summoner (+2)
Skill 27 26 Summoner > Druid (+1)
Spd 26 26 =
Luck 30 30 =
Def 20 21 Druid > Summoner (+1)
Res 28 28 =
Eqp Naglfar Naglfar
Atk 52 55 Druid > Summoner (+3)
Hit 169 174 Druid > Summoner (+5)
Rng 1-2 1-2 =
Crit 18 25 Druid > Summoner (+7)
Avoid 82 97 Druid > Summoner (+15)

In tactical terms, for most of the Chapters, Tower and Ruins, even considering
the Druid superiority in stats,IMO the Summon skill of the Summoner makes this
class more useful than the Druid.

But, speaking in terms of use in the Link Arena, the Druid is better. Even in
the Chapters, Tower and Ruins,the Druid is also a good choice with the ability
to use Anima magic,having some advantage when comparing the long range weapons
i.e., tomes Bolting and Eclipse, as shown below (just take care to not allow
your Druid to master Anima magic to level "S", or else you will not be capable
to use Naglfar):

Eclipse Dark "B" Rng 3-10 Wt 12 Mt -- Hit 30 Crit 0 (just halves the enemy's
HP, and with a very low hit percentage)
Bolting Anima "B" Rng 3-10 Wt 29 Mt 12 Hit 60 Crit 0(more effective if you use
some Body Rings to level your Con to 12)

III/ The Swiftsole Run

Follow the steps below, very carefully, or the Swiftsole will not appear...:

0. Preparing Phase

0.1. Turn GBA on.

0.2. Go to Melkaen Coast (near Rausten Court).
0.3. Soft Reset (press A+B+Start+Select at the same time).

1. Making Money Phase

1.1. Enter the Ruins.
1.2. Retreat.
1.3. Enter the Ruins again.
1.4. Now do the exact kills following the map bellow (it demonstrates only the
kills targeted by you:don't worry with the other enemies that will attack
you, you'll send them to hell too, if your character is good enough...).
Let's explain in another way: at each turn you MUST move Knoll precisely
to the numbers marked points on the map (1, 2, 3 and 4).
The map shows the initial positions(before the first turn);of course some
of the target enemies will move:kill them in the exact indicated sequence

Rows ------+
Columns -> 012345678901234567890
1 A A 1 T2 ww
2AA A A E3ww
3 K A wwwbwbwww ww
4 wwwww b w
5 ww s ET w
6ww T 4E E w
7 s w
8 ww w
9 wwTEw


K = Knoll w = wall A = allied

b = brace E = enemy
s = stairs

T = targets (enemies with interesting spoils):

Row/Column Type Spoil Value
1/11 Monster/Wight Brave Sword 3,750
5/12 Monster/Wight Brave Bow 3,750
9/18 Monster/Wight Orion's Bolt 5,000
6/13 Monster/Wight 150 Gold 150
TOTAL 12,650 per run

1.5. Retreat.

2. Lets get the Swifsole!

2.1. Go to Melkaen Coast.
2.2. There should be, in row 11/column 17, a Wight with your target Swiftsole:
kill him and take it (here you don't need to use Knoll, you may kill, or
even steal,with any other character,spending about 3 to 5 turns,depending
on your choice, move, use of Tethys, etc., etc.).
2.3. Retreat.

3. Clean-up
3.1. Choose Manage Itens.
3.2. Send your recently acquired itens to the Supply(or use,sell or trade them
as you prefer).
3.3. Save.
3.4. Soft Reset.
3.5. Go back to step 1, as many times as you wish :)

Final notice: I've tried the Making Money Phase with other characters (Cormag,
Lyon) but with no success regarding the appearance of the Swiftsoles (if all
you want is the money,go ahead and use your favorites characters;in this case,
there's no need to worry about the exact positioning or killing sequence).

| ESPECIALLY THANKS to Mair Affonso Rangel Calvo |

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Let these chars whom you want to Support stand side-by-side FOR A LONG TIME
(about 20-30 turns per chapter) until the Support command appear. Repeat it in
the next chapter. After 3 chapters, you'll get Support Lv A!
I've got Lv A support for Eirika - Seth, Colm - Neimi, Joshua - Natasha at
Chapter 7.



| Random Skls will be performed incidentally and automatically |
| Command Skls: you can control them as you want |
| Integration Skl: this Skl was integrated in the attack |
| Availability Skls: they are available |

- Name: Pierce (random)

Effect: Reduce enemy Def by 0
Signal: The lance will flash
Owners: Wyvern Knights

- Name: Silencer (random)

Effect: Eliminate opponent in one blow
Signal: Looks like CRT Attacks with purple flashes, and the animation will
vibrate before performing it (turn Animation ON to see)
Formula: Half of the CRT rate (~ Contributed by Conor Lynch ~)
Owners: Assassins

- Name: Great Shield (random)

Effect: Immune w/ all atks
Signal: The body will flash w/ a yellow light
Owners: Generals

- Name: Sure Strike (random)

Effect: 100% accuracy
Signal: The arrow will flash
Owners: Snipers

- Name: Dance (command)

Effect: Allow allies to move again
Owners: Dancers

- Name: Steal (command)

Effect: Can pilfer an item from enemies
Owners: Thieves, Rogues

- Name: Pick (command)

Effect: Can open doors and chests w/o keys
Owners: Rogues

- Name: Summon (command)

Effect: Can summon phantoms
Signal: Some phantom soldiers will appear
Owners: Summoners, Necromancer

- Name: Slayer (integration)

Effect: Can cause more damages w/ monsters
Owners: Bishops

- Name: Vision Extend (availability)

Effect: Can see farther in the darkness and the fog
Owners: Thieves, Rogues and Assassins

- Name: Disablement (availability)

Effect: Can disable fire traps
Owners: Thieves, Rogues and Assassins



Q: In Valni Tower (after Chapter 9), I've beaten the 1F. Instead of going to
the next floor, it says "Map Clear" and it exits to the world map.
Any idea why it is doing that?
As soon as I finish the first floor it says "Map Clear",forces me to save
and then kicks me out of the tower. How do I get to the upper floors? Is
this a glitch?
(~ Thanks to Frank Nicodem and Scott Koch for this matter! ~)
A: To unlock more floors, you must finish more chapters.
F1 - after finishing C8
F2 - after finishing C9
F3 - after finishing C10
F4 - after finishing C11
F5 - after finishing C12
F6 - after finishing C13
F7 - after finishing C14
F8 - after finishing C15
(~ Thanks to Fenris Amon! ~)

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: Is there another way to get money?

A: Go to the Arena, to LvUp your team and gain G as well.
My favourite place is Valni Tower! Sometimes, you can get more valuable
spoils (Gold, Gems, Crests, Wpns...) from enemies and the chests. Sell
them to gain more money.
The chest in Valni Tower 3F always contains 3000G!
(~ Thanks to Andrew Dingler! ~)

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: What's the reason of LvUp Myrrh?She basically kill the enemy in one blow.
A: If you don't train her well, she can be defeated easily by bows! She has
the weakness of flyers!

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: About the Pierce Skill in your FAQ, it says "Reduce enemy Def BY 0" when
it should be "Reduce enemy Def TO 0". Why?
A: In our language (and my habit as well), BY means "go down" and TO means
"go up".

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: Why do you use Assassin instead of Rogue?

A: W/ the Silencer Skl, Assassin will surpass Rogue. Moreover, you'll have a
Rogue later (Rennac).

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: How can I find the exact location of the Silver Card?

A: Use the Scorched Sand Hidden Items Map (PNG) of Zhang Khai-En in the link
< http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/game/921183.html>

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: About the WeaponLv of my Lv20 General: S (Lance), A (Sword and Axe).

No matter how many times he/she use a sword the Wlv would be stuck at a
full bar but not go to S lv.Do characters have a limit to how many weapon
skills can be at S lv?
A: You can LvUp to S lv for ONLY 1 type of the wpn (after promoted)!
Therefore, just focus on the main wpn.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: There are some errors about classes. For example, the promoted class of
Cormag is WyvernLord, not DragonMaster. Why don't you fix it?
A: Please read Section II again carefully. I've explained it.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: How to promote a character?

A: At Lv10 or 20 (recommended) by using Promotion Items. Please check the
"Classes" part for more details.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: How to use the Devil Axe without getting damage?

A: Use units that have high Luck (about 17 or more).

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: I've beaten the Valni Tower, but I can't get any Secret Characters.
What's wrong?
A: You must beat the game AT LEAST ONCE, n' then play Map in Extra Mode.
Please read Section XII carefully.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: I want to start a new game with Hard Mode, but my save slots are full.
Should I delete them?
A: Just keep the latest file (the most important file),delete unneeded files
and start a new game.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: How can I use glitches (Enemy Glitch, Gorgon Glitch...)?

A: Sorry, I don't know.I myself never use them because they didn't work well
for me. You can contact the author of these glitches for more details.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: What is the effect of the Metis's Tome? Can you explain it exactly?
A: The effect is to increase the indexes of the character better after LvUp
(like the LvUp process of Myrrh). E.g:
- The indexes after LvUp (use no MT)
HP +1 Luk
Str Def+1
Skl Res
- The indexes after LvUp (used MT)
HP +1 Luk+1
Str+1 Def+1
Skl+1 Res+1

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: What is the Support level? How to use it?

A: Let two chars whom you want to support stand side-by-side FOR A LONG TIME
until the Support command appear.
The effects: increases Hit,Crt and Evd rates between 2 chars within three

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: The Lagdou Ruins is hard! Could you tell me some detailed strategies?
A: You can use the Lagdou Ruins FAQ of BlueEyes15243 in this link below
< http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/game/921183.html>

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: I've summoned some Phantoms and they wield different axes (2 Iron Axes,
1 Steel Axe and 1 Killer Axe). Why?
A: It depends on the Level of the Summoner! The higher Lv the Summoner gets,
the higher chance you can summon good Phantoms with high stats and good
(~ Thanks to Robin Van Berkel! ~)

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: How can I revive dead characters?

A: No, you can't.
However, there is another way to solve this problem. Select the Restart
Chapter command to play this chapter again.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: What is the NA version?

A: It's the old name of the US version now.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: Your guides are posted on some other websites that not listed in the
authorized list above. Could it be a copyright violation?
A: No.
As I said, you can post, copy, print, send... my FAQs FREELY for private
uses. However, don't plagiarize. That's all.

-----o-o---< >---o-o-----

Q: Why don't you answer my e-mail?

A: There maybe a few reasons:
- I'm busying with my study or some other works.
- My e-mail address was hacked (it happened before).
- I've changed my e-mail.
- The mails (mine, yours) were lost (rarely,but "nothing is impossible").
If you haven't received the answer within 1-2 weeks, please re-send it,
or check the Contact Me to get my e-mail.


<<< XV. CONTACT ME >>> [CTM]


Real name : Pham Hong Quan

Nick name : LethalRedArmy

If you want to contact me, please check one of these links below to get my
< http://www.gamefaqs.com/users/LethalRedArmy/contributions >
< http://www.neoseeker.com/members/LethalRedArmy/ >




- I wrote this FAQ by myself, with the help of some outside information (see
the Credits below). It's my hard work as well. Please don't copy, alter or
plagiarize it w/o my permission.
- "Self-examine, self-discover" is my way to play the game. Moreover,one of my
main experiences is: the best guide for a game is playing by yourself!
- My view is "simple, detail, concise". Therefore, I've written this FAQ in my
way. However, maybe it's not the best way. If you don't like it, you can use
other guides. They're better than mine.
- To play this game better, you have 2 ways:
+ Try to play FE7 The Blazing Sword first (if you're playing the JP ver).
+ Play the English version of this game.

Story: 9/10
Graphic: 9/10
Battle System: 9/10
Music: 7/10
Overall: 8.5/10




* TearRing Saga game - the main basis for me to play other Turn-Based Strategy
games later.

* Nintendo - for making Fire Emblem Series, and for providing more detailed
information about them.

* GameFAQs - for accepting and posting my FAQ.

* All the webmasters who posted my FAQs - for accepting my guides as well.

* Notepad ++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/)
An useful software for me to compose FAQs.

* Lionesse Ami - for translating some Japanese names.

* AkaiRyu - for his tips.

* Zhang Khai-En - for his great Hidden Item map!

* Michael Verastegui "mmv246" <[email protected]> - for his great tips

and strategies!

* Brian Lin "metroid1117" - for the tips about Lagdou Ruins 10th!

* BlueEyes15243 - for the great correction about Suspend/Exit command in the

Extra Map mode!

* Casey Cobb - for the tip about using monster's weapons for Myrrh.

* Mark Maison and AienC "Shadow Fox" - for helping me to find more other spec

* Robin Van Berkel <[email protected]> - for his contributions.

* Renae Bonsteel "Cyclone Alchemist" and Vanesa Aguilar "Vay" - for some Spec

* Fenris Amon - for reminding me about the Valni Tower problem!

* Senor Mair Affonso Rangel Calvo - for the Swiftsole Run strategy.
You're so experienced!

* Nico Van Laethem <[email protected]> - for his strategies about

the Lagdou Ruins 10th!

* All the readers such as:

Bert X Rebo Valence Geminex
Aaron Caraballo Cameron Shelton eytan4000
kreeperking Frank Nicodem Matt Eilers
Scott Koch bkam4
Conor Lynch Andrew Dingler
Paulo "Dixxen"
Billy Moroz "Killbot"
Do Duc "vectorguy"
Kevin Asso "TehShadow"
Matthew Strumbly "Magnus"
Alex Van Kralingen "Metallica_kid"
John Moylan IV "J-Dizzle"
Arba Chu "ARB"

For reading my FAQ and contributing ideas to make it better.

* And you - for reading my FAQ.


Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones: FAQ/Walkthrough by LethalRedArmy

Version: 5.0 | Last Updated: 2012-12-14 | View/Download Original File
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