Megawati86@stkipkusumanegara - - Volume: 2 - Number: 2 - October 2017 - E-ISSN: 2503 - 4405 - P-ISSN: 2580-3441

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| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|


(A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Student, even semester 2016/2017
Academic Year at Private Vocational High School TaposDepok)

STKIP Kusumanegara Jakarta
[email protected]

The aim of the research is to improving students’ reading comprehension through
grammar translation method. The research was conducted at SMK Private
TaposDepok in first semester. The researcher used method of the research is
qualitative research, a classroom action research. The research used three cycles.
Each cycle consists of four steps. There are planning, action, observation and
reflection. The subjects of the research were 33 students at tenth grade students
of SMK Private TaposDepok.
The researcher collectedthe data using observation, interview, test and discussion
to collect data that need at the time of study. It determined the extent of the
increase students’ reading comprehension before and after the following grammar
translation method.
The analysis of the research data showed that there was an increasing in the
average and percentage students’ score, from the score in cycle I is 6.76 or 60%,
cycle II is 7.35 or 78%, cycle III is 7.80 or 100%. It can be said that grammar
translation method improved students’ reading comprehension.
It can be concluded that grammar translation method can improve students’
reading comprehension at tenth grade of SMK Private TaposDepok in Academic

Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Grammar Translation Method


In learning English, students have to master the four basic language skills. They
are listening, speaking and writing. As we know, reading is one of some important
aspect in learning English. The primary goal of reading is comprehension.
Comprehension is the essence of reading. Reading instruction should be directed
at helping students comprehend text. That is why the reading skill becomes very
essential since it may give comprehensive information the educated field.

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The Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension throughGrammar Translation Method

| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

Reading skill especially reading comprehension is a substantial part of language

production. In the tenth grade students of SMK Private Taposdepok, where the
researcher does research, most of the students have problem with their
vocabulary, pronunciation and grammatical error. Most of students of some
classes have low motivation in learning English and they don’t use to speak
English in their daily activity.
The researcher attracts one of the skills to do the research. It is because reading is
the language skill with is easiest to keep up. The researcher found the ability of
students in reading comprehension was still low. The students looked so hard to
understand the reading text and answering the questions related to the text.
Knowing the problems of tenth grade students of SMK, the English teacher must
make decision to choose what the language method will be the most effective one.
The researcher purposes a case of research in teaching reading comprehension
through grammar translation method at SMK. Even this method is known as
classical method, earlier in this century, this method is used for to help students
read and appreciate foreign language. Through grammar translation method
students can use grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge
through the task of translating sentences and text into and out of the target
language. The researcher focuses on the use of grammar translation method in
teaching reading comprehension. It believes that grammar translation method
helps tenth grade students SMK PrivateTaposDepok in improving their reading
According to Grabe William (1980:9) Reading is the ability to draw meaning from
the printed page and interpret this information appropriately. It means that
reading is type symbol, words from our mind to letter and reader can know also
get information knowledge from the text itself. According to Jeremy Harmer
(2010:99) Reading is useful for language acquisition. It means that we can get
more knowledge from the reading. By reading we can understand the target
language. Students can improve their language with what they read from the texts,
they can learn target language from reading comprehension. According to Chair
(2002:11) Reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning
involving the written language by interpreting textual information in the light of


Journal of English Teaching and Research
| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

prior knowledge and experiences using appropriate and efficiency comprehension

strategies. It means that reader get knowledge from the written text, they can get
information to share other people and interpret what about they know from the
From the definition above, researcher conclude that reading comprehension can
be defined as the process in which the reader construct meaning from a text
connected to the background knowledge they have get the clear understanding of
the writer’s message.
According to Mackey (1965:153) Grammar Translation Method is simplest
combination of the activities of grammar and translation. The main features of the
method are as follows: The grammar is an outline of formal grammar. The
vocabulary depends on the text selected. The teaching begins with rules, isolated
vocabulary items, paradigms and translation. Easy classics are then translated.
Vocabulary is divided into list of words to be memorized but there is little
relationship between the vocabulary of successive lessons. Pronunciation either is
not taught or is limited to a few introducing notes. Grammar rules are memorized
as units, which often include illustration sentences.
From the statement above, it is known that Grammar Translation Method is
method that combines grammar method and translation method. In teaching
researcher uses reading text. It gives translation in native language so that the
students are easy to know what the reading text mean. Based on Richards
(2006:5) Grammar Translation is a way of studying a language that approaches
the language first through detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by
application of this knowledge to the task of translating sentences and text into out
of the target language. It is understood that grammar translation method is
studying target language. It is one of the method in which the researcher use to
create English learning easier than the other method. Researcher use native
language to translate word by word and meaning of phrase the text in learning. It
can be understood by the tenth grade students of SMK TaposDepok.
Based on the definition above, it is clear that Grammar Translation Method
is appropriate method to teach reading comprehension because this method uses

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The Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension throughGrammar Translation Method

| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

native language when the researcher teach the lesson. It helps the student to read
and know what the reading text mean.

Principle of Grammar Translation Method

According to Jack Richards (2006:6) There are some principle as the characteristic
of the Grammar Translation Method. The goal of foreign language is to learn a
language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental
discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign language study.
1. Reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is
paid to speaking or listening
2. Vocabulary selection is based on the reading texts used, and words are
taught through bilingual word list, dictionary study and memorization.
3. The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice.
4. Accuracy is emphasized
5. Grammar is taught deductively that is, presentation and study of grammar
rules, which are then practiced through translation exercises.
6. The student’s native language is the medium of instruction. It is used to
explain new items and to enable comparison to be made between the
foreign language and student’s native language
It is understood that Grammar Translation Method has some principles. The main
characteristic is the using of first language as delivering language. Reading are the
major focus that taught by the teacher also reading texts used.This translation
method is very useful for the average and below average students.
Based on Brown (1987: 78) Characteristic of the Grammar Translation Method
1. Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target
2. Much vocabulary is taught in the form of list of isolated words
3. Long elaborate explanations of grammar are given
4. Grammar provides the rules of putting word together, and instruction often
focuses on the form and inflection of words
5. Reading of difficulties classical texts is begun early


Journal of English Teaching and Research
| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

6. Little attention is paid to the content of the text, which are treated as
exercise in grammatically analysis
7. Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences
from the target language into the mother tongue
8. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation
9. The focus is on accuracy and not fluency
Based on the theory above, the researcher decide to utilize Grammar Translation
Method in teaching reading comprehension and want to measure the success of
grammar translation method in the reading comprehension class. The researcher
assumes that grammar translation method can improve the students’ reading
comprehension at SMK Private TaposDepok.


A. Method of the Research

The method of the research that the researcher uses qualitative by taking
classroom action research. It process which consist of four essential moments:
planning, acting, observing and reflection. This is type of classroom action
research conducted collaboratively between the principal, teacher and researcher
with the effort to improve students’ reading comprehension by grammar
translation method.

B. Source of the Data

The subject of the research is all of the students of the tenth grade of SMK Private
TaposDepok. The researcher chose tenth grade students. It consists of 33
students. There are 27 girls and 6 boys. Here, the researcher as English teacher in
the class will teach the material of reading comprehension.

C. The Technique of Data Collection

Data is an absolute requirement of a research. It is a means of proving hypothesis.
Data are used to solve or answer the problems of the research. In order to get the
appropriate data, it must be collected by using the appropriate method. In the

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The Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension throughGrammar Translation Method

| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

methods used by is researcher is the observation in the process of teaching and

learning, questionnaire and test for students.
1. Classroom Observation
Observation is carries out to record data that includes the process and result of
the implementation of activities to gather evidence of the actions to be evaluated
and used as the basis in reflection. The researcher conducted this technique in
each action
2. Interview
The researcher do did an interview to the students after cycle, also did an
interview to headmaster. The purpose of the interview is to know more about
quality of student’s English at school.
3. Students’ Test
Collecting data used in this research is to give closed test to student. It was
conducted in each end of the lesson in class. In this technique to determine of each
cycle comprehension, as well as comparison of students’ reading comprehension
of each cycle

D. Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher explained the technique and analysis of the criteria that are used
to analyze data as follow:
1. Data Reduction: the researcher conducted the selection of relevant data
2. Data Description: the researcher presented data, both quantitative data and
qualitative data. These data are the information that can be a conclusion for
the researcher. Data description is presented descriptively. It is in verbal
statement, symbol, table, chart, and picture.
3. Data Verification: the researcher interpreted data based on data
description result
E. Validity of Data
According to Lather in S. Arikunto (2006:128), there are four strategies to make
the instrument are valid. The strategies are:
1. Face validity, the observers together check, make a score, and decide each
other the validity of instrument in process of collaboration


Journal of English Teaching and Research
| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

2. Triangulation, the instrument is taken by using some data sources to

improve the quality of evaluation
3. Critical reflection, the cycle are planned to improve the quality of
4. Catalytic validity, the instrument is gotten from the researcher’s knowledge
as the effort to get improvement
In this research, the researcher used face validity, it is observe the students
learning and then make a score of them to collaboration with other instrument, it
is triangulation that instrument taken by using some data and then critical
reflection, it is about planning for improving students’ reading comprehension by
F. Criteria of the Successful Research
Classroom Action Research (CAR) is able to be called successful it it can exceed the
criteria which have been determined. In this research will succeed when there is
100% of students could pass the assessment score ≥ 70based on the minimal
mastery level criteria (KriteriaKetuntasan Minimal / KKM) which is adapted from
the school agreement (SMK Private TaposDepok).
In addition, the success of the action is not only measured with the achievement
students’ reading comprehension and also grammar translation method can
motivate the students. They become more actively in learning process. If the
criterion of the action success achieved, it means that the next action of the
Classroom Action Research (CAR) would be stopped, but if this condition has not
been reached yet, the alternative action would be done in the next cycle.
G. Steps of the Research
Subject in this research is all students of tenth students of SMK Private
TaposDepok. The implementation of actions in the Classroom Action Research. It
was done includes four steps: 1) Planning action, 2) Implementation of the Action,
3) Observation and, 4) Reflection. We can see the result of the research from cycle
I until cycle III from the research below:
Research Results and Analysis
1. Cycle 1
a. Planning

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The Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension throughGrammar Translation Method

| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

In the first cycle, The researcher prepared the material a report text genre from
the text book, The researcher formulated design of action: to determine the
standard competence, to determine syllabus, lesson plan and evaluation
instrument, to determine research instrument
b. Acting
The researcher explained to the students about the report text. Then students
were asked to read aloud text report given one by one that called randomly. If they
had wrong pronunciation, the researcher corrected and the students were asked
to translate the sentence into Indonesian language. If they couldn’t answer, the
researcher called the other students to translate. If students don’t answer the
question, the researcher and studentstried to identify the generic structure of the
text together. Then researcher gave a task to the students. The students were
asked to answer the questions based on the text.
The question began with the question words.
c. Observing
The data collection of classroom action research is observed by the researcher
from the teacher and students activity during learning teaching process. The
aspect observed are the activities of students during the teaching learning process
either individually or in pair, the students’ ability to show their reading
comprehension. The researcher is helped by teacher to observe learning teaching
process and It make an arrangement of data noted systematically.
d. Reflecting
Based on data gotten from the observation to the studying process in this cycle,
there are some points gotten, those are: the students’ enthusiastic is good enough
but they are still low in reading comprehension because they often practice read a
text in the school. The students always make some mistake in pronounce. So the
researcher will continue to apply next cycle with different situation that more fun
and enjoy learning.

2. Cycle II
a. Planning


Journal of English Teaching and Research
| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

The researcher makes the planning of acting based on the reflecting in the first
cycle. The researcher arranges the lesson plan that will be done by grammar
translation method in cycle II. The researcher chose the material about narrative
text that contents the simple past tense.
b. Acting
After the researcher explained about narrative text, the students were asked to
read a narrative text and translate it. Then they were asked to make sentence
using the simple past tense orally. The researcher asks them to make narrative
text about the topic. After that the researcher and the collaborator go around
checking the students’work. After the students have finished making narrative
text, the researcher checks the text in order the students use proper English.
c. Observing
The data collection of classroom action research is observed from the researcher
and students’ activity during learning process. The result of the test is better than
before. The average is 7,35. There is a progress and some of students are able to
presentation well and confidently. Although some of students do it well but it still
there are some students hesitate to do presentation and still do same mistake in
pronunciation when they read. In addition, they do not understand what the text
mean and have a limit vocabulary building.
d. Reflecting
There is a progress in cycle II. Some students are active and look very excited.
They are more enthusiastic reading a text in front of the class. In this cycle some of
the students have got the concept and they understand what the researcher
explain. They must bring dictionary their self. However there are some students
still difficult convey what they read because they do not know how to pronounce
it. The researcher decide to do cycle III to achieve the standard competency and
makes planning for cycle III to make better than result.

3. Cycle III
a. Planning
The researcher makes some activity planning based on the reflecting in cycle II.
The researcher arranges the lesson plan that will be done by using small group

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The Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension throughGrammar Translation Method

| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

discussion in cycle III. The researcher choose the material about analytical
exposition. The researcher divided the students into eight groups. Each group
contained four or five students. The researcher prepares evaluation sheet as the
material of reading comprehension through grammar translation method for the
students and the researchers’ performance during the teaching process. The
strength that the researcher can see:The students are more confident when
reading a text even they do some mistake, it is not bother them. The students feel
excited and interested in learning process using grammar translation method.
They feel free to express their ideas with their ideas with their friends for making
a good text.
b. Acting
The researcher gave one text of analytical exposition to each group. Every group
was asked to read the text, find the meaning of some difficult words that they
didn’t know before through dictionary and then discussed about its translation.
After that they were asked to read aloud the text and its translation by group one
by one and answered the questions based on the text.
c. Observing
The research observed that the students were more active if they worked in
group. This technique also helped the students who has problem with their
pronunciation and grammar. Because in their group, they would discuss what the
difficulties they found in the text.
d. Reflecting
There was enhancement in their reading ability. The responses showed that had
motivation in learning reading. Their enthusiasm was high when that researcher
divided them into groups. The score of students in cycle III follow: the pass
students’ are 33 and the fail students are 0. The average was 7,80.
The result of the research : the average cycle I are 6,76 and the percentage are
60%, the average of cycle II are 7,35 with percentage are 78%, and decided to end
the research percentage are 100%. It means the researcher can get learning target.
According to the observation in cycle I, through grammar translation method in
cycle I the research brought into relief that not all students score reached the
minimum mastery criteria (KKM) 70 only 20 students or 60%. There was little


Journal of English Teaching and Research
| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

improvement in students’ reading comprehension. There were most of the

students didn’t understand what the text mean. The reflection for next was clearly
in explaining and ordering to the students.
In action 2 of the cycle, this action result better than cycle I 26 students or 78%
students passed minimum criteria. According to the observation, there was an
improvement the students’ reading comprehension through grammar translation
method. But there were still some students don’t understand meaning difficult
word of the text.
In the last action of the cycle, as the result in cycle three was improving all of the
students have passed the minimum mastery 33 students or 100%. According to
the observation there was an improvement. Most of the students can read a text
fluently and understand what the content of the text means. Besides most of them
have a good pronunciation. Through grammar translation method can improve
the students reading comprehension. Use native language as to communicate in
learning process.
From the three cycle which was done by the researcher, the result of it can be
described as follow:
Cycle I: There are 20 pass students of the 33 students
There are 13 fail students of the 33 students
And the average of cycle I is 6,76
Cycle II: There are 26 pass students of the 33 students
There are 7 fail students of the 33 students
and the average of cycle II is 7,35
Cycle III: There are 33 pass students of the 33 students
There are 0 fail students of the 33 students
and the average of cycle III is 7,80

To make clear the result above, It can be seen by this following:

Table 1: Student Reading Score
Cycle Pass Fail Average Percentage
Cycle 1 20 13 6,76 60%
Cycle 2 26 7 7,35 78%

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The Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension throughGrammar Translation Method

| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

Cycle 3 33 0 7,80 100%

The result shows that there is enhancement in the test result. It can be shown
through the average. They are 6.76 in cycle I, 7.35 in cycle II, and 7.80 in cycle III.
To make it clear the enhancement of the test result above, it can be seen by this
following graphic:

Axis Title

7 7.35 7.8
Cycle Cycle Cycle
1 2 3
Graphic 6.76 7.35 7.8

Based on the observation result of the students’ activity in the classroom and the
evaluation of the students’ reading comprehension score, It can see that the
improvement of the students reading competence and the students activities have
been improved. The result of the reflection in cycle showed that here were some
improvements of the students’ reading comprehension from cycle one until cycle
After doing the research, the researcher finds that some of the students of the
tenth grade of SMK Private TaposDepok have good ability in reading. Because
most of them come from families whose economy is middle and upper class.
Students already have basically English course in which they follow.
Unfortunately, most of them have low motivation in learning activity. Students
whose English are good enough have good motivation in learning activity. Most of
the students have low willingness to learn especially when they entered noon
hour lesson.
The low of students ’willingness to learn influences the teacher‘s spirit in teaching.
In addition, it is the teachers who are sometimes less enthusiasm influences the
learning activity. Besides the teacher hasn’t found the right method to be applied
to the students who have low motivation in learning.


Journal of English Teaching and Research
| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

Based on the research result of improving students’ reading comprehension
through grammar translation method to the tenth grade students of SMK Private
TaposDepok, the researcher gives conclusion that ability of students’ reading
comprehension through grammar translation method improve significantly with
average in cycle I average score is 6,76 or 60%, cycle II average score is 7,35 or
78%, cycle III average score is 7,8 or 100%. This is revealed when the students
could answer the question and it can read the text fluently. Through grammar
translation method is proved to be effective in improving students’ reading
comprehension. Students can easily understand reading a text. Students should be
active to practice reading from the kind of material given by teacher and some
information from mass media. In order to make students can get better result in
learning English.


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Brown H. Douglas.(1987). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.Prentice

Hall. New Jersey. p. 78

Grabe, William. (1980). The translation from Theory of Practice in Teaching Second
Reading for Academic Purpose. Wesley Publishing Company. New Jersey. p.9.

Harmer, Jeremy. (2010). How to teach English.Pearson Teaching and researching

Education limited. England. p. 99

Mackey, William Francis.(1965). Language Teaching Analysis. Longman Group.

Longman. p.153

Richards, Jack C. (2006). Approaches and Method in Language Teaching School

Second Edition.Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. p.6

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The Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension throughGrammar Translation Method

| Volume: 2 | Number: 2 | October 2017 | E-ISSN: 2503 – 4405| P-ISSN: 2580-3441|

Snow,C.,Chair. (2002).Reading for Understanding (Towards and R&D Program in

Reading Comprehension). Santa Monica. RAND. p.11


Journal of English Teaching and Research

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