W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
Table of Contents-
W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
The W25X10 (1M-bit), W25X20 (2M-bit), W25X40 (4M-bit) and W25X80 (8M-bit) Serial Flash
memories provide a storage solution for systems with limited space, pins and power. The 25X series
offers flexibility and performance well beyond ordinary Serial Flash devices. They are ideal for code
download applications as well as storing voice, text and data. The devices operate on a single 2.7V to
3.6V power supply with current consumption as low as 5mA active and 1µA for power-down. All
devices are offered in space-saving packages.
The W25X10/20/40/80 supports the standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), and a high
performance dual output SPI using four pins: Serial Clock, Chip Select, Serial Data I/O and Serial
Data Out. SPI clock frequencies of up to 75MHz are supported allowing equivalent clock rates of
150MHz when using the Fast Read Dual Output instruction. These transfer rates are comparable to
those of 8 and 16-bit Parallel Flash memories.
A Hold pin, Write Protect pin and programmable write protect, with top or bottom array control
features, provide further control flexibility. Additionally, the device supports JEDEC standard
manufacturer and device identification.
• Family of Serial Flash Memories • Flexible Architecture with 4KB sectors
– W25X10: 1M-bit / 128K-byte (131,072) – Sector Erase (4K-bytes)
– W25X20: 2M-bit / 256K-byte (262,144) – Block Erase (64K-byte)
– W25X40: 4M-bit / 512K-byte (524,288)
www.DataSheet4U.com – Page program up to 256 bytes <2ms
– W25X80: 8M-bit / 1M-byte (1,048,576) – Up to 100,000 erase/write cycles
– 256-bytes per programmable page – 20-year retention
– Uniform 4K-byte Sectors / 64K-byte Blocks
• Low Power Consumption, Wide
• SPI with Single or Dual Outputs Temperature Range
– Clock, Chip Select, Data I/O, Data Out – Single 2.7 to 3.6V supply
– Optional Hold function for SPI flexibility – 5mA active current, 1µA Power-down (typ)
– -40° to +85°C operating range
• Data Transfer up to 150M-bits / second
– Clock operation to 75MHz • Software and Hardware Write Protection
– Fast Read Dual Output instruction – Write-Protect all or portion of memory
– Auto-increment Read capability – Enable/Disable protection with /WP pin
– Top or bottom array protection
• Space Efficient Packaging
– 8-pin SOIC 150-mil (W25X10/20/40)
– 8-pin SOIC 208-mil (W25X40/80)
– 8-pin PDIP 300-mil (W25X10/20/40/80)
– 8-pin WSON 6x5-mm (W25X10/20/40/80)
W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
Figure 1a. W25X10, W25X20 and W25X40 Pin Assignments, 8-pin SOIC (Package Code SN)
Figure 1b。W25X40 and W25X80 Pin Assignments, 8-pin SOIC (Package Code SS)
Figure 1c。W25X10, W25X20, W25X40 and W25X80 Pin Assignments, 8-pin PDIP (Package Code DA)
Figure 1d。W25X10, W25X20, W25X40 and W25X80 Pin Assignments, 8-pin WSON (Package Code ZP)
SOIC 150-mil, SOIC 208-mil, PDIP 300-mil, and WSON 6x5-mm
1 /CS I Chip Select Input
2 DO O Data Output
3 /WP I Write Protect Input
www.DataSheet4U.com GND Ground
5 DIO I/O Data Input / Output
6 CLK I Serial Clock Input
7 /HOLD I Hold Input
8 VCC Power Supply
W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
7.5 HOLD (/HOLD)
The /HOLD pin allows the device to be paused while it is actively selected. When /HOLD is brought
low, while /CS is low, the DO pin will be at high impedance and signals on the DIO and CLK pins will
be ignored (don’t care). When /HOLD is brought high, device operation can resume. The /HOLD
function can be useful when multiple devices are sharing the same SPI signals. (“See Hold function”)
W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
To initiate a /HOLD condition, the device must be selected with /CS low. A /HOLD condition will
activate on the falling edge of the /HOLD signal if the CLK signal is already low. If the CLK is not
already low the /HOLD condition will activate after the next falling edge of CLK. The /HOLD condition
will terminate on the rising edge of the /HOLD signal if the CLK signal is already low. If the CLK is not
already low the /HOLD condition will terminate after the next falling edge of CLK.
During a /HOLD condition, the Serial Data Output (DO) is high impedance, and Serial Data
Input/Output (DIO) and Serial Clock (CLK) are ignored. The Chip Select (/CS) signal should be kept
active (low) for the full duration of the /HOLD operation to avoid resetting the internal logic state of the
Upon power-up or at power-down the W25X10/20/40/80 will maintain a reset condition while VCC is
below the threshold value of VWI, (See Power-up Timing and Voltage Levels and Figure 20). While
reset, all operations are disabled and no instructions are recognized. During power-up and after the
VCC voltage exceeds VWI, all program and erase related instructions are further disabled for a time
delay of tPUW. This includes the Write Enable, Page Program, Sector Erase, Block Erase, Chip Erase
and the Write Status Register instructions. Note that the chip select pin (/CS) must track the VCC
supply level at power-up until the VCC-min level and tVSL time delay is reached. If needed a pull-up
resister on /CS can be used to accomplish this.
After power-up the device is automatically placed in a write-disabled state with the Status Register
Write Enable Latch (WEL) set to a 0. A Write Enable instruction must be issued before a Page
Program, Sector Erase, Chip Erase or Write Status Register instruction will be accepted. After
completing a program, erase or write instruction the Write Enable Latch (WEL) is automatically
cleared to a write-disabled state of 0.
Software controlled write protection is facilitated using the Write Status Register instruction and setting
the Status Register Protect (SRP) and Block Protect (TB, BP2, BP1, and BP0) bits. These Status
Register bits allow a portion or all of the memory to be configured as read only. Used in conjunction
with the Write Protect (/WP) pin, changes to the Status Register can be enabled or disabled under
hardware control. See Status Register for further information.
Additionally, the Power-down instruction offers an extra level of write protection as all instructions are
ignored except for the Release Power-down instruction.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
10.1.1 BUSY
BUSY is a read only bit in the status register (S0) that is set to a 1 state when the device is executing
a Page Program, Sector Erase, Block Erase, Chip Erase or Write Status Register instruction. During
this time the device will ignore further instructions except for the Read Status Register instruction (see
tW, tPP, tSE, TBE, and tCE in AC Characteristics). When the program, erase or write status register
instruction has completed, the BUSY bit will be cleared to a 0 state indicating the device is ready for
further instructions.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
www.DataSheet4U.com W25X20 (2M-BIT) MEMORY PROTECTION
0 x 0 1 3 030000h - 03FFFFh 512K-bit Upper 1/4
0 x 1 0 2 and 3 020000h - 03FFFFh 1M-bit Upper 1/2
1 x 0 1 0 000000h - 00FFFFh 512K-bit Lower 1/4
1 x 1 0 0 and 1 000000h - 01FFFFh 1M-bit Lower 1/2
x x 1 1 0 thru 3 000000h - 03FFFFh 2M-bit ALL
The instruction set of the W25X10/20/80/16 consists of fifteen basic instructions that are fully
controlled through the SPI bus (see Instruction Set table). Instructions are initiated with the falling
edge of Chip Select (/CS). The first byte of data clocked into the DIO input provides the instruction
code. Data on the DIO input is sampled on the rising edge of clock with most significant bit (MSB) first.
Instructions vary in length from a single byte to several bytes and may be followed by address bytes,
data bytes, dummy bytes (don’t care), and in some cases, a combination. Instructions are completed
with the rising edge of edge /CS. Clock relative timing diagrams for each instruction are included in
figures 4 through 19. All read instructions can be completed after any clocked bit. However, all
instructions that Write, Program or Erase must complete on a byte boundary (CS driven high after a
full 8-bits have been clocked) otherwise the instruction will be terminated. This feature further protects
the device from inadvertent writes. Additionally, while the memory is being programmed or erased, or
when the Status Register is being written, all instructions except for Read Status Register will be
ignored until the program or erase cycle has completed.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
1. Data bytes are shifted with Most Significant Bit first. Byte fields with data in parenthesis “( )” indicate data being
read from the device on the DO pin.
2. The Status Register contents will repeat continuously until /CS terminates the instruction.
3. See Manufacturer and Device Identification table for Device ID information.
4. The Device ID will repeat continuously until /CS terminates the instruction.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
The Status Register instruction may be used at any time, even while a Program, Erase or Write Status
Register cycle is in progress. This allows the BUSY status bit to be checked to determine when the
cycle is complete and if the device can accept another instruction. The Status Register can be read
continuously, as shown in Figure 6. The instruction is completed by driving /CS high.
Only non-volatile Status Register bits SRP, TB, BP2, BP1 and BP0 (bits 7, 5, 4, 3 and 2) can be
written to. All other Status Register bit locations are read-only and will not be affected by the Write
Status Register instruction.
The /CS pin must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last byte has been latched. If this is not
done the Write Status Register instruction will not be executed. After /CS is driven high, the self-timed
Write Status Register cycle will commence for a time duration of tW (See AC Characteristics). While
the Write Status Register cycle is in progress, the Read Status Register instruction may still accessed
to check the status of the BUSY bit. The BUSY bit is a 1 during the Write Status Register cycle and a
0 when the cycle is finished and ready to accept other instructions again. After the Write Register
cycle has finished the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the Status Register will be cleared to 0.
The Write Status Register instruction allows the Block Protect bits (TB, BP2, BP1 and BP0) to be set
for protecting all, a portion, or none of the memory from erase and program instructions. Protected
areas become read-only (see Status Register Memory Protection table). The Write Status Register
instruction also allows the Status Register Protect bit (SRP) to be set. This bit is used in conjunction
with the Write Protect (/WP) pin to disable writes to the status register. When the SRP bit is set to a 0
state (factory default) the /WP pin has no control over the status register. When the SRP pin is set to a
1, the Write Status Register instruction is locked out while the /WP pin is low. When the /WP pin is
high the Write Status Register instruction is allowed.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
Similar to the Fast Read instruction, the Fast Read Dual Output instruction can operate at the highest
possible frequency of FR (see AC Electrical Characteristics). This is accomplished by adding eight
“dummy” clocks after the 24-bit address as shown in figure 10. The dummy clocks allow the device's
internal circuits additional time for setting up the initial address. The input data during the dummy
clocks is “don’t care”. However, the DIO pin should be high-impedance prior to the falling edge of the
first data out clock.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
The /CS pin must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last byte has been latched. If this is not
done the Sector Erase instruction will not be executed. After /CS is driven high, the self-timed Sector
Erase instruction will commence for a time duration of tSE (See AC Characteristics). While the Sector
Erase cycle is in progress, the Read Status Register instruction may still be accessed for checking the
status of the BUSY bit. The BUSY bit is a 1 during the Sector Erase cycle and becomes a 0 when the
cycle is finished and the device is ready to accept other instructions again. After the Sector Erase
cycle has finished the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the Status Register is cleared to 0. The Sector
Erase instruction will not be executed if the addressed page is protected by the Block Protect (TB,
BP2, BP1, and BP0) bits (see Status Register Memory Protection table).
The /CS pin must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last byte has been latched. If this is not
done the Block Erase instruction will not be executed. After /CS is driven high, the self-timed Block
Erase instruction will commence for a time duration of tBE (See AC Characteristics). While the Block
Erase cycle is in progress, the Read Status Register instruction may still be accessed for checking the
status of the BUSY bit. The BUSY bit is a 1 during the Block Erase cycle and becomes a 0 when the
cycle is finished and the device is ready to accept other instructions again. After the Block Erase cycle
has finished the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the Status Register is cleared to 0. The Block Erase
instruction will not be executed if the addressed page is protected by the Block Protect (TB, BP2, BP1,
and BP0) bits (see Status Register Memory Protection table).
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
The /CS pin must be driven high after the eighth bit has been latched. If this is not done the Chip
Erase instruction will not be executed. After /CS is driven high, the self-timed Chip Erase instruction
will commence for a time duration of tCE (See AC Characteristics). While the Chip Erase cycle is in
progress, the Read Status Register instruction may still be accessed to check the status of the BUSY
bit. The BUSY bit is a 1 during the Chip Erase cycle and becomes a 0 when finished and the device is
ready to accept other instructions again. After the Chip Erase cycle has finished the Write Enable
Latch (WEL) bit in the Status Register is cleared to 0. The Chip Erase instruction will not be executed
if any page is protected by the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, and BP0) bits (see Status Register Memory
Protection table).
The /CS pin must be driven high after the eighth bit has been latched. If this is not done the Power-
down instruction will not be executed. After /CS is driven high, the power-down state will entered
within the time duration of tDP (See AC Characteristics). While in the power-down state only the
Release from Power-down / Device ID instruction, which restores the device to normal operation, will
be recognized. All other instructions are ignored. This includes the Read Status Register instruction,
which is always available during normal operation. Ignoring all but one instruction makes the Power
Down state a useful condition for securing maximum write protection. The device always powers-up in
the normal operation with the standby current of ICC1.
Figure 15. Deep Power-down Instruction Sequence Diagram
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
When used only to release the device from the power-down state, the instruction is issued by driving
the /CS pin low, shifting the instruction code “ABh” and driving /CS high as shown in figure 16. After
the time duration of tRES1 (See AC Characteristics) the device will resume normal operation and other
instructions will be accepted. The /CS pin must remain high during the tRES1 time duration.
When used only to obtain the Device ID while not in the power-down state, the instruction is initiated
by driving the /CS pin low and shifting the instruction code “ABh” followed by 3-dummy bytes. The
Device ID bits are then shifted out on the falling edge of CLK with most significant bit (MSB) first as
shown in figure 17. The Device ID values for the W25X10, W25X20, W25X40 AND W25X80 are listed
in Manufacturer and Device Identification table. The Device ID can be read continuously. The
instruction is completed by driving /CS high.
When used to release the device from the power-down state and obtain the Device ID, the instruction
is the same as previously described, and shown in figure 15, except that after /CS is driven high it
must remain high for a time duration of tRES2 (See AC Characteristics). After this time duration the
device will resume normal operation and other instructions will be accepted.
If the Release from Power-down / Device ID instruction is issued while an Erase, Program or Write
cycle is in process (when BUSY equals 1) the instruction is ignored and will not have any effects on
the current cycle
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
The Read Manufacturer/Device ID instruction is very similar to the Release from Power-down / Device
ID instruction. The instruction is initiated by driving the /CS pin low and shifting the instruction code
“90h” followed by a 24-bit address (A23-A0) of 000000h. After which, the Manufacturer ID for Winbond
(EFh) and the Device ID are shifted out on the falling edge of CLK with most significant bit (MSB) first
as shown in figure 18. The Device ID values for the W25X10, W25X20, W25X40 AND W25X80 are
listed in Manufacturer and Device Identification table. If the 24-bit address is initially set to 000001h
the Device ID will be read first and then followed by the Manufacturer ID. The Manufacturer and
Device IDs can be read continuously, alternating from one to the other. The instruction is completed
by driving /CS high.
The instruction is initiated by driving the /CS pin low and shifting the instruction code “9Fh”. The
JEDEC assigned Manufacturer ID byte for Winbond (EFh) and two Device ID bytes, Memory Type
(ID15-ID8) and Capacity (ID7-ID0) are then shifted out on the falling edge of CLK with most significant
bit (MSB) first as shown in figure 19. For memory type and capacity values refer to Manufacturer and
Device Identification table.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
1. This device has been designed and tested for the specified operation ranges. Proper operation
outside of these levels is not guaranteed. Exposure beyond absolute maximum ratings (listed
above) may cause permanent damage.
2. Compliant with JEDEC Standard J-STD-20C for small body Sn-Pb or Pb-free (Green) assembly
and the European directive on restrictions on hazardous substances (RoHS) 2002/95/EU.
3. JEDEC Std JESD22-A114A (C1=100 pF, R1=1500 ohms, R2=500 ohms).
4. See preliminary designation at the end of this datasheet.
Erase/Program Cycles 4KB sector, 64KB block or full chip. 100,000 cycles
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
1. Tested on sample basis and specified through design and characterization data. TA=25° C, VCC 3V.
2. Checker Board Pattern.
1. Output Hi-Z is defined as the point where data out is no longer driven.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
Clock frequency
for all instructions, except Read Data (03h) FR fC D.C. 50 MHz
2.7V-3.6V VCC & Industrial Temperature
Clock frequency
for all instructions, except Read Data (03h) FR0 (4) fC0 D.C. 70 MHz
3.0V-3.6V VCC & Commercial Temperature
Clock High, Low Time, for Fast Read (0Bh, 3Bh) / tCLH, 6/7 ns
other instructions except Read Data (03h) tCLL(1)
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
A 1.47 1.60 1.72 0.058 0.063 0.068
A1 0.10 --- 0.24 0.004 --- 0.009
A2 --- 1.45 --- --- 0.057 ---
b 0.33 0.41 0.50 0.013 0.016 0.020
www.DataSheet4U.com C 0.19 0.20 0.25 0.0075 0.008 0.0098
D(3) 4.80 4.85 4.95 0.189 0.191 0.195
E 5.80 6.00 6.19 0.228 0.236 0.244
E1(3) 3.80 3.90 4.00 0.150 0.154 0.157
e(2) 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC
L 0.40 0.71 1.27 0.015 0.028 0.050
θ 0o --- 8o 0o --- 8o
CP --- --- 0.10 --- --- 0.004
1. Controlling dimensions: inches, unless otherwise specified.
2. BSC = Basic lead spacing between centers.
3. Dimensions D and E1 do not include mold flash protrusions and should be measured from the bottom of the package.
4. Formed leads shall be planar with respect to one another within .0004 inches at the seating plane.
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
A 1.75 2.16 0.069 0.085
A1 0.05 0.25 0.002 0.010
A2 1.70 1.91 0.067 0.075
b 0.35 0.48 0.014 0.019
C 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010
D 5.18 5.38 0.204 0.212
E 7.70 8.10 0.303 0.319
E1 5.18 5.38 0.204 0.212
e 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC
L 0.50 0.80 0.020 0.031
θ 0o 8o 0o 8o
y --- 0.10 --- 0.004
1. Controlling dimensions: inches, unless otherwise specified.
2. BSC = Basic lead spacing between centers.
3. Dimensions D and E1 do not include mold flash protrusions and should be measured from the bottom of the package.
4. Formed leads shall be planar with respect to one another within .0004 inches at the seating plane.
8 5
1 4
B 1
A A2 A1 Base Plane
L Seating Plane
www.DataSheet4U.com α eA
A1 0.010 0.25
S 0.045 1.14
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
1a. The Winbond W25X20, W25X40 and W25X80 are fully compatible with the previous Nexflash NX25X20, NX25X40 and
NX25X80 Serial Flash Memories.
1b. Standard bulk shipments are in Tube (shape E). Please specify alternate packing method, such as Tape and Reel
(shape T), when placing orders.
1c. The “W” prefix is not included on the part marking.
2. Please check with Winbond for availability.
3. Only the 2 letter is used for the part marking.
A 06/28/05 New Create
Updated datasheet to comply with Winbond
B 09/26/05 ALL
Updated hex values in Manufacturer and
Device Identification Table. Updated FR and
fr values in Operating Ranges Table and AC
Characteristics Table
C 01/09/06 14, 35
Added availability of 208-mil SOIC package
for W25X40
Added FR1 and change FR from 68MHz to
D 09/26/05 35 Updated FR1
Added W25X10 Specifications.
E 02/13/06 ALL Added Endurance and Data Retention table
(section 10.3).
Added 8 pin PDIP (300 mil).
Updated the output load capacitance 15 pF
1-3, 5-7, 31, 34,
F 05/11/06 for FR1 (75 MHz).
35-37, & 40-44
Updated temperature range for frequency of
FR1 and added FR0.
Added 6x5 mm WSON package.
Updated Endurance and Data Retention
www.DataSheet4U.com table (11.3), ICC’s in DC Parameter table
1-4, 6, 32-36, (11.5 & 11.6).
G 06/06/06
41, 42
Reduced tPP (max) from 5mS to 3mS.
Added byte programming parameters (tBP1 &
Changed tSHCH from 5nS to 0nS.
H 06/22/06 32-36 Added additional byte programming
parameter, tBP2 and moved multiple byte
programming tBPn with formula to foot note.
Corrected Write Enable/Disable text.
Change ICC2 from 5uA to 10uA.
I 09/22/06 16, 33, 34 & 43
Added footnotes in the ordering information
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W25X10, W25X20, W25X40, W25X80
Preliminary Designation
The “Preliminary” designation on a Winbond datasheet indicates that the product is not fully
characterized. The specifications are subject to change and are not guaranteed. Winbond or an
authorized sales representative should be consulted for current information before using this product.
Winbond and spiFlash are trademarks of Winbond
Electronics Corporation All other marks are the property of their respective owner.
Important Notice
Winbond products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components
in systems or equipment intended for surgical implantation, atomic energy control
instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal
instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other applications intended to support or
sustain life. Further more, Winbond products are not intended for applications wherein failure
of Winbond products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or
severe property or environmental damage could occur.
Winbond customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their
own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for any damages resulting from such improper
use or sales.
The Winbond W25X40 and W25X80 are fully compatible with the previous NexFlash NX25X40 and
NX25X80 Serial Flash memory specifications.
Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice.
All the trademarks of products and companies mentioned in this datasheet belong to their respective owners.