Lecture 5: The Complex Logarithm Function: Hart Smith

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Lecture 5: The complex logarithm function

Hart Smith

Department of Mathematics
University of Washington, Seattle

Math 427, Autumn 2017

Recall: polar form for z 6= 0 : z = r e iθ , r = |z|.

θ is called the argument of z, we write θ = arg(z).

Notation. If I is a half-open interval of length 2π, and z 6= 0,

argI (z) is the choice of arg(z) with argI (z) ∈ I

Main examples: I = [0, 2π) or I = (−π, π] .

arg[0,2π) (−i) = 32 π , arg(−π,π] (−i) = − 21 π

argI (z) has a cut line where the value jumps by 2π.
Complex logarithms
To solve ew = z , for z 6= 0 :
Let w = u + iv , so ew = eu eiv , and write z = |z| e iθ .

eu eiv = |z| e iθ ⇔ eu = |z| , eiv = eiθ .

Infinitely many solutions w : u = log |z| , v = θ + 2πk

Describe all solutions by: log(z) = log |z| + i arg(z)

log(2i) = log(2) + i π2 + i2πk

log(−3) = log(3) + iπ + i2πk

log(2 + 5i) = log 29 + i arctan( 52 ) + i2πk
Branches of the logarithm function

A branch of log z is defined by fixing the range I of arg(z):

log z = log |z| + i argI (z) satisfies Im log(z) ∈ I

A branch of log z jumps by 2πi as z crosses the cut line.

For any branch of log z , and z, w 6= 0:

e log z = z

log(ez ) = z + i2πk for some k .

log(zw) = log z + log w + i2πk for some k .

Branches of the n-th root function
Can similarly define a branch of z 1/n by fixing range of arg(z).
Example 1: Let arg(−π,π] (z) be the value of arg(z) in (−π, π] ,

define : z 1/2 = |z|1/2 e i arg(−π,π] (z)/2

This choice of square root has positive real part.

It is discontinuous across negative real axis.

Example 2: Let arg[0,2π) (z) be the value of arg(z) in [0, 2π) ,

define : z 1/2 = |z|1/2 e i arg[0,2π) (z)/2

This choice of square root has positive imaginary part.

It is discontinuous across positive real axis.

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