Islam4kids1 PDF
Islam4kids1 PDF
Islam4kids1 PDF
Dear muslims,
I Praise Allah س بحاهه و تؼاىلas He deserves total praises & I thank Him for giving me this opportunity
to write this Book “ ISLAM for KIDS ”.
Our beloved prophet صىل هللا ػليه و سملsaid in an authentic hadeeth )) O child, Say Bismillah, Eat
with your right (hand) & Eat from that is in front of you )). This short hadeeth shows the extreme
care which our prophet صىل هللا ػليه و سملhad for our ummah generally & our children specifically. As
ِإ ِإ
Allah described him ﴾
﴿ َو َو َوْر َو ْرَو َوا ِإاَّل َو ْر َو ًة ْر َو َو َو
Since the Arabian countries are known for their rich cultural heritage & teaching of our
Monotheistic religion , we find a lot of books & other efforts by them to spread this True
Religion of ISLAM. But in countries where the Muslims are minority , we find very less sources to
study & teach even the Basics of our religion upon the correct methodology. Moreover most of
the non arabs fail to understand the true monotheistic concept of Islam since they are not given
the right tarbiyya ( upbringing ) & are ignorant about the language of the Qur’an.
﴾ ﴿ ِإِإ ٍنا َو ِإ ُمِإ ٍن
ُت َو َو
Hence I decided to compile this series for our Muslim children which could be taught in various
institutions like schools & madrasas.
I ask Allah غز و جلto make this effort solely for His Face & accept it from me & benefit us all in
Dunya & Aakhirah.
هلل ا توفيق
CopyRights © 1434, Salman Fariz.MJ. No Part of this book may be copied by any means to gain profit. [email protected]
NB :
All the translations of the Ayat of Qur’an are only translations of the Meanings / interpretations by Muhsin Khan.
Lesson 1 : Know your RABB معرفة الرب: ا د س األ ل
Writing practice :
All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists)
For Teachers : Please use the Arabic word RABB . Explain to the children that Allah is the One &
Only Creator & He is the Only One worthy of worship. He is the One who created this universe &
all the creatures both good & bad. He provides all his slaves with food, life & other necessities.
Say: "Shall I seek a lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of all things?
Lesson 2 : Know your DEEN معرفة الدين: ا د س ا ث ين
َو ِإديُمك ؟:س
ااإلسال ِر ييِر: ج
ُر َر
Q : What is your Religion ?
A : My Religion is Al-islam.
Writing practice :
For Teachers : Teach the children that al-islam is the Only true religion & This was the Religion
which Allah chose for all His prophets. Allah is not pleased with any other Religion other than
Islam. Whosoever follows any religion other than ISLAM will earn the wrath of Allah & go to the
hell fire. Islam is the religion of Peace & Eternal Happiness in both worlds. [ 03:85 ]
ين ِإ ن يَت تَو ِإ َويَت ِإٱ َوِإ ِإدي ًة فَوَتَون يَت ْري ِإ ْر و ِإ ِإ
ٱآل ِإ ِإ ن ْرٱ ِإ
َو َو َو َو ْر ُم َو َو ُم َو ُم َو َو َو َوْر ْر َو ْر ﴿
And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.
Lesson 3 : Know your NABI معرفة اليب: ا د س ا ث ث
ِّب أل
ُم ِإاَّل ول
َو اَّل وا
َو ِإتاَّلَت ي ين اَّل ِإ
[ 07:157 ] ﴾
اَّل اَّل ُم َو َو ُم ﴿ : ادلليل
Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write (i.e.Muhammad)
ُت ي
ِّبِإاَّل ا
َو آل ﴿ اَّل َو َوا مح َّم ٌد َو آ َوح ٍند ِّب ن ِّبج ِإ ُمكم َوَتٰ ِإكن َّإل َرو للَّ ِر
َو َو َو َو ُر َو ْر َو ُر َر َو َو
Muhammad ( )ص اهلل ي مis not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of
Allah and the last (end) of the Prophets. [33:40]
For Teachers : Muhammad ibn Abdillah al-haashimee is the Final Messenger of Allah. He was
sent to the whole of Mankind ( Jinn & Ins ). There will not be any prophet after him till the end
of the world. We should follow him & those who don’t believe in him are disbelievers in Allah &
are not Muslims. We should Love him more than we love ourselves and our parents & kids.
ول َو ْرد آلَو ِإ ن َوَت ِإ ِإ
[03:144] ﴾
ُّ ُم ُم َو َو ُمَو اَّل ٌدد ِإ اَّل َو ُم ٌد َو ْر ْر ْر ﴿
Lesson 4 : Pillars of Islam أ كان ااإلسال: ا د س ا ا ع
؟ :س
1. Shahadataan الل َر ا َر َر ِر
ان َّ .1: ج
اللسة إاال
2. Salah ( Prayer ) ُر.2
3. Zakat ( Charity ) يياا الل ِر.3
كاة ُر
4. Sawm ( Fasting ) ممان
َر ص ْس ُرال
5. Hajj ( Pilgrimage ) ُّج البَب ْسي ِر.5
َر َر
For Teachers : Make the Children memorise this & let them write & practice it . Shahada means
to Testify / Bear Witness. Shahadataan means 2 testifications :
1. to Testify that There is none worthy of Worship other than Allah أشهد أن ال إله إال هللا
2. to testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah أشهد أن محمد رسول هللا
Writing practice :
الل ا ان.1
إاال اللسة.2
يياا اللكاة.3
ص ال ممان.4
البي .5
Match the Following :
Prayer ا صو
Charity اص
Fasting ا شه د ا
Shahadataan اٱج
Pilgrimage از
َو َوه َود ِإ ْرَوا َرإ لَرهَر َّإ اللَّهُر َو اَّل: اٱ ْر َو ُم َوَو َوْر ٍن
َوا ُمَو اَّل ًةدا (( ُمِإٍت ْرِإ
َو : ادلليل
) ي ا )) ( تفق ص ْروِإ َو َو َو َو ِإ ِإ ِإ ول ا اَّل ِإ ِإ َو ِإ ا اَّل ِإ
ص َو َو ِإيتَو ا اَّلزَو َو َوح ِّبج اْرَوَتْري َو َو َو َو ُم ُم
For Teachers : The 1st Pillar (Shahadataan) is also called as Tawheed i.e, to bear witness the
Oneness of Allah in Worship & that Only Muhammad صىل هللا ػليه وسملshould be followed.
Lesson 5 : Tawheed الي يد: ا د س اٱ
س ا د ِإ
ِّبين ؟ َو َو ُم:س
أإلاس الدين الي يد: ج
Q : What is the Base of the Deen ?
A : Basis of our Deen is Tawheed.
و ا توحيد ؟ :س
فرا اا يف ا د: ج
Q : What is Tawheed ?
A : Tawheed is to Worship Allah alone.
إ له إ اا: ا توحيد
For Teachers : Kalimatut Tawheed is also called Kalimatu Taqwa or Kalimatul ikhlaas. So Tawheed is
Shahadaa, It’s to bear witness that Allah is the Only creator, provider, sustainer & the Truly Worshipped.
Tawheed is the Oneness of Allah & it’s the foundation of our Deen. Just As Tawheed refers to the Oneness
of Allah in His Lordship , We have to single out Allah in Worship.
Worship Allah (alone) and join none with Him in worship ﴾ َو ْر ُم ُمد اْر اَّل َو َو َو ُم ْرش ِإُم واْر ِإِإ َو ْري ًة ﴿ [4:36]
Lesson 6 : Tawheed ur Ruboobiyya يد الر ية : ا د س ا دس
ن ط ا ا ع ا ص ؟:س
داين اهلل ا ي ز ٍت ا ع ا ص: ج
[67:23] ص َو َو ألَوفْرِإ َود َو أل
َو ع اَّل م ك
ُم َو ج م
ْر َو َو َو َو ُم ْر َو َو ْر َو ُم َو ش
َو َو ي
ُم و اَّل ِإ
ْر ُم َو
Say it is He Who has created you, and endowed you with hearing (ears), seeing (eyes), and hearts.
[20:50] ٰ َوَتَُّو اَّل ِإ ۤيي َو ْر طَو ٰ ُم اَّل َو ٍن َوآل ْر َوي ُم ُماَّل َو َود : ادلليل
"Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright."
For Teachers : Try to explain this branch of Tawheed – ar-Ruboobiyya by Questions & Answers. Allah is
the Only Creator , Provider & Sustainer. Just as He created all the things both good & bad, He alone
provides for all - the Rizq both Halal & Haram. But He ordered us to use only Halal & Keep away from
Haram. Similarly Allah created all the falsely worshipped gods & He ordered us to worship Him alone. It
should be made clear that this branch of Tawheed alone is not sufficient to enter a person to ISLAM.
Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyya necessitates belief & practice of Tawheed ul-uloohiyya , which shall come in next
book إن شاء هللا
َو ن ُمُييِإيك ُمُييتك ؟:س
اا ا ي ُمُييِإي ُمُييت: ج
يَو َول ِإ َت ا ِإ يم ِّبى اَّل ِإ ُمُييِإَت ُمُيِإ
ْر َو ُم ْر َو ُم َر َر : ادلليل
When Ibrahim said (to him): "My Lord (Allah) is He Who gives life and causes death."
Allah is He Who created you, then provided food for you, then will cause you to die, then (again)
He will give you life (on the Day of Resurrection).
َوآل ِإق
َو ِإازق
Possessor / Owner
ٍن ُم ق ِإ آل و اَّل ِإ َت
َٰوِإ ۤي م ك
ُم ُّ اَّل مكُم ِإ ٰ
ْر َو ِّب ُم َو َو ُم َو ُم َو ْر ُم
For Teachers : Allah is the only Rabb with all His attributes of Lordship. He promised all His slaves that He
will provide for them & He is as-Samad ( Not in need of us ). We are in dire need of Him always for all our needs
We ask not of you a provision (i.e. to give Us something: money, etc.); We provide for you.
Lesson 7 : Purpose of Creation غاية الخلق: ع اد س ا
مل ا آل ي اهلل ؟:س
آل ي اا لعبا ه و ده: ج
Q : Why did Allah create us ?
And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone).
Test : اآلت
Who is the Last prophet ? ن آآل ا يب ؟
Aadam ي ا ) آد3( Muhammad صىل هللا ػليه و سمل د )2( Nooh ي ا وح )1(
Writing Practice :
ىل ين َو ُمد ؟:س
معا نا ىل اآل رة: ج
[02:156] وا ِإ
اج ِإ يَو
َو ْر َو َو ِإ اَّل
َتآ ِإ ِإ اَّل اَّل ِإ : ادلليل
[29:57] ُم ُّ َوَت ْرف ٍن َوآآِإَوي ُم ْر َو ْرو ِإ ُماَّل ِإَوْريَتَو ُمَت ْر َوج ُم َو
وا : ادلليل
Writing Practice :
َتُم ْر َوج ُم َو و ُمُييِإَت ُمُيِإي ِإَوي ِإ
ُم َو ْر َو ُم َو ْر
For Teachers : Please explain to the children that Allah (alone) created us & guided us and
showed us the way to Live through His Books & Messengers. Prophet صىل هللا ػليه و سملsaid (( Be in this
world like a stranger or Traveller –way farer )) So Its not wise for the traveler to make his
journey without knowing his destination. Emphasize that this world is temporary & Death is
certain & that we will return to Allah for recompense.
Lesson 9 : Reward for Believers جلاا المؤميين: ا د س ا ت ع
ه َت
ْر أل
َو ه َود اَّل ْر ؤِإ ِإُت ْر ؤِإ َو ِإ جاَّل ٍن َوْر ِإ ِإ ن َوْرتِإ
َو ُم َو َو َو َو ُم ُم ْر َو َو ُم ْر
Allah has promised to the believers -men and women, - *DUGHQVXQGHUZKLFKUL
ْسجي ِرَّة
ل ح َوص ك ِإ
ٰ َو ْر َو ُم َر َت
َو ُم ِإ ٱ ِإ ص ا
و ُم ِإ ين ِإ
َو اَّل َو َر ُر ْس َو َو ْر اَّل َو
ا ي م
For Teachers : Make it clear to the students that Jannah is only for the believers ( Muslims).
Nobody can enter Jannah unless he is a Muslim & Muwahhid. All the prophets were Muslims. All
of them called to Tawheed ulllah ( to single out Allah in worship ). Therefore ISLAM is a primary
condition to enter & dwell in paradise.
And give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous good deeds, that for them will be
Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise).
Lesson 10 : For Disbelievers جلاا الكافرين: اد س ا
ك ف ين ؟ ا ي:س
ا ك ف ين اليا ي :ج
اَّلم هج ا ن
َر م َو وارفَر ك
َر ين ااَّل ِإ
[36 : ]ف ط ُم
َو َو ُر ْر ُر َو َو َو : ادلليل
But those who disbelieve, (in the Oneness of Allah - Islam) for them will be the Fire of Hell.
ين َرك َرف ُررواْس ٰ ِإ ُمكم ليَّا َود اَّل اَّل ِإ
ُم ُر َو َو َو ُم َو : ادلليل
The Fire (of Hell) which Allah has promised to those who disbelieve,
Writing Practice :
َر ِر
ر ْر َر ۤي َو
For Teachers : Hell fire is the permanent abode of the Kuffar. Anyone who dies upon any
religion other than Islam will dwell permanently in the Jahannam. Those who follow any religion
other than ISLAM are the enemies of Allah.
اَّل ينِإ اَّل ْري ْر َوك فِإ * اَّل جزآ َو َودآ ِإ اَّل ِإ41:28
َو ُم ُم َو ُم َو َو ُم ْر
That is the recompense of the enemies of Allah: The Fire, therein will be for them the eternal home,«
[35:06] ِإ اَّلا شْراَّليطَو َوا َو ُمك ْرم َو ُمد ٌّو فَو اَّلِإٱ ُم هُم َو ُمد ّباًة : ادلليل
Surely, Shaitan (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy.
O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies (i.e. disbelievers and polytheists, etc.) as friends,
Verily, We made the Shayatin (devils) Auliya (protectors and helpers) for those who believe not.
Lesson 12 : The Greatest Sin أعظم ونب: ا د س ا ث ين ش
و ا ي األ ظم ؟ :س
اَّلز ج اَّل ظم ي اللرك هلل: ج
يم للر َرك لَرظُرلْسم ع ِر
ظ ِّب َّ
ن ِر ٰيَت َتٌت َو ُم ْرش ِإ ْرا ِإ اَّل ِإ: ادلليل
ٌ ٌ َر ْس ُم َواَّل
"O my son! Join not in worship others with Allah. Verily! Joining others in worship with Allah is
a great Zoolm (wrong) indeed.
[04:48] َو َو ن يُم ْرش ِإ ْرا ِإ اَّل ِإ فَوَت َوي ِإد فْرَتتَوَتَو ٰ ِر ْسماًا َرع ِرظيماًا: ادلليل
hoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin.
Writing Practice :
For Teachers : At this stage its sufficient to teach the kids that shirk is the worst of sins. They
may not be able to grasp the exact meaning of Shirk. But its good to explain to them some
dangers of Shirk billah that Allah will never forgive. Allah will punish those who associate
partners with Him by the jahannam (Hell fire). Those who die in that state of doing shirk billah
will never enter Jannah (Paradise).
Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for
him, and the Fire will be his abode.
))ومن مات يرشك ابهلل شيئا دخل النار،(( من مات ال يرشك ابهلل شيئا دخل اجلنة
Lesson 13 : Compulsory Prayers اللسة املف ض: ا د س ا ث ث ش
م ا ص وا املف ض يف ا يو ؟:س
ص وا :ج
ا فج ا فج ا فج.1
ا ظه ا ظه ا ظه ا ظه ا ظه.2
ا ص ا ص ا ص ا ص ا ص.3
امل امل امل امل.4
ا ش ا ش ا ش ا ش ا ش.5
[ 11:114 ] اَّله ِإ َو ُمزَوف ًة ِّب َون ْراَّلْري ِإ َو َوِإ ِإم اَّل: ادلليل
ص َوَو طَوَو َو َوَت
And perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), at the two ends of the day and in some hours of the night (i.e. the
five compulsory Salat (prayers)).
For Teachers : Teach the children that it’s a MUST to pray 5 times a day at prescribed times.
Allah created us to worship Him (alone) & this is our Prime Duty. All other tasks are secondary.
We should never delay our prayers even if we are sick or at any cost. Those who abandon it are
committing Kufr. Wallahu A’lam. )) ف ن ه د ف ي هم ا ص (( ا هد ا ي ي
Q : How many are the obligatory prayers everyday ?
A : We have to pray 5 times a day compulsorily.
1. Fajr
2. Dhuhr
3. õ$VU
4. Magrib
5. õ,VKDD
[02:238] ُت
ص َوِإ ْرو طَو ُمو واْر اَّل ِإ َو ِإتِإ
اَّل ُم ْر ٰ َو ُم
صَووا ِإ
اَّل َو َوح فِإظُمواْر َو َو
Guard strictly (five obligatory) AsSalawat (the prayers) especially the middle Salat (i.e. the best
prayer Asr). And stand before Allah with obedience
Fajr المغرب
Magrib العلاا
õ$VU الفجر
Dhuhr الظ ر
õ,VKDD العلر
For Teachers : Though This book is written for Kids, its intended that the teachers & parents too would
benefit from the Evidences provided herein. As its not expected for the child at this level to memorise
all the ayaat / adilla. Rather its sufficient for them to know that 5 times Salah is compulsory for muslims.
InshaAllah in the upcoming classes they’d be taught the no. of ƌĂŬ͛ĂĂƚ & timings of Salat etc.
For Teachers : At this level, we just nurture the kids upon Dhikr Allah. We remind them to be
conscious of Allah always & in the upcoming classes we shall teach them the different Adhkaar. إن شاء هللا
. ي َو ن ًتا ي ا
آل ق اهللُم آد َو
مل ي جد كَّب ي كن اَّل. اهلل ي َو ي جد ٱد
او أَرنَراْس َر ْسيَب ٌر ِّبم ْسيهُر َر لَر ْسقيَريِرى ِرمن نَّا ٍر َرو َر لَر ْسقيَرهُر ِرمن ِر ٍر
.ين إَر َر: ج دل ط
ده اْلهاَّلم اهلل ف
Lesson 16 : Manners … ... اب: ا د س ا دس ش
And say to My slaves that they should say only that is Good EHVWþ
When the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild
words (of gentleness)
O you who believe, Keep your duty to Allah & fear Him, and speak (always)
the Truth.
For Teachers : Muslims should always say only Good. We should not use bad words or foul
language. We should be kind & merciful & respect our elders. Never should we lie or say
Falsehood. We should be well mannered at all times. We should not harm others with our
tongue. Telling Lies is a Great sin & it’s the sifat of Munafiqeen (hypocrites).
Lesson 17 : Some Surahs… إل من القر ن: ع ش اد س ا
و اف
و اٱآل ص
One حد
Son د
Father اد
و افق
ِإ ْر ِإم ا اَّل ِإ ا اَّل ْر َو ِإن ا اَّل ِإح ِإيم
Summary for Teachers امل اَّل ص د ُت
ىب مجيع ا ملُت اهلل ا ي ين ن ك؟
اٱج ا صو ا ز ا شه د ا ا ص
َوَتَُّو اَّل ِإ ۤيي َو ْر طَو ٰ ُم اَّل َو ٍن َوآل ْر َوي ُم ُماَّل َو َود ٰ ع اص ؟ ن طاا
َو ُمُيي ُم ك اَّل َو َوا ِإ َو ألَوْر ِإ ُمْرُييِإَت ِإ اَّلا اَّل َو َو ُم ُم ْر ُم ن ُيييك ُييتك ؟
)) يد ا س يو ا يي (( صىل هللا ػليه و سمل د ي ا يب ؟ ن ف
ك ْر َو ْرو ِإ اَّل ِإ ُمِّب َو ِإ ُمك ْرم ُماَّل ِإ َو ٰىل ُم ْر يَوَتتَوَت َووفاَّل ُم م اَّل َو ُم د ؟ ىل ين
َوِّب ُمك ْرم ُمَت ْر َوج ُم َو
ِإ اَّلا اَّل ِإين آ ُمواْر ِإ ُمواْر اَّل ِإ ِإ
ص ٱَو َو َو ْر َوُم ْرم َوجاَّل ُم َو َو َو َو جزا املؤ ُت ؟
ْر ِإف ْر َود ْر ِإس َتُمُمز ًة
آد َو َوا اَّل َوَت ْر ُم ُمد اْر شاَّليطَو َوا ِإاَّل ُم
َوملْر َو ْر َوه ْرد ِإَوْري ُمك ْرم ٰيَتَوِإۤيٍت َو
َو ن د اٱ ا ؟
َو ُمك ْرم َو ُمد ٌّو ُّ ِإ ٌد
آا فَو ْر تَو ِإ ْر ِإ اَّل ِإ ِإ َون شْراَّليطَو ِإا اَّل ِإج ِإيم
فَوِإ َوا َوَتَوْر َو ْر ُمي ْر َو آ ا ي آا ؟ ا يول
ا آل ق اهلل ا شيط ا ؟
ا ن ا حيم امل ك األحد ا ص د ا زاق ض مس اهلل
اه ضد ا ي ؟
صد مجع ا صد ؟
For Teachers : Try to teach children by provoking their young minds with easy questions. Let them not
feel hard . Gently create interest in them to their capacity. Its ok if they aren’t able to grasp much But
they shouldn’t despair or loose confidence. This page is a revision, Not an exam. بارك هللا فيكم
What is the base of our Deen ? Tawheed is the foundation of our Deen.
What is Tawheed ? To Single out Allah in all our worship
Who created you & who provides Allah (alone) created us & provides
for you ? for all of us.
Who gave you hearing & sight ? Allah is the One who gave me
hearing & sight & guidance.
Who gives you life & death ? Allah gives Life & death.
Who is the last of prophets ? Muhammad صىل هللا ػليه و سمل is the final messenger
What is the reward for the believers ? Jannah is the reward for muslims
Whats the reward for the disbelievers ? Hell fire is the permanent abode of the Kuffar
What is the end of the Mushriks ? The will never enter Jannah & will
dwell forever in Jahannam.
Shaytan was created from _ _ _? From Fire
What happened to iblees then ? He was thrown out of Jannah & cursed
What did Allah command the believers to To always say the truth (good words)
say ?
Who says the best of speech ? The one who calls to (the path) of Allah
If we are greeted with a greeting what We should reply with that which is better
should we reply ?
How to respond to the calls of the ignorant? Just say Salam & avoid arguing.
What is the meaning of øي ا ت ُت ي ا دø We Worship Allah (alone) & We seek
help in Allah alone >ZHGRQöWFRPPL
Whats the meaning of as-Samad ? Independent of all & all depend on Him
Who created the Evil ? Allah (alone) created both Good & Evil
For Parents : Please try to be an example for your child. So Learn the basics yourself before
teaching your children. When you don’t practice in your house the necessary obligations, your
child may tend to abandon or slug in his religious duties too. Wallahul Musta’an.
1 Preface امللدمة 2
14 Prayer الصالة 17
17 Manners أدأب 20
18 4XU·DQ اللرأن 21
19 Vocabulary املفردات 24
22 Contents الفهرس 30