How To Do Performance-Based Training
How To Do Performance-Based Training
How To Do Performance-Based Training
Performance-Based Training
Training Application Notes
a part of this activity, we work not only to identify individual but this would not ensure that our couriers would train to cycle
tasks, but also to organize them into logical Task Groups and on the kind of terrain that exists between Union Square and the
develop Objectives for those Task Groups. This allows us to Mission District, or that they could carry 20 lbs and complete
work out how the tasks are used together on the job to achieve the run, or that they could reach their destination in less than 16
larger aims. Additionally, we consider how the Job Tasks should minutes.
be certified. If they are important tasks or involve critical safety
issues, we want to make sure it is understood up front that stu- Step three is to plan the course components needed to teach
dents must individually perform the tasks to be certified, as the students to perform the Job Tasks and achieve the Key
opposed to being certified through oral, written, or team test- Results. That is, step three is to determine how many Skills
ing. Tests, Practices, Demonstrations, and Theory elements are
needed and what they each should cover.
The second step is to determine how well the students should
do the Job Tasks — that is, what the Job Tasks must accomplish, Our work from step one to organize the Job Tasks into Task
the Key Results. Groups often proves very valuable at this point. Task Groups fre-
quently represent a natural structure for a course, and their
For example, say we wanted to define the job of a web designer. Objectives suggest the context within which the Job Tasks must
An example Job Task and its Key Results might be: be practiced and what background knowledge (i.e., Theory) is
• Task: Create a default home page
When planning the course components, we do so in a specific
• Key Result (Standard): The home page file is named order, considering first the Skills Tests and then the Practices,
“index.htm” Demonstrations, and Theory. This is because it is, as with the
overall development process, important to understand our ulti-
• Key Result (Standard): The home page file is saved in the mate goal. Knowing what we want our students to be able to
correct directory handle in terms of the Skills Tests, we can then figure out what
kind of Practices, Demonstrations, and supporting Theory are
• Key Result (Standard): The web server start up page is needed.
set to “index.htm”
Next comes step four, the actual creation of the course compo-
• Key Result (Standard): Browser detection javascript is nents. Many experts in instructional systems design suggest writ-
added into the header tags ing the course components in the same order that they are
planned. However, this is not necessary. The writing process for
• Key Result (Standard): The META content and name each course developer is always unique, and many developers
parameters are defined within the header section find it more workable to develop the material in the order it will
be taught. Regardless, though, it is almost certain that the pro-
Or for example, say we wanted to define the job of a bicycle cess will be iterative and that “completed” components will be
courier. An example Job Task and its Key Results might be: tweaked here and there throughout the development process.
• Task: Cycle 5 miles (16.09 km) Useful things to keep in mind when creating the course compo-
nents include:
• Key Result (Standard): 20 Ibs (9.07 kg) are carried
• Skills Tests
• Key Result (Standard): Distance is cycled in less than 16
minutes It is true that our primary concern is the ability of students.
And it is also true that we define the method of certification
• Key Result (Standard): The course cycled is the route (oral, written, team performance, or individual testing) dur-
between Union Square and the Mission District ing the Job Task Analysis stage of development. However, it’s
important to remember that we always have the leeway to
You should note the specificity of the Key Results and that they do additional testing. At times, we may want to verify that
answer the question, “How do I know I’m really done?” In the students have mentally grasped certain aspects of a task,
first example, we could have simply said “The home page is cre- which are best confirmed through oral or written testing.
ated” — but this would not ensure that our file naming rules Examples of such things include interpreting system soft-
were followed or that critical code was always included. In the ware messages or choosing values for system parameters.
second example, we could have said simply "5 miles cycled" —
Hands-On Classroom
Figure 1: When developing PBT courses, you develop the Job Tasks and Key Results to be taught first (your goals), and then the Skills
Tests, Practices, Demos, and, finally, the Theory.
How Do You Teach Performance-Based our example, a Demonstration of replacing the computer screen
might include best practice methods for detaching the screen
Training? and how to take important safety precautions.
Teaching Performance-Based Training is done in the reverse
order of the development process. Once “armed” with the Job Task Theory and the knowledge of
what to expect, as shown by the Demonstrations, students then
As we noted before, we lay an initial foundation of knowledge by proceed to the Practice phase of the course. The students prac-
starting with the Theory behind the Job Tasks. The Theory can tice until they have mastered the Job Tasks. Then, all that is left
be delivered as lectures or as pre-reading material, and the goal to do is to confirm that the students can do the tasks. Written
of this part of a PBT course is to cover the “what, when, and tests can be useful, but observing individual students perform
why” information for the Job Tasks. For example, if we were the tasks is the preferred method of confirmation (certification).
conducting a course on replacing laptop computer LED screens,
our Theory information might include such things as an explana- It is important to note that you do not have to make a student
tion of how a screen is connected to the main portion of the go through all steps when doing PBT. If he or she knows that
computer, problems that require a screen to be replaced, and an they just need to practice and then take the test, then that is
overview of the replacement process. permissible. Also, if it is recognized that a student can already
perform the required Job Tasks, they also should not be made to
Following the presentation of the Theory, the instructor might go through the outlined training courses. PBT says, training is fin-
demonstrate how the Job Task is done. Demonstrations are not ished when a person has mastered the Job Tasks, not when a course
always required, but can be useful, as they allow students to pre- ends.
pare themselves by mapping out complex task steps mentally. In
Classroom Hands-On
Start Theory (what, when, and why) Demonstration Practice Skills Test
This means that, at the end of a training course, it will be highly 3. It is simple to understand and crystallizes the instructional
unlikely that the students will be able to do the target job when design process for non-practitioners.
they complete the course.
4. It improves student satisfaction, since it enables you to pro-
Of course, time is a factor that must be weighed against other vide a clear description of the service provided by your
business constraints. If all else fails, make sure your training cov- training department. Through the Job Task Analyses you can
ers the critical tasks and focuses on hands-on practice by send- create meaningful course descriptions and set reasonable
ing the Theory in advance. expectations.
Skills Test
No. of Students Theory Demonstration Practice Total Time
Figure 3: The above tables show how time requirements can be better estimated with a clear course structure. Row 1 shows the Training Cycle time (Total – 8.5
hours) for one student with one set of equipment. Row 2 shows how the training is impacted with three students but still only one set of equipment (Total Training
Cycle time 20.5 hours).
Quick Key
Job Tasks
Job Task
Key Results
Skills Test
Demonstration by Expert
Note: ONLY that amount of Theory, which supports what a person needs to be able to DO, should be provided.
Figure 4: This figure gives an overview of how Performance-Based Training is built and taught.