Chapter 1-3
Chapter 1-3
Chapter 1-3
A Research Paper Presented to the Junior Highschool Department of Erhard Science College
Bulacan Inc.
March 2019
This study aims to determine the effects of having peers in the study habits of the students.
2. How does peers affect the Junior Highschool students, academic performance?
3. What are the influence of peers among Junior Highschool students, academic performance?
4. How does the influence of peers affect the Junior Highschool student of Erhard Science College
Bulacan Inc.?
The purpose of this study is to know the effects of peers and to explain further the benifits of peers
among Junior Highschool students of Erhard Science College.
Student. This study will helps the students to know the good effects of having peers and how will it
affect the academic performance of a students.
Teachers. This study will help the teachers to know the effects of having peers and to explain further the
benefits and influences of peers among Junior Highschool students of Erhard Science College. In that
case, they can give an advice to the students when they have misunderstandings. The gap and intensity
between teacher and students will be vanished.
Parents. They will be aware about their childrens behavior and academic performance. They can advice
their childrens to choose a good peers. They can encourage them to have nice and suitable peers.
School. The findings of the study will directly lead to the raising of our standard of education because
experiences has shown that disciplined students learn faster and perform better academically than
undisciplined students. Therefore, the findings of this study will help the school produce students who
can contribute meaningfully towards the development of the nation in future. This will help sensitize in
school adolescent by making them to be aware the merits of good peer pressure and time management.
Future Researchers. This research will be useful reference for the researchers who would plan to make
any related study of how peers affect the students academic performance.
Focused Discussion will be conducted once and there will not be any follow up surveys while the
answers are based from the Junior Highschool Participants.
Only fifty students whom are the respondents of this study and they all attended to Erhard Science
College Bulacan Inc. during S.Y. 2018-2019.
Definition of Terms
Peer- a person who belong to the same age group or social group and someone else.
Student- a person who studies something: a person who attends a school, college on university.
Effects- a change that result when something done or happens; an event, condition or state of affairs
that is produced by a cause.
Influence- to affect or change someone or something in an indirect but usually important way.
Chapter 2
According to Nicole Marie Howard, adolescents have always been exposed to peer influence, but
the kinds of peer influence that they encounter have changed tremendously in the past years. Peers can
influence everything from what an adolescent chooses to wear to whether or not an adolescent engages
in drug related or other delinquent behavior. This is an important topic because if society and education
related professionals understand the issues surrounding negative peer influence, they are more likely to
prevent it and be more adequately prepared to help a teenager facing negative aspects of peer pressure.
This research is a review of the existing literature on the positive and negative aspects of peer influence
among adolescents in relation to academic performance and socialization.
The peer group influences learning and certain factors like social economic status and parental
factor as they detemtine membership in most groups. The study found out that pupils are closer to their
friends than to their teachers and parents concerning their academics and that parents monitor their
children’s peer group association. In addition, he revealed that a dull studeht may become study inclined
when he/she finds hirhlef/herself in a group that encourages effective learning; if the students are not
well monitored they fail in bad groups. However, he shown in his study that a high percentage of
students are more interested in relating to their hiends than to their teachers and parents. He
recommended that the teacher should understand that the peer group is an important factor in child‘s
learning. The teachers use it as a study group to bring abput an effective classroom interaction. Lastly,
parents should make sure their children are well monitored and they should encourage them to have
friends that would have a positive effect on their learning both at home and at a school (Olalekan, 2016).
According to the study conducted by Temitope and Christy (2015), the peers relationship,
socialization, location, and motivation have a great influence in determining academic performance of
secondary school students. They also found that age, gender, and religion does not matter in
determining the student academic performance. The researchers concluded that to achieve effective
teaching, teacher should focus on promoting classroom acceptance. Teachers should avoid favoritism
and leave behind negative perspective of student(s). Parents should see what kind of peers their children
have that can influence positively and have a good impact on their academic performance.
Wangeci Florence James of Moi University (2018) stated that, academic performance of the
students can be affected by several factors. School and pupil factors have been widely documented as
factors that significantly affect student's achievement in school. Peer influence has been categorized
under either school or pupil factors that may affect academic performance of the learners. Peer
influence happen in small groupings of the students within the school environment. Most of school's
management tend to avoid or pay little attention to those social groupings and networks and may blame
other factors for poor pupil's academic performance.
According to Santrock (2010), Peers are the individuals who are about the same age or maturity
level. Peer pressure is defined as when people your own age encourage or urge you to do something or
to keep from doing something else, no matter if you personally want to do it or not. The more subtle
form of peer pressure is known as peer influence, and it involves changing one's behaviour to meet the
perceived expectations of others. In general, most teens conform to peer pressure about fairly
insignificant things like music, clothing, or hairstyles. When it comes to more Important issues like moral
values, parents still remain more influential than the peer.
This review of related literature confirms that there are substantial effects of having peers in the
student academic performance.
Among the different studies it is emphasized that students are closer to peers than parents when
they enter their early adolescent period. Findings and results have provide agreeable proofs that peer
groups is essential in student's motivation particularly by focusing student's cognition and involvement in
school works and more importantly by influencing students to try as they discover new experiences. On
the other hand, there are certain events where in they are not influenced to be motivated because
teacher's perception towards a student maybe disturbed when they are perceived to belong on either
good or bad peers. Peers can be an educational structure that organizes their experiences in a way that
fellow students participate. The benifits of students interaction with their peers helps to motivate and
enhance their learning status. In fact, positive effects of peers attracts the students to go to school more
or to further like the school, precisely because their peers are there. Additionally, it is theorized that
students whom are involve with groups whose engage in negative activities at school are likely to have
lower academic performance.
Therefore, the presence of peer groups which are considered to induce influences more likely than
teachers, specially when situated in an unlikely parental norms, prevail different outcomes. To prevent
further undesired outcomes parents should provide appropriate supervision and clear communication of
values. Likewise, schools have to ensure guidance, counseling services and development of rapport from
the association.
Chapter 3
Research Design
This study entitled "The Effects Of Having Peers to the Study Habits of the Junior
Highschool students in Erhard Science College" is a quantitative research that tells the effects of
having peers in academic performance. This specific study also used a survey questionnaire to
gain informations and opinions regarding to the academic performance. This study wants to
depict the current situation in Erhard Science College concerning how the students react and
how they were affected by having Peers. The researchers decided to use quantitative approach
in order to verify information on their own school, Erhard Science College, in order to
comprehend the effects of having peers in the study habits of the students.
Research Locale
The study will be conducted on Erhard Science College (ESC) Bulacan Inc. located at
Capihan, San Rafael, Bulacan. It was founded on June 03, 2013. It is under the supervision of
Mrs. Deseree Jane G. Mendoza assigned as administrator and Mr. Antonio C. Ingusan as the
principal. The school campus comprises about 224 number of students, and 31 male and
Female teachers that uses all the 8 Classrooms and 1 teachers Faculties in all.
The participants of this study are 50 selected students of Erhard Science College as were
chosen. There are thirty-three (33) female participants and seventeen (17) male participants.
Their age ranges from 11 to 18 years old. They come from different level and section: seventeen
(17) from Grade 7 Special Science Class, twelve (12) from Grade 7 Golden Sun, fourteen (14)
from Grade 8 Special Science Class, seven (7) from Grade 8 Golden Sun.
Research Instruments
Survey questionnaire will be the major instrument used in this study. The questionnaire
prepared by the researchers was developed through reading related references and was design
to obtain information in the positive and negative influences of peer groups on students
academic performances.
Additionally, close-ended questions will be asked to the participants to let them write their
The data for this research will be collected using survey questionnaire. The survey
questionnaire was created using suitable questions modified from related research and
questions which are related to the participants perception regarding peers. Questionnaire was
used to determine if the respondent agreed or disagreed in that question. Researchers will use
counting of answer to quickly and reliably get common information in a short period of time,
researchers will use instruments to record data like pen and paper.
In this process, the researcher will examine the statements that have been collected and
will sort out the information depending on themes. The major goal of the collected data from
the survey questionnaire to be conducted is based solely on the 16 (sixteen) problems prepared
by the researchers. Subsequently, those questions aims to answer the reasons why students
stay in peer group, the positive and negative influences of peers in students academic
performance and lastly, the kind of peers that are applicable for students to join in.
This research study will be going to use are both simple inferential statistics such as
a) Grade and Section This will be used to get the proportion of the
b) Age
Percentage (%)=F/N x 100
Chapter 4
Table 1.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to their (Grade and Section)
Frequency Percentage Rate
7-SSC 17 34% 1
8-SSC 14 28% 2
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents 17 of them were student from 7- Platinum Star
which is equivalent to 34%, 14 students from 8- Platinum Star which is equivalent to 28%, 12
students from 7- Golden Sun which is equivalent to 28%, 12 students from 7- Golden Sun which
is equivalent to 24%, while the least of respondents were students from 8- Golden Sun which is
equivalent to 14%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
12 15 30% 2
13 17 34% 1
14 13 26% 3
15 3 6% 4
18 2 4% 5
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents 17 of them were 13 years old which is
equivalent to 34%, 15 of them were 12 years old which is equivalent to 30%, 13 of them were
14 years old which is equivalent to 26%, 3 of them were 15 years old which is equivalent to 6%,
2 of them were 18 years old which is equivalent to 4%. The respondents have a total percentage
of 100%.
Female 33 66 1
Male 17 34 2
TOTAL 50 100
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 33 of them were female which is equivalent to
66%, 17 of them were female which is equivalent to 34%. The respondents have a total
percentage of 100%
Table 2 A.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to those who have peers in school.
Yes 44 88% 1
No 6 12% 2
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 44 of them were having peers in school which
is equivalent to 88%, 6 of them weren't having peers in school which is equivalent to 12%. The
respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 A.2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the effects of peers to your
study habits.
Yes 19 38% 2
No 31 62% 1
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 31 of them were not affected by their peers
which is equivalent to 62%, 19 of them were affected by their peers which is equivalent to 38%.
The respondents have a total percentage of 100%
Table 2 A.3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to what kind of peers they have.
Good 48 96% 1
Bad 2 4% 2
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 48 of them have a good peers which is
equivalent to 96%, 2 of them have a bad peers which is equivalent to 4%. The respondents
have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 A.4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to those students who enjoy
spending time with their peers.
Yes 47 94% 1
No 3 6% 2
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 47 of them enjoy spending time with their
peers which is equivalent to 94%, 3 of them were not enjoy spending time with their
peerswhich is equivalent to 6%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%
Table 2 A.5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to their peers who helps them
improving their academic interest.
Yes 42 84% 1
No 8 16% 2
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 42 of them agreed that their peers help them
catch their interest to study which is equivalent to 84%, 8 of them were not agreed that their
peers help them catch their interest to study which is equivalent to 16%. The respondents have
a total percentage of 100%
Table 2 A.6 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the particular things they do
when they with their peers.
Eating 29 58% 1
Frequency Percentage Rate
Reading Books 2 4% 3
Others 1 2% 4
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 29 of them were eating with their peers which
is equivalent to 58%, 18 of them were doing assignment with their peers which is equivalent to
36%, 2 of them were reading books with their peers which id equivalent to 4%,1 of them were
doing other things with their peers which is equivalent to 2%. The respondents have a total
percentage of 100%
Table 2 B.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the students who are motivated
to go to school because of their peers.
5 17 34% 1
4 16 32% 2
3 13 26% 3
2 2 4% 4
1 2 4% 5
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 17 of them were strongly agree by the given
statement which is equivalent to 34%, 16 of them were agree by the given statement which is
equivalent to 32%, 13 of them were neutral by the given statement which is equivalent to 26%,
2 of them were disagree which is equivalent to 4%, 2 of them strongly disagree which is
equivalent to 4%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the students who exert more
effort in studying because of their peers.
5 11 22% 3
4 18 36% 2
3 19 38% 1
Frequency Percentage Rate
2 2 4% 4
1 0 0% 5
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 19 of them were neutral by the given statement
which is equivalent to 38%, 18 of them were agree by the given statement which is equivalent
to 36%, 11 of them were strongly agree by the given statement which is equivalent to 22%, 2 of
them were disagree which is equivalent to 4%, 0 of them strongly disagree which is equivalent
to 0%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the students who can express
theirselves with their peers.
5 18 36% 1
4 15 30% 2
3 15 30% 3
2 2 4% 4
1 0 0% 5
Frequency Percentage Rate
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 18 of them were strongly agree by the given
statement which is equivalent to 36%, 15 of them were agree by the given statement which is
equivalent to 30%, 15 of them were neutral by the given statement which is equivalent to 30%,
2 of them were disagree which is equivalent to 4%, 0 of them strongly disagree which is
equivalent to 0%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the students who do not want
to go to school if their peers are there.
5 1 2% 5
4 3 6% 4
3 7 14% 3
2 22 44% 1
1 17 34% 2
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 22 of them were disagree by the given statement
which is equivalent to 44%, 17 of them were strongly disagree by the given statement which is
equivalent to 34%, 7 of them were neutral by the given statement which is equivalent to 14%, 3
of them were agree which is equivalent to 6%, 1 of them strongly agree which is equivalent to
2%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the students who do not exert
more effort in studying because of their peers.
5 2 4% 5
4 2 4% 4
3 13 26% 3
2 17 34% 1
1 16 32% 2
Frequency Percentage Rate
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 17 of them were disagree by the given statement
which is equivalent to 34%, 16 of them were strongly disagree by the given statement which is
equivalent to 32%, 13 of them were neutral by the given statement which is equivalent to 26%,
2 of them were agree which is equivalent to 4%, 2 of them strongly agree which is equivalent to
4%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.6 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the students who cannot
express their selves with their peers.
5 3 6% 5
4 6 12% 4
3 12 24% 2
2 18 36% 1
1 11 22% 3
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 18 of them were agree by the given statement
which is equivalent to 36%, 12 of them were neutral by the given statement which is equivalent
to 24%, 11 of them were strongly agree by the given statement which is equivalent to 22%, 6 of
them were disagree which is equivalent to 12%, 3 of them strongly disagree which is equivalent
to 6%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.7 Frequency and Percentage Distribution to those students who are excited to go to school if
their peers are there.
5 16 32% 2
4 20 40% 1
3 13 26% 3
2 1 2% 4
1 0 0% 5
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 20 of them were disagree by the given statement
which is equivalent to 40%, 16 of them were strongly disagree by the given statement which is
equivalent to 32%, 13 of them were neutral by the given statement which is equivalent to 26%,
1 of them were agree which is equivalent to 2%, 0 of them strongly agree which is equivalent to
0%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.8 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to those students who are happy to study
because of their peers.
5 15 30% 3
4 15 30% 2
3 18 36% 1
2 2 4% 4
1 0 0% 5
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 18 of them were neutral by the given statement
which is equivalent to 36%, 15 of them were agree by the given statement which is equivalent
to 30%, 15 of them were strongly disagree by the given statement which is equivalent to 30%, 2
of them were disagree which is equivalent to 4%, 2 of them strongly disagree which is
equivalent to 4%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.9 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to the students who can express their
selves with their peers.
5 12 24% 3
4 18 36% 2
3 19 38% 1
2 1 2% 4
1 0 0% 5
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 19 of them were neutral by the given statement
which is equivalent to 38%, 18 of them were agree by the given statement which is equivalent
to 36%, 12 of them were strongly agree by the given statement which is equivalent to 24%, 1 of
them were disagree which is equivalent to 2%, 0 of them strongly disagree which is equivalent
to 0%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.
Table 2 B.10 Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to those student who are distracted their
study because of their peers.
5 3 6% 5
4 7 14% 4
3 9 18% 3
2 17 34% 1
1 14 28% 2
TOTAL 50 100%
The table shows that out of 50 respondents, 17 of them were disagree by the given statement
which is equivalent to 34%, 14 of them were strongly disagree by the given statement which is
equivalent to 28%, 9 of them were neutral by the given statement which is equivalent to 18%, 7
of them were strongly agree which is equivalent to 14%, 3 of them strongly agree which is
equivalent to 6%. The respondents have a total percentage of 100%.