Jnu Sis Ma World Economiy 2010-15 - 1 PDF
Jnu Sis Ma World Economiy 2010-15 - 1 PDF
Jnu Sis Ma World Economiy 2010-15 - 1 PDF
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„.....wu«rlw.^w.^n .^. •ne en n.,. ^,^ i^....ihm......!!*e!lfu..nk4. iMLYLHMdxKY ISN«r^WY4w^w^ „+.u4wu!,FStdI .+Y Y,Wrxr.mu .. ur.l ^
1. Kiran 's utility function is U(xl; x2)= 21n(xl )+ x2. Given her current income and the
current relative prices , she consumes 10 units of x1 and 15 units of x2. If her income
doubles, while prices stay constant , how many units of x1 will she consume after the
change in income?
(a) 20
(b) 5
(c) 10
2. Manik's utility function on goods x and y is U(x; th = + 4. Prices of x and y are given
as pX = 5 and py = L Assume that Manik 's income is equal to 60. What is his optimal
consumption of the two goods?
(a) x = Sy y = 35
(c) x = Q y = 60
(d) x = 2, y=50
/ 54-A 3 1 P.T.O.
3. A car manufacturing company wants to decide where to locate a new plant. The only
inputs used in cars are steel and labour, and the production function is f (S, L) = S2L2 ,
where S is tons of steel and L is units of labour. The company can locate its plant either
in country A or in country B. In country A, steel costs Rs 70 a ton and labour costs
Rs 70 per unit. In country B, steel costs Rs 80 per ton and labour costs Rs 60 per unit.
In which of the two countries should the company locate its new plant?
(a) Country A
(b) Country B
4. A monopolist has constant marginal costs at Re 1 per unit, and zero fixed costs. It faces
the demand curve D(p) = p ' p < 20 where p is price.
0, p > 20
What is the profit maximizing choice of output?
(a) 20
(b) 5
(c) 1/99
(d) 10
/54-A 4
S. If the government could set a price ceiling on the above monopolist (in Question No. 4)
in order to force it to act as a competitor, what price should it set?
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 1
/54-A 5 1 P.T.O.
7. If the matrix
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(a) 1
(b) 0
/54-A 6
9. Let
x+4, x<0
f(P)= x2 , 05xc5
7 , x25
(a) 130/3
(b) 206/3
(c) 206
(d) 106
/ s4-A 7 [ P.T.O.
11. Consider five urns numbered 1 to 5, where each urn contains 10 balls. Urn 1 has i
defective balls and (10 - t) nondefective balls. In an experiment, an urn is selected at
random, and then a ball is selected at random from that urn. What is the probability
that a defective ball is selected? If the ball is defective, what is the probability that it
came from urn 2?
(a) 7/10; 2/5
(a) 7/18; 0
(b) 8/9; 1
/54-A 8
13. A card is selected at random from an ordinary deck of cards. If an ace is drawn , you win
Rs 100; if a king is drawn, you win Rs 75; if a queen is drawn, you win Rs 50; and if a
jack is drawn, you win Rs 25. What is the probability of winning at least Rs 25? What
would you expect to win on average?
(a) 1/4; Rs 62.50
(b) 4/13; Rs 62.50
(c) 1/ 13; Rs 19.23
(d) 4/13; Rs 19.23
14. The probability mass function of a discrete random variable is given as f (x) = b for
x = I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and zero elsewhere. The mean and variance of the distribution are
(a) 3; 2
(b) 3; 11
(c) 3; 9
(d) 3; 3
15. A worker's utility is increasing in wages received and decreasing in the effort exerted.
What is the sh&pe of the indifference curve in the wage-effort space?
(a) Upward sloping
(b) Downward sloping
(c) Straight line parallel to the X-axis
(d) Straight line parallel to the Y-axis
/54-A 9 [ P.T.O.
16. When there is a Keynesian aggregate supply curve, an increase in aggregate demand
results in proportional increase in
(a) the price level, as long as output is below its full employment level
(b) real output, as long as output is below its full employment level
(d) the cost of producing real output, as long as output is below its full employment
(a) and in the price level, when there is a Keynesian aggregate supply curve
(b) and no change in the price level, when aggregate supply curve is vertical
(c) and in the price level, when aggregate supply curve is positively sloped
(d) and no change in the price level, when aggregate supply curve is positively sloped
(a) changes in the velocity of money are closely associated with changes in the money
(b) changes in the price level are closely associated with changes in the money supply
(d) changes in nominal GDP are closely associated with changes in money supply
/54-A 10
19. Suppose full employment level of output is Rs 680 , the equilibrium level of output is
Rs 600 and the marginal propensity to consume is 0.80 . Full employment output can be
achieved by Rs 16 increase in government spending . Which of the following changes in
net lump sum tax revenues result in full employment output?
(a) A Rs 20 decrease
(b) A Rs 20 increase
(c) A Rs 16 increase
(d) A Rs 16 decrease
20. The fixed labour requirements per unit of wine and clothing production before trade for
England and Portugal are given below :
Wine Clothing
England 6 10
Portugal 3 5
If trade opens up between England and Portugal, what will be the pattern of trade
according to comparative advantage?
(a) England exports clothing and Portugal exports wine
(b) England exports wine and Portugal exports clothing
(c) Neither country will trade in any good
(d) Cannot say
21. If the home marginal propensity to consume exportable is greater than the elasticity of
the foreigner's offer curve , then in the absence of inferior goods, a tariff
(a) lowers the domestic prices of importable
(b) increases the domestic prices of importable
(c) No impact on domestic prices
(d) Cannot say
/54-A 11 [ P:T.O.
22. "The average income of the people in province A is greater than the average income of
the people in province B. Some people migrate from province A to province B and as a
result the average income of both the provinces rise." Is the statement feasible?
(a) This can never happen
(b) This will always happen
(c) This is possible if the richer people of province A migrate to province B
23. "All those who have a good voice are good singers ." This statement logically implies
(a) all those who do not have a good voice are not good singers
(b) all those who are not good singers do not have a good voice
(c) all those who are good singers have a good voice
24. There are two countries A and B with their currencies denoted as 'A$' and B$'
respectively. Their nominal exchange rates in terms of US Dollars (USD) are as follows :
A$ 50 = USD 1; B$ 1 = USD 1.5
The nominal prices of petrol per litre in the two countries are A$ 75 per litre and
B$ 1 per litre respectively. It is reported that in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms,
petrol prices are three times higher in country A than in country B. Compare a resident
of country A earning AS 50,000 per month with a resident of country B earning
B$ 2,000 per month. In PPP terms
(a) resident of country A is better off than resident of country B
(b) resident of country A is at par with resident of country B
(c) resident of country A is worse off than resident of country B
(d) Cannot say
/54-A 12
25. The equation for the IS curve is given as
Y=co+bo+G bl i
1-cl(1-t) 1-c1(1-t)
where Y is income, i is the rate of interest, Pis the price level, Ms is money supply and
G denotes government spending.
Further, let 1
1- 01(1- t) = X. Then the expression for the aggregate demand function and
b Y = mix ( m1x ; positive
( ) m2 +Xblml CO +bo + G) - m2 +1lblml m0 P
m2l bll Ms
+bo +G) - mo - P l; negative
(c) Y m2 +Ablml (co m2 +Ab1m1
b1m2A b1m2A. Ms
(d) Y m (co +bo +G)- m P ; positive
2 +Xb1 m 2 mo
2 +l j' m 2
/ 54-A 13 (P.T.O.
/ 54-A 15 1 P.T.O.
54 INUEE: Question
Papers (r2o1O- 0 12y rRs.tOf -
ENTnAIICE UrlAltlr[ArION, 2012
: M:A. ECONOMICS (with specialisation in the WorldlEcbnomy)
Maximum Marks
Paper :
Candidates must read carcfully the.fo.tlo1urg instnrctions before att€mnlne 1te Ques3ion
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ffikn-..r;G% ''u.
{c} 3
(d) s
3, For the probleryt in Q 1, 'the cTt to the governrnent of' this pqlicy is
(al 27
(b) 20
(c) 14
(d) lo
(b) 2r
(dl 10/3
5. Which of'the following will cause total revenue earned by cell phone producers to rise?
(a) The demand:is price-elastic and the pripe falls.
(b) . The price falls and demand is inelastic.
(c) Demald is reduced because consumera
learn of new hazaids of cell phone use.
,r, The poprrlation in the economy increases atllticattV. :
6. Suppose the elasticity of demand for an iPod is -3'5. This means that
(a) the demand-for iPods is inelastc : '. .
(c) 10 percent increasc in tl:e price o! iPods will cause quantity demanded to rise
by 35o/o.
(d) l0 percent increase in the price of iPods will cause quantity dernanded to
by 35o/o.
(b) Rs 100
tc) RS + :^
(d) 2A packages
9. If the total output of candies in Nick's Wicks shop increases from 20 per hour to 30 per
hour as he hires the second worker, then
(a) the marginal product of the second worker is 20 candles
(b) ' 'the mafglnal product of the secgnd worker is 30 candles *
(c) if the price of each candle is Rs 2, the margrnal revenue product (MRP) of the
second worker is'Rs 20
(d) if the price of each candle is Rs Z, the margrnal
(a) o
tb) 1
(cl 2
(d) 3,
13. Tfre probabilities that A and Bipeak the tnrttr.independqntly are P Td g respectively'
If thiy make the same Statement, the probability that the Btaternent is indeed true is
pq+(l -pfil+d
(d} _ZW
pq+(l -pfil +d n
Ttre probabilities of solving a protlem hy 3 shrdents ar€ +,$'*td { respcctirrcly. If eact
one of thcm tries to solve it independently, ttren the probability that the problem is not
solved is
' (a) 218
(b) 317 *
(c) Q=213
(d) Q=3/2
16. The mean daily profit of a shopkeeper in a month of 30 days was ns 650, Ttte.,'rnean
profit for the first two weeks was Rs 575 and 'the mean profit for the third week was
R* 400. His mean profit for the remaining days was
(a) Rs 325'20 (b) Rs 961'1 I
(c) Rs' 100'OO (dl Rs e2}25
t?. The distribution of the numher of printins mistgf9l pel nagf of a.book is Poisson
mean e. Oiven that e-3 =O.O49787, the probability that th€re is some miltake lna a
page rs
(b) 0'9502 12
19j Suppose equilibrium output is YO and the price level is Po for an aggregate dema
and ; classical aggregate J.rppty arnrc. A lechnological advance will result.
(a) , an increaqe in the price level and no change in the equilibrium level of outp
- Spppose equilibrium output is Yg, whiclr is below the fuIl emplo5rment tevel, and the
. il;;,level is po for arr "ggr"q1e temand a1d.a Keynesian aggregate supply.curve' A-n
increase in. government spending will result in
14 an increase in the price.level and no change in the equilibriurn level of oltnut
(b) an increase in the equilibrium level of output and the price level
(c) an incrgase,in ttle e-ibrium levei of output and a in tfe nfce rU],.,
lot"":" . ,.
(d) an increase in the equilibrium level of output and no chaage in the price level
F. (4s t, :*v^qy €€:.,
21. Consider the fotlowing form of the IS-LM model, where expected inflation is zero (n* =
I r= br+\Y -bzi 1
Md , .,.!.
D --l --z
. M8=M tJt
where, Cis. the consumption, Y is the income, ? represents ta(es, Iis the investment, i is
the rate of interest, ifd i" the money demand, P is the price tevel and Ms is money
supply. I,gt G denote. government spending, Then, the.short-equilibrium (pair (Y, i i; ttrat
brmd,2 + dt
,M .M
m(co-qf+bo+q-; r *l"o-qT+bo+q- P
(d) i* = Y* =L# +dz bzm+ dz
bzm+ 4z r
Note that we define /n=, -,1' : ,bt+q <1
22, The optimal trade polrry for a country is always
{a} free trade
(b) restricted trade with taritr
(c) subsidies
(d) Can't say
23. The maximum amount of food and cloth that tcro countries A and B can produce
using all of the factors of production in their respective countries with the best availd
technologr is giverr below in thc tabh :
Fd 500 l2[X)
Cloth 700 800
S.Unnose A and B agree to a terms of trade ratio of 1 : I (i.e., I unit of fmd to be
orchanged for I unit of cloth)i then dhe specialization and trade plttern would be
as follows
.H e wil specialize in food and orport food, and import cloth frorn B
(bl A wiU specialize in cloth, and export cl,oth and impbrt food from B
(c) A and .El will not trade
(d) A has no comparative advantage and wiu import food :and cloth from B
(cl $ rso .
(dl $ roo
25. If the marginal propensity to save is 0'15 and the margrnal propensrty to import is O.05,
then the mulEplier effect on GDP is
(a) 6'67
(bl 5'oo
, (cl 4'3 [
(d) None of the above
(ii) Pteesc. darken tlre appropriatc Circle of Quo:tlon Papcr Scries Code ou the Aaswer Shi-iet.
(ir) Aasvrer all 25 qucstions in the.Answer Sheet provided for thc purpose by darkcning.the correct choice, i.e.,
(a) or(b) or (c) or (dl with BALLPOINT PEN only egainst the.corrcsponding circle. Any ovenvriting or
alteraUon rvill be trcated as trrrorig answer. , '
(v) Each correct answer carries 4 rnarks. There wilt be negativc rnarking and 1 rnarh will be dedueted for,
(vil A$swer writtcn by'the carldidates inside the Qucstiori Faper rvill not be evaluated.
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(rx) Return the Question Paper and Answer Sheet to the Invigilator at the end of 'the Entrance Examinalion.
l. Usr onl;, BluelBlack Ballpoint Pcn (do, not usc peheiu to darken the appropriate Circle.
2. Ptease darken.the rvhole Circlc,
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7 . Mar{< your answer on[r in the :appropriato spacc against thc nuhber corresponding to thc question.
8. Eninrc tbet you havc dartcacd tlrc apprcpriatc Circle of Questlon Papei Series Code orr the
- A.sgwcr Sheet.
Sam consumes only two goods X and Y, If X
(al ,2
(b) 4
tc) 1
{c} Decreases by 14
4. . Cournot duopolisis face a market demand cune'P = 56 - 2Q where Q is total market
demand. Each can produce output at a marginai ost of Rs 2O (constant). The
equilibrium price and firm quantity are
ta} 26, 6
(b) 30,. 6. 5
{c} 36, 10
(d) 32, 6 i
iI. Let the utility function be [,f = x, A2, where x ar]d S are two consurnption goods. The
money iniome are Px =2, F'g * 3, M = $- The optimal
quantities consurned of the t"o goods
.flrb .
{a} x=2t A-*.
(d) .v( =
8, u**
f$e ii14s, contain red snd Utue Uatis. Tlrc first uirc tras 3 red rind 7 btue balls, while the
secorrd urn has 6'red and 4 btue balls. An urn is.selectcd at random and a ball is drawn
aorir ttris urn. If the ball is red, thc bonditionat probability that it wslaia*, fr"r ifrt
second urn is
(b) *
(cl *
(d) More inforrnation IS required'
9. The probability density function of a random variable x'is given ai where L< x 4l oo.
If the Set A= txi 1<x <zl,and'the set ff= {x;4 < x < 5}, the'probability A u B is {
.(aI d6
(b) #
(c) 0
(d) JI
E. 'IVo urns, contain rcd and bluc balls. the first urn has 3 red and 7 blue balls, white the
sec"ond u.m has 6 red and 4 btue balts. An urn is selec.ted at random and a ball is drawn
from this um. If 'the ba[ is red, the conditional probability that it was drawn from the
second urn is
(a) +
(b) *
(c) 3
9. The probabiti-tJr densiQq function of 'a randorn variable x is grven where I < * . *.
"* *,
If the set A= {x; 1<x <2't and the set ff={x;4<x< 5), the probabiliry A.u B is
, -l
(b) * a
(c) o
(dl i*
,!1, -
(" Export
For the above offer curue OF, the absolute value of the elasticity of dernand for irnports
is rneasured by
(a). orlrc
t (b) oc lrc
(c) oC /or
(d) cr lor
11, The necessarlr and suflicient cond.itions for the factor price equalisation in the
Heckscher-Ohlin model is
k (a) factor intensity reversal
ffi (b) incomplete specialization
&# ,#
:.: i,i
, .it
L2, Restricted trade is superior to free trade for
! ..:,
a srnall country
i'*' (b) a l-arge country
:ourItry :
[,h. ,_
13.' Quantities of tabour qmbodied per unit of goodu .{r and Xz in country A are given by
O. 3"and O . ?, rvhile the sarne for country B are given by A -2 and 0. 9. Country A,
therefore, enjoys cornparative advantage in
(a) xl
14. In the standard IS:LM frarhework, an equal and sirnultaneous reduction in O.and Irvill
(a) - an increase in investrnent
15 164
(4 U
Y =8+r-G;1=IJJ,-2-2o-tu
' o
tb) Y =4+r-2G;
'(c) f'=4*r+2G;
' rrS
(d) r + 2- r +4G, Y= {: t2+ c - |
ial steep6r or f,atter than the closed economy- dcpending on whetlrer net exports is
positive or ncgati.ve
18. Consider the basic Solow model for this question. Supp'ose two countiics A and B.are
. identical in all aspects qrcept that Ab saving rate is l6wcr than Es. tn the long run
(b) .incosre pcr.person will bc lourcr ln A tlran ia B
(c) inconie per person will b" the samc in botb rt and B .:
(dl It iE not possible to compare income per person in the two eounties based on the
saving ratcs :
19. - With fixed orchange retes, Escal ercpansion Will teaS to an incr.ease in orrtput that is
'' the sirme as in'the qase of flexiblc 9:rc}ran6c rate
(b! higher than in thc clse of 0cxiblc orchange tatp
, ' tci lorver th:ln in'the case of flexible cxchange rate : '
'20. for g brtns Setrrteen
defrned by
if ' lrf s r
if lxl > I
(a) bounded
" (c) convex and bounded
tal 1
(b) .-1
(e) 2
'{a} lX
L7 154
, ,'
' 25,
,tE tfrl- -
The utility function
U{x}=:; O<€r S l; x€ R;
tg/sq . -
5 :
M.A. !
EILM pa2l
!_ ..,i . Maximum Marks: 1OO
Time Allowed: 3 hours t.
althsugh there is an internal choice
*r the q*"ilf,*:,ffK'1".:?ffffi"fi an answer will be Penalized'
le 164
(b) Now assume that the Central Bank increases the real money supply to 2000. J
What is the change in the real income and the interest rate under/ this PolicY?
What is.factor intensity rqversal? Critically evaluate (with diagrals) the validity
of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade in the presence'of such reversal' 10
(b) What are the inviiibles in the balance of paymenti? Examine the mechapism
:and the flexibli exchange rate systems to
and ttre iriplication.of the fixed
achieve the equilibriurn in the balance of payments'
l*2, xs l
(iL) For a'discrete random vriable x it is given that Pr(x = 0)= Pr(x =21= P,
5, Answer anyt one of the foltowing questions'(in not mQre than 5OO words) : 20
(b) . Is the government's response to the conceTs-abo}t recent trends in food price