Questions A B C D Answer: Important Questions of Cessna 172R Ques 1 To Ques 50 For Exams Cessna 172R Questions & Answers

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Important questions of Cessna 172R Ques 1 to Ques 50 for exams

Cessna 172R Questions & Answers

S.No Questions A B C D Answer
Ignition operation is controlled
1 by a rotary switch which is R,L & Both R,L, Both & Start R,L & Start L, Both & Start (B)
controlled by
Operation at 25
Which of the following provides Operation at Operation at 50 F, Operation at 50 C,
2 C, rich of peak (A)
best fuel economy peak EGT rich of peak EGT rich of peak EGT
Red line for Red line for
minimum Green arc maximum
3 Oil pressure gauge markings All are correct (D)
permissible between 50-90 psi permissible ideal
ideal pressure pressure

Examination of fuel in the system Before first After each No need to

4 As in (A) & (B) (C)
for contamination flight everyday refueling examine

Weak intermittent firing by puffs Spark plug Magneto Starter

5 Over priming (D)
of black smoke caused by failing malfunction malfunction

There was obvious power loss

when ignition switch was Right magneto Left magneto
6 Both Carburetor icing (B)
momentarily turned from both to problem problem
left cause is

Set brake with As in (A) & pull As in (B) & rotate

7 To apply parking brakes All wrong (C)
rudder paddle handle aft 90 deg down

Rate of climb or
Rate of climb Rate of descend Both of (A) & (B)
8 The VSI depicts descend in (D)
in feet/min in feet/min are wrong

Pressure to Suction necessary Suction

Pressure to
operate attitude to operate necessary to
The engine driven vacuum operate airspeed
9 indicator & direction indicator operate direction (C)
system provides indicator &
airspeed & attitude indicator to
indicator indicator airspeed indicator

Static pressure
The center area of instrument Auxiliary fuel
10 alternate source Suction gauge All of the above (A)
panel contains pump section
In attitude indicator which is not
11 marked in each side of central 20 deg 30 deg 40 deg 60deg (C)
In long flight which is the
12 maximum deviation in compass 20 deg 25 deg 30 deg 40 deg (C)
for precession error
As in (A) &
Cabin air knob Cabin heat knob As in (A) & cabin
13 For maximum cabin heat cabin heat knob (D)
push in push out heat knob push in
push out

5 to 10 knots 5 to 10 knots 5 to 10 knots 5 to 10 knots

above stalling above stalling above stalling above stalling
14 Stall warning is activated (C)
speed during speed during take speed in all speed in landing
take off off only condition only

ELT annuciator does not activate

15 Low fuel flow Low pressure Low vacuum Low voltage (A)
Oil pressure should register in None of the
16 30 secs 60 secs 20 secs (B)
cold weather in above

Altimeter will
In the event of alternate static ASI will give ASI will give give error of (+/-)
17 As in (A) & (B) (B)
door open error of 4 knots error of 7 knots 30 in closed
window condition

18 Propeller ground clearance 12 inch 1 feet 11 inch 11.25 inch (D)

19 Minimum turning radius of A/c 25’ 5.5” 26’ 5” 27’ 5.5” 27’ 5” (C)
Abrupt use of control is
20 90 knots 99 knots 113 knots None of above (B)
prohibited beyond
21 Yellow arc of ASI 44-129 129-163 163 33-85 (B)
22 Minimum oil pressure of A/c 20 psi 20 inch 30 psi None of above (A)
Alternator should be switched off Less than More than 30 More than 31.5
23 32 Volts (D)
in event of ammeter reading 31.5Volts Volts Volts

Compass error upto 25 deg may None of the

24 Switched on Switched off No charging (B)
come in event of alternator above

D.G.I (or Compass) has to be

25 aligned regularly on long flight Precision (A)
26 Maximum window open speed 160 knots 140 knots 113 knots 163 knots (D)
27 Maximum oil pressure Not given 50 psi 115 psi 160 psi (C)
Unusable fuel quantity in each 21.5 US None of the
28 1.5 US gallons 53 US gallons (B)
tank gallons above
29 Maximum ramp weight is 2107 lbs 2450 lbs 2457 lbs 2100 lbs (C)
Maximum slip duration with one None of the
30 60 secs 30 secs 50 secs (B)
tank dry above
31 Color of 100 LL(Low Lead) fuel Blue Green Yellow Orange (A)
Minimum oil quantity for
32 7 quarts 9 quarts None of the given 5 quarts (D)
extended flight is
Connection in fuel of
33 DiEGME(DiEthyl Glycol 1% 0.25% 0.1% only 0.10% to 0.15% (D)
Monomethyl Ether)
Concentration in fuel of
34 1% 2% 0.10% 0.10% to 0.15% (A)
isopropyl alcohol
Which oil is to be used after 50 SAE-J-1966 SAE-J-1899
hrs of engine running or when the aviation grade aviation grade
35 MIL-L-22851 As in (B) & (C) (D)
oil consumption has been straight mineral ashless dispersant
stabilized oil oil
Maximum deflection of nose
10 deg to either 10 deg to left side 10 deg to right 30 deg to either
36 wheel by use of rudder paddle on (A)
side only side only side
ground is
all of the above
37 Mechanical stops on flaps are at 10 deg at 20 deg at 30 deg (D)
are correct
Best rate of climb speed at sea all of the above
38 79 knots 59 knots 68 knots (A)
level is are correct

39 Shock absorption on nose wheel Hydraulic Oil system only Air & Oil system All are correct (C)

None of the
40 Shock absorption on main wheel Air/Oil system Tubular spring Hydraulic (B)
Turn off
Advance mixture
auxillary fuel Open half throttle
to full rich &
41 If engine floods pump & place & crank engine All are correct (D)
retard throttle
mixture in Idle when engine fires
cut off
42 Standard temp. lapse rate 5 deg/1000 ft 2 deg/1000 m 2 deg/1000 ft 5 deg/1000 m (C)
20 secs 'OFF' for 3
times & then 10
43 Starter cycle for engine is 10 secs 'ON' 10 secs 'OFF' mins gap for As in (A) & (C) (D)
cooling to be
Enroute climb speed is 5 to 10 Poor visibility,
As in (B) & best As in (C) & best
44 knots above best rate of climb performance & Best visibility (D)
performance cooling
speed for cooling
Until 50 hrs has been
60% power on 100% power on 80% power on
45 accumulated engine should be Do not use power (C)
cruise cruise cruise
run at

Approx. 10% Approx. 10% loss Approx. 10%

An open alternate door will result
46 loss of power at of power at full No power loss increase of power (B)
in an
half throttle throttle at full throttle

Loss of manifold
Loss of rpm in Increase of rpm in
pressure in
47 Carburetor icing is indicated by fixed pitch fixed pitch As in (A) & (C) (D)
constant speed
propeller propeller
48 Nose gear shock strut pressure 40 psi 20 psi 45 psi 25 psi (C)

Outside air temp.

(OAT)/Voltmeter gauge select None of the
49 5 secs to start 3 secs to start 4 secs to start (B)
switch may be used by putting above
the select button down off

If the PTT button of microphone

is kept pressed for more than 33 Automatically None of the
50 Switched Off Switched ON (A)
secs in continuous then the terminated above
transmission is

In voltmeter/OAT/Clock pushing
51 upper control button will change S-T-A-R-T E-N-D E-F-C-E F-C-E-E (C)
the display on window

Maximum fuel capacity of each

52 56 US gallons 3 US gallons 28 US gallons 1.5 US gallons (C)
None of the
53 Spark plug fault causes Loss of RPM Loss of fuel Increase in RPM (A)
54 Magneto malfunction causes Loss of RPM Loss of fuel Misfiring All of the above (C)
55 Brake of the A/c MIL-L-6082 MIL-L-22851 MIL-L-5606 MIL-L-5686 (C)
56 Tyre pressure of nose wheel tyre 45 psi 34 psi 28 psi 30 psi (B)

57 Tyre pressure of main wheel tyre 45 psi 34 psi 28 psi 30 psi (C)
58 Nose wheel strut length 2 inches 3 inches 1 inch 5 inches (A)
59 Propeller diameter 69 inches 75 inches 67 inches 73 inches (B)
60 Engine model number IO-360-L2A IO-280-L2A IO-360-N2C Not given (A)
61 Standard empty weight of A/c 1369 1639 2100 1600 (B)
Baggage Baggage Total baggage
compartment 1 compartment 2 compartment
62 Baggage compartment contains All are correct (D)
has allowance has allowance of allowance is 120
of 120 lbs 50 lbs lbs
63 Max useful load of A/c 818 lbs 808 lbs 900 lbs 1600 lbs (A)
64 Wing loading of A/c 14.1 kg/sq.ft 15.3 lbs/Hp 14.1 lbs/sq.ft 14.1 lbs/m (C)
65 Power loading of A/c 15.3 kg/Hp 15.3 lbs/m 14.1lbs/sq.ft 15.3 lbs/Hp (D)
Length, Height, Wing span of A/c
66 27' 2", 8' 1", 36' 1" resp
None of the
67 Wing area of A/c 169 sq. ft 174 sq. inch 174 sq. ft (C)
68 Elevator span of an A/c 11' 2" 11' 4" 36' 1" 65 " (B)
None of the
69 Wheel base length of A/c 65" 75" 74" (A)
Horse power rating & engine 108 BHP, 2800 160 BHP, 2400 108 BHP, 2450 160 BHP, 2100
70 (B)
71 Propeller model no. of A/c IO-360-L2A 1C235/LFA7570 IC235/DSA7570 1C360/LFA7570 (B)
Flaps Up 60 Flaps Up 70 kias, Flaps Up 65 kias,
Airspeed when engine fails after Flaps Up or
72 kias, Flaps Flaps Down 65 Flaps Down 60 (C)
take off Down 65 kias
Down 65 kias kias kias
Landing with a flat main tyre,
73 10 deg 20 deg As required 30 deg (D)
Flaps will be
Landing with a flat nose tyre,
74 30 deg As required 10 deg Not required (B)
Flaps will be
Engine failure during take off roll Wings flaps
75 Brakes apply Ignition switch off Throttle idle (D)
the first action will be retract
Throttle - half
If fire occurs during start on Throttle - full Throttle - full
open & Throttle - close &
76 ground the throttle & mixture open & mixture- open & mixture- (B)
mixture-idle cut mixture-rich
will be idle cut off rich

Descending through clouds to go Choose a

around against & spiral dive to heading as Choose as Choose as westly
77 As in (B) & (C) (D)
minimize compass card swings shown in easterly heading heading
due to changing bank angle compass

The magneto check should be

78 Before Start up At 1800 RPM At 2000 RPM At 1700 RPM (B)
A 28 volt,
A 28 volt, indirect A 34 volt, direct
direct current None of the
79 The A/c is equipped with current electrical current electrical (A)
electrical above
system system
A belt driven,
A 20amp A belt driven,
The electrical system of A/c is 60amp None of the
80 alternator &(+/-) 60amp alternator (C)
powered by alternator & 34 above
30 volt battery & 24 volt battery
volt battery
The desired vacuum range of an 4 to 5 mm of 4 to 5 inch of 4.5 to 5.5 mm of 4.5 to 5.5 inch of
81 (D)
A/c is mercury mercury mercury mercury
Between 118.06
The communication receiver 110.35 &
& 136.972 MHz Not receives & None of the
82 transmitter receives & transmits 136.975 MHz (B)
with 25 KHz transmits signals above
signals with 35 KHz
Between 118.00 Between 108.00 &
The navigation receiver receives 108.00 & None of the
83 & 136.975 MHz 136.975 MHz in (A)
VOR & localizer signals 117.95 MHz in above
in 25 KHz steps 50 KHz steps
50 KHz steps
The Levis The Davtron The Davtron
The Levis model
84 A/c has clock model model simple model 803 digital model simple (B)
803 digital clock
clock clock clock
The clock of an A/c combines the Outside air temp.
85 a Clock Voltmeter All of the above (D)
feature of gauge

86 Take off speed for normal climb 60-65 kias 65-75 kias 70-80 kias 75-80 kias (C)

Enroute climb at sea level 75-85 kias with 75-85 kias with 70-80 kias with 70-80 kias with
87 (A)
airspeed is flaps up flaps down flaps up flaps down
88 Engine manufacturer of an A/c Avco Lycoming McCauley None (B)
Four cylinder
89 Engine type of A/c Fuel injection Air cooled All are correct (D)
To replenish
MIL-L-6082 or SAE-J-1966 To replenish the
the supply Use until total of (A) & (C) are
90 aviation grade straight mineral oil supply during (D)
during first 25 first 50 hrs correct
is used first 75 hrs
At sea level, Best rate of climb
91 70 kias 79 kias 71 kias 65 kias (B)
speed is
At 10,000 ft best angle of climb
92 70 kias 79 kias 71 kias 65 kias (D)
Short field
Normal Normal approach
approach speed of
93 Landing approach speed approach speed speed at 60-70 All are correct (D)
62 kias with flaps
at 65-75 kias kias
30 deg
94 Max oil temp. 118 deg 245 F (A) & (B) 100 F (C)
110 kias for 10 85 kias for 10 to 123 kias for 0 to
95 Max flap extended speed of A/c (A) & (B) (D)
deg flaps 30 deg flaps 30 deg flaps
160 kcas or 163 126 kcas or 129 108 kcas or 110 140 kcas or 145
96 Vne of A/c (A)
kias kias kias kias
Max structural cruising speed of 160 kcas or 163 126 kcas or 129 108 kcas or 110 140 kcas or 145
97 (B)
A/c kias kias kias kias
No aerobatic Acrobatic DAY-NIGHT- Flight into icing
Which of the following statement
98 maneuvers maneuvers VFR-IFR condition (D)
is incorrect
approved approved approved prohibited

MAYDAY on Transmit HELP
MAYDAY on 98.3
121.5 MHz on 121.5 MHz
MHz giving None of the
99 While ditching giving location giving location & (A)
location & above
& intention & intention on
intention &

A 760 channel
A 200 channel A 350 channel
100 The set of radius contains VHF navigation VHF navigation As in (A) & (B) (D)
receiver receiver
Important questions of
Cessna 172R Ques 1 to
Ques 50 for exams

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