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No. DE.23 (1..'6 )/schBr./2017//2.> 2. Dated: 0 '/0 {/rr

Sub: Instructions for Online Admission in Class XI in Science & Commerce Streams for
the Session 2017-18.

Admission to Class XI will commence immediately and continue throughout summer


To avoid hardship to the students and parents for getting eligible students admitted in
the Science & Commerce Stream, the linkage plan within schools of Directorate of
Education to Class XI for Science & Commerce stream has been done online like last
year, whereby a merit list will be generated for Science & Commerce streams

The Admission criteria for ClassXI to various streams for the session 2017-18 will be as
per the Circulars Nos. DE.23(28)/5ch.Br./2016 dated 31-5-2016 &
DE.23(28)/5ch.Br./2016/843 dated 7-6-2016 (Flag A & B).


• Registration to be done for the students in their OWN SCHOOL (where they were
• Each student has to compulsorily fill and submit the OPTION FORM (Annexure-f)
along with application in the school from where he/she appeared in Class X exam
(Present School).
• It is the responsibility of Head of School to esure that all students submit the
option form along with application in their own school.
• Head of School will submit online the names of those eligible students who have
opted for Science/Commerce stream.
• No eligible student of Govt. Schools will be denied admission till the completion
of Admission Process on the pretext of Non Availability of Seats.
• Head of School will ensure that all eligible students of own DOE Govt. schools and
feeder DOE Govt. schools are granted admission in Science/Commerce Stream.
• In case the number of students who have applied for SCience/Commerce Stream is
more than the seats available in the particular school, another school will be
allotted by the Zonal DOEin the online module .
• The name of the allotted school will be reflected in the feeder school as well as in the
allotted school where the admission will be given to the student. The students will
contact the "Allotted School" (Where admission is to be done) for admission .
• Feeder Schools will forward the SLCsto the concerned school (parent school) where
the students have been allotted .

All the Heads of Govt. /Govt. Aided Schools are directed to adhere to the following
instructions in letter and spirit while preparing the merit list for the Non-Plan Admission:

• Applications along with filled option form for such Admission are to be submitted by
the students directly in the school where they seek admission after declaration of Class
X result.
• Every student who submits an application will be given a unique acknowledgment
number and receipt. No application will be refused. Admission will be strictly as per
merit list and eligibility.
• The eligibility criteria to be followed as per Circulars Nos. DE.23{28}/Sch. 8r./2016 dated
31-5-2016 & DE.23(28)/Sch.Br./2016/843 dated 7-6-2016.
• CSSE/ ICSC/NIOSroll number of all students (whether feeder or others) has to be filled
in the admission module to check the eligibility criteria. The online module is designed
to check automatically the eligibility of the students who have passed CSSE
Examination. However, for other boards the Head of School will ensure the eligibility
criteria manually from the statement of marks/marksheet.
• In order to observe transparency a merit list (ML-l) will be prepared for all the
registered students for Science and Commerce streams separately.
• The CaSE/Concerned Board roll numbers of such students must be mentioned in the
merit list.
• The grades of the concerned students must be properly checked and verified by the,
Head of School from the website of the concerned Board before granting admission.
• In addition to above the following instructions should a/sa be compiled with:
>- To help the parents of the students seeking admission two teachers may be deputed at
the helpdesk set up in the school.
>- Prepare the merit list including CGPA & Grade points of their required subjects as per
the Circulars mentioned above.
>- The HOS has to prepare the merit list according to these total grade points keeping in
view that a student must have obtained minimum qualifying grades in each subject as
per admission criteria for Science & Commerce streams.
>- It is also important to note that just getting minimum qualifying grade & CGPAdoes not
guarantee admission in a particular stream.
>- The DOEs (Zone) are also directed to monitor the admission process personally and
closely and it is their responsibility to ensure that no rules are violated. Transparency is
to be maintained at all levels.
>- Age criteria will not be applicable for those students who have passed Class X this year
from CBSE/State Board. However, for students having a gap year it will be applicable.
);> All Heads of Govt. Schools have to ensure that 50 students may be enrolled in Science
Stream to get the maximum utilization of infrastructure.
);> The Head of School is empowered to create a new section if the number of students in
a section exceeds 50 and the infrastructure is available. Requisite additional numbers
of posts and teachers will be accordingly sanctioned by PFC.
};;.-The last date of admission for ClassXI at the level of Head of School is 31St July, 2017.
>- The HOSs are directed not to force the students of their own school to choose a
particular stream. All the eligible students of their school must be given the stream of
the student's choice.
>- The Management and Heads of Aided Schools may have their own criteria for
admission in Class XI of Science and Commerce Stream and may admit students of any
school to ensure that adequate number of students are admitted in each stream to
ensure the proper utilization of manpower and infrastructure available in the schools.
They will also ensure that all the students of their own school are adjusted in their
own school.
>- The Head of School will send the requisition for additional teachers/staff as per number
of sections with justification to Post Fixation Cell (HQ) latest by 15.07.2017.
>- No student admitted under Non-Plan Admission in Science/Commerce as per the
merit list in Govt. Schools and as per the relaxed criteria in Govt. Aided Schools will be
eligible for transfer to other school in the same stream for Class XI & XII.

The schedule for admission of Class XI in Science & Commerce Stream is as under:

• Declaration of t'' merit list (ML-l) for Non-Plan: 12-06-2017 (Monday)

• Declaration of 2nd merit list (ML-2) for Non-Plan: 19-06-2017 (Monday)
Admission (if required)
• Declaration of 3rd list (if required) 28-06-2017 (Wednesday)
• Declaration of a" list (if required) 10-07-2017 (Monday)
• Last Date of Admission in ClassXI 31-07-2017 (Monday)

The Head of School will consider the applications for admission of all the eligible
students till the last date of admission i.e. 31-07-2017.

Note: All Heads of Govt'/Govt. Aided School are directed to display the circular
including schedule on the Notice Board.

This issues with prior approval of the Competent Authority.

(Dr.(Mrs. Sunita S. Kaushik)
Addl. DE(Schools)

DEB( '- i )/Sch.Br./2017/I2S l- Dated: b'I.6//r

All Heads of GoV!. Schools under Directorate of Education through DEL-E.
Copy to>
1. PSto Secretary (Education).
2. PSto Director (Education).
3. All ROEs,DOEs(District/Zone) to for information.
4. Programmer (MIS) for uploading on MIS. ~ \ .. ~ __
5. Guard File. ~~\\"f
Session 2017-18

To be filled by the students Date: .

1. Name of Student
2. Student ID
3. Choice of Stream
a) Science with Maths
b) Science without Maths
c) Commerce with Maths
d) Commerce without Maths
e} Humanities
f) Vocational
4. Grades in the subjects as per the eligibility Criteria
51. No. Subject Grade

Signature of Student Signature of Parent

(To be issued by the School)

Master/Kum. s/o/d/o _
has opted for stream in Class XI in Session

Date: . Signature of Teacher In-charge

Countersined by HOS Name of Teacher In-charge

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