DST Proposal 22 7 2019 1

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(To be filled by applicant)

{Sections 101 to 192 to be on separate sheet(s)}

101. Project Title: Autonomous Bot for Waste segregation and collection
102. Broad Subject: Engineering Sciences
103. Sub Area: Machine Intelligence and Robotics
104. Duration in months: 36 months
105. Total cost: 174.39lakhs
106. FE Component: NIL
107. Project Category: Research and Product Development

111. Principal Inv. : Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli

112. Designation : Associate Professor
113. Department : Information Science Engineering
114. Institute Name : R V College of Engineering
115. Address : Mysore Road, Bangalore 560 059
116. Date of Birth : ; Sex (M/F): M
117. Telephone and e-mail : Tel +919916698388; Email: [email protected]

118. Co-Investigator : Bhaskar K

119. Designation : Assistant Professor
120. Department : Aerospace Engineering
121. Institute Name : R V College of Engineering
122. Address : Mysore Road, Bangalore 560 059
123. Date of Birth : Nov. 27, 1983; Sex (M/F): M
124. Telephone and e-mail : Tel +919243584634; Email: [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE: Autonomous Bot for Waste segregation and collection

Registration No……………............ (To be filled by DST)


I Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli R V College of Engineering

II Bhaskar K R V College of Engineering

191. Project summary (maximum 150 words):
In the current scenario, waste management is being considered as the most challenging as
well as daunting task for the municipality officials. Also, the waste collection from the
houses is facilitated by allocating too many vehicles running on fuel which is not only
being rendered as non-renewable resource but also aggravates air pollution issue.
The present effort aims at handling the domestic wastes as most of them can be
successfully converted to a precious thing, which is manure. This is most important
resource for any of the farmer in the country. The wastes being generated from the houses
has to be handled effectively without allowing them to be dumped in an unwanted
destination which leads to different health hazards in the vicinity.
Based on the above facts, it is quite clear that a mechanism has to be developed to address
the following issues:
i. Elimination of usage of transportation using fuel for waste collection
ii. Identifying the type of waste and collecting it accordingly (Automated Waste
iii. Dumping the waste in the destination allocated (proper disposal of waste)

The present work involves an autonomous robot which runs on electrical battery (with a
provision of external recharge as well as solar power recharge), and equipped with Global
Positioning System (GPS), gesture identification (machine intelligence), obstacle
detection (both static and dynamic) and waste identification and segregation.

192. Key words (maximum 6):

GPS, Static and Dynamic Obstacle detection, waste segregator, Machine learning, AI,
solar powered, battery operated

200. Technical details

210. Introduction
There is enormous amount of pressure being mounted on the municipality officials in
relation to the waste segregation and disposal. The most important point to be noticed is
the survey reported by planning commission in the year 2016 highlighting around 42.5%
of the wastes are bio-degradable, which is indicative of value that can be utilized by
converting it to a usable form. The increase in population has led to increase in wastes by
multiple folds making the waste handling a daunting task for the officials. Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has reported growth of solid waste in different states
over a period of 3 years (2009-2011), among which Tripura was identified as the state
with highest growth in MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) generation with a value of 991%,
which was followed by Meghalaya and Kerala with growth in MSW being 713% and
542% respectively. After all the above statistics, most important point to be noticed is
that the people are still unaware of waste segregation even after umpteen numbers of
futile attempts made to educate the people in relevance to the importance of waste
segregation. The wastes are being mixed (both wet and dry) which makes it nearly
impossible to segregate at the dumping yard as tonnes of wastes lie unsegregated. Hence
it would be a great value addition to the officials as well as human community and last
but not the least the environment, if the waste is effectively segregated at the source.
In this project, the following activities will be taken up:
i. Development and fabrication of an autonomous bot (GPS enabled)
ii. Imparting static and dynamic obstacle detection capability to the bot
iii. Providing machine intelligence to sense the gestures
iv. Waste identification and segregation mechanism to be adapted within
a. TWO bins to be identified within the bot
b. Waste will be dropped as the respective lid opens based on the sensor output
v. Deployment in an area and addressing any associated issues

211. Origin of the Proposal

Recent chaos related to waste segregation and inappropriate disposal of unsegregated
waste has seriously influenced the development of a mechanism to address the same.
Also, no attempt has been made till date to address this issue, which forms the
motivating factor for the present work.

212. Definition of problem

The entire problem can be broken down three different stages viz. Development,
fabrication and testing.
a. Development:
It involves designing a Bot considering the space requirement to
accommodate the weight of the solar panel, battery rack, other electronic
instruments and most importantly the waste holding capacity. With these
data, the vehicle is designed for static and dynamic stability
b. Fabrication:
Once the design is complete in all respects, manufacturing drawing is made
and the vehicle is fabricated by considering the material for maximum
strength to weight ratio. All the necessary provisions are made available to
accommodate the equipments thus planned in the previous stage
c. Testing:
The vehicle is tested within the campus and then issues related to the
performance are addressed. Radius of operation and segregation accuracy is
also evaluated based on the real-time data.

213. Objectives
1. Development of vehicle (Autonomous Bot) with shock absorbers
2. Development of algorithm for Static and Dynamic Obstacle detection
3. Development of Waste Segregation algorithm using Machine Learning and training
the algorithm
4. Development of Gesture recognition algorithm
5. Development of algorithm for waste weight assessment and actions to be performed
when waste weight crosses a particular value
6. Battery life assessment and recharge level required for the bot to return to home
7. Deployment of bot and study of its performance holistically

220. Review of status of Research and Development in the subject

221. International status:
Currently the entire world is using the same methodology as our country. Dumping
yards are identified where the wastes are being dumped, except the fact that they are
much more organised than our way of handling the wastes. Even in other developed
countries, trucks are used to pick the wastes from the door front which is again waste of
fuel and hazardous to environment. It is also equally true that our population in
considerably large than the other countries and the quantity of waste generated in our
country is beyond their imagination. Hence chaos in handling the waste is bound to

222. National Status:

As explained earlier, the expansion of cities is leading to difficulty in identifying the
dumping yards, which in turn is affecting the vegetation. Dumping yards are being
shifted to different locations following the complaints filed by the people dwelling in the
vicinity of dumping yards. This also paves way for different questions related to
segregation of wastes and proper disposal of the same. With all these arguments, no
attempts have been made to improvise/modernise waste segregation and handling by
using current available technologies.
Hence, the current project stands out in the following ways:
a. Waste is segregated at the source without human intervention
b. Vehicles use renewable forms of energy for mobility
c. The waste is handled effectively without intervention of human beings
d. Costs incurred on operation of trucks for waste collection can be eliminated

223. Importance of the proposed project in the context of current status

The current project aims at curtailing the errors caused due to human intervention by
automatically segregating the wastes generated at the houses. Since it is electrically
operated, the fuel wasted on trucks and autos to collect waste is eliminated, reducing the
operating cost significantly. The bots can be made to run without break which ensures
negligible accumulation of wastes at houses, keeping the city clean and healthy.

224. Review of expertise available with proposed investigating group/institution in the

subject of the project

Following are the list of publications and patent details of Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli and
Bhaskar K

List of Publications (International / National Journals):

 Nagaraj G Cholli, Kirit Modi “Analysis of Security Risks in VoIP Application:

Various Approaches and Solutions, “Second International Conference on Embedded
Systems, Mobile Communication and Computing (ICEMC2 2007), August 3-5, 2007
PESIT, Bangalore India. pp 71-75.
 Shivshankar H N, Nagaraj G Cholli “Internet Personalization by Clustering Of
Preferences”, Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST-
12) , 27 Feb 2012 Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore India, pp 67-
 Sadik Sotakanal , Nagaraj G Cholli “Video Conference using Android”, Third
International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication
and Computing, ARTCom 2011, Sep 14-15, 2011,Bangalore India. pp 531-536.
 Santhosh Kumar K, Nagaraj G Cholli “Platform Management System for Effective &
Efficient post Silicon Processor Validation”, The Fifth International Conference on
Internet Multimedia Systems Architecture and Applications (IMSAA-11), 12th &
13th Dec 2011 pp.106-109.
 Smith Shah, Nagaraj G Cholli “Introduction to Nepomuk: The Semantic
Framework”, International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Engineering
(CLUSE-2012) 11th to 13th April 2012” pp. 400-406.
 Vijaya Kumar A S, Nagaraj G Cholli “Survey Paper on Development of Automation
Engine Using Agile Methodology” ,National Conference on Current Trends in
Computer Science & Engineering (CTCSE), 26th May 2012 Jain University pp 31-
 Nagaraj G Cholli, G N Srinivasan, “Neural Network Enabled Opinion Mining”,
Eighth International Conference on Industrial & Information Systems 2015, 17th -
20th September 2015 Kandy, Sri Lanka.
 Kavitha D H , Vanishree K, Nagaraj G Cholli "A Study on Design Constraint
in Operating System Migration ", National Conference on Technological
Advancement in Computing NCTAC 2014, 25th & 26th JULY, 2014
Proceedings, Page. 12-18
 Sumathi M, Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli, “An Analysis of Data Collection from Social
Media and Web”, International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering,
Science and Technology, Bangkok,5-7 Jan 2017
 Jyothi R, Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli, “Survey on Security of Data Aggregation in Wireless
Sensor Network”, International Conference On Advances In Science And
Engineering, Bangkok,20- 22 Jan 2017
 Priyanka Gowda, Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli A Novel Approach for Automatic Extractive
Text Summarization, The International Conference on Computational Intelligence
and Data Science (ICCIDS2018) 7-8th April, 2018
 Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli, “Machine Learning Classification Models for Banking
domain.” 12th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and
Coding 2019, Feb 11-14, 2019.
 Nagaraj G Cholli, Umesh I M, G N Srinivasan “Web Profitability Mart”,
International Journal on Computer Science and Technology (IJCST) Vol. 3. Issue 1.
Jan – Mar, 2012, ISSN: 0976 8491 (online).
 Venkat Sandeep, Nagaraj G Cholli “Mobile Application Development for Windows
Phone”, International Journal on Computer Science and Technology (IJCST) Vol. 3.
Issue 1. Jan – Mar 2012, ISSN: 0976 8491 (online).
 Shivaraj Bandi, Nagaraj G Cholli, Minal Moharir, paper titled “Handling Tombstoned
in Windows Phone”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering
Sciences (IJCAES) Paper ID : IJCAES -CSE- 2012-009 Vol. 2. Issue 2. April 2012,
ISSN: 2231-4946.
 Nagaraj G Cholli, Dr. G N Srinivasan, I M Umesh “An experimental analysis of
software aging & rejuvenation technique” International Journal of Innovative
Research in Technology & Science, ISSN: 2319-8753
 M Umesh, Dr. G N Srinivasan, Nagaraj G Cholli, “A Study on Software
Rejuvenation Techniques on Virtualized Environment” International Journal of
Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 8, August
 Nagaraj G Cholli, Dr. Srinivasan G N, “SIP Policy: Theoretical and Conceptual
Facts of Software Rejuvenation in Complex System”, International Journal of
Combined Research & Development (IJCRD), Vol-4; Issue-1, January, 2015 e-ISSN:
2321-225X; p-ISSN: 2321-2241.
 Nagaraj G Cholli, Khalid Amin Shiekh, Dr.Srinivasan G N ,“Testing Software
rejuvenation policy for time and load balancing scheme in complex system using
deterministic-NDST approach”, International Journal of Combined Research &
Development (IJCRD), Vol-4; Issue-1, January , 2015 e-ISSN : 2321-225X;p-ISSN:
 Prajnya B Prabhu, Nagaraj G Cholli , “Scalability of architecture for large-scale
software systems” International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE)
Vol. 4 No.04 Jul 2015, ISSN : 2319-7323.
 Jyothi R, Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli, “Secure Data Aggregation Using RSA Algorithm”,
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Volume 2, Issue 7, July
2017, ISSN 2455-2631.
 Rohini P, Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli,” Design and Implementation of UI Automation
Frame work for e-Learning Application”, Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017,
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), ISSN (Online): 2319-7064.
 Amarjeet Singh, Ramakanth Kumar P, Nagaraj G Cholli, “Empowering E-
Governance with E-Voting, Indonesia journal of electrical engineering and computer
science (p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760), Vol 12, No 3 , 2018
 Jyothi R, Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli, “A Secure Data Aggregation Technique for Wireless
Sensor Networks Using Iterative Filtering”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 11, No. 1, July 2018, pp. 284~293ISSN:
 Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli, “Machine Learning Classification Models for Banking
domain.” Volume 6 Issue 8, Feb 2019, Elsevier SSRN ,2442 -2447
 Jyothi R, Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli , “New Approach to secure Cluster Heads in Wireless
Sensor Networks” IEEE Digital Library , March 2019 Vol 12, No 3
 Sumathi M, Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli Classification of Attention Deficit Hyper Activity
Disorder (ADHD) Considering Diagnosis and Treatment, International Journal of
Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2019

Title Author Patent ref. no.
Design and Implementation of Smart Interval Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli CBR No.3704 ,
1 and Payload Policy to Rejuvenate Software & Reference No. E-
Application in Complex Software Systems Dr. G N Srinivasan 2/584/2016-CHE
Design and Implementation of A-NAST Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli
(Autocratic – Non Autocratic System Testing) & CBR No.3704 ,
2 Approach for determining time and load Dr. G N Srinivasan Reference No. E-
balancing scheme in complex software 2/585/2016-CHE
Design and implementation of test suite for Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli CBR No.17509 ,
identifying the Availability of Nitrogen Reference No. E-
3 2/1220/2017-CHE
content in the rice crops and Weed density
detection in various crop fields.
Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli CBR No. 17508,
Design and implementation of test suite
Reference No. E-
4 framework to reduce redundant test cases for & 2/1219/2017-CHE
automatic test case generation. M S Swetha

Design and implementation of Data Science Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli CBR No.17510,
5 Driven Model for Software Aging Detection Reference No. E-
and Rejuvenation in Cloud Platform
Dr. Nagaraj G Cholli CBR No. 20478
Design And Implementation Of Hand Held
6 & Reference No.E-
Quick Response Code Printer
Bhaskar K 2/2227/2018-CHE
ABBIE (AR/VR Sensor Based roBot for Bhaskar K & Shreyasvi CBR No. 17541
7 Intuitive Exploration) Natraj Reference No.
Bhaskar K & Shreyasvi CBR No. 17541
8 STB (Smart Toothbrush) Natraj Reference No.
Bhaskar K & Shreyasvi CBR No. 17541
CASIE (Context Acquired detail Sensing in
9 Natraj Reference No.
Indoor/outdoor Environment)
Bhaskar K & Shreyasvi CBR No. 17541
10 PAM (Purification Actuating Module) Natraj Reference No.

230. Work Plan

231. Methodology:
The outline of methodology is as follows:
Literature survey:
 Existing approaches for development of autonomous vehicles and key
components for achieve the stability of vehicles.
 Existing methodologies for developing algorithms for static and dynamic
obstacle detection and sensors required
 Machine learning technique suitable for waste detection and understanding the
merits and demerits for other methodologies for the current application
 Vehicle health monitoring system required for assessing the capacity of waste

 Analysis of the vehicle with and without load
 Study of shift in centre of gravity when loaded and when empty
 Testing of algorithms developed for obstacle detection, path retracing and
gesture identification
 Modelling entire vehicle with assembly of all components and check for
dynamic instability

 Preparation of manufacturing drawing and identification of suitable vendor
 Ensure all components are mounted at their respective locations and quality
control of components thus manufactured

Testing and Deployment:

 Deploying inside the campus and study of behaviour of the bot under controlled
 Study of performance of algorithms under different test cases
 Assessment of the performance of the bot under fully loaded conditions and
when empty
 Addressing the issues thus found and demonstration to the panel
 Deploying the bot to the location as agreed by the authorities

232. Organisation of working elements

1. Vehicle structure design and development for a waste capacity decided based on
the literature survey
2. Drive design and development for mobility of vehicle
3. Development of algorithm for static and dynamic obstacle detection
4. Development of algorithm for gesture sensing
5. Development of Waste segregation algorithm
6. Assembly of all the above components
7. Testing the fully equipped vehicle and addressing the issues thus found
8. Deployment of the vehicle for further usage based on the agreement with

233. Time schedule of activities giving milestones (also append to bar diagram and mark
it as Section 410)

1st — 3rd Quarter:

 Literature survey
 Recruitment of Research Associates and JRFs
 Finalising of all the sensors required and procurement
 Study and selection of composite materials
 Modelling of vehicle based on the material selected
 Up – gradation of computing facilities

3rd —6th Quarter:

 Design and Modelling of the drive
 Development of algorithm for static and dynamic obstacle detection
 Development of algorithm for Waste detection and waste segregation
 Development of algorithm for gesture sensing
 Testing of algorithm for its functionality
 Documentation of test cases for the algorithms

6th —9th Quarter:

 Assembly and testing of Vehicle for its functionality
 Debugging and improvement of algorithms
 Documentation

10th to 12th Quarter

 Testing the fully equipped vehicle and addressing the issues thus found
 Deployment of vehicle for further usage

in INR
Servo Motors 2 200000
Batteries 2 200000
Bearings (for transmission system) 2 (1 set) 80000
Flexible coupling 2 (1 set) 60000
Sensors 2 100000
Microcontroller 1 30000
Relays And Electronic Components 4 10000
Rollers 3 24000
Tires 3 15000
Cables as required 8000
Solar Panel 2 200000
Workstation 4 2640000
Modelling tool 5 800000
Data Back-up provision (2TB External HDD) 3 20785
Matlab License 1 300000
Computing node 4 460920
Testing devices 3 15000
All-in-one wireless colour laser printer 2 6000
Manpower 8 10260000
Fabrication, testing and Patents 1300000
COSTS Contingencies 300000
Overhead charges 300000
Maintenance 10000

TOTAL ESTIMATED COST (for 3 years) 17439705

Sl. No Items Cost ( in lakhs)

1 Manpower 102.6
2 Equipment 51.69
3 Fabrication, testing and Patents 13
5 Travel 1
6 Contingencies 3
7 Overhead Charges 3
8 Maintenance 0.1
TOTAL ( for 3 years) 174.39
234. Suggested plan of action for utilization of research outcome expected from
the project.


Sl. No. ITEM
1 Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
SALARIES/WAGES 3420000 3420000 3420000
CONSUMABLES 10000 25000 25000
TRAVEL 45000 10000 45000
OTHER COSTS 100000 100000 100000
MAINTENANCE -- 6000 4000
B. EQUIPMENT 5539785 929920 --
GRAND TOTAL (A + B) 9114785 4490920 3594000

Monthly 1st 2nd 3rd

Sl. No Designation No. TOTAL
Emoluments Year Year Year
1 Research Associates 3 47000 1692000 1692000 1692000 5076000
2 JRF 4 31000 1488000 1488000 1488000 4464000
3 Attendant 1 20000 240000 240000 240000 720000

311. Justification for the manpower requirement (as per DST order Dt. 30/01/2019):
Three people are required with PhD to conduct the advanced analysis on material and
calculate strength to weight ratio. The position requested is Research Associate with a
pay of Rs. 47,000/- per month. Four people would be taken in order to do the modelling
of the vehicle using composite materials and carry out the experiments. These
candidates are placed in the JRF category with a pay of Rs. 31,000/- per month. Also an
attendant will be recruited to assist RAs and JRFs with a nominal amount of Rs.20000/-
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12
Vehicle structure design
and development for a
waste capacity decided
based on the literature
Drive design and
development for mobility
of vehicle
Development of algorithm
for static and dynamic
obstacle detection

Development of algorithm
for gesture sensing

Development of Waste
segregation algorithm

Assembly of all the above


Testing the fully equipped

vehicle and addressing the
issues thus found
Deployment of the vehicle
for further usage based on
the agreement with

420. List of facilities being extended by parent institution(s) for the project

About the College: Established in 1963 with three engineering branches

namely Civil, Mechanical and Electrical, today RVCE offers 12 Under Graduate
Engineering programmes, 22 Master Degree programmes and Doctoral Studies.
Located 13 km from the heart of Bangalore City – the Silicon Valley of India,
on Mysore Road. Sprawling campus spread over an area of 52 acres set in
sylvan surroundings. Provides an ideal ambience to stimulate the teaching-
learning process, helping in bringing out skilled and disciplined Engineers.
Rated one amongst the top ten self-financing Engineering Institutions in the
country. Current annual student intake for Undergraduate Programmes & Post
Graduate Programmes in Engineering is in excess of 1200. Highly qualified and
dedicated faculty.

Facilities: R. V College of Engineering has some unique activities and new

initiatives taken up with respect to research. The whole college is working on
a Virtualization platform and soon will be converted to an Intranet Cloud
Computing environment. The department also leverages the college’s network
of ~ 30kms of wire and fibre and 200 access points, for its education purpose.
The Department of Information Science and Engineering has several research
initiatives and on-going consultancy projects. Staff members are having good
number of publications in refereed Journals and conference proceedings.
Faculty members have carried out and carrying out funded projects from by
various agencies such as UGC, DST, NRB, ARB, AICTE and Panchayat Raj
Development Board. The Department has qualified and experienced faculties
doing research in the thrust areas of Computer Science and Engineering such
as - Data Mining, Image Processing, Networking, Cloud computing, Natural
Language Processing.

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