Syllabus Entrepreneurship

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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


WFNEN 100: Orientation Program in Entrepreneurship

30 Hours, to be taken over one semester. Students time commitment will be 2-3 hours per
week, depending upon semester duration.


Phase 0 Certificate Program: Orientation Program in

Entrepreneurship - The goals of this program are to inspire
students and help them imbibe an entrepreneurial
mindset. Students will learn what entrepreneurship is and
how it has impacted the world and their country. They will
be introduced to the key traits and the DNA of an
entrepreneur, and be given an opportunity to assess their
own strengths and identify gaps that need to be addressed
to become a successful entrepreneur. This certificate
program comprises several short courses, each focusing on
a specific entrepreneurial knowledge or skill requirement
such as creative thinking, communication, risk taking and
resilience and helping them become career ready,
whether it is entrepreneurship or any other career.

At the end of this course, students will:


Wadhwani Foundation

Develop awareness about entrepreneurship and

successful entrepreneurs.
Develop an entrepreneurial mindset by learning key skills
such as creative thinking, personal selling, and
Understand the DNA of an entrepreneur and assess your
strengths and weaknesses from an entrepreneurial
Learn about Wadhwani E-cells and their role in
transforming college students into successful
leaders and entrepreneurs.

Online courses through Massive Open Online Classes (MOOC),

Classroom learning through an experienced Facilitator/Faculty on
campus (Games, Exercises, Videos, and Practical Experiences)
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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship



Wadhwani Foundation

What is Entrepreneurship?
How has Entrepreneurship changed the world?
Entrepreneurial DNA, traits and gap analysis
What are E-cells?
Why join an E-cell?
Entrepreneurial Success Stories
Creative and Design Thinking
Personal Selling: Show and Tell
Risk-taking and Resilience

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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


WFNEN 101: Basic Program in Entrepreneurship

40 Hours, to be taken over one semester. Students time commitment will be 3-4 hours per
week, depending upon semester duration.


The goal of this program is to provide a space and platform for

discovery, both self-discovery and opportunity discovery.
Students will discover their strengths in terms of an
entrepreneurial founding team and learn basics such as
opportunity discovery, prototyping, competition analysis, and
early customer insights and participate in online and campus
activities and events such as Idea Competitions, business plan
challenges, etc.

At the end of this course, students will be able to:


Wadhwani Foundation

Further discover his/her strengths and weaknesses in

terms of qualities and traits required to be an
entrepreneur in the context of a founding team.
Identify gaps in terms of qualities and traits required to be
an entrepreneur, if any, and make an action plan to close
those gaps.
Develop the entrepreneurial mindset further in terms of
developing a business focus, creative thinking, risk-taking
ability, and more.
Learn about opportunity discovery and evaluation of
viable business ideas for new venture creation.
Practice critical talents and traits required for
entrepreneurs such as problem solving, creativity,
communication, business math, sales, and negotiation.
Start customer development, validate their ideas and
learn what is prototyping.

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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship




Online courses through MOOC, Classroom learning through an

experienced Facilitator/Faculty on campus (Games, Exercises,
Videos, and Practical Experiences)

Wadhwani Foundation

More Self-Discovery in the context of a founding team

Opportunity Discovery
Concept of prototyping
Idea Validation (Product-Market Fit)
Early attempts to sell the product or service
Understand customer perspective of how the proposed
product/solution will be used, value perception
Early insights on customer segmentation (discover
primary customer segment, alternate customer segments,
early adopters)
Early insights on pricing, cost and margins

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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


WFNEN 102: Foundation Program in Entrepreneurship

40 Hours, to be taken over one semester. Students time commitment will be 3-4 hours per
week, depending upon semester duration.

Students will learn entrepreneurship concepts such as

customer development, business model and plan, value
proposition, and seed funding. They will practice the
venture creation process by forming and running a
Campus Venture. A hands-on and experimental approach
will enable them to learn the basics of venture creation
and start and manage a venture in a relatively risk-free
environment in their own academic institution. Overall,
they will acquire the skills required to take an idea to


At the end of this course, a student will be able to:


Learning Methods

Online courses through MOOC, Classroom learning through an

experienced Facilitator/Faculty on campus (Games, Exercises,
Videos, and Practical Experiences)


Wadhwani Foundation

Acquire the skills and knowledge related to the various

phases in the venture creation process such as creating a
business model and building a prototype.
Practice entrepreneurship by forming and running a
Campus Venture as part of a team.

Customer Development and Experience

Evaluate the efficiency with which customers can be
captured and kept
Early insights on cost of customer acquisition
Clarifying the value proposition
Business Model and Plan
Refining the product/service
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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


Wadhwani Foundation

Establish the success and operational metrics

Other Stakeholder Validation
o Test angel investor interest in the solution
o Pitching to others (Investors, partners, potential
key hires)
o Obtaining seed funding and making the first key
o Validate interest from Partners, Channels

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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


WFNEN 103: Intermediate Program in Entrepreneurship

40 Hours, to be taken over one semester. Students time commitment will be 3-4 hours per
week, depending upon semester duration.


Students who are keen to launch their own venture will take this
course. Students will select a vertical and launch their own
venture. They will learn about market size, costs, channels and
customer acquisition, business model and plan finalization,
efficiency and growth processes.

At the end of this course, a student will be able to:


Learning Methods

Online courses through MOOC, Classroom learning through an

experienced Facilitator/Faculty on campus (Games, Exercises,
Videos, and Practical Experiences)


Wadhwani Foundation

Launch a sustainable venture with a valid business model,

with co-founder(s) on or off campus, and real paying
Create and validate a business model and business plan
for his/her idea.
Develop the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
Implement an inexpensive and optimum Go-to-Market
plan for his/her business.
Craft and present an effective investor pitch.
Gain in-depth knowledge and relevant skills about a
specific vertical.
Students build a prototype or service, generate jobs and

Identity the vertical you will operate in and the business

Understand your customers and accurately assess market
Minimum Viable Product and the lean method
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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


Wadhwani Foundation

Develop and validate a business model for your venture

o Value Proposition
o Customer Segments
o Channels and Partners
o Revenue Model and Streams
o Key Resources, Activities and Costs
o Customer Relationships and Customer
Development Processes
Translate your Business Model into a Business Plan
Visioning for your venture
Take your product or service to market
Deliver an investor pitch to a panel of investors
Identify possible sources of funding for your venture
Angel, VC, Bank Loans/key elements of raising money
Marketing Your Business
o Get to market Plan
o Effective ways of marketing for start-ups Digital
and Viral Marketing
o Hire and Manage a Team
o Managing start-up finance
The Concept of Costs, Profits and Losses
Manage your Cash Flow
Analyse your Financial Performance
Legal and regulatory aspects for starting up specific to
your venture
Enhancing the growth process and creating scalability
(customers, market share and/or sales)
Thorough understanding of market size, costs, margins,
delivery channels, customer acquisition costs
Identify areas to build efficiency (product making, service
delivery, channels - key areas of the BM Canvas are
identified by now)
Finalize business model and plan
Have a 1-2 year roadmap and trajectory

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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


WFNEN 104: Advanced Program in Entrepreneurship

40 Hours, to be taken over one semester. Students time commitment will be 3-4 hours per
week, depending upon semester duration.


Phase 4 Certificate Program: Advanced Program in

Entrepreneurship - Students who already have their own venture
will take this course to focus on a growth agenda. They will learn
advanced concepts and build sustainability in their venture in
various ways such as A Round financing, process refinement,
and scalability.


At the end of this course, a student will be able to:

Manage and grow their business in terms of jobs and
Make a Growth Plan and pitch it to investors.
Sign up for advanced support for entrepreneurs Mentor
Identify key drivers of growth in a venture.
Develop a growth mindset.
Articulate their vision for their venture.
Reiterate their business model.
Present a pitch for funding their growth plan to investors.

Learning Methods

Classroom Learning, Games, Exercises, Videos, Projects, and Own



Wadhwani Foundation

Discovering and assessing opportunities for growth

Developing a growth mindset and visioning for growth
Review the robustness and relevance of business model
vis--vis current market situation
Map financing decisions to business models and
reiterating business models
Point of Pivot - Getting to Plan B
Dealing with stagnation of customer base and developing
customer base
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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


Wadhwani Foundation

o Expansion to new markets options and strategies

o Product Life Cycle Product Road Map
Project to Process: Build, adapt, test and establish key
processes and systems that enable efficiency
Continuous and sustained innovation
Developing the organizational capabilities for growth
o Develop strong leadership capabilities, ability to
delegate and manage key leadership tasks
o Streamline operations and organizational design
to accommodate growth
o Implement new and effective approaches to
marketing and communication for customers,
suppliers, and employees
o Acquire new resources for strategic growth:
executive hires
Planning and streamlining financial processes
o Managing cash for growth
o Balance between profitability and growth costs
Role of business services accountant, lawyer
Exit options
o Evaluating opportunities for acquisition
A Round financing
Scalability & efficiency improvements

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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship


WFNEN 105: Expert Program in Entrepreneurship

40 Hours, to be taken over one semester (3 6 months). Students time commitment will be 34 hours per week, depending upon semester duration.



Phase 5 Certificate Program: Expert Program in Entrepreneurship

- Students who have a sustainable venture will get ready for the
expansion phase. They will focus on expansion and go on the
path of creating a high-performance company. They will learn
advanced concepts such as franchising, renewal, and profit

This course will be offered to all students who have gone through
WFNEN 104. It is suitable for students keen to continue to grow
their own venture nurtured in WFNEN 104. Ideally, they will have
a reasonable understanding of growth challenges and how to
tackle them and would seek to expand further through inputs
from this course.
At the end of this course, a student will be able to:


Learning Methods
Wadhwani Foundation

Effectively tackle growth challenges of their venture.

Nurture and apply a growth mindset.
Continue reiterating their business model.
Draw an expansion plan for their venture.
Understand what it takes to be an E-leader and train
their E-cells.
Scale up their business.
Focus on revenue maximization.
Build key aspects of adaptation and sustainability.
Manage and grow their business in terms of
expansion and look for partnerships.

Classroom Learning, Games, Exercises, Videos, Projects, Own

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Certificate Programs in Entrepreneurship



Wadhwani Foundation

Expansion model Geographical/Franchisee

Maximizing Profits
o Testing price elasticity
o Cost reduction through scaling up
o Expanding offerings
o Other revenue streams (partnerships)
Renewal - Similar to Take-off and Resource Maturity
of SMEs

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