Geworlds: Forg World

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GEWORLDS for reasons and causes quite incomprehensible to outsiders.

Rivalries and feuds simmer berweens sects and individual

'flUwere born in the shadow oJthe Omnissiah and all your life Magos, each with their own devices and desires.
have been surrounded with the great wonders and dire terrors By far the largest and most important Mechanicus domains
the Machine God's arts. Ever since you were born you have are the great forge worlds, such as the Lathe worlds of Calixis.
weighed, measured, codified and tested so that your masters This character Origin also covers those born and raised on the
.ught find your place in the great pattern; an unforgiving process city-sized orbital stations, Mechanicus administered colonies
that hasfitted you well for survival and supremacy." (often called demesnes), research outposts and even in the
- Explorator Archmagos Thule, address prior to the forces of the restless explorator fleets, for the rites, rituals and
Helstrom Pursuit. beliefs of the Omnissiah also govern these places.

domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus are many, from the

eless industry of the iron realms of the forge worlds, to
yrinthine orbitals and distant research outposts, to the
madic and self-contained void caravans of the explorator
ts. They are an empire within and empire, distinct and yet
terwoven with the fabric of the Imperium. Their masters
3re as ancient, wise, mysterious and cold as the machineries
they tend.


forge worlds are the beating iron heart of the Imperium and
the sovereign domains of the Priesthood of Mars. They are
given over to the demands of vast industrialisation and eternally
hungry for new resources to consume. A forge world's wheels
never cease to turn and day-in-day-out for millennia, the reactors
blaze and the foundries thunder, turning out refined materials
and high technology to meet the Irnperium's unending needs.
A forge world is also far more than the sum of its continent-
spanning rnanufactorurns, each is blessed with a higher level
of technological advancement than the wider Imperium as a
whole, and many arcane and strange wonders are common
currency in their baroque labyrinths of ferrocrete and steel.
They are also home to vast repositories of data, knowledge
and lore, with as much as a third of any given forge world's
entire infrastructure consisting of endless scriptoriums, mimetic
vaults and knowledge dumps, tended in perpetuity by mindless
drones and generations of archive adepts,
A forge world's undisputed masters are the Magos and
Adepts of the Cult Mechanicus who rule with harsh precision
and cold logic. To them the human population of their
domains are little more than cogs and gears in the great
machine, resources to be measured, graded and used to fit
their worth. At their direction, the bulk of a forge world's
human population is utilised as a skilled and trained labour
force, while the brightest and best are inducted to the Adeptus
Mechanicus itself. The more militant are chosen for the Skitarii
Tech-Guard. Those deemed unworthy or irredeemable are Forge worlds are not environments that reward, let alone
fated to be "recycled" into servitor components, and indeed, tolerate, weakness in body or in mind. To have survived and
servitors and drones often far outnumber a forge world's free- prospered enough to leave a forge world's rigid society, your
willed population. Such is the price of failure. character must possess a great deal of drive, ambition and good
Despite their mechanistic society and ceaseless industry, the fortune, or at the very least be bloody-minded and ruthless
life for the average citizen on a forge world is little harsher enough to have endured. You find yourself in a wider Imperial
than on most hive worlds. Each forge world, regardless of its society that is at once familiar and strangely alien to you, where
Iigidly enforced order and the cold reason of its masters, is fools baulk in superstition at technology without understanding
!Still home to very human ambition and apathy, vice and virtue. its spiritual mysteries and purity of essence. Nor do they seem
ed, the Mechanicus, with their cogitator-enhanced minds to understand mankind's survival demands power and, as the
JQ,gic, are still prone to factionalism and schism, often Ornnissiah teaches, power is knowledge incarnate.
RGE WORLD SKILLS involving knowledge of the Imperial Creed, and a -5
Common Lore (Tech) (Int) and Common Lore (Machine Cult) penalty on Fellowship Tests to interact with members of
(lot) are Basic Skills for you. the Ecclesiarchy in formal settings.

Credo Omnissiah
Rather than being fully indoctrinated into the Imperial
The children of the Omnissiah's domains gain the following Cult, even the lowliest member of a forge world's society
Traits. Record all of these on your character sheet: is brought up to venerate the spirits of the machine and to
know and trust the basic rites of tech-propitiation.
Fit For Purpose Effect: You gain the Technical Knock talent.
A forge world inhabitant is repeatedly tested, channelled
and trained from birth for their chosen station and role in
life. Weakness is not tolerated and failure met with painful
incentives to do better. Even those who follow a rogue's Forge world characters start with d5+7 Wounds.
path must strive to be better than their peers to survive.
Effect: Depending on your chosen Career, increase your
Characteristic by + 3: Adept-Intelligence, Assassin-s-
Agility, Guardsman-Ballistic Skill, Scum-Perception, or Roll 1d10 to determine your starting Fate Points. On a 1-5,
Tech-Priest-Willpower. you begin with 1 Fate Point; on a 6-9, you begin with 2 Fate
Points; on a 10, you begin with 3 Fate Points.
Stranger to the Cult
Although forge world born citizens know that the Emperor
is their god and saviour, they see the Imperial Creed through
the lens of Cult Mechanicus doctrine. As a result, they can be Although the rites, beliefs and society of the Adeptus
surprisingly-and sometimes dangerously-ignorant of the Mechanicus remain remarkably constant, not all characters
common teachings and practices of the Ecclesiarchy, often are born in the same circumstances. Table 1-2: Point of
failing to offer its clerics the level of deference they expect. Origin illustrates some possible points of origin and how
Effect: Forge world characters take a -10 penal ty on Tests they might affect your outlook.
Roll Result
01-30 Greater Forge World: Your character was raised in the shadows of one of the vast and powerful greater forges,
such as the Lathe worlds of Calixis. You have felt the earth shake with the footfalls of Titans and basked in the
fire.-glow of kilometre-wide molten metal crucibles. Few spectacles impress you and the superiority of the Machine
God is as evident in your mind as it is absolute.

31-47 Minor Forge World: You were born and trained on a minor forge world, either one yet to gain its majority or
one where conditions were either particularly adverse or threatened. Hard experience has taught you the value of
duty, unity and obedience and that the work of many is far harder to destroy than the work of one.

48-61 Orbital: You hail from one of the Mechanicus's city-sized orbital stations and are accustomed to the miracles of
contragravity, power fields and the mysteries of circuit and plasma. Each orbital serves a specialised task such as
weaponsmithing or crystal promulgation, and you value purity of purpose and mastery of skill above all else.

62-74 Demesne: A child of one of the Mechanicus's dominion worlds. you were singled-out and selected from your people
at 3D eziy age for ential &idl -

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