A Review of New Leadership Theories and Its Components
A Review of New Leadership Theories and Its Components
A Review of New Leadership Theories and Its Components
The Humanities thinkers discuss the concept of leadership from a variety of dimensions. A group considers leadership as
a part of the management's duties; another group believes there is a broader concept for leadership compared to
management, and they consider it as the ability to persuade others to diligently seek to achieve certain goals, or they see
them as activities that influence people to endeavor enthusiastically in order to achieve the influential group's goals, and
others define leadership as influencing people to achieve a common goal (Rezaiean, 2011). Despite many definitions
given about the leadership, some common points among all the above could be yet emphasized in case of the leadership
definition. These common points are as follows
(A) Leadership is a process (B) Leadership is mixed with change (C) Leadership occurs within a group (D) Leadership is
purposeful (Afjeie, 2011).
This article has deeply dealt with this issue
Key words: leadership; management; style; model
1. Introduction
Leadership approaches and theories have been developed to introduce new ways of thinking that can help researchers,
focusing on problematic areas, to decide for the situations that might be tried by leaders (Hoy & Miskel1, 2013). In this
section, we will first briefly review the traditional approaches and a succinct description of the approaches as well as new
leadership theories that explain the characteristics of effective leadership. Studies and researches conducted in the field of
leadership have led to the emergence of numerous approaches and theories. Tables 1 and 2 show a summary of the
evolutionary process of leadership traditional and modern approaches and theories with their significant components.
Table 1 Traditional Leadership Approaches and Theories and Their Components
Approach/ Theory Presenter Year of presentation Components and features
It emphasizes on the leaders’ characteristics and
views, believing leadership to be intrinsic as well
Stagdble and House3 1904
Trait Theory2 as the capabilities and features concerning
Determining the leader’s styles and ways to
behave subordinates, emphasis on the leader’s
Researchers of Iowa5,
behavior, relation between leadership style with
Ohio6 and Michigan 1973
leader’s power and subordinates’ tendency to
4 Universities, McGregor7
Behavioral Theories obey, leadership being an acquisition, training
people to prepare them for leadership positions
The performance of the leader is influenced by the
extent of his separation and his influence,
emphasis on the environment and the conditions
Fred E. Fiedler9 1967
8 of the group, emphasis on the structure and
Contingency Leadership
position of the group, emphasis on power from the
leader’s position.
Emphasis on the adaptation of the leader's
behaviors to the conditional circumstances
(including the characteristics of the staff and the
Path- Goal Theory10 1970 features of the work environment); The way the
Evanz11, House and
1974 leader influences the subordinates' perceptions of
the work and personal goals of the relation
between these two categories of goals in line with
the influences on the employees’ satisfaction;
Ideal Influence: Providing insight and sense of Conditional Bonus (Appropriate): A rewards contract
pragmatism, injection of pride and glory, gaining with efforts, promise rewards for good performance.
respect and trust.
Inspirational motivation: Transferring high level Management on the basis of Exception (Active): Look
expectations, using symbols to focus on efforts, for deviations from the rules and standards, adopt
expressing important goals in simple ways. corrective action.
Rational Stimulation: Promoting Intelligence, Management on the basis of Exception (Passive):
Rationality, and Precise Problem Solving. Interventions, provided that the standards are not met.
Without imperiling human principles, it tends to It tends to have short-term goals and a tendency to
pursue a long-term goal. know why and why.
It designs and reviews businesses to make them Through making efforts to reach effective work,
meaningful and challenging and seeks to expectations follow the role.
understand human abilities.
Source: Duckett and Macfarlane (2003)
2. Strategic Leader
Michelle and Guilot37 (2005), Hans, Hinterhuber and Stephan38 (2002) argue that strategic leadership is a general and
difficult concept, which seeks to make the desirable future by determining destinations, selecting the best solutions and
properly applying the best equipment in a position proportional with the organization domestic conditions and the
strategic environment requirements . In this effort, the Strategic Leader must be able to best fit the environmental
Contengency 0491-0491 Effective leadership depends on the Fiedler 1979, Hersey & Blanchard
position. 1969
Vision 0111-0491 Functional and Transformational Boss 1985, Kigen & Dan Haturg
leadership 2004
Emotional Intelligence 0111 Emotional Intelligence Salvoy & Mayer1990, Golman and
et al 2002
Aptness 0111 Key competence could be natural or Dulviz & Hagues 2005
they could be learned.
However, the four leadership styles described by House88 (1971) are somewhat lacking distinctiveness89. But a similar
collection of leadership styles was created by Adizes (1976): Manufacturer, Manager, Entrepreneur, or Developer, and
Integrator (PAEI). The apparent similarities between the four leadership styles by Desire (1971) have been identified in
contingency and PAEI leadership styles. Nevertheless, the PAEI model clearly shows the differences between these
styles, besides being an entrepreneur who is innovative and focuses on long-term successes, in primary typology
Contingency schools are not included. This is more consistent with the classification created by Adizes (1979), because it
has leaders who are often tired and do not function well in the situations controlled by the laws, bureaucratic producers,
with Hard and non-flexible hard drive systems
In a research entitled "The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance", Hurduzeu90 (2015) focuses on
transformational leadership and its role in facilitating an increase in organizational performance. The results of this study
indicate that: Understanding the relationship between transformational leaders and organizational performance is an
important factor in increasing organizational effectiveness. However, the nature of this relationship and why and how
leadership affects organizational performance has not yet been thoroughly analyzed.
However, the four leadership styles described by Desire (1971) are somewhat lacking in distinction. But a similar
collection of leadership styles was created by Adizes (1976): Manufacturer, Manager, Entrepreneur, or Developer, and
Integrator (PAEI). The apparent similarities between the four leadership styles by Desire (1971) have been identified in
contingency and PAEI leadership styles. Nevertheless, the PAEI model clearly shows the differences between these
styles, besides being an entrepreneur who is innovative and focuses on long-term successes, in primary typology
Contingency schools are not included. This is more consistent with the classification created by Adisze (1979), because it
has leaders who are often tired and do not function well in the situations controlled by the laws, bureaucratic producers,
with Hard and non-flexible hard drive systems.
In a research entitled "The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance", Horodoso (2015) focuses on
transformational leadership and its role in facilitating an increase in organizational performance. The results of this study
indicate that: Understanding the relationship between transformational leaders and organizational performance is an
important factor in increasing organizational effectiveness. However, the nature of this relationship and why and how
leadership affects organizational performance has not yet been thoroughly analyzed.
4. Summary and Conclusion
In this article, new leadership styles were introduced and new and modern theories in this field were mentioned.
Leadership is one of the key points of organizational productivity and development.
5. References