Class 3 Evs Chapter 6-12
Class 3 Evs Chapter 6-12
Class 3 Evs Chapter 6-12
1. Did all the children in the class eat the same food items yesterday? Why?
Ans. No, because different children in the class belong to different regions.
2. You must have noticed that in there is one child in whose house no food was cooked.
What could be the reason.
Ans. There could be many reasons like:
(a) Mother might have gone outside the house.(b) The children may belong to a poor family.
3. Has it ever happened to you that on some day you were very hungry but there was
nothing to eat? If yes, why?
Ans. Yes, one day there was nothing to eat in the house. On that day mother went for some
important meeting.
4. How do you know that you are hungry?
Ans. When we feel that the stomach is empty, we know that we are hungry.
5. How do you feel when you are hungry?
Ans. When we are hungry then we feel like eating something.
6. Why was Dadi not able to climb the stairs quickly?
Ans. Dadi was not able to climb the stairs quickly due to her old age.
7. How does Dadi like to have her dal?
Ans. Dadi likes to have sugar in her dal.
8. How many persons in the story can eat bhutta easily and why?
Ans. In the story mother, mami, and Vipul can eat bhutta. Mother, mami and Vipul are young
and have healthy teeth.
9. Can all old people eat bhutta? Why?
Ans. No, all old people cannot eat bhutta as they do not have healthy teeth.
10. For four months Chhutki will have only her mother’s milk. That is only her food. Why?
Ans. Four months Chhutki will have only her mother’s milk because she had no teeth.
11. Ask your elders and fill in the table.
What can they eat What can they not eat
10. There are some birds which can imitate our voice. Do you know the name of any such
bird? Draw its picture in your notebook, colour it and write its name.
Ans. Parrots can imitate our voice.
11. Other than birds, which are the other animals that can fly?
Ans. Butterfly, Honeybee and Housefly.
12. If you could fly like a bird where would you like to go? What else would you do?
Ans. I would like to go to all beautiful place, I would pick fruits from large trees.
13. What would happen if birds could not fly but only walk on their feet?
Ans. If birds could not fly, they would not be able to save themselves from other animals. It
would then become easy to catch the birds.
CHAPTER -9 Class 3 EVS Its Raining
1. How did Appu know that the banana trees needed water?
Ans. Banana trees were drooping. This made Appu know that banana trees needed water.
2. From where do the plants growing around your house get water?
Ans. The plants growing around my house get water from rain.
3. Appu drank water from the river till he was happy. Have you seen animals drinking
Ans. Yes, I have seen animals drinking water in the following places.
(1) Pond, (2) Waterfall, (3) Drain.
4. Have you ever given water to any animal? If yes, which animal?
Ans. Yes, I gave water to a cow and a dog.
5. Some animals are not given water by anyone. From where do they drink water?
Ans. They can drank water from drains, ponds, rivers etc.
6. The poet saw many things in the clouds. Have you ever seen anything in the clouds?
(a) What all do the clouds do?
Ans. Clouds takes shapes of many animals like dog, cow, elephant etc. and run here and there
in the sky.
(b) Have you ever seen a rainbow? When can you see a rainbow?
Ans. Yes, we can see the rainbow after the rain.
(c) How do you feel when it rains?
Ans. We feel happy, when it rains.
(d) Apart from clouds, what do you see when it rains?
Ans. We can see lighting and rainbow when it rains.
(e) What happens when it rains?
Ans. When it rains:
(i) Surroundings becomes green
(ii) Peacock start dancing
(iii) Everyone becomes happy.
CHAPTER -10 Class 3 EVS What is cooking
1. Look at the pictures given in the textbook on page 61. Colour the spaces which have
dots in them. What do you see.
Ans. Students fill the colours themselves. I can see utensils used for cooking.
5. Go to the kitchen and observe something being cooked. What all was done to cook it?
Write the sequence. Don’t forget to write the name of the item being cooked. Look at
the notebook. Look at the notebook of your classmates and discuss in group.
Ans. Name of the item: Tea (Two cups)
1. Boil half cup water in a bowl.
2. Add two spoons sugar.
3. Add one spoon tea leaves.
4. Add half cup milk on boiling.
5. Turn the gas off on boiling.
6. Put the tea in cups with the help of sieve.
6. Given below are different methods of cooking. Write the names of two things cooked
by each of these methods. Add some more methods of cooking to the list and give
examples too.
Methods of cooking Name of things
7. What is used to cook food in your house? Draw a picture in the notebook and write its
8. Which are the other things you can prepare without cooking? Write their names and
the method of preparing them. One example is given below.
Ans. (i) Lemon water:
Mix sugar in water – Add Lemon juice – Stain it – Lemon water is ready.
(ii) Chutney:
Cut coriander and green chillies – Wash them and grind in the mixer – Add salt – Chutney is
(iii) Lassi:
Mash curd with the help of a masher – Add sugar – Add ice – Lassi is ready.
Hand cart is used by various fruit and vegetable sellers to carry fruits vegetables and other
articles. `
Mail Van is used to take mail from one place to another.
Cycle for the disabled is used by disable people to move from one place to another.
7. Name of some vehicles are given in the centre of a wheel. Join these on one side to
the number of wheels each vehicle has end on the other, join them to what is used to run
Vehicle No. of vehicle Driven by
8. Find out from our elders- How did people travel fifty years ago? Were the present
means of travel available at that time also?
Ans. Fifty years ago people travel by bus, bullock cart, train, rickshaw, Cycle, etc. No. Present
means of travel (like aeroplane, metro rail etc.) were not available at that time.
9. If anybody make a “chhuk-chhuk” sound you know at once that it is being made for a
train. From the sounds given below can you tell which vehicle it is? One example is given.
Ans. Chhuk – Chhuk – Train
Peen – peen – Scooter
Tring-Tring – Bicycle
10. These are the sounds of single vehicles. How does it sound when many vehicles run
together on the road making different noises? Isn’t there a lot of noise?
Ans. All the sounds get mixed and it creates a lot of noise.
11. Where have you heard the maximum noise?
Ans. In the airport.
12. Do you like so much noise? Why?
Ans. No, because it causes pain in ears.
13. What all can you see in the picture?
Ans. We can see the flames and smoke emitting from building. We can also see the fire-brigade
men working to control the fire. We can also see the ambulance and the police van.
14. Which vehicles can you see in the picture.
Ans. An ambulance, a police van, fire brigade van.
15. What are these vehicles doing?
Ans. Fire brigade men are trying to control the fire. Ambulance is taking patients to the
CHAPTER -12 Class 3 EVS Work we do
1. Look carefully at the picture and write what work is being done by different people.
Treatment of patients
Vaccination of children
4. In the picture you saw people work together to build a new building. School is also
one such place where people work. Where what work is done in the school.
Ans. (i) Children study.,(ii) Morning prayer,(iii) Children play,(iv) Monthly and yearly
examination,(v) Dancing and singing competitions,(vi) Annual festivals
5. Are there any children in the picture who are not going to school? What are they
Ans. (i) One child is taking tea for the customers in the hotel.
(ii) Children of the labourers are playing under the tree.
9. Which of your family members do household work? What work do they do?
Family Members Work they do
Reason for not going to school Ma went to work and she has to take care of younger sister.
Reasons for not going to school Has to work with his father to earn money.