Materials: Military

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Components for military equipment of
all kinds must be made more quickly, of
lighter materials, and at lower cost.
Helicopter’s composite folding
rotors enable fast deployment
Called “the toughest combat aircraft in the
world,” the Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow
multi-role combat helicopter has a newly designed
main rotor blade fold system. In April, the U.S.
Army demonstrated that Apaches could be de-
ployed from Fort Hood, Texas, to the Middle East in
as little as 66 hours – the time from notification to Folding composite rotor blades on this Apache helicopter enable more helicopters
operation in the field. to be transported in a cargo aircraft, and reduce the time required for delployment.
The core structure of each blade consists of five
stainless steel arms surrounded by a fiberglass John Pennypacker, Boeing Blade Fold Project lead.
skeleton. The trailing edge of each blade is covered “A total of 48 units were delivered by mid April
with graphite composite material, while the leading with the last six units delivered one month early.
edge is made of titanium. The pilot and gunner are It is a truly amazing accomplishment.”
protected by boron carbide ceramic armor, with For more information: Marc Sklar, The Boeing
DuPont Kevlar seats. Co., 5000 East McDowell Road, Mesa AZ 85215;
In November 2002, the Army asked Boeing to tel: 480/891-4940; Web site:
develop a system that would substantially reduce
the time needed to reassemble and have Apaches Lightweight materials to cut
ready to fly after they roll off a transport. The blade overall costs in military trucks
fold system, produced by Boeing in Mesa, Ariz., Lightweight materials are being considered by
speeds deployment of the Apaches shipped by the military because the U.S. Army has about
cargo aircraft. 250,000 trucks and 110,000 trailers in service at any
The system allows the main rotor blades to be given time. Although lightweight materials may
folded along the aircraft’s length without being re- raise the initial price of military vehicles, they have
moved. The solution also provides for storage of the potential to cut overall costs because of reduced
the Apache Longbow’s radar dome on the aircraft, fuel consumption, less maintenance, and lower
aft of the rotor hub. costs for operations and support.
The blade fold system also saves space. A single The strategy for transforming the Army truck
C-5 aircraft can carry six Apaches, their flight crews, fleet from the current Legacy Force to the future
and reassembly technicians and their tools. Fur- Objective Force is based on development of supe-
thermore, the need for a test flight is eliminated, rior, highly maneuverable, and mobile combat plat-
and much of the equipment normally needed to lift forms. These goals demand that Army trucks con-
the blades and radar into place is also eliminated, sume less fuel, undergo significant weight
saving even more space. reduction, and require less maintenance.
In the past, a second aircraft was needed to haul A hundred-page booklet titled Use of Lightweight
special reassembly equipment, and additional per- Materials in 21st Century Army Trucks details how
sonnel. The blades had to be removed and stored these goals may be achieved. The publication was
along with the radar apart from the aircraft, taking prepared by the Committee on Lightweight
up space and requiring more time to reassemble at Materials for 21st Century Army Trucks, National
the destination. Materials Advisory Board, Division on Engineering
The first 24 units were designed, developed, and and Physical Sciences.
delivered in March, four months after the initial re- The structural elements of a truck are divided
quest and ahead of schedule. “It took just 120 days into three categories: the frame, the secondary struc-
to bring this program from idea to delivery,” said tural elements, and the structural drivetrain. These
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are the categories addressed in the study. ters about aluminum, magnesium, and titanium
• The frame includes structural elements that alloys. It also covers metal matrix and polymer ma-
run the length of the vehicle: the engine, drivetrain, trix composites, improved casting technologies,
suspension, and truck bed are all attached to the and a wide range of net shape manufacturing
frame. processes. It discusses steps that must be taken to
• The secondary structural elements are the cab enable new technology insertion, and ends with a
and the truck bed. series of conclusions and recommendations.
• The structural drivetrain includes the drive- For more information or to order a copy of the
shafts, suspension, steering mechanism, and booklet, visit the National Academies Web site at
braking components.
Over the short term, improved materials can be
substituted for existing materials in current truck Ceramic composite armor
systems. tested by ultrasonic waves
For the medium term, a more aggressive ap- An ultrasonic technique that can detect damage
proach should be taken. For example, hydroformed inside the structure of ceramic composite armor for
tubes might replace steel rails. This would require military vehicles has been developed by researchers
changes in several other design aspects and would at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. Detec-
open up other opportunities for materials substi- tion of internal damage is important because im-
tution. pact or wear can damage materials inside the com-
For the long term, changes would be made in the posite layers, and layers of the composite may
basic truck paradigm in which a power plant burns delaminate.
a single fossil fuel and provides power to the wheels The system is based on a series of vibrating ac-
through a driveshaft. In the future, truck architec- tuators and sensors placed around the edges of the
ture may become modular, with power plants pro- part. The actuators transmit high-frequency acoustic
viding electric power to driven axle or bed mod- waves that strike defects and scatter back toward
ules. These changes would enable application of the transmitting source, where the sensors detect
radically different materials.(See table below.) them. Similar techniques have been developed by
The booklet provides details about the selection others, but they depend on embedding the sensors
of new materials and processes, and includes chap- in the part, which tends to weaken the material.

Summary of opportunities for new materials and applications in U.S. Army trucks
Subsystem Short term Medium term Long term
Frames High-strength steels, stainless High-strength steels, Magnesium castings, polymer
steels, galvanic insulation, hydroformed tubes to matrix composites, light
corrosion-resistant coatings replace frame rails, truss modular structures, and
and design frame to replace frame rail/ embedded sensors.
ladder construction, and
extend benefits to secondary
Secondary structural elements Stainless steel (truck cabs), Ultrahigh carbon steels (side Titanium armor plate, smart
aluminum alloys (truck cabs, impact panels); aluminum materials, embedded sensors,
cargo beds), superplastically 2519 forged and extruded for self-repair, energy storage, and
formed aluminum cab armor plate; magnesium body ballistic protection.
structures; magnesium and closure components, seats,
extrusions (passenger seat front and rear backs; polymer
frames); sheet molding matrix composites for truck
compound (cab components); boxes, side panels, cab
tailor-welded blanks (door structures; multifunctional
panels); and corrosion design. materials from truck cabs
(combine armor and structure);
electromagnetic joining,
adhesive joining, and friction
stir welding.
Structural drivetrain Aluminum alloys High-strength steels, Titanium springs, embedded
(driveshafts), magnesium magnesium alloys for sensors, additive metal process
castings (transmission casings transmission, transmission technologies (parts on demand);
and transfer cases); metal case and cover, engine block, and electric/hybrid drivetrains.
matrix composite brake drums and suspension components;
and rotors; polymer matrix metal matrix composites for
composite springs for light powertrain, brakes, wheels;
trucks; and corrosion resistant polymer matrix composites
coatings. for driveshafts, springs for
heavy trucks; high-performance
castings, titanium springs, and
higher-performance tire cord.


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The new method requires a relatively sparse

array of actuators and sensors on the perimeter of
the structure, making them easier to replace or
maintain than embedded sensors.
According to Prof. Douglas E. Adams, “De-
pending on how the scatter is distributed, we can
tell how big the damage site is, and we can tell
where it is.” The technique is sensitive enough to
see the effects on a composite when a tool such as a
wrench is dropped from three or four feet above
the part.
The method also can be tuned to look for damage
in specific directions and to cancel out interference
from other sources of vibration, such as engines or
rotating parts. In addition, the software algorithm is
adaptive, meaning that it can be reconfigured in
the event that one of the sensors fails.
For more information: Prof. Douglas E. Adams,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907; tel:
765/496-6033; e-mail: [email protected]; Web
site: The LPD 17 San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship recently received
its second completely enclosed composite mast. The 74-foot tall mast was lifted aboard
Lightweight howitzer parts the San Antonio at the Northrop Grumman Avondale Operations in New Orleans,
La. The masts are the largest composite structures ever installed on U.S. Navy steel
cast of steel and titanium ships, and they are much lighter in weight than steel masts.
The XM777 Lightweight 155 mm (LW155) how-
itzer for the U.S. Army and Marines has been im- hours of welding time. In addition, when the Army
proved by the application of steel and titanium cast- converted to a single, 42-lb low-alloy steel casting,
ings, reports manufacturer BAE Systems, Rockville, it saved almost $7000 per bracket, which adds up
Md. The XM777 was designed and developed by to $4.2 million saved over 600 howitzers.”
BAE Systems, and is a joint program between the For more information: BAE Systems, 1601 Re-
Army and Marine Corps to replace the M198 towed search Blvd., Rockville, MD 20850; tel: 301/838-
howitzer. 6000; fax: 301/838-6925;
According to Frank Hoerster, BAE Systems di-
rector of fire support systems, the XM777 will pro- Northrop Grumman modernizes
vide the most advanced artillery support to U.S. composite shipbuilding operation
fighting forces, as well as improved survivability Northrop Grumman has begun a $64 million
to gun crews. The XM777 is 45% lighter than the modernization project at its Ship System sector’s
M198 it replaces, and is more strategically deploy- Gulfport Operations, which will create the first
able and tactically maneuverable than the M198. large-scale advanced composite manufacturing fa-
This significant weight reduction is based on the cility for producing U.S. Navy and Coast Guard
replacement of steel with titanium castings, which ships. Of the total, $30 million will increase capacity
reduce the weight of the XM777 by 7000 pounds for composite construction, $19 million will im-
over the M198. In addition, by replacing titanium prove ship construction and outfitting, and $7 mil-
weldments with investment castings, both welding lion will go toward upgrading distributive systems.
time and part count were cut in half. Northrop Grumman Ship Systems is one of the
According to the American Foundry Society, leading designers of an all-composite Littoral Combat
“one of many casting successes was the single Ship for the U.S. Navy. According to Ship Systems
casting replacement of a six-piece welded towing sector president Dr. Philip A. Dur, “Composite tech-
eye bracket. Each bracket required more than 52 nology is revolutionizing the shipbuilding industry.
Composite materials are stiffer and stronger by
weight than their steel and aluminum counterparts,
and the result is a lighter ship that will save the Navy
thousands of gallons of fuel.”
For more information: Northrop Grumman
Corp., 1840 Century Park East, Los Angeles, CA 90067;
tel: 310/553-6262; Web site: www.northropgrumman.

Military uniforms of the future

will protect, heal, and communicate
The soldier of the future will be equipped with
The XM777 Lightweight 155 mm howitzer (LW155) weighs uniforms and gear that protect, shield, and even
7000 lb less than the M198 it replaces because of parts consol- heal wounds in the field, says DuPont Polymers,
idation and the use of titanium and aluminum. Wilmington, Del. The U.S. Army Research Office
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and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, technology has given researchers the ability to in-
Cambridge, Mass., recently opened the Institute for crease surface areas and reduce the reaction path
Soldier Nanotechnologies (ISN), a 28,000 ft2 research lengths of these solid particles by three orders of
and development facility. The goal is to develop magnitude. This dramatically improves reaction
uniforms and gear that will cut the weight that a rates and makes possible delivery of useful explo-
soldier must carry from 100 lb to 45 lb, while im- sive power.
proving protection and communication. This information is from AFRL Technology Hori-
DuPont is exploring nanotechnology and devel- zons, March 2003, p. 29.
oping protective lightweight molecular materials For more information: Dr. Michael Kramer,
that change colors on command to camouflage in AFRL Munitions Directorate, Eglin AFB, FL 32542;
changing environments. Another technology is to tel: 850/882-4212; Web site: www.munitions.eglin.
transform a shirt sleeve into a splint, or a pant leg; or contact Tech Connect at 800/203-6451; or
into a rigid cast. Another project is to weave radio request Document MN-02-10 at
communications materials directly into uniform techcom/index.htm.
fabric, eliminating the need to carry communica-
tions gear. Other materials will sense and destroy Modular ceramic composite
biological and chemical weapons. appliqué protects armored vehicle
For more information: Anthony Farina, DuPont An Armored Security Vehicle (ASV) that con-
Polymers, Wilmington, DE 19898; tel: 302/774-4114; tains modular ceramic composite appliqué on the
e-mail; [email protected]; Web exterior and in the spall liner on the interior has
site: been developed by Textron Systems Marine and
Land Operations, New Orleans, La. The advanced
Nanotechnology to raise energy armor defeats .50 caliber armor-piercing ammuni-
density of explosive materials tion on the front, rear, and sides of the vehicle.
Nanodimensional fuels and oxidizers that can The ASV crew is also protected from 12-pound
reduce the size of a weapon while maintaining ex- mine blasts under each wheel and the fragments
plosive power and lethality are under development from 155-mm artillery shells detonated 15 m (50 ft)
at the Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Di- above the vehicle. Because the armor is designed
rectorate, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. Another ben- to be bolted on, additional protection can be added.
efit includes reduced sensitivity of munitions to ac- The ASV is a four-by-four wheeled vehicle that is
cidental explosion, and potentially higher energy very light weight, and allows the vehicle to be able
delivered to the target. to “roll-on/roll-off” the C-130 transport aircraft.
The materials are made by a synthesis method The vehicle is 6 m (19 ft) long, 2.5 m (8 ft) wide, and
that allows for the formation of high-energy ag- weighs nearly 13,500 kg (30,000 lb).
glomerate particles containing nano-aluminum fuel For more information: Textron Systems Marine
particles coated with nanocrystalline high explo- and Land Operations, 201 Lowell Street, Wilm-
sive. This concept allows intimate mixing of the re- ington, MA 01887; tel: 978/657-5111; Web site:
acting explosive coating with the high-density, high-
energy fuel core, thus taking advantage of the
shorter reaction pathway.
The explosive agglomerate particles exhibited
improved safety properties during initial safety
handling tests. These properties are directly attrib-
uted to the inherent strength of the nanosized com-
ponents. Researchers studied the nanocrystalline
structures by a powder X-ray diffractometer, which
enables evaluation of structures at the nanoscale.
Initial dynamic testing showed increases in det-
onation velocity and pressure, just as predicted.
Shock sensitivity measurements indicate greatly
improved response to high-pressure shock loads.
The AFRL has several established weapons con-
cepts that require reducing the explosive payload
size while maintaining the same damage perform-
ance. Additional payload requirements include the
ability to survive high-penetration load events, de-
liver high blast performance, and minimize collat-
eral damage.
The slow energy release properties of high-
energy metal-oxidizer, solid-state systems have his-
torically precluded delivering high energy in a high-
density form. Even though these systems contain
up to four times the energy content of traditional
explosive formulations, it has not been possible to The Textron Armored Security Vehicle is protected by mod-
release it on a useful time scale. However, nano- ular ceramic compostie armor.
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Advanced composite structures

cut weight in U.S. Army tank
The Future Combat System (FCS) of the U.S.
Army has very demanding criteria in the area of
weight, deployability, mobility, and ballistic pro-
tection, and advanced composite materials may
help to meet these requirements. A discussion of
lightweight composite materials is contained in
“U.S. Army Ground Vehicle Technology: The Uses
of Advanced Composite Materials for Vehicle Struc-
tural Applications (SAE Paper 2003-01-1370),” pre-
sented at the 2003 SAE World Congress in March.
The paper was authored by Scott E. Hodges and
Donald T. Ostberg, of the U.S. Tank-Automotive
and Armaments Research, Development, and En-
Lightweight composite materials are under development to reduce the weight of the
gineering Center (USATARDEC)/National Auto-
M1A1 tank for the U.S. Army Future Combat Systems.
motive Center (NAC).
Although their benefits are well known, ad- liminary concepts, materials, and analysis. Phase
vanced polymer matrix composites (PMC) could II developed a structure for a 30-ton vehicle; and
not be accepted for applications to military vehi- Phase III investigated the development of a struc-
cles such as the M1A1 Abrams main battle tank ture for a 55-ton vehicle.
until designers and engineers became familiar with The culmination of all the programs led to the Com-
their properties, manufacturing processes, and de- posite Armored Vehicle Advanced Technology
sign requirements. Various studies showed that Demonstrator, initiated in 1992 to study concepts
weight of the M1A1 could be reduced by replacing and designs. A complete cost and affordability study
steel with polymer matrix composites. Therefore, included material costs, production costs, and com-
the Army initiated several small programs in which parisons with vehicles constructed of materials such
composites were applied in various components. as steel and aluminum. It also included the most
These included drive shafts, body panels, fuel tanks, comprehensive computer structural analysis ever
storage containers, and hoods. done on an Army ground vehicle. Engineers looked
The advanced PMC components were devel- at the advantages and disadvantages of multiple
oped and tested successfully, thus building ex- processing techniques, and they made a complete
pertise and confidence in the materials, and devel- lifecycle analysis. The result of the multitude of
oping a network of capable contractors. studies is that the Army has now accumulated
Concurrently with these programs, the Army enough data and experience to proceed with the ap-
developed a large armored vehicle hull called the plication of composite materials on a wide scale for its
Composite Infantry Fighting Vehicle (CIFV) Future Combat Systems.
demonstrator. The twelve-year program developed For more information: Scott E. Hodges, U.S.
materials, fabrication methods, and Army Tank- Automotive Research and Develop-
testing procedures. It was divided into ment Center USATARDEC/NAC, Warren, MI
three phases: Phase I investigated pre- 48397; tel: 586/574-8709. ■
Composite structures



S2-glass/epoxy face sheet

Armor cross-section

Alumina Alumina Alumina tile

ceramic tile ceramic tile
S2-glass/epoxy inner layer
Phenolic layer

Epoxy composite
Integral armor solution
UEA interphase


Multi-core concept Graded density armor concept

Multi-functional integrated structural armor concepts.

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