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Brunswick County

Board of
JULY 23, 2019
County’s Position
Potable Water Supply
 Cape Fear River is the only viable source of raw water that will
provide an adequate and reliable supply of raw water to meet
the county and the northern region’s long-term residential,
commercial and industrial needs.
 Advanced Water Treatment through a Low-Pressure Reverse
Osmosis system provides the highest available and effective
treatment for a broad range of unregulated and regulated
County’s Position
Potable Water Supply
 Water Treated Through RO sourced by the Cape Fear River is of
the same high standards as water sourced by an aquifer treated
by RO.
 The County will provide an adequate supply of water that has
been treated with advanced processes, continuous testing,
monitoring, and transparent reporting of water quality.
County’s Position
Potable Water Supply
 The County will meet existing demand and support growth in the
county, including industrial opportunities that present.
 The County is experienced and has staff to manage, finance, and
construct water treatment facilities.
 Economies of scale and lower costs for rate payers are achieved
in the long run when entities combine resources to construct and
operate infrastructure projects.
County’s Position
Potable Water Supply

 The County will set the lowest possible rate structure and
prudently manage operations and resources.
 The County will provide transparent and accurate rate, cost, and
operating information to all wholesale, industrial and residential
County’s Potable Water Supply
Action Plan
 Construction of a 54-inch parallel raw water main in
coordination with Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer, Cape
Fear Public Utility, and Pender County
 Brunswick County’s portion of the project is estimated at $42.4
County’s Potable Water Supply
Action Plan

 The project Timeline is to receive bids in late summer and issue

debt in October 2019, Construction will commence December of
2019, Completion April 2022.
 The line will provide a stable redundant source of raw water to
meet the county’s anticipated needs through 2060.
 The line will provide adequate water to support Low Pressure
Reverse Osmosis Treatment Processes that are more raw water
County’s Advanced Water Treatment
Action Plan
 After a careful study and evaluation of alternatives to treat existing
and emerging contaminants, the County determined to implement
Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis.
 Nearing completion of the design of a 12 MGD expansion estimated
at $47.5 million to the Northwest Water Treatment Plant.
 The Low-Pressure Reverse Osmosis system’s estimated cost $89.5
 Bids for the expansion and advanced treatment projects will be
received in December 2019.
County’s Advanced Water Treatment
Action Plan
 Federal WIFIA financing was awarded for 49% of the project. WIFIA will
provide a lower interest rate than public bond issuance resulting in
lower customer rates. The WIFIA and Revenue Bond Debt for the
projects will be issued in January 2020
 Construction will begin April 2020
 The payback period will be 30 years with level payment structure to
reduce interest costs and in accordance with LGC criteria.
 Distribution of advanced treated water to the public in December
 Rates established by the AWWA M1 Manual are recommended for
fairness to all customer classes with the first impact to customers in
County’s Proposed Steps
Northern Regional Working Group
 Support of the regional wholesale customers of the county’s
expansion of the Northwest Water Treatment Plant and
implementation of low-pressure reverse osmosis advanced
treatment is the best option for meeting current and future
water demand in the county.
 The northern part of Brunswick County currently accounts for
about 30% of annual total treated water or 18.4% of retail
customers (primarily residential) within the entire county.
Brunswick Regional Water & Sewer H2Go accounts for 24% of
annual total treated water or 13.4% of retail (primarily
residential) customers within the entire county.
County’s Proposed Steps
Northern Regional Working Group
 Advanced Treated Water Through Reverse Osmosis is of the
same high quality whether sourced by a river or an aquifer.
 There may be strategic benefits to the proposed H2Go
treatment plant.
 County proposes that the regional group engage firms to
provide the decision-makers and the public with updated
independent studies and associated construction and life cycle
operational costs.
County’s Proposed Steps
Northern Regional Working Group
 County provide all treated water for the entire county, including
the north region.
 County encourages regionalization and consolidation of
 Consolidation grants may assist in regionalization costs and
improving the overall system.
 County is amenable to acquiring water systems for those
wholesale customers desiring to turn their system over to
another entity.
County’s Position
Wastewater Treatment
 County is staffed and experienced to be the regional provider
of sewer treatment
 Southport has determined to remove its flow from the West Plant
and construct its own treatment plant. The timely removal of
flow by the city is necessary for the County to avoid fines,
penalties and a moratorium.
 Due to the lengthy process of expanding plants, it is
recommended that the County and participants begin the
preliminary engineering to determine timing and size of the next
system expansion for the West Regional System to support
County’s Position
Wastewater Treatment
 The County has submitted the documents to the State to
request lifting of the line extension moratorium.
 The County has received the draft permit to expand the
Northeast Regional Plant and will bid and finance the
construction in October 2019.
 The County and participants must work together to maintain
collection systems and manage flow between the H2Go Plant
and NE Plant to prevent further moratoriums.
 The 2.5 MGD expansion of the Northeast WWTP is scheduled to
be complete Dec. 2021.
Staff Recommendation

 Recommend that the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners approve the County’s
Position for providing water and wastewater services for the wholesale, retail, and
industrial customers of Brunswick County Public Utilities.

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