M. M. Rahman Co.: Statement of Financial Position

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M. M. Rahman Co.

Chartered Accountants

M/S J K Enterprise
Statement of Financial Position
As at 31 December 2018

Notes Amount in Taka Amount in Taka

Assets 2018 2017
Non-Current Assets 15,029,662 15,103,180
Property, Plant and Equipment 4,661,662 4,735,180
Annex 1
Land 10,368,000 10,368,000

Current Assets 98,003,898 78,454,417

Inventories 2 22,258,440 18,548,700
Advance, Deposit & Prepayments 1 1,800,000 2,000,000
Trade Receivable 66,619,599 51,245,845
Cash and Cash Equivalents 3 7,325,859 6,659,872

Total Assets 113,033,560 93,557,597

Shareholders Equity and Liabilities

Equity 107,332,741 82,015,999

Capital 20,000,000 20,000,000
Retained Earnings 4 87,332,741 62,015,999

Loan From Bank 4,519,169 7,531,948

Bank Loan 4,519,169 7,531,948

Current Liabilities 1,181,650 4,009,650

Bills Payable 764,610 2,548,700
Other Liabilities 374,550 1,248,500
Liabilities for Expenses 42,490 212,450

Total Equity and Liabilities 113,033,560 93,557,597

- -


Date Chartered Accountants
M. M. Rahman Co.
Chartered Accountants

M/S J K Enterprise
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 31 December, 2018

Notes Amount in Taka Amount in Taka


Turnover 737,258,336 624,795,200

Cost of Sales 5 659,508,054 584,351,423
Gross Profit 77,750,282 40,443,777

Operating Expenses 1,774,338 1,656,520

Administrative Expenses 6 1,774,338 1,656,520

Operating profit/ ( Loss) 75,975,945 38,787,257

Other Income - -

Profit Before Interest & Tax 75,975,945 38,787,257

Financial expenses 94,688 78,907

Profit Before tax 75,881,256 38,708,350

Taxation 1,560,625 1,248,500

Net Profit 74,320,631 37,459,850


Date Chartered Accountants
M. M. Rahman Co.
Chartered Accountants

Continuation Sheet MAKC

M/S J K Enterprise
Statement of Cash flow
For the year ended 31 December, 2018

Amount in Taka


Net Profit 74,320,631
Add - Depreciation 73,518
(Increase)/ Decrease in Ending Inventories (3,709,740)
(Increase)/ Decrease in Advances, deposits & Prepayments 200,000
(Increase)/ Decrease in Accounts Receivable (15,373,754)
Increase/ (Decrease) in Liabilities for expense (169,960)
Increase/ (Decrease) in Payables (1,784,090)
Increase/ (Decrease) in Other Liabilities (873,950)
Prior Year Adjustment
Increase/ (Decrease) in Audit Fees -

Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities 52,682,656


Acquisition of Fixed Assets
Other Investments

Net Cash In/ Outflow from Investing Activities -


Short Term Loan (3,012,779)
Drawings/ New Capital (49,003,889)
Interest Expense

Net Cash In/ Outflow from Financial Activities (52,016,669)

Net Cash Increase/ (Decrease) During the Year 665,987

Opening Cash & Bank Balance 6,659,872

Closing Cash & Bank Balance 7,325,859
M. M. Rahman Co.
Chartered Accountants

Amount in Taka Amount in Taka

2018 2017

Note - 1 Advance, Deposit & Prepayments

Advance 1,800,000 2,000,000

Advance Salary to Staff -

1,800,000 2,000,000

Note - 2 Inventories/ Closing Stock

ClosingStock 22,258,440 18,548,700
Others - -

22,258,440 18,548,700

Note - 3 Cash & Cash Equivalent

Cash in Hand 4,395,516 3,995,923

Cash at Bank 2,930,344 2,663,949

7,325,859 6,659,872

Note - 4 Retained Earnings

As Per last Year Balance 62,015,999 24,556,149

Add - Current Year's Net Profit 74,320,631 37,459,850
Less - Drawings 49,003,889
87,332,741 62,015,999

Note - 5 Cost of Goods Sold

Opening Stock 18,548,700 6,828,200

Purchase 656,159,919 588,229,840
674,708,619 595,058,040
Less - Closing Stock 22,258,440 18,548,700
652,450,179 576,509,340
Factory Overhead
Carriage Inwards 4,606,970 5,118,855
Others 2,450,905 2,723,228
7,057,875 7,842,083
Cost of Sales 659,508,054 584,351,423

Note 6 Administrative Expense

Salary 364,176 337,200
Bonus 61,534 56,976
Printing 10,610 9,824
Travelling & Conveyance 35,667 33,025
Telephone 28,822 26,687
Rent 388,800 360,000
Entertainment 164,728 152,526
Business Promotion 255,150 236,250
Electricity 35,432 32,807
Paper 3,433 3,179
Misc. Expenses 312,011 288,899
Registration 13,457 12,460
Audit fees 10,800 10,000
Legal fees 16,200 15,000
Depreciation 73,518 81,687

1,774,338 1,656,520
M. M. Rahman Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annex 1
M/S J K Enterprise
Schedule of Fixed Assets as at 31 December, 2018

SL Particulars Addition Depreciation WDV

Balance as on Addition Balance as on Rate Charged Balance as on Balance as on

01.01.18 31.12.2018 31.12.2018 31.12.2018
1 Equipments 180,697 180,697 10% 18,069.70 18,070 162,627
2 Furniture & Fixture 554,483 554,483 10% 55,448 55,448 499,035
3 Sunday Assets 4,000,000 4,000,000 0% - - 4,000,000
Total Taka 4,735,180 - 4,735,180 73,518 73,518 4,661,662

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