Poster Feb 29 2016 DSA Decision Frame Final Released

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DSA Decision Making and Control Framework

Program Manager: John de Wardt, DE WARDT AND CO

[email protected] Photo

Purdue Model
Computer Integrated Website:
Manufacturing (CIM) model created List value
in 1989 at the International Purdue
Workshop on Industrial Computer
Purpose of the DSA Decision and Control making Framework from DSA
This framework provides a map for the relationship of various interrelated systems in the application of DSA.
The five levels for well construction identified on the left-hand side of the graphic and listed below correspond to the five layers defined in the framework
It was developed to improve the Purdue / ISA-95 reference model:
probability that a truly integrated • Level 4 - Enterprise management. Managing business-related activities of the drilling operation (business planning and logistics).
information system could be rapidly
• Level 3 - Operations management. Managing workflows to drill, protect the hole, and complete the well.
• Level 2 - Execution management. Supervising, monitoring, and controlling the physical processes with real-time controls and software.
This model provides a construct of • Level 1 - Machine control. Sensing and manipulating the physical processes.
the relationships connected to shop • Level 0 - Physical processes. Defining actual physical processes of the drilling and completion operation (Well construction).
floor activities.

Original Purdue - 1989

List issues
that need
review in

International Automation Society – ISA 95

Enterprise-control system integration

MES Impact
This diagram demonstrates the
interaction of the Manufacturing
Execution Systems with the levels of
control in ISA 95.

The planning, design and execution work List items

flows through the levels within the
hierarchy provide a basis for development
States Definition for Automation that need
of similar workflows for drilling planning
and operations This “state machine” concept of the drilling process is fundamental to drilling to be
systems automation, and all tasks, models and activities during drilling correlate
with the current state of the drilling process. Consequently, it is critical that the expanded
current state be well known and communicated to all users, and that the transition in their
to a new state be broadcast simultaneously to all users in real time.
Manufacturing Execution System Systems and Centers description
Overview of terms with regard to ISA 95 levels This version highlights the work flows in the Well Construction Epics, User Stories and Use Cases in the
Execution System and Data Acquisition. It also locates the onsite and
remote centers relative to the hierarchy.
The combination of epics (drill a stand), user stories (fast, safe connection), and use
cases (discrete activities) provides the framework to identify systematic needs from
The distinction between control / operations and interpretation / the automation system providing the industry with a framework to track and control
excellence centers is that the former performs in the supervisory what is happening during any automated activity, including sharing a common
control loop and the latter analyses data to feed new parameters to understanding of the intent of the controlling automation system at any time.
the former.

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