Name: Rubric For Storytelling: Retell Any of PANCHATANTRA Stories
Name: Rubric For Storytelling: Retell Any of PANCHATANTRA Stories
Name: Rubric For Storytelling: Retell Any of PANCHATANTRA Stories
Story told at the Story told well, but Story rushed or Story told at one
10 appropriate pace, some parts may be dragged in several pace; no excitement
Pacing % depending on the rushed or dragged in parts
story line some parts
Story is Most of the story is Some of the story is Story is
Appropriaten developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally
ess appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for inappropriate for
audience audience audience audience
Outstanding use of Good use of props; Uses props some of Poor use of props;
10 props; props are props are appropriate the time; some props uses no props or
Props % appropriate not appropriate or are inappropriate props