Queue Manager Binning: Current Scheduling Rules

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Queue Manager Binning

Current Scheduling Rules

Magnum #1 Magnum #2 IC-900
 Clear Filters  DE15,16  DE20
 1.4x1.4 sized filters  Everything else  QL17

Quads should be scheduled in 2.5h time slots for loading, reloading and to dealing with any problems
with the magnum.

A technician cannot run 2 or more machines in the clean room at once. So, no more than 2 parts pre time
slot should be booked.

12h runtime for a wafer of DE15, 16

Filters that are smaller than 1mm need to be manually packed.

(Ask Sam for further details).

Suggestions and Improvements

 Add a filter size and customer name field on the list of sortable options
o The filter size is needed to determine what magnum a quad can be packed on. Having the
filter size as one of the field options will save time by not having to open the checklist for
every part
o Adding a customer name will help determine if a part is for inventory or for customers.
The name would help give an idea to whether or not a part should be rushed
 Process flow steps have to be updated for many parts.
o Without parts on the correct step it is impossible to book travelers in the Queue Manager.
o Dimension check always comes before auto jig loading. However the actual dimension
check is performed after the jig has been loaded.
o Cleaning step is sometimes not checked off
o Who can we contact to fix the process flow steps of a part?
o CZG process flow seems to always be wrong
 Have dicing technicians/technologies either sign parts into the pre queue or to put them in a
designated area in the lab for a technologist to sign the parts into the pre-queue
o Help to see what parts we psychically have in the lab
o Currently there is no way to determine what parts are in what queues without getting the
list manually
o Maybe dedicate a shelf in the clean room to non-check in travelers
 Make separate pre-queues for packing in the clean room and packing telecom
o There is no way to differentiate parts in the pre queue that are meant for telecom packing
or for packing in the clean room.
 Change the name of the magnums to “Magnum1 and Magnum2” or change the order of the
words. Put Keyence at the end.
o This is to see easily see the title magnum 1 or 2 on the title bar.
 Auto jig loading/ Dimension Check/Quick Look steps should all be signed off before being able
to complete the step in queue manager.
o This would prevent unsigned travelers from continuing on past the cleanroom

Problems we Might Run Into

 Short on staff during the weekends and nights, vacations ex.
o Need to know what volume of work can be scheduled during what timeframe
 The importance of tracking the time it takes to pack telecom filters.
o I understand the benefit of optimizing the order in which parts are packed but why does
time it takes need to be recorded?
o I don’t believe we are at a high enough capacity of filters being packed for us to ever run
into an issue of not having enough time to pack a part before it is due.
 The number of travelers in the pre queue could potentially be a problem to sort through
 Every technician that runs the machines in the clean room as well as the auto packer needs to be
trained (Night shift and weekends).
o Maybe create a list of who knows the program and who doesn’t

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