A Three-Stage Strategy in Treating Acne Vulgaris in Patients With Atopic Dermatitis-A Pilot Study

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Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 95-105.

Original Article
A three-stage strategy in treating acne vulgaris
in patients with atopic dermatitis- a pilot study
Ehsan Y. Sabry

Allergy Unit, College of Medicine and Medical Sciences - Taif University – Taif - Kingdom of Saudi

Abstract Background Heightened susceptibility to skin infection occurs in patients with atopic dermatitis
because their skin has a poor barrier against microorganisms. Acne is the most common skin
condition worldwide. However, the lack of full understanding of its pathogenesis, and the high risk of
scarring as a sequel, necessitates continuous trials to reach effective and rapid control. Thus the aim
of this study was assessing the effectiveness of a newer treatment strategy in treating acne in patients
with atopic dermatitis.

Patients and methods Ten female patients with atopic dermatitis suffering acne of moderate to
severe grades, followed a three-stages treatment strategy. Stage I aimed at effective control of the
inflamed acne lesions, stage II at minimisation of scarring and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation,
while stage III aimed at naturally nourishing facial skin for cosmetic purpose.

Results Stage I regimen induced marked and rapid disappearance of acne lesions. Moreover, the
stage II regimen caused marked diminution of scar lesions and hyperpigmentation. During stage III,
facial skin showed a silky touch with brighter appearance.

Conclusion The three-stage strategy is a successful and safe method in effectively treating acne in
patients with atopic dermatitis and in improving the facial skin status.

Acne vulgaris, atopic dermatitis, treatment strategy.

Introduction Drug regimens that affect these etiologic factors

have been shown to improve acne. In particular,
Acne is a typical condition of adolescence and is antibiotic based treatment regimens are
caused by multifactorial events. Although there considered by many as the first-line treatment in
has been much debate about the direct topical and systemic therapies for acne.2 Benzoyl
involvement of bacteria, Propionibacterium peroxide is a bactericidal agent that has proven
acnes is now believed to contribute to the to be effective in the treatment of acne. In acne,
inflammatory stages of the condition, and thus employing multiple topical agents that affect
initiate the inflamed lesion.1 different aspects of acne pathogenesis can be
Address for correspondence
Prof. Dr. Ehsan Yahia Sabry, MD,
PO Box 888 Taif 21974,
Scarring is the most unfortunate and undesirable
Allergy Unit, College of Medicine and Medical sequel of acne, because once formed, it is not
Sciences - Taif University – Taif - Kingdom of amenable to pharmacological treatments and
Saudi Arabia.
requires invasive procedures.4,5 The salicylic
E-mail: [email protected]
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 95-105.

acid peel had sustained effectiveness and fewer evident atopic dermatitis. Moreover, no previous
side effects.6 Moreover, they proved to be treatment with any of the formula used in this
beneficial in whitening the face of Asian patients study was assured. No history of allergy to any
with acne and postinflammatory of the ingredients of the medications, scrub or
hyperpigmentation.7 natural products used was emphasized. None of
the patients was receiving oral contraceptives,
The role of nutrition in acne still remains and they were neither pregnant nor lactating.
controversial.8 Dietary interventions using low- Facial make-up was halted all through treatment
glycemic load carbohydrates may have duration. All cases not fulfilling these criteria
therapeutic potential in the treatment of acne were excluded from this study.
because of the beneficial endocrine effects of
these diets.9 Study protocol

The primary goal of this study was to evaluate This open-label unblinded study consisted of
the response of patients with atopic dermatitis three stages:
suffering from moderate to severe acne vulgaris
not responding to other conventional treatment, Stage I (from 3-5 weeks duration)
to a new three-stage treatment strategy with diet
control together acting on the three factors often 1. The face was washed with a specific
incriminated in acne pathogenesis i.e. excessive soap for acne and the other affected sites
sebum production, sebaceous duct obstruction were gently cleaned with a wet towel.
and infection. In addition, we tried to Vigorous rubbing was forbidden.
recommend a possible solution to the problem of 2. A mixture was applied on acne lesions
acne scarring and postinflammatory only, formed of benzoyl peroxide 10%
hyperpigmentation. gel + hydrocortisone cream in case of
facial acne OR mometasone furoate
Patients and methods 0.1% cream for acne on other affected
sites + fusidic acid 2% with
A total of 10 female patients aged 18 to 25 years betamethasone valerate 0.1% cream +
were enrolled in this pilot study. The study was petroleum jelly (50g) for 90 minutes
performed in accordance with the Declaration of during weekdays (to be extended to 4
Helsinki (South Africa, 1996 amendment) and hours during the weekend and vacations
good clinical practice guidelines. Inclusion provided in both cases, that patient was
criteria required patients with atopic dermatitis not exposed to sunlight to guard against
suffering from moderate to severe acne graded photocutaneous reaction).
according to the "Comprehensive Acne Severity 3. The face was washed with a specific
Scale" (CASS) by Tan et al. 2007.10 No history soap for acne and the other affected sites
of topical corticosteroids use on affected regions were gently cleaned with a wet towel.
with acne and no previous systemic steroids Vigorous rubbing was forbidden.
intake were assured during history taking. 4. Topical erythromycin solution 2% was
Affected lesions with acne showed no clinically applied on the acne lesions by the aid of
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 95-105.

a cotton piece and left for 60 minutes assured in each patient before the use of
during weekdays (to be extended to 4 this scrub.
hours during the weekend and vacations 3. The other affected sites of the body were
provided in both cases, that patient was cleaned with wet towel.
not exposed to sunlight to guard against 4. Another mixture was applied on the
photo- cutaneous reaction). whole lesion site twice daily for at least
5. The face was washed with a specific 2 hours (facial and non-facial), it was
soap for acne and the other affected sites formed of salicylic acid combined with
were gently cleaned with a wet towel. betamethasone dipropionate and silver
Vigorous rubbing was forbidden. sulphadiazine 1% (patient was not
6. A mixture was applied on acne lesions exposed to sunlight to guard against
only, formed of benzoyl peroxide 10% photo-cutaneous reaction). (None of
gel + hydrocortisone cream in case of those patients was allergic to aspirin, nor
facial acne OR mometasone furoate were they pregnant or lactating)
0.1% cream for acne on other affected
sites + fusidic acid 2% with Stage III
betamethasone valerate 0.1% cream +
petroleum jelly (50g) for 90 minutes 1. The face was washed with the specific
during weekdays (to be extended to 4 soap.
hours during the weekend and vacations 2. The daily facial use of apricot scrub
provided in both cases, that patient was which was left for 2 hours and then the
not exposed to sunlight to guard against face was washed thoroughly with warm
photo- cutaneous reaction). water.
7. The face was washed with a specific 3. A mask made of one soup spoonful of
soap for acne and the other affected sites full cream yogurt + one teaspoonful of
were gently cleaned with a wet towel. honey + one teaspoonful of almond oil
Vigorous rubbing was forbidden. was mixed together, put in the
8. Topical erythromycin solution 2% was refrigerator for an hour, applied to the
applied on the acne lesions by the aid of face daily (except the peri-orbital
a cotton piece and left till the next regions) and was left for 2 hours. No
morning. evidence of allergy to any of these
elements was assured in each patient
Stage II (from 3-5 weeks duration) before the use of this mask.
4. The face was then washed with warm
1. The face was washed with the specific water only.
soap. 5. Warm almond oil was applied by a
2. Daily facial use of apricot scrub which cotton piece on the face 30 minutes
was left for 2 hours and then the face before night sleep which was rubbed
was washed thoroughly with warm gently and cautiously and left till the
water. No evidence of allergy or cross next morning. These steps of stage III
reactivity to any of the ingredients was were done daily for a month, every other
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 95-105.

day for another month, three times a patients. Moreover, to assure efficiency of this
week for a third month and then once strategy, all treated patients used the same
weekly thereafter. trademark of medication, despite lack of
financial benefit or sponsorship from any
One tablet of erythromycin 250 mg was pharmaceutical company.
prescribed daily after each meal for 3 months.
Treatment efficacy evaluation
One tablet of levocetrizine dihydrochloride 5 mg
was prescribed daily before sleeping by night for Patients in stage I were followed up after 3
3 months. weeks, and in case of total disappearance of
inflammatory acne lesions, patient was then
Chocolates, sweets, pickles, pepper, paprika and shifted to stage II, if not (only in the 4 cases with
curry were totally forbidden throughout the severe acne) treatment of stage I was continued
study. for another 2 weeks and patient condition was
then re-evaluated, and by disappearance of acne
Clinical assessments lesions in those 4 cases, stage II regimen was
started. One of those 4 cases had not followed
Patients were seen at baseline, to assess acne the diet control policy; she reported flaring up of
site(s), grading, previous therapy and allergic facial inflamed acne lesions 2 weeks after start
status. The follow up visits included clinical of therapy following 2 days of chocolate and
evaluation of acne status and assurance of lack pickles intake. Patient stoppage of this food stuff
of any complications from therapy. was followed by improvement, but on her 3
weeks follow up visit, there were still acne
Results lesions and thus additional 2 weeks therapy was
recommended with reassurance of complete diet
Patient characteristics restriction. Two weeks later, complete resolution
was noted and patient started stage II regimen
Ten females with median age 20.6 years (range,
(case number 3).
18-25 years) with moderate to severe atopic
dermatitis according to SCORAD index
Patients in stage II were followed up after
associated with other allergic diseases suffering
another 3 weeks. In case of improvement of the
from moderate (6 cases) to severe (4 cases) acne
scars and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation,
vulgaris were enrolled in this study (Table 1),
patients were then shifted to stage III, and if not;
and followed a new three-stage treatment
treatment of stage II was continued for another 2
strategy with diet control.
weeks (only in those 4 cases with previous
severe acne and who required prolongation of
Most of those patients showed recurrence of
stage I) and patient condition was then re-
inflammatory acne lesions after stoppage of
evaluated and they started stage III regimen.
other conventional acne treatment formulae.
However, neither of formulae used in this
strategy was ever used before by any of those

Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 95-105.

Table 1 Demographic and clinical data of treated cases.

Case Age Duration Site Grading Stage I Stage II Complication Allergic
number (yrs) of acne Duration Duration Disease(s)
(years) (weeks) (weeks)
1 20 6 F Moderate 3(+3 days 3 Facial AD,AR,AC
treatment of erythema, mild
facial edema, burning
complication) sensation and
2 18 6 F,B,C Moderate 3 3 None AD, BA,AR
3 19 2 F Severe 5 3 None AD, AC
4 23 5 F Severe 5 3 None AD,AR
5 21 6 F,B Severe 5(+5 days 5 Facial AD
treatment of erythema, mild
facial oedema,
complication) burning
sensation and
6 20 8 F,B Severe 5(+5 days 5 Facial AD
treatment of erythema, mild
facial oedema,
complication) burning
sensation and
7 25 3 F,B Moderate 3 5 None AD
8 20 3 F Moderate 3 5 None AD
9 21 5 F,B,C Moderate 3 3 None AD
10 19 5 F,B,C Moderate 3 3 None AD,AR
F=face, B=back, C=upper chest
AD=atopic dermatitis, AR=allergic rhinitis, AC=allergic conjunctivitis, BA=bronchial asthma

Tolerance and safety evaluation Also topical erythromycin lotion was

temporarily stopped. This step aimed at
In general, treatment regimen was well-tolerated controlling the side effect by the steroid creams
with only the occurrence of facial erythema, in the mixture and oral already prescribed
minimal edema, burning sensation accompanied antihistaminic, meanwhile avoiding sudden
by fine desquamation of the cheeks in 3 cases discontinuation of acne therapy to guard against
(one with moderate acne and two with severe recurrence. Those 3 patients were asked to visit
acne) immediately after the start of stage I the Unit daily for follow up. Complete
therapy. Those 3 patients unfortunately applied resolution of this side effect occurred within 3-5
the mixture on the whole face and not just on the days, thereafter; the first prescribed mixture was
acne lesions. To those patients, the already restarted and used only on the acne lesions with
prepared mixture was stopped and replaced by no change in the strength of the used benzoyl
another mixture with the same constituents as peroxide. This policy caused rapid and
the first but devoid of the benzoyl peroxide. successful resolution of the side effect. Those

Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 95-105.

patients were strictly supervised and they bacteria. The absence of recurrence of acne
reported no other complication. lesions from any of our patients matches with
results from similar studies, and emphasizes the
Neither correlation of severity of allergic status mainstay role of this drug in acne treatment and
and acne severity nor the latter response to the importance of combined therapy. 29-35
therapy was done because of the limited number
of studied cases. Skin irritation is the most common side effect of
benzoyl peroxide that often occurs at higher
Discussion concentrations and tends to decrease with
continued use.36 Topical antibiotics can cause
Many important documented facts guided the local irritation to some extent 37 in addition, to
choice of therapy used in stage I: firstly, the the special skin situation of the treated cases
massive colonization of skin of atopic dermatitis (xerosis), that is known to be easily irritated,
patients with Staphylococcus aureus in even by pharmacy cosmetic products considered
comparison with healthy controls11-13 proved to to be innocuous or even beneficial.38 Those cases
respond well to topical fusidic acid that reduces who applied the mixture on the whole face
the density of S. aureus without increasing experienced irritant dermatitis. Thus this
fusidic acid-resistant S. aureus.14 Moreover, the disagrees with recommendation by Thiboutot in
new combined fusidic acid-betamethasone 2000,39 advising that all topicals should be
formulation eliminates bacteria originally applied to the entire face rather than to
present in these skin lesions,15 and relieve the individual lesions.
dryness of atopic dermatitis skin. 16 As the role
of fusidic acid in acne is undeniable,17 thus the Fourthly, the anti-inflammatory effect of
addition of this formula seemed necessary. steroids was evaluated on patients with acne.
Although some reports40 showed no significant
Secondly, topical antibacterial agents are an change in lesion counts, however, other
essential part of the armamentarium for treating studies41,42 showed that steroids can be effective
acne vulgaris.18 Topical erythromycin is one of in all grades of acne. The result at this stage
the most commonly used agents in acne level agrees with other reports that emphasize
patients.17,19-26 It reduces the capacity of P. acnes the usefulness of employing multiple topical
to produce neutrophil chemotactic factors, thus it agents that affect different aspects of acne
has an additional anti-inflammatory action. 27 pathogenesis.3,43

Thirdly, guided by the recent consensus Fifthly, patients were suffering from xerosis, and
recommending that topical antibiotics should not as topical medication penetrates a moist stratum
be used alone due to the potential for bacterial corneum from 10 to 100 times more
resistance and relatively slow onset of action,28 effectively.44-45 Thus petroleum jelly, a proved
10% benzoyl peroxide gel was added, aiming at effective emollient, was used aiming at
benefiting from its mild comedolytic and controlling the present dry skin status, enhancing
keratolytic actions, effectiveness against effective drug absorption, and avoiding more
antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-sensitive irritation of the dry skin.
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 95-105.

Moreover, little is available in the literature Stage II of this study started in each treated
about the best treatment duration,46 and as patient when all the visible inflammatory acne
different studies cautioned against prolonged or lesions disappeared. At that stage, the aim was
intermittent use of fusidic acid for fear of to minimize as much as possible the residual
resistance. 47 Thus the 3 weeks regimen for post-acne scarring and to get rid of the
topical therapy of stage I seemed satisfactory, troublesome postinflammatory
especially that the combined topical treatment hyperpigmentation. The choice of used formula
included formulae that acted on the three factors was based on the following data.
often incriminated in the acne pathogenesis.
Firstly, silver has a long and intriguing history
Oral antibiotics are the first-line therapy in as an antibiotic in human health care,54 it
patients with moderate to severe inflammatory reduces the inflammatory and granulation tissue
acne48 (the criteria of studied cases), this guided phases of healing and enhances epidermal repair,
the choice of oral erythromycin 250mg tablets with an uptake four-fold higher in damaged skin
thrice daily for 3 months duration. The efficient than in intact tissue.55
results obtained without any side effects from
topically or orally used antibiotics disagree with Secondly, salicylic acid has been used for many
the study recommending that topical years for the treatment of acne,3 it is effective
antibacterials should ideally not be combined against comedones and inflammatory lesions, 7,56
with systemic antibacterial therapy for acne. 18 with fewer side effects.6 It also induces
controlled destruction or exfoliation of old skin
Lastly, successful treatment of acne depends and stimulation of new epidermal growth with
essentially on the degreasing of skin.49 In more evenly distributed melanin. When it
addition, cleansing removes dead surface cells, reaches the dermal layer, important wound-
preparing skin to better absorb topically applied healing activities occur that cause skin
medications.50 Accordingly, the special acne remodeling and skin smoothening, both anti-
soap was used before the application of topical aging benefits.57 Superficial salicylic acid peels
medications. are cheap, safe and efficacious for treatment of
acne vulgaris and with beneficial role in
Finally, although some reports assured that whitening the face of patients with acne and
dietary restriction does not affect the treatment postinflammatory hyperpigmentation with
of acne,3, 51-52 indication that diet may play a role minimal side effects.6-7, 58-59
comes from the studies by Bourne and Jacobs in
195653 and Cordain et al. in 2002.9 Results of Thirdly, useful treatment methods for acne
these studies inspired for diet control in this include scrubs,60 thus a daily facial scrubbing to
study strategy. The flaring up of acne lesions in remove continuously dead cells was
one of the studied cases following chocolate and recommended.
pickles intake, with rapid disappearance after
strict diet control, is a good proof, although in As patients were all females, so the last stage
one case, of the role of certain food material in was concerned with naturally nourishing
acne management. previously affected facial skin for cosmetic
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 95-105.

purposes, naturally, because those patients have Conclusion

been subjected to intensive therapy with many
chemical formulae known to affect the state of Successful acne management necessitates the
the skin especially facial one. Moreover, the ability of the treating physician to apply therapy
beneficial effect of some natural products had to the evolutionary stage of the disease and to
stimulated their choice of use, aiming at trying target more than one of the pathogenic
to revitalize their facial skin to guard against mechanisms and assuring careful planning of
recurrence of acne or any other skin infection, treatment regimens on individualized basis along
common to occur in those patients with atopic with appropriate patient education, these all
dermatitis. The choice was based on search in together frequently yields optimal responses.
the Pubmed and Google of "natural remedies of
acne". Accordingly, three naturally occurring As far as the author's knowledge, her work is the
elements i.e. yogurt, almond oil and honey were first of its kind, and may guide future studies
chosen and combined as a facial mask, that towards management of those with acne per se,
showed a satisfactory result. hoping that it may inspire other researches to
find the best and successful treatment of this
Yogurt is an exceptional effective remedy for worldwide troublesome skin disease.
treating acne naturally, as it possesses numerous
antibiotic-like properties, strengthens the Acknowledgement
immune system and kills bacteria within tiny
hair follicles in addition to its ability to provide I would like to thank all those who helped the
essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals to establishment of "Allergy Unit'.
The sweet almond oil is known to be easily
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28th PAD Conference of Dermatology

November 6-8, 2009

Lahore, Pakistan

Correspondence Address

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jahangir,

Department of Dermatology,

Allama Iqbal Medical College/

Jinnah Hospital, Lahore

Ph: +92 333 4287755, +92 333 4288870


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