History of Dentistry From The Period of PDF

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Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2 (2014) 679-694

doi: 10.17265/2328-2150/2014.12.001

History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman

Empire to the Republican Period1

Huriye Çolaklar
Department of Library, İstanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul 34390, Turkey

Abstract: The Ottoman-Turkish medicine and dentistry was born and developed in the lands of Anatolia. The most mature period of
the Islamic medicine was in the Ottoman Empire on the lands of Anatolia. While inheriting the Turkish-Islamic science and culture
structure and the ancient age and Old Greek science, it was integrated with the medicine philosophy here. In the 13th and 15th
centuries, in Ottomans, the development of the dentistry was on the issues of the dental diseases and periodontology. In the 14th and
15th centuries, it was observed in the medicine books of the Turkish physician writers that they were also dealing with the child
dentistry as issues. That the dental medicine took place in the works of art written between the 15th and 19th century shows the
existence of the surgeons realizing the tooth extraction. With the opening of the first dentist school in the year of 1909, the training of
dentistry started. In this study, the issue of the development and training of the dentistry in the Ottomans among the 13th-19th
centuries were dealt with the outlines. Also, the first examples and fundamental works of art of the dentistry literature from the
Ottoman Empire to the Republican period will be told shortly.

Key words: History of dentistry, ottoman, education-dental/history, literature of dentistry.

1. Introduction commanded to cleaning of the faith report is required

and “cleaning is half of faith” [1].
In the historical development of the
Hz. Muhammed (SAV) (the vesselam salat) under
Ottoman-Turkish medicine and dentistry, the effects
the inspiration of our God would have given much
of both the West and the East are observed due to its
attention to dental care. The first time Hz. Muhammed
geographical situation, social and cultural structure.
had used branches of a tree as miswak toothbrush in
Especially between the 7th and 15th centuries, the
history [1, 2].
biggest developments in the dentistry happened in the
A detail mentioned in the hadith is how to brush the
Islamic countries. The Islam was important to oral
teeth. In the method, it was described as semicircular
health and contributed to the development of this
brushing of teeth. As is known, it is necessary to brush
the teeth after every meal. Brushing teeth at least two
Our God and our beloved prophet, all kinds of
or three times during the day is ideal. Hz. Muhammed
material and spiritual cleansing have given much
(SAV) (the vesselam salat) recommended brushing
importance. While in the Qur’an (Kuran-ı Kerim) the
teeth frequently [1].
first verse is “reading”, the second verse is related to
The famous Turkish and Iranian Muslim doctors
“cleansing”. The Prophet of the Islamic World has
such as Tabari, Razi, Ali bin Abbas, Zehravi, İbn-i
Corresponding author: Huriye Çolaklar, Ph.D., research Sina (Avicenna), Abdüllatif, Hekim Ahmedi,
field: medicine librarianship. E-mail: [email protected]. Akşemsettin, Sabuncuoglu made great contributions
This study has been developed by developing and reviewing
the report titled “Dentistry in Ottomans” presented in the to the development of the medicine and dentistry.
international congress of “2nd International Congress on the In this paper, the developments in the Ottoman
History of Turkish Medicine, 12th National Congress on the
History of Turkish Medicine, 2nd Symposium of the Turkish dentistry between 13th century and 20th century were
Dentistry with International Participation” realized at the date explained.
of 10-13 December 2012.
680 History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period

2. Dentistry in the 13th and 14th Century and dental diseases treatment. His work of art named
Ottoman Empire “Müntehab-al Şifa” is the first Turkish medicine
manuscripts written in Anatolia. In this work of art,
With the establishment of the Ottoman principality,
the toothache and smell are mentioned. Hacı Paşa
the Anatolia Seljuks disappeared. While Ottomans
(Hacı Pasha) highlighted the relation of the toothache
were rapidly becoming a state, they established new
with the ear in his work of art. In his work of art, in
health and social aid institutions in many cities in
addition to many toothache formulas, the dripping of
Anatolia like in the Seljuks. Today, these institutions
jasmine oil to the ear also takes place. The summary
are known as darüşşifa (hospital), imaret (public
of the same book was written again in 1408 with the
soup-kitchen), madrasah (school) or külliye (complex).
name of “Teshil al-Şifa (facilitation healing)”. There,
In the historical records of these institutions, the
a preparation to which he gave the name of the
dentistry is not encountered. In these institutions, the
hashish wine is mentioned for overcoming the
physician surgeons were realizing the dentistry
toothache [4].
The most important health institution of this period 3. Science and Art Migration to the Ottoman
was the Bursa Yıldırım Darüşşifası which was built by Empire of the 15th and 16th Century
Yıldırım Beyazıt and this hospital was the first
The 15th and 16th centuries were the rising period
hospital built by Ottomans in Anatolia.
of the Ottoman Empire—a period in which there is
The oldest known Turkish manuscript is the
also rising in the fields of science and culture. In this
translation of “Tuhfe-i Mubarizi” that the Physician
Bereket made in the 14th century. It is a work of art period, İstanbul became the science and art center of
related to the preventive medicine. The work of art the empire. The efforts of making İstanbul as a culture
was made dating from the first quarter of the 14th center which started with Fatih Sultan Mehmet were
century due to the fact that [3]. continued in the following emperors. The works of the
Again, the Physician Bereket analyzed the issues painters such as Gentile Bellini and Matteo Passi that
such as lip cleft, mouth ulceration, stomatitis in the Fatih invited from the Europe particularly shed lights
mouth, bad breath, swelling of the tongue, tongue to the Turkish miniature artists. Again in this century,
splitting, gingival hypertrophy, gingivitis, tooth Andalusia (Spain) origin scientists made effects on the
extraction, tooth polishing, tooth decay in his work of Ottoman cultural life. For example, Abdüsselam
art named “Hulasa” in which the medical treatments el-Mühtedi, Musa Calinus el-İsrâilî, Musa Hamun,
of the oral and dental diseases were told [3]. Nureddin el-Mâlikî and İbrahim b. Muhammed
The Physician Ahmedi was a famous Turkish el-Endülüsî made contributions to the Ottoman
doctor and poet who lived in the years of 1334-1413. science in the fields such as medicine, dentistry and
His work of art named “Tarvih al Ervah” includes astronomy [5].
information of the issues of anatomy, pathology, One of the important works of art written in the
hygiene or pharmacology; and it gives places to the period of Fatih Sultan Mehmet in the issue of dentistry
diseases and medicines. In the 4th section of the 2nd is Cerrâhiyyetü'l-Hâniyye. This works was written by
volume of this work of art, some information related Muslim surgeon Ebulkasım Zehrani (?-1013) with the
to the bad breath and its treatment, toothache and name of “et-Tasrif” (books about medicine and
saliva take place. Again, Hacı Paşa (Hacı Pasha) surgery). Later, it was re-treated with pictures by
(1335-1424) who was one of the physicians who lived Şerefattin Sabuncuoğlu. Sabuncuoğlu presented this
in this century wrote books related to the medicine work of art to Fatih Sultan Mehmet [6].
History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period 681

“Cerrâhiyyetü’l-Hâniyye” (surgical book) which was 4. Dentistry in the Ottoman Empire of the
written in 1465 is composed of three sections. In its 16th Century
first section, the treatment with etching is told and in
The period of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman (1520-1566)
its second section, various incisions and the other
of the Ottoman Empire was the brightest period of the
surgical interventions are told and in the third section,
political, social cultural and science life. In the
the treatment of the fractures and dislocations is told.
endowment of the Darüşşifa (hospital) in the
Also, in the last chapter of the third section, some
Süleymaniye Külliyesi (Süleymaniye Complex), there
medicine formulas used in the surgery have taken
were two experienced surgeons who could realized the
place. In the Paris copy of the work of art having three
dentistry applications. The physicians were trained
copies, there are 138 surgical interventions and 167
there for the empire and palace. The head physicians
tool pictures [6]. One of the tooth procedures that
were selected among them and they were responsible
Sabuncuoğlu proposed is related to the root canal
for the arrangement of the public health [6].
treatment (Fig. 1) [7]. In this study, it is seen that the
In the period of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, “Kitab-ı
cavity is opened and the root canal is filled with the
Fi’t-Tıbb El-Esnan” (the law of medicine) that written
hot animal oil and the dental filling is realized.
by Moses Hamon (İbn Hamun) was the first
In the work of art of Cerrah İbrahim (Surgeon
monograph of the Turkish dentistry history (Figs. 2
İbrahim) that named “Alaim-i Cerrahîn” (surgical
and 3) [9]. The work of art has been separated into
manuscript) written in the 15th century, the issues such
five sections and the sections have been separated into
as the dislocation of the jaw, jaw fractures, gingivitis,
chapters. In the work of art, the oral and dental
tooth swing, toothache, hyper salivation, aphtha,
diseases and the effects of these diseases on the
tongue swellings and treatment have been told. In the
digestive system are mentioned. The first section is
work of art, in the formula for the pain, “a medicine
composed of the abstract and sub-section, the second
including rosemary, ginger, feather geranium,
section is composed of five chapters and the third
delphinium staphisagria, black hellebore, fumitory,
section is composed of twelve chapters. The fourth
honey, tar is recommended and if the pain is not
section has eight chapters. In this section, the things
overcome, the tooth extraction” is recommended [8].
causing the toothache and tooth diseases and the
This work of art shows that the required importance
symptoms of each one of them and the preparation of
was given to the oral-dental diseases in the 15th
the medicine according to them are told. The fifth
century and their treatments were realized by the
section has nine chapters and it gives the formula of
physicians [8].
the medicines which are good for the toothaches and
the gingival diseases. Also, he used the method of
treatment with music in healing the dental diseases
and child psychology diseases. The Hamun’s book is
analyzed by Prof. Dr. Suat İsmail Gürkan and has
been published in İstanbul with the name of the
“Manuscript Book Regarding the Dentistry Written in
the period of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman” [9].
The physician Mehmet Nidai was one of the
Ottoman doctors educated in the period of Sultan II.
Fig. 1 Dental procedure (Şerafettin Sabuncuoğlu,
Selim. The most important work of art of Nidai is
Cerrâhiyyetü'l-Hâniyye, 1465) [7 ]. “Menâfîü’n-Nâs” (medicine treatise). The 13th and 14th
682 History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period

Fig. 2 Some pages from the original of the book [9].

Fig. 3 Some pages from the original of the book [9].

sections of this work of art that composed of 60 cited from the “Teşrihü’l Ebdan” which was written
chapters are related to the teeth. It mentions the bad by Ahmed bin Mansur in the 11th century. Also there
breath, angina, toothache, gingival fever, jaw fracture, are shapes from the “De Humani Corpois Fabrica”
and extraction and jaw dislocation. This work of art which was written by Andreas Vesailus in the 16th
constitutes a good example of making the medical century. Some information has been taken from the
works of art Turkish that started in the 16th century Galenus (131-200), İbni Sina (980-1037) and İbn
[10]. Nefis (?-1288). The copies of the work of art have
been analyzed and simplified by Prof. Dr. Esin Kahya.
5. Dentistry in the Ottoman Empire of the
The work of art has been published in Turkish and
17th Century
English with the reproduction [6]. In this work of art,
“Teşrih-i Ebdan” was written by Şemseddı̂n-i İtâkḳı̂ the information regarding the issues such as the
which is the first anatomy book with pictures of the anatomy of the upper and lower jaw, cheek bone,
Ottoman-Turkish medicine. It is known that this work dental anatomy, cheek and lip muscles, muscles of the
of art was written in İstanbul in 1632 in the period of lower jaw, tongue and mouth anatomy has been given
the emperor IV. Murad. In this work, there are shapes regarding the dentistry (Fig. 4) [11].
History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period 683

18th century, is an encyclopedic book, has also been

given physiognomy (the art of face reading). In the
work of art, the body structure, face shape and the
relation of the separate organs of the body and human
character have been dealt in details.
“Marifetname” was completed in the year of 1765.
It is composed of five separate sections including
“Mukaddime (introduction)” and three “fen (science)”
and one “hatime (conclusion)”. These sections are
separated into “bab (sub-section), fasıl (chapter) and
nevi (sub-chapter)”. The work of art includes the
issues such as astronomy, earth sciences, physics,
biology, mathematics, medicine, physiology, and
anatomy. The first section of the book is composed of
three sub-sections and the issues of the creating of the
world, geometry and astronomy are told. The second
Fig. 4 From the Şemseddı̂n-i İtâkḳı̂’s work of art named
“Teşrih-i Ebdan” (anatomy book) (Istanbul, Süleymaniye section of the book is composed of five sub-sections
Library, Hüsrev Pasha, 464. Picture 25) [11]. and the human anatomy is given wide coverage.
Especially, in the 4th sub-chapter of the first chapter
6. Dentistry in the Ottoman Empire of the
of the second sub-section in this section of the work of
18th Century
art, the information regarding the jaw bones has been
“Al Kanun-fıt-Tıb” (medicine book) is the most given, in the 5th sub-chapter, the information
important work of art of İbn-i Sina who was a famous regarding the lower jaw has been given and in the 6th
Islam philosopher and physician and lived in the 11th sub-chapter, the information regarding the human
century. It was with the name of “Tahbiz al-Mathun” teeth and structures has been given. Again, in the
translated by a palace physician Mustafa bin Ahmed second chapter of the second sub-section, the
(?-1781) of Tokat in the period of III. Mustafa head-neck and vertebrae have been told. There are
(1757-1774). In this work of art, there is information also head and neck motions in the 1st sub-section, the
related to the dental treatments. İbn-i Sina highlighted issues related to the face muscles have been told, in
the importance of keeping the teeth clean. He showed the 4th sub-section, the issues related to the lower jaw
the pressure of the liquids inside the tooth as the motions and muscles have been told, in the 5th
reason for the toothache and he mentioned that the sub-section, the issues related to the head-neck
tooth must be drilled and this pressure must be motions and muscles have been told and in the 7th
eliminated for the treatment. He used some medicines sub-section, the issues related to the throat-neck
and plants having narcotic effects for the toothache. muscles and motions have been told. The third section
He proposed to use the golden wires in the treatment of the book includes the issues of the human spirit,
of the jaw fractures and in the stabilization of the teeth religion and sufism.
[4]. In this book, the information related to the
The “Marifetname” (anatomy book) which was physiognomy takes place in the 3rd and 4th
written by İbrahim Hakkı of Erzurum (1705-1771), sub-chapters of the 5th chapter of the 4th sub-section.
who was a famous scientist, a Sufi and lived in the In the 6th sub-chapter of the 1st chapter of the 2nd
684 History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period

sub-section, it has been mentioned as follows first work of art related to the medicine being printed
“Humans have thirty two teeth. There are eight incisor in Turkish language and “Kanunü’l-Cerrahin”
teeth and four crushing teeth and eight grinding teeth (surgery book) which is his second work. There are 52
and eight chewing teeth and the ones after these are plates in the anatomy section of the “Miratü’l Ebdan”
four units and all of them makes thirty two teeth. In which was printed in the year of 1821 with the order
many humans, the four molar teeth appear after the of II. Mahmud. In this book, there is Latin
teenage and before the youth age. For this, their names terminology of the anatomy concepts, there are
are gentleness (puberty, twenties) teeth. The sharp important information related to the mouth, jaw and
ones of the teeth are for cutting and crushing and dental anatomy [6].
grinding and chewing the things which are wide and Another medical work of art translated in the
the fact that their orders are proper is for the proper second half of the 19th century is the work of art
pronunciation of the letters and sound when talking” named “Tuhfetülfarisîn Fî Ahval-i Huyul
[12]. The original of this work of art which was El-Mücahidin” (medicine book). The one who made
translated into English takes place in the Michigan the translation of this work of art is Tayyarzade
University Library. Ahmet Ata who was the accountant of the Imperial
Army. This book related to the veterinary is separated
7. Dentistry in the Ottoman Empire of the
into fifty four chapters and there is an index on the
19th Century
first pages. There are no indexes in the books which
The works of art translated from the West in the were written or translated in the previous centuries.
19th century have importance in terms of the transfer The book has 139 big pages. Twenty two pictures
of the information belonging to the contemporary have been made on the pages without having numbers
European medicine of this century to the Ottoman at its end [14]. The 15th chapter of this work of art is
Empire. One of these translation works of art is the related to the teeth of the horses. In the 15th chapter, it
“Mi’yârü’l-Etibbâ”, which was written by Şanizade is mentioned as follows, “the diseases occurring in the
Mehmet Ataullah Efendi (1771-1826). Under the title mouth of the horse. If it has excess teeth, they are
of child diseases of the work of art, in addition to the extracted. If its tooth decays, the vinegar is applied on
problems concerning the newborn or infancy period it. If the tooth of the horse swells, it is washed with
such as macrocephaly, hydrocephalus, colic, small the quince leaves and pomegranate peel water. If there
ulcerations in the mouth and teething, the problems are bubbles on its sublingual, the dried dark steer plant
affecting the infancy and game-age children such as is applied. If there is wounding in the gingival, the
fever, whooping cough, rachitism have been also olive leave powder is good. The excess meat called
introduced and the information regarding their kile in the mouth of the colts is treated with the sour
treatments has been given [13]. grape water” [14].
Şanizade Mehmet Ataullah Efendi who was the In this century, the physicians and pharmacists who
leading names of the Turkish medicine history in the were in charge in the Yıldız Palace and Dolmabahçe
periods of III. Selim (1808-1823) and II. Mahmud Palace and in Topkapı Palace Enderun Hospital were
(1823-1839) was one of the first pioneers of the in charge of treating the senior officers of the palace.
Ottoman Natural Education and the first collectors of It is known that the officer dentists in charge in these
the medical terms. Other than this, his most important palaces treated patients and were on call. In a study
works of art are “Miratü’l Ebdan fi Teşrih-i that Dramur did, he analyzed the catalog records of 98
Azaü’l-İnsan” (human anatomy book) which is the doctors and pharmacists registered in the National
History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period 685

Palaces Dolmabahce Archive “Mabeyn Erkan-ı patients are written (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6) [15]:
Sıhhiyesi Defteri” (archive of health) (Archive of the On the document having number of document 11,
Health of the Senior Officers of the Palace). 1262 of the ledger, it is seen that the information
According to these records, it has been determined regarding the tooth extraction made to the foremen in
that some of the doctors and pharmacists were in the harem and workers in the harem and the artificial
charge in Topkapı, some of them in Dolmabahçe and teeth and the fees paid to the doctor are registered (Fig.
some of them in the Yıldız Palace hospital and 7) [15].
pharmacies [15]. As also seen on these documents, the fee paid to the
In this ledger, the registered dentists, fees paid to dentists shows the importance that the Ottomans gave
the doctors, tools, and the treatments made to the to their physicians.

On the page numbered 85

Dentist Hayık Efendi
On the page numbered 98
Dentist Sami Efendi
His admission to the Pharmacy of Mabeyn-i Hümayun
Assignment to the Pharmacy of Maben-i Hümayun Cenab-ı Mülükane
(Private Office of the Emperor):
(High Excellency Private Office of the Emperor):
9 February 303(1885)
24 April 323(1905)
Allocation of salary from the Hazine-i Hassayı Şahane
Allocation of salary from the Hazine-i Hassayı Şahane (Royal
(Royal Treasury):
1000 9 February 303(1885)
3240 kurushs (Ottoman many) 24 April 323(1905)
1000 (kuruhs) salary increase = 2000 (kurushs)
Donations salary:
3240 kurushs (Ottoman many) 22 May 323(1905)
Mecidi 4 year 1887
Silver privilege medal 305(1887) 4 Osmani
Fig. 5 Dentist records from the Mabeyn Erkan-ı Sıhhiyesi Defteri (Archive of the Health of the Senior Officers of the
palace), (National Palaces Dolmabahçe Archive Ledger no. 2698) [15].

Tools registered in the pharmacy ledger numbered 1334

Zero pole scales – two pan weighbridges – plaster bandage -toothbrush – enamel casserole (saucepan porcelain) - glass syringe
(pravaz sereng)-alcohol scales – bone cannula set - rubber catheter- rubber for finger – hot water bag (small rubber bag)- steel
spatula for the tongue - truss (right and left)- teapots – tooth scissors – tooth pliers (nickel)- surgeon scissors of nickel –nickel
sterilizer - throat sprayer - women corset - hemostatic tweezers – glass tongue bond - porcelain scale glass various - tweezers trocar
– tooth tweezers - autoclave – silk probe.
This ledger is approved with the seal of Pharmacy of Saray-ı Hümayun (Imperial Palace) (year 1331/1912).
Fig. 6 Dentist records from the Mabeyn Erkan-ı Sıhhiyesi Defteri (Archive of the health of the senior officers of the palace),
(National Palaces Dolmabahçe Archive Document 11 no. 1334) [15].

To High Excellency Mabeyn-i Hümayun Mülükane Başkitabeti

10 August 338(1919)
(Head of Department of the Private Office of the Emperor),
-For the foreman Milfer of the treasurers, a tooth was
337 (1918) kanun-i sani 10/16
filled with the porcelain.
“Upon the required health issues considered, from the date of the 3rd July of
-In the laundry master suite, for the foreman Maşi,
the year of 337 to the end of the Kanunevvel, along 6 items, the artificial
two teeth were filed with the cimen (gypsum).
tooth has been produced by the dentist Sami Bey for the Harem-i Hümayun
mülükane (private office of the Royal Harem) and some foremen and
17 August 338(1919)
bendengan-ı şahane (workers realizing the private works of the Emperor) and
-For the foreman Vasfiye, a tooth was extracted.
due to this, he has some expenditures and according to the dependant ledger
presented, it costs 338,5 liras and it is submitted and requested to signify it
24 August 338(1919)
and give permission for it. In this section, the order of the edict is under the
-For Milfer Sultan Efendi Hazretleri, a tooth was
order the High Excellency having the order.”
337(1918) July
-For the foreman Vasfiye, in the second head-wive
Of the treasurers, a tooth was filled with the platinum.
suite, three teeth were filled with the platinum.
Transportation fee is 1 kurush….
Fig. 7 Dentist records from the Mabeyn Erkan-ı Sıhhiyesi Defteri (Archive of the Health of the Senior Officers of the
palace), (National Palaces Dolmabahçe Archive Document 11 no. 1262) [15].
686 History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period

8. Developments after the Tanzimat works related to the health such as blood taking and
(Reform) tooth extraction subjected to the examination for
understanding whether they have the information and
It is known that the Ottoman medicine and dentistry
skills for realizing their professions” [16]. With this
fell behind the medical sciences developed in Europe
decision, the artisans making works related to the
with the effects of the reformist actions and
health were subjected to the examination and the ones
Renaissance. Also, even though the dentistry was
who succeeded were given licenses. Also, it was
considered as a separate field and occupation from the
started to give licenses to the ones who came to
medicine as a result of the industrialization revolution
İstanbul from the other provinces and succeeded in the
in Europe, it is seen that the physicians dealt with the
examination that they entered. For example, in 1851,
dentistry in Ottomans. In fact, there are records that
Barber Mardiros and Haci İstefan who came from
the physicians dealt with the dentistry in the Evliya
Erzurum were examined by the “Surgeon Examination
Çelebi’s Seyahatname. There are some documents
Commission” in the Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane
related to the dentists in the Ottoman Army in the (Imperial Medical School) and they got their licenses.
Archives of the Prime Ministry [6]. However, the licenses taken were not adequate. After
In addition to the physicians who were educated in a while, it was observed that the barbers who got the
the Darüşşifas (hospitals) after the Tanzimat and in certificate for blood taking and tooth extraction and
Mekteb-i Tıbbiye (Medical School) opened in 1838, working in İstanbul did surgery and medical activities
the foreign nationality doctors, dentists, and and even the ones who did not have any permissions
pharmacists having diplomas who came to our country did medical activities and sold medicines and
by benefitting from the capitulations took charges therefore the “problems” occurred [16].
both in the palace and in the military state hospitals. It is known in the Ottoman dentistry that in addition
The şifahanes (hospitals) were kept opened for the to the surgeons, the dentists coming from Europe also
public in the Ottoman Empire. According to the size worked in İstanbul. In the villages and towns, for most
of these hospitals, there were also physicians, of the time, the barbers and blacksmiths extracted
surgeons, pharmacists and dentists working under the teeth. The mobile dentists realized the work of tooth
command of the head physician in the hospital. Also, extraction with the pliers in their hands at fairs and
the pharmacists who were educated with the style of squares.
master and apprentice and who had foreign In the Ottoman Empire, there were four groups
nationalities and military and palace physicians and realizing the profession of the dentistry before the
the medical school students took charges in the state, opening of the “Dişçi Mektebi” (“School of Dentists”)
palace and military hospitals that were opened in the [6]:
period of Meşrutiyet (Constitutional Monarchy) and in In the 1st group, the surgeons were the people who
Mekteb-i Tıbbiye (Medical School). were trained from the nursing or “grooming” in the
Meclis-i Tıbbiye (Medical Assembly) which was military hospitals. The surgeon certificate was given
responsible for the civil health services of the country to the ones who succeeded in the operating room by
was established in the year of 1840 in Mekteb-i the hospital head physician.
Tıbbiye-i Şahane (Imperial Medical School). One of In the 2nd group, the ones who were trained near a
the first decisions of this council is related to the dentist in Ottoman or in foreign countries took place.
“making of the pharmacists, midwives, and They took certificates by applying to the Tıbbiye-i
broken-bone-setters and the artisans realizing the Mülkiye (Civil Medical School) and passing simple
History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period 687

theoretical and practical implementation and were Sciences” would be an institution in which all
realized as the profession of dentistry under the name sciences would be taught at the highest level [17]. The
of “permili” (having permits). Operator Dr. Cemil (Topuzlu) Pasha who was one of
In the 3rd group, there were the ones who took the leading physicians of the period and one of the
medicine training and became experts in the surgery doctors of Abdülhamit continuously notified the
and then realized the profession of dentistry. negative conditions such as the shortness in the size of
In the 4th group, there were persons who took the Gülhane Hospital and the lackness of the hospital
training of dentistry in the schools in the foreign tools to Abdülhamit and made request for making a
countries. These were literally dentists. new building for the medical school. By this way, the
The profession and training of dentistry in the construction of the Haydarpaşa Tıbbiye (Haydarpaşa
professional meaning were started with the opening of medical school) building was started [17]. When the
the “Dişçi Mektebi” (“School of Dentists”). medical school was moved to the İstanbul-European
side, this building was used as the Haydarpaşa High
9. Starting of the Training of Dentistry
School for long years. Today, it gives service as
For the purposes of educating the physicians who Marmara University. The library of Haydarpaşa
could compete with the changing world by the Tıbbiyesi (Haydarpaşa Medical School) had a
Ottoman Empire, the Tıphane-i Amire (Medical spacious environment in which the students could
School) was established in the year of 1827 [17]. easily read and study.
Tıphane-i Amire (Medical School) was at In 1867, the Sivil Tıbbiye (Civil Medical School)
Tulumbacıbaşı Mansion in Vezneciler which is the was opened in Kadırga in Menemenli Mustafa Pasha
localities of İstanbul which is close to Beyazıt. The Mansion (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9) [18, 19]. The Askeri
duration of the training was four years. In the first Tıbbiye (Military Medical School) was moved to the
year, the courses of French, Arabic, physics, Haydarpaşa Tıbbiye (Haydarpaşa Medical School)
chemistry were taught and in the second year, the building whose construction was completed in the
courses of anatomy, zoology and botanic were taught. year of 1903. The school became a faculty in the year
In the third year, the courses of the general health and of 1908 and in the year of 1909, and it was merged
military health were taught and in the last year, the with the Sivil Tıbbiye (Civil Medical School). With
courses of internal medicine, external medicine and the merger of both medical schools, the Medicine
obstetrics and gynecology were taught. There was no Faculty was established in Haydarpaşa in 1909. The
need for the exam to enter to the school and there was Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing Midwifery Schools
also no age limit. In this period, entering to Tıbbiye were moved to the buildings which were left empty
(Medical School) was easy, but finishing it was very with the moving of the Sivil Tıbbiye (Civil Medical
difficult [17]. The pharmacy, dentistry, chemistry, School) from Kadırga to Haydarpaşa. The first dean of
physics and other natural sciences developed within the Medicine Faculty Cemil (Topuzlu) Pasha, and
Tıbbiye (Medical School) and became independent Emrullah Efendi who was the minister of that period
faculties in due time [17]. and the Askeri Tıp Mektebi (Military Medicine
The Darülfünun-u Şahane (Royal House of School) surgical teacher Halit Şazi have important
Sciences) was opened in 1900 in the period of Sultan roles in the establishment of the Dişçilik Okulu
II. Abdülhamit formed the foundation of the today’s (School of Dentists). In the year of 1909, the Deputy
Turkish universities. The Darü’l Fünun whose Dr. Halid Şazi Bey was assigned to the administration
meaning is the “Gates of Sciences” and the “Nest of of the Dişçilik Okulu (School of Dentists). The Dişçi
688 History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period

Fig. 8 The wooden mansion at the Kadırga Square of Menemenli Mustafa Pasha which was firstly used by the Tıp Mektebi
(Medical School) and then by the Eczacı ve Dişçi Mektebi (School of Pharmacists and Dentists) [18].

Fig. 9 Another photograph of the same building in Kadırga (Besim Ömer Akalın) [19].

Mektebi Muallimler Meclisi (Assembly of Instructors Cemil Pasha made built Dental Polyclinics next to
of the School of Dentists) made its first meeting in 28 the old buildings in Kadırga. As seen in the plan
October 1909. The Dişçi Mektebi gave its first below, the courses of Pharmacology, bacteriology and
graduates in 1911 [15]. hygiene were made taught together with the
In the memories of Cemil Pasha, he mentioned that Pharmacists (Fig. 10) [21]. Also, six dentistry courses
many discussions happened in the establishment of the were included as anatomy (together with physiology
Dişçi ve Eczacı Mektepleri (Schools of Pharmacists and histology), dental and oral diseases, Ameliyatı
and Dentists) and birth centers. He mentioned that Sinniye (dental treatment), Fenni Tedavii Esnan
“There are 185 military instructors in the Askeri Tıp (dental pharmacology), Tasnii Esnan (prosthesis),
Okulu (Military Medicine School) and the salary that Emrazı Umumiye (general diseases). Of these courses,
they received annually was more than approximately the dentist Hüseyin Talat who graduated from Paris
80.000 golds and in the Medicine Faculty to be was assigned as the instructor of the dental
established newly, the number of instructors is 27 pharmacology. In the early times, Halit Şazi Bey gave
persons like in the big medicine faculties of Europe” the other courses [21].
[20]. The duration of the Dişçilik Okulu (School of
History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period 689

Dentists) was three years in compliance with the as closed for one and half year in the World War I.
French Schools. Halid Şazi Bey gave the courses of and after that, it was re-opened in 1916. The instructor
the oral and dental diseases and prosthesis from the Yuvanidis gave the courses of prosthesis and the
year of 1909 to 1912 and in addition to these, he gave instructor Terziyan gave the courses of dental
the courses of general diseases (internal and external operations. After the end of the war, Yuvanidis settled
diseases) till the year of 1915. Mithat Bey was in London and Terziyan settled in Paris. Nurettin Ali
assigned to the course of anatomy in 1909. Forty three (Berkol) was assigned as the instructor of anatomy in
persons graduated from this school which gave its first 1916 after Nihat Bey. In the same year, Dr. Mazhar
graduates at the date of 30th July 1911 (Fig. 11) [21]. Hüsnü Hoca was assigned to the directorship. He left
In the year of 1914, the Mezunin ve Talebe the directorship in 1920 and Server Hilmi Hoca was
Cemiyeti (Society of Graduates and Students) was assigned in his place and he worked in this duty till his
established under the chairmanship of the instructor death in 1930. Dr. Mazhar Hüsnü Hoca gave the
Halit Şazi. It could not continue its activities with the courses of general diseases, general pathology and
emergence of the World War I. The school remained oral diseases [21].

Treatment and surgery


WC Garden Prosthesis I Prosthesis I

Prosthesis room Clinics room

Kadırga square

Fig. 10 Sketch of Dişçilik Mektebi (School of Dentists) in Kadırga [21].

Fig. 11 Graduates of Dişçilik Okulu in 1917 [21].

The instructors in the front row: from left to right Hüseyin Talat, Terziyan, Hulusi, Mazhar Hüsnü, Ömer Hikmet, Halit Şazi,
Mehmet Ziya, Nihat Bey, and behind Hulusi and Mazhar Hüsnü Bey, Professor Hamit Salahor while he was a student.
690 History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period

When the building of Dişçi Mektebi (School of ve Dişçi Okulları (Schools of Pharmacists and
Dentists) in Kadırga became a place in which training Dentists) became a live and honorable idea and art
could not be given due to the lack of care, the old place which will make our nation pride” [22].
gendarmerie building in Beyazıt was transferred to The Eczacı ve Dişçi Mektepleri (Schools of
Darülfünun for being used as Eczacı ve Dişçi Mektebi Pharmacists and Dentists) were moved to this new
(School of pharmacists and dentists) and was repaired. building in Beyazıt from Kadırga in 1916 (Fig. 12)
The Official of Darülfunun İ.H. Baltacıoğlu [19]. The ground floor of this three storey building
mentioned about the works related to this building in which is Beyazıt State Library today was allocated
his memories as follows: “My dear instructor Server completely to the Dişçi Mektebi (School of Dentists),
Bey found the old Misafirhane-i Askeri (Military and its first floor was arranged to be used as the
Guesthouse) which was used as Süvari Ahırı administration, private office, meeting room, and
(Horseman Barn) in the last times for rescuing the amphi—the rooms for dentist and pharmacist
Eczacı ve Dişçi Okulları (Schools of Pharmacists and instructors and students of both schools (Fig. 13) [19].
Dentists) and made it given to the institution from the Till the university reform of the year of 1933, the
government. This building was a big and stone Eczacı ve Dişçi Okulları (Schools of Pharmacists and
building having all kinds of conditions for being Dentists) were managed under an integrated
Eczacı ve Dişçi Okulları (Schools of Pharmacists and administration as being affiliated to the Medicine
Dentists). It was in the Darülfunun neighbourhood, Faculty. In the year of 1933, after the Darülfünun was
after being changed and repaired, it could have the closed and İstanbul University was established, Eczacı
situation of a contemporary institution… I started to ve Dişçi Okulları (Schools of Pharmacists and
work, firstly I took allowance of 20.000 liras. I got the Dentists) were separated from each other. The Dişçi
plans needed for the laboratories from the related Okulu (School of Dentists) took the name of İstanbul
instructors … In this plan, we paid attention not to University Faculty of Medicine Dentistry Academy.
ruin the old character of the building. At that time, the In the year of 1964, it was separated from the Faculty
gossips started activities as: ‘The Official of of Medicine and became the İstanbul University
Darülfunun is putting us in a stable!’ After making a Faculty of Dentistry [15].
building which is a candidate to be a contemporary The historical chronology formed in the direction of
science institution with small changes; I said: ‘Please the information given related to the development of
sirs, come in!’ … The old, dirty, unclean, dark Eczacı dentistry in our country takes place below.

Fig. 12 Dişçilik Mektebi (School of Dentists) building in Beyazıt (A. Efeoğlu) [19].
History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period 691

Fig. 13 Clinics of Dişçilik Mektebi (School of Dentists) in Beyazıt (Y. Güven) [19].

Table 1 Training of medicine.

Tıphane-i Amire (Medical School) (Military) 1827
Vezneciler Tulumbacıbaşı Mansion
Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane (Imperial Medical School) 1838
Darülfunun-u Şahane (Royal House of Sciences) 1900
Basis of the Turkish universities (Operator Dr. Cemil Topuzlu)
Gülhane Hastanesi Tıbbiyesi (Gülhane Hospital Medical School), Haydarpaşa Tıbbiyesi (Haydarpaşa Medical School)
Sivil Tıbbiye (Civil Medical School) 1867 (Menemenli Mustafa Pasha Mansion in Kadırga)
Eczacı, Dişçi Mektebi (School of Pharmacists and Dentists) 1908
(In the establishment of the School of Dentistry, the firs dean of the Medicine Faculty Cemil (Topuzlu) Pasha, the period’s minister Emrullah Efendi,
the instructor Dr. Halit Şazi Bey (deputy of the School of Dentistry)
First meeting of the Dişçi Mektebi Muallimler Meclisi (Assembly of Instructors of the School of Dentists) 28 October 1909
First graduates of the Dişçi Mektebi (School of Dentists) 30 July 1911
(43 persons graduated)
Dişçilik Okulu (School of Dentists) was reopened in 1916 after being kept closed for 18 months years in the World War I.
Eczacı ve Dişçi Mektepleri (Schools of Pharmacists and Dentists) were made moved to in 1916 from Kadırga to the new
building in Beyazıt.
Till the University Reform in 1933, Eczacı ve Dişçi Mektepleri (Schools of Pharmacists and Dentists) were managed under a
united administration as being affiliated to the Faculty of Medicine.
Dişçilik Okulu (School of Dentistry) İ.Ü. Faculty of Medicine Dentistry Academy
İ.Ü. Faculty of Dentistry 1964

10. Turkish Dentistry Literature

An occupational bibliography covering the studies
from 1908 in which the dentistry training started in
Turkey has not been prepared yet. The first printed
monograph related to the dentistry has been written by
the Instructor Halil Salih with the name of “Ameli ve
Tasnii Esnan” (practical prosthesis book) [3].
In the first issue of the Journal of Dişçilik Alemi of
1924 (Society of Dentistry) (Fig. 14) [23], the
information related to the treatment of the first, second
and third class upper and lower jaw deformations
Fig. 14 Dişçilik Alemi (Society of Dentistry), 01 June 1924, (disorders) is given in the prosthetic treatment
number 1 (first year) [23]. oriented article of the Dentist Rıza Şevki Bey having
692 History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period

the issue of “Tasni-i Esnan” (practical prosthesis book) normal closing of the jaw and teeth has been pictured,
and having the title of “Tashihi su Teşklilat”. The in the Fig. 18, the second class jaw disorder has been
below pictures composed of the shapes of the jaw and pictured and in the Fig. 19, the third class jaw disorder
teeth are the handmade drawings. In the Fig. 17, the has been pictured [23].

Fig. 15 Normal closing of the jaw and teeth [23].

(a) (b)
Fig. 16 (a) Retrognati inferior: apparent shape disorder due to the location of the lower jaw on the back and (b) Lower jaw
side profile [23].

(a) (b)
Fig. 17 (a) Prognathic jaw arranged as compared to the third class deformation (Prognati inferior: being ahead of the lower
jaw) and (b) The profile that the lower jaw causes [23].
History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period 693

Among the studies regarding the history of the Library), Topkapı Library, Nuri Osmaniye Library,
Turkish dentistry, the article of “Turkish Dentistry” İ.Ü. İstanbul Department of Medicine History and
that Suat İsmail Gürkan wrote on the occasion of the Deontology Library, Köprülü Library) and in other
60th year of dentistry and which he published in the metropolitan city libraries (Ankara National Library,
Journal of Dentistry as five series is one of the Konya Regional Manuscripts Library).
important sources. In the old manuscripts, in addition to the issue of
 Suat İsmail Gürkan. “Turkish Dentistry”. Journal medicine, there was information for the toothache,
of Dentistry 1970 April;1(2):107-10. oral-dental health and treatment. The writers of these
 Suat İsmail Gürkan. “Turkish Dentistry”. Journal works of art are mostly physicians and surgeons and
of Dentistry 1970 July;1(3):203-09. they are also persons who are Islamic philosopher,
 Suat İsmail Gürkan. “Turkish Dentistry”. Journal historian, poet, sufi and calligrapher, etc.
of Dentistry 1970 October;1(4):299-302. It is possible to see the copies of our old
 Suat İsmail Gürkan. “Turkish Dentistry (IV)”. manuscripts in their digital copies in the libraries in
Journal of Dentistry 1971 January; 2 (1):13-8. Europe (Paris National Library) and in America
 Suat İsmail Gürkan. “Turkish Dentistry (V)”. (Michigan and Cambridge libraries).
Journal of Dentistry 1971 January;2 (2): 107-14. To protect and keep the Ottoman-Turkish dentistry
Also, the publications of İlter Uzel are among the and medical information-documents well; and make
important sources in terms of the dentistry literature them accessible for the future generations, it is vital to
today. produce the digital copies of our old manuscripts and
 İlter Uzel. “First Monographs in the History of books in our libraries.
the Dentistry”. Dirim 1975; 50: 420-26.
 İlter Uzel. “Emergence of the Old Turkish
Physician Literature”. Oral 1988; number 52-53-54: [1] “Dental Cleaning the Importance Given to the Prophet”,
Accessed October 10, 2014.
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 İlter Uzel. “Ottoman-Turkish Dentistry”, XIII. dimizin-dis-temizligine-verdigi-onem.6193/. (in Turkish)
Turkish History Congress Ankara, 4-8 October 1999, [2] Çağıran, Ö. 1996. Medical Prophetic. Istanbul:
Papers presented to the Congress, Ankara: Turkish Bosphorus Publications. (in Turkish)
[3] Uzel, İ. 1988. “Emergence of the Old Turkish Physician
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İstanbul: Vestiyer Publication Group, 2010. Hacettepe University, 50-1. (in Turkish)
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[7] Sabuncuoğlu, Ş. 1465. “Dental Procedure”.
increased. In the 18th century, the Latin written books Cerrâhiyyetü'l-Hâniyye. Accessed September 03, 2014.
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694 History of Dentistry from the Period of the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Period

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