II. Anatomy and Physiology
II. Anatomy and Physiology
II. Anatomy and Physiology
1. Accurate assessment of the abdomen and its organ contents can be very
2. The abdominal cavity is the largest cavity in the human body and contains the
organs of the stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas,
spleen, uterus and ovaries in women, as well as major blood vessels. Lying
retroperitoneally to the abdominal cavity are the kidneys.
3. Assessment of the abdomen can yield direct and indirect information about the
functioning of several organ systems of the body.
4. A timely and thorough assessment of the abdomen may lead to early nursing and
medical interventions that can prevent medical and surgical emergencies.
5. Adding to the challenge of assessing the abdomen is the discomfort that may
accompanies many abdominal problems.
1. Past Medical History - The first step in evaluating the abdomen is to ask
questions that will reveal any important symptoms the client may be
experiencing. Ask the client, "Do you presently have, or in the past experienced
a. Abdominal discomfort?
b. Indigestion?
c. Nausea and/or vomiting?
d. Abdominal distention?
e. Diarrhea?
f. Constipation?
g. Fecal incontinence?
h. Jaundice?
i. Dysuria?
j. Urinary frequency?
k. Urinary incontinence?
l. Hematuria?
m. Chyluria (milky colored urine)?
n. Gastrointestinal disorders: ulcers, polyps, inflammatory bowel disease,
bowel obstruction, pancreatitis?
o. Liver disorders: hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver?
p. Abdominal or urinary tract injury of surgery?
q. Urinary tract infections?
r. Weight changes?
s. Major illnesses: cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease?
t. Recent exposure to any contagious diseases?
u. Blood transfusions?
v. Hepatitis vaccine?
2. If the answer to any of the above is yes then follow with symptom analysis.
a. Onset
b. Location
c. Duration
d. Character
e. Associated or accentuating symptoms
f. Relieving factors
g. Treatment
3. Family History - Get a family history including grandparents including: age,
current health status, if deceased cause of death, and any diseases that each
individual has had.
4. Personal and Social History
a. 24 hour nutritional recall?
b. Food dislikes and preferences?
c. Food intolerances?
d. Nutritional restrictions?
e. Alcohol intake?
f. Nutritional supplements being taken?
g. Medications being taken?
h. Allergies and allergic reactions?
i. Current stressful events?
5. Developmental Consideration
a. Infants
Birth weight?
Passage of first Meconium stool?
Nausea and vomiting?
Abdominal distention?
b. Children
Dietary intake?
Nausea and vomiting?
Abdominal discomfort?
c. Pregnant women
Abdominal discomfort?
Any urinary symptoms?
Fetal movement?
Dietary patterns?
1. Equipment
a. Examination gloves
b. Stethoscope
c. Flashlight
d. Measuring tape
e. Felt-tip marker
f. Gown
2. General - This lesson will discuss the techniques used to examine the
abdomen in general (inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation)
and then go back and discusses how these techniques are used to
examine specific structures of the abdomen.
a. When assessing the abdomen the sequence for examination of the
abdomen becomes.
b. Always auscultate the abdomen for bowel sounds prior to percussion
and/or palpation. Manipulation of the abdomen may alter peristalsis & lead
to erroneous data.
V. Inspection
1. Right hypochondriac
2. Epigastric
3. Left hypochondriac
4. Right lumbar
5. Umbilical
6. Left Lumbar
7. Right inguinal
8. Suprapubic
9. Left inguinal
2. Inspect entire abdomen, noting
a. Overall contour
b. Skin integrity
c. Areas of skin
Striae/stretch marks
Rashes or other lesions
Dilated veins
Scars - What caused the scar?
d. Appearance of umbilicus & any visible pulsations
e. Localized distention
f. Peristaltic waves
g. Irregular contours
h. Unusual hair distribution
3. Inspect abdomen contour, with client in supine position, from the foot of the bed
& the side
VI. Auscultation
1. Provides information on bowel motility and the underlying vessels & organs
2. Auscultate for bowel & vascular sounds
a. Warm the stethoscope
b. Auscultate with the diaphragm of the stethoscope in all four quadrants
c. Bowel sounds are soft:
High pitched clicks
Occurring every 5-15 seconds at a rate of 5-35/minute.
d. To determine if the clients has hypoactive or hyperactive bowel sounds
Listen & count sounds for 1 full minute.
If no bowel sounds are heard initially listen for 5 minutes before
determining bowel sounds are absent
Hypoactive bowel sound are present when they occur at a rate of
less than one per minute.
Hyperactive bowel sounds must be determined in relationship to
what is occurring with the client. Bowel sounds will be hyperactive if
the client is:
Hungry-Borborygmi (bor'berig'mes)
Eaten recently
Taken a laxative recently
VII. Percussion
VIII. Palpation
A part of the abdominal assessment is the liver examination. You can estimate
the size, consistency, & position of the liver by palpation & percussion.
To percuss the client's liver:
o Begin along the right midclavicular line, starting a level just below the level
of the umbilicus.
o Move upward until the percussive notes change from tympanic to dull,
usually no more than 2-3 cm below the costal margin.
o This should be the lower edge of the liver.
o Mark the position with a felt-tip marker
o Move up in the right midclavicular line to just below the nipple & percuss
downward until the percussive notes change from resonant to dull
Usually at the 5-7 intercostal space
Mark this point with a felt-tip marker
Do the same thing at the right sternal border. Because of the bony
structures in this area you may find it difficult to determine liver
span in this area.
Measure distance between the two marks you made at the right
midclavicular line & the two at the right sternal border. Distances
should be no more than:
6-12 cm. (2½-4½") in the right midclavicular line
4-8 cm. (1½-3") at the right sternal border.
If you have difficulty locating the liver margins by percussion try
the "scratch test."
Place your stethoscope over the approximate location of the
liver margin
Starting at the right iliac crest in the midclavicular line
Lightly stroke the abdominal wall with the finger
Move upward until the scratching sound becomes
The scratching sound should become louder over the solid
To check for liver tenderness:
Place the palm of you hand over the lower right rib cage
Then lightly strike the back of that hand with the fist of the
other hand. This should not produce discomfort.
o The liver and gallbladder are usually not palpable in adults. To palpate the
Remember the liver is a very fragile organ & It is not recommend
that inexperienced practioners using the "liver hooking
technique" described in your textbook as one might damage
the liver.
Place one hand on the client's back at the approximate height of
the liver & push up. This may force the lower rib up exposing the
lower liver margin
Place your other hand below your mark of liver dullness, at the
midclavicular line.
Point fingers toward the costal margin & press gently in & up as the
client inhales deeply
Continue palpating along the liver's lower margin to the right sternal
After initial palpation place hands just below right rib margin
Depress the abdominal wall 1-1½"
Ask client to take a deep breath
Try to feel the liver edge as the diaphragm pushes the liver
down to meet you fingers or
You may feel the edge of the liver raise from the abdomen
and slide over your fingers
The liver margin normally is:
To percuss the spleen:
o Percuss just posterior to the left midaxillary line
Spleen should lie between the 7-11 intercostal spaces
Percuss before & while client has taken a deep breath
Deep breath will bring spleen forward & downward
o Spleen is identified by an area of dullness on percussion
A larger area of dullness can occur if the stomach is full or if the
intestine is full of feces.
Dullness can be obscured by tympany of colonic air.
To palpate the spleen:
o Spleen is often not palpable in the adult
o Stand at clients side & place one hand under the client at the left
costovertebral angle.
o Press upward with that hand to lift the spleen toward the abdominal wall
o Place your other hand on the abdominal wall with the fingers at the left
costal margin
o Press your finger upward toward the spleen while asking the client to take
a deep breath
o Try to feel the edge of the spleen as it moves downward during deep
o Spleen margin should be:
*Beginning practitioners should not attempt rigorous palpation of the spleen (especially
if you suspect it is enlarged). Spleens are fragile and may rupture leading to
Abdominal reflex
With the client in the supine position
Stroke each quadrant of the abdomen with the end of the reflex
hammer or some similar object
Stroke each quadrant of the abdomen
Stroke diagonally across each quadrant from the umbilicus
Upper in the upper quadrants
Downward in the lower quadrants
A slight movement of the umbilicus toward the area being stimulated
should occur & movement should be equal bilaterally.
Abdominal wall guarding due to being ticklish or abdominal
discomfort can easily obscure this reflex
Absence of reflex may indicate a motor neuron disorder at T7-T10.
1. The Infant
a. In the infant the inspection of the abdominal contour will reveal
protuberant because of the immature abdominal musculature. The skin
may display fine, superficial venous patterns which may remain visible in
children up to the age of puberty.
b. The umbilical cord should be inspected throughout the neonatal period. At
birth, it is white and contains two umbilical arteries and one vein
surrounded by connective tissue, called Wharton’s jelly. The umbilical cord
dries within a week, hardens, and falls off by 10 to 14 days.
c. The infants abdomen should be symmetric; however two abdominal
irregularities are common. Umbilical hernias appear at 2 to 3 weeks and
are especially apparent when the infant cries. The hernia may reach its
maximum size at 1 month of up to 1 inch (2.5 centimeters). It usually
disappears by the age of 1 year. The other common abdominal irregularity
is diastasis recti, a separation of the rectus muscles with a visible bulge
along the midline. This condition is more common with black infants, and it
usually disappears by early childhood.
d. The abdomen of the infant shows respiratory movement. Auscultation of
the abdomen yields only bowel sounds. No vascular sounds should be
heard. Percussion yields tympany over the stomach, due to the infant
swallow air during feeding, and dullness over liver.
e. Finding on palpation include: the liver fills the right upper quadrant. You
may palpate the spleen tip and both kidneys as well as the bladder. The
cecum is easily palpated in the right lower quadrant. The sigmoid colon is
also easily palpated and feels like a sausage in the left inguinal area.
2. The Child
a. The abdomen looks protuberant in the child until about age 4 years. After
4 year the protuberance remains when standing because of lumbar
lordosis, but the abdomen looks flat when supine. Respiratory movement
remains abdominal until the age of 7 years.
b. The liver remains palpable at 1 to 2 centimeters below the rib margin. On
the left anterior axillary line the spleen is also usually palpatable just below
the rib margin. Usually you can feel 1 to 2 centimeters of the right and left
c. The school age child has lost the abdominal protuberance in both the
standing and supine position.
3. Pregnant Women
a. A variety of changes occur to women during pregnancy. As the uterus
enlarges, the colon is displaced upward and to the rear. This displacement
results in a variety of problems including: decrease peristalsis and
increased water absorption leading to constipation, diminished bowel
sounds, and flatus. Blood flow is increased to the pelvis contributing to
hemorrhoid formation. A rise in gonatropin causes nausea and vomiting
early in the pregnancy. Late in pregnancy increased progesterone causes
esophageal regurgitation and decreased emptying of the stomach with an
accompanying occurrence of "heartburn". The increased incidence of
gallstone may be attributed to a combination of upward pressure on the
gallbladder, delayed emptying, and increased viscosity of the bile.
b. As the uterus continues to enlarge, the abdominal muscles lose some of
their tone. During the third trimester, the recti abdomini muscle may
separate, allowing the abdominal contents to protrude through the muscle
at the midline (diastasis recti). As the abdomen continues to expand the
umbilicus flattens or protrudes. Striae and a midline abdominal
pigmentation from the umbilicus to the pubic area forms (linea nigra).
c. The kidneys enlarge slightly, the ureter elongate and dilate from estrogen
and progesterone. These changes along with the increased pressure on
the bladder predispose the women to frequency, urgency, and urinary
stasis. These problem increase the risk of urinary tract problems.
4. The Aged Adult
a. On inspection of the aged adult you may note increased deposits of
subcutaneous fat on the abdomen and hips with a decrease of
subcutaneous fat on the extremities. Abdominal musculature is thinner
and has reduced tone.
b. Palpation of abdominal organ may be easier because of the client being
thinner and having a softer abdominal wall. The liver and kidneys are
usually easily palpatable.
c. Changes in the structure and function of the gastrointestinal system is not
unusual. Motility of the esophagus is reduces due thinning of the
esophagus. As aging occurs, gastric acid secretion is reduced; however
gastric enzymes remain sufficient for digestion, peristalsis slows. Liver
size decreases after age 50, and the gastric mucous may degenerate
which may reduce the secretion of intrinsic factor needed for vitamin