LZhang19 The Effect of Randomness On The Strength of HEAs
LZhang19 The Effect of Randomness On The Strength of HEAs
LZhang19 The Effect of Randomness On The Strength of HEAs
Acta Materialia
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Article history: High-entropy alloys (HEAs), i.e., single-phase, (nearly) equiatomic multicomponent, metallic materials,
Received 14 July 2018 are associated with novel mechanical properties, such as high strength, fracture resistance etc. In this
Received in revised form paper, a stochastic Peierls-Nabarro (PN) model is proposed to understand how random site occupancy
14 December 2018
affects intrinsic strength. The stochastic PN model accounts for the randomness in the composition,
Accepted 17 December 2018
Available online 27 December 2018
characterized by both the standard deviation of the perturbation in the interplanar potential and the
correlation length within the spatial compositional distribution. The model presented includes the ef-
fects of non-uniform compositional distribution both in the direction of dislocation glide and along a
High-entropy alloys
dislocation line to predict overall dislocation glide resistance. The model predicts the intrinsic strength of
Dislocations HEAs as a function of the standard deviation and the correlation length of the randomness. We find that,
Materials strength in most of the parameter space, the compositional randomness in an HEA gives rise to an intrinsic
Peierls-nabarro model strength that far exceeds that of any of the pure metals from which the HEA is composed. This approach
provides a fundamental explanation to the origin of the high strength of HEAs.
© 2018 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-6454/© 2018 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 166 (2019) 424e434 425
important, because in concentrated solutions the solute concen- parallel to the x-axis, and x-z is the slip plane. The (flat) slip plane
tration near the core may be very large and these interactions are separates two linear elastic, continuum half-spaces (y > 0 and
sensitive to the nature of the atomic bonding in the core. The y < 0). The disregistry across the slip plane (i.e., slip in the x-di-
importance of local bonding details in dislocation cores plays a rection) may be described by the function fðxÞ; fðx/ ∞Þ/0 and
major role in the mechanical response in a wide-range of materials fðx/ þ ∞Þ/b, where b is the magnitude of the Burgers vector. The
and crystal structures [15]. Because of the atomic-scale randomness Burgers vector distribution is rðxÞ ¼ f0 ðxÞ; this distribution char-
associated with HEAs, the local distortion around each atom is very acterizes the dislocation core in this model.
localized. Hence, we suggest that the local bonding effects at the The total energy of a dislocation in the PN model may be written
dislocation core may, in many cases, be at least as important as the as
elastic interactions.
Second, while HEAs are solid solutions, we expect that the dis- Etotal ¼ Eelastic þ Emisfit ; (1)
tribution of elements is not completely random; i.e., there is
chemical short-range order (SRO). While SRO is difficult to measure where Eelastic is the elastic energy in the upper and lower half
experimentally, the existence of SRO in HEAs was reported based spaces delimited by the slip plane and Emisfit is the misfit energy
on direct atomistic simulations [16e20]. SRO is known to increase associated with the nonlinear (atomic) interactions across the slip
alloy strength. Indeed, motion of dislocations through a solute so- plane. The elastic energy is a function of the disregistry
lution with SRO disturbs the local order and produces additional distribution:
resistance for dislocation glide, as suggested by Fisher [21] and
confirmed experimentally [22,23]. SRO may also affect the tem- ð þ∞
perature dependence of the yield stress. Unlike in pure face- Eelastic ¼ sxy ðxÞfðxÞdx; (2)
centered cubic (FCC) metals, FCC HEAs exhibit strongly tempera-
2 ∞
ture dependent yield stresses [4,24]. Otto et al. [24] attributed this
where the shear stress across the slip plane may be written in terms
to thermally activated dislocation motion associated with short-
m R þ∞ f ðx1 Þ
range obstacles (barriers). The short-range obstacles may corre- of the disregistry sxy ðxÞ ¼ 2pð1nÞ ∞ xx1 dx1 (m and n are the shear
spond to local regions of large SRO. Although SRO influences the modulus and Poisson ratio). The misfit energy may also be written
mechanical properties of HEAs, SRO is not included in the HEA in terms of the disregistry:
solute strengthening models.
Our paper has two main goals: (1) to understand the effects of ð þ∞
distributed solutes on dislocation cores and how they move, and (2) Emisfit ¼ gðfðxÞÞdx; (3)
to consider the effect of the random nature of this solute distri- ∞
bution (and its spatial correlations). We examine these effects
where gðfÞ is the periodic, interplanar potential (generalized
generically, so that they can be used in a wide variety of contexts
stacking-fault energy). In the classical PN model, gðfÞ is approxi-
and as additional effects to those already well-known models. We
mated by the Frenkel sinusoidal potential [27,28],
emphasize that this paper is not a complete description of all effects
that solutes have on dislocations nor is it focused on the specific
distribution of solutes in any particular concentrated alloy. mb2 2pf
gðfÞ ¼ 1 cos ; (4)
More specifically, we present a model for the influence of the 4p2 d b
randomness in the spatial distribution of composition on the
strength of HEAs that naturally describes dislocation core effects in where d is the atomic interplanar spacing perpendicular to the slip
a generic manner; i.e., based upon a Peierls-Nabarro (PN) disloca- plane.
tion model [25,26]. While such a model is not an accurate Equilibrium is obtained by minimizing the total energy with
description of the true complexity of dislocation cores, it does respect to the disregistry distribution: dEtotal =df ¼ 0. The equilib-
provide a heuristic description of dislocation core effects that may rium disregistry function is
be generalized to describe the influence of SRO. In the PN model,
the disregistry across the glide plane is explicitly considered, and an b x b
fðxÞ ¼ tan1 þ ; (5)
interplanar potential is used to model the local effect of chemical p z0 2
bonding in the dislocation core. The distribution of chemical
components can also be included by making the interplanar po- where z0 is the dislocation core width:
tential spatially varying in a purely random manner or with SRO.
We first introduce the classical PN model and then extend it to form d
a random, stochastic PN model. Next, we consider the effect of SRO z0 ¼ : (6)
2ð1 nÞ
by making this random variation in composition spatially variable
with a well-defined correlation length. Finally, we extend our There is energetic barrier that must be overcome to move the
approach beyond the one-dimensional PN model to describe dislocation along the slip plane. The energy barrier and the critical
dislocation motion on a two-dimensional slip plane and add some stress for doing so are known as Peierls barrier and Peierls stress,
simplistic applications to HEAs. respectively. In the PN model, the Peierls barrier and stress for the
Frenkel interplanar potential are E0p ¼ mb2 =½pð1 nÞexpð2pz0 =bÞ
2. The classical Peierls-Nabarro model and
The Peierls-Nabarro (PN) model is a continuum model that m 2pz0
s0p ¼ exp ; (7)
combines a long-range description of the strain field of a disloca- 1n b
tion and an atomic-level description of its core. In its classical form,
it describes a straight edge dislocation [25e27] with its core spread both are functions of the ratio of dislocation core width to Burgers
over a finite region along the slip plane. We assume that the vector z0 =b. In our numerical calculations below, we will assume
dislocation line is located along the z-axis, its Burgers vector is d ¼ b and n ¼ 0:347.
426 L. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 166 (2019) 424e434
3. Stochastic Peierls-Nabarro model: uniform randomness We consider that the random variable u is described by a
normal/Gaussian distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation
In a high-entropy alloy (HEA), the local environment varies with D, i.e., its probability function is
location in the lattice because the material is a solid solution of
many elements. However, unlike a random dilute binary alloy,
1 ðu1Þ
where most of the lattice sites are occupied by atoms of a single Pu ðu; 1; DÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffie 2D2 : (12)
type (only a minority of sites are occupied by atoms of another D 2p
type), in an HEA, the local site occupancies vary from site to site on
an atomic scale. Hence, a dilute binary alloy model is inappropriate In the mathematical literature, this normal distribution is often
for describing HEAs. Here, we extend the PN to describe the written as u N ð1; DÞ; a notation we adopt below. The mean value
randomness in the elemental site occupancies of an HEA as a 1 implies that the averaged value of the interlayer potential at each
random variation in the amplitude of the interplanar potential. site on the slip plane of the HEA equals that of the lattice with a
This, in turn, leads to stochastic variations in the dislocation core single-type atom, as in Eq. (4). The probability distribution of the
width, Peierls stress, and Peierls energy and, as we demonstrate (normalized) dislocation core size ~
z (using Eq. (11) with u following
later, significantly alters the yield strength of the material. this normal distribution) for several values of D is shown in Fig. 1.
Specifically, we incorporate randomness into the PN model to The mean core size and its standard deviation are tabulated in the
describe an HEA, by scaling the interlayer potential (Eq. (4)) with a inset to that figure for the value of D. These results demonstrate
random variable u; i.e., that, when D ¼ 0, the probability density of ~ z is a delta function,
which corresponds to the classical PN model core width. As D in-
ð þ∞ ð þ∞ creases, the most probable core width (peak of the distribution)
Emisfit ¼ uðxÞgðfðxÞÞdxzu gðfðxÞÞdx: (8) gets smaller and the core width distribution broadens. However,
the mean value 〈~
∞ ∞
z〉 and standard deviation D~z of the core width
Since this randomness is allowed to vary from position to po- both increase with increasing D. This means that, as the standard
sition along the slip plane uðxÞ, the first expression can account for deviation of the randomness of the interplanar potential amplitude
random variation on any scale. In other words, uðxÞ may account for increases, the most probable dislocation core width decreases,
any short-range order that may occur in the HEA (i.e., spatial, whereas the mean value of the dislocation core width increases.
chemical short-range correlations). In the second expression, A small aside regarding the assumption that the randomness is
however, we replace the actual variation along the slip plane by characterized by a normal distribution (Eq. (12)) is in order. This
considering an ensemble of models, each with a spatially uniform distribution was chosen for its flexibility, that it is well-known, and
interlayer potential whose amplitude determined by the random x- because it is simpler to use than many other possible choices.
independent variable u (i.e., infinite spatial correlation). This is the However, it is an undesirable characteristic that this distribution
uniform randomness case which is the focus of this section. We has a finite probability for u < 0; this is unphysical. We have
return to consider the first (i.e., spatial short-range correlation) case examined the effect that this has on several dislocation properties
in the next section. For each case, we examine the dislocation core by comparing predictions using the normal distribution to that
width, the Peierls stress, and the distance a dislocation may travel obtained using the Gamma distribution with the same mean and
under a fixed, applied stress in the HEA. standard deviation (this distribution is finite only for u > 0). The
We assume that the random variable u is described by a prob- results are shown in Supplemental Material. Comparisons show
ability density function Pu ðuÞ (in this notation, u refers to a that the results using the normal distribution are good approxi-
particular value of the random variable u). The cumulative proba- mations to those using the Gamma distribution.
bility density function associated with Pu is Fu ðuÞ ¼ 0 Pu ðvÞdv. The randomness in the interlayer potential also makes the
Incorporating the randomness in the interlayer potential leaves Peierls stress a distributed quantity. Using the misfit energy with
the elastic energy unchanged except for a rescaling of the misfit the random interplanar potential in Eq. (8) and the disregistry
energy by a factor of u. Following the solution of the equilibrium function in Eq. (9) and following the standard procedure of lattice
disregistry function in Eq. (5), we assume that, with the random- summation of the misfit energy in the classical PN model, we
amplitude interlayer potential, the equilibrium disregistry func- determine the Peierls stress: sp ¼ um=ð1 nÞexpð 2pz=bÞ. Un-
tion that describes the dislocation core still takes the form fortunately, the probability density function of sp cannot be solved
analytically from that of the random variable u. Instead, we look for
b x b
fðxÞ ¼ tan1 þ : (9)
p z 2
The equilibrium dislocation core width z is determined from
dEtotal =dz ¼ mb2 =½4pð1 nÞz þ mb2 u=2pd ¼ 0:
d z
z¼ ¼ 0; (10)
2ð1 nÞu u
where z0 is the core width in the classical PN model (Eq. (6)). The
core width, relative to that in the uniform system, is ~z ¼ z=z0 ¼ 1=u
(see Eq. (10)). The probability distribution for the core width P~z ðuÞ is
related to the probability distribution Pu of u as
1 1
P~z ðuÞ ¼ Pu : (11)
u u
Fig. 1. The (normalized) dislocation core width ~z distribution for several values of D for
Accordingly, the cumulative distribution for the core width F~z ðuÞ is normally distributed u, i.e., N ð1; DÞ. The inset to the figures shows the mean 〈~z〉 and
related to that for the random variable u as F~z ðuÞ ¼ 1 Fu ð1=uÞ. standard deviation D~z of the core width.
L. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 166 (2019) 424e434 427
where b ¼ b=2pz0 .
The probability distribution for the normalized Peierls stress s ~p
is Ps~p ðuÞ ¼ Pu ð1=ð1 b log uÞÞðb=uÞð1 b log uÞ2 . This probability Fig. 2. The probability distribution function of the Peierls stress s
~p for several values of
D, where u is normally distributed. The inset shows its mean hs~p i and standard de-
density function is shown in Fig. 2 for several values of D, along viations Ds~p for each D.
with its mean hs ~p i and standard deviation Ds~ . For D ¼ 0, the
probability distribution of s ~p is a delta function and we recover the
classical Peierls stress. With increasing D, the most probable Peierls any finite temperature, the enthalpy of mixing is non-zero. This
stress (peak in the probability density function) shifts towards implies that some degree of short-range order (SRO) will always be
smaller s ~p and the distribution widens. For sufficiently large D, present and any particular atom type will have either an enhanced
however, the probability distribution of s ~p becomes monotonically or reduced probability for neighboring atoms to have particular
decreasing (narrowing with increasing s ~p ). The mean value hs ~p i atom types. While this is a thermodynamic effect, kinetics associ-
and standard deviation Ds~p of the Peierls stress, on the other hand, ated with synthesis or processing may alter the degree of SRO that
increase with increasing D for all D. This means that as the standard occurs.
deviation of the randomness of the interplanar potential amplitude
increases, the most probable Peierls stress decreases, whereas the
mean value of the Peierls stress increases.
When a stress is applied to the HEA sa (s ~a ≡sa =s0p ), a dislocation
will glide until the local Peierls stress sp is too large to overcome at
the applied stress. The probability that a dislocation will be able to
move past any particular atomic site is Pðs ~p < s ~a Þ ¼ Fs~ ðs
~a Þ ¼ Fu ð1=
½1 b logðs ~a ÞÞ. Hence, the probability that the dislocation will be
able to travel a distance D ¼ Nb before it meets a barrier that it is
unable to overcome is PD ðN; s ~a Þ ¼ P N ðs ~p < s~a ÞPðs~p > s
~a Þ ¼
u ð1=½1 b logð s
~ a ÞÞð1 Fu ð1=½1 b logð s
~ a ÞÞÞ. This implies that
the mean distance D a dislocation moves under an applied stress is
D¼ NbPD ðN; s
~a Þ ¼ b NF N
u ðqÞ½1 Fu ðqÞ; (14)
The existence of SRO in HEAs suggests that a moving dislocation width z. As in the previous section, we assume that the equilibrium
will not see a truly random distribution of neighboring environ- disregistry function fðxÞ that describes the dislocation core still
ments. In this section, we propose an approach to incorporate takes the form in Eq. (9). Recall that the equilibrium dislocation
spatial correlation of environments on dislocation motion. To this core width z is that which minimizes the total energy dEtotal =dz ¼
end, we return to the general form of the misfit energy in the 0. The misfit energy is (see Eqs. (8), (9) and (16))
Peierls-Nabarro model; i.e., the first expression in Eq. (8) for the
rffiffiffi ð þ∞ ð x
interplanar potential. That is, we replace the classical, sinusoidal mb2 z mb2 2 xs 2z
Frenkel interplanar potential gðfðxÞÞ (Eq. (4)) with uðxÞgðfðxÞÞ, Emisfit ¼ þ D exp dWs dx;
2pd 4p2 d l ∞ ∞ l x2 þ z
where uðxÞ is a stochastic coefficient function with short-range
spatial correlation. Formally, we describe uðxÞ as a stationary (18)
Gauss-Markov process [29,30]. In particular, this is done through
application of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process [29e31] which is a and the elastic energy is as per Eq. (2). For D≪1, the dislocation core
widely applied, nontrivial form of this process and which satisfies width ~
z ¼ z=z0 can be expressed as a function of l as
the stochastic differential equation rffiffiffi ð þ∞ ð ∞
1 2z 2 xs x2
rffiffiffi ¼1þ 0 D exp dxdWs :
1 uðxÞ 2 ~
z p l ∞ s l 2 2
duðxÞ ¼ dx þ DdWx ; (15) x2 þ z0
l l
where l is the spatial range of the correlation or the correlation
length of the random perturbation uðxÞ over the space, D is the 1=~
z follows a normal distribution with mean 1 and standard
standard deviation of uðxÞ at each lattice site (as before), and Wx is a deviation
continuous-time stochastic process that leads to Brownian motion
2 3
(i.e., the Wiener process [32]). The expectation of uðxÞ remains rffiffiffi u
uð þ∞ ð þ∞ 2
〈uðxÞ〉 ¼ 1, such that, in the absence of the stochastic effect, the 2z0 2 u 6 x s x 2
misfit energy in Eq. (8) reduces to the deterministic formula in Eq.
D¼ Du
t 4 exp dx 5 ds;
p l ∞ s l 2 2
(3). x2 þ z0
The stochastic coefficient function uðxÞ can be determined from (20)
Eq. (15) as
rffiffiffi ð x i.e.,
2 xs
uðxÞ ¼ 1 þ D exp dWs : (16) 1
l ∞ l N 1; D : (21)
The values of uðxÞ at two different lattice sites, x1 and x2 , are
correlated as More details are provided in the Supplemental Material.
Fig. 5 shows the dislocation core width ~ z distribution for
jx x2 j different values of l and D. These results are also tabulated in
ðuðx1 Þ 1Þðuðx2 Þ 1Þ ¼ D2 exp 1 : (17)
l Table 1. As D/0 and/or l/0, we recover the classical Peierls-
Nabarro prediction for the dislocation core width. With the in-
This means that l is the correlation length of the random pertur- crease of D at fixed l, ~
z distribution broadens and the peak shifts to
bation over the space. In other words, spatial correlations in the smaller core size. More interestingly, increasing correlation length l
composition decay exponentially with separation between atomic at fixed D leads to broadening of the core width ~ z distribution. As
sites with a decay distance of l. Fig. 4 shows uðxÞ for several l/∞, we recover the uniform randomness results from the pre-
different values of l at fixed D. When the correlation length l/0, h vious section.
ðuðx1 Þ 1Þðuðx2 Þ 1Þi/0, which indicates that the randomness at We now examine the effect of spatial correlations in the
x1 and x2 are independent of each other. When l/∞, the variance composition (uðxÞ) in the HEA on the Peierls stress. As discussed in
h½uðx1 Þ uðx2 Þ2 i/0, and therefore uðx1 Þ ¼ uðx2 Þ; this is the case Section 3, it is reasonable to approximate the Peierls stress distri-
of uniform randomness considered in Section 3. bution based on the assumption that it is controlled by the
We now examine the effect of spatially correlated randomness randomness in the dislocation core width following Eq. (7). This
on dislocation properties, beginning with the dislocation core yields
Fig. 4. The random coefficient function uðxÞ defined by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process for several different values of the spatial correlation length l at D ¼ 0:1. Although the mean
value of uðxÞ appears to be greater than one in (d), over a very large distance (x[l) the average will be unity.
L. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 166 (2019) 424e434 429
Fig. 5. The dislocation core width ~z distribution with spatially correlated random co- Fig. 6. The Peierls stress s
~p distributions for the case of spatially correlated random
efficient function uðxÞ (a) for different values of D at l=z0 ¼ 1 and (b) for different coefficient function uðxÞ are shown in (a) for several values of D at l=z0 ¼ 1:0 and in (b)
values of l=z0 at D ¼ 0:1. for several values of l=z0 at D ¼ 0:1.
h i
distribution. Increasing the spatial correlation length l at fixed D
s~p ¼ exp b1 1 ~z ; (22)
leads to increasing mean Peierls stress, small shifts in the most
probably Peierls barrier to lower values and a broadening of the
where dislocation core width ~ z is as per Eq. (19), and 1=~z is Peierls stress distribution. Consistent with the dislocation core
described by a normal distribution given by Eqs. (20) and (21). width ~z results, as D/0 and/or l/0, the Peierls stress goes to its
Fig. 6 shows the probability density function of the Peierls stress classical Peierls-Nabarro value and as l/∞ the Peierls stress dis-
s~p for several values of D and l=z0 . The associated mean hs~p i and tribution goes to the uniform randomness limit, as discussed above.
standard deviation Ds~p of the Peierls stress s ~p distribution are
We now consider how a dislocation moves in an HEA with
summarized in Table 2. Increasing D at fixed l leads to increasing spatially correlated atomic site occupancies under an applied stress
mean Peierls stress, a shift in the most probably Peierls barrier to s~a ¼ sa =s0p , following the same approach as in the previous section.
lower values and an increase in the width of the Peierls stress The probability that a dislocation can move a distance D ¼ Nb
Table 1
Table 2
The mean value 〈~
z〉 and standard deviation D~z of the core width ~z for several values The mean value hs~p i and standard deviation Ds~ of the Peierls stress s
~p for several
of D and l=z0 . p
values of D and l=z0 .
l=z0 D 0 0.10 0.14 0.32 0.45
l=z0 D 0 0.10 0.14 0.32 0.45
0.2 〈~
z〉 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.01 1.01
0.2 hs
~p i 1.0 1.0 1.01 1.03 1.07
D~z 0 0.02 0.03 0.07 0.10 Ds~p 0 0.11 0.15 0.35 0.50
1 〈~
z〉 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.02 1.03 1.0 hs
~p i 1.0 1.01 1.02 1.10 1.19
D~z 0 0.04 0.05 0.13 0.20 Ds~p 0 0.19 0.26 0.61 0.88
5 〈~
z〉 1.0 1.0 1.01 1.05 1.12 5 hs
~p i 1.0 1.03 1.06 1.28 1.52
D~z 0 0.07 0.10 0.27 0.53 Ds~p 0 0.32 0.45 1.10 1.59
10 〈~
z〉 1.0 1.01 1.01 1.07 1.17 10 hs
~p i 1.0 1.04 1.08 1.37 1.64
D~z 0 0.08 0.11 0.36 0.69 Ds~p 0 0.37 0.53 1.29 1.81
100 〈~
z〉 1.0 1.01 1.02 1.11 1.21 100 hs
~p i 1.0 1.06 1.11 1.53 1.80
D~z 0 0.09 0.13 0.47 0.84 Ds~p 0 0.46 0.66 1.60 2.09
∞ (uniform) hs
~p i 1.0 1.06 1.13 1.58 1.83
∞ (uniform) 〈~
z〉 1.0 1.01 1.02 1.14 1.24
Ds~p 0 0.49 0.70 1.70 2.15
D~z 0 0.10 0.15 0.60 0.97
430 L. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 166 (2019) 424e434
5. Homogenized stochastic model The model presented is one-dimensional and should be viewed
in the same manner as the classical Peierls-Nabarro model. One
While the stochastic model with correlated randomness provide limitation of focusing on one dimension is that dislocation motion
a useful approach to understanding the effects of randomness on can be completely stopped by a Peierls barrier at one atomic site. Of
dislocation motion in HEAs, it would be convenient to recast the course, in a two-dimensional slip plane, a dislocation can bow
model in such a way that u is no longer a function of position. That around an obstacle that it cannot cross. Here, we make use of the
is, instead of making the approximation that led to the second one-dimensional model to provide insight into the strength of local
expression in Eq. (8), we would like to have a homogenized model barriers and use it as input to a simple two-dimensional model.
that accounts for spatial correlation in the randomness without Consider a dislocation line in two dimensions. Along the dislo-
assuming that the randomness is uniform. To this end, we rewrite cation line, the Peierls stress at each lattice site may be approxi-
the misfit energy as mated by Eq. (22) following the one dimensional stochastic model
in Section 4. This stochastic model may be represented by a random
ð þ∞ variable u as discussed in Section 5, and the associated Peierls
Emisfit ¼ u gðfðxÞÞdx: (24) stress may be approximated by s ~p ¼ exp½b1 ð1 u1 Þ, where u
N ð1; DÞ and the standard deviation D is as per Eq. (20).
We can do this by choosing a u as a random variable described
sc ¼ mb=L; (26)
where L is the average spacing between the pinning sites. Along the
dislocation line, the ratio of the number of pinning lattice sites to
that of the total sites is approximately Pðs
~p > s
~c Þ, that is,
P s~p > s
~ c ¼ a0 =L; (27)
where s ~c ≡sc =s0p and a0 is the lattice constant (bza0 ). The critical
stress, therefore, must satisfy the condition (using Eqs. (26) and
Fig. 9. The critical stress sec determined using the analytical approximation in Eq. (31)
s~ ¼ P s~p > s~c : (28) (solid lines) and by numerical solution of the full equation in Eq. (29) (dashed lines), as
m c functions of D for two different correlation lengths, l=z0 .
7. Discussion
Fig. 10. Critical stress sc (Eq. (31)) as a function of the standard deviation D and the
correlation length l, which is estimated based on the parameters for BCC Mo0.2N-
Our approach to describing strengthening in high-entropy alloys b0.2Ta0.2W0.2V0.2 HEA. The contour lines for several sc values are denoted by white
is fundamentally different from strengthening models based upon dashed lines. The contour line for sc ¼ 0:9 GPa corresponds to the Peierls stress of pure
Fleischer [34] or Labusch [8] types of solute strengthening. While W.
432 L. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 166 (2019) 424e434
a function of the standard deviation of the amplitude of the effect of randomness in HEAs; it clearly does not account for
generalized stacking-fault energy in the stochastic PN model D (see changes in alloy chemistry that change the energy difference be-
Eq. (31)) and its correlation length l for this HEA system. In general, tween FCC and HCP (which controls stacking fault energy and
sc increases with increasing D and l. Fig. 10 shows that for most of partial spacing); in fact we note that in some FCC HEAs, the HCP
the D-l parameter space, the critical stress for the HEA is larger phase may be associated with even lower energy than the FCC
than the Peierls stress of any of the pure metals from which it is phase which suggests a negative stacking fault energy (if the sys-
formed. This implies that the strength of HEAs will, in general, be tem were equilibrated). Clearly, the effect of changes in the average
higher than those of any of its constituents. Returning to the spe- magnitude of the stacking fault energy is outside the realm of this
cific example of Mo0.2Nb0.2Ta0.2V0.2W0.2, we assume that the cor- model.
relation length for the site occupancy is twice the dislocation core The stochastic PN model discussed here is based upon several
size (l ¼ 2z0 ) and we set D to the average Peierls barriers of the five assumptions; we outline the major assumptions here. Many of
constituent elemental solids (D ¼ 1:5), we obtain sc ¼ 7:27 GPa. If these assumption could be relaxed via the same approaches
we set D ¼ 1, we obtain sc ¼ 5:04 GPa. These values should be employed for the generalization of the elemental PN model. First,
compared with the average Peierls stress of the five constituent our stochastic PN approach is built upon the classical PN model
elemental solids, 0.59 GPa, or that of the elemental solid with the where a nonlinear potential energy across the slip plane is
largest Peierls stress (i.e., W, 0.9 GPa). This comparison shows that described in terms of a simple cosine function. Of course, more
randomness easily provides very large strength increments accurate nonlinear potential energy surfaces (the generalized
compared with the HEA constituents. Of course, this is a crude stacking fault energy or g-surface [43]) may be incorporated (e.g.,
estimate, but makes a strong, clear case. directly from density functional theory calculations [44e49]).
The finite-temperature, finite-strain-rate yield stress can be Available techniques for PN models with general g-surfaces may be
estimated from the energy barrier for dislocation glide DEb applied in the stochastic PN framework; these include, e.g., repre-
following common practice [36] as, for example, applied by Varv- senting the g-surfaces by a finite-term Fourier series that reflects
enne [13]: the lattice symmetry [47e53], approximate analytical methods
[48e50], and solutions based on discrete lattice point models
" 23 # [45,52,54].
kB T ε_ 0 Second, unlike our one-dimensional description (where dislo-
sðTÞ ¼ sc 1 ln ; (32)
DEb ε_ cations are edges), dislocations in real materials are not straight and
therefore not uniformly edge or screw. Many such curved disloca-
where sc is the critical stress obtained by Eq. (31) and ε_ 0 is a tion PN models have been proposed, e.g., Refs. [51e58]. The dif-
reference strain rate. For most metals, sc is usually assumed to be a ference between edges and screws are important for BCC metals
constant (temperature independent), such that the entire temper- (including HEAs), where there are a predominance of screws.
ature dependence is associated with the term in the square Generalizations of the classical PN model to screw dislocations have
brackets. On the other hand, in HEAs sc depends on the composi- been proposed (with partial dissociation in multiple slip planes in
tional correlation length l. The correlation length depends on the BCC lattices) [59,60]; our stochastic PN model can similarly be
short range order in the material; i.e., l decreases with increasing T generalized to include such screw dislocations (with nonplanar
in HEAs [37]. This implies that sc ðlðTÞÞ is nearly independent of T at cores [61]). We have extended our one-dimensional results to two
low temperature and very sensitive to T at high temperature; see dimensional slip planes by application of an Orowan pinning
the dependence of D (sc is proportional to D) with respect to l in model. This, of course, is oversimplified, but may be extended more
Fig. 8. Hence, in HEAs, the temperature dependence of the yield effectively in two dimensions by considering a two-dimensional
stress is controlled by the term in square brackets in Eq. (32) at low inter-planar potential.
T, but by sc ðTÞ at high temperature. This implies that the temper-
ature dependence of the yield stress is “normal” at low and inter- 8. Conclusions
mediate T, but will fall rapidly with increasing T at high T. The is
consistent with experimental measurements of the temperature In this paper, we developed a model to predict the intrinsic yield
dependence of the yield strength of BCC HEAs [38] (in these ex- strength of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) within the framework of the
periments, the sample were annealed at the test temperature prior Peierls-Nabarro (PN) model. We assume that the intrinsic yield
to loading). strength of HEAs is associated with the stress required for dislo-
In this paper, we incorporated the effects of randomness in HEAs cation glide; i.e., the Peierls (friction) stress. In the classical PN
based on the classical PN model [25,26] for undissociated perfect model, the Peierls stress results from the periodic interplanar po-
dislocations. For HEAs in which the dislocations do not dissociate tential for dislocation glide in a discrete lattice. In the case of HEAs,
into partials, e.g. BCC HEAs, this stochastic PN model applies we relate the spatial randomness of the composition distribution as
directly. For FCC HEAs [39,40] in which the two partials are well stochastic perturbations to the interplanar potential. Accounting
separated the stochastic PN model can be applied using the for these stochastic perturbations in the PN framework leads to the
approach employed previously in the classical PN model for pure stochastic PN model developed here.
FCC metals [41,42]. While the effects of randomness on the Peierls We developed two versions of the stochastic PN model. The
stress in FCC materials follows the same general description as that simple version of the stochastic PN model accounts for the
for BCC metals discussed here, it is important to keep in mind that randomness in the composition in terms of a distribution of misfit
the magnitude of the Peierls stress on the strength of FCC metals is energies, from which we estimate the probability distributions of
much smaller than in BCC metals (the Peierls stress in most pure the dislocation core size, Peierls stress and the distance a disloca-
FCC metals is very small). In FCC metals, the strength is more tion can travel under a particular applied stress. This simple model
commonly dominated by dislocation-dislocation interactions and provides an estimate of the variation of the Peierls stress with
extrinsic strengthening mechanisms; hence, while randomness respect to the amplitude of the HEA randomness.
plays the same role in FCC and BCC alloys its contribution to the Of course, multicomponent alloys must have finite short-range
overall strength will be significantly smaller in FCC than BCC alloys. order and hence are not completely random. Our more complete
We recall that the main point of this paper is to examine the version of the stochastic PN model explicitly considers spatial
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