Short Questions For Mid
Short Questions For Mid
Short Questions For Mid
1. Definition of different error and factor related terms e.g. Ratio-error, Composite error, Accuracy
class, ALF.
2. CT magnetization curve(explaining knee-point and its different zones)
3. CT polarity test, test setup for obtaining CT saturation curve
4. CT Specification and explanation of the terms specified and explanation of Name plate
5. Available 3-phase PT connections and explanation of Residual PT(Broken Delta) connection with
its application area.(See pg no. 682 of Sunil Rao Book)
6. Math on CT to decide whether a CT saturate or, not(Sunil Rao Book), Finding Ratio-error of CT,
PT math to determine XL or, L
Electromagnetic Relay:
1. Working principle of directional overcurrent relay with neat drawing; How to convert it into a
plain IDMT relay(May use the figure in my slide i.e. from V.K.Mehta Book or, from C.L. Wadhwa
2. What are the electromechanical type of relays available? Explain why an attracted armature
type relay is subjected to vibration whereas, an induction type relay is not?
3. Explain the operating zone of a directional relay.
4. Application area of directional relay.
5. Realizing different relay configuration and characteristic equation from Universal Torque
equation namely, plain impedance relay(Try to realize its construction/working using balanced
beam structure), directional impedance relay(How a plain impedance relay can be converted
into a directional impedance relay?), Reactance relay, Admittance(mho) relay.
6. Math on directional relay(as discussed in the class)
1. Explain the block diagram and working principle of a numerical relay. Explain the role of
different blocks.
2. Explain the working of anti-aliasing filter and S/H circuit.
3. Name some Example of numerical relay such as MICOM or, Siemens made relays.
4. Name different algorithms used in Numerical relay.
5. Explain the working (With block diagram and circuit diagram) of a solid-state/static
Instantaneous, Definite time lag and Inverse Time Overcurrent relay.
6. Mention some advantages of Static Relay over Electromagnetic Relay and also mention some
1. Math on finding Fault MVA and Fault current at different points of a single and double source
power system (similar to chapter 20 of Sunil Rao or, Chapter 4 of Badari Ram book or, chapter
17 of V.K. Mehta Book).
V.K.Mehta: Example 17.6, 17.11, 17.14
Sunil Rao Book: Example 20.4, 20.5, 20.7, 20.18(a)
Exercise 14, 20 of Chapter 20