Dedication: Readers Interested in The Subject Matter of This Book Are Invited To Correspond With
Dedication: Readers Interested in The Subject Matter of This Book Are Invited To Correspond With
Dedication: Readers Interested in The Subject Matter of This Book Are Invited To Correspond With
Readers interested in the subject matter of this book are invited to correspond with:
His Holiness Bhanu Swami Maharaj
Hare Krishna Land,
Chennai-600 041.
Email: [email protected]
Foreword i
Introduction 1
Chapter 1
The first chapter summarizes the story
surrounding the Gétä.
Chapter 2 47
A person will become a jïäné, remembering
the Lord, by performance of niñkäma-karma.
To do otherwise creates only obstacles.
This is the essence of the second chapter.
Chapter 3 135
The third chapter explains that one
should principally practice niñkäma-
karma yoga, and secondarily, jïäna-
yoga which arises from it, for gaining
a vision of the ätmä.
Chapter 4 183
Karma or action has two parts like grain
with its husk. As the rice is superior to
the husk, jïäna is superior to the gross part.
That is the conclusion of the fourth chapter.
Chapter 5 225
By niñkäma-karma-yoga, the most prominent
yoga, which has within it jïäna, the saniñöha
attains liberation. This is the meaning of the
fifth chapter.
Chapter 6 253
In the sixth chapter, Mukunda speaks of the
illuminating nature of añöäìga-yoga.
Chapter 7 293
The devotees of five types know Kåñëa in truth
and they cross over His mäyä. This has been
described in the seventh chapter
Chapter 8 327
The aàça of Kåñëa, the puruña, is obtained
by bhakti mixed with yoga, through the
path of light, but Kåñëa Himself is attained
only through ananyä bhakti. This is explained
in the eighth chapter.
Chapter 9 359
In this chapter, bhakti, like the Gaìgä,
not considering who is suitable or unsuitable,
and destroying all sins by its very touch, is alone
considered to be the king of all secrets.
Chapter 10 405
By Kåñëa’s energy alone the universe is maintained,
and by a small particle of His energy the sun derives
its intense heat, and all other objects possess
their powers. This Kåñëa is worshipped in the
tenth chapter
Chapter 11 447
The eleventh chapter shows that Kåsëa is the
complete form of God, because He is the source
of all avatäras, and He is thus the cause of
the victory for His devotees, the sons of
Päëdu, on the battlefield in Bhärata.
Chapter 12 495
Kåñëa is controlled by the persons devoted
to Him alone, and by the persons devoted
solely to the process of bhakti dedicated
to Him. The most beautiful Kåñëa is
conquered completely by love. This
is explained in the twelfth chapter.
Chapter 13 517
Both the jéva and the Lord are situated in
the body. The jéva, joined to the qualities
of the body, is bound up, but is liberated
by understanding the Lord. This is the
knowledge of the thirteenth chapter.
Chapter 14 561
One remains in saàsära by combination
with the guëas. One becomes liberated by
surpassing the guëas. This is attained only
by devotion to the Lord. This is the
knowledge to be gained from chapter fourteen.
Chapter 15 587
From the fifteenth chapter, one learns
that the person who is different from the
conditioned and liberated souls—and
who supports both and is superior to
both—is the Supreme Lord Kåñëa.
Chapter 16 611
Those fixed in understanding the meaning
of the Vedas achieve Svarga and eternal liberation.
Those who reject the Vedas go to hell. This is
the conclusion of the sixteenth chapter.
Chapter 17 633
Rejecting faith arising from one’s impressions,
the person who takes shelter of faith arising
from scripture becomes qualified for the
highest goal. This is the ordinance of the
seventeenth chapter.
Chapter 18 657
There are many methods, but among them,
surrender (prapatti), along with the attitude
of being a servant, quickly pleases Viñëu.
This is the conclusion of the eighteenth chapter.
One can ask why did Çréla Baladeva Vidyäbhüñaëa consider it necessary to
write a commentary on the Bhagavad-gétä, when shortly before that his
sikña guru, Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravarti Öhakura, had written an excellent
and original commentary perfectly in harmony with Gauòiya philosophy. His
personal answer to that question we will never know.
However, we will also find original ideas in his commentary. He presents the
concept of three types of devotees: the saniñöha, pariniñtùita and nirapekña
in order to bring unity to the whole of the Gétä. The saniñtha-bhakta follows
the gradual process: niñkäma-karma-yoga (varëäçrama), followed by jïäna-
yoga, añöäìga-yoga, and finally bhakti-yoga. Thus all the processes described
in the first six chapters can be considered essential for the saniñöha-bhakta’s
development. The pariniñöhita-bhakta directly engages in the devotional
processes of hearing and chanting as his main sädhana. He also performs
varëäçrama rules, but without attachment, only to set an example for less
advanced persons who do not have strong faith to practice bhakti as their
main sädhana. The nirapekña-bhakta performs only bhakti, and rejects the
rules of varëäçrama. He is usually a renounced person. The latter two types
of devotees are called ananya-bhaktas or pure devotees, though they are
practicing sädhana. They are considered superior because of their direct
practice of bhakti. These two types are described in the middle six chapters,
and at the conclusion of the Gétä. This explanation of the relationship of
varëäçrama to bhakti may be useful to the readers for application in their
own lives.
I hope the readers will find the commentary stimulating to the intellect and
nourishing to the soul, bringing about greater faith and devotion to Lord
Bhanu Swämi
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, South India
Gaura Purnima 2005.